6 (Sec I) Statesman, Salem, Or. Wtdnttu July IS. 1953 SOCIETY CLUBS MUSIC lAround Town ... ! By JERYME ENGLISH PARTY TIME . . . A delightful event of Monday night was the informal musical and garden party given by Mr. and Mrs. Wil fcam Fawk at their North 22nd Street home . . . The Fawks are planning a series of similar af fairs during the summer . . . the Occasion was to show guests thei new pipe organ, which they pur chased from Mrs- T. A. Livesley ; . . The organ, which many Se vern people heard during the years it was at the Livesley home, ias taken almost a year to install ; . . there are nearly a thousand pipes and guests had an opportu nity to see the organ loft . . . it is one of the largest residential organs in the country today . . . During the evening Mr . Fawk played for the guests . . . even the guest: strolling about the gar dens were able tc enjoy the mu sic . , . Refreshments were served during the evening in the dining room by Mrs. Fawk . . . Bouquets of summer flowers provided the decor about the roams ... Flying south . . . to Long Beach, Calif, this week will be Mrs. Charles Flltton and son, Charles, who win join LL Flitton in the southern city . . . Later is the summer the Flittons will go on to the naval officers' new as signment at Vkksbnrg, Miss. . . . Lt. Flitton, who had just arrived home from Korea, returned to California this weekend after a short leave in Salem ... Tuesday night Mrs. William R. Shinn in vited a few of Mrs. Flitton's friends over to her Leslie Street home to say an revoir to the pop alar young matron ... A luncheon hostess ... on Mon day was Mrs. John Carson, who entertained at her South Com mercial Street home for the pleasure of Mrs. Hugh Copeland of San Francisco, who had come north for the Marquam family reunion this weekend . . . Honor ing the visitor were Mrs. Wallace AHbright Miss Kreta AUbright, Mrs. Henry Asboe, all of Mar quam, Mrs. Alice Quinn of Glad stone, Mrs. E. L Bragg. Mrs. Mona Matlock and the hostess . . . ..Honor guest . . at a shower Tuesday night was Bin. John F. Brown, when Mrs. Gilbert Bannis ter entertained at her Kenwood Avenue home ... A late supper was served by the hostess . . . Honoring Mrs. Brown were Mrs. Homer J. . Conklin, Vtn. T. J. Bland, Mrs. Bess Barry of. Olym pian Wash Mrs. Frederick Sproole, Mrs. Donald Ettner, Mrs. Dale Worthingtom, Mrs. Leonard Howe, Mrs. Kathryn Daniel. Mrs. Loyd Bobbitt, Mrs. Charles Matti son and the hostess. -VISITORS OF NOTE . , . Guests at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. McCormick are Mrs. Margaret Ward and her daugh ter. Miss Edith Eddy Ward of Palm Desert, Calif. . . . The visit ors are traveling in the Pacific Northwest, having come north from a stay in San Francisco . . . While they are here the McCor micks will entertain their guests at their summer place at Devils Lake ... a guest of Glenda Lou McCormick this week is Mike Henningsen of Portland . . . the two families have adjoining homes at the Lake . . . Arriving ... in the capital Monday was Robert R. Johnson, who has been in Athens for nearly two years . t . he is a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Johnson ... Mrs. 8 Semi -Annual Sample Values GIRLS WEAR DRESSES 1"T.4" Reg. 2.98 to 10.95 BOYS WEAR T-SHIRTS 1 and SHIRTS 12 OFF Jmm ' (V for 1 children Eliza and Alan, who Outstanding values await you in JaacK-to-, school clothing and summer wear boys and girls. Gift items and infants 1 wear have been greatly reduced for this event. The Store of Enchantment Shop Mondays and Fridays Til 9 p.m. CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Johnson and the beth Ann, : Brian have been visiting in Kansas City with . her family since arriving in the states the first of July, wCl fly west this weekend to join her husband j. L t The Johnsons for merly resided in Salem and ex pect to be here a month ... Mr. Johnson has been with the Mutu al Security- Administration in Athens . . Flying north ... this weekend from their home in Sacramento will be Dr. and Mrs. William Par ker and children, Kathy, Susan and Randy, who will visit with Dr. Parker s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker, for several days . . . i Here from Seattle ... for a short visit is Miss Zella Hopson, who is the house guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks ... House guests ... of Colonel and Mrs. William C. Ryan at their country home have been Mrs. Ryan's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Ten ney, and sons, Peter, Stuart and Phillip . . 