6 (Sec 2) Sfatennan. Salem Or WAdnth TuIy 15, ISS3 To Place Ad Call 2-2441 :450, Merchandise 468 For HenL Miscellaneous POWER lawn mower and tickle mower. Snook. 1255 Broadway. KENT or buy. All types electrical or 1-and tools, garden tractors, spray- ; ' era. Ho ser Bros- 1185 S. 12th. . . DRIVE TBUCKS FOR RENT. ' Blankets furn. 1201 State. Ph. 2-9062. '"OB RENT or lease. lge. warehouse pace cement floors, brick bid, down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fu . 3-9185- 470 For Sal. Miscellaneous pyvpppCT.yv. home freezers. Vest er Apliance. 375 Chemeketa. Pto, .3-4311. . DISHWASHER DISPOSALL SPECIAL G-E Dishwasher sink comb. . Reg. ; $428.95 G-E Disposal!. 5-yr. warranty, Reg. ; $124.S5 Three only both- for 1399.85. Easy payment!. Master Service Stations Inc. 365 N. Commercial. Salem kENMORE automatic washer, excel lent condition. 180 EL Marion. Stay- ton. 'Ore. 11" REO ROYAL, lawn mower. $85. Warmgs Nursery, 1029 Oakhill Ave. Phone 24208. CANNING JARS for sale. 42675. rOLKS. HERE'S a bargain Large quantify of solid oak chairs, very suitable for dinner, office, den, patio, playroom, cards, only $4.75 each. (We sold over 400 during the last 3 weeks) et yours now. Glenn Woodry). 1605 N. Summer. I" RIG ID AIRETrEFRIG. Just like new and fine Westinghouse Electric range perfect condition. $210 for both and if sold this week, will Include a 9 x 12 linoleum rug ab solutely free. The Bargain Barn, 4 miles N. Salem 99 E. 200 yds. N. Drive-In Theater. Dont miss this! SPECIAL '. Closing' out all tire and tubes, new standard brands. 30 off of list; 7:60 X 15 7:00 x 16 ' T:00 x 15 8:50 X 16 6:00 X 16 State Motors Inc. 340 N. High . NEW CROSS cut saws $2.85. Bargain Barn 99E N. FOR SALE, shallow well pump, good, and 85-gal tank for $50, or trade on beef. 2-4721. 695 S. Pacific Hwy. Woodburn. SPRAY painting equipment. Schramm motor. 10 gaL pat. Hose and spray gun. All in A-l condition. Priced to sell. Phone Silverton 3-4792. OUTSIDE WHITE paint $1.99 gal. Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer. jAINT $1.99 gal. Bargain Barn. FOR SALE: Double cement laundry tubs. Phone 21093. , Singer Electric Cab. Sewing machine. Sews forward and reverse. Tailoring class head. Reg set of attach. For balance of contract. Singer Sewing Center. 130 r N. Com'l St. CRAFTSMAN 8 inch electric port able saw with case. 1175 Dearborn . Ave., Keizer District. 2-2654. GOOD used refer. Bargain. Judson'i, 279 N. Com!. MAYTAG SQ. tub washer $35. Wood ry's. 1605 N. Summer. BOOK CASE, writing desk combina tion S8.5Q. Bargain Barn 4 mi. N. 350 POPULAR band orchestrations. Fostorla glassware. Early Ameri- can design. Phone 3-4204. BRAND NEW Steven Deluxe Motor , Chair. Never been used. Electric ally propelled wheel chair for home and neighborhood travel. 1674 Court RANGE, refrigerator, practically new. Other furniture. Phone 2-0716. 4 PC. WALNUT bed set just $45. Glenn Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. ' E.Z- Terms. GOOD WOOD range $15. Bam 99E. N. Salem. Bargain BEAUTY COUNSELOR, cosmetic. Ph. " 3-5401. " CHICKEN fertilizer .$2.00 a yard. You haul. Rt 4. Box 288. Phone 4-2686. CH ARRIS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment Ph. 3-5918. Mary E. Bales. PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 1-4311. APT. SIZE G.E. refrigerator, immac ulate, like new. Real value here t $125. Terms? Surel Trades? Sure! Glenn Woodry's, 1605 No. Summer. DINING TABLES $5. Bargain Barn. 4 Mi. N. 99 E. Crushed Rock FOR roads & driveway Cement, Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand. Bulldozing drainage and ditching. i yd. shovel St drag line. Phone J-924B. "Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Jl PC. TWIN bed set $88. Takes the works. Bargain Barn 99E N. 4 miles from Hi Pricey REDUCED $10 per day until sold. 40 gal electric heater. Starting price July 8. 8152.75. July 15 $102.75 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front & Court St Ph. 3-9111 We Give S&H Green Stamps S- WHATNOT, solid black walnut $22.50. Also one in cherry. $22.50. . These are lovely and a rare value. . Glenn Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. S PC. BREAKFAST set $12.50. Bar- gain Barn 99E N. Top Soil "River silt, -fill dirt, prompt delivery. ; p:une 2-1749. TOOL RENTAL. U-FIX-IT. Corner of North Commercial and Columbia 4-5261. UNDERWOOD portable typewriter in . - case, like new. $55. 