i ii ii w" -! ' e w m " m u il , . ,. I i i i "i - j..-. .' ; ' --, ef'-'- . ,. . : r . - : ::-.' ' :-r:s:: "M '- -.. '? '"r"" .. - '"'i ' : -i f-'iv ; : v: v - : - f- --dr i ' .' ' : - : .- . f j ; . .r ; Radio and TV Schedules i I, 1 1 KPTV Channel 27 SUNDAY 0:30 Frontiers of Faith ' 10:45 Paradox " 11:15 This is the Life 12:00 What's Your Trouble 12:15 Billy Graham 12:304-Sunday Star Time 2:00 Industry on Parade ! 2:15 Art Linkletter 3:00 Roy Rogers 3:30 Your Playtime 4:00 Big Pay Off 5:00 G E Theater 5:30 Sunday Review 6:30 What's My Line? j 7:00 Summer Theater ! 8:00 TV Playhouse 9:30 The Web 10:00 Portland Speaks 10:30 News Review 10:45 Racket Squad 11:15 Texas Wrestling 12:00 (ApprcxO--Sign Off j HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY This Is The life; 11:00 ' Is there power beyond medical science? In this episode a physi cian knows of no power beyond the power of natural science, j Sunday Star Time, 42:30 "Roar -of the Press" with Jean ParKet and .Wallace Ford. SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS . Pacific Standard Time Kllacyeles: KILM 13M. K0CO 14N, KOE4 FN: Megacycle low 11:1. SIX 923 (Editor's note: The Statesman pnfcllshet In good faith the programs ana timet as provided by the tadio stations, but because oftimes the programs are -changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accuracy herein.) HOUR 00:00 00:15 7 KSLM Music KOCO S.OIN Tabernacle SOW Sun. Music KMX Concert Hall I Music , Tabernacle 5un. Music I Concert Hall 8 KSLM " irst Baptist KOCO Geo. Wright KGAE Waffle Club First Baptist News Waffle Club Europe Story KOIN Europe story Sun. Music Sun. Music KEX Sun & Showersl Sun & Showers! Light & Life Light St Life 9 sii.m Bible Class I Bible Class KOCO Bible lOrean Loft KOAE Roberts. Organ I Roberts. Organ I Waffle Club XOIN Sun. Afternoon! Jewish Faith Uni. Explorer KCW Radio Pulpit Radio Pulpit JG. Shelley KEX . . . Uncle Bob Iropo'Morn. I Mm. of Israel 1 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KOW KEX Hardy News Presbyterian Waffle Club Sun. Aft'n G. Shelley Negro Choir Sunday School Presbyterian Waffle Club Sun. Aft'n G. Shelley Negro Choir 1 1 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX ink St Era. First Baptist Calvarv Bapt Music Festival Art ofLiving Parade ol tills I Music First Baptist Calvarr Bapt I Music Festival INews Parade of Hits 1 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KOW News ICunningham (Bandstand News JMapor Leagues Mapor Leagues Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade .Sun. Serenade World News fWorld News Sun. Afternoon Rainbow sundae Rainbow sundae!Rainbow sundae Parade Hits I Parade of Hits IChnst Action KSLM Guy LombardoIGuy LombardolKostelanetz I KOCO Mapor Leagues JMapor Leagues Mapor Leagues KGAE Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade u.i serenade KOIN News ISun Afternoon IShirley Thomas KOW Rainbow sundaeGay SO' I Rainbow sundae! KIX Revival Hum Revival : Hour . rv.vai . ...ui KSLM - lhadow ' True Detective iTrue Jetective KOCO Major League Major League Major League Major League KGAE Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun cic.izae KOIN Music for U iMusicforU I Symphony ISymphony KOW Bob Consldine iRainbow; sundae IRainbow sundael Rainbow sundae sfxx Hroohecv Voice' ..irnt.k v owe Pan Am UnioniPan. Am. Union: 2 3 KSLM Nick Carter KOCO Sunday Music KG AC Record Room I Nick Carter Sunday Music Record Room KOIN, Symphony ISymphony KOW Rainbow sundae Bainbow sundaeiRainbow sundael Rainbow sundae fXKX Billv oramm Maum Herald of lrutni Herald of I rum , 4 gltN News (Music I Mennonite Hr. IMennnnite Hr. KOCO Don Stewart Don Stewart Don Stewart (Don Stewart KGAE Hscoro Hoom I Record Hoom t?ecord Room I Record Room KOIN Jr. Miss IJr. Miss I Newsroom I Newsroom KRW Rainbow sundaelRainbow sundaelRainbow sundael Rainbow sundae KEX Church In Hm. 'Church in Hm i Look to Skies 1 3 mday Edit. KSLM News U Never Know iMusic (Bible Hour KOCO St. Francis I U Never Know Nat. Guard Bandstand KGAB Rnord Kuom I Record Room I Record Room iSisn Off KOIN Dec. Bride IDec. Bride lEscaoe lEscape b ft ; y Rainbow sundaelRainbow sundaelRainbow sundaelRainbow sundae v KEX Music Hall IMusic Hall vSLM KOCO KGAE r.'l V KEX Fam. Theater Bandstand Record Room Fam. Theater t Dugout Dope Record Room t 7 Broadway Beat Relnx Music Taylor Grant f Broadway Beat EBdwy. Parade I Relax Music ISymphony llimmie Fiddler Adventurer I M ' 'o KGAE IN Kf!W KEX Walfr Norhlad Senators Record Room 21st Precinct Symphony Music i Senators Record Room 21st Precinct ISymphony Chapel b.v 8 -L.M nnt t Ouetiona KOCO Senators ISenators KOIN World Dances IWorld Dances KGW Starlight ( Starlight KEX Mon. Headlines Drew Pearson KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGW KEX New Rd-onii'l- , Mayor