4 Mr. Tenney is in the diplomatic service, having recent ly returned from Bermuda . - . the family is now visiting en the West Coast, Seattle and Salem ... he is now awaiting assign ment and will report back to Washington, D. C. . . . Visiting i . . . in Salem from 1 Redmond the past week have been Mrs. John Copenhaver and children, Karen, John, Bill and Jim . . . they were guests of her mother, Mrs. Lewis Griffith . . . Mr. Copenhaver joined his family here for the weekend and accom panied them home . . . Home . . . from a month's va cation is Miss Nancy Stuart, who has been visiting in Portland . . . during that time she enjoyed a trip to Southern California with her parents ... A family reunion ... the first time the five children of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Denham have been home together since 1927 . . . Coming from afar were Mr. and Mrs. Burr ell Denham of Arkan sas City, Kansas and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Denham and children, Helen, Charles, Carol and Gene of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma . . . Joining the visitors for a family picnic on Saturday at the West Salem Park were the other chil dren and their families . . . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Denham of Keizer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Denham, Patricia, rank, Colleen and Pam ela of Lebanon . . . and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramage and Alan and Ricke . . . Also joining the group were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Guthrie and daughters, Joyce and Judy ... CLUB CALENDAR WEDNESDAY No-host lunch. Franco Colgan's, 1280 Oak Hill Ave., Salon chapter Order of Eastern Star, U noon. THURSDAY Thimble Club, Neighbors of Wood craft, covered dish picnic at home of Dr. and Mrs. O. W Scott. 1360 South Liberty Street. FRIDAY Past " Guardians. Neighbors of Woodcraft. Mayflower Hall. Barbara Frietchie Tent, DUV. noon picnic with Mrs. Elmer Ray, Fruit- Mrs. Oehler President SILVERTON Mrs. L. P. Oehler was installed as president of Del bert Reeves unit 7, American Le gion Auxiliary in the annual for mal ceremonial held Monday night. Mrs. Fred Lucht, past presi dent of District 2, was the install ing guest officiaL Assisting officers inducted were Mrs. Robert Allen, immediate past president, and Mrs. Ralph Francis, junior past president Also installed were Mrs. Albin Noren, first vice president; Mrs. Bruce Billings, second vice presi dent; Mrs. Ernest Starr, secre tary; Miss Ruth Lorenzen, corres ponding secretary; Mrs. Mae Hig inbotham, treasurer; Mrs. Glad wyn Hamre, historian; Miss Mar gie Moseng, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. Dewey Allen, chaplain. The meeting was joint with that of the American Legion post, pre ceding the social and supper hour at Legion and Unit hall club rooms Miss Beverly Graber Now Mrs: Short The First Congregational Church was the setting for a beautiful midsummer wedding Tuesday .night when Miss Beverly Jean Graber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Graber, became the bride of Kermit Leon Short, son of Mrs. j Pearl Short. It was at 8 o'clock that the Rev. Victor Hugo Sword officiated at the nup tials before a background of white daisies, white hydrangeas and yellow lillies flanked bv white tapers. 'Ronald Craven was the soloist and Jean Hobson Rich played the wedding: music and accompani ments. For her wedding the bride chose a handsome gown of white satin fashioned entrain with a full skirt and fitted bodice with tiny buttons from neckline to waistline in front Her fingertip nylon tulle veil cascaded from a tiara of white satin adorned with seed pearls. She carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid. Walk Before the Bride rive pretty attendants pre ceded the bride to the altar. Miss Judy Wade of Newport was the honor' maid and wore an orchid dotted Swiss floor length gown with scalloped neckline. The sash and headband were of a deeper shade and she carried a colonial nosegay -of ; yellow and orchid white silk suit embellished with rhinfstone and black accessories, for fier daughter's nuptials. Her flowers were yellow alsternaira. Mrs. Short attended her son's marriage in a grey costume suit with navy accessories and her corsage of pink alsternaira. Reception follows The newlyweds greeted their guests at a reception1 in the church parlors. Presiding at the coiiee urns were Mrs. Kay Graber, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Charles Musser. Cutting the cake were Mrs. A. M. Vincent and Mrs. E. A. Brown, aunts of the bride. Assist ing were Miss Dorothy Short, Mrs. Ted BusselL Miss Phyllis Graber, Mrs. Kenneth Dick and Miss Lu- cinda Cottman. The couple will spend their honeymoon at the Oregon beaches. i DON'T Throw your watch away. We fix them when others can't The Jewel Box 44 J State St, Salem, Ore. For I going away the new Mrs. Short changed to a navy blue and white suit with white accessories.. Ta her ensemble she pinned a white orchid. The couple will be at home in Salem temporarily and aftej : his , leave terminates Mr. Short will return to his army base ' at Camp Roberts for advanced training. ; e r - soft patNKsyHV, SoVOra 1 : 'a z II FREE ESTIMATES j On Kitchen Remodeling J Old er New ; j ' CAPITAL - STORE . 