180 E. Marion. Stavton. Ore. ' is x 24 HEAVY plate mirrors spc. $2.95. Glenn Woodry's. 1605 No. Summer. ' ANTIQUE DRESSER $25. Bargain Barn. 4r H)rej&oti 220 No. Church SC Classified Advertising Per word, 1 time 4e Per word. 3 times 10c Per word. 7 times 18c Per word. 1 month 60c Minimum ten words. Extra charge for -Blind" ads 25e Readers ia city briefs: . Per word : 7c Minim am ten words, No Refunds. The deadline for classified and reader advertising ia 5:43 p.m. daily. . The statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the fight to place all advertising under the proper classification The Statesman assume no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished n its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement ia which the typographical mistake occurs A 'Ellnd Ad an ad containing a Statesmen box number for an ad dress to for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore -be answered by letter. The Statesman fa not at liberty to divulge informa tion aa to the identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sal, Miscellaneous ELEC clothes dryer only $59.95. 2 only. Yeatei Appliance Co., 375 Chemekta St v PIANO BOXES. Salem Music Co 453 so. mgn. i'n. x-nta. SOLID maple chest drawers $15. Glenn Woodry's, 1603 N. Summer. BARGAIN OF a lifetime. Look! New electric drill, buffer, sander, grind er, a pc. Set Reg. $29.95. Spc this week $19.95. Bargain Barn. 4 mi. 6. Salem. 99E. " : $30 ALLOWED for your old water heater regardless of condition or make, on a new westinghouse automatic electric water heater, with a ten year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for tables, furniture, railings. 1149 N. , Liberty; BOY'S OR man's bike $10. Trike S6.50. 16 mu movie projector $15. Table radio $8.50. Bargains by the dozens.! Glenn Woodry's. 160S N. Summer. PIANO ROLLS 60c. "Bargain Barn. Singer Elec. Portable Sewing machine looks like new. A-l condition and guaranteed. Only $9,50 down and $5.72 per month. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. ComT. DESK. CHEST combination, walnut, only $24.50. Other desks, all sizes and prices. Glenn Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer. PAINT $1.99 gal. Bargain Barn. STANLEY home products. Lee Mindt m Madison. Ph. 3-4056. DAVENOS $15. Bargain Barn. USED electric ranges $12.95 Sc up. Yeater Appliance, 375 Chemeketa. Phone .3-4311. MOST LOVELY antique bedroom set, solid black walnut, burl inlaid, hand-carved, massive bed and dresser, complete with marble tops. We've never seen its equal in oyer 30 years furniture experience. Only $250 cash or trade. Glenn WrwrtT-v' IfiOS f Slimmer CLUB CHAIRS. U recover, $5 to $10. Bargain Barn. . Diamonds & Jewelry at cost plus 10. Can or write W. C. Mitchell. 1175 Hillyard. Eugene. Ore. 3-6557. WINDOW CASINGS, doors, stoves, all -kinds except electric. 1073 7th St. GOOD used refrigerators $49.50 and up. Used washers $6.95 and up. Yeater Appliance 375 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. ELECTRIC RANGE bargain! Frigi- , daire deluxe, just like new. only $189.50. Cost over $300 very re- cently. U pay only $39.50 down I (or trade in your old one). Bal. ! E.Z. Terms. Glenn Woodry's, 1605 j N. Summer. COIL BOX springs inc. legs $3.95 to $9 95. This week at Bargain Barn 4 ml. w. Salem 99E. NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up .o S50 or more for vour old sewing hsewS, SVln house sewing machine with a 20 yr. warranty. Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemeketa St THOR SPINNER automatic washers, i like new, only $79.50 each. Yeater t Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Ph. 1 3-4311. ; ALL of our beautiful bedroom and ) daveno suites sale priced to make ; room for incoming stock. Give us a ry before U buy. Terms, Trades. Glenn Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer. SHOW CASES $20.00 $25.00 $40.00.' Also Kelvinator refrigerated meat case only $100. Bargain Barn 4 mi. V. Salem 99E. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneoug GIRL'S good used junior bicycle. Must be reasonable. Phone 4-1042. WOULD like to buy good clean : size mattress, innenpring or other wise. Call 2-4280. 474 Missrn neoust Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or mail your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State & Com. Ph. 3-33U HOSPITAL beds for sale or rent. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 3-9188. 476 Fuel HAND PICKED 16" green edging or slab. Also 16" dry slab. Summer prices or fresh cut sawdust order todav. , S k H GREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel 3087 Broadway Phone 35533 ASHCRAFT'S fuel, cores, log-ends, slab. Phone 3-3380. 844 Mill St. 16' OLD fir veneer cores. Elmer Boje, 2025 S. 12th. Phone 3-9453. ANDERSON'S hand picked slabwood. Z cord $14. Phone 2-7751 or 4-4253. Highway Fuel Co. Dean sawdust, wood, green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444. Capital Lbr. Fuel Co, Pickup your Presto logs. Briquets : Sc wood. 198 S. Commercial St Ph. 3-7721. Spring Special MULCH SAWDUST AND FERTI LIZER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BLOCKWOOD. 