The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 17, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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LaundryBisHbps Electric Nines Win
Salem Laundry practically scored at will Thursday night to de
feat Four Corners 25-0 and keep their Class B baseball record un
blemished in a game at Leslie field.
Long John Fredericks, hurling near-perfect ball for the victors,
didn't give up a hit until tne
fifth frame when Nate Runner,
first up in the inning, singled.
That's all the hits there were and
only two others got on base, via
In the other half of B action
Bishop's Electric slammed Berg's
Market, 12-4 at Barrick Field
with Tom Serine turning in a
four-hit pitching performance.
Jim Young and Ed Kitchen led
the Bishop hitting attack. Young
getting three for four including
a three-run double in the fourth.
Salem Laundry wasted no time
In racking the Four Corners nine.
They galloped in seven runs off
two hapless curlers, added ano
ther eight in the second, two in
each the third and fourth and
then wound it up with a six-run
splurge in the fifth. Packing the
attack was Dale Jones with three
for four and three runs batted in.
Nine Four Corners errors and 10
walks contributed to the balloon
ed score.
Fredericks' flirt with a no-no
masterpiece was helped by sharp
control. He walked none and
struck out six in the five-inning
Salem Laundry 783 26 23 14 3
Four Corner! 000 00 SIS
Frederick and Heals; Bay. Ba
ker (1). Baay 2. Plerpoint (3). Jef
feriea (3) and Fisk.
Bishop'! Hec. 302 5213 8 4
Berg'a Market 001 30 4 4 3
Serine and Schrecengost; Eliot ana
Carnival Air
Prevails at Boy
Scout Camp
There was a carnival air through
out this great campsite Thursday
as bands blared, more tents rose
am. big buses kicked up dust
bringing in the final contingents
for the opening Friday of the third
National Boy Scout Jamboree.
With almost 30,000 tents erected
on this 3,000 acre southern Cali
fornia ranch, the Scouts perfected
their camps and democrative gate
ways, hiked, went on excursions,
swam in the Pacific and ate like
Scout officials said special trains
and buses brought in more than
10.000 boys Thursday, raising the
population in . this vast tent city to
nearly 50,000. j
Since last Sunday boys from alii
parts of the nation and small rep
resentative guest groups from 17
foreign nations have been flooding
onic this hilly land near Newport
The jamboree will open officially
Friday and run through July 23.
The bursting of an aerial bomb
and the raising of a huge Ameri
can flag at general headquarters
at 9 a. m. Friday will be the offi
cial signal for the program to start
LONDON (INS) Dr. George
Brewster, 62, Britain's most de
termined English Channel swim
ming aspirant, has started strict
training for his 17th attempt The
silver-haired doctor, who has
never gone farther than one
third of the way across the 21
miles of rough, cold water, said
he expects to try again in late
July or early August
(Continued from 'preceding page)
Employees Night biggie. When asked by Williams if he were
planning to attend that game, Hansen replied, "No, there will be
a big crowd out there for that one. I'm going to wait until to
morrow night when they need it more."
Rest assured that with such spirit as that around us, the
Senators need never really worry over their existence here ... I
Williams has alio heard from the Denver club of the Class I
A Western League, and its directors are "indeed interested" i
In the possibility of a playoff between the two circuit champ
ions at the finish of the season, should they be Salem of the
WIL and Denver of the Western.
Now all the Senators have to
Denver snatches its respective championship ...
Esther William (In Suit)
Dumbfounded at the shyness of Tuesday night's turnout, which
waa about 2.00O les than anticipated, Bob Ash by sadly remarked;
I don't know what we have to do to get the folks out. Guess nex
year we'll bring in Esther Williams in her bathing suit mebt
that'll do if
Either that or install win-place-snow windows in the lobby of
the grandstand so that the customers can bet on each pitch.
At any rate, the size of Tuesday's OSEA crowd (around 1
4.009) didn't by any means match the all-out effort of Ashby '
and Us gang in trying te hit the 6,000 level. They did a swell '
Job, and it wasn't an easy one.
Along about the seventh inning disappointed Ashby, still pos
sesing his sense of humor, quipped, "Guess I'll go out and sit in
those empty bleachers in left field. After all the work we had in
putting them up, I'd hats like Che dickens to think that no on is
going to us them. . . . j
Work on Batting Swing Needed by Essegian
He's big, fast and strong, and he has lots of power. Bat ;
lie seeds lots of .work." Such was the" tag accompanying Chock ;
Essegian when he checked in from Sacramento this week, i
option to the Senators from the Sacs.
