111 I 10 (Sc 1) Statesman, Salwn, jOt. Thur July 16, 1953 Darleen Gray, Mr. McMullen Married " The Tirst Congregational 'Church was the scene of a lovely ' wedding Wednesday night when Miss Darleen Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gray, be came the bride of Alan McMullen, . son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernal D. McMulles. It was at 8 o'clock that the Rev. Louis White offciiated at the cer emony before an arrangement of . pastel summer flowers and can dles. Leslie Gray, the bride's bro ther, was the soloist and Jean Hobson Rich was the organist. Of white lace over satin was the bridal gown, fashioned with a full skirt terminating in a train. The bodice was made with a high, rounded neckline with a net yoke. Her fingertip veil cas caded from a satin cap adorned with seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of red Happiness roses. -Sister Only Attendant ! Mrs. Norman Siefken of Eu- -gene was her sister's only at tendant She wore a white organ dy Ngown over pink tafeta and a cap of pink net caught with pink sweet peas. She carried a white nylon ruffeled fan adorned with pink sweet peas and pink bows. Cynthia Gray, the bride's niece was the flower girl and wore white net over yellow taffeta. The train bearers were the grooms' young brothers, Douglas and Ronald McMullen. William Johnson stood with the groom as best man and seating the guests were Norman Siefken, William Fickie and Edward Burke. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Gray chose a navy blue with pink accessories. Her flow ers were rubrum lilies. Mrs. Mc Mullen selected an Alice blue cotton lace gown with white ac cessories for her son's marriage. Her corsage was of Talisman roses. A Garden Reception The newlyweds greeted their guests at a reception at the "Ha venworth," the Glenn Creek Drive home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Worth. The bridal party received before the fountain in the form al garden. The bride's table was arranged on the terrace by the swimming pool. Cutting the cake were Miss Barbara McMullen, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Leslie Gray. Pouring were Miss Eva McMul len, also a sister of the groom, Mrs. Richard Gray and Mrs. Har ley Gray. Miss Delores George passed the guest book. Assisting in the serving were Miss Louise and Nancy Owens. After a honeymoon trip by plane to Carmel, Calif., the cou- Committees are Appointed Mrs. Dolly Hastings of America Rebekah Lodge of Los Angeles was a visitor at the meeting of Salem Rebekah Lodge Monday evening. Mrs. Justina Kildee, dep uty president, installed Mrs. Jack Kinney as left supporter to the vice-grand. Mrs. Aubrey Roher, noble grand, appointed her standing committees for the coming term; jewels, Mrs. Iviadene Hubbard, Mrs. Floyd West, Mrs. Dora Hill, Mrs. Stella Hess and Mrs. Rhoda Nagle; ways and means, Mrs. Roy Pease, Mrs. Ray Webb, Mrs. Mer ritt Brown, Mrs. Harold Corwin and Mrs. Marian Sylvis; Theta Rho Board, Mrs. L. A. Pepper, Mrs. Elmer Roth, Mrs. R. S. Van Pelt, Mrs. Charley Neubauer, and Mrs. Wesley Hunter; Good of the Order, Mrs. Margaret Sisk; pub licity, Mrs. Merle Ivie; fraternal press reporter, Mrs. V .A. Coch ran; education chairman, Miss Lila Daily; decorations, Miss Lynn Hill; finance, Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, Mrs. Roy Pearce and Mrs. Virgil Parker. Past Noble Grands club will meet on Wednesday evening with Mrs. Fred Shafer, 650 Shipping Street Thete Rho Club will meet Thursday evening and L.E.A. will meet Friday evening after a cov ered dish dinner with Encamp ment members and friends. Visits to Independence and Monmouth lodges were also reported. Visiting at the home of Miss Mary L. Hammack last week was Miss Nina Asbahr of San Fran cisco, formerly of Salem and Cor vallis. Miss Asbahr is Christian Education director at the Calvary Baptist