16" CLEAN West Salem Fuel Co. 1525 Edgewater Phone ,2-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan CUT CUT CUT Cut your present payments as much as 50. Lt us show how it may be done. 50 - sz.500 AMOUNTS $168.32 258.72 535.92 850.08 PAYMENTS $ 9.00 4.00 29.00 46.00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans lis S. Liberty ' Phone 4-2203 statesman Phone 2-2441 Subscription Rates By carrier In cities: Daily and Sunday $ 1.43 per mo. Daily only 1.25 per mo. Sunday only JO week By maiL Sunday only: (in advance) $ .50 per mo. Anywhere in U. S. 2.75 six mo 5 00 year By mail. Daily and Sunday: (in advance) In six counties ( Benton. Clacka mas, i Linn. Mar- - Ion. ; Polk. Yam hill). Elsewhere in Oregon In U S outside Oregon ember Audit Bureau of Circulations Bnreati of Advertising. ANFA Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Advertising Representatives: Ward-Griffith Co New York. 'Chicago San Francisco, Detroit . $ 1.00 per no. 5.25 six mo 10-50 year L20 per mo. 1.4$ per mo 600 Employment - 602 Help Wonted Men and women interested in saleswork witH a guar anteed future. J PHONE 4-1443 FOR DETAILS BETWEEN 10 A J. AND 2 P.M. EXPERIENCED CLEANER, presser or spotter. Steady work. Dallas City Cleaners. Dallas. Ore. ; Good Jobs See us for quality jobs. Benefit by our knowledge of employers and by our experience In the commun ity. Check our listing Sun., Tues.. Thurs. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGCY. 494 State (Ore. Bldg.) Ph. 4-3351 WE ARE now taking applications for Paper Routes at earner Divi sion, Statesman Building. Boys ovist be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents. If you have already applied kindly do so again. THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted, Male PART-tinv dishwasher, Friday, Sat urday and Sunday every week: Nohlgren's. 440 State. . ' WANTED Man to help dig stump holes with Auger machine. Phone 3-5337. HELP WANTED, men. Man interested in learning the drv cleaning trade Only those sincerely interested please apply. See Mr. Urban. Cap- ital City Laundry. 1264 Broadway. WANTED MEN I want 3 men who have had route sales work or any type of sales who want to make an average of $4 for every hour you put in calling on bona fide leads issued to you. If you don't average this kind of money now come in and see me at 515 Hood St., Rm. 205. Contact Mr. Bar rett, 11 to 1 p.m. daily. IF YOU have the "know how" and can qualify for selling Fords, to day's "hottest" car. we have a money making opportunity for you. See Mr. Miller. Valley Motor Company, Salem. 606 Help Wanted, Female BOOKKEEPER and typist part time work Insurance experience help ful. Call 36722 or 36096. WANTED typist to fill in during vacation period. Apply to Miss Burley. Warner Motor Co. WANTED waitress 3 days a week. 2:30 to 10:30. Cross Coffee Cup, 2370 Fairgrounds Rd. . EXPERIENCED waitress wanted part time. 10:30 a.m. till 2 p.m. White's Lunch. 1138 S. ComX Apply in per son. HOUSEKEEPER, stay nights. Call mornings. 695 N. Liberty St I WAITRESS. Speedway Restaurant. j Shopping Center. I WEEKEND waitresses. Speedway ! Restaurant. Shopping Center. HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged, live in. Mr. Barnes 4-4476 ext. 6. 608 Picker Wanted WANTED: Cherry pickers for 10 days at R. W. Tavenner Orchard. Begin 'Thurs. Heavy crop, small trees. Phone 4-3203 eves. STARTING Tuesday, cherries, large orchard, good crop. 4-4034. Rt 8 Box 624. Orchard Heights. CHERRY pickers wanted. 2l miles East of Shaw on Silver Creek Falls Highway. R. C. Adams REGISTER now for picking beans j at Clear Lake Farm. Rt 2 Box 274, Salem. North of Keizer School. U-PICK sprayed Royal Anne cher- rles. 8c. 5070 Homer Rd. Ph. 3-5828. PICK all week. Thiessen's orchard. Phone 2-1208 or 4-3112. . WANTED: Cherry pickers, picking now. 3 weeks work. 3165 Dallas Rd. PICKERS wanted: 6 A. M. Carlton's Cherry Orchards. Skyline Rd. 2-2940. WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS STANLEY SHEED. 2520 BLOSSOM DRIVE. PHONE 2-3148. 15 acres irrigated first year northwest and 7 acres narshall berries. Located 2 miles north of Salem Turn west off Portland highway at Hayesville. Go mile. 610 Sales Persons Wanted 3 MORE television salesmen needed. Must be top men. Apply Marr Ra- dio & Television, ziw. b. com i. oe- , tween 8:30 and 9:30 a. m APPLIANCE salesman wanted who is aggressive and ambitious for fu ture advancement. Must be capable to sell both inside and outside. Lib eral commission plan. Apply Mr. Doyle, Montgomery Ward, Salem. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan SEE US FOR FARM. CITY or ACRE AGE LOANS. BEST OF TERMS. WE BUY Real estate mortgages Sc contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S High St. Ph. 3-4121 AUTO LOAN'S WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S Church St I Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 Consolidate All Bills Twenty-five years ago General Fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men tci nv. vrtu a In a n service. We have lent millions. ! TRY OUR SERVICE I Ysu can repiy anytime to reduce I costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay. Ph. -first for a one trip loan. Loans $2i.00 to $300.00 on signature. furniture and equipment. Loans to $500.