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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1953)
f Soc 2) Statesman, Saloxn, Ore. Txidaj. July 17, 1 953 STHE-'VAltEY- NEWS COIUA1WS From Tr Oregon Srclttrocn's Volley ComtponcStrttt Car Hits Deer, Driver Injured lutenui Km Service 8TAYT0N Leo Lempke, 3fl, Mill City was dismissed from San tiam Memorial Hospital on Thurs day following treatment for pain ful injuries incurred Sunday night when his car struck a deer ' on the highway whle he was re turning from' Marion Lake. Lempke was treated for shock and other injuries but did not fracture his skull as was rumored earlier. ' WCTU Organized At Sweet Home jWith 59 Members , - ' Stataamaa News Srvta SWEET HOME The three day WCTU drive put on by Mrs..W. S. O'Neal, national field secretary pt the Woman's Christian Tern toerance Union, at various church- - 1 1 s in sweet Home resuea in an rganization being established ere with 99 charter members. ) Officers elected were Mrs. a O. Andrews, president; Mrs. Milford Walberg. vice president: Mrs. Bertha Daniels, treasurer; Mrs. Joe Chapman, secretary. Next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomp son on South 12th Ave., at 2 p.m. July 23. Valley Births lUtinu Jftwt lme WILLAMINA Mr. add Mrs. Jack Guinn, Willamina, are par ents of a daughter, Rita, born July 13 at Dr. Burr's clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kasnick, Wil lamina, are parents of a son, born July 13 at McMinnville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, Willamina, are parents '; of a daughter, born July 9 at McMinn ville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Schukar, Willamina, are parents of a daughter, Deborah Kay, born July 8 at McMinnville Hospital Mi. and Mrs. C. W. Schukar of Willamina are paternal grand parents. SHERIDAN Mr. and Mrs. C. Good, Sheridan, are parents of a (daughter born July 9 at McMinn ville Hospital. - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Seamen. Sheridan, are parent of a daugh ter, born July 10 at McMinnville .Hospital. Valley Briefs Marquam Tbe Thomas Exten sion Unit will picnic Sunday at ;Wilhoit Springs; , St. LoaJs Annual picnic and Xurkey dinner at St Louis will be Jbeld Sunday at the parish hall. Entertainment is planned during the afternoon. The public is wel come to attend. Macleay Annual picnic of Mac 3eay Grange will be held at the park in SUverton Sunday. A no Siost dinner will be served at 1 p.m. for members and their -families, i - Scott's Mill Mrs. D. P. Slater, Scotts Mill route 1, won a refrig erator and steam iron Thursday when she answered two questions correctly on the television pro gram, "Freedom Rings." The Blaster of ceremonies. Rex Mar shall, 'phoned Mrs. Slater at her home. Mill CityMr. and Mrs. Court land Rue and two daughters have moved to Rockaway where Rue has been appointed chief of pol ice. i 1 Marquam The Oak Rebekah Past Noble Grand Club will hold picnic on Friday, July 24. ; Sweet Heme Fire originating from an overheated stove pipe de stroyed the Cleavurn Nowell home at Foster Tuesday. Neigh bors' helped save household goods. The house, owned by Her man Brown, and contents report edly were not insuced. - ' ; ... - - .i x Lincoln Descendants of Wil liam and Mary Simpson will hold their 26th annual reunion Sun day at Peninsula State Park in 'Portland. ' The pioneer Simpsons and their 10 children crossed the plains from Missouri, in 1846,,set Uing in Salem and 'vicinity. " Hopewell The f Seventh Day . -Adventist eaicp meeting la be :isg held at Gaston rough July 261 : 'There will be bo services at the 'church here this Saturday. Spring Valley Folk County Farmers Union annual picnic will : ne nera.sunaay, juiy i, at riei : mick Park near Monmouth. ; Hopewell The Widner elan held a reunion Sunday at WU Hiamson Stabs Park with 83 menv jbers of the family president from i Portland, Eugene, Albany, Wood burn and this district. The Ber. H. E. Widmer and family were ; hosts. ; . ' ! ". Lyons Kalhryn Neal. the ( ; - youngest daughter of Mr. and ; Mrs,. Otto Weidmany was taken ' to Doernbecher Hospital. Port land, for treatment on July 8 Rattle Snake Bites Girl at ' . Sweet Home . SWEET HOME Fast action was credited with saving the life of Ethel . Updegrave. 