181 N. High Ph. 4-5421 Installing sergeant-at-arms was ! daisies , and sweet peas. Brides- Mrs. T. P. Heidenstrom: acting second vice president, Miss Ina Harold; chaplain, Mrs. Roscoe Reeves; historian, Mrs. Lews Hall; president Mrs. C. J. Towe; treasurer, Mrs. John Demas; sec retary, Mrs. Florence Schlaebitz; vice president, Mrs. Arthur Got maids were Miss Joanne Wenger, Miss Cynthia Vincent of Eugene, cousins : of the bride, and Miss Helen Reiman, who wore pink dotted Swiss frocks styled like the honor attendants with deep pink sashes and headdresses. They carried nosegays of pink tenberg; junior past president,! and white sweet peas and daisies. Mrs. Ralph , Francis; sergeant-at-1 The junior bridesmaid, Betty Lou arms, Mrs. S. A. Pitney, and musi-j Graber, sister of the bride, wore cian, Mrs. Frank Powell. j a yellow dotted Swiss frock and All members of the installing her nosegay was of yellow and or team directed by Mrs. Heiden-! chid flowers. it! uJUU V strom, have served as past-presi-: dents. Mrs. T. P. Heidenstrom read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lorenzen now stationed at Guam in federal service. The Lorenzens are members of the Silverton post and auxiliary. Mrs. Lorenzen is a past president of the local unit. Two meetings during the month, j aside from Monday night's are j the annual picnic, Sunday, July j 19, and the retreat to the Clifton! Dickerson Abiqua summer home, Sunday, July. 26. Harvey Short stood with his brother as best man. Seating the guests were Douglas Raines, George Hendrickson and Clifford Sexton. Mrs. Graber selected an oyster ATTENTION ORIENTAL RUG OWNERS We now offer to the people of Salem a complete Oriental rug service Also domestic Cleaning and expert repair work by a native reweaver. We guarantee all work. ! . i John Korertian Importer Oriental Rugs 1057 S. Commercial if Get the fyH story on Mercury's Rawer Features -then "1m,i t in i Co-op - - - "J' . " 'VV7 """"""" i,wmmn.u. """"J T " T- kl , : d Nwar itaarina. 4-way owr tmat, pawsr brains, wKH sida-wall firm mnd fwd-diM huhcop ptionai t xtra cot. " i : ! i I i w mm mm mmwmi We can tell you that Mercury's new power steering lets you park at the flick of a finger, yet keeps that safe . feel of the road.? We can tell you how Mercury's power brakes . take half the work and most of the foot motion out of stopping. How that wonderful 4-way power seat moves up, down, back or forward at the touch of a button. We can predict how delighted you'll be with the surg ing power of Mercury's V-8 engine, latest advance in they only type of engine ever good enough for Mercury. But only when you get behind the wheel of a Mercury can you realize what this new kind of driving can mean. Come on in today. MOVE AHEAD WJTH 1 111 -GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY SymboTuiitg fhm rVooran of ford Motor Company' t 50th Annirwtary "SO Years Fonrmrd m Hto Amorieom Coarf Qovtnn ma . commercial rnont -v I . By Foot -T BHorseback 1 "Hunt A Gift Week" ;,j $&m I HUNT A GIFT f. ''PfgfQ I J ul -SPECIAL - M&Ji'l I A Plastic Aprons Cf3 lWfe- . Baroque 9c 1 iV' J- 3 xf ,Hunt A Gift" p,us v,ue S 1 fi7 r Here's a real "plus" for all of yoo. An 1 I - -yt - 'T additional 25 off on all adult Hunt a . 4 - J t J Gift plastic : a srons if you have your M J L--4 Hunt Cift PW(i wi,h Y00' VVe will J U f -t nt keep your card just show t"d g 4 ---s-T --fHf get an additional 25c discount j if!" For Little Ladies f g 1 1 rS f fsC Dozen of pinafore and doodla aprons wsl like vOfAff P x SJ- Mummies. A real "Hunt A Gift speciar, ill oOr K T 1 I ZjJ J downstair! Kiddiei Department. Many tolort. Sixes J J J I ' from 1 to pre-teen. Reg. to $1.95, slightly irregular. , i f Downstairs -' j". . ' ". . " S 'SV IrregJlarj -J 1 SJ Foam Rubb er Pillows 1 I 4Tf? 1 Hunt A Gift Special- i $ WJ7vS 5 , - ' i . - -i i p sj ' h ' - - : ... J iL Z-r: j X ;. : -I n ' V TVi . Foil Size 1 1 i r2C fSZZ?S& - - C" 100 Foam '-r ' i ' ' ; - Rubbf;: v f ; r :;- i' (Not Shredded) V I 1 ;SL- " V 'A ' . " !' Floral or Stripe '' 1 - " : - . :i' " Covert j ! I Zi Aslcto Open An Account , I Patio ;T4 ; r ' I I l - 'Or. SS QowHtew . 1 t ! PlCniC . : , ;:, ; JngciathM ; : I I Pillows ! - U 1 , i ; 1 - - - o)rnrero) UiuJlLi 430 N. Commercial Phone 2-2487 -f- "i. ' - l ' M