2 (See. l-SiaiMmon. Satan, Ortw Wdnt. July 15, 1853 113 Members to Area Named Forest Board r 'Thirteen members of the Salem Forest District Advisory Board . have been reappointed by Roscow " E. Bell, regional administrator for . the Bureau of Land Management, ;Redney O. Fety, BLM district r forester, announced Tuesday. The board, representing a cross section of interests . in the 12 - X counties containing the 465,000 acres of the Salem district, meets 'several times annually with the I district forester for the exchange of information and ideas. Agriculture is represented by Eddie Ahrens of Turner; regional director for Oregon of the Farm t Bdreau Federation. ' '"Representing the public in gen eral are Clay Cochran, manager i of the Salem Chamber of Com merce; Judge E. E. Arnold, Linn . County Court, Albany; and Judge "Wallace R. Telford, Clackamas County Court, Oregon City. 7 " O. K. De Witt, representing recreational interests, serves on ;'the Forestry Committee, Izaak Walton League, Lyons. I Representatives of labor who ; are serving on the Salem Forest District Advisory Board are Jodie Eggers, Columbia River Council, - I.W.A.-C.I.O., and Frank Hoyt, Z Coast Columbia District Council, Thnber and Sawmill Workers, . A.F.L Other members of the Advisory Board include Dr. W. F. McCul- loch, professor of forestry at Ore- gon State College, and chairman 2 of the advisory board during the - past three years; Joe Crahane, general manager, Forest Products Company of Oregon, Brownsville; t .Robert F. Dwyer, vice president, - Dwyer Lumber Co., Portland; Roy Gibson, manager of timber de 2 partment, M & M Woodworking Company, Albany; Gene D. Knud 2 son, forester, Willamette Vally ' Lumber Company, Dallas; and E. Z A. Linden, resident manager, Or- egon Pulp & Paper Company, Sa il lem. ' Terms of appointment are .for " one year, subject to reappoint- - menL I The Dalles TB I Clinic Work Week, ; Pay Scale Altered The State Civil Service Com mission announced here Tuesday that employes of the Eastern Ore gon State Tuberculosis Hospital at The Dalles, under a recent agreement, will be on a 40-hour work week with pay based on a 44-hour work week. This will be in line with .work and pay schedules in operation at the ; State Tuberculosis Hospital in -.Salem, James Clinton, Civil Service Commission Director, said. Most Eastern Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital workers have been on a 48-hous work week and protested having their hours cut to 40-hours with a cor responding reduction in compen sation. .Clinton said he had not re ceived any complaints from em ployes of the State Tuberculosis Hospital in Salem. JULY TV SPECIAL Free Antenna Installation With Every Purchase of a Motorola or Stromberg-Carlson Television Set COMPLETELY INSTALLED! PER PRICE DOWN MO. (24) 17" MOTOROLA tOOQ Qfl Table Model fLLV.VV 22.99 10.09 17" MOTOROLA tOCQ Qfl Table Model 3.3U 25.99 11.41 17" MOTOROLA tOOQ Qfl Console, Blonde OLiJ.3U 32.99 14.43 21" MOTOROLA 14Q Qfl Table Model d3.;JU 34.99 15.36 21" MOTOROLA ICQ Qfl Console, Mahog. 003.3U 36.99 16.24 21" MOTOROLA tOQQ Qfl Console, Blonde 38.99 17.12 11" MOTOROLA tAIQ Qfl Console, Birch . 'tOQ.Qll 43.99 19.31 21 STROMBERG-CARLSON 54Q Qfl Console, Reg. $499.90 0'l3.3U 34.99 15.36 Open Evenings by Appointment CAPITAL TV SALES AND SERVICE 1430 Broadway . Phone 4-6402 Lnncheon Special Foiled Seel Liver With Fried Onions Baked Potato Hot Roll & Butter Choice of Drink And Dessert Served 11 a.m. Tn GOffiOST -WOODS IfiK JOLT 16 J. Taylor Morris and Tfis Oregon Country Gentlemen I : IN PERSON Stars oi KJM.V. , Dane to This Fine Western Band Adm. 1.20 Tax Inc. Dancing S To 12:30 Living F ence Posts Planted More than 100,000 living fence posts are being planted in the Oregon Forest Nursery at Cor vallis for future use by farmers, the State Forestry Department said Tuesday. .. They are black locust seedlings which will be shipped to farmers and woodland owners all over the state this coming fall and winter. The black locust posts must be thoroughly dried put before being used, officials emphasized. It was reported that posts of black locust in Eastern Oregon are still usable after more than a quarter of a