1 fTlf Statesmen, Sclm, Ortw Scrtnrdcty July It. 1SS3 Radio and TV Schedules ' KPTV Channel 27 SATURDAY 11:00 Double Barrel Playhouse " 12:30 Talent Patrol 1:00 Date with Judy 2:00 Lone Ranger 3:00 Beat the Clock 4:00 Life Begins at 80 4:30 Superman 5:00 Saturday Night Review 6:30 Private Secretary 8:00 Dangerous Assignment 8:30 Wrestling Headlin'ers 9:00 City Hospital 9:30 Playhouse of Stars 10:00 Mr. and Mrs. North 10:30 Premiere Theater 11:30 Sign Off HIGHLIGHTS Lone Ranger, 2:00 A "lone" outlaw is captured by the Lone Banger in -Midnight Rider." Superman, 4:30 "The Human Bomb" A gambler schemes to keep Superman helpless for 30 minutes while his henchmen rob the Metropolis museum. Saturday Night Revue, 5:00 90 minutes of comedy and music starring Hoagy Carmichael with guest stars. (NBC live) Original Amateur Hour, 7:00 SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: KSLM 139$, KOCO 1498. KOIN fit, SOW 828, KEX 1198, KGAI 1438 FM: Megacycles KOIN 181:1, KEX 83.3 CKltrs note: The State man pukliahes la gee fattk the pregraans and Usaes as rovidd ky the radio stations, but keeauie ofttines tke programs ara chang d with ant notification, this newrpaper cannot be rtipeniiala far tha accuracy herein.) ' HOUR l:0S 0:1 IMusie Tabernacle 3un. Musie I Concert Hail 7 KSLM Music KOCO SVOOl Tabernacle SOW Sun. Music Concert nan 8 KSLM First Baptist KOCO) Geo. Wright KGAK Waffle Club KOIN Europe Story irirst Baptist News I Wattle Club Euro na Story sun. music t - - - Kow sun. music KKX Sun 4c Showers! Sun 4c Showsrs 9 KSLM KOCO KSAI KOIN KOW Bible Claaa (Bible Class Bible lOrgan Loft Roberts, Organ Roberts, Orfan Sun. Aftarnoonl Jewish Faith. Radio Pulpit I Radio Pulpit Undo Bob Xop o' Morn. KSLM KOCO KGAK son Hardy News Presbyterian Waffle Club Sun. Aft n Sunday School Presbytenan Waffle Club JSun. Aftn (G. SheUey Negro Choir KOW G. Shelley NeSTO Choir srsi.M ask sk Km. IMusie ... i i I n an.t . insr Miimn rr.ii r.ivarv Bant 1 Calvary Bant KOIN Music Festival laauaieaesnvai iiuusic KOW ArtofLiying I News .. wwt parade of Hits iParado of Cunningham mm BBaa riewe vuuuiubuu 1 : zrz! i. " K- . m c c- Kwaus sun. acmuu zuu. c;iu tu . r - 2 KOIN World News World News Sun. Afternoon I Sun. Afternoon KOW Rainbow sundaetRainbow sundaetRainbow sundae 1 Rainbow sundae UX Parade Hits I Parade of Hits I Christ. Action t Christ. Action ; KSLM Guy LombardolGuy- Lambardo Kostelanetz Kostlanetz i KOCO Mapor Leagues Mapor Leagues iMapor Leagues Major Leagues KGAK Sun. Serenade (Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade KOD4 News (Sun Afternoon Shirley Thomas Shirley Thomas KOW Rainbow sundaefcay H i I Rainbow sundael Rainbow sundae 1 Revival Hour I Revival Hour 'KevivaJ huui .ai ticui; 2 KSLM KOCO KGAK KOIN KOW KXX Snadow Shadow 'True Detective I True Oetecttve Major League JMajor League Major League Major League ; Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade Music for U iMusicforU Symphony J Symphony Bob Considine) Rainbow sundae IRainbow sundael Rainbow sundae Prophecy VoicelProphecy Voice: Pan Am Union Pan. Am. Union 3 KSLM KOCO KGAK KOIN KOW Nick Carter I Nick Carter IThe Falcon JThe Falcon Sunday Musie (Sunday Music I Sunday Music ISunday Musie Record Room (Record Room I Record ifcom (Record Room ' Symphony Symphony Rich. Diamond Rich. Diamond Rainbow sundae Rainbow sundaetRainbow sundaetRainbow sundae Billy Graham I Bill v Graham i Herald of TrMthl Herald ofTruia 4 Kixac News Music KOCO Don Stewart (Don Stewart KGAK Record Room (Record Room KOIN Jr. Miss (Jr. Miss KOW Rainbow sundae IRainbow sundae iRaln bow sundael Rainbow sundae KKX Church in Hm. I Church in KSLM News IU Never Know IMusie I Bible Hour KOCO St. Francis jU Never Know Nat. Guard (Bandstand KGAK Record Room I Record Room I Record Room I Sign Off KOIN Dec. Bride (Dec. Bride I Escape Escape KGW Rainbow sundaelRainbow sundae Rainbow sundaefRainbow sundae KXX Music Hall IMusie HaU IMusie Hail IMusie Hall 5 6 KSLM KOCO KGAK KOIN KOW KXX Fam. Theater IFam. Theater Concert Musie I Concert Music Bandstand Dugout Dope I Senators I Senators Record Room Record Room Record Room Record Room : Broadway Beat Broadway Beat Bdwy. Parade iBdwy. Parade Relax Music Relax Music I Symphony (Symphony Taylor Grant Uimmie Fiddler I Adventurer (Adventurer 7 KSLM KOCO KGAK KOIN KOW Walfr Norblad IMusie Senators Senators Record Room 21st Precinct Symphony Paul Harvev Record Room Itlst Precinct ISymphony Chapel by 8 KSLM ' Questions '20 Questions Moon Garden S St Sense KOCO Senators Senators (Senators (Senators KOIN World Dances I World Dances I Guy Lombardo (GuyLombardo KOW Starlight I Starlight ISymphony ISymphony Hon. Headlines Drew Pearson Sports Scoop IDoris Day 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KXX New I Editorially Mayor Speaks (News Senators (Senators I Senators (Senators Tommy DorseylTommy Dorseyl Little Margie Xittle Margie Symphony fvmohony I Meet Press (Meet Press Time Capsule (Time Capsule I Spencer Show I London Column KSLM KOCO KOIN , KOW Peace - Peace Healing Senators Senators Reverie S Star Fatal I Memories iTwo on Aisle Reporter Story Teller (Waxworks Final Edltloa I Faith our Time Sacred Heart 1 1 KSLM Silent (Silent KOCO Client nt KOIN Musie IMusie KOW News Nlghteeol City Council KKX Concert Hr. Concert Hr. KOIN S.