The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    J ...
From Trie Oregon-Statesman's Valley Correspondents
Shank's Qari
at .
. - ,.,.-,.
Edland Home
StataiMaai News Service
anniversary celebration of the
Shank's Clan was held Sunday
at the Ingyal Edland
home. They are the de-
icendents of the Rev. Abner
Shanks who came to Oregon in
1865. Those attending were Mrs.
Anna Longmire, Mrs. Charley
Shanks, Newton Hecox and Mrs.
Mary Hecox of Nstches, Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Campbell,
Oxnard, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Johnson, Cathy and Kenny, Port
land; Mrs. Maggie Leadbetter,
Vancouver, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Loron and children, Camas,
Wash.; Mrs. Ivy Irvine, Hubbard;
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Loron, Silverton;
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Brougher,
Addie Smith and Ivan Smith,
Scotts Mills; Wm. Hosier, Mt
Angel; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Shind
ler, Albany, and Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Burkett of Elliott Prairie.
Mr. and Mrs. Edland were also
observing their 28th wedding an
niversary. Recent house guests in the Ray
Baker home were Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Baker from Prince Albert, Sask.,
Canada; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Foster of Birch Hills, Sask.; Miss
Eva Baker and Mrs. Roy Baker
and son, .Brian of Vancouver,
B. C; and Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
Fike of China. Lake, Calif. Ray
and: Henry Baker, Mrs.. Fike and
Mrs. R. L, Davis are brothers and
sisters and had not met for 30
C W. Oathout left Wednesday
for Pike's Peak in Colorado and
Mrs. Oathout will go to her beach
home at Nelscott accompanied by
Mrs. Florence Long and Miss
Esther of Salem. On Sunday they
will leave for Pacific Grove and
Los Gatos, Calif.
Theodore P. May recently re
turned to his base at Shepard Air
Field in Texas after ipending a
furlough here. ,
Sorry we can't mention the brand but you
Fprmeriy sold at $25.00!
Many of our
All Perfects! Values to
3 Pair
ff rtff!CC Sptcbl for
wLUwllCd 2 for $1
Drivers' Test Set
For Sweet Home
Friday, July 31
Itttimu Nawt Ser?ic
SWEET HOME A driver's It
cense examiner will be in Sweet
Home at, the city fire hall Fri
day, July 31, between 10 a.m. and
3 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gould, with
their daughter, Carrol, and son,
Dennie, started Wednesday on a
vacation trio in eastern states. A
fGary, S. D. they will visit MA
Gould's mother, Mrs. Margie
Gould. From there Mr. Gould will
go to Richmond, InL, where hi
will pick up a school bus and
drive it back to Oregon. j
The Legion and Auxiliary wil
hold their annual picnic Sunday
at Cascadia State Park. j
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dorat and sons
Gary and Mike, of San Lorenzo,
Calif., have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Putnam. Mrs. Dorst
and Mrs. Putnam are sisters. j
Mr. and Mrs. C L. Whitney enf
tertained at a picnic dinner in the
city park Friday for Mrs. Erm4
Whitney, Karen and Janice
Forbs, and Mr. and Mrs. Ci
Weber, Mike and 'Billy, of Rock
Island, I1L j
Mrs. Bell Crist, who has been
here for several months with he
niece, Mrs. Axel Anderson has
returned to her home in Carter,
Fund-Raising at
Pedee Postponed j
SUtuwun Kvt Srrie j
PEDEE The special fund-raM-ing
for the church service that
was to be held July 28 has be0
postponed until August 23. f
Mrs. Charles O'Neal enter
tained the Women's Society of
World Service at her home Tues
day with eleven members present
Mrs. C. L. Burbank completed the
study book, "Toward Lasting
Peace;" current news was given
by Nola Womer; devotions wtrp
led by Mrs. Frank Sheythe. Mri.
G. Akers, Dallas, waa a visitor, j
better coats--suits--dresscs--and
this event we. offer you two groups of our lucion ULong cologno.
vents at
Mt. Angel Set
For July 29
SUtcsat&a News Scrric
MT. ANGEL A public celebra
tion in honor of the completion
of a new fire house and arrival
of the fire truck is set for next
Wednesday night, July 2t.
