'450 MercHandise 458 3txflcDrtcj Mcrt!al KEITH BROWN CLOSEOUTS DOORS. 2-0 z S x l- 10 Lite French 3- 4 X S-S x 10 Lite French MxMx 10 Lit French M xMx I-3,, 10 Lite Trench 2-0 x -0 x l-'i 1 Panel 2-0 x 8-8 X l-'t 9 Panl 2-4 x (-8 X 79$ Sash Doora 2- 8 x x 798 Sash Doors 3- 0 x $-$ x 1-U 3 Panel Doora VI STILL HAVE A FEW POWER & HAND TOOLS LEFT AT 25 OFF LIGHT FIXTURES AND WIRING 25 OFF Lawn Sweepers 21" 2-14 Foot Step Ladder 25 4-18 Foot Step Ladder 25 1-28 Foot Extension Ladder 100 1-40 Foot "Extension Ladder 100 4x5-7 to 10 R&H. Car Stakes 1x4-48 C&B Tt. VG Flooring 1x4-48 CScB Tt. MG Flooring KEITH BROWN Front & Court Street We Giva S&H 404 Poultrr and Rabbits CORNISH Game Chicks, acclaimed the true fryer of tomorrow, now available. Quantities limited. Com mercial fryer growers find this dominant Cornish White Rock Cross produces outstanding fryers with -firm white succulent meat, processors pay premium prices for this broad double-breasted fryer. Quantities limited and if unavail able, try the next best, our first generation Arbor Acres White Rocks. Vear-around hatches every Thursday. Also, New Hampshire. LEE'S HATCHERY CIO Center Street Phone 2-2861 Crld. Fryers. Ph. 4-1090. CUSTOM killing;. Fowl ot any kind. Ph. 4-3428. NcwtD'i Poultry Plant. Kill 6 days a week. Rt 3. Box 109. Salem. " , RABBITS wanted, any size and quan tit?. Also purebred breeding stock (OLDEN BROAD and New Hamp shire chicles, batched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Fox Hatchery. 330 State St Phone 3-496 Bl 408 Pets FREE baby kittens. I weeks old. Phone 20125. . VbUNG Parakeets, all colors; also breeders, 331 Missouri. 43028. 4 KITTENS ;to give away. House broken. 859 Gaines. CHAMPION bred boxer puppies. Ev ery pup m potential champion. Moore's Trooical fish, eauioment. Goldfish. Parakeets. 2 miles from Lancaster on Macleay Road. Phone 4-3773. Closed on Wednesdays THOROUGHBRED male Siamese kit ten $10. Call eves after 6. aoaio GIVE AWAY, 6 kittens in assorted colors, cute, at 2465 Laurel Ave. LITTLE Chihuahua Williams Ave. dogs. $20. 3415 CO 'KER PUPPIES, blonds 4c blacks. Pure bred. 3415 Williams Aye. BEAUTIFUL Weimaranir" puppies. Champion stock. See at 3015 Ever- green Ave. Priced rignt. CANARIES, parakeets, call evenings. Powers, 735 Bellevue St. Ph. 4-1597. Hollywood aquarium. 193a Mc. Coy, 1 block east of N. Capitol. li blocks north of Madison. Ph. 2-6897. 410 Seeds and Plants TUBEROUS BEGONIAS. FUCHSIAS. GERANIUMS AND HANGING BASKETS IN BLOOM, MERRIL'S GREENHOUSE. BROOKS. LARGE Pelargoniums 75c each. Af rican Violet Headquarters. Oppen's Greenhouse. 4330 Auburn Rd. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce COLQ oats and vetch hay. NO rain. ma per tun lit xiciu. uiuca Jtvi m- west of Keizer on pavement. Ph. 39203 - 33264 - 41048. FOR SALE pie" erries. Sc. U-pick Ph. 2-3226. NORTHWEST STRAWBERRIES U-PICK 10c lb. Stanley Sneed, 2520 Blossom Dr. located 2 miles N. of Salem. Turn west off Portland Xi- way at Haysvilbe. 10 mile. U-PICK. Montmorency pie cherries. 10c per lb. Bring your own con tainers, 3 miles out. Macleay Rd. R. M. Llvesley, Rt. 5. Box 478. YOU PICK Montmorency pie cher ries. John Verstees. 2790 Ward Or. Phong 4-1432. U-PICK pie cherries now ready. J. C. Savage at Wacondo. Ph. 3-1049. LAMBERT Cherries 5c lb. U-Pick. Phone 2-2128. CANNING APRICOTS. Direct from Yakima, choice cots, through aea xon. Crop Is short so don't wait. lAlso raspberries, boyseris, logans and youngs now in season. Trans parent apples. Peaches soon. We will have everything as it comes on 'direct from farm to you. Phillips . Bros. Farm Market. 5590 Portland Rd. Phone 2-4512. TREE RIPE No. 1 Til ton apricots from The Dalles about July 21st. Puritan Cider Works, 791 Edgewa ter. West Salem. tz TON grass hay baled. $16.50 in field. Phone 24221. 4285 State St. HIGH Quality baled hay. low price. ferry sptionng, pnone Born TJ-f:"3C red raspberries. Ph. 4-2026. HAY for sale. Vetch, oats and clover. Route . Box 311. Phone 4-2778. BLACK CAPS. U-pick. SL50 per crate. Bring containers. Carl. Vogt, ' mile West of Pratum. Blueberries for sale. James L. Bright. 1010 South Pacific Highway, wooomirn. fnone 2-0822 PIE cherries. Phone 4-5648 before 8:30 a.m. or evenings. : WILLAMETTE raspberries. You pick. 3745 Brooks Ave.' Call noon and evenings. Phone 4-3833. Seed Potatoes Plant by 25th for fall crop. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5. Box 493. Ph. 4-3081. 414 Farm Equipment roll SALE. International truck with X speed rearend. 16 ft. grain bed, low mileage, very good condition. Phone 3-3263 or &5F23. 3&e reaottlrtatesmati 210 X. Church St. Classified Advertisinr Per word. 1 time - Per word. 3 times Per word. 7 times ' Per word. 1 month Minimum ten words. Extra charge for -Blind" ads .:. . 4e .10c .lit .60e 25e Readers In city briefs: Per word 7e Minimum ten words. Ko Refunds. The deadline for classified and reader advertising is B:45 p.m. dally. i The statesman reserves the rignt to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper dassafication. Th Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where his paper Is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake A "Bhnd1 Ad an ad containine a Statesman box number for an ad dress Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The .Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the Identity of an, adver tiser using "Blind" ad. 450 Merchandise 458 Building Materials Regular Sale 13.43 14.38 14.48 14.58 S.8T 19.34 10.41 10.49 5.75 2.98 11.86 11.95 8. 23 18.48 18.60 9.87 37.50 25.20 28.80 29.40 46.00 28.13 18.90 21.80 22.05 34.50 .50 134.00 114.00 LUMBER YARD Green Stamps Phone 3-9111 SALE Nails, carload supply $ 9.75 Camp Adair used windows $ 5.00 Painted shakes with under- course $10.75 Un painted cedar shakes S .0O New 4 x plaster board $ 140 Va" Mahogany plywood 20c 4" Mahogany plywood 42c Colored bath sets, complete .Bargain Toilets, wash basins, kitchen sinks water heaters Cheap New 4" soil pipe 70c 4" Solid orange-burg pipe 38c New bath tubs, complete $69.50 500 Gal. steel septic tanks $62.50 Metal garage doors, complete .$45.00 Waterproof wall boards. 4x8 .$ 1.75 New Grade-A screen doors S 655 New fir door jambs S 2.30 Plywood, all kinds Cheap Weatherstripped windows $14.20 Picture windows, sash Bargain Loose Insulation, per bag $ 1.00 No. 1 cedar shingles S 9.25 No. 2 cedar shinRles 5.0O Comp. roofing, first grade $ 6.95 C. 6. LONG Sc SONS Ph. 4-5051 One mile N. of Keizer Plumbing Values Cor less with guarantee of complete satisfaction. Check our great sav ings in toilets, bathtubs, basins, electric water heaters, colored bath room sets, showers, pipes and fit tings. Be wise, save today. Capital Bargain House. 143 Center. Let Wards Install Roofing Cabinets Gutters , Installations Plastic tile Miconta FREE ESTIMATES MADE Montgomery Ward Phone 3-3191 455 Hsehold Goods For Sole II CU. FT. Upright Home Freezer, cabinet slightly damaged in ship ment. Big discount. See at Good Housekeeping Inc. 467 Court St. TWIN bedroom suite, complete with mattress and springs. Like new, 186 Franklin St. West Salem. BEAUTIFUL FriRridair refrigerator and stove, both porcelain finish. 180 E. Marion. Stayton. Ore, . FOR SALE: Portable washing ma chine, like new. Best offer. Call 46073. 456 Wanted Hsehold Goods l7-Vi(3.ll:J.i..IMd WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Fum. Co. 2-7472 CA.SH TODAY Good used furniture or will sell a consignment Ph. 3-6098 Sudtell's Auction. mm 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Solos SCOTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE 4840yCentec St., Salem Sat.. JuJ? 18 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Owners' seld out. leaving state, there for good- furniture and misc. go over block, to high bidder. 1952 Florence Elec. range, S p. chrome set. 9 ft. Gold Spot refrigerator. 9 x 15 L. rug. 7 p. , blonde dining set, 2 blonde lamp stands. 5 p. bed room set, new daveno, new swing rocker, new lamps, set new dishes, bath tub. toilet and bowl. NEW Sc USED TOOLS Many new and used hand tools, jig saw, nearly new bard saw, edger, elec. Mall saw. M.W. water pump, trailer, garden tractor, water pipe. Elec. drill set. Many. many, nice items too numerous to mention. LIVESTOCK At 2 p.m. cows, veals, baby calves, weanef and feeder pigs, chickens, rabbits and fryers. At this Auction, you will find, the thing you need, at a price you can afford to pay. Don't miss out. Phone 4-6433. 50 Crates Yakima Apricots. AUCTIONEERS: COL. ERNEST E. SCOTT COL. JIM R. .VAUGHN Phono 2-2441 Sabscription- Rates By carrier in cities: Daily and Sunday $ 1.4S per mo. Daily only 1.25 per mo. Sunday only JO week By mall. Son day only: tin advance) $ .50 per mo. Anywhere in" U. S. 2.75 six mo. 5.00 year By mall. Daily and Innday: (in advance) In six counties $ 1.00 per mo. (Beaton. Clacka mas. Linn. Mar- US six mo. Ion. Polk. Yam hill). 10JO year Elsewhere tn Oregon - 1JT0 per mo. In U S outside Oregon 1.45 per mo. ; Member Audit Boreas of Circulations Bureau of Adrertislnx. ANPA Oregon Newspaper Pablishera Association Adverti.-- Represents tires: Ward -Griffith Jo Newi York. CJbicag San Francisco, Detroit 450 Merchandise 453 Bulldln7 Materials LOT of 4" sewer pipe sod fittings, ' and 4 Inch water pipe. Phone 42784. ' GARAGE On your lot to your specifications. 38 mo, to par. Free estimates, Bork man Lbr. and Hdw. Co. Phone 3-3701. 2460 State. I Remodel, Repair, Now Save your cash for a rainy day. No down payment, 3$ months to pay. Epping Lumber Co. S740 Silverton Rd. Phone -4-4123 Open all day Saturdays 460 Musical Instruments UPRIGHT PIANO, excellent playing condition, $135. 180 E. Marion. Stay ton. Ore. FOR SALE. Martin 60. Phone 43073, ONLY Story and Clark Pianos have mahogany sounding Doaras. win not split, warp or crack stays in tune 75 better. The Music Cen ter. 470 N. Capitol. Phone 2-5371. NEW and used pianos. For a better buy. Wiltsey Music House. I860 State. 462 Sports Equipment IS H.P. Evinrode outboard motor. $90 or trade for light motorcycle of same value. Ph. 44365. F. D. Hain. 4095 Auburn Rd. TWO WHEEL "teardrop" camp trail er. $300. Phone 43705 or 929 S. 13th. CAMPING trailer fully equipped. $350. 2713 Halsey. RECONDITIONED 12 Kangus Kartop boat. 12' Ho Hi demonstrator. Hi Ho Boat Shop. 1885 Birchwood Dr. 12 FT. BOAT, less than a year old, in good condition, $125. 905 S. 21st. Phone 28519. . GENERAL boat repair. Ho-Hi Boat Shop. 1885 Birchwood. 3-8904, 3-3722. WANTED GOOD outboard motor 7i HP or larger. Will trade $70.00 Auto Radio Practically Brand New! Call 3-9311 468 For Rent Miscellaneous POWER lawn mower and sickle mower. Snook. 