16, ! when a rattle snake bit her on ' the "ankle three miles south of ! Sweet Home. : '.;v.: , 't'C Dale Morris, 18, immediately killed the snake, opened the i wound with n knife and sucked lout the poisonous venom. Miss Updegrave was rushed to a hospital at Lebanon where serum, flown from f Portland, was administered. She returned to her home the day following the incident and Thursday was reported ""back to normal." Miss Updegrave, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Upde grave of Sweet Home, and Morris, had just walked onto the road from a field when the rattler bit her. . Rattle snakes are considered a rarity in the Sweet Home area. . Dallas Drive-in Openm Statesman Nws Service DALLAS The new Dallas Mo-tor-Vu drive-in theater will open next Wednesday night. It is lo cated on Fir Villa. Road, just south of the Salem-Dallas high way. 1 The theater will ultimately ac commodate 400 cars with space for 350 expected to be ready by opening night It is owned by the Creek Corporation which also owns the new Motor-Vu. Theater at Silverton. , General contractors for the drive-in were the . Wilson Con struction Co. ' " Mill City Legion Post Will Install Idanha Officers Statcmaa Newt Sarvic MILL, CITY Mill City Legion Post and Auxiliary will go to Idanha Saturday night to install officers. ' 7--"" ' The post went to Silverton Mon day night to install officers for the post there. The auxiliary has a new ritual team. John Muir. : post commander. recently was named vice-com mander of District Two which comprises 25 posts. Muir reports that dental care for a Mill City youngster ia being provided through the Legion welfare pro gram. Unionvale Group To Picnic Sunday SlaUimu Maws Cerate UNIONVALE The Unionvale Church Sunday School will hold a picnic Sunday at the William son State Park following the morning services. A basket din ner and home-made ice cream are on the menu for the afternoon. Mrs. Vera Diebel is home from the hospital Saturday following a heart attack and was reported "gaining satisfactorily." Victor Launer fell at McMinn ville "Friday breaking his left leg in two places. He is in Mc Minnville Hospital. Guests of Mrs. Lulu Turner are her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koraig, of Jerry; Ind. Evergreen School Picnic Set Sunday tUUimaa Mews lervk SILVERTON The Evergreen School picnic and reunion will be held Sunday at the schoolhouse. Dinner will start about p.m. Ted rinlay and Ethel Oveross are on the program - committee. Past and present members of the district are welcome to, at tend, according to Veneta Kase McMorfis, president, and Olive Ottaway secretary. ;- ' i s m i i in- n t Willamfna Club Installs Officers Statesman Ncwi Service WILLAMINA The Theta Rbo Club mer at the Rebekah Hall this week to install officers. Ellen Ham was installed presi dent; Jeanette Johnson, vice president; Betty Wright secre tary; Donna Stoddard, treasurer: Luann Stoddard, chaplain; and Carta StrosChine. warden. Carol Shukar is the jas president. TO LIVE AT LYONS LYONS Mr. and Mrs. William Lorenz, Enid, Okla., are at the home of her mother, Mrs. Henry Sxeils. They plan to locate here. open ths door will litre It rtfrtahtif Olyailt Ittr ti yttr rtfriftrtttr sktlf T Stock at ttrfayt - 2 Dated Otiwaia mn tint C I Perry dale " 1 if - P ERR YD ALE Donnel Stapleton, president of Future Farmers ef America Chapter at Perrydale is .( shown with his registered Suffolk sheep. Stapleton won the State Initiated Project Improvement ! contest for the Lower "Willamette District with his herd and 10 acres ef peas and wheat. The dis f trict includes Polk, Yamhill and Lincoln Counties.' (Barth photo.) Creamery at Dallas Sells Milk Routes I DALLAS The Dallas Cream ery has sold its milk routes in Dallas, Independence, Monmouth, Valsetx and Falls City to Farm ers Cooperative Creamery of Mc Minnville which assumed manage ment of the routes Wednesday. ;: Mr. and Mrs. G. Brandli, who sold the routes, will continue to Operate the creamery store and fountain here, and Will continue to make butter, ice cream and Cottage cheese. f Milk for approximately 900 cus tomers in the five towns will be received by the i cooperative Creamery and bottling will be done at McMinnville. The milk now bears the