10a (St c 2 Statesman. Salem, Orw Stnw July 19. 1353 At Thm Ipeeduay liesSauranl Virginia Baked EHam With Celery Dressing Candled Sweet Potatoes Cold Slaw with Sour Cream Dressing, Hot Biscuits and Butter Waitress Service 1170 Center St. AT THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Air Conditioning J 162& N. Commercial You walking tip over paint store. 52 R Ooool it is so hot X am gone 01 vacation to Canada where picture! on folder writing gay It is coo like Eskimo there. Guess who ii writing this talk it is Howard I am Yee Sing's nefue and am chie kitchen helper while Sing Is awayi Sometimes I am make cooking too and I tejl you myself I am setting pretty good. Timmy is No. I cook and he will fix for you all kinds of Chinese and American dishes. Ha is really good cook, when I ad as good as he is I will quit school and cook all time so my uncle cad go on much vacation. He is having good time I presume because when he leave he is saying he will be; gone three days now gone twd weeks. Come up see us. ( Howard j YEE SING (that's my nan sure) Picture not of ma this is my cousin Frank. THE VALLEY NEWS COLUMNS From The Oregon Statesmen's Volley Correspondents , Stayt on's Fraternal! History Recalled by IOOF, Masons .SAP! T Featuring the Finest In CHINESE and AMERICAN FOOD loneh Dinners - . LsteSnscks Prepared Orders to Take Out, Phone 2-6596 NEW ENLARGED DINING ROOM Facilities Available Fdr Banquets and Parties Open Daily 11 A-M. to 2 A.M. Sat Til 3 A.M. 2055 Fairgrounds Rd. At the Hollywood. Stop Light? Wiest Family Reunion Held Statesman News Service MONMOUTH Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wlest were hosts to family members at a reunion July 12 at the old Helmick home on the Luckiamute River four miles south of ; Monmouth. The place is the home of the Henry Helmick family, originally a donation land claim taken more than 100 years ago.- Mrs. Wiest is a grand-daughter of Henry Helmick. The four children of the Wiests and their families were present. They are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wiest and sons, Tigard; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence1 Kern, Milford, Del.; Mr. and : Mrs. Kenneth Brisbane and children, Hood River; Mr. and Mrs. James Daniels and children, Dallas. Beth parents and all of their children are graduates of Oregon College of Education. Many other relatives attended the re union. : , J. L. Sullivan Buys Stayton Electric Store From Wood STAYTON Announcement has been made of the sale of the Farm and Home Electric store, established by Mr, and Mrs. R. L. Wood eight year! ago, to J. L. Sullivan who will be assisted by his son, Jim Sullivan, and Bob Hacek. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have -been the ML States Power company for 20 years. Under the new owners, the store will be known as Sullivans Electric. STAYTON Seventy-five years of Masonic and IOOF history Lindsey Wright, for the IOOF, told of L the coming together of se-ea citizens on July 29, 1878, to charter the lodge. By 1881, the lodge purchased its own halL Dur ing the years, two of its members, the late W. H. Hobson (1906-7) and the late Grant Murphy (1942-43) advanced to the office of grand master for Oregon. Recounting Masonic Lodge his tory was. D. George Cole who sketched the beginnings, on July 10, 1878, of Santiam Lodge 25 when 17 charter members and the grand master climbed to the fifth floor of the Nathan Young flour mill (now Gardner mill) to es tablish the lodge. Brothers Speak Addresses were also given by George Winslow, Tillamook, and Walter Winslow, Salem, brothers, 'who in the same year served as grand masters of Oregon, George for the IOOF and Walter for the Masons. A panel