1255 Broadway. RENT or buy. All types electrical or hard tools, garden tractors, spray ers. Howser Bros.. 1185 S. 12th. to DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets fum. 1201 State Ph. 2-9062. FOR RNT or lease, lge. warehouse space cement floors, brick bldg. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur a. 3-9185. 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous 39 OLIVER Chalmen tractor. Model B. Hay rake. Saddle. 2 saddle hors- es. 2385 Wallace Rd. Phone Z-6I4C. PAINT. GAL. Si. 99- Bargain Barn. 11-PC. TWIN bedroom sets, com plete $88. Choice of several fin ishes. Bargain Barn. 4 mi. N. Sa lem 99-EL . CHICKEN and barnyard fertilizer $1 a pick-up load. Ph. 2-3117. DEEPFREEZE home freezers. Yeat er Apliance. 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311 PUSH BUTTON electric range, love ly deluxe model, almost new. Not $400 but $195. Also have late model refrigerator, large, with freezer across top. $169.50. or will take $350 for both, with $5 down on approved credit. For The Bargain of your life see Glenn Woodry, 16Q5 N. Summer. CONSOLE RADIO $10. Bargain Barn. N. Salem 4 ml. 99C DISHWASHER DISPOSALL SPECIAL G-E Dishwasher sink comb. Reg $428.95 G-E Disposall. 5-yr. warranty. Reg. $124.95 Three only both for $399.95. Easy payments. Master Service Stations Inc. 365 N. Commercial. Salem KEN MORE automatic washer, excel lent condition. 180 K Marion. Stay- ton. Ore 21" REO ROYAL lawn mower, S85. 21" REO ROY ALE lawn mower, $85. Wirings Nursery, 1025 Oakhill Ave. Phone 24208. PHILCO table radio $9750. Glenn Woodry. 16Q5 N. Summer. l.OOO CHAIRS. Bargain Barn. WHITE PAINT S1.99 gallon. Glenn Wootiry, 1605 N. Summer. MOVIL CAMERA. 16 mm. magazine type $97.50. National pressure cook er or canner 16 at $13.50. Each like new. 883 Sunset Ave. 1 mile south Keizer school. Sunday only. '40 DODGE coupe, radio, heater. 4 new tires, $100. Woodry's Market, 1605 N. Summer. PAINT il.99 gal. Glenn Woodry. METAL, bed and mattress. 1 cot and mattress. S nursery cots, play ground swing horse. 1 childrens ta ble, 5'. feet long, 3 benches. 1 electric fence control, 3110 Broad way. 25151. SMALL building for sale, suitable . for chicken house or shop. Cheap. Phone 24294. TRADER LOUIE open Friday eves. ALL METAL ironing board $6,957 Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. ULTRA modern solid oak bedroom suite. Compare with $400 seller, it's lovely, it's top quality, it's a steal at $193.50. Glenn Woodry Iur niture Market. 1605 N. Summer. Oh, yes. $43.50 cash or trade ii the down payment. SEWING MACHINES $7.50 to t'i. Bargain Barn, 4 mi. N. Salem, 99 E. NEW Plywood camp trailer 6Vi ft by S ft. and 4 ft. high. Top raises from one end. Has ice-box. size bed with coil springs, shelf and drawer space & inlaid linoleum floor. I also have good 3 horse Sea King out-board motor & Reming ton semi-automatic 22 rifle for sale. See Dave Kile any evening or week end at 714 Hayter Street. Dallas. DAVENPORT and chair. $30. bed $35. lawn mower S3. 1140 Baxter Kd. Ph. 44543. G-E Washer, Lang trash burner, i swing rockers. 2 floor lamps, laun dry trays and stand. Phone 2560L S-DRAWER chest Sll.SO. Glenn Wood ry. 1605 N. Summer, PAINT 1J9. Glenn Woodry. Clearance On all used appliances at Ralph Johnson appli ance center. Come to the used appliance Warehouse, right back of Ralph Johnson's ap pliance center En trance in alley open Fri day evening from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., all day Satur day. No down payment; up to 24 months to pay. 355 Center, 3-3139. MODERN Daveno and club chair,: cost new S319.S5 last Jan. Spec.! S 139.50. Glenn Woodry's. 1605 N.: Summer. II x 24 PLATE mirrors $2JU. Glenln Woodry, 1803 N. Summer. ; ; REDUCED j $1 per day until sold. 40 gaL electric neater, starting price July aw 15X75. July Iff $82173 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard ! Trent Mr Court St Ph. S-fflll ! We Civ SAH Greta Stamps 450 Merrl-Wdise 470 For Sods, Mlscallanaous Top Soil River silt, fin dirt, prompt delivery. jne 2-1749. BOOTH table $4.50. Bargain Barn. SCOOP!! 9 : x 12 rugs. 100 wool face. 3 colors. Very durable at i Just $29.85. $9.95 down. Dont miss i this! Open 9 to daily. to S Friday, Glenn Woodry's "Bargain ; Hunters Paradise." 1605 N. Sum mer at. TOOL RENTAL. U -FIX -IT. Corner of North Commercial and Columbia. .4-526L DINTnC-BEDROOM Sets. Real Bar ' gains at the Bargain Barn 4 mi. N. i Salem 99E, "A Little Far to Go -but i you Sure Save Dough I" CANNING JARS for sale. 4-2674. NEW bleached or walnut glass top i end tables, spc. $8.88. Glenn Wood ' ry's. 1605 . N. Summer. SEE WOODRY'S $39 JOMayUg wash er. 1605 N. Summer St., Salem. SPECIAL Closing out all tire and tubes, new : standard brands. 30 off of list i 7:60 x 15 I 7:00 x 16 : 7:00 x 15 6:50 x 16 ! 6:00 X 18 State Motors Inc. 34Q N. .High - SPRAY painting equipment. Schramm : motor. 10 gaL pat. Hose and spray ': gun. All In A-l condition. Priced to sell. Phone Silverton 3-4792. - FOR SALE: Double cement laundry tubs. Phone 21093. . RANGE, refrigerator, practically new. Other furniture. Phone 2-0716. . SINGER portable electric sewing mi ' chine, late model, all attachments. $75. Glenn Woodry's. 1605 N. Sum mer. ELECTRIC range $15. Bargain Barn, 4 mt. N. Salem 9E. BEAUTY COUNSELOR, cosmetic. Ph. ; 3-5401. tHICKEN fertilizer .S2.00 a yard. You haul. Rt. 4. Box 288. Phone 4-2686. CHARRlS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment Ph. 3-5918. Mary j E. Bales. PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing i fopyour floors or linoleum. Yester ! Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa. Ph. : 4-4311. SINKS S3. 50. Bargain Barn. FLOOR lamps inc. bowl and shade. $4.95. Bargain Barn. LEAVING state must sell all furni. : ture. including Roy DeLux Sew ; ing Machine, new. 1215 Hoffman Rd . ; COLEMAN floor furnace double 1 wall vents, 50.000 B.T.U, output. ; New condition. Was $250 now $90. Trader Louie. 1870 Lana Ave TWIN COIL bed springs $2.95. Bar 1 arin Barn. 99E N. 4 ml. CURTAIN TYPE fire screen, brass or ; black, reg. $24.95. spc. $12.95. Bar- ! gain Barn. 4 ml. N. Salem, ssk ELEC clothes dryer only $59.95. 2 ; only. Yeater Appliance Co., J75 Chefnekta St PIANO BOXES. Salem Music Co., 153 ; So. High. Th. 2-8718. $30 ALLOWED for your old water heater regardless of condition or make, on a new Westinghouse ' automatic electric water heater, with a ten year guarantee. Veater Appliance Co. 370 -i Chemeketa. . Phone 3-4311. NEW metal glider swing, reg. $29.95, : closeouts. one only. $16.95. Also : reg. $39.93 Simmons lawn chaise lounge, spc. $29.95. Glenn Wood- ry's. 1605 N. Snmmer. TRUNK $3.50. Bargain Barn. CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for tables, furniture, railings. 1145 N. Liberty. STANLEY home products. Lee Mindt. j "9C Madison. Ph. 3-4056. USED electric ranges $12.95 Sc up. Yeater Appliance. 375 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. NEW CROSS CUT saws $2.85. Bar . gain Barn, 99E N. Diamonds & Jewelry at cost plus 10i. Call or write W. C. Mitchell. 1175 Hillyard. Eugene. Ore. 5-6557. Crushed Rock FOR roads St driveway Cement, j Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand. Bulldozing drainage and ditching. yd. shovel tt drag Une. Phone f-9249. Walling Sand & Grayel Co. MODERN BEDROOM - aet. almost i new, 95. Also one at $45. Bar- a in Barn. 4 m i. N. Sa lem. 99 E. UNDERWOOD portable typewriter in ; case, like new. $55. 180 E. Marion, Stayton. Ore. WINDOW CASINGS, doors. stoves. : all Itinds except electric. 1073 7tn ! St. GOOD used refrigerator $49.50 and up. Used washers $9.95 and up. Yeater Appliance 375 Chemeketa. : Phone 3-4311. NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up : -o S50 or more for your old sewing ' machine on a new free Westing- house sewing machine with a 20 yr warranty. Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemeketa St. THOR SPINNER automatic washers. - iilce new. 2 only 79.50 ea. Yeater ! A-oliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. 472 Wanted Miscllcmtous WANTED 13 gauge pump. Marlin. i 24 regardless of condition. Phone I 2315. Logs Wanted Top truck, scale prices paid for 2nd growth fir. Check our new prices. ; Phone 433S1 days. 41784 eves. West i Salem Lmbr. Co. 1180 Wallace Rd. GIRO'S good' used junior bicycle, i Must be reasonable. Phone 4-1042. WOULD like to buy good clean ' a, ; size mattress, innerspring or other ; wise. Call 2-4280. 474 Miscellaneous LET ITS smoke your fish, many satis i fied customers. Salem Custom Cur j ing. 37O0S. Dental Plate Repair two-hour service in most CASES Bring or mail your Plates for Repair. : DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg State & Com. Ph. 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sal or rent. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 3-9184. 476 Fuel ORDER NOW I Sawdust: blower and P. O. SUMMER PRICES END AUG. 1 Mulch S. P. and Fertilizer WEST SALEM FUEL CO. : 1523 Edgewater Phone 24031 , HAND PICKED IS" green edgingTr i slab. Also 16" dry slab. Summer prices or fresh cut sawdust order ! today. S H GREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel ! 3087 Broadway Phone 35533 ASHCRAFT'S fuel, cores, log -ends. slab. Phone 3-3380. $44 Miu st. ANDERSON'S hand picked slabwoodj 1 cord $14. Phone 2-7751 or 4-4233. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawduft, wood, green or dry. ; Stovie-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444. : Capital Lbr. Fuel Co. Pickup your Presto logs. Briquets Ac : wood. 19$ S. Commercial St. Ph. ! 3-772L 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 122 S. Church St Ph. 2-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie M15S-S154 SEE US FOR FARM. CITY or ACRX- AGS LOANS. BEST OF TERMS. i WE BUY Real estate mortgages Sc contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. 1ST S Rich St. Ph. 3-4 121 Ph. 2-0794. raivAix l. 1 500 Bus. '& Finance 510 Money to Loan f ? , 4 Consolidate -All Bill? Twenty-five years ago General Fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men to give you a loan service. We have lent millions. TRY OUR SERVICE You can repay anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay. Ph. first for a one trip loan.. Loans $25.00 to $300.00 on signature, furniture and. equipment. Loans to $500.