The former Stanford U baseball and football8 star and Rose
Bowler an All-Coast linebacker for the same Indian squads boast
ing such other stalwarts as Bill McColL Gary Kerkorian, Bob
Mathias. . et al has the tendency to uppercut with his swings
while batting. He set some all-time distance records with the
baseball wallops for Stanford in the California Collegiate circuit;
a fast rah-rah loop; and will no doubt author a few as a WIL'er
with the Salems. ' :"" ' r ' :
...Rut Sac ; Mgr. Gene DeSaatels is in hopes that the hand- ,;
seme, husky and quiet lad will learn to swing more levelly, !
which will hring! modi better batting results...
- ,' . j , . . ..
3 - Moil
Armory Lists
Double Mainer
A double main event will cap
next Tuesday night's mat pro
gram at the Armory, Matchmak
er Elton Owen announced Thurs
day. V
Irish Jack OTtiley and George
Drake, the two who produced the
blood-spattered battle in this
week's main event here, will ap
pear in a rematch as half of the
twin main.
The other half will be announ
ced by Owen tomorrow.
Two prelims will round out the
Tuesday card, and also will be
announced later in the week.
O'Riley won over Drake this
week, via disqualification when
the latter went berserk after be
ing bloodied up by the tough
Antelope Tags
Due in August
PORTLAND Ufi The State
Game Commission said Thursday
that applications for the 400 ante
lope hunting tags to be issued in
Oregon probably win be ready .by
Aut. 1.
Tentative regulations place the
season Aug. 22-27. Regulations will
not become final until next week.
Those who received permits for
last year's elk season or the
either-sex deer hunt will not be
eligible for tags this year.
Hunting will be only in Areas
2 and 3 and drawing for tags will
be held Aug. 3.
Larsen Upset
In Clay Play
CHICAGO OB Grant Golden of
Wilmette. 111., seeded No. 8, Thurs
day upset defending champion Art
Larsen of San Leandro, Calif., to
advance to the semi-finals of the
National Clay Courts Tennis Tour
nament along with top seeded
Vic Seixas.
Golden ousted the No. 2 seeded
Larsen, 6-2, 4-6, 6-1, 6-3 in the week
long meet's major surprise.
Maureen Connolly, making her
competitive Chicago debut, tuned
up for the semi finals in the wo
men's division with a 6-1, 6-1 tri
mph over Alicia Wright, Gua
quil, Ecuador.
Woodburn Bov Breaks
Arm Playing Baseball ;
Statesman New Service '
WOODBURN Thirteen-year-old
Victor Belleque,. son of Mrs.
O. G. Arnold, 444 Gatch Stj
Woodburn, received a broken
right arm early Thursday evening
when he fell while playing base
bill. The boy was taken to Salem
General Hospital for treatment
ST. PAUL, Minn. U Jimmy
Clark and Ted Rhodes hammered
out a pair of 66's Thursday to
spearhead a par-crushing field in
the opening round of the $15,000
St. Paul Open Golf Tournament, j
do is win the WIL title while
About All That$ Left
: Weefiend
Game Commission reported these
fishing conditions Thursday: j
Northwest Clackamas River
fly fishing is improving and fish
ing is fair to good with all lures.
In Lincoln, county, upstream ang
ling is fair for trout Tidewater
angling has improved for sea
run cutthroat Lake Lytle and
Blue Lake in Tillamook county
are good possibility for trout
Salmon angling is still slow. Fly
fishing is producing good catches
in most streams, f Angling is im
proving in north coastal streams.
Sea-run cutthroats are beginning
to move into tidewater in sub
stantial numbers ; and a few sal
mon are being taken offshore.
Fishing on the McKenzie tribu
taries has been fair. Willamette
and tributaries are fair to good.
South Santiam has been produc
ing fair catches of small trout
6-Car Smash See Added
To Saturday Bace Card
A six-car destruction derby, an item always pleasing to auto
racing fans, has been added to Saturday night's double-barreled
midget racing card at Salem's Hollywood Bowl, Valley Sports offi
cials announced Thursday
i lie me-1
lee which will leave at least five!
of the six jalopies ready for the
scrap heap, will follow the final
main event on the regular racing
Saturday's show will get under
way at 7:30 o'clock with time
trials for both Offenhausers and
Fords. The card will then be di
vided, with Offies and Fords
romping in their own separate
trophy dash, heat races and main
event The two makes of autos
will not compete against one an
other. The twin trophy dashes will be
of three laps each. The four heat
races will be 8-lappers. Fords will
go in a 25-lap mainer, after which
Offies will end the racing portion
of . the card in another 23 -lap
All the leading drivers of the
Northwest, including Shorty
Templeman, Bob Gregg, Gordy
Youngstrom, Del Fanning, Gordy
Livingston, Bill Hyde, Wade Al
thuser, Len Sutton, Red Ander
son, Pogo Lundquist, etc., will be
among the 25-28 pilots listed for
the races. .