-O0-T.-00 Church of the Air. 2S No, Church St r Classified Advertising Per word. 1 time 4e Per word, 3 times lOe Per word, 7 times ltc Per word. 1 month ' 'ftf Mlnimsun ten words. Extra charge for -Blind" , ads Readers in city briers: Per word - 7 Mlnimnrn ten words. No Refunds. The deadline for classified and reader advertising is S:5 pjna. daily. The Statesman reserves the rtgnt to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place aU advertising - under the proper , classification. The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility tor errors which may appear la adverU 1 1 tenta pub llahed In Its columns and tsi eases where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake A "PUnd Ad u ad contatnlwe a Sites emmen box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter The Statesman ts not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tises? using a "Blind" ad. j -t Ted Mack interviews and intro duces - young performers' trying for their big Break" in show business. (It is highly possible that this show will not be sched uled.) : City Hospital, 9.-00 Dramas based on incidents that involve staff members or patients of the busy institution. Playhouse of Stars, 9:30 "The Journey" stars Merle Oberon as a woman caught in the web of temptation when her husband throws her together ' with I a younger man, daring them to run off together. Featured is Gran don Rhoes and Patrick 0"NeaL Mr. and Mrs. North, 10:00 Detective drama starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning as Mr. and Mrs. North. Premiere Theatre, 10:30 "Flesh and Blood" stars Richard Todd, Joan Greenwood, and Gly nis Johns. One woman fought his heritage of sin . . . for the sake of bis genius. i SUNDAY 9:30 Frontiers of Faith v 10:45 Paradox 11:15 This is the Life 12:00 What's Your Trouble 12:15 Billy Graham 12:30 Sunday Star Time 2:00 Industry on Parade 2:15 Art Linkletter 3:00-Roy Rogers 3:30 Your Playtime W4l Music jMe delody jlnv. to Lrng. I In v. to Lrng. I Sun. Music ' Sun. Musis I Concert HaU I Concert HaU Back to God IBacktoGed Cent. Lutheran Cent. Lutheran Christian Hour Christian Hour Schoenbraun ISt rrands Hr. Sun. Music (Sun. Musie Light 4t Ufa . Light 4t Life Prephcy Voleo Ava Maria Waffle Club !Uni. Explorer G. Shelley Mas. of Israel IPhrophcy Volca Ava Maria Waffle Club News G. SheUey Mes. of Israel I Lutheran Hr. Christophers IWaffle Club IMusie Festival Amer. Forum ftiat'L Vespers Lutheran Hr. Songs Rem. Waffle Club Music Festival Amer. Forum INafL Vespers first Methodist I First Methodist ivini hduii i 1 First Baptist I First naptin lCalvarv Bapt, lCalvarv. Bapt. usic Festival .Eternal ugni izsernai "sn. Hits lyaraoe or nam i-araoe ox mxiim I Bandstand I Bandstand i luw lMmM MiiarLunw 11 . c.n erMmfl. : Sim fivn.(l I Mennonite Hr. (Mennonite Hr. I Don Stewart (Don Stewart ' (Record Room . I Record Room (Newsroom Newsroom ' Hm. I look to skies isunday Edit. I Drew Pearson I TV Clinic Senators I Senators Sign Off I Whistler Whistler I Tony Martin I Tony Martin Road Traffic Records Traffic Records (Healing I Reverie Two on Aisle Wax works I Concert Hour ' Silent Silent -"nt 1ent IMusie (Musie (City Council (City Council Concert Hr. Concert Hr. Phone 2-2441 ' Snbscriptioa Rates By carrier tn cities: Daily and Sunday $ MS per mo. Dally only lts per mo. Sunday only - J week By aman, Ssmday omlyt -(tn advance) Anywhere la C. i. S JO per mo, S.1S six mo. 4.00 year By ssaO. Dally and Smndayt i (in advance) tB six counties S UM per m. (Benton. Ciacka- , mas, Linn. Mar- SOS stz aao. ion. Polk. n- mil). Elsewhere 10.50 in Oreeon US per m& L4S per me. la O. S. outside Oregon Blemoer Aadtt Bsma of CtrenlatUihs , Baroaa of Ayertising. AN7A Ore ton Newspaper Publishers Association . Advertising- Kpresentatrresi Ward -Griffith Co New Tork. Chicage San Francisco. Detroit 4:00 Big Pay Off 5:00 G E Theater 5:30 Sunday Review 6:30 What's My Line? 7:00 Summer Theater 8:00 TV Playhouse 9:30 The Web ' 10:00 Portland Speaks 10:30 News Review 10:45 Racket Squad 11:15 Texas Wrestling 12:00 (Approx) Sign Off ' HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY This Is The Life, 11:00 Is there power beyond medical science? In this episode a physi cian knows of no power beyond the power of natural science. Sunday Star Time. 12:30 "Roar of the Press" with Jean Parker and Wallace Ford. Roy Rogers Show. 3:00 A general breakdown of law and or der in Eagle Rock motivates Roy and Dale to investigate the ac tions of the town mayor. Your Play Time, 3:30 Two American government agents are sent to Berlin to uncover a leak in confidential information sent from West Berlin to Moscow. Starring is Steve Brodie, Robert Hutton, and Mari Aldon. The Big Payoff. 