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Free customer parking at "Marion Car Park"; across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No S138 and M33$ 5 REAL ESTATE LOANS i Up to 20 yrs. Amortization Quick Service. Minimum Charges. j Calvin V. Kent 1 Mortgage Loans 456 No. Church Phone 1 4-2293 PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 3-0794. 515 InTestznents r i FOR SALE $3000 in certificates of interest in United Berry Growers Ins. Make offer. Ph. ; 31X94. f00 "Employment 602 Help Wanted 612 Work Wanted. Male Tractor Work Plowing, discing, blade work, hay and grass mowing. Phone 2-3041. CUSTOM hay bailing. New pickup wire-tie jbailer. Phone 3-4850. I AM prepared to put in several more new lawns Call 3-7373 days. 2-2190 evenings;. CUSTOM MOWING, hay or grass. Ford equipment, 1895 Birchwood Dr. or 3-7731. CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand. Ph. 3-4512. Silverton. LAWN planting, weekly care, fences, sprinklers, shrubs. Service Center. i Phone 4-3573. f CVRP ENTER work, all kinds, large or small. Reasonable. Ph. 4-1424. 3-7809 j DOZING and grading with light crawler. 36918. JANITOR 'Earl Cox. 650 Marion St. Phone 3-7326. Gardening and lawn work. LAWNMOWER AND circle caw sharpening. Oscar Vasfaret 391 Gerth. Ph. 2-1656. Pick up 4c De livery. 614 Work Wanted, Female WANTED ' housework, ironing, sew ing. a Iterations. Phone 45575. TYPING. ; bookkeeping. envelopes addressed, etc. In my home, re liable service. 4-5292. 615 Situations Wanted WILL fix iup for rent down or part ly finished house. Call or write 1615S.22nd. EXPERIENCED mill and construction laborer or any other work. Mar ried, age 37. Don't drink or smoke. Call at 1615 S. 22nd. WANTED) Foreman job on large grain or stock ranch, by married man. Life-time experience. Plenty references. Write Box 542 co Statesman. CARPENTER, new. remodeling, re- pair, day or contract, references. Phone z-ziaz. i Painting For quality work reasonable prices call 2-8625. HAVING AUTO RADIATOR ! TROUBLES? Vi.'ley Motor Co. experts will solve your problems and save you money. Free estimates, speedy service. Center and Liberty. PAINTING, exterior and interior. McClain and Golden. Phone 3-3322. AFFECTIONATE, efficient care of your child in my home day or night, 1511 North Winter. PAINTING 25 years in Salem, Free estimates. Phone 3-7552. BULLDOZING and land clearing. 2595 Hollywood Dr. Phone 4-1838. MlCKENHAM'S NURSERY STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT ED. HRS A.M. to P.M. PH. 2-7896 j I WILL BUILD you a home either large or small Sc arrange finance at a real saving. Phone, eves. 4-5233. DRESSMAKING, experienced. Mrs. Julius Flncus. 170O North 20th. Ph. S-9342. ; CEMENT WORK, all kinds. Prompt service. ' guaranteed. Phone 4-5129. HOME building, remodeling. Free es tlmates. ; Ben Graves. Ph. 3-8393. ROTO hoeing, plowing, discing, lev eling, lawns planted. Service Cen ter. Phone 4-3573. DAYTIME child care, by day or week. Ph. 4-5055. 1225 N. 5th. CLEANING, rugs, windows, wood work, baths, kitchens, also paint lng. Sedgwick. 3-3388. NURSERY SCHOOL. Fine's Ultra modern. 835 Mission: Ph. 2-7658 LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling. grading. Phone 2-3250. TILLING WITH rotary-hoe. Gardens, lawns. Phone 3-8529, 2355 Ever green. . CONCRETE work, all kinds. Concrete walls, blockwalls, patios, sidewalks, basements. John Feldschan Sc Son. Ph. 2-8628. 4-5329. PAINTING, papering, outside-inside walls - ceilings, woodwork, baths, kitchens. 3-3386. 618 Education DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanically in clined and reliable men to trafn for positions in the Tractor and Equipment industry. If you are not making better than $90 per week, or you don't have all year Job se curity, you owe it to yourself to write for free facts, without obli gation, about this training and our Advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Box 533, Statesman 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer Sc Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot - Phone day 3-9408 Evenings 3-7412. 2-4417 Salem. Oregon Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete Job. L. C Mitchell Phone 3-5337 f 700 Rentals GARAGE for rent 671 If. Call after 3, Phone 4-3018. CapitoL 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board SLEEPING rooms. $18 month. TV and krehen privileges. Ph. 42665. SLEEPING ROOMS with kitchen privileges. 1540 Bellevue. Phone 4-3769. , COMFORTABLE room fur gentleman, near state buildings and shopping center. Phone 3-7694. - QUIET comfortable near state build- ings. chopping districts, kitchen privileges. 2-1449. 705 Apartments For Rent LARGE 2-room furnished with pri vate bath. No objections to chil dren. Ph. 35016. f 3 ROOM furnished, adults, no drink--era, call after- 12 noon. 37541. FURNISHED or unfurnshed 3 room court Utilities paid. Laundry, stor- e room. Phone 2-6396. NOW AVAILABLE 1 and 2 bedroom apt court. Unfurnished except range and refrigerator. Automatic laundry : facilities available. Good location. Phone 4-4862. 