photo of a joint picnic group in 1928 created considera ble interest with identification of various people found to be an in teresting pastime. - Charter members of the IOOF were W. H. Hobson, J. H. Cottle, Alex Downing, F. M. McDaniels, J. P. Anderson, J. H, Howell, W. N. Warren, J. W. Shaft, D. Simp son, A. W. Cusick, Alex Clark and William Downing. Masonic charter signers were W. H. Hobson, F. M. McDaniel, W. E. Price, Nathan Young, S. A. Jones, S. R. Foster, J. M. Kitchen, J. H. Wiley, John Downing, J. H. Cottle, J. J. Blais, Uriah Whitney, G. S. Downing, T. J. White, S. M. McLean, J. W. Taylor and M. H. Warren. Sheridan Men Home on Leave Statesman News Service SHERIDAN Gordon Haugen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haugen, returned home from Ft Ord, Calif., this week to spend a short furlough. Charles Crowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crowe is borne on a 20-day furlough from Camp Ro berts. He will report to Ft. Bel voir, Va., for further training, Pvt Roscoe Gutbrod is home on a 20-day leave from Camp Ro berts, Calif. Earl Lambert, EM 3, is home on a 30-day leave from the Navy visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert. He has been serv ing near Korea. Aspiring Lawyers Wait State Bar Examination Approximately 170 law students and four out-of-state attorneys will write in the state bar exami nations here Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday. The examinations will be con ducted by the state board of bar examiners. Ultimatum Handed Willamina School Regarding Sewer Statesman News Service WILLAMINA State sanitary inspectors issued an ultimatum to Willamina: this week to install a new sewage system at the high school, which is now undergoing remodeling and expansion. The inspectors have refused to approve the planned seepage pits and have recommended that ef fluent from the septic plant be pumped to high ground some dis tance from the school in an un derground : disposal system. Efficiency of the present dis posal system was question when inspectors ; found a six-inch tile line draining the effluent into Willamina Creek. Unofficial estimates indicate that construction of legal sewage disposal would add about $7,000 to the cost of the $160,000 remod eling and expansion program. 127 Pints Blood Given at Sheridan Statesman News Service SHERIDAN The' Red Cross Bloodmobile received 127 pints of blood Thursday in a visit at Sheri dan; 23 other donors were re jected for medical reasons. Of the total, 45 donations came from the Catholic novitiate near Sheridan. Councilman Pruitt Dies At Sheridan Statesman News Service , SHERIDAN Funeral services for Glen Pruitt, 44, Sheridan businessman and City Council man, were held Saturday at Chapel of Memories, Sheridan Funeral Home. Pruitt died at Portland Veter ans Hospital following a brief illness. He was manager of a grocery here until he purchased his own business several years ago. He recently sold his business. He had been active in the fire de partment for many years, was a member of the Eagles Lodge, and a past commander of the Sheri dan American Legion post. Survivors include his widow, Frances: daughters, Mrs. Glenna Marrs, Vietta and Iona; a grand daughter, Julie Marrs, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus M. Pruitt, all of Sheridan. Son of Sheridan Folk Now, College President Statesman News Service " SHERIDAN The Rev. Robert J .Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cox of Sheridan, was recently appointed president of Pacific College at Los Angeles. His ex periences have centered largely in the field of Christian educa tion, doing evangelical work with the young people of the Free Methodist Church. He was recently pastor of the Free Methodist Church in Med ford. His wife, Georgia, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brandt of Sheridan. New Building Brings Better 'Phone Service AUMSVILLE Telephone ser vice in the Aumsville area is much Improved since the com pany moved to a new building re cently, ! according to Mrs. Engel ina Collins, operator for the past 10 years. Sunday service is offered for the first time, and the living quar ters provided for Mrs. Collins in the back of the new building mean that an - operator will be available at all times to handle emergency calls. Mrs. Edna Bartges is relief op erator on week days and Bonnie Nicholson on Sundays. The new office is located across the street from the former of fice which served subscribers for 32 years. New equipment in cludes a magneto-type call board using drop signals and an elec tric sub-cycle for ringing. Officials of the company are Lee Highberger, president; How ard Gilbert, vice-president; A. J. Weisenfels, Ivan Putman, John Albus and Harvey Carlson, directors. Valley Births SILVERTON A son to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bielenmeier, Sil verton, July 17 at x the Silverton Hospital. tm .2 GREAT PICTURES ricMMCOiot fW AMGEU ElM IAKKYM0R1 Kirk DOUCUS Joints MASON and .V w f . , -v.. wan.. 4 if. Bnnurv Tiew. Eatic BRACKEN Bane STEWHT Starts Today Cont. 1:45 JOT COTTWY-FOf oiiimiBinftbUyi mm Co-Hit OXONKOR -d1 "T. C0LM E TECHNICOLOR i a i"w vf SV Phone 44215 GATES OPEN 7:00 SHOW AT DUSK From deep inside you Comes a new stir and sparkle when you take the wheel of a fun-filled car like this Buick Convertible. bu feel happier just to be in a car with the lilt of larks to its styling with the breeze-blessed airiness of all outdoors all around you. It' s a car that freshens your spirits with its sky-filled view yet it can snug you in weather-tight shelter, when the need arises, with a mere finger-touch of hydraulic buttons. But you get a heart-lift in this Convertible from, something more than just its looks, or its versatility, pr the push-button control of its top, its front seat anc its windows. oju get it, too, from the sheer bril- j liance of its performance" From the thrilling power of the great new Fireball V8 Engine found in ezkery 1953 Buick Super and Ro A DM aster the modern and advanced V8 that reaches a new high inc&mpression ratio Ftom the new instant getaway of Twin-Turbine Dynaflow where you move from standstill to cruising pace in a quick sprinkling of seconds, and with truly infinite smoothness Fjfom the deep comfort of riding soft arid ever-level on 'all-coH-spring 1 cushioning of sitting in sumptuous luxury on really wide seats -4 of han- I dllng over two balanced tons of fine j automobile with finger-tip ease and the gentle assist, as you need it, of Power Steering. We '11 be happy to have you guest drive one of these stunning new Buicks and let you see for yourself how much fun and fine feeling it can add to life. Whyi not drop in for a visit soon? Standard on Roadwuutef, optional at extra cost on other Series. TIIE CREATESf IU 50 CDEAIYEACS WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUM If BUICX WILL BUILD THEM W So TODLSC3 STARTS TQNTTE! A raging torrent of emotion that even nature can't control! MARILYN MONROE Joseph Cotton Jean Peters In "NIAGARA" Also Action & adventure in the days of the buccaneers! JOHN DEREK Barbara Rush in "PRINCE OF PIRATES" Both in Technicolor Visit Salem's Newest St Most Modern Drive- in Theater. Bring the Family and Come Early! FREE Children's Playground! We Warm Baby's Bottle! it . - . i i n ii -11 . i it ifililP - DRIVE-IN THEATRE n Ph. 2-7829 USIJH 6AI0ENS, HIGHWAY f j Gates Open I'M Show At Dusk STARTS