CHICAGO OP Some trainers
and race observers think a horse
named Van Crosby may upset fa
vored Native Dancer and seven
other speedsters in Saturday's rich
$155,000 Arlington classic.
The horse under consideration is
Van Crosby from Perne L. Gris
som's Duntreath Stable. R. L.
Baird, leading jockey at Detroit,
flew to Chicago to ride Van Crosby
in a workout Wednesday in which
uie seiaing went a mue in i:wz-9i
The seas off Cape Hatteras are
particularly rough because Arctic
currents there clash with the Gulf
K ....
IN 65 - 85 120 LINE
2 8 0
FOR MORE i DUO Mi: 004d1
a Ctrr t tatisman vn. co.
ifiriolisio ; 6)uloo! listed by
Clear Lake fishing is ' generally
fair with flies but more fish are
being taken on eggs and troll.
Linton and Hidden Lakes are fair.
Dorena Reservoir is . very slow.
Cottage Grove Reservoir, Fern
Ridge " Reservoir, and Triangle
Lake are good for warm-water
species, i
Southwest Winchester Bay is
good for silvers. Few chinooks
have been taken. The bar la rough;
therefore, most fish are caught
from charter boats. Ten Mile
Lake catfish and perch fishing are
good. In Takeniteh and Silt
coos Lakes, Spiny-ray angling is
fair to good. Trout angling is
generally poor. Striped bass are
falling off at Coos Bay. Trout ang
ling in the south coastal streams
is poor. Lower Rogue salmon an
gling is improving and should be
fair this week end. The main
Rogue river below Gold Hill is
muddy as a result of highway con
m -m
KMj-i'iirrio I rl n
1)1 U VIlO J1 111
Outfit Sold
CLEVELAND W Arthur (Mick
ey) Mc Bride picked up a $250,000
check Thursday and gave up his
ownership of the Geveland Browns
pro football team.
The check and another for $50,
000 which he received earlier rep
resent half the total McBride is to
get from the new owners, a Cleve
land syndicate of which Dave Jones
is president.
McBride. a taxi cab fleet owner
and a former operator of a racing
news service, formed the Browns
in 1946 at least partly because of
civic pride after the old Cleveland
Rams moved to Los Angeles.
Cork is not of good quality
until the tree is 40 years old.
For That Aching'
Back Get
For the relief of muscular
aches and pains due to exer
cise or exposure.
50c, 1.00 & 1.75
Drug Store
Open Daily 7:30 A.M. to 8 PJK.
Sundays 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
135 N. Commercial
w 7 . A '
struction and angling is poor. Sal
mon season was closed July IS
above the mouth of Mule Creek
which is located in ; the lower
canyon approximately 54 miles
above Gold Beach. I Trout fishing
is only fair in the Upper Rogue
up to Diamond Lake Junction be
cause of roily, waters due to snow
runoff. Trout angling is very good
in all stream sections above Dia
mond Lake road junction. Trout
angling in the North Umpqua
river has been good in the lower
reaches and very good in the mid
dle and upper areas. The upper
South Umpqua has also been
good. A few summer steelhead
have been taken in the -Winchester,
Idleyld, and Steamboat areas,
but in general, success has been
poor. High water and a lack of
fish are the principal reasons.
No salmon or sea-run cutthroat
have been reported.
Central East Lake is provid
Tacqman Winner
In Southpaw Go
FRENCH LICK, Ind. Mrt Lbng
driving Jack Walters of Tacoma.
Wash., won the National Left
Handed Golf Championship Thurs
day with a 5 and 4 victory over
Norman James of Hickory, N. C.
'The 39-year-old beer distributor,
appearing for the fourth time in
the finals of the big southpaw
event, won his first title by taking
an early lead and protecting it
well in the 36-hole test.
Walters averaged about 275
yards off the tee. and occasionally
blasted a drive 325 yards. On most
holes, he was using just one wood
and a medium iron to reach the
LaStarza Set to Open
Fight Training Camp
NEW YORK m Roland La
Starza left Thursday for Green
wood Lake, N. Y., where he will
establish training quarters for his
title fight with world heavyweight
champion Rocky Marciano Sept.
Marciano already is in training
at Grossinger's, N. Y.
Reg. 6.95
50 ft.
GUaming transparent graon plastic howl So tough it with
stands up to eight times average city water pressure. Resists
sun, abrasion, oil, acids, age. Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Your Money Backl Buy today at Searsl
j,j jjj'he3i j,ii'i iiftr a-fvrn-- " - J
ing only .fair angling. Paulina
Lake' is still: producing good re
sults. Blue Lake has been produc
ing good results and fly fishing
has been very good. Big Lava
Lake is providing many good
catches. It is now possible to get
into! the outside campground at
Three Creeks Lake. There is still
some snow from campgrounds to
lake. Fishing has been good trol
ling with flatfish and big spinners
and for still-fishing with eggs.
