SHINGLER BREAKS ANKLE Virgil Shipman of Aumsville, fell from the roof of a new home he was shingling on the Liberty Road near Salem Heights and sustained a broken ankle. He was treated by Salem -first aidmen and taken to Salem Memorial Hospital by Willamette Ambul ance Service where his, condition was considered "good" Tuesday night. ! Landscaping and "designing. No job too large or too smalL F. A. Doerffler and Sons Nursery, 250 Lancaster Dr. at 4 Corners. Ph. 2-2549. . FIRE IN APARTMENT Fire Tuesday afternoon in a one room apartment, at 534 N. Winter St was blamed by city firemen on an iron left plugged in. Damage was listed by firemen as a loss of some bedding, smoke and flame damage to floor and walls and loss of some clothing. The apartment house is owned by A. C. Smith. For all foot disorders consult a foot specialist the chiropodist W. R. Shiess, 1137 S. Com'l. GUIDE IOG ON PROGRAM ' Blind Magdaline Phillips and her guide dog will demonstrate their ability as a working team at the Thursday noon meeting of the Salem Lions Club at the Marion HoteL Miss Phillips is reception ist at the Oregon Medical School in Portland. Dr. Gordon Brewer, program chairman, reports. The auxiliary and guests are invited. Rummage clothes wanted. We pick up, and pay. Ph. 4-1996. COLLECTIONS JOB OPEN Applications for a collections agent examination must be filed by July 18, the State Service Commission announced this week. This work involves collections or credit analysis and starting sal ary is $309 a month. Applicants should be high school graduates with two years of office or busi ness management experience. MOSQUITO SPRAY SAFE Marion County health depart ment officials said Tuesday that the DDT spray used against mos quitoes in the city's recent spray campaign is harmless to humans. Several persons called to ask health authorities if they could eat leafy vegetables from gar dens near sprayed areas. Rummage sale July 16 and 17th at 1248 Saginaw St H ALLEY ESTATE FILED William R. Porter of Salem was appointed as administrator of the 'estate of the late Eugene C. Halley, former Oregon State Prison deputy warden, who died May 4. Halley's estate was filed in Marion County Probate Court. Porter was listed as a nephew of Halley's widow. ARTICIPATING IN EVER STORE .A-G&" -Hunt MEASLES STILL LEAD Measles, with nine cases report ed last week, still led the list of communicable diseases reported to the Marion County health de partment There were also three cases of German measles, and ane case each of hepatitis, bron cho pneumonia, tuberculosis, sy philis, and whooping cough. LEADER MEETING FRIDAY There will be a meeting of the Salem Community Chest Cam paign Council division leaders and their associate leaders Thurs day at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the city halL Fall campaign strategy will be plann ed at this time. For speedy, low cost laundry ser vice come to the Launderette. Just drop it off. We'll do the rest Launderette, phone 2-4555, 1255 Ferry. HEART ATTACK SUFFERED E. Guy Cook, 166 Gerth St, suffered a heart attack at his home Tuesday afternoon and was taken to Salem Memorial Hospi tal by Willamette Ambulance j Service. His condition was con sidered "fair" Tuesday evenine. Oral mattress "Addy" is now at I "Prices" Beauty Salon. IOWA PICNIC COMING A group of former Iowa resi dents announces plans for an Iowa picnic at Bush's Pasture Sunday, beginning shortly after noon. Former Iowans of the Salem area are urged to bring lunches and get asquainted. EXCHANGE PICNIC SET Final plans for a picnic at Nes kowin next Sunday will be made at the Salem Exchange Club meeting at noon today. Robert Brownell is chairman of the pic nic committee. Schattucs Chateau re-opens Wed., Jnlv l.lth TV BUILDING OKEHED W. B. Sullivan's plan for a new building at Silverton Road and; Evergreen Avenue, for lease to a i television distributing company, has been approved by Salem City CdunciL The Knit Shop in Turner will be open evenings except Saturdays. Ruth Nyberg Barber. CREDIT CLINIC MEET TOPIC The Credit clinic idea of deal ing with credit topics and prob-! lems will be discussed at the i Salem Credit Association meet ing Friday at the Golden Pheas ant PICNIC POSTPONED The Salem Camera Club picnic scheduled for July 19 has been i postponed to July 26. j Chimpanzees can be taught to do simple arithmetic. Hi. Ira Displaying Bonn? SPONSORED BY YOUR Merrell Maw Dies Following Auto Accident f Merrell Maw, 29, Salem native and late resident of Prineville, died in a Redmond hospital Tues day morning following an auto accident Saturday night Services will be held at the Clough-Barrick Chapel in Salem Saturday at 2 p.m. with inter ment at the Lee Mission Ceme tery. Salem friends of the deceased said Maw received severe head injuries when his car overturned on a highway curve just east of Redmond