Speaks Senators ISenators ISenators Tommy DorseylTommy Dorsey! Little Margie SvmDhony ' onu i Meet Press Time Capsule I Time Capsule KILM KOCO oin KOW I KIX Peace Senators S Stai rtnaj Reporter Tina! Edition Peace ISenators I Story Tell raith our KSLM Silent (Silent KOCO int KOI Music IMusic KOW .Vfwi NightcaoTitv Council KEN Concert Hr Concert Hr KOTS-4.00.im Church of the Air )reaoutate$uiati 2S0 No. Church St Classified Advertising Per word. 1 time 4c Per word. 3 times 10c Per word. 7 times 18c Per word. 1 month 60c Minimnm ten words. extra charge for -Blind" ads . leaders In city briefs: ..25e Per word 7e Minimum ten words. No Refunds. The deadline for classified and reader advertising is 3:43 pan. daily. The itttesman reserves the ngnt to reject Questionable advertising. It further reserves the .-ight to place 11 advertising under the proper classification , 1 Tha Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished n its columns and in cases where '.his Da per is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in wch the tvooeraDhicaJ mistake occurs A "Flind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor be answered by letter. The Statesman is sot at liberty to divulge Informa tion aa to the identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Key Rogers Shew, 3:00 A general breakdown of law and or. der in Eagle Rock motivates Roy and Dale to investigate the ac tions of the town mayor. j Your Play Time, 3:30 Two American government agents are sent to Berlin to uncover a leak in confidential information sent from West .Berlin to Moscow. Starring is Steve Brodie, Robert Hutton, and Mari Aldon. The Big Payoff, 4:00 Quiz program starring emcee Randy! Merriman, Bess Myerson as hos tess and Betty Ann Grove, quiz zing songstress. G. E. Theater, 5:00 '"Thir teen O'clock" stars Bduart Franz,' Lurene Tuttie, John Qualem and Richard Hale. Studio One Summer Theater, 7:00 "Beyond Reason" is a psy chological suspense drama fea turing Anthony Dawson, Eliza beth Ross, Ann Burr and Pat Wheel. It is a story of two sis ters and the man they both love. Television Playhouse, 8:00 "The Big Deal" stars David Opat oshu with Joanna Roos and James Waterfield. Story of a once suc cessful man who is unable to ac cept defeat Racket Squad, 10:45 "Take a ,Littl, Leave,. a Little" the story of a crook who conceives the almost "perfect" racket This show features Jackson Halliday and stars Reed Hadley as Captain Braddock. (71. KGWC2S. KEX 11M. KGAE 143S 00:30 004S Music llnv to Lrng. I Sun. Music I Concert Hall .Melody llnv. to Lrng. Sun. Music I Concert Hall IBack to God t Back to God Cent. Lutheran I Cent. Lutheran Christian Hour I Christian Hour Schoenbraun St. Francis Hr. I Sun. Music ISun. Music iProphcy Voice IPhrophcy Voice I Ava Maria lAva Maria I Waffle Club iNews (G. Shelley Mes of Israel . Lutheran Hr. i Christophers iWaffle Club I Music Festival Amer. Forum Nat' I Vespers Lutheran Hr Songs Rers. IWaffle Club JMusic Festival I Amer. Forum 'Nail Vespers First Methodist I . ant ist I First Methodist I First BaDtitt I Calvarv Bot Music Festival I Calvarv Bapt (Music Festival Eternal Light Parade -f Hits Eternal Light araae of Hits I Bandstand I Major League Sun. Serenace I Sun. Afternoon Rainbow sundae. Christ Action Kostelanetz Major League Sun Serenade Shirley Thomas Rainbow sundae iThe Falcon (The Falcon 1 (Sunday Music Sunday Music I ecorn Room IRecor Room IRich. Diamond IRich. Diamond IMusic Hall IMusic Hall I Concert Music I Senators Record Room IConcert Music I Senators . Record Room Bdwy. Parade ISymphony lAdventurer (Drew Pearson I Senators Sin Off I Whistler I TV Clinic I Senators Whistler I Tony Martin ITony Martin Road Traffic Recordsl Traffic Records Moon Garden S & Sense 1 Senators I Senators I Guy Lombardo !Guy Lombardo ( . .UMinni vmuony Sports Scoop I Doris Day ISenators Little Margie 'Meet Press I London Column JSpencer Show Healing i Reverie Two on Aisle dealing I Peverie Two on Aisle IWax works IConcert Hour er I Wax works Time Sacred Heart I Silent IMusic (City Council Concert Hr. I Silent -'e-t IMusic I City Council 'Concert Hr. Phone 2-2441 Subscription Rates By ratfie- in cities': Daily and Sunday .. Dall v only ; Sunday only By analL Sunday enly: (in advance! ... Anywhere in U. S. S 1.45 per mo 1.25 per mo .10 week 8 SO per mo. 2.75 six mo 5.00 year By mall Dally aad Saaday: (in advance 1 In six counties (Benton. Clacka mas. Linn. Mar ton. Polk. Yam hill). Elsewhere la Oreerm L S 1. 00 per mo. S.23 six no. 1030 year 1.20 per mo. InUS outside Oregon 1.4S per mo. ; Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Bureau of Advertising. ANPA Oreron Newspaper Publishers Association Advertising Representatives: Ward-Griffith Ce New Tork, Chksge San Francisce, Detroit Texas Raulin', 11:15 Ivin Kalmikoff vs. Roland Vera CI fall or 15-mlnute time limit) semi final:, Duke Koemuka vs. Ricki Starr ; (1 fall or 20-minute time limit) Main event: Danny Sav ich vs. Dizzy Davis ( 2 out of 3 falls no time limit no dis qualifications. MONDAY 9:30 What's Cooking? 