3 BEDRM. attractive, upper duplex. , unfurn. Garage and heat 765 S. Com mereial Phone 4-5812. EXTRA CLEAN, roomy 2 bedroom, ground floor, partly furnished, available now. 1055 Edgewater, West Salem. APTS. Furnished, includes utilities. $20 and up. 827 N. Liberty. In Apt 7. : Cli5sneirtilrUesnfurrrished. taS, $43 with private bath. 20485. 35S38. MODERN 2 B-R. apt $55 monthTiSaO N. Lancaster Dr. i 700 Rentals 705 Apartments Fori -Rent NEWLY decorated. 3 rooms and bath, all electric, automatic washer. 2290 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-8511. NEW suburban partly, furnished 1 , b.r. Automatic washer and dryer. But line. Phong 2-3276. APT., "furnished, upstairs apt. Stove, refrigerator. dining room table and chairs only. Phone 1-4226. $40. $45. FURNISHED one bedroom du plex. Electric range. Near down town. See manager after C pjn. 640 N. Commercial St. FURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex and 1 bedroom apt. Near Capitol Bldgs. and Shopping Center. Phone 3-3717 or 3-8231. ' . FOR ADULTS, extra nice 3 room furnished duplex. Beautiful yard. $65 Phone 3-5109 Eves. 3-9939. VERY NICE furnished cool. 3 room and bath. 334 N. Capitol St. BETTER value." nicely furnished 3 rm. apt. Close-in N. Summer St., nice for couple, two ladies. $52.50. B. M. Mason. '3-8841. NEWLY decorated furnished apts. 248 "D" St. CLEAN 3 room furnished apt. Private bath. 194 S. Cottage. 2 FURN. Apts. Private entrance, pri vate bath, clean, close in $40 6c $45 month. 1145 Bellevue. UNFURNISHED 3 BR. Duplex with basement. Phone 3-3785 after 5 2 ROOMS furnished, refrigrator, all utilities. $34.50. 444 S. High. , FURNISHED basement apt. Oil heat. electric range. -refrigerator, shower, private entrance, reasonable. 1488 S. ComT Ph. 3-4706. SMALL furnished apt. Private bath, utilities. 450 S. Capitol. Ph. 3-5359. FIRST FLOOR two room apartment, nicely furnished. Reasonably close to Leslie School. Phone 3-4307. FURNISHED APT. 3 blocks from city center, immediate availability, call at Woodry Furniture, 474 S. Commercial. FURNISHED 3 rm. court apt. Newly decorated, close in on N. Com'l. Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644. FURNISHED or unfurnished apart-me-it close in. shade trees, a place V3U will like to live. Beauty rest mattress, automatic laundry, TV connection, new refrigerator and range, lot? of hot water. Adults see at 336 Oa k St. ONE 2 bedroom, unfurnished. Phone 3- 3566. COMPLETELY furnished, fully mod ern, radiant heat 3 rooms. Phone 4- ?M4. . Capftol Plaza FURNISHED and unfurn. apartment! ; 1165 Chemeketa. Phone 3-8B30. ; Ambassador Apts. j Nicely furnished apts. 550 N. Summer, i 707 Houses For Rent FOR RENT 1 bedroom house fur nished. 850. Ph. 22 150. 2 BEDRM. hse. for rent. Location 1683 Center. See Col bath Land Co. Dial 44494. . ( UNFURNISHED modern 2 bedroom home, garage $60. Phone 3-9634 after 6 p.m. CABINS, 3 room, partly furn. $9 week. 3415 Williams Ave. 4-BEDROOM house. Ave. Phone 2-5538. $60. 2193 Park 2-BEDROOM cottage with range. Wall-to-wall carpet. Youngstown kitchen refrigerator, range and Bendix. $70. 630 Catterhne. Call 2-2707 for appoin tment. NICE 1-BDRM. furnished house, walking dist. to town. Ph. 3-3101. Eve 2-6758. FURNISHED, small but lovely. Must see appreciate for 1 or 2. 3-5085. WHY RENT Your choice (8 mod ern homes $500 or less down. See Star Realty. 5330 So. Pac. Hiway. Ph. 22051. BONNIE DEE Cottages and TniSr Court 3215 Portland Rd. Phone 4-5373. Rental by Bay, week or month. Completely furnished ' in cluding utilities. Permanent rentals from S30 to S65. 1 BEDROOM modern house, electric heat close in. Inquire 883 N. Cot- FOR RENT. 3 bedroom home, excel lent location. 1715 S. High. Inquire 191 S. High., . UNFURN. 4 rms. and bath $35. 3-5838. 2 BEDROOM furnished home. 1810 S. Capitol St. 5 NICE rooms, modern, oak floors, attached garage. $70 month. 901 Parkway and Cascade Dr. Phone 4-4793 ONE bedroom house North. Phone 4-1636. unfurnished. FURNISHED, one Bdrm. court rental. Clean and neat. Located in W. Sa- lem. $50 per mo. Phone 4-176 L UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex, stove and refrigerator, call eves.. Sat. and Sundays. Phone 3-7059. 1 BEDROOM house on bus line, apt. size range, laundry faciliites, fur-' nished. Phone 4-2932. 1 BEDROOM. modern. garage. Brooks. Phone 4-5028. 708 Farms, Tracts For Rent 20 or 30 .ACRES of land and 6 room house with shower and wired for range. 6 mi. South of Salem D. A. Fish. Phone 3-4706. 1488 S. Com'l St 703 Wanted to Rent WANTED: Middle aged or older per son or persons who have room ' to make home for congenial elderly man. For details call 3-5656. 710 Wanted to Rent, Houses CLEAN 2 21957. or 3 bedroom house. Ph. STATESMAN employee and family wants large 2 or smaller 3 bed room house, must be clean, un furnisHed except stove. Will lease with option to buy, prefer south. Ph. 33020. . 