century. Call fpr Blood Issued, Cons to Miss Drawing Salem residents are being ask ed to help replace the blood Ore gon State Penitentiary convicts would have given to the Red Cross next week. Salem and Northwest hospitals are "very short" of whole blood for use of civilian patients. The regular blood drawing scheduled at the prison has been cancelled by penitentiary officials because of the recent unrest. The blood bank usually gets around 200 pints of blood at each prison visit The loss of this expected amount at a time when the blood shortage is pressing necessitates an emergency blood drawing in Salem, Frank Parcher, Marion County Red Cross chapter man ager said. The special drawing will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Thursday at the state capitol'and is spon sored by Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry who is asking all state employes to cooperate. The gen eral public is urged to respond to the appeal, too. Mrs. Millie, 78, Succumbs to Long Illness Mrs. George W. Millie died Monday at her residence, 475 N. Capitol St., at the age of 78 years. She had been ill for some time. She was born Flora Mable Berry man, Oct 31, 1874, in Dodgeville, Wis., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berryman. Long active in church work and a member of the First Pres byterian Church, Mrs. Millie first came to Salem in 1920 but later moved to Yakima where members of her family were pioneer or chardsits. She returned to Salem in 1942. She was a member of the Rebekah Lodge at Grand view,, Wash. Survivors include a son, Henry J. Millie, proprietor of Henry's Photo Shop, Salem, and a sis ter, Mrs. J. L. Bixby, Longview, Wash. Announcement of services will be made later by the Clough Barrick Company. 4 p.D. IloUgren's Leroy Marker Installed as KofCHead : Leroy J. Marker, newly-elected Grand Knight of the Cherry City Council 1748, Knights oi Colum bus, was instal led Tuesday evening at the K. of C. club rooms in the Salem Catholic Center. Don Doerfler, f district deputy,: assisted byf Lisle F. Dem- pewolf, trustee u -of the Incall conducted t n e Leroy j, ceremonies. Other officers installed for the coming year are: Deputy Grand Knight Walter Link, Chancellor Richard Schmidt, Warden Art Steimonts, Treasurer Herm Eckerman, Fi nancial Secretary Cyril Meusey, Recording Secretary Joe Glennie, Inside Guard John Kovarik, Out side Guard Al Pfeifer, and Ad vocate George Haley. Elected to administer the Sa lem Catholic Center were M. J. (Mike) Raschko, C. R. Jungblut, R. Schmidt, Building Committee men, and Joseph Thomas and Roy G. Green, trustee of the Council. Stock Market Rallies, Slides NEW YORK LTV The stock mar ket managed to stage a good re covery show Tuesday but at the close it was mixed with a pro nounced leaning to the downside. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was down 20 cents and stood at $107.10. Most of the fall was accounted for by a 40-cent decline In the railroad component of the average. The industrial component was down 20 cents while the utilities gained 10 cents. The list narrowed down to 1,055 43 losers. There was only 1 new high for the year registered and 73 new lows. Volume was restricted to 1,030.- 000 shares. That compares with 1, 120,000 shares traded Monday. Irrigation District in 2nd Day Without Water MADRAS, Ore. WJ three- fourths of the 50,000-acre North Unit Irrigation District will be in its second day without water Wednesday, the result of a break in the canal Monday afternoon. Repairs are expected to be made by about Thursday or Friday. Gates Open At 7:00 Show Starts At Dusk STARTS TODAY Burt Lancaster in "The Crimson Pirate" Also John Wayne in "Big Jim McLain" July 15-18 Added Feature Marciana Walcott Championship Fight 111 '"- 1111 1 . Marker SUMMER SPECIAL One Week Only Never Again Will This Offer Be Made Dance Lessons For less than Vi PRICE (More than 50 off) - Vrri Private lessons for as many as you wish for only Je $1.50 per lesson. In Tap Ballet Toe Acro batics Baton Character Fox Trot Waltz Swing Rumba Samba Tango Mambo. Learn All The Wonderful Steps You See on TV In Just A Few Fun Filled Private Lessons namaat ANOTHER ADDED FEATURE DURING OUR