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Tree customer parking at "Marion Car Park": across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No S138 and M33S immi CUT CUT CUT Cut your present payments as much as 50. Let us show how it may be done. S50 S2.500 AMOUNTS $166.32 258.72 535.92 850.0 PAYMENTS f 8.00 14.00 29.00 46.00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans US S. Liberty Phone 4-2203 5 REAL ESTATE LOANS Up to 20 yrs. Amortization Quick Service. Minimum Charges. Calvin V. Kent Mortgage Loans 458 No. Church Phons 4-2293 515 Investments FOR SALE $3000 in certificates of interest in United Berry Growers Ins. Make offer. Ph. 31194. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED CLEANER, presser or spotter. Steady work. Dallas City Cleaners, Dallas, Ore. WE ARE now taking applications for Paper Routes at Carrier Divi sion. Statesman Building. Boys mnst be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents. If you have already applied kindly do so again. THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted, Male Wanted DHIA tester for Polk Coun ty. Contact county extension of fice at the courthouse in Dallas. MODERN service state for lease. Lo cated in Salem on main highway. Approximately $2000 Inventory. For further Information phone 39295. CITY of Dallas. Oregon (pop. 5500) Invites applications for experienced man as manager of Municipal water system. Salary open. Apply: Dallas Water Commission, City Hall. Dallas. Oregon. PART-time dishwasher, Friday, Sat urday and Sunday every week. ' Nohlgren's. 440 State. WANTED Man to help dig stump holes with Auger machine. Phone 3-5337. IP YOU have the "know how" and can qualify for gelling Fords, to day's "hottest" car. we have a money male fn if opportunity for you. See Mr. Miller. Valley Motor Company. Salem. 608 Htlp Wanted, f mal HOUSEKEEPER for father and 3 1 jsmalt children. Modern home. Per manent only. Mr. fiarnj 4447S, ext. S. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Day shift. Court St Dairy Lunch. 347 Court. m WAITRESS. Woodruffs San. Shop. 34QO Portland Rd. No phone calls. WANTED, woman to tie rlys 4n own home or at factory. Apply 485 N. Lancaster. Salem, Thurs. or Iriday between 10 jti. and 3 p.m., Cimp'i Tackle Co BOOKKEEPER and typist, part time work Insurance experience help ful. Call 3-722 or 3-sooa. WANTED typist to fill in during vacation period. Apply to Miss Burley. Warner Motor Co. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted part time. 10:30 a.m. till 2 p.m. White's Lunch. 1138 S. ComX Apply in per son. HOUSEKEEPER, stay nights. Call mornings. .695 N. Liberty St. WAITRESS. Speedway Restaurant. Shopping Center. WEEKEND waitresses. Speedway Restaurant. -Shopping Center. 608 Pickers Wanted WANTED 100 bean pickers starting between 1st to 5th of Aug. Trans portation furnished. Pick only 3 miles from Fairgrounds. Call 42837. J F. Abbott. 4203 Shafer Ave. WANTED: Cherry pickers for 10 days at R. W. Tavenner Orchard. Begin Thurs. Heavy crop, small trees. Phone 4-3203 eves. STARTING Tuesday, cherries, large orchard, good crop. 4-4034. Rt. S Box 624. Orchard Heights WANTED: Cherry pickers, picking now, 3 weeks work. 3165 Dallas Rd. 610 Solas Persons Wcxnted APPLXANCE salesman wanted who is aggressive and ambitious for fu tur advancement. Must be capable to sell both inside and outside. Lib eral commission! plan. Apply Mr. Doyle, Montf omery Ward. Salem. 612 Work Wanted. Malm EXPERIENCED mill and construction laborer or any other work. Mar ried, age 37. Don't drink or smoke. Call at 1613 S. 22nd. Tractor Work Plowing, discing, blade work, hay and grass mowing. Phone 2-3041. CUSTOM hay bailing. New pickup wire-tie bailer. Phone 3-4S50. 612 Work Wanted Mai. CUSTOM MOWING, hay or grass, ford equipment, 1895 Birchwood Dr. or 3-7731. CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand, Ph. ' 3-4512.- Silverton. LAWN plantins, weekly care, fences sprinklers, shruba. Service Center. Phone 4-3573. : CARPENTER work, all kind, large r small. Bern sonable. Ph. 4-1424, S-7H09 DOZING and grading with light crawler. 3091 B. JANITOR Earl Cox. C50 Marion St. Phone 3-7326. Gardening and lawn work. CAWN MOWER AND circle saw sharpening. Oscar Vaafaret. 391 Gerth. Ph. S-1S5S. Pick up it De livery. 614 Work Wanlsxl, Fermals WANTED house work, by hour. Ref- erences-Ph. 457$. WANTED " hocuework. Ironing, sew tnr. alterations. Phone 43975. TYPING. bookkeerjirig. ' envelopes addressed, etc In mr re- liable eer-ice. 4-S-tZ. - J Employment 615 Situation. Wanted YOUNO : accounting student attend lng night school' wants office work. Can type. Ph. 81283. tRoNING and mending. My home. Ph. 41498. NEW" HOMX construction and re modeling. Free estimates and local references. Miles and Knutson. 46340 after 5 In eve. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea- sonabV ibte. 42 to Macleay Rd. Phone 45961. ADULT child care. $1 per day. South High. Ph. 20840. LADY wants cafe, kitchen work 4-4734. BABY sitting anytime. Call 4608. IRONING done in my home. 857 Gaines. Phone 2-8553. WANTED: Foreman lob on large grain or stock ranch, by married man. Life-time experience. Plenty references. Write Box 542 co Statesman. CARPENTER, new. remodeling, re pair. day or contract, references. Phone 2-2192. . Painting Tor quality work reasonable prices can z-aeza. HAVING AUTO RADIATOR TROUBLES? Vi "ley Motor Co. experts will solve your problems ana save you money. Free estimates, speedy service. Center and Liberty PAINTING, exterior and interior. McClain and Golden. Phone 3-3322 or 3-3869. PAINTING 25 years in Salem, estimates. Phone 3-7552. Free BULLDOZING and land clearing. 