2 BR. unfurnished house or apt. Al lowing children and pets', near bus line. Write Statesman Box 541. Will contact Fri. or Sat. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM house, unfur nished. 2 children, 8 and 11. Prefer suou r ba n. Phone 2-2701. ' RESPONSIBLE business man needs 3 bedroom home in or near Salem. 3 nice children. Rent or lease with option to buy. References if desired. Write Box 523 or call Mr. Feiring Salem 2.259, LOCAL business man desires to rent or lease 3 or 4 bedroom home, 4 adults. Phone 2-4694. 714 Business Rentals FOR RENT, barber shop locatioln. This has had shop 13- yrs. Shop irea and living quarters. Rent- only . $75 per 'mo. AL ISAAK & CO. 3035 Portland Rd. Office Phone 4-3311 or 3-7820 OFFICE or store space in Bldg. to be erected at 144 .S. 13th. Phone 3-5222. . , OFFICE SPACE. Inquire 109 S. High. Phone 3-4114 . FOR LEASETlSO-200 ft. frontage on Fdgewater St. West Salem. Ira rttts. Phone 3-8403. FOR LEASE, business building, park ing area, very desirable district Suitable for most any type of busi . ness. Rent 3iT.y $125 a month, Al Iaak. Ph. 4-3311. GROUND FLOOR office or store space for rent Call at Fitts Market 218 N Commercial Phone 3-4424 i BIJDGS. in Hollywood. Could be used as one. Door between. Ap prox. 1000 sq. ft $50 a mo. ea. side. Call Rawlins Realty at 2-4664 or 4-1761. ()() 'Real Estate 801 Business Oportunifies LEBANON'S BEST. 10 unit motel and 2 bedroom home. Units will accom odate up to 4 persons. Best of construction- and repairs. -Leaving states. Best offer in 30 days buys. Terms Sc trade. Rio Vista Motet Lebanon, Oregon. $3500 COFFEE SHOP IN EXCELLENT LO CATION. DOING COOD.R. ROAD BUSINESS. PRICE INCLUDES FIXTURES. TERMS MAY BE AR RANGED. PHONE 3-5748 AFTER 7 PM. TOR INFORMATION. 800 "Real Estate The Nicest TEN acres you; will find around the country, large .'Variety . of fruit and nut trees, good. Willamette soil, fine " wtr. system, dandy 4-stan. barn with cement floor, 2 -car ga. phis a fin ranch style 3-br. home in a beautiful shaded setting, home has lg. dining rm.. fire pic. and a full dry burnt, with sawdust piped fur. Really a buy at $19,000. Furniture Included LOCATED close' in on a corner lot with cxcL poo-abilities of future business property, a good sound 4 bedrm. home with a basmt. and sawdust heat 2 full baths and 2-car ga. This .place is very neat and cleaxu- Can have Immediate posses sion. $9950, reasonable terms. Lifetime Construction -HOME plus income, from 3 apts., leaving the entire lower floor for owners.. full Basmt. new oil fired hot wtr. heating system. Large lot with lota of shade trees. This place is in top cond. and very reasonably priced at $19,000. 3 Bedrooms $9000. Five yrs. old. in wonderful cond. Leslie dist. Shade trees and pvd. st $1300 down. PHONE 2-6680 Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 ft. High Eve, call 3-5413. 2-8704, 3-6667 REIMANN 3-BEDROOM SPECIAL Name your own down payment. Or will trade for a small inexpensive home. Ideal for large family. Large kitchen, large dining room, lots of storage space. Just a few blocks from grade school, jr. high, and high school. . Large oak tree for plenty of shade. Bus by door. Pay ments like rent. ONLY 4 INTEREST On unpaid balance. You don't have to be a GI to take advantage of this. Unusually low payment of $44 per mo., pays for home and taxes and insurance. An extra good 2-bedroom home in a good district with a large, well landscaped lot. A bargain at only $7100. LOOK THIS OVER FOR VALUE I New 2 bedrooms, eating space In kitchen, dining room, auto, oil heat. att garage., paved st blk. to ! city bus. 5 blks. to school. Large j lot. Will go state G.I. or take a good conventional loan. Priced at $8950. REIMANN Real Estate - Loans-.and Insurance 201 South High Street Phone 2-9203 PHONE EVE. AND SUNDAYS 4-1S71, 3-3858, 4-1288, 4-5319. 3-3264 801 Business Oporrunitias ENGLEW00D INCOME PROPERTY Located N. 19th St. Hi blks from Englewood School. 10 Room up and down Duplex with all furnishings. Corner lot. Garage. INCOME $100 per month (all rent ed). PRICE $7950. Terms. $950 down. CENTER ST. INCOME 5-UNIT APT. HOUSE 3 bath rms. double garage, completely furnish ed. Very clean, and neat GOOD INCOME. Owner retiring. PRICED TO SELL AT $9950. BUY THIS FOR FUTURE OLD AGE ASSIST ANCE. SEE BEN COLBATH REALTOR i 515 Court St. Dial 4-4494. Eve. 2-6 For Sale By Owner 14-space trailer court, including 5 partially furnished apartment Choice location in expanding busi ness rone. Call 2-9213 for appoint ment. , SELL to trade 11-unit court. Only $17,500. Showing good returns. Will take home or income property in Salem. Call NeU Knittel. with Al len C. Jones. Realtor. 231 N. High St 3-5838. Eves. 4-2310. UNION OIL CO. has service station for lease in Woodburn. Good gal lonage and garage in connection if wanted. Call Mr. Crowe, Salem . 