4:00 Quiz program starring emcee Randy Merriman, Bess Myerson as hos tess and Betty Ann Grove, quiz zing songstress. G. E. Theater, 5:00 "Thir teen O'clock" stars Eduart Franz, Lurene Tuttie, John Qualem and Richard Hale. Studio One Summer Theater, 7:00 "Beyond Reason" is a psy chological suspense drama fea turing Anthony Dawson, Eliza beth Ross, Ann Burr and Pat Wheel. It is a story of two sis ters and the man they both love. Television Playhouse, 8:00 "The Big Deal" stars David Opat oshu with Joanna Roos and James Waterfield. Story of a once suc cessful man who is unable to ac cept defeat. Racket Squad, 10:45 "Take a Little, Leave a Little" the story of a crook who conceives the almost "perfect" racket, This show features Jackson Halliday and stars Reed Hadley as Captain Braddock. Texas Rasslin', 11:15 Ivan Kalmikoff vs. Roland Vera (1 fall or 15-minute time limit) semi final: Duke Koemuka vs. Ricki Starr (1 fall or 20-minute time limit) Main event: Danny Sav- ich vs. Dizzy Davis (2 out of 3 falls no time limit no dis qualifications. Salem Obituaries. BRAUN Karen Lee Braun, in a Portland hospital July 17. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Braun. 21 IS Myrtle Ave.. Salem. Also sur vived by one brother. Larry Braun, Salem; grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. George Combs. Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Braun, Saugus. Calif. An nouncement of services later by W. T. Rif don Co. CLUETT Mrs. Maude A. Cluett, at the resi dence 4421 S. T. Hull St. Milwau kee, Ore.. July IS. Survived by hus band. George A. Clwett, MUwaukie; daughters. Mrs. Fred JFreier. Mil waukee, Mrs. James Jesme, Engle wood. Colo.. Mrs. Harold Thompson, Salem. Miss Nila Cluett, Salem: sis ters, Mrs. C. L. Chase. Watertown, S.D.. Mrs. C. V. Kline, Long Beach. Calif.; brothers. Walter T. Downes. Salem. Fred Downes, Stockholm, S.D.. Bert Downes. Rapid City, SJX, Clarence Downes, Bremerton, Wash Charles Downes, Kearney. Neb.; and seven grandchildren. Rosary at Vir gil T. Golden Chapel Saturday, July IS, at 7:30 p.m. with inter ment at Willow Lake, S.D. . Please omit flowers. MAW Merrell Maw, late resident of Prineville, July 14, at a Redmond hospital. Survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Maw, Bend: daughter. Miss Sherrill Maw, Nam pa, Ida.: son. Dennis Maw, Nampa: sister. Mrs. John McFee, Prineville; brothers. Russell Maw, Salem, and Howard Maw, Burns. Services will be held at the Clough-Barrick Chapel Saturday. July IS at S pan. with interment at the Lee Mission Ceme tery. William Owen. Portland, and Irvin Stewart. Prineville, will offici ate. REA Lyle r. Re a, at a local hospital July 17. Late resident of 21 IS Che meketa St. Survived by wife, Mrs. Dorothy Rea, Salem: sisters. Mrs. Ben Creamer. Spencer. Neb, Mrs. Wayne Masters, Mitchell. S. D.; broth-.-. T. C. Rea. Oak Ridge; aunts, Mrs. William J. Busick, Salem. Mrs. Ira Howe. Portland. Mrs. Clifton Baker, San Mateo, Calif:. Mrs. Dora Kurtz. Pittsville, Wis. Services will be held Monday. July 20 at 1:30 pjn. in Virgil T. Golden Chapel with Interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. The Rev. Dudley Strain will offi ciate More than 60,000 people in Great Britain died in home acci dents between 1940 and 1949. TELEVISION Solos and Sorriest riiicholl's 1880 State SL Ph.3-7577 . Y. w.t-usiirD Dr. a. I DKS. CHAN . . . LAM CmXCSS NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 241 North Ltbertr Offltt pe Satwa7 mmtj. 10 to I pu-w ta 7 p-sa. CwnUwttis. fcleod pressmre and arise tests are tree el chart e. Practiced stace ttlf Write fee attractive sift. Me ekBcattee- S f ' ; Son of Indiana Congressman Faces Draft WASHINGTON UB A 22-year-old Indiana congressman's son, whose induction deferment led to the resignation of his local Draft Board, now faces a call for serv ice next month. Selective Service national head quarters decided Friday that the case for John V. Beamer Jr.. son of the Republican congressman from Indiana's 5th District, was too weak: to warrant consideration by the Presidential Appeal Board. An occupational deferment sought by young Beamer's employ er. Procter k Gamble Co of Cin cinnati, previously had been turned down by Indiana State Selective Service headquarters. The com pany then appealed to Washington Rep. Beamer, who served with the Field Artillery in World War I and who has been a member of the American Legion ever since, said he had never intervened in his son's behalf. "I never tried to keep him out," be said. The office of Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, national director of