2595 Hollywood Dr. Phone 4-1838. MICKENHAM'S NURSERY STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT ED. HRS A-M. to f PJA. PH. 2-7S9S I WILL BUILD you a home either large or small & arrange finance at a real saving. Phone eves. 4-5233. DRESSMAKING, experienced. Mrs. JMlius Pincus, 1700 North 20th. Ph. '-9342. CEMENT WORK, all kinds. Prompt service, guaranteed. Phone 4-5129. HOME building, remodeling. Free es- ttmates. Ben Graves. Ph. 3-8393. ROTO hoeing, plowing, discing, lev eling. lawns planted. Service Cen ter. Phone 4-3573. DAYTIME child care, by day or week. Ph. 4-5055. 1225 N. 5th. CLEANING, rugs, windows, wood work, baths, kitchens, also paint ing. Sedgwick. 3-3386. NURSERY SCHOOL. Fine's Ultra modern. 855 Mission. Ph. 2-7658 LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling, grading. Phone Z-32ZP. TILLING WITH rotary-hoe. Gardens. lawns. . Phone S-S5Z9, 2355 ver green. CONCRETE work, all kinds. Concrete walls, block walls, patios, sidewalks, basements. John Feldschan tc Son. Ph. 2-8628. 4-5329. PAINTING, papering, outside-inside walls ceilinf s. woodwork, baths, kitchens. 3-3386V 618 Education. DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanically in clined and reliable men to train for positions in the Tractor and Equipment Industry. If you are not making better than S90 per week, or you don't have all year job se curity, you owe it to yourself to write for free facts, without obli gation, about this training and our Advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Box 533. Statesman 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-9408 Zvenings 2-7412. 2-4417 Salem. . Oregon Land Clearing II yrs. Exp. Call for estimate oa hour work or by contract for the com plete job. L. C Mitchell Phone 3-5337. 700 Rental 702 Slttplng Rooms, Board QUIET loom for gentleman. Private home. Phon 3-7C&4. SLEEPING rooms. SIS month. TV and kitchen privileges, rn. 4Z6o3, SLEEPING ROOMS with kitchen privilefes. 1540 Bellevue. Phone 4-3769. . QUIET comfortable near state build inga. chopping districts. kiitcben privileges. a-144S. 705 Apartments for Rtnt FINEST large 3 room bath. Unfux nished except range. lh. 31117. EXCEPTIONALLY cool, clean. un ny. 1 bedroom, nicely furnished, lots of closets. Kitchen has dou ble sink, ceilinf fan, ample cup boards. Nice laundry, garage. West Salem. 38347. UNFURNISHED 3 room and bath du- plex. 18th and Center. 26891. NICELY furnished 2 room apt. $55. Hollywood District. 1065 Madison St. LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address For attractive, convenient, modern living; Its Salem's finest. Bachelor units from $55; One bedroom units from $78.50. Centrally located. Tele vision available. Inspection wel come. 585 N. Winter. THREE ROOM apt. furnished. Water v garbage service & garage in eluded. S40.00. Two bed room apt. furnished, water Sc garbage service Sc garage lncL Available August 2nd. Ph. 38477 or Mr. Young 44401. ext. 23. CLUAN 1 room apt. right down town, lady preferred. 645 Ferry. FURNISHED small basemen t apt. Private shower. $30. Hollywood, Phone 3-0642. 1990 McCoy. LARGE 2-room furnished with pri vate bath. No abjections to chil dren. Ph. 35016. $ ROOM furnished, adults, no drink ers, call after 12 noon. 37541. FURNISHED or unfurnshed 3 room court Utilities paid. Laundry, gtor aee room. Phone 2-6396. NOW AVAILABLE 1 and 2 bedroom apt. court. Unfurnished except range ana refrigerator. Automatic laundry faculties available. Good location. Phone 4-4862. 3 BEDRM. attractive, upper duplex. umurn. cat-are ana heat. 76a s. commercial pnone 4-saiz. EXTRA CLEAN, roomy 2 bedroom. ground xioor, partly rurnisheo. available now. ; 1055 Edgewater, West Salem. APTS. Furnished. Includes utilities, $20 and up. 62T N. Liberty. ApL 7. CLOSE IS' Utilities furnished. $30, private bath. 7M N. $43 with Church. NEWLY decorated. 3 rooms and bath', all electric, automatic washer. 2290 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-6511. NEW suburban partly furnished 1 , b.r. AHtomatie washer and dryer. Bus line. Phone 2-3276. FURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex and 1 bedroom apt. Newly decorated. Near Capitol BIdgs. and Shopping Center. Phone 3-8231. FOR ADULTS, extra nice 3 room furnished duplex. Beautiful yard. $65 Phone 3-310$ Eves. 3-9930. VERY NICE furnished cool. 3 room nd bath. 334 N. Capitol St. NEWLY decorated, furnished apts. 241 "TV St. 3 ROOMS fumiaaed. refrigrator, all titilitiea. : $34-50. 444 8. High. rURJISHEO basement apt. Oil heat, electric range, refrigerator, shower, Srivate -entrance, reasonable. 1488 . ComX Ph. 3-4706. To Place Ad Call 2-2441 '600 Sfaios-aan, Salem, Oro- Friday., July 17, 1S53 Sc 1) 9 700 Rentals 70S Apartments For Ronf CLEAN $ room furnished apt Private pm. yi a. cottage. f i TRST-FLOOR two room apartment, nicely furnished. Reasonably .close to Leslie School Phone 3-4307. . ! FURNISHED XPT. " 3 blocks trim city .center, immediate availability, call at Woodry Furniture. 