3-7676. FOK SALE by owner 1 mile S. of . Hubbard on Highway 99. Service station & garage with living quar ters. Large grounds and welt A good buy Sc terms to suit. Write W. Wagner. P.O. 4297 Portland or call Ca 1359. STORE ROOM, new used for dry cleaning. Wired for beauty shop. gS3 S. 12th. CAFE Profitable cafe business, short hours, 5' days week. For informa tion call 26653. 802 Business Property NEW bldg., 20 by 52'. Keizer dis trict. Ph. 2-3276. Grocery store with living quarters. Doing wonderful business. Close to large school and in thickly populat ed dist. Up-to-date fixtures. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price $13,500 plus inv. includes building, etc. No phone information, please. State Finance Co., Realtors 167 S. High St. Phone 3-4121 806 Houses For Sale 4 ROOM unfinished house. North east. $1.750. Phone 2-8189. TERRIFIC IS THE WORD See this secluded place on top of lovely Fairmount Hill. Beautifully landscaped and many shade trees. The home has a cozy liv. rm. eating area in kit. service porch. 2 bdrms. patio. Dutch doors, sundial, large detached ga rage. FULL PRICE IS ONLY $8500. TERMS. NOT ANOTHER LIKE IT IN SALEM. COLBATH LAND CO. - 515 COURT DIAL 4-4494 or 2-4552 EVE. 2-5373 Move Right In NEW SIX -ROOM SUBURBAN Two bedrooms and beautiful large den (or 3 bedrooms); separate dining room; H.W. floors thruout; fire place: forced air oil heat; attached garagej On a quiet street, yet close to schools and business. 1200 square feet in this well built, nicely ar ranged home. Price $12,000. Terms with monthly payments like rent. .4V Acres NORTHEAST on paved road. Five room home, barn, poultry, house, deep well with 8-inch casing. Plenty of water for irrigating this fine gardensoil. Variety of fruit, nuts and berries.J About 4 acres in crop. Price $10,500. $4,000 down, balance $50 per month, Center Street Realty 1748 Center St. Phone 4-6631 Eve. Phs. Gies 2-7812. Bright 3-5862 WOODED DELIGHT NO FINER CAN BE FOUND When you step Onto these premises you will be thrilled with the beautiful surroundings 'of lovely trees, shrubs, flowers and neighborhood. Beautiful 2-bdrm home of latest de sign, fireplace, hdwd firs, wall-to-wall carpeting. Drive by 2185 Cen ter, then call BEN COLBATH REALTOR 513 Court St Dial 4-4494. Eve. 2- 923 $9950. New 3 bedroom, suburban, easy payments. Very "well built home, forced air oil furnace, sepa, rate utility room, large garage, fire place, near schooL Nearly half acre. Phone owner. 2-2020. 800 Ileal Estate' LARGE ' 1 i til- . - 2-BEDROOM If l.J WB Just Kited suburban --home, extra spacious, arc living room, natural Kitch en with, dandy Hnook. large central hallway, extra size util ity, this home la beautifully dec orated, and on m 100 x 180 lot it has been appraised by PHA at $11,000. and so is listed at that -.ID Ohmart price. i Lm $8000 2-Bedroom Home Located near the Hoover; School oa "D" j good acai. Apartment House 2 furnished apts plus 4 unf. apts at $12,500. ! ! ! Would You Like to-Own This Home? It' located on N. 21st St has 4 bedrooms, basement with party room, i , nice living room and dining, room with fireplace this can be yours, I I call us now for appulntment . price js Just $13,000. ' j ' On Candalaria j 1 Dandy buy for $15,000. 2-bedroom home With folding doors In living room i for additional bedroom" or den.'or just 1 large living room, unique fire- happy to show you thru any time. River Here It is JUST LISTED!!! A danIy 3-bedroom ranch style with full ' dining room, breakfast nook, a .huge basement. 2 fireplaces and 70 I feet of SUPER river frontage 1!! All tjhls for $15,500 and close in! I OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 4Ti Court St. J Ev Ted Morrison a-ao naipn Sole 806 Houses For NELSON OUR WEDNESDAY TRADES Trade This 3-bdrm Home Keizer District for 3-bdrm home with at least 2 bdrms on ground fir. Oil floor fur ' pace, nice living rm. dining rm. 1 pdrm down and 2 up, deep freeze. TV nd rugs available; Price $8450. . Call Mrs. wooiten. TraI One-bdrm for Tno-bdna Excellent 1-bdrm homaj with fplaee. - close to down townw for 2-bdrm ! home. Prefer south Side of city, ' Pricek$6250. Call AL Watts, 3-7265. ' I Trade Our client will take a home or small j-esidential court as part payment in' Irade for large apartment house lo cated in down town business area. Fully rented at all times, annual rental $8,400.00. a real investment. 1 comfortable living quarters r for i bwner. Call Mr. Schmidt. j ' .Tradej , ; 5 Acres 3 Bdrms. i ! Northeast A comfortable completely remodeled home with dining room, separate TV room. 6 -stall barn, excellent soil, on pvd road and bus. close to fown. Price SI 5.750. Will trade for lome in Salem. j Nelson & Nelson Specializing Realtor ; 702 N. High St Phone 2-3669 i Klumpp's ) WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? A lovely two-bedrm. j home, fire place, ac oil heat. 1 near Leslie School, large corner lot. fine hdmes Surrounding it F.HA.i terms. ; $800 DOWN ! Suburban 2-bedroom home me 'nice sized lot with living room ' and Kitchen, attached garage. Price 1500. V. E. KLUMPP, Realtor 30$5 Portland Rd. Phone 2.7642 i Eve. 2-3566 or 2-3884 f : 1 H ONLY 6 YRS. OLD And in good condition. This 2 B.R. home near new grade school. East ' section of to An. $6500. Will take jate model car as part payment. 