TONITE (Sun) 1st FEATURE In Technicolor "CALL ME MADAM" Ethel Mermen Donald O'Connor Plus "CONFIDENTIALLY CONNIE" Van Johnson Vivien Leigh 1 i'Mi'VVMrvrr 1 I Gates Open At 7:00 Show Starts At Dusk Starts Tonight! Doris Day - Ray Bolger in "April In Paris" " Plus Joel McCrea Yvonne DeCarlo in the San Francisco Story" 'Hoot Owl' Scaspn Puts City Council QnEarlySchedule DETROIT At the July meet ing of the Detroit . City Council, the starting time of the next thxeef meetings for August,! Sep tember, and October, were! ad vanced to 6 p. m. instead of the usual 8 p. m. to accomodate the early rising time of "hoofcowr loggers. ' Discussion Was held, but no de cision reached, on a city water system, the proposed site ot the eltr garbage dump, and the eon munity building lot BECIIEATIOII . CIos to Salem ; Picnicking Swimming ' Dancing i Pony Rides Boats . Try Our Special 20c Hamburger Paradise Islands S Miles Oat Turner Road HELD OVER PRICES FOR THIS SHOW ONLY ; Adulu $1X0 Childran 35c irouR fZ HEART rr wm ClA WHtDisneysS nfvr. i rj! - . . ll. -a TEciimcoLonr :3 SONOSI A 2nd Hit TRIUMPH ANOTHER 1IJAIT niCIJCY , "BEAR COUNTRY" A True Life Adventure I Color by Technicolor TODAY! TODAY! -ff ; . . . .jH,Mn. .in i,n .Li, Tf'" Barbara Sianwi? I ) a mm turn mnoix nctm 2nd Feature ii.Mi..t.t. ' '''KiTi I !.!. ilMMI ' NHERinill . H AYUtll MmMMMmw mm ! ' pnnnnRTT nr nmRiiin yJTv j mi) LIONS KEIIIIEL CLUB SALEM FAIRGROUNDS SALEM, OREGON TODAY RING NO. 9:00 A.M. 10:15 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. f 2:15 P.M. W. C. Edmistorv IValston. 1 Judge: Mf. Earl C. Kruger, 5120 Cold water Canyon, Van Nuys,! California. 9 Airedale Terriers; 4 Bedlingtons; 4 Cairns; 1 Smooth Fox Terrier; C Wire Fox Terriers. 6 Kerry Blue Terriers; 2 Miniature Schnanzers; 5 Scottish Terriers; 8 Welsh; 2 West Highland Whites. j ' : 15 Doberman Pinschers. 15 Great Danes; 1 Great Pyrenees; 1 Old English Sheepdog; 2 Std. Schnauzers; 5 St Bernards. 1 Pointer; 12 German Shorthaired Pointers; 3 Chesapeakes; 8 Labrador; 5 Gordon Setters; 3 Irish Setters; 19 Weimaraners. RING NO. 2 Judge.,1 Mr. Forrest Hall; 1420 N. West moreland, Dallas, Texas. 9:00 A.M. 14 Bulldogs; 8 Chows; 3 Dalmatians; 4 Schip- 10:15 A.M. . 16 Miniatui4i Poodles; 22 Boston Terriers; ? Standard Poodles. I j 2:00 P.M. 20 German' Shepherd Dogs; 10 Samoyeds. j 3:30 P.M. 2 .Chihuahuas; 3 Maltese; 7 Italian Greyhounds; t 13 Pekingese f 11 Miniature Plnschers; 12 Pom eranians; 8 Toy Poodles; 2 Pngs; 6 Toy Man chesters. " I : i ' HING NO. 3 Judge: Mrs Nebraska. 9:00 A.M. 2 Beagles (13 in.); 9. Beagles (1315 in.); 2 Borzoi; 4 Norwegian Elkhounds; 4 Whippets; 1 Irish Wolfhound. 1 10:00 A.M. 6 ' Loaghaired Dachshunds; 27 Smooth I Dachs hunds; 9 Wirehaired Dachshunds. ' 1:00 P. M. 47 Boxers; 13 Collies; 10 Shetland Sheepdogs. 1 40 P.M. BritUny Spaniels; 16 BlacV Cocker Spaniels; 8 Ascob Cockers; It Parti-color Cockers; 1 English Cocker; 5 Springer Spaniels. IRING NO. 4 Judged Mr' Roy! Hatfield, 3613 N. E.1 j 18th Ave., Portland, Ore. , 1 Obedience Trial 1 ' j ! ' i , I 9:00 AJW. 5 Utility Dogs ' " i "4 10:00 A.M. 11 Novice Class B f 1:00 P.M. 10 Open Class B 2:00 P.M. 15 Novice Class A - ' ... u 4:00 P3T. 5 Open Class A j COMBINED RINGS 7:00 P.M. Hound Group Mr. Hall Non Sporting" Group Mr. Kruger Toy Group Mr. Hall 1 Working Group 4 Mrs. Edmiston Sporting Group Mr. Kruger Terrier Group Mrs. Edmiston Best Dog In Show Mr. Kroger NOTE: Dogs need to be present only during their scheduled judging time; and may be excused as soon as they are ' no longer needed for competition. ; I ' 1 I : . ' - AdrnJaslon Adulu SIM Childron Up to 6th Grado FREE Wllh Faront , "'Junior Hi and High School Studonto 25c " 388 North Commercial Phone 2-3621