474 S. Commercial. FURNISHED 3 rm. court apL NewlV decorated, close in on N. Corm't. Ph-648 or 3-0644. " j FURNISHED or unfurnished apart me-it close in, shade trees, a plade yau : will like to live. Beaut j rest mattress, automatic laundry. TV connection, new refrigerator and range, lots of hot water. Adults see at 330 Oak St. i ONE . bedroom, unfurnished. Phone 3-S56S. ! COMPLETELY furnished, fully fnod- ern. raaiant neat. 3 rooms. Phone 4-3714. Capitol Plaza FURNISAED and unfurn. apartmenU iiaa .nemeketa. fhone 3-8B30. Ambassador AdIs. Nicely! .furnished apts. 550 N. Summer. 707 houses Foi Rent T WHY !RENT7 Just S700 down buys this! mod. 2 BR home in gpod condition. S8600 full price. Call BobfConk-in with Burt Picha. 219 N. Hisj St. Off.; 2-4047. Eves. 2-2g$ i ROOil j house, modern, close to shopping center. For 2 or 3 people, nice and clean, oil circulator. Ph. 275Q8. . j MODERN, immaculate. 1 bedrooiji, nice yard & flowers, garage. Brooks 1 BEDROOM duplex, garage, located 790 S-J 21st. Ph. 26873. i SMALt, "clean 2 bedroom at 1240 N. 17th. Electric heat, refrigera tor, range. $58. Key at 2023 N. Hazel or call Monmouth 382. tilth 1D1 1 4-. DUPLEX, furnished, 4 rooms, ga rage, $50 per month. 1441 N. Corn- merdUI St. Ph. 43363. i NEARLY; new 1 bedroom house fer rent; Furnished or partly f urn. Has carApit. Phone 2-8097. j 1 BElStOOM new duplex, unfurriMlj ed. attached garage. Phone 426211 3 ROOMTduplex. Ground floor, front and rear entrance. Nicely furnished. Utilities furnished. $40 month. 1720 Watef St. Shady trailer space, so month. 1 BEDROOM cottage furnished er unfurnished attached . garagje. Phone 8-5641 FOR RENT 1 bedroom house fur- nished. 1 $50. Ph. 22150. CABLNS,; 3 room, partly fum. 19 weekj 3413 WiUiams Ave. J-BEDROOM cottage with . rangel Wall-to-wall carpet. Youngston kitchen! refrigerator, range stvt . BendixJ $70. 630 Catterline. Call 9.9?fTI 4rr- .niwilntmmt ' 1 -ft"' NICE Jl'BDRM. furnished hou walking dist. to town. Ph. 3-3101 Eve 3-6758. FURNISHED, small but lovely. Must see appreciate for 1 or 2. 3-50851 BONNIE f DEE Cottages and Trailer Court; i 3215 Portland Rd. Phone 4-537). : Rental by day, wee It or month, i Completely furnished In cluding utilities. Permanent rentals fromiS30 to S83. ONE Bedroom house unfurnished. North. Phone 4-1636. FURNISHED, one Bdrm. court rental. Clean! and -neat. Located in W. Sa lem.J50 per mo. Phone 4-1761. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex, stove; and refrigerator, call eve.. Sat. and Sundays. Phone 3-7059. 708 Fpxms, Tracts For Rnt i GOOD stock farm. 240 acres. C about 50 head. Fully developed probably 100. Barn for 25 row. Vow i has about 1.000.000 feet f timber and small saw mill. House S room and bath. D. A. Fish, 14.88 S rum'l PVinna l-lTfl I 20 or 3? ACRES of land and room house! with shower and wired , for range- mi. South of Salem D. A. nn.f Phone 3-4708. 1488 S. Coital St. ; i 710 Wonted to Rent Houses 1 l I! I I - j t 3 BEDROOM house, unfurnished. Wests Salem. Call Mae's Beauty Shopi 35Q34 daya. 38778 at night. WILL fix up for rent, run-down nr f artly finished house. Call or write 613 g. :22nd. STATESMAN employee and family wants large 2 or smaUer 3 bed room houa. must be clean, un furnished except stove. Will leake with toption to buy, prefer souh. Ph. 3?020. ! 2 BR. unfurnished house or apt XI lowing children and pets, near bus line. Write Statesman Box 541. WHU contact Fri. or Sat. I RESPONSIBLE business man needs 3 bedroom home in or near Salem, 3 nicet children. Rent or lease with 'option to buy. References l desirtdJ Write Box 523 or call M reirinz Salem 2-2459 LOOAK busineu man desires to re: rept or lease 9 or 4 Dearoom mm adult. Phone 2-4694. 714 Busineu Rentals STORK ROOM, now used for diy cleaning. Wired for beauty shop, SQ3 5 19h T FOR RENT, barber shop locatloin. una ii au anop u yrs. snup irea and living quarters. Rent only $75 per mo. I AL ISAAK Sc CO. i 1 3035 Portland Rd. ! Office Phone 4-3311 or 3-7820 OFFICl SPACE. Inquire 10iTS. High Phoni 3-4114 I rOR LLASE, 160-200 ft fronUfe oh rugewater St.. west saiem. it FOR LtASE. business building, park ing area, very aesiraoie aistnct. suitsaiie tor most any type of bust ness. 4 Rent only $125 a month. ai i;aK. r-n. 4-3311. ; GROUlfDi FLOOR office or store space-, for rent. Call at Fltts Market. 216 N. Commercial Phone 3-4424. 2 BLDGS. in Hollywood. Could be used las one. Door between. Ao- prox.i 1000 sa. ft. $50 a mo. ea. side. Call Rawlins Realty at 2-4644 or s-iioa. 8001 Real Estate 01 Business Oportunltlets ! $3500 i coFFrfc shop rv ISCCELLENT lo cation. DOING GOOD R. ROAD BUSINESS. PRICE INCLUDES FtJCryRES. TERMS MAY BE AR RANGED. PHONE 3-5748 AFTER I 'P.M. fX)R INFORMATION. . I ENGtEWOOD INCOME PROPERTY Located N. 18th St. j l'a biks from nglewood School. 