10:45 Northwest Digest i 11:00 The Big Payoff ! 11:30 Welcome Travellers 12:00, On Your Acount i 12:30 Ladies' Choice 1:00 Double or Nothing ; 1:30 Strike It Rich ! 2:00 Matinee Theater j . 3:15 Search for Tomorrow 3:30 Love of Life 3:45 Toy Maker 4:00 Wild Bill Hickok 4:30 Hopalong Cassidy 3:30 Newspaper of the Air 5:45 Time for Beany 6:00 Lights from Chicago 6:30 Sportsman's Club 6:45 News Caravan 7:00 Chevron Theater 8:00 WhaCs-My Name j 8:30 Safefy Spdllit7 ; 9:00 Rtbert Mohtgpjnery I Playhouse ! 10J00 Arthur Murray Dance Time j 10:30 Big Playback 10:45 Sports Den 11:00 Nite, Owl Theater 11:30 (Approx.) Sign Off HIGHLIGHTS What's Cooking?, 9:30 Cook-! ing show with Barbara Angell features macaroni and cheese cherry pie. Northwest News Direst. 10:45 I Local, live news and sportscast j with Norman Wallace and Bill j Clayton. 1 Ladies' Choice, 12:30 Variety , chmu faifirinf nmfoccinnol A i a i -1 . rr i .... amateur taieiiu racn aay some member of the viewing audience will be called by phone to iden tify a spinning picture and win prizes. Johnny Dugan is vocalist i and emcee. ! . , "hf: La nam g ' witn iNoan uerry. Kay i Walker and Jacqueline Wells. The Toymaker, 3:43 L o c a 1, live children's show starring the old German Toymaker with tales of toys to delight the young of heart .... Wild Bill Hickok, 4:00 "Inno cent Cowpoke" An innocent cowpoke is sentenced to prison for a hold-up and is accused of killing the judge who convicted ' him. Wild Bill uncovers the real I Wholesale dressed meats: killer. - i Beef Steers, choice. 500-700 lbs. Newspaper of the Air, 5:30 39.00-42.00: good. 36.00-41.00; corn Local and live. ; mercial 30.00-35.00; utility 26.00- Boxing from Chicago. 6:00 32.00; commercial cows 23.00 Eddie O'Dowd vs. Dayle Jones ! 28.00: utility 22.00-25.00; canners- ( welter-weights). Main event ! Red Evans vs. Johnnie Gillespie. Chevron Theatre, 7:00 "Death of a Smart Alec" a self-appointed hero's fight for love and suc cess stars Arthur Space and Mary Field. In his determination to be a hero, a farmer grasps his one last hope for happiness . . . but ! " w snwiaers. in ids, w-w-is unprepared to pay its serious I 4 00 s?renbs. 53.00J6.50; fresh consequences. i ,ms- l . . Robert Montgomery Presents,! J-1.' Jt 9:00-"Half a Miluonaire" fea- a.11, V3 00"38 : commer tures John Newland. Vaughn C1?.K- : Taylor and Elizabeth Mont- Z -nn fin , h , mmn ' man evho finds a half a million . A melodrama about a dollars and is in a quandary about what to do with it Arthur Murray Dance Party, 10:00 Locally produced, live dancing show which features Peg Boydon and the Arthur Murray dancers. The Big Playback, 10:30 Carl Hubbell, guest of Bill Stern. Viewers will see the highlights of the 1934 "AH Star Game" and see Hubbell strike out Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, and Jimmy Foxx. Also featured will be highlights from tjfe Texas-Oklahoma Cotton Bowl game of 1951, a canoe race through the Royal Gorge and West Point gymnasts competing ! with those of Florida University. ; Sports Den, 10:45 Live show! featuring Bob Blackburn. Nite Owl Theatre, 11:00 "Hig gins Family" with James, Lucille and Russell Gleason; Lynn Rob erts, Harry Davenport and Wil liam Bakewell. THOSE DRIVING WOMEN I 1 i ' i!lA? TODAY I J'- usTorN Dr. T. T. Lam NT Or. O. Caan. NO DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Cpstalrs. X41 Nertk Liberty Office ape- Saterday muly. It te 1 pjtu, te 7 JU CeasultaUem, toed pressure aad nrine tests art free ef charge. Practiced since tSlT Write tea- attractive gift- Me rfttUgattaw. ' Ancient Flivvers Make Long Haul of 760 Aliles TUCSON, Ariz. (JPJ-Th annual trip of the Arizona Horseless Carriage Club from Tucson to the Grand Canyon and return a round trip of 760 miles was completed by all but two of the 16 ancient automobiles participat ing. A Stutz Bearcat broke down in the mountains 200 miles north of here and a Stanley Steamer had to be towed home after one of its two cylinders burned out on the return trip. Salem Market Quotations (As mt UU yesterday) BUTT Ear AT Premium , No. 1 , No. 1 - ,L BUTTER Wholesale .Tt .S4 .71-.73 .7 Retail EtiGS Baying) ( Vholesal prices rang from f to 7 cents over buying price t Large AA ' , .63 Large A .63 Medium AA : .59 Medium A ,. .57 Pullet . POULTRY Colored Hens Leghorn Hens . Colored Fryers Old Roosters Roasters " .22 .19 .30 15 JO Portland Produce PORTLAND Lf) Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, del'vered in Portland, 68 -71c lb; first quality ! 