Selective Service, confirmed this. The uproar began last Monday when Hershey's office ordered that Beamer's induction, scheduled for July 27, be postponed until his file could be reviewed in Washington. The three-man Wabash County Draft Board resigned in protest Hershey's office said, however, that it had no authority to change the local board's reclassification of Beamer from 2-A occupational deferment to 1-A. It said its study of the file, at Procter & Gamble's request, was only to determine whether the case merited study by the highest ap peal board. Stock Market Gains Swiftly NEW YORK Lf The stock market produced a good show of strength Friday based on a rally in steels and railroads. More vigor was shown in the forward push than for many re cent days. It wasn't, however, a runaway affair. Gains were modest usually running to around a point. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks gained 60 cents. That's the best for the average since the firs- day of this month. The av erage now stands at $108.00. The industrial component of the av erage Vai up 90 cents, the rail roads were up 60 cents and the utilities up 30 cents. The list expanded a little to in clude 1,029 individual i ssues, 21 more than Thursday, of which 533 advanced and 229 declined with 10 new highs and 18 new lows for the year recorded during the day. The buying flurry about midway in the session and the broadened demand late in the day boosted volume to 840,000 shares. Thurs day's total came to 790,000 shares, lowest in the past year. Wheat Prices Show Strength CHICAGO Ofl Wheat put on a good display of strength on the board of trade Friday, opening lower in sympathy with other cer eals and then immediately setting out on an advance. The bread cereal closed with gains of from 1 to nearly 3 cents, most contracts making their highs for the week during the session. Continued strength in cash wheat and reports of rust infestation in the Northwest supported the up turn. Wheat closed 1 to 2 higher, corn higher to 2 cents lower, oats V lower to V higher, rye y lower to 4 higher, soybeans y lower to 6 higher and lard 28 cents lower to 15 cents a hun dred pounds higher. Milk Market Hearing In Portland Monday PORTLAND UB A hearing on its proposal to zone the state into 12 marketing areas for milk con trol purposes will be held by the Oregon Milk Marketing Adminis tration next Monday here. One provision of the change would place Portland and the Wil lamette Valley in one marketing district. Brookings Plans Lily Parade on Sunday BROOKINGS, Ore. tfl Flower- decorated floats will be featured in the parade here Sunday after noon, a highlight of the annual Croft Lily i Celebration. Gov. Patterson will lead the pa rade, followed by the Crescent City Shrine drum and bugle corps. TRANSPORT ARRIVES -. SEATTLE UR The Navy trans port Marine Adder arrived from the Far East Friday with 2,017 Army officers and enlisted men. Why Suffer Any longer i . - -a Wfeea ethers fall, se aw Ckistese remedies, i Aaaaxtng secees fee see yean ta China. No -utter with what aUaae-ts reel are af flicted disorders, siaaslUs. heart, bars. Bver, kidneys, gas, eonstt atioa. aieers, diabetes. rheuBaa fctsse. sail and -ladder, t eves. alda. Charlie Chan CHDTBSSi HKBtXt CO. tm H. Ceart Ffceae S-1S3S SAunt. osJt. OfOce Boars: S to . Vacs aatd Sat, Only Salem Market Quotations As of late reeterSar) BUXlULfAT Premium .Tf jri No. 1 J No. S BDTTEBt Wholesale . .11 -.73 .78 Retail EttGS Baylas ' (wholesale prices range from S to 1 rents over buytaf price) Larse AA ; .6J Lars e A , -S3 Medium AA : M Medium A i J7 Pullet .42 POULTS Colored Hens Leghorn Hens Colored Fryers Old Roosters Roasters - Jl . JO . .15 - -M Portland Produce PORTLAND m 4-. Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per. cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 6 -71c lb; first quality 67-70c; second quality 64-67C. Valley routes and country pointr 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, S3 score, 67c lb; 82 score, 65c; B, 90 score. 64c; C, 89 score. 63c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon! singles, 42 Vi 46V lb; Oregon S-Lb loaf 49 Mi -51 c. Eggs To wholesalers-candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f. o. b. Portland A large, 63 tt-65 ttc; A medium 62 -64 ft; B grade, large, 55 . Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large 71; A large 67; AA medium. 67: A medium, 66; A small, nom inally 51. Cartons 3 cents addition al. Live chickens No. 1 quality. f.o.b. plants Fryers, 2 -3 lbs, 28-29C, 3-4 lbs, 28-29c; roasters, 4 Vi lbs, up, 28-29c; heavy hens, all weights, 20-21c; light hens, all weights. 19c; old roosters 15-lsc. Rabbits Average to growers Live white, 4-5 lbs, 23-25c, 5-6 lbs. 21-23c; old does, 10-14c, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 59-61C; cut up 63-67C. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 39.00-42.00: good, 36.00-41.00; com mercial 30.00-35.00; utility 26.00 32.00; commercial cows 23.00 28.00; utility 22.00-25.00; canners cutters 20.00-23.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 47.00-53.00; rounds, 46.00 52.00; full loins, trimmed, 63.00 73.00; triangles, 27.00-32.00; f o r e quarters. 29.00-34.00; chucks, 35.00 40 00; ribs. 45.00-52.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lb, 59.00-64.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 40.00 44.00; spareribs, 53,00-56.50; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs. 63.00-67.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 3.00-38.00; commer cial 28.00-35.00. Lambs Choice-prime, 45.00-47.00. Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium, 50-52c lb; Eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62c; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42c; 12-month wool, 45-50c. Country dressed meats, f. e. b. Portland: Beef Utility cows, 20-22c lb; canners - cutters, 19-20c; shells down to 17c. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 29- 31c; rough heavies 22-28c. Hogs Lean blockers, 37-38clb; sows, light. 32-34C. Lambs Best, 42 -44c lb; yearling 30- 35C. Mutton Best, 10-12c lb; cull utility, 6-8c. Fresh Produce: Onions 50-lb sacks Calif, red globe, med., 2.75-3.00; yellows, med. and lge.. 1.75-2.00. Potatoes Ooregon Russets. No. 1, 3.65-4.00; 10-lb mesh. 50-53c: Calif, long whites. No. 1, 2.85-3.00; fair 2.50-75. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, 32.00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. England's Royal Marines were organized in 1664. EXECUTRIX-' NOTICE TO . CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MABLE IRENE CUN CLIFF has been. by order ot the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, appointed executrix of the Estate of Mary Jane Hafeman, Deceased. Anr persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said execu trix at 310 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 9th day of July. 1953. MABLE IRENE CUNLTJT Executrix of the Estate of Mary Jane Hafeman, Deceased. RHOTEN. RHOTEN & SPEERSTRA ERVIN W. POTT ER 310 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem. Oregon. Attorneys for Executrix Jly. 11. 18. 23. Au. 1. 8. CALL FOR BIDS The City of Salem. Oregon. Is ask ing for sealed bids for the furnishing and placing of approximately 2260 tons of Asphaltic Concrete for the paving of several streets within the City of Salem. Oregon. Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the office of the City En gineer. City Hall. Salem. Oregon. Bids wUl be opened by the City Manager in his office. City Hall. Sa lem, Oregon, at the hour of ; 00 p. ta., Friday, July 24. 1953. The City reserves the right to ae eept any or reject all bids in the best interests of the City of Salem. ALFRED MUNDT JIT. IS City Recorder. RESIDENTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS TAKE NOTICE : NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN to all persona particularly interested, and to the general public, of a public hearing to be held before the Salem Planning . and Zoning Commission, in the council chambers of the city hall, in Salem, Oregon, on the 28th day of July. 1953. at the hour of 7 JO o'clock P-m.. on the tentative report filed by said commission with, the city council on July S. 19S3. which report embodies a bill for an ordinance providing a new and comprehensive planning and sotting code for the city of : Salem. The report recommends the division of the city into various districts or zones for the purpose of segregating and restricting tho locations of in dustries, the different kinds of business, trades, or callings, tho location of apartment houses, dwellings, and ether buildings, and defines the boundaries of the various districts. The report regulates and restricts the use which may be made of property, the type, height, size, and bulk of buildings, and the use to which they may be put In ' tho various districts. The code requires front yards, side yards, and rear yar&s in connection with most businesses and all dwellings; requires that buildings set back firam the street line In the ease of most arterial streets and in all cases In residential areas; requires that offstrcet. parkir-g space be provided for automobiles in connection i with most uses and loca tions; requires offstreet loading spec in connection with most businesses: pi escribes minimum lot areas for buildings: . provides for vision clearance at street corners; provides procedure for adjustments, variances, and rone changes: prescribes regulations for subdivisions and requires platting of premises which axe to be subdivided: and, generally, provides a com plete planning and coning code for the city. At tho time of the bearings, and at any time prior thereto, a copy f tho leport and the accompanying map - may be examined at tho office of tho city recorder, city ball, in SaVra. Oregon; and that re port shall be considered a part of this notice to the same extent as 12 herein fully set forth. . ' - IT YOU LIVE TN SALEM. OWN PROPERTY THEREIN, OR CONDUCT A BUSINESS THEREIN. THIS REPORT. IF ENACTED INTO ORDINANCE. WTLX. TO SOME EXTENT AFFECT YOU OR YOUR PROPERTY. AS IT WILL REGULATE AND RESTRICT THE USE THAT MAY BE MADE OF EACH AND EVERY LOT. PART OF LOT. OR PARCEL. OF LAND IN SALEM, AND WTLX. CONTROL THE USE. TYPE. HEIGHT. SIZE. AND BULK OF BUILDINGS THAT MAY BE ERECTED OX ALTERED. , By Order ml the Common Council July 13. 