10 Room tip and down Duplex with all furnishings. Corner lot. Garage; INCOME $100 per. month (all rent ed). PRICE $7950. Terms. $950 down; CENTER ST. INCOME 8-UNTTS APT. HOUSE 3 bath rmsi double garage, completely furnish ed. Very clean and neat. GOOD INCOME. Owner retiring. PRICED TO SELL AT $W50. BUY THIS FOR FUTURE OLD AGE ASSIST ANCE. SEE BEN COLBATH I REALTOR $15 C ourt St. ' Dial 4-4494. Eve. 3 For Sale By Owner 14-tpaee trailer court. Including $ partially furnished apartment; Choice location In expanding busi-i xtess xone. Call 2-9213 for appoint ment. i UNION i OIL CO. has service sUtiooi for lesse la Wood burn. Good eal lonage and garage la connection if wanted, t Call Mr. Crowe, Salem; 3-7676; i i FOH SALE by owner 1 mile S. of xiuDDara on Mignway as. service station St garage with living quarn ten. Larfe grounds and well. Aj rod buy Sc terms to suit. Write Wj Wagner. P.O. 4297 Portland er call Ca. 135$, 800 Real Estate 801 "Buslnstgs Oportunltits CAEE Profitable cafe business, short nours. a, aays ween, ror Iniorma- tlon call 3-653 or -!. T. ! Tor lease 7 LARGE 'industrial Bldg. 3400 sq. ft. fir. space. X acres ground. Also one open shed. Switch: in (or railroad ' spur. Fronts on 2 streets in indus trial area. Lot graveled for heavy . trucks. Forced air oil heating sys tem. Wired for heavy machinery. Office facilitiea and 4 restrooms. Call, Mrs. Oglesbee. Colbath Land , Co. 1 513 Court. Ph. 2-4552. eve. 2-5373.; 802 Buslnogs PropTty FOR SALE or lease 100 x 100 corner adjacent to residential dist. Ph. 3-8835. Walt Socolofsky. Real Es tate. - i Rew ; bldg, 20' by 52'. I Keizer dis- trlCl. etl. 2-3270. 806. Houses For Sal CHOICE CORNERS 1075 N. CAPITOL 66 x ISO's. Furnished modern' apts. $20,000. terms. Corner McCov and Colonial. 2 lots. $3,000. Estep. AN ODE To The Home Seaker large amount, i . Almost Impossible to surmount, Leap that hurdle with much less strain, i Little to lose, and a home to gain! WE CAN HELP!! $50.00 Down Small house, kitchen sink with cab inets; shake exterior, 63x117, lot $25.00 per month oa balance. Full Price. $1750.00. r 5ZiU.UU JJown THREE bedrooms ion i one floor, ROUGH but structurally SOUND. Concrete foundation, large living : room and large kitchen with built ins. Pay the balance at $50.00 per ; month, located North of city. UPFRONT The living room, kitchen and utility are across the front ot this home, the 2 bedrooms and bath are in the "rear. This new house Is well located, close to bus and school. Easy Start BUY furniture and all with one easy montniy payment. Perfect is the word for the condition of thlt , Home: tmmaculatelykept. both in side and out, some very nice shruba and flowers, good lavfcn. the house has an unfinished upstairs In addi-I tlon to Its 2 bedrborns, livinf room, with dining area. and an efficient kitchen. The furniture Includes all things necessary for a comfortable home plus a Motorola TV set, and automatic washer. Furnished: $8950, unfurnished; $7950;: $1500.00 down.' $300.00 DOWN ON A BUS LINE : Four room house With 2 bedrooms." wired for range, I garage, paved street, bus by door. Balance at. $55.00 per month. Full price only S45B0.00. . 1st REALTOR i PHONE: 4-4454 19S5 Fatrgrrxiftds Rd. Eve. & Sundays: 2i-8241 or 4-4777 -"A. New ground with -well for Irrifstion. 2 B.R. unfinished house, partly furnished, wonderful view, price $750. Allan Fletcher.' ' - (i - Just outside City Limit. This 14-A., f with lots of fruit, garden apace, chicken house, city water. This , plnce has a 1 B R.j home with re- I ntont basm't on I paved road. 73O0. Allan Fletcher. 1 ii-." ACRE with 3 B.RL house, garaee." garden. located 3.W. on paved road. 13250. Allan i netcher. LARGE 3 B.R. home! This i yr. old suburban home has 2 big B R, pan elect den. din. rm.. double pan window, double garage, lge. lot. , $15,750, Bob Conklln. DUPLEX INVESTORS - pumlct K block, side-by-side, , ea. unit has 3 B.tt. & garage.! 150 ft. front age.: So. Pacific Hiway. 1S re turn. aull price S7.SOO. Bob Conlc- Un. ; j . . j SUBURB AN-One acre with new one B.R. house, good well on Skvllne Rd. Close to Liberty store. $3500. Bob Conklln. .7 BURT PICHA 379 N.; High St I Off ! 2-4047 : Eves,: Allan Fletcher 2-2708 ! ' Bob Conklln 2-259B EXCLv ENGLEWOOri DIST. An ex ceptionally fine comparatively new 2 BR home. Large homey living room, reception hail Sc guest clos et. Extremely attractive kitchen with many built-ins. Large utility room with much j storage space. This offer la one of Salem's bet ter small family homes. Full price $12,009. See this before you buy It will pay you. j ; j . . YOU WILL WANT TO MOVE RIGHT IN THIS HOME SOUTH VILLAGE ' SPECIAL this lovely 3 BR home built to discriminating owners' carefully prepared plan. This ranch-type home sets on large lot In an exclusive neighborhood. Change in owner's ! plans puts this prop, on the market for the first time at the bargain price of $13, 800. Here is a home you and your family will be proud to own. Ar range to see it today by tele phoning for appointment FRANK LOCKMAN REALTOR 2037 Fairgrounds Rd- Ph. 4-0353 KEIZER DIST. Modern roomy 3 bed room home, attached garage. l!s acre. ' $750. Phone i 4-1709. - NEARLY COMPLETED 3 bedroom. Bus school. 5S3 S. Elma Phone 28757 eve.! $500 Down ; per month) buys a 3 bed Hrn $50 room heme. 22 ft. living room. Ce- ment foundation, good roof. Extra large lot Fruit and shade trees. Located within t block of school, store, . and . bus. This won't jlast , . DENTON Sc DENTON REALTORS - 344 State St Ph. 23663',' Eve, call 24007 or 38715 1 ; . ROOM unfinished-house. North- ! east. $1.750. Phone j2-lS9. , $9950. New 3 bedroom, suburban.' I easy payments. - very weu nuiit Home, forced air oil furnace, sepa.'. rate utility room, large garage, fire'." place, near school. Nearly naif.'. acre. Phone Owner.! 2-2020. to". 3 BEDROOM ranch style home. Nice . ' corner lot. 2 car attached garage.,'; Utility room and oil heat. Priced . 1 for duick sale. 2190 Mill. Phone , , owner 3-504 for appointment. , BY BUILDER ! MTr 1 Mrm Ta rjidniMit Ba.t et everyininx. good loan, pnone Yl IVf r. J