late Saturday. He was returning from a visit to Lost Lake. Maw was born in Salem and lived here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maw, now of Bend, at 2185 N. 4th St He at tended local schools, served in the Army in World War II. He left Salem about five years ago and after working in bakeries in Burns and Weed was employed as a logger at Prineville for the past two years. Surviving, in addition to the parents, are two children, Judy and Donald, residing in Idaho: brothers, Russel (Slim) Maw of Salem and Howard of Burns; sis ter, Mrs. Lois McFee of Prineville. Republican Executives To Hold Meeting Friday Winton Hunt. of Woodburn will! report on the recent Republican State Central Committee meeting in Portland at a meeting of the executive group of the Marion County Republican Central Com mittee Friday at 8 p. m. at the Senator HoteL A new treasurer will also be elected to replace Ward Davis, who resigned after moving to a new precinct Births ANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Anderson, 1495 Troy St, a son, Tuesday, July -14, Salem General Hospital. LINN To Mr. and Mrs. El mer D. Linn, Independence Route 1, a son, Tuesday, July 14, at Sa lem Memorial Hospital. WILLS To Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton S. Wills, Jefferson, a daugh ter, Tuesday, July 14, at Salem Memorial Hospital ROSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Ir vin Rosen, 2597 Portland Rd., a son, Tuesday, July 14, at Salem Memorial Hospital. Fo) InlilKsls mwmm Use Any System Yon Want ... Crystal Ball -Cards -Tea Leaves . . a HUT... YOtm BEST BET IS TO COIIE TO PARTICIPATING DOWH TOWII SALEII STOBES j TOIAV - raiUKIpM FEAV SATTUESBiAv jDOWNTOWN SALEM MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION Public Records MUNICIPAL COURT Jeane V. Mary, 2355 Townsend Way, charged with driving while intoxicated, pleads innocent and trial set for July 17, posted $250 bail. ; CIRCUIT COURT Lora Morgali vs. Darius Z. Morgali: Suit for divorce alleges cruel and inhuman treatment asks for $1,500 ' alimony and settle ment of property rights. Married Sept 17, 1951, at Reno, Nev. Darius Z. Morgali vs. Lora Morgali: Suit for divorce alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and asks for restoration of defend ant's former name of Lora G. Goddard. Billie B. Mandle vs. Charles Gregory Mandle: Decree of di vorce awards plaintiff custody of two minors, plus $40 per month support for each. PROBATE COURT Eugene C. Halley estate: Order appoints William R. Porter ad ministrator. Julia Gullick estate: Order ap points Adeline Dick Johnson exe cutrix. Luella Dicken estate: Aaron Dicken appointed administrator. Mary Kirk estate: Pioneer Trust Co. appointed administra tor.. Margaret B. Blundell estate: Estate settled. George W. . Fry estate: Estate appraised at $14,612. Ernest Roy Stoner estate: Es tate appraised at $3,057. MARRIAGE LICENSES JLyle G. Henderson, 20, railway employe, and Darlene Carol Hughes, a state employe, both of j Woodburn. John C. Suing, 22, Marine Corps, 1108 N. Church St, and Dolores Ann Metcalf, 23, nurse, 2544 Hazel Ave., both of Salem. William H. Byers, engineer, 1290 N. Capitol St, and Audrey M. Christman, secretary, 380 Oak i St., both of Salem. Permit for House Issued Construction permit for build ing a new $9,500 dwelling at 2275 N. 4th St was issued Tuesday to John DeRitter by the city en gineer's office. j Also issued Tuesday were per- , mits to H. J. Harris .alter garage, 1620 s. Hign St., $iu; uoroon Bennett, alter dry cleaning pick up station, 2295 Fairgrounds Rd., $2,900; Mrs. William McGilchrist Jr., alter garage and patio, 695 N. Summer St, $400; Roy M. ' Lockenour, wreck dwelling, 144 S. 13th St, $50, and S. C. Bader stscher, alter dwelling, 1648 S. Liberty St, $900. 74 Board Won't Interfere in State Unions Representatives of the Ameri can Federation of state, county and municipal employes were ad vised by board of control mem bers Tuesday that they have no objection if the Federation at tempts to organize state employes. The board was emphatic, how ever, that the proposed organiza tion efforts could not be made during working hours. Leo E. Butts, spokesman for the Federation, said he was told that some state employes feared they would be discharged if they joined the union. "There will not be an interfer ence by the board, Gov. Paul Patterson said. He added that the board would not throw its weight one way or the other. Approximately 5,000 of the 13, 000 current state workers now belong to the. State Employes As sociation. Mary's Peak Trek Show Lists Hollywood Emcee CORVALLIS Monte Blue, TTnllvwrwwl croan c m will K master of ceremonies of the free! outdoor show at the Mary's Peak Trek on Aue. 2. The turnoff road to the mountain spot is located just 16 miles west of Corvallis on the Philomath-Waldport Highway. The Trek is annually sponsored by the Shrine Clubs of Linn. Polk, Lincoln and Benton Counties. It is a benefit for the Shriners Hos pital for Crippled Children in i Portland. The main events will! begin at 12:30 p. m. i Services Today for Baby Boy Shank Statesman Newi Sarvie WOODBURN Baby boy Shank, was born and died Tuesday in a Silverton hospital. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shank, Hubbard Route 1. Two brothers and two sisters survive. Graveside services at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Hopewell Men nonite Cemetery, east of Hubbard with Ringo Funeral Chapel in charge ' y tl j trP July 13 lo 18 Ind. i II ' ' Mewt's yomr dcmca to jo m tiw 9ndltmawl ... rcaW hi e " ot . . ovm w GaM Food Faaaaar dwnina er I . . II 1T I I Thofo bo crowds amd sowooars . !, dfieili ulioai 1 i s I od rhihmmH . fmm for vacyowt. " ! P 0p rwOratf lUtiwc mji, food II f4! "T,?? " ir kynr or room air comirtior toom, M m skow yw ike f I -. r '. .-VH- T! .! ?" MW GImo koir Mmm Appliaatti. I 467 Court j Phono 3-961 1 Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings During Gibson Wook Promotion! I ' ,'.'"'m""'imiii ii '" ! wn iw rmii..iwriiiM'iwii.iif Hint ;txm'mxi v"i n1 mi i ww mrn mi mi .1 1 ;. i V ""f - - i '...-.!-. ! ' ; . - A ; : - ; ;j- ."' ' ' Judge Foster Given Duties Charles H. Foster, Lakeview, recently appointed circuit judge of Lake County to succeed the late Judge ' Charles H. Combs, Tuesday received his first two out-of-Lake County assignments from Chief Justice Earl Latour ette of the -State Supreme Court Judge Foster arrived in Salem Tuesday to confer with the chief justice. He originally had planned to receive the oath from Justice Latourette, but later decided to be sworn in at Lakeview because of pressing court business. While here he was assigned to Crant County to hear the cases of Dunston against the Oregon Lumber Company and Paulus vs. Kimsey. Hunt-a-Gifi? Stunt Attracts Salem Crowds Hunters crowded many downtown Salem stores Tues day. Not the red-hat variety of hunters. These "hunters" were shoppers taking part in the "Hunt-a-Gift Week" sales pro motion of Downtown Salem Merchants Association. Participating stores have one " or more gift prizes on display, in the store, marked with a number. Numbers have been assigned by postcard to all, Sa lem area residents the associa- - tion could find addresses for. Extra numbers are available at Salem Chamber of Com merce for persons who didn't receive5 one. The chamber had several calls Tuesday. Two Portland Firms Win Stale Contracts Atlas Construction Co., Port land, received from the State Board of Control Tuesday a $29, 728 contract for extending the sewer at outlying state institu tions in the Salem area. The board awarded a $21,950 contract to Shepler Refrigeration Company, Portland, to air condi tion the state office building in Portland. V If ) I f itaT . ; v.f if ;n Statesman. Solera, Or. Wodneu July 13. 1953 (Soc 1) 5 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to neigh bors and friends for beautiful floral' offerings, sympathy and kindness extended us during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. Dean Schomaker and family. i SACRED By th Boy's Christian Orchestra of th COUNTRY CHURCH OF T ALBERT at Huntington Beach, Calif. r TONIGHT 8:00 P. II. ! No Admission Charoe. A Free-will Offer Will be Taken. West Salem Ilelhodisi Church Third and Gortii Street ' We Delight to Honor Stuart Johnson . 1110 N. Winter Street, Salem, Oregon Mr. Johnson has just been, honored by the receipt of the Na tional Quality Award for the. ninth successive time. This is an award given by the National Association of Life Underwriters. In addition, he has just qualified as one of the leaders of the Company's production club for the year just completed, in addi tion to leading all other agents in theiOregon Branch. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada 1001 Public Service Building, Portland 4, Oregon nova Lcsnsepto$15Q0 Take op to ' 24 Booths to repay Ground Floor, Oregon Bid., 10S S. HIGH ST., SALEM Phona: 2-2464 Rax Doyla, YES MANager Loom avar $300 nod by wtanol Financa Co. af Morion Cavnty wao'ar tfco Industrial loan Companies Act af Or.gon. Uara mmd to miamti af att tarreaaaiaf tmt Slala licaan Hat. $-172; H-14S -. I T i ' V S 7 S 1 7 If Jf J n r n n u i u rt n CARD OF THANKS . . i Our heartfelt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and help In our recent sorrow. For the beautiful services, floral offerings, and other kindnesses, we are very grateful. i f Mrs. Lois Johns, l Mrs. O. J. Lewis. ' 7 I James, Frank,. Charlie, f I Harry, William Hunt and 1 ! Families. COIICERT 7 $25 fto $11500 Mako cImo nmp of old Mil taxaa...raduco monthly payments with a fttmwf loan. Phona, writ, or com in. Ihm ta $1500 rwllura, ar Awto . SVSISM v ! i