Everyone in Mt Angel and sur
rounding communities is invited.
The fire house will be open for
inspection from 7 to 8 p. m. At B
the siren will sound one blast to
start activities.
Father Cyril, pastor of St
Mary's Catholic Church, will bless
both the truck and building. The
two-way radio with which ML An
gel fire trucks are equipped will
be demonstrated. At the drill
tower grounds on the next block.
Fire Chief Francis Schmidt and
his firemen will demonstrate lad
der drills, use of gas mask, meth
ods of fighting grass fire, use of
equipment at regular fires, and
an old-fashioned water fight '
The new truck was driven from
San Diego by Chief Schmidt and
James Bourbonnais. It is a high
pressure unit of the latest type,
equipped with hose, portable
pump, extinguishers and masks.
The purchase was made possible
by the cooperation of the city and
the rural fire district which con
tracts with the city to provide
fire protection.
The Mt Angel Fire Department
is made up of volunteers.
Valley Births
Statsnaa Nawa Sarviea
morial Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs.
MILL CITY A daughter, Pam
ela Jean, Jury 17, at Santiam
Memorial Hospital, to Mr. and
Mrs. William Thomas Morgan.
IDANHAA daughter, July 17,
at Santiam Memorial Hospital, to
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Estel Wil
liamson. LYONS A son, July 21, at
Santiam Memorial Hospital, to
Mr. and Mrs. Joe FencL
recognize them at a
regular stock all colors and sizes.
out several hondrod blousos.
All to flo at
Grange Sets
Harvest Fete
For Sept. 26
' IUUibu Nw Scrrte
LYONS The Santiam Valley
Grange, which met Friday, set
Sept 28 as the date for the an
nual harvest , festival at the
grange halL Leo Russel gave a
talk on -What Is v Freedom."
Short talks were also given by
Elmer Taylor and Wilson Stevens
on safety on the farm.
A group from Santiam -Valley
at the Pomona Grange picnic in
Corvallis Sunday received the
pennant for having all dues paid
for 1953.
Mrs. Alice Ruber has returned
home after visiting relatives in
Portland and Longview, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lande, who
recently purchased a new home
in Stayton, have sold their prop
erty in. Lyons to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Sherwood, Coquille.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rogers
have as their guests Mrs. Rogers'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allen,
Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens had
as their guests over the week end
Mr. and Mrs. F. Windoff, Dan and
Joyce, from Grand Island, Neb.
Mrs. Gladys Peabody from
Aberdeen, Wash., visited last
week at the Burl Smith home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis at
tended the Miss Oregon Contest
at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Knight
and children from Redding, Calif.,
visited friends in Lyons last
week. The Knights are former
residents of this city.
Recent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto were
Mrs. Sletto's cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
William Nelson and daughter,
Carol, from Chicago.
Hubbard Folk
Back From LA
Statesaa Niwi Sarvica
HUBBARD Miss Peggy Kack-
ley and Miss Jane VanLieu,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
VanLieu, returned Sunday follow
ing a week in Los Angeles, where
they visited the Cecil VanLieu
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Abbott
and sons are moving into the
house they purchased from Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Murphy. The lat
ter moved into their partly fin
ished house over the week end.
-A -'Lti,J-'-i r i irtfi r -
costumes not mentioned in these
DeLiso Debs Rice O'Neill-Selby a selection of our
better dress shoes. Values from $14.95 to $21.50.
JOYCE PLAYSHOES-all to go at
SANDALS - $9.95 value go at
Slips . . . . 5.95
Gowns ... . 7.95
Negligees . . . 14.95
Values uo to 25.00
Solid Cologno regular $2.00
Western Horse SJiow Aug. 1
;, i
SILVERTON This Palomino stallion was, top brass in last fall's
horse show at the Pacific International livestock Exposition. He
will try for the same position at SUverton'i Western Horse show
Aug. 1, t p.m. ea McGlnnls Field. -
Entry Lists
Exceed 400
At Silverton
Stutsman Tawi Strvte
SILVERTON More than 400
horses will be entered in the
seventh annual Western Horse
Show at Silverton Saturday, Aug.