Lower and Upper Deschutes river
fishing is still only fair. Odell
Lake is still producing good re
sults with Mackinaw being taken.
Mud Lake, Elk Lake, Little and
Big Cultus Lakes are producing
good catches. Crane Prairie Res
ervoir is only fair. Road in to
Sparks Lake is still closed. Road
is now open in to Irish and Tay
lor Lakes and fishing has been
fair Road in to Waldo Lake is
still in very poor condition.
California Pair
SEATTLE m A couple of
straight shooting Californians, Irv
ing Cooper of Long Beach and Ted
Richards of Santa Monica, man
handled par and two opponents
Thursday and shouldered into the
semi-finals of the National Public
Links Golf Tournament.
Tall Ted, a 30-year-old stock and
bond salesman, trounced Harold
Haddock of Denver 5 and 4. Coop
er, who sells tuna fish when not
playing golf, blasted a gallery fav
orite bowlegged Hal McCommas,
19. of Dallas. Texrs, 6 and 4.
In a duel of teen agers, Doug I
Sanders of Cedartown. Ga., j
trimmed Ted Makalena of Honolulu,
3 and 2. Sanders has completed his j
freshman year at the University
of Florida; Makalena intends to en
ter Fresno State College next fall.
Both are 19.
Ed Hart Of Denver and Bill Lees
of Portland fought through 19 holes
to decide the fourth afternoon
match Hart winning with a birdie
4 ort the 19th when Lees' birdie
putt hit the cup and bounced
Cleg. 109.50 Craftsman 18 in.
$v. i.3i raa
Reg. C-vJl
Brass Head, Arms
.Non-Tip-Bae' Adjustable.
'f&aGrt&cd op ftea Jtzczsy
Statesman, Saline, Or. Friday, July 17, IS 51 (Sec IV 7
' I ' ' 1 -H ;
Suspension on Bragan Sticks :
no end In immediate view to the
"indefinite suspension" of Bobby
Bragan. umpire-baiting manager
of the Hollywood Stars in the Pa
cific Coast League.
Loop President Clarence Row
land said Thursday that he has
Rowland Sees
Future as OK
Coast League President Clarence
Rowland .made it plain Thursday
that he is not disturbed over a
prediction that his loop might fold
within a year or so.
Rowland, just back from the
major league All-Star game at Cin
cinnati, said he had seen a state
ment by Paul Fagan, owner of the
Sar Francisco Seals, to the effect
that the league was in dire straits,
and most of the clubs might not
be able to continue operations after
another year.
4tYou may rest assured that the
Pacific Coast League will remain
in operation , next, year and for
many years to come. Mr. Fagan's
remarks are merely those of one
individual," Rowland declared.
CHICAGO (l The nine-man
membership committee of the Na
tional Collegiate Athletic Associa
tion will 'convene in Chicago Friday
to 'consider charges of violations
of NCAA regulations against nine
colleges or universities.
1951 AustinA-90 Convertible Heater
Ivory with Beautiful Genuine Red Leather
Upholstery 1 Owner 11,000 Mile tar.
Broadway and Market
Saturday and Monday I
9.00 down delivers
1 H. P. Gasoline Motor
of gas. Light eaiy
handle to start, lower
i .
pgp!lj - OUNLAP ' "' ?
v,f Hid ' K .
JSat ,.4: 22.50
not; completed his study of report
concerning Bragan's latest displaj
the 'strip-tease" which followet
a beef during a game at Holly
wood last Saturday with Seattle
f Indefinite j might mean a min
utej an hour, a day or matte,
of jdays," Rowland said. "I havi
not; completed my investigation o
thef case. Until I do, Bragan ii
still under suspension." :
-Bragan is with his club in Port
land, where the Stars have wot
two ; doubleheaders in as mans
nights since his suspension went
into! effect.
The club may be sorely handi
capped by his absence, however,
since Bragan has done, the major
share of catching. Eddie Malone
is: the only other , regular backstop
the club possesses.
Bragan, angered over a call at
first base in the Seattle game, re
tired to the! dugout and a moment
later sent towels and his catching
equipment sailing out, piece by
are pleasant
t yotw if Iphborttoad
tovern whn yew atop for
nam moM (Mat. trm
Phone 4-6021.
i ' .
1 V.
runs 4 hrs. on 1 qt.
to optratt . . .
handle to stop.
r ' '
84a. cut Will crosscut," 4 '
rip, mitre and dado!
Phona 39T91
550 N. Capitol, Sslcm
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i- 4
i '