Darigold brand and will be transported from Mc Minnville, but tbe same producers Will continue to supply it. f Bill Austin will come to Dal las from McMinnville as distribu tor. The routes will continue to be operated from the Dallas Cream ery building. j I The McMinnville creamery has been expanding and now servei Newberg, Yamhill, Carlton, Tole do, Delake, Oceanlake. Tilla mook and McMinnville as well as the five new towns. I Mr. and Mrs. Brandli said the Sale of the routes was necessary for health reasons. They bought the creamery in 1941, constructed a new building in 1948, bought but the Independence Creamery to take over tbe routes in Mon rooutb, Valsetx and Independence. Penniless Poocli Turns Ricli Heir i '' ' i PLACERVILLE, Calif. OP) A 'poor dog was taken in by sympa thetic neighbors after the death of his owner, Mrs. Marguerita Morgan. 1 Later it was learned Mrs. Mor gan had bequeathed $3,000 to ber Cairn terrier,, Chief Dhu Jon. : In disposing of Mrs. Morgan's estate, Superior Judge Thomas. Maul gave custody of the dog no longer poor to tbe neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Allen. viathjt Cross-State Route THRU BEND the shortest fastest route EAST 2 Departures Daily: 2:20 P.M. 8:25 AiM. 5 jQ&H- Youilvand Winning Herd ;. r I . . : '- ..V' -a Drivers Fined In Silverton 1 ' i ; Statesman Nws Srvle SILVERTON Judge- Walter Geren, municipal police judge, re ported four heavy reckless driv ing fines to the city Thursday. Liquor was involved in each vio lation, he said. Robert C. Holzangle, Route ,,1, Box, 99, Silverton; Glenn McKen ney, 501 Chester, Silverton and Garnet Todd, Route 1, Box 144, Silverton, were each fined $130 on feckless driving, involving li quor, charges. Bernard Tanzer, 515 Roosevelt St., Oregon City, was fined $250 for operating a caf while intoxicated. EX-SILVERTON MAYOR HURT SILVERTON Enroll Ross, for mer mayor of Silverton and still a member of the city council, is wearing his one foot in a sling as the result of an accident which occurred at the oil plant which he manages. (A car "creeper" fell on Ross' foot breaking a bone. MB iiorevsiTtis CSJTSCAFS r:o.i the r.'Etvcsr osrcnsajis CAM MATCH "Bedo I Tide is the first and only product to give you unsurpassed cleaning power with so much mildness. Tes, Ma'am! When science brought you Tide, you got the greatest cleaning power the world had ever known. Till Tide came along, you never, had it so ceoni r j S0rJLD!SDSE! And now Tide combines its terrific cleaning power With wonderful mildness. Tide is so kind to hands... more so than any other detergent known. And Tide ail your bright wash colors. Tide s gentle suds I , j t!D tie:2::n:3! i . . . Except for stubborn stains, do need to bleach! No need to blue! AH by itself; Tide gets shirts, towels, sheets so dazzlin? WmTE. . ; youll be amazed! Try Tide . see toe! yourseui , . . .-' ! r "'" I " ind' wonder moYe women do cse Tide in automatic washers; . tjt , , - ' I I nnd ecery other Idnd than y other washmg prodnt soldi j y -1 - . J - TJdn get rlnth fanmi mpiu sad clean in ell washers! ; j J After Wliile, Sugar's No Longer Sweet CHICAGO (INS)-Hold it that extra lump of sugar in your cof fee isn't going to make it any sweeter. I This is the word from psycholo gist Shelton Macleod of Hobart College, who has conducted ex haustive experiments into the sensation of sweetness. Macleod finds that our awareness of "sweet" drops off rapidly as the amount of sugar is increased. Two lumps of sugar in coffee do not double sweetness, but onkj increase by 50 per cent Three lumps have little effect and the fourth lump none at alL "Knots" as the term for the speed of a ship derives from the ancient method of measuring speed by counting the number of knots in a line pulled, over the stern by a piece of wood thrown into the water. , fo otsMgjv soap1 is so mtfe tot Colors lovm t:o citii::3! . . 1. 