19SS. ALFRED MUNDT i .,.,... . oty Raeorder - Jry.lSJT.18. lieu Yorh SlccUi Quotations j By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation 24 Allied Chemical 68 Allis Chalmers 49. American Airlines 13 American Power it Light American Tel. It TeL 155 American Tobacco 7S Anaconda Copper 3 H Atchison Railroad ' 934 Bethlehem Steel 52 Boeing Airplane Company 38 4 Borg Warner 73 Vi Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing 23 Canadian Pacific 2$k Caterpillar Tractor 52 Celanese Corporation 24 V Chrysler Corporation 71 4 Cities Service 80 Consolidated Edison 38 4 Consolidated Vultee 17 4 Crown Zellerbach 28 Curtiss Wright 74 Douglas Aircraft 67 du Pont de Nemours 96 s Eastmaa Kodak 42 Emerson Radio 12 General Electric 73 V General Foods 55 4 General Motors ' 59 Georgia Pacific Plywood 124 Goodyear Tire 49 V Homestake Mining Company 36 International Harvester 28 International Paper 50 Johns Manville 60 Kaiser Aluminum 28 Kennecott Copper 64 Lobby, McNeill 94 Lockheed Aircraft 21 V Loew's Incorporated 11 Long Bell A 26 Montgomery Ward 58 Nash Kelvinator 20 New York Central 244 Northern Pacific 67 Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric 37 Pacific TeL TeL 114 4 Stocks and Bonds CoarplIeS By The AMoelsted Press July 17 STOCK AVERAGES 30 tndurt Net Chaage A.9 Friday 139.0 Prev. Day 138.1 Week Ajo 139.1 Month Ajko 136.8 Year Aao .140.6 IS IS SO Rails Utils St'cks Al A.3 A.S S7.2 52.6 10S.0 S6.6 32.3 107.4 S8.2 S3.S 1 10S.S S5 J 50 S I 105.7 S3.0 92.3 100.4 BOND AVERAGES 20 Rails Net Change A. 2 Friday W.l Prev. Day 91.9 Week Ago 91.S Month Ago 90.7 Year Ago 95.6 10 10 Indst Utils Unch TJnch 95.S 93.7 95.5 , 93.7 95.S 93 94.S 92.4 9S.S 9.l 10 Tun A.l 78.S 78.7 78 6 77.S 76.6 Portland Livestock PORTLAND GBrtJSDA) Cattle salable for week 2.775, Market more active despite increased re ceipts; fed steers and cows 50-1.00 higher; grass steers and heifers fully 50 cents up; bulls strong-1.00 higher; few loads mostly choice fed steers, 927-1,047 lbs 25.00, few heavier weights 24.25 - 50; good steers 22.25-23.50; low good supple ment and short fed steers 20.00 21.00; utility and commercial grass en 14.00-18.00, few to 19.00; cutters down to 11.00; good 802-880 lb feeders 16.00-17.00; good and low choice fed heifers ,21.00-22.00; util ity and commercial, heifers 12.00 17.00, few to 18.00 and good short feds to 19.00; canner-cutter cows 9.00-11.00 late; shells down to 7.00; utility cows late 11.50-12.75; com mercial 13.00 with young cows to 14.50; utility and commercial bulls 15.00-17.00; cutters down to 11.50. Calves salable for week 535; market more active, strong-1.00 higher; good-choice vealers and light calves 17.00-20.00, individual prime 21.00; utility and commercial 11.00-16.00; culls 7.00; stocker trade negligible. Hogs salable for week 1,225; market 75-1.0 higher; choice 1-2 butchers 180-235 lbs 28.50-75, occa sional lots to 28.85-90 with few Thursday 29.00; 240-300 lbs 26.50 28.00 late; 150-170 lbs 26.00-27.25; choice 275-350 lb sows 23.00-24.50; heavier weights slow at 20.00-22.50; medium down to 19.00, Sheep salable for week 3,600; market closed 50-1.00 lower on slaughter spring lambs; feeders 1.00-2.00 off; ewes steady; good prime spring lambs early 20.50 22.50, later sales good-choice 20.00 21.50, with prime scarce; utility 17.00-19.00, culls down to 15.00 and under; good feeders late 15.50 16.50; early sales to 17.00; good choice yearlings 14.00-16.50; cull choice ewes 1.50-4.50 with weight a factor. Portland Grain PORTLAND Ufl Coarse grains unquoted. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2.24; soft white (exclud ing Rex) 2.24; ; white Club 2.24. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.26; 10 per cent 2JZ6; 11 per cent 2.28; 12 per cent 2.26. y Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.24; 10 per cent 2.24; 11 per cent 2.24; 12 per cent 2.24. Friday's car receipts: Wheat 25; flour 2; corn 7; mill feed 5. 5 69 21 f4 13 !K 26 fa 31 49 H 4.0s S3. 3?i 59i Soft 14 44!4 52 H nm 30IV4 " 37 27 !H 16 1 40 ! 1071 25!Vi 36:7. 23s 35j 14j 43! 26iV4 43: hPetaey.U. C.) Co. f Pennsylvania Railroad Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation : Rayonler Incorp. Ravonier Incoro. Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. 1 Scott iPaper Company Sears: Roebuck 4c Co. I ? Soconv-Vacuum Oil i Southern Pacific Satandard Oil California Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corporation " Sunshine Mining Swift k Company Transaraerica Corporation Twentieth Century Fox Unin Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines TTnitMl Aircraft ' United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union TeL Westinghouse Air Brake ' Westinghouse Electric Wootworth I No. 3955 i IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OT tui cri- a t"sp nv norhnN f s itira-b sa a, s- a - -- v i rOR; THE COUNTY OF MARION (Dept. of Domestic Re EMMA JANNETT OOUEN Pll ' v. JOHN SHERMAN OGDEN. f ! SUMMONS I To' JOHN SHERMAN OGDEN. the above 'named defendant. ! OT THE NAME OF THE STATS, Or OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint nlJ m aaainst you in the aboverentitled court and cause on or before four weeks from the date of first .publica tion rot this summons, and if yu-fil so U answer, tor want thereof, plain tiff will aoolv to said court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: dissolving: the marriace 'con tract now existing between plaintiff and defendant ana awsraing to plain tiff such further relief as may j be equifable. This summons is ssricd upon you by publication thereof! in the Oregon S'tatesman, once a week for four successive weeks pursuant to an oyder of said court made nd en ter d on July IS. 1953. ' X Date of first publication: ulyris. 1951 1 f Peery T. Buren ? v. Attorney for plaintiff j 211 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon J Jly. IS. 25. Au. 8. 300 Pergonal an vf 312 Loot and Found ! LOST: Siamese kitten, i months old. Female. Fawn seal point with blue eyes. Vicinity of new Wash- lngton school. Reward. Ph. 38236. LOST: Salmon rod and reel or S. River Rd. If found please phone 39C09. Reward. 314 Transportation WANT to contact someone for hde tof berry - fields or orchard. jCaU Martin sosse. j 318 Porsoncd MRSL j JEAN. . Psychic reader tells your past, present, tutors. . Can nh overcome all obstacles fhat keep you from success, health and happiness. Tin Too Motel. SS8S S. Commercial Hy. SflE.. Ant. 7. !' SECURITY DETETtVEAgency pri vate tnvestigatioa, 139 Padfie Bldg. Phone 4-2Z4B. j ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group Ne 1. JOSS N. Commercial. Phone S-Mlt e 3-4531. P. O. Box 734. j 400 Agriculture 402 LWestock 3 EWES with first lam hi. E. J.. jliU ver. 1 mi. east Sc 1 mile north of ' Brooks. FOrTSALE: Holatein heifer. To freshen August 8th. R. 2kL,Vfinlg. Rt S. Box 664. Ph. 3133U FOR Purebred Holstein bull service able age. 100. Whlteface cow to freshen soon. $110. Jersey cow and bud calf by side, $100. Gentle pdds pony, S7S. pn. yrsos. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandllsh. 1127 S. 23rh. Ph. 3-S147. BONDD Livestock Buyer. A F. Sommtr, 136S Harmony Dr. ; Ph. 4-J617. BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards. Rt. X Box S99. Ph. 4-1113 JCNSED and" bonded livestock buyer. E. L Snethen, 16S Kenwood Ave. Phone 2-1343. WANTED, fresh and springer dairy cow. A. F. Sommtr, U69 Harmony Dri Phone 4-2617. LOCKER BEEF. Hereford. 24c; locker pork 45c. Nothing down, months to bay. Custom killing. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co. 1323 S. 25 til. Ph. 3-4858. $ 404 Poultry and Rabbits FOR! SALE: Young new Hampshire hens. Laying good. $3 each. Ph. 3I36I eves. jtooa DUCKS and geese for sale. Call or ' evea. 23307. CORNISH Came Chicks, .acclaimed the true fryer of tomorrow, now available. Quantities limited. Com mercial fryer growers find'j.-this dominant Cornish White Bock CrOss produces outstanding fiyeri with firm white succulent meat. Processors pay premium price! for this : broad double-breasted tyer. Quantities limited and If unavail able, try the next best, our Ifirst generation Arbor Acres White Rocks. Year-a round hatches every Thursday. Also, New Hampshire. tEE'S HATCHERY 5310 Center Street Phone 3V2861 CrW. Fryers. Ph. 4-1090. CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any 'kind. Phi -3428. Newen's Poultry Plant. Kill S days a week. Rt. S, Box 10S. Salem. P RABBITS wanted, any size and quan tity. : Also purebred breeding stock tor saie. pn. a-7107. j GOLDEN BROAD and New Kamp ahire chicks, batched every Monday and ; Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Fox Hatchery. SS30 Stsie St PhoMS-49SS. j for sale. Ph. 7-7107 403 Pots COLLDX SHEPHERD PUPS. Wonder ful, with children and for Watch dog. Males $7X. females SS. S mile SX. of Silverton on Abiqua Rd. S. C. Turner. Eves, and week ends. I I - RXGlSfSES Collie, female, tri-color t!5 Ph. 3-1194. if. YOUNG ParakeeU, all colors; I also bwden. 331 afiaaion. 