1, at 8 p. m., Elmer Lorence,
show chairman, said Wednesday -
Latest entry is the 1932 Pacific
International Livestock Exposi
tion grand champion Palomino
stallion,' owned by Mack and
Frances Miller of Oregon Cily.
The horse will be ridden by Lantz, his trainer.
Events will open at 2 p. m.
with the parade featuring vehicles
from horse and buggy days.
Prizes are being ofiered for
"best" events.
The annual chuck-wagon din
ner will be served at Toney's
- A
value. Several fragrances.
; i
Mill City Four generations
made up the group of over-night
guests at the Verne Clark home
recently. They were Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Clark of Helena, Okla.;
their daughter, Mrs. William
York; Mrs. York's daughter, Mrs.
Fred Powell, and the latter's sons
Garry, Gale and Terry of Yakima,
Wash. Lewis Clark and Verne
Clark are cousins.
Mt Ansel Ed Korte left Mon
day by train for St Martin's,
Minn., to visit his father, who is
seriously ilL He expects to spend
about two weeks in the East
restaurant from 4.30 to 7 p. m.,
with the Silverton Chamber of
Commerct as hosts.
j. - , i
price groups are greatly reduced for
vi to
1953 Building
At Silverton ...
, i f UUsaua Ktws Service
! SILVERTON Building per.
nuis m excess or $ nave
bene insued at Silvavrtnn tinni Iha
first jog the year, according to re-
pons-avauaDie at the city hall.
Largest of these was S100.000
for completion of the Silverton
Metnodist Church. Building will
be started this fall and comple
ted within two years.
! Two medical clinics, the Van
Cleave and McNeiUy, at $32,000
now Sunder construction, and the
Dodda; building, completed a
month agff at a cost of S30.000, are
included, as Is the new noatof f ire
building being erected by Alfred
Adams at' a cost approximating
TrinltT Church ia aHriinv 9t -
000 parish building. Seven resi
dences, varying in costs from
$3,000: to 114,000, also are listed.
These are for C L. Comina, 21
Phelps, at $10,000; George H. Lov
ett at; 320 Welch, at $14,000;
Sheldon L. Knutson. 4QS AAm
at $3 500; Oscar W. Johnson, 1009
weu, (ai -iu,uuu; j. it, smith.
Coons Street at S3 OOO- Krmitt
Bothum, Eureka Ave at $3,00a
A 45,000 addiUon to the Sil
verton, Hospital was completed a
few months ago and Is not includ
ed Irs the above building permits,
ri :
Cleverdale Mr. and Mrs. Ger
old Purkey, (JuaniU McCurdy)
arivejl from Long Beach, Cali
fornia! on July IS for a month's
vacation while he is on leave
fromjthe service. They will spend
a Urge part of the month visiting
at th home of her parents, the
G. P.! McCurdy 'a.
PH. 4-6263
f Salem
A Group
of Our
Famous Lab Is
to 4.95
go at
9'5 (k95
7oundcd Korean.
Veteran to Rehuii.
Home in August
Stalanajt Kws Sarrlc
wards has written to his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 2. J. Wild-'
er, that he will be coming hora -in
August He is ia Korea and '
was recently wounded In his leg.
Mr, and Mrs. Lester Holt were .
hosts at a picnic of the Past No
ble Grand Club of Dayton Wed-,
nesday evening. , ,
Mrs. R. M. Rickey of Kansas'
City, Kan Is s spending the sum-,
mer here with her daughter.
Mrs, Lizzie Wlthee accompani
ed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wlthee and.
Merle to Seattle Thursday to visit
Mr. and Mrs. A. C Geer, cousins
of Mrs. Withee. Mrs. Geer is in
poor health and Mr. Geer recent-
ly suffered a stroke.
Mrs. Owen Turner has been ill
this past week but ia reported t
153 & liberty
Ph. 3-AT7S
Unwanted Hair
From the Face
251 N. Liberty Dial J-3321
154t Fairgrounds Rd.
Open Evenings by Appointment
I W IH W tJ . il III. ij H .H.I. .UBiSSJ "
this ovent.