67-70c; second quality 64-67C. Valley routes and country : pointr 2 cents less. j Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk jcube to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 67c lb; 92 score, 63c; B, 90 score. 64c: C. 89 score. 63c Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 Vz- 46- lb: Oregon 5-lb loaf 49 4-51 Vic. Eggs To wholesalers-candled ocrcrc fnnt ainino nn lose rasel in. t K Dnlai. A U,im ! nuucu, i. v. u. tui uauu .-i ""6C w -bo ac; a meaium tu m; B grade, large, 53 hi Eggs To retailers Grade AA, i large 71: A large 67: AA medium, 67- A medium. 66: A small, nom-1 - - ai. Live chickens No. 1 quality. f.o.b. plants Fryers. 2-3 lbs, 28-29c, 3-4 lbs, 28-29c; roasters, 4 Vi lbs, up, 23-29c; heavy hens, a 1 1 weights, 2021c; light hens, all weights, 19c j old roosters 15-18c. Rabbits Average to growers Live white, 4-5 lbs, 23-25c, 5-6 lbs, 21-23c; old does. 10-14c, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 59-61c; cut up 63-67c cutters 20.00-23.00 Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 47.00-53.00; rounds, 46.00 52.00; full loins, trimmed, 63.00 73.00; triangles, 27.00-32.00; fore quarters, 29.00-34.00; chucks, 35.00 40 00: ribs. 43.00-52.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lb. uauiusr-vnvi.c pi issif -.w .w Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium. 50-52c lb; Eastern ,; j 5c-.. rw.- -h Voir MnA st-iw.. r-r, r i i "k Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42c; 12-month wool, 45-50C. j Country dressed meats, f. 0. b. I Pr.rtlanH- - - Beef Utility cows. 20-22c lb; canners'- cutters, 19-20c; shells down to 17c. Veal Top i quality, lightweight, 29-31c; rough heavies 22-28c. Hogs Lean blockers, 37-38C lb; sows, light. 32-34C. T W. T.c 1 A An IK. u.,-, jow 30-3oC. Mutton Best, 10-12C lb; CUll - ntilitv fL&r v o ' a Fresh Produce: Onions 5o-lb sacks Calif, red globe. medJ, 2.75-3.00; yCiiOWS, ' med. and lge., 1.75-2.00 Potatoes Ooreeon Russets. No. 1. 3.65-4.00; 10-lb mesh. 50-53c; Calif, long whites, No. 1, 2.85-3.00; fair 2.50-75. ; Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, 32.00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. U.S. WOAI:N Why Suffer Any Longer Wbea ettiers tail. mm ear C-iaese remedies. Axuxlag saeeess fer Set years ta Caiaa. Ne snatter with what ailments you are st ruct ed disorders, siausttts. heart, laags. Hver. kidneys, gas. consti pation, alcers, diabetes, rkeama Usaa, gua ant kladder. fever, sklau female eemplalats. Charlie Chan ; CHINESK ' HEBB CO. SSt N. Comt rkMtae t-isse SALEM. ORE. Office Hoars: ltL fraes and Sat. Oar? 450 Merchandise 458 Bunding Matariola KEITH BROWN CLOSEOUTS DOORS S-f X M x 10 Lite rrench MxMx 1-U 10 Lit rrench 2-4 x S-S x l- 10 Lit French MxHi l-s 10 Lite rrench MxMx I Panel - 3-0 X S-S x 3 Panel S-S x S-S x l- 79S Sash Doors 2-S x S-S x !- 79S Sash Doors i-Q x S-S x -'m 3 Panel Screen Doors WE STILL HAVE A JXW POWER & HAND TOOLS LETT AT 33 OFT LIGHT FIXTURES AND WIRING 25 OFF 2-14 Foot Step Ladder 35 4-1S Foot Step Ladder 25 1-40 Foot Extension Ladder 100 4x5-7 to 10 RScH. Car Stakes 1x4-48 C&B Tr. VG Flooring 1x4-41 C&B Tr. KG Flooring KEITH BROWN Front oc Court Street We Give SH 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Siamese kitten, months old. Female. Fawn seal point with blue eyes. Vicinity of new Wash ington school. Reward. Ph. 38238. 314 Transportation WANT to contact someone for ride to berry fields or orchards. Call Martin 26688. 316 Personal MRS. JEAN. Psychic reader tells your past, present, future. Can help overcome all obstacles that keep you from success, health and happiness. Tio Top Motel, 3580 S. Commercial Hy. 99E..Apt.7. SECURITY DETECTIVE Agency Pri vate investigation. 139 Pacific Bldg Phone 4-2248 , ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group N 1. 2088 N. Commercial. Phone 2-8419 or 3-4537. P. O Box 724. j 400 Agriculture j 402 Livestock i BUCKSKIN color r ing horse. Ph. MILK goat, cheap. Phone 3-5913. i59 Aider st 2 EWES with first lambs. E. J. HiU yer. 1 mi. east & 1 mile north of Brooks. j for sale: Hoistein heifer. To freshen August 5th. r. a. wenig. FOR Purebred Hoistein bull service- able age. $100. Whiteface cow to freshen soon. S110. Jersey cow ana bu:l calf by side. $100. Gentle kids pony. S75. Ph. 27869. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer . C. MpC.Tnrlli'n. 11TT S 25th. Ph. 3-8147. BONDED Livestock Buyer. A. F. Soramer. 1265 Harmony Dr. Ph 4-2617. BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards. Rt. 3. Box 899 Ph 4-1113. 'JCENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. 1. Snethen. 165 Kenwood Ave. Phone 2-1345. . WANTED, fresh and springer dairy cows. A. F. Sommer, 1265 Harmony Dr. Phone 4-2617. LOCKER BEF. Hereford. 24c; locker pork 45c. Nothing down. 6 months to pav. Custom killing. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co. 1325 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858. 1 404 Poultry and Rabbits DUCKS anJ geese for sale. Call noon or eves. 23307. CORNISH Game Chicks, acclaimed the true fryer of tomorrow, now available. Quantities limited. Com mercial fryer growers find this dominant Cornish White Rock Cross produces outstanding fryers with firm white succulent meat. Processors pay premium prices for this broad double-breasted fryer. Quantities limited and if unavail able, try the next best, our first generation Arbor Acres White Rocks. Year-around hatches every - Thursday. Also, New Hampshires. LEE'S HATCHERY 5jLipCenterstreet custom killing. Phone 2-2861 CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any kind Ph. 4-3426 Neweirs Poultry Plant days a week Rt s. Box ios Salem. RABBITS wanted, any size and quan- AUO PureDrea oreeaing for sale. Ph. 2-7107. GOLDEN BROAD and New Hamp sMre chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Fox Hatchery. 3S30 State St Phone 3-4969. 408 Pet 'a j .ox XERRIER puppies. Black and white. 3415 Williams Ave. "NEW litter of Springers from cham- pion blood lines. Yours at remark- biy Jow price. Bob Brown. Phone I 3.1603 Irish .setter. Good hunter. $25. aibu j-eajiiici-irfii puica Also Dalmatian Phone onder- nvatchi kuixit siiLrntftu rura. wonaer- ful with children and for Vat dog. Males $7.50. females miles S.E. of Silverton on Abiqua Rd. S. C. Turner. Eves, and week- ends. 1 REGISTERED Collie, female, tri -color $13. Ph. 3-1194. YOUNG Parakeets, all colors; also breeders, 331 Mission. 43028. CHAMPIOX bred boxer puppies. Ev- ery pap a potential champion. Moore's Tropical fish, equipment. Goldfish. Parakeets. 2 miles from - Lancaster on Macleay Road. Phone 4-3773. Closed on Wednesdays. LITTLE Chihuahua dogs, $20. Williams Axe. 341S CO :KER PUPPIES, bloods Sc blacks. Pure bred. 3415 Williams Ave. BEAUTIFUL Weimaranir puppies. Champion stock. Set at 3013 Ever- green Ave, priced ngnt. CANARIES, parakeets, call evenings Powers. 733 Bellevue St. Ph. 4-1597. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM, 1958 Mc. Coy. 1 block east of N. Capitol, li blocks north of Madison. Ph. 2-6897 Salem Obituaries BKAUN Karen Lee Braun. in a Portland hospital July 17. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Braun. 2113 Myrtle Ave.. Salem. Also sur vived by one brother, Larry Braun. Salem; grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. George Combs, Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Braun. Saugus. Call!. Graveside services will be held Mon day. July 20 at 10 s.m. at Belcrest Memorial Park under direction of W. T. Rigdon Co. The Rev. Lowell Blackburn will officiate. SEA Lyle F. Hta, at a local hospital July 11. Late resident of 2115 Che meketa St. Survived by wife. Mrs. Dorothy Rea. Salem: titters, Mrs. Ban Creamer, Spencer, Neb, Mrs. Wayne Masters. Mitchell. S. D.; brothe-. F. C. Rea. Oak Ridge: aunts, Mrs. William J. Budck. Salem. Mrs. Ira Howe. Portland. Mrs. Clifton Baiter. San Mateo, Calif, Mrs. Dora Kurtz. Pittsville. Wis. Services win be held Monday. July 20 at 1.30 f pjn In Virgil T. Golden Chapel with interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. The Rev. Donald Payne will officiate. ZIMMEKMAN Ethel Bell Zimmerman.' at the resi dence S73 Statesman St, July 14. Survived by husband. Fred Zimmer man. Salem; sister. Mrs. Lloyd Mtlcfe 11. Salem. Private services will be held under direction of Virgil T. Golden Co. Please emit flowers. 450 Merchandise 4S8 Bnfldincj Materlali Regular Sal 13.43 14.3 14.44 14.SS 10J4 10.41 10.49 S.7S S.BS 11.M 11M 18.4S 1.M S.S7 23.20 21 SO 4S.0O 1S.90 21.60 34.50 JO 134.00 114.00 LUMBER TARD Green Stamp Phono 3-8111 400 Agriculture 410 Sda and Plants) BLOOMING tuberous begonias, and fuchsia plants. Plcha's Greenhouse, 2 miles N. of Brunks corner. Ph. 23341. TUBEROUS BEGONIAS. FUCHSIAS, GERANIUMS AND HANGING BASKETS IN BLOOM. MERRIL'S GREENHOUSE. BROOKS. LARGE Pelargoniums 75c each. AX rican Violet Headquarters. Oppen's Greenhouse. 4330 Auburn Hd. 412 FruQ and Farm Produce FINE pie cherries. U-Pick. Phone 2- 2124. ' PAY for this ad and you can have four acres of standing ' hay. 405C Mpnroe Ave. U-PICK canning cherries. Phone 3- 1127. FOI SALE, alsike clover hay. Phone 4- 1061. CLOVER hay. baled. S13 ton in field. Rained on. not too bad. Phone 4-1193. U-PICK strawberries. Near Silver- reek Falls. Green stucco house. Antony DeSa nt is. ; BGYSENBERRIES. U-Pick. 15c lb. Alan Wiesner. 3 miles north of CentralHowell. YAKIMA apricots now here. o berries, peaches, pears, apples, all in season. Wallers Market. Wallace Rd. Phone 42507. U-PICK red raspberries 10c lb. on Vitae Spring Rd. Bernard Schafer. Bt. 3. Box 718. Salem. FOR SALE: Canning and freezing carrots. .Call noon or evenings. 