4502S. i I 4 KITTS-JS to give away. House broken. BW Games. r i CHAMPION bred boxer puppie, Iv. ery ; pup a potential champion. Moore's Tropical fish, equipment. Goldfish, Parakeets. 3 miles from Lancaster oa Macleay Road. Phone 4-3T7V Closed on Wednesdays.' LlnLX Chihuahua dogs. $20. S4IS Williams Ave. " I CO "KH PUPPIES, blonds blacks. Pure bred. 841S Williams Ave. -,. BEA UTIFUt Weimaranir puppie. Cham Dion stock. See at SOI. Ever green Ave. prtccq ngnx. CANARIES, parakeets, call eveeings. Powfw. 735 Bcllevue St. Ph. 41597. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1958 Me. Coy; t block east of NL, Catol. 1V4 . eierae aerua mti ssamsns-sraa-eeii Packard Motor Car lauonst dntiff.) ! ) ! f a w i 400 . Agriculture 410 Soods and Planhi BLOOMING tuberous begonias, and fuchsia plants. Picha's Greenhouse. X miles N. of Brunks corner. Ph 23341. TUBEROUS BEGONIAS. FUCHSIAS! GERANIUMS AND HANGING BASKETS IN BLOOM. MERRIL'S r.REF.NHntisr Rflnnirs LARGE Pelargoniums 75c each. Af- ncan vkuci neaaquarters. uppen a Greenhouse. 4330 Auburn Bd. . , 412 Fruit end Farm Produco U-PICK -t-swberries. Near Snver- freK m mum. bretn stucco Douse, i A 4.1. n.fi,ntl. BOVSEN&ERRIES, tl-Pici. 15eJb: mmn meaner, a nulCS north of Central Howell YAKIMA apricots now here, also wni pcacnes. pears, apples, all in season. Wallers Market. Wallace ncrrnont uwi. UNPICK red raspberries 10c lb. on ; Rt.l 3, Box 716. Salem. FOR SALE: Canning .and freezing carrots. Call noon "or ev.ntn. 53W7. i . " VETCH and oaU hay $25 a ton. Flovd Bailey. N. 3rd St Jefferson. Phone 492. , U-PICK strawberries. Sc. Benson and Hollin Bros. On Star Route and llv.rtAn mil. rOR BALED oaU and vetch hay. $1$ in neid. Carl Leach, Rt. 3. Box 93 3A. tiles lunitr, re-on. PlE CHERRIES. IT.nirlc S Ik a il Wallace Rd. i miles River. Bend o. A. c. peelcer. GOLD oats and vetch ha v. Ua rain. $23 per ton in field. 3 miles north west of Keizer on pavement Ph. 33264 - 41046. U-PICK 10c lb. Stanley Sneed. 2520 Blossom Dr. located S miles N. of Salem. Turn west off Portland Hl- wsy at Hayrvtne. go y4 mile. U-PICK Montmorency pie cherriesl . . w in. ormg your own con tainers. S miles out. Macleay Rd. jw. Livesiey. Ht. a. Box 47" YOU PICK Montmorency pie cher- ries. jonn versteeg, 2790 ward Dr. Phone 4-1432. , U-PICK pie cherries now ready. J. aava-e ax wiconoo. pa. 3-1049, LAMBERT Cherries c lb. U-Plct. Phone 2-2128. tANNING APRICOTS. Direct from Ysklma, choice cots, through sea. sonj Crop is short so don't wait. Also raspberries, boysens, logans and i youngs now tn season. Trans parent apples. Peaches soon. We will have everything aa it comes on . direct from farm to you. Phillips Bros. Farm ..Market. 5390 Portland Rd. Phone 2-4513. TREE! r1pENo. 1 filton apricots from The Dalles about Julv 21st. Puritan Cider Works, 791 Edfcwa- icr, we si saiem. 7, I TON grass hay baled. $16.50 in field. Phone 24221. 4285 State St. P-PICK red raapberriea. Ph. 4-2026 HAY for sale. Vetch, oats and cloveri Route 8. Box 311. Phone 4-277$. BLUEBERRIES for sale. James L, Bright. 1010 South Pacific Highway. Wood burn. Phone 2-0822. Pill cherries. Phone 4-564Wore 830 a.m. or evenings. Seed Potatoes Plant by 25th for fall crop. Phillips Bros, JU. . BOX 4B3," Ph. 4-3081. 414 Fann EqulpmenT FOR SALE. International truck with 2 speed rearend. IS ft. grain bed. tow mileage,. very good condition. Phone 3-3263 or 8SF23. 50 Merchandise 45. Machlnory and Tools BRAND NEW, Craftsman band saw snd'metor. 1010 Howard. , 21" REO RO YALE lawn mower. S85. Waringa Nursery, 102S OakhiU Ave. , Phone 24208. ... 455 Hsohold Goods- For Sal NICK cabinet style electric Singer? -sewing machine with, all attach ments. Also table- Sc stool to matcht 1020 Howard. ... . ' DAVENPORT $45 Ironing board $3.5 Phone 44068. BEEP FREEZE713 cubic feet. Like new; Take-over payments. Mrs. Barnes. Ph. 44478. 9U dflflu IS CU. FT. Upright Home Freezer, cabinet slightly damaged in ship ment. Big' discount. See at Good Housekeeping Inc. '467 Court St. TWIN bedroom suite, complete with . . msttress and spring. Like 'new. lfS6 Franklin t. West Salem. - FOR SALE: Portable washing ms chine, Uke new.. Best offer. Call 46073. . - " - 456' Wcmtad. Hsohold Goods wtt a n vm r iv-tv-v TTCT?Tt T'T Tn ATTTT TT T? m mm 1 Uijxjiy a. uiuu a vau , n iur x ixivri . , .-( Valley Furn. Co 2-7472 or will sell on consignment Ph. S-8098 Sudteh's Auction. i . a .1 j. . .4 Remodel, Repair, Now Save your cash for a rainy day. No Epping Lumber Co. 5740 Sifverton Rd. Phono 4-8123 , j Open aU day Saturdays IPlflmbing Values Tor less with gusrantee of co..plcte satiafacUon. Check our grsr ; sav ings i in toilets, bathtubs, uosins. electric water heaters, colored bath room sett, showers, pipes and fit tings. Be wise, save today. Capital Bargain wouse, ia v-mer. I Let Wards Install Roofing . Cabinets Gutters - r ' ZnstaUatione Plastic tile Miconta . TBXX ESTIMATES MADE Montgomery Ward Phone 3-1191 To Placo Ad CaU2--.il .