1 . , .. next washday Silverton Girl Escapes From . bv Man iV StaUonaa Mewf Service ; SILVERTON -f An 18-year-oH Silverton girl was attacked Wed nesday sight on Mill Street in the vicinity ! of the old roundhouse, and Charles P. Cole, 23, Portland, was . arraigned in Justice ' Court her Thursday morning as her as sailant , on a charge of assault with intent of rape." Cole asked for a preliminary hearing in Justice Court which Judge Alf O. Nelson set for Tues day, July 21 at 10 a.m. Failing to furnish 1 the $3,000 bond. Cole was lodged In the Marion County jaiL - r. i v -j -. The girl told police that she was on her way home and had talked briefly to the man when he attacked her. She fought him off and her' screams frightened him away. She: called police at once with Chief R. R. Main and Officer M. D. Cazsebfunt answer ing the calL;The girl was able to tell them that the man was at a hotel in town and give them suf ficient description that they could identify him. She was severely bruised about the face and arms, showing indi cation of considerable struggling, police said. i i - Huge Success Cited by Reds In Health War HONG KONG (JP) The Red propaganda magazine, - China Re constructs, has come up with some fantastic figures in report ing progress of the health move ment on tbe Communist main land. It said: Children with fly-swatters, have accounted for a large proportion fo "138,600,000,000,000 flies kill- ed. (The magazine doesn't say who kept count) A 16-year-old village school girl won -national acclaim by catching 5,506 rats and organizing class mates to kiO 6,000 more. A com pany of Chinese soldiers in Korea caught 85,484 rats. Workers were said to have ex ter m i n a t e d 29,500,000,000,000 mosquitoes and " removed 6,220 tons of mosquito larva from ponds and canals. Attack ; If. ; ii f i r ; j Ar.'.I2ICA'$ iavokiti ; B ; J FOR AUTOMATIC UASHIIJSI 'V. , - I 1 No wonder so many leading Vashmg-niachine mamiracturers 1 -ssrsss -r . : . I ... J recommend Tide for automatic washers for washers of all : '' . " Radium Pool Offers Some 1 Medicinal Aid INVERMERE, B. C. WV-Radium Hoi Springs,, $1,000,000 pool built ii 1931 by the federal gov ernment opened earlier this year, la expecting a record number of touristff and arthritic sufferers seeking relief. - A new 25 Ametre poo L half Olympic size, pas been lighted by 1? 1.000 watt submerged lights and- the 114-degree (Fahrenheit) water issuing from the rocks. Chemical analysis has confirm ed the -existence of radium in the water.? While medical authorities refuse to concede any curative value for the water, it is reported that - some people arriving in wheel chairs or on crutches have walked away after relaxing in the tepid oath. M ' f i?. ' ' " . - U ert sees - , Tml Substitute :: 1 -t ; . KUALA LUMPUR, W- Ma laya's greatest authority on tin has warned that one day some other alloy will be found to re place tin. . A. H. Flowerdewr who served the tin industry in Malaya for 40 years, "criticised people who are sitting on tin-bearing land wait ing for Malaya to gain independ ence before beginning mining so that they need not- pay such heavy ; government duties. The W 78-year-old expert : esti mated about half of Malaya's tin deposits . have been mined, but there is plenty left, mostly of low quality he said. ASK FOR IT AT . ASK FOR IT AT Toronto Plans Tb Quiet Down Gtv's TOR0(NTO UT) Subway en gineers j are trying to make tht city's system, expected to be ready next February, the quiet est in vne woricu They say Toronto is the only place in North America where acoustical treatment of a subway has even been attempted. The biggest noise problem is the "barrelling effect created when- ai train sets up a noise a a given point, travels down the tunnel with the noise pro ceeding with it and adding to the racket as it travels.! 1 iAi G Keith, Toronto Trans portation . Commission architect, said th( noise snowballs and by the time a train reaches a sta tion the din can be heard in a boiler factory. On way the engineers are go ing to beat sound is by installing perforated fibre board on sta tion ceilings and fibre glass with corrugated- aluminum coverings on inside walls and pillars in the tunnels. i Miami Revorts ! MIAMI, Fla. ( I Police ars searching for a 2O-by-30-foot build ing. . n T v ". I Alvin Rose reported the struc ture was stolen from a lot where it had been used for .storage by a construction company. ! Detective R. F. Raulerson said the only j clues to the strange disap pearance were some large vehicla tracks leading away from the site. .r L . - I i YOUR GROCER1 n ! I : I: - ' .; Subvay Bunding Theft A handy nolf 1 i