23307. VETCH and oats hay $25 a ton. Floyd Bailey. N. 3rd St.. Jefferson. Phone 492. V-PICK strawberries. Sc. Benson and Holhn Bros. On Star Route and Silyerton HilK PIE CHERRIES. U-pick 8c lb. 3 miles Wallace Rd. i miles River Bend Rd. A. E. Peeker. U-PICK Montmorency pie cherries. 10c per lb. Bring your own con tainers; 3 miles out. Macleay Rd. R. M. Liveslev. Rt. S. Bo 478 YOU PICK Montmorency pie cher ries. John Versteeg. 2790 Ward Dr. cnoni! 4-1432. MBERT Cherries 5c lb. U-Pick. Phone 2-2128. CANNING APRICOTS. Direct from Yakima, choice cots, through sea son. Crap is short so don't wait. Alo ra.-nberries. boysens. logans and youngs now in season. Trans parent apples. Peaches soon. We will have everything as it comes on direct from farm to vou. Phillips Bros. Farm Market. SS90 Portland Rd. Phone 2-4312. TREE RIPE No. 1 Tilton apricots from The Dalles about July 21st. Puritan Cider Works, 791 Edgewa ter. West Salem. 7 TON grass hay aled. $16.30 in field. Phone 24221. 41S3 State St. U-PICK red raspberries. Ph. 4-2026. BLUEBERRIES for sale. James L. Bright. 1010 South Pacific Highway, Woodhurn. Phone 2-0822. PIE cherries. Phone 4-5648 before :30 a.m. or evenings. Seed Potatoes Plant by 23th for fall crop. Phillips Bros. Rt 3 Box 493. Ph. 4-3081. 451 Machinery cmd Tools CULTIVATE your garder with a ver satile Universal Rotatilla. $79. Ph. i-7833. BRAND NEW. Craftsman band saw and motor. 1020 Howard. 21" REO ROYALE lawn mower. S85. Waringg Nursery, 1023 Oakhill Ave. ..'none 24.0s. 455 Hsehold Goods For Sale MOVING east and musKsell dining room set. daveno. cedar chest, G.E. rioner, 8x12 rus fruit jars and other household articles. 1130 E. Street. Phonej 4-4B88. NICE caRnet style electric Singer sewing-machine with all attach ments. Also table Sc stool to match. !020Howard. pMEP FREEZE, 13 cubis feet. Like P lew. Take-over payments. Mrs. Barnes. Ph. 44478. IS CU. FT. Upright Home Freeze r. cabinet slightly damased in ship ment. Big discount. Sec at Good Housekeeping Inc. 467 Court St. 456 Wcmted, Hsehold Goods WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE V-illev Furn. Co. 2-7472 CASH TOUAV Good uaaa furniture - or win sell on consignment. Ph. 3-S09S Sud tell's Auction. 453 Building Materials Plumbing Values For lest with guarantee of complete satisfaction. Check our great sav ings in toilets, bathtubs, basins, electric water heaters, colored bath room sets, showers, pipes and fit tings. Be wise, save today. Capital Bargain House. US Center. Let Wards Install Roofing Cabinets Gutters Installations Plastic tile Miconta FREE ESTIMATES MADE Montgomery Ward Phone 3-3191 LOT of 4" sewer pipe and fittings. t and 4 inch water pipe. Phone 42764. To Place Ad Call 2-2441 ass I 4t Stalesmcm, Sale: -H-t 1 1 450 Merchandise 458 .ulldina Materials NoJ 3 Boards S1S2E 111" x 10- and -M x 11" ' Sore and S WCLA. Grades SUKPLUS ON ARMY ORDER ;Whlle they last SM M COAST RANGE ' TIMBER PRO. CO. SSS Bassett St.. W. Salem SALE Nails, carload supply S.75 -S IM Camp Adair used windows Painted shakes with under- course ; S10.75 Unpainted cedar shakes f t.00 New 4 x plaster board f 1.40 Mahogany plywood - zoe 4 Mahogany plywood 42c Colored, bath sets, complete .Bargain Toilets, wash basins, kitchen sinks water heaters Cheap New 4 soil pipe , 70c 4" Solid: orange-burg pipe 38e New bath tubs, complete SSS.50 500 GaX steel septic tanks S62.50 Metal garage doors, complete .$43-00 Waterproof wall boards. 4xS I 1.75 New Grade-A screen doors S SSS New fir i door lambs S 2.50 Plywood, aU kinds .- Cheap Weathcrstxlpped windows . $140 Picture windows, sash Bargain Loose insulation, per -bag t 1.00 No. ;cedar ahinarlea S 9.23 No. 3 feeder shingles t 5 00 Comp. proofing, first grade (.93 C; G Ph. 4-505 On yotr lot to your specifications. 36 mp. to pay. Free estimates. Bork mino Lbr. and Hdw. Co. Phone 3-370H. 24S0 State. Retnoacl, Repair, Now ; Save your cash for a rainy day. No down payment, 38 months to pay. Epping Lumber Co. 1740 lilverton Rd. Phone 4-S123 Open all day Saturdays 4 460 Musical Instruments ! ONLY Story and Clark Pianos have mahegany sounding boards. Will not split, warp or crack stays in tunci 75 better. The Music Cen- r te-. 470 N. Capitol. Phone 2-5371. NEW and used pianos. For a better buy.1! Wiltsey Music House. 1860 St.,,. 462 Sports Equipment ELTO Xvinrude outboard motor. No. 1 shape, good trolling machine. Will am F. Koenig, 1110 S. 22nd, Salem.: ENFIELD Army rifle. S43. Iver John- son tingle barrel IS gauge shotgun; SIS. Excellent condition. After S p.m. 1131 Pugc. Phone 2-6631. IV BOAT and trailer. 14 Horse Ev- an-csde motor. For sale or trade. 218 plendale. Dallas. CAMPING trailer fully equipped. J35042713 Hulsey. 12 FTFEOAT. less than a year old, in good condition, 123. 