Church in San Francisco. She has her master's degree from Wheaten College and is recog nized for considerable writing in her field. Mrs. Turl Lind was hostess for a luncheon Saturday t the Bright Spot Cafe in compliment to Mrs. William Kern and Mrs. lone Ray mond, who are visiting here from Los Angeles. Mrs. Edith Bane en tertained at luncheon Monday aft ernoon at her North Winter Street home for the visitors and a group of their friends. A camp program planning meeting is scheduled for Thurs day afternoon at the YWCA at 2 p.m. with Miss Edna Acheson, program director, in charge. The YWCA camp will be held August 16-22 at Silver Creek with Miss Louise Armson the director. pie will be at home in Taconia while Mr. McMullen is stationed at Fort Lewis with the army. For traveling the new Mrs. McMullen donned a powder blue suit with white accessories. She pinned a white orchid to her outfit A Birthday Reception : Over 65 friends and relatives attended the reception honoring Mrs. M. F. Hammack on her (3rd birthday Sunday. Out-of-town callers included; the following: Mrs. Alberta Christy, Mrs. Mabel Woolington, Mrs. Ber tha Shankland, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beaty, and Mrs. W. F. Van Pelt from Portland, Mrs . Cora S. Christy, Vancouver, Mrs. Rita Franklin, Springfield, Mrs. Gen eva Simeral, Lancaster, Penn Mrs. Charles Kitching, Mrs. Sarah Sandell, Estacada, Mrs. Ethel HilL Mrs. Elsie Potter, Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Covey, Woodburn, Mrs. David Bridges, Albany, Mrs. Artie Mack, Eugene, Miss Olga Johnson and Miss Clara Hanson, Silverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Martin of Dallas. Those from Salem and vicinity included Mr. and Mrs. Walter Townsend, Miss Doris McRey nolds, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glaze, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Weir, Mrs. Janet Pitchford, Mrs. Mae Cochran, Mrs. Dae Stafford, Mrs. Nellie j . E. White, Mrs. Pearl Norene, Mrs. William Walling, Mr. and . Mrs. Otto Beaty, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Theodorson, Mrs. Beth Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Laverty, Miss Sharon Laverty, Mrs. Adolph Bombeck, Miss Jennie Potter, Mrs. CaL Pat ton, Mrs. Charles Jory, Mr. and Mrs . Dean Theodoreson and Steven, Mrs. Charles Beckner, Mrs. Minnie Schoenenman, Mr. and Mrs. John Brunner, and Mrs. Carl Donavan. Assisting Miss Mary L. Ham mack with the reception included: Mrs. Cora Van Pelt, Mrs. Dora Hill, Mrs. Mae Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hammack, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Pelt and sons, Mrs. Gladys Miller, and Mrs. John Brunner. Members of Silver Bell Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft will at tend the District 21 picnic at New port State Park on Sunday, July 19. A basket dinner will be served at 1 o'clock with coffee and ice cream furnished by the district officers. All families and friends are invited to attend. Hanna Rose Court, Order; of Amaranth, will hold its annual no-host family picnic Saturday at 6:30 p. m. in Bush's Pasture. Signs will point to the picnic area from the Mission Street entrance. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald are in charge. Spending the weekend at j the Canyon Drive Apartments at De lake were the Misses Marj Mos olf, Marcia Webb, Dorothy Swig art and Janice Feller. Library Benefit Tea Scheduled SILVERTON Mrs. Clem Bried well will complete her year's work as president of the Silverton Woman's Club with the annual summer tea to be held July 29. This will be a library benefit, funds to be used in the $500 sum pledged by the club toward the building of a new library. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Teter have offered their beautiful gardens on Silver Creek for the tea and Mrs. Wayne Grodrian, who heads the finance committee, reports hours have been set from 3 to ff and that everyone is welcome to attend. A cumber of Salem women have already indicated they plan to attend, Silverton club members said Wednesday. Both Mrs. Briedwell and Mrs. Grodrian will welcome visitors from all of the surrounding com munities as well as nonclub mem bers at Silverton to the benefit tea. Plans Completed For Benefits Friday .evening members of St Paul's Episcopal Church met at the home of Mrs. Austin H. Wil son to compile the letters being mailed to each member of the parish, inviting them to the card benefit and tea sponsored by the Junior Guild. Those assisting were Mrs. Earl T. Andresen, Mrs. Alice Fisher, Mrs. Leon Gleason, Mrs. Louise Muller, Mrs. J. F. Causey Sr., Mrs. J. F. Cau sey, Mrs. Miller B. Hayden. The benefit card party and tea is sche duled for Wednesday, August 5 in the gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer C. Page, 1589 Chemeketa street A luncheon is being planned by Mrs. J. N. Chambers at a future date and on July 30 hostesses for a morning coffee will be Mrs. Miller Hayden, Mrs. Earl T. An dresen and Mrs. Austin H. Wil son, in the gardens of the latter, 1630 A street, All proceeds from the coffees are being added to the church building fund. Mem bers of Junior Guild are invited to attend which will be held at ten o'clock. The annual family picnic for members of the Swegle Commun ity Builders club was held at Clear Lake Park Sunday. Attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Row land, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Comstock and Cynthia, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Odom, Marcia and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smalley Jr. and Sheride, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smalley Sr. and Hariette, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hofstedt and Christine, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Highberger and three chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cro ghan and family and Mrs. Bob Gahlsforf and children. o with the ONLY HOMOGENIZED PMIUffl MILK In SALEM .8 djutterj?at SAVE 4C per quart 10 - FAT MILK Lo-Fat has everything but Burterfat ASK FOR Sunny Brook at your favorite food center also these other Sunny Brook Products Creamline 3.8-B.F. Milk Homogenized 3.8 B. F. Milk Butter-flake Buttermilk THE ONLY Drip-froof, flat top, paper milk bottle in Salem. All the nutrition of regular milk. Tastes like regular milk. .5 Homogenized Butterfat Costs no more than skim milk Enriched with Vitamin Economical for the D entire family f . -r .- , Mo FREE! Calorie Chart at your grocer, courtesy of Sunny Brook farms. An Independent Dairy Serving Inde I pendent Grocers Showeri Fetes Bride-Elect Miss Barbara Crawford, popu lar July bride-elect, was the hon or guest at a pre-nuptial st wer when Mrs. Myrtle Walker enter tained at her North 14th Street home. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Ray Heninger and Mrs. 'Har vey Aston. A miscellaneous shower feted the future Mrs. Louis Bruner and a late supper wa sserved by the hostesses. Honoring Miss Crawford were her mother, Mrs. Robert Craw ford, Mrs. Alfred Archibald, Mrs. Albert Boock, Mrs. Earl Saling, Mrs. Alex Taylor, Mrs. Vern Suko, Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Flyn Faught, Mrs. Jerry Wood, Mrs. Irving DeFrance, Mrs. Fred erick Farrar, Mrs. Don Patton, Mrs. J. B. Protzman, Mrs. Mal colm MacDonald, Mrs. Martin Hughlet, Mrs. James Manning, Mrs. J. B, Crary, Mrs. Stella Hess, Mrs. Carrie Wood, Mrs. Maude Presnal, Mrs. Emma Brown, Mrs. James Burrell, Mrs. Everett Brew ster, Mrs. Alice Rickman, Mrs. Cloude Lester and Mrs. William T. Ellis of Tortland. New Citizens Are Greeted FOUR CORNERS A duo of new citizens making their home in Four Corners are Keith Ronald Wilson Jr. born July 11 at the Salem Memorial to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ronald Wilson Sr. (Adel ine Rud). He weighed six pounds and four ounces and has two brothers, Steven and Kenneth. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Osborn, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rud, Mt Vernon, Wash. A great grandfather is Mr. Hotchkiss of Monmouth. A second son, Kenneth Ray Teel, was born July 13 at the Salem General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Teel (Barbara Bowerman). He weighed seven and one half pounds, h-s a broth er, Craig. The grandparents are Mrs. Ray Bowerman, Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Teel, Cottage Grove, and the great-grandmothers are Mrs. Sarah Ellis, Philo math, and Mrs. George Mitchell, Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Teel's mother, Mrs. Ray Bowerman, is a house guest in the Teel home to greet her new grandson. Anniversary Celebrated LYONS Friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nydegger to help them celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent informally with refreshments served to Ar. and Mrs. Nydegger the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Ny degger and daughter, Linda, Mrs. .Agnes Forrette, Mrs. Betty Hunt of Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Grimes and daughter, Norma, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Toland, Sharron and Melvin, Mrs. Elva Kuiken and Kathleen, Mrs. Gladys Stiff ler, Mrs. Merrill Brassfield, Mrs. John Lengacher and Ronald, Bill Grimes, all of Lyons, and Alice Striker from Winchester Bay. Third Birthday Party Mrs. Leonard Odom was hostess for a patio party Friday afternoon at her home on Tierra Drive in honor of her daughter, Marcia's third birthday. Guests were Mrs. Harold j Comstock and Cynthia, Mrs. Fred Smalley and Mariette, Mrs. Fred Smalley Jr. and Sheri, Mrs. Richard -Highberger, Susy, and Mark, Mrs. Conrad Hofstedt and Christine, Beverly Burkhart, Jimmie Dunn, and grandmothers, Mrs. Wilbur McOune and Mrs. Earl Odom, and sister, Janet The Nebraska Clan's annas! picnir will be held Sunday, Jury 19 at the Silverton City Park. All former Nebraskans are invited to Attend. The no-host dinner jill be ierved at 1 p. b. with the club furnishing the coffee. Guests 'are asked 1 to bring their own table service. , ' if ! A guest the past week at 'the William Hartley home on tan caster Drive was Rev. Waiter Fajie of Coleman, Texas. He had been attending the Christian Church convention in Portland. Golf Tourney BcgiW j First play on the Oak Knoll Women's Golf Tournament 1 was held Wednesday at the club dur ing th? regular ladies "day. Win ners in class A were Mrs. A. 3 Cleveland, Mrs. Leland Plank and Mrs. Clinton Ruiter; and class B, Mrs Xeland LeFors, Mrs. J. D. Campbell and Mrs. Arthur May. ; North Carolina claims mort miles of inland waterway than any: other state of the United States. ' v RANGE Mm KEFRJGERATOK " ' 1 ill I 1 N32 i REFRIGERATOR ! J t 1 Model LA-76K 7.6 cu. ft. COMPLETE With Automatic Clock and Lamp-All Calrod Elements Huge 21 -inch Oven "Only ROOMY Dependable 7.6 Cu. Ft. full Width Freezer -Sturdy Aluminum Shelves r . a- GENERAL UECTRIC Both Take Only 48 Inches of Floor Space And May1 Be Bought for as little as fj4.00 per wek (After small down payment) 365 N. Commercial SERVICE STATIONS INC. Open Fridays Till 9 P.M. - run GENERAL tUCTIIC Phon. 3-4163 sum? !!', 1 ! fx i I i ! : I j At "S i ALL DAT i Friday and i . Saturday July 17th & 18th Dnring Regular Store Honrs si! ' i i . -i Clav n( Cfarro Tlarlinj Srnn and TV! Man "r - . . , Sonny Vallie Appears M SEAI1S Salem Store In Grand Style . irmm m - W nL" L - BALLUUliuLUUx tor me aiaaies is nis tfusines . , Watch Him Crwf Balloon Animal.. Docs. Dtphanls. .tc ipfor. Your Eyw! With Jry Purcha.. of! $3.50 'Mar H WlH Mak a Balloon Animal For Youl " ' . ! - Phone 3-9191 v