SUMMER SPECIAL I : : i ' . Class Lessons If You rrCC Enrel for Our Private lessons Even Beginners Dance After first Lessen 677 S. Commercial Studio Open rom tor RuledGuilty Of Abortion PORTLAND (Jl Dr. Ross H. Elliott, Portland chiropractor, was convicted of attempted manslaugh ter by abortion Tuesday and will be sentenced Thursday. The maximum penalty for attempted manslaughter is 7 years. I The jury reached a unanimous verdict in less than an hour. Two months ago, Elliott was convicted of maintaining a place where abortions were performed and he has under appeal a six-month sen tence on that. t Bill Would Allow Substitution of Timber for Cash WASHINGTON IB A bill aimed at giving timberland opera tors a chance to take federal forest lands instead of cash in some instances, was approved Tuesday by a House interior subcommittee. The bill, by Rep. Ellsworth, pro vides that if the government ac quires private timberland which is in a sustained yield type operation, the owner has the option of making an equitable swap for federal forest land. Ellsworth said only a little tim berland would be affected. The Forest Service protested, though, that the government might be compelled to condemn land for its us and in exchange give up forest lands without any chance to select an area or to have assurance that watershed or other values would be protected. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that a puolic hearing win be held at the Conference Room. State Library, Sa lem. Oregon at 10 DO A.M.. July 32. 1953. before W. S. WeideL examiner, to. consider changes in marketing areas that can be made to facili tate administration of the Oregon Milk Marketing Act as amended by the Oregon Legislature. 1953. and any other matters relating to the pro duction and distribution of milk for fluid consumption. DATED at Portland, Oregon, this 9th day of July 1953. W. S. Weidel. Administrator Milk Marketing Administration State of Oregon Jly.lS 01 Starts Today Open 6:45 I I UHI. ocoimor Technicolor Co-Hit! CALIFORNIA CONQUEST Cornel Wilde, Teresa Wright DAIICE TOIIIGHT Crystal Gardens Modern & Old Tim Music by Pop Edwards 740 MaaaMatsesMmasMisi uo ; ; i Phono 4-4962 10 A. M. to ; 1 0 P. M Gbiroprac I 1 I SS Scouts Ride Barge Down Columbia PORTLAND m More than a thousand Boy Scouts were here Tuesday, stopping off for a bit of sight-seeing and relaxation enroute to the national jamboree in South ern California. They were from Michigan, Minnesota and South Dakota. On Monday Scouts from Yakima, Walla Walla and Baker rode a barge down the Columbia from Bonneville, then got 00 a train here for the trip south. DRIVE-M TI1EATUE a UUS 6AUENS. HBXWAY ttj H GATES OPEN 7:00 HI SHOW AT DUSK NOW In Technicolor "GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH" Plus In Technicolor Walt Disney's "OLYMPIC ELK" Pins Remember . . -Way Back When" n NOW! SO Happy- Carefree Musical! lit Mi"- Trf Ph. J-7S2 m ALSO r 7f I i Salem's fewest & Ifosl Modern :C3m PLUS j r III -.: T&U III I 1 XI II III J .i uii Ml . X III I t J ,7 -fftO 11 Mt i fx 3ar" ij HoiBaky-SiHers HI fi ) f I We Warm Baby's Bottle! V- PrnMpri II I J X- : I - - L T PL. e m.fc ; tome as iou Are in ure III 5 A Ti I i rt. - n.w II -A - 1 JP. I M VUWUW ajy .. j 11 - -i V? I The Dozen Ill - i 4 I ;T LJ FMOMK MOM mm wJmi 1 mmm DoiiALD o'co::;ior TMk WUX km VOSMS fcaq BU aW VJtAXCfS0 tie 7ttkii!. 2nd Focrturo HOW! OWB!.! o SlTlCHHlCOWlt. Ln3AR0N - FERRER - AUM Garson GIUBCH PlDGEON TVALTER GATES OFEII 7 P. H. r ' PL FEIST : . ! ' , : I 1 STARTS TODAY! ; . : - T I l i lve in "tJ'V-s Heart . ; Forever! ml jU; - A 2nd Hiilj -f-: k Another Wall, Disney Trininph "BEAR COUIITRY" A True Lifo Adrenhire Color: by Technicolor SHOW STARTS AT Two Top Technicolor Hils! iur v TECHNICOLOR ' i Slarnn CJini ESTCK EHONBi FLEIQKiS i m JERRY HOPPER . w MS tnmoon swuwbar l. povai ;-)kdiiu 1 -i. rwAArmn 1nr 10 Years FREE! Prlcos For This Show Onlyl Adalts I00 35c Children EMve - En DUSK CHARUS MARQUIS WARREN iha hohii on musical! MM MKlf I j.Z-jmu ic Bring A Shnl-In Their Pleasure Will Add To ili Your Own Entertainment! Free Children's a, lajijsuuuu Bring The Family and Come early! 4- Smoko If You Liko Refreshments ATcdlablo