903 S. 21st. Phone 2B319, GENEkAL boat repair. Ho-Hi Boat Shop; 1883 Birchwood. 3-8904. 3-3732. WANTG5dH outboard motor 7a HP or larger. Will trade $70.00 Auto Radio Practically Brand NcwJ Call 3-9311 468 For Rent Miscellaneous POWEJt lawn mower and sickle mower. Snook, 1255 Broadway. RENT . or buy. All types electrical or Lard tools, garden tractors, spray ers H owser Bros- 1185 S. 12th . tJ DflVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets turn. 120.1 State. Ph. 2-9062. FOR ijLNT or lease, Igc warehouse space cement floors, brick bid bldg. SUlf down town. Inquire U. L. Fur.. 3-tlSS. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous CANNJNG JARS for sale. 4-2674. BOY St bike, 10 In. Uble saw, con sole radio, gate leg walnut table, 3 hydraulic jacks and miscellane ous. 12040 Madison St. BARGAIN in beds, box springs, legs, maturers complete, low as S12.50 complete. Bargain Barn, 4 mi. N. Salem. 99 E. Gb where U Save Douglh. NEW shower ensemble, toilet lava tory, shower. 73. Phone 2-3122. MUST, sell at once. Frigidaire range and refrigerator. Kenmore auto. washer;. Late model, excellent con dition. Maple vanity, chest, bench, night stand, mahogany coffee table, lounjje chair 2 pair drapes. Ma hogany deyk: 9x12 rug. 5 room oil rirculfitojv miscellaneous furnish ings. See anytime 180 E. Marion. Stayton. CHlLDrS chest wardrobe, (20. Glenn -wroodry s, 1603 N. Summer. WATER heater. 32 gal. Mission, gas. $29.?9. Glenn Woodry. 1605 N. Sum- OOH. So soft, an so nice looking. Reg. S319.95 triple spring davehb and tlub chair suite, finest frieze covet. Only f 139 .50 to 1st lucky buyer- in our store Monday a.m. $39.50 down payment on approved credit It s Glenn Woodry's, 1605 N. Sy mmr. MARTfN 60 used t times. Trade for calves or lambs. 235 Center. Phone 3-3289. DANDY Kelvinator refrigerator. A condition, spec. $63. Bargain Barn 4 miJ N. Salem. 99E. BELAND headers, 49-51 Ford, new comruete. Phone 2-1850. ELECTRIC washers. $15 to $40. Bar r gain jEarn. 99E N. 4 ml. 1 Bolcut Ji HP. Tractor. Cult.. Lawcnower. Tiller $195 i i 1 Usef I Universal Garden Tractor. Plow.; Disc. Cult. $176 J-Usefi Bantam 3 H P. 10" Tllleri $190 E. I $ 2C i 1 Shojl Built Tractor 1 Model A Ford. Licensed. O.K. for party jfc run gear $ 20 8'.' I 2 Good j Used light weight chain sawt , ; $150 up 2 Used Skjlsaws, f --$ 5$ H0WSER BROS. HM.&b. 12th Phone 3-3644 TRUNK. siTSQ. Bargain Barn. fSinfpr F!ltrir Combination treadle, round bobbfia and sewing light. Special, $39.50. singer sewing center, 130 N. ComX SPINET piano, like new, walnut-fin Ish. Old type Maytag washer. Ph. il994V REW plastic platform rockers, reg. ta2Xi. ,j Monday spc. rare buy. $19.93; I Glenn Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer . t "fHOR i automatic iron. New price $103. This is A-l and only $39.93 to 1st : buyer Mon. a.m. Glenn Wood ry's. i 1603 N. Summer. Terms? Sure.i Trades? Sure NEW tbO'i. wool face rugs. S29.9S. Spc. tale. Glenn Woodry's. 1609 N. summer ICE bojcet, spring and mattress, and double i laundry trays. 195S N. Capital; PAINTj 91M gaL Bargain Barn. . CEPFeEZ borne freezers. Yeat er Aphanct. 273 Chemeketa. Ph. . 3-43U. j . beautV Counselor, coametic p& 3-5401, , - - STngTER sew. machine. tlliO. Bar gain arn. t mi. w. we. ISHWASHER PISPOSALL SPECIAL 3- . LONG & SONS" 1 One mile N. ofTCelier GARAGE G-E DCshwasber sink comb. Reg. JUS 95 G-E Diipotall, S-yr. warranty. Rjtrg. $124.93 Three ;only both for $3995. Easy paynnteata. .',. Master Service Stations Inc. 368 N. Commercial. Salem Ti Suxw July 19. 1953 Sec 1 1 -I 450 Merchandise 470 Far Sale. Miscellaneous NATIONAL pressure cooker, mangle -lroner, portable Remington type wrjter and case. Like new. 172S ' Madtaon. - MODERN bedroom set. sis-to. Bar- " '. gatn- Barn. 4 mt N. 99 K. MOVlTCAMtRA. II mm. magarine , : type 17.50. National pressure cook er i or t canner U at $13 JO. Each 1 like new. SS3 Sunset Ave. 1 mile south Kelrer school. Sjsfiday only. , BARGAIN for you I Lovely 4 pc. modern bedroom1 suite. Spc. Mon-, day 199. Glenn Woodry's. , lOS N. aumrnrr. Terms, trades. SQ TUB mattage washer, $36.50. oierm woodry. 16Q5 N. Summer. OUTS1DZ paint. $1J9 gal. Glenn wnoory i, iao w. summer. M Sinfrer Drophcad treadle sewlne r machine A-i condiuon and guaranteed. Only $9.95. Singer Sewing Center; 130 N. ' Com'l. WALNUT dining set. $4i. ifiargaia Barn S9E. BENDSC auto, washer anil dryer. New not in use. $125 discout If vain lura. ton aoza new.Lssa un- lon st. after ll a.m. I Ton Soil River kilt, fill dirt, prompt teU-ery. NEW hi chair. 93. Bargain Barn. OOL RENTAL. U-FtX-tT. Corner of North Commercial and Columbia. 4-3281. . CHICKEN ierUlizer .W.OOa yard. Vou ; '" . dm o. rnont -zpne. , , CHARR1S foundation girdlea. bra. i ' For appointment Ph. 3-5314 Mary ,' CLUBchalrs. $3.0u. Bargain BarnT" C J PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing tor your xioort or unoieum. Yea ter Appliance Co. 373 Chemeketa. Ph.. -431J. I feABYj scale. S3.73. Glenn Woodry's. SUNBEAM electric food mixer. 112. Woodiy's, 1603 N. Summer. . NEV bookcases, $8.93 to SlJJsT Glenn Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. -PAINT7S1J9 gaL Glenn Woodry's. ' ELEC. clothes dryer only S59.937lf oiujj zeaiei Appuance U) JO' ChemekU St 50' TROUBLE lite. spc. $3.95. Bargain Barnj99E N. " -' PIAMO BOXE Salem Musie' Co- 153 so. HIKh. PH. r-87i. S30 ALLOWED for your, old water heater regardless of condition or make on a new Westinghouse automatic electric water heater. with I a ten year guarantee. :Yeater 370 I Chemeketa. Appliance Co. Phone 3-4311. DESKS. $8.50 to fVijO. Bargain Barn, . )9E N. 4 mi. CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for tables, furniture, railings. I14i N. Liberty. . STANtxY home producU. Lee Mlndtl' , IftC Madison. Ph; 3-4056. . USED electric rangea $12.95 & , upl Yeater Appliance. 37S ChemekeU. ' Phone 3-4311. BEDS, dressers, tables, chairs, lamps, appliances, washers. 2000. Items. All., cheaper at The i Bargain Barn. 4 -ml. N. Salem 99 if. ;L Diamonds & Jewelry f '. . . at cost! plus 10;. Can or write W. C. " Mitchell. 1173 HlUyard, Eugene. . Qre. i -i557. i . Crashed! Rock FOR roads Sc driveway Cement,. Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand. Bulldozing drainage and ditching, 4 yd. shovel 4 j drsg line. Phone i? .1-24. j 1 falling Sand & Gravel '; I ! ' Cb. ' KIDNEY vanity. $sT50. Glenn jfropdry.- ; OAK arm chairs.l modern, stiirdv. Spc. i $4.73. Glenn .Woodry's.. 1605 . N. Summer. -1 . " GOOD used refrigerators ' $49.5o" and tip. Used washers t9.95 tend i up. " Yeater Appliance 375 Chemeketa. Phone. 3-4311. ' T - j ; NEEDED, old sewing machines.! Up "n $30 or more (or your old tewing " snachine on a new fret Westrni-:. . house sewing machine with a 20 yr i warranty. Yeater Appliance Co., 373 Chemeketa St. I j SIMMONS chaise lounges, patio and lawn; Reg. $39.99. Spc. sale. $29.93. Clenn Woodry's, 1603 N. Summer. , THORTSPINNER automaUc wasnersl hke new. 2 only S79 50 ea.- Yeater A uliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Ph. , 3-4311. EXT. DINETTE tables, ' $3.93. Single . bed springs coll, low as $2.93. Box " . springs low as $3 93. Best buys in town, Glenn Woodry, 1609 N. Sum merj i, - i . 1 S PC. CHROME dinette set. plaslic top. tps. $35. Glenn Woodry's, 1603 ' N. Summer. - i PLATFORM rocker. $12TG. Woodry". BEARjrug, $7.50. Glenn Woodry's. TABLE1 radio. $8.50. Glenn Woodry's? NEW lamp and end glass top tables spc. $3.88, bleach or walnut. Wood-. . dry. 1603 i N. Summer.' 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous CASH for letter filing cabinet. 2-81 1. Logs Wanted Top' (ruck, scale prices paid fori 2nd growth fir. Check our new prices, Vne 43381 days. 41784 eves. West syem Lintr. Co. 11 WO Wallace Rd. GiRi-'S good used junior bicycle. Must be reasonable. Phont 4-1042. 474 Miscellaneous INSTRUCTION. MALE. DIESEL is . . . going places. Come along I Prepare ' -for this good pay trade now. We will personally interview mechani-' , cally Inclined men. Write for Free ' Book, "Earning Power hi Diesel", Utilities Diesel Training. Box $39. TV 1NSTRUCT16N ". : r i nnii iu DL nn - , ! INFANT KURSE? . FxtfiLiiI ctrttr. big need. tnJoy.. (-i:e ivoi-k. Lttn i norr-e in spare,'..' J fine. Hig't school not needed. Foi'.l jyract:cel Nursing. 340 Statesman. kLF."l US smoke your fish, many satis- led customm. St Jem Custom Cur- ing. 87008. I . Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST ! i M. CASES '.' Brief or mail your PUtet ftf Rrpttr, DR. HARRY SCMLFR DtNTIST AdolphBldg Sate tt Com. Ph. S-XMI . t HOSPITAL beds for sale of rente-"-" Stiff j Furniture Co. Ph. 3-tltt. ,,; v 476 Fuel i ' 1 I ORDER NOW! I ! Sowdust: blower and P. O. SUMMER PRICES END AUG. 1 - ' i Mulch S. P. and Fertilizer it WEST SALEM FUEL CO, 1S23 Edgeyyater 1 Phone 240.11 HandTpicKeO 16'f green edging or slab. I Also IS" dry slab. Summer prices or fresh cut sawdust order tadav. ! . I S 4 H GREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel MOT Broadway : Phone 355.33 ASHCRAFfS fuel.' cores. logehds, . alb. Phone S-3380. 844 Mill St. -AN SEASON'S hand picked tlabwood. 4 ord $14. Phona I-77J1 or 4-4253.; Highway Fael Coi tlean sawdust, wood, green or dry. jsiove-uiesei on, m. 9-444. ;papiUl Lbr. Fuel Co. & Fickup your Presto logs. Briquets ai wood, 1M S. Commercial St, 'Ph. -. 3--. ' ' ! !. . . 500 Bus. 4& Finance CASH for or rttl ettate mortgaget tnd icta. B. M. Mason. 164 S. contracts. Com m i. 510 Money to Loan AUTO LOANS i WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. is s. Church St. Ph. 2-34J7 - Pa-king Aplenty i Lie. MiM-am . . I : : ( f i .. 1 Si