1 THIS GROWING FAMILY 1 Needs more room 4 so are offering tor sale this cjan. 2 B.R. home with ww carpet in liv. rm- atta. . garage. best garden soil. nly ; $7250. . . ; ; ! 41, A-Np BLDGS. On paved at, sortie trees, city wa , iter, only 3 ml. from downtown, ' j$4500. . i : l ; - BURT PICH A t N. High St ! Off.: 2-4047 jj Eves.: Allan Fletcher: 2-2701 By OWNER, nice home, large l lot ; ;pice garden. Berries, grapes, i ap : Die trees. Attached garaee. hen house, good welL 3245 Silverton 5 Rd. . i- ' OWNER WILL TAKE late model! car f; .as down payment on new 2-B.R. home, unfinished att, L.R., fire- place. BR. R.. BIRCH KIT. J " JUST LISTED: 3 BR. home on 1 acre . LR. DR. KIT. Sc UTILITY, gar.iatt 7 Ismail barn, close to bus. . SMALL DOWN PAYMENT, large lot. close to bus. LR. BR. BATH. COMB i 1KIT Sc DIN. ATT. GAR. $425.00. i Call Mr. WALLAR. I . I I i ED BYRKIT & CO A frhone 3-3101; eve. 2-6496 or 2-67jg $300 DOWN 1 this 4 yr. old suburban home with i2 bedrooms. Attached ; garage, hard- i I wood floors, oil floor furnace, fire i Iplace. large lot and unf inshed Up ' jktairs. Full price $&50u. No finance ' -costs. $70 month includes price. Wit., j ilaxes and insurance, i Key at 2705 jSunnyview Ave. Phone 36468. ' 2TbEDROOM ranch style' home, 2-i . years old in new East Englewood ' jdistrict double plumbing, garage, I jrarport, corner lot Inquire 1310 N. .UH1VS JBX 2943 lATHSirxi AVt; Don't disturb tenants. Only $7000 for : ithts year old 2 br. home with , .F.A. oil furnace. Low do. paymt I Allen C. Jones. 231 N. High. 3538 eve. TO64Q. Nice 2 bdrm. home near Hollywood i 'shopping center. Owner will aetl, , for $1000 gn.. monthly payment ipr will give 1 yrs. lease option ito I purchase. j j Also have nearly new 2 bdrm. home 1 In West Salem. Will sell on easy . .terms to right party. Price reduced ito $10900. . f , ! . ! IjOE NooncHester I H ' REAL ESTATE - i - S N. Cottage Ph. 43661 day or eye JTBEDROOM ranch style home. Nice corner lot 2 ear attached garage. M Utility room and oil j heat Priced f'for quick sale. 2190 i MUX Phone. 'owner 3-5084 for appointment. -i BY BUILDER t NEW 3 bdrm. East Englewood. Best j jnf everything, good i loan. Phone 3-7D7L 800 Heal Estate f. t - r:':: A thfa l.year-old everything la full dining room. Rudy StL double garage. Just 4 years old Consider Trade total monthly income $1M 00 priced I Frontage, I , Phone 1-411S. 2-4118 Maddy 2-348S Henry Tor vend 3-3632 $4950 ! : JUST IMAGINE yourself living in ttiia 3-Br home with full basement. 12x16 living room and fenced yard Cor only $4950. This property in Only 7 yrs old and on paved street Owner -wants, to go back to Texas. The time to ouy is now. DON DAVIS. Eve. Ph. 3-7028. - $8950 FLOWERS. SHRUBS, LAWN. PATIO. Comfortable, cool and refreshing yard with lovely patio where you can sit in your favorite lawn chair and relax as the world goes by. Retire to. this suburban 2-Br. home with unfinished upstairs and fire place. Only S years old and every ?ear spent In developing a beauti ul yard for you to enjoy. Call now nor appointment, tuir euwutn, ve. Ph. 3-9956. 3 Little Boys IN THIS 3-BEDROOM HOME with finished party rocm in base ment. THEY walk barefoot on fine carpeting which will be left in the home and Mama keeps them in fcnel The home IS CLEAN. Good fence to keep the children at home and close in location. Daddy trans ferred this week and will sell quick or S11.9O0. NO OFFERS. THELMA MANKERTZ. Eve,. Ph. 2-8053. Cliff Bowder, Realtor I 1980 Fairgrounds Road J Phone 4-3395 T 806 Houses For Sale - i $4juo with $500.00 down and $50.00 peV month. This 2 B.R. older type home close In N.E. House is in good repair, and close to bus line. Gar ge, - : 23.150 Clean i B.R. home In Mc Klnley School Dist Has -complete bath, utility room with laundry trays. Larue garage. 'Lot SO x 117. 750.0O down. $3,500 with $500.00 down. 2 B.R. home tn Englewood School . Dist Good location for someone working at Hospital. This is a wonderful lot, but house needs about everything. ' This is a handy man's special. $2,750 with $500.00 down. This small neat home on approx. 1 acre in Keizer Dist Creek. Has well and elect, pump. Chicken house. Several fruit trees. Gall Stanley Brown or O. V. Hume, Co-op Broker witn STATE FINANCE CO., FINANCE CO.. Realtors 167 S. High St Phone 3-4121 2-5561 or 2-5206 SEE OWNER for a real buy. in a 2 bedroom home. Like new. near school, quiet district. Will take late model car in trade. Phone 2-0004. Ave. Just off Lansing. FOR SALE: Older 3-bedroom house. ;7600. Phone 3-4538. ' A Very Good Buy. Late built, large 2-bedroom home, with lots of built-lns. home Is clean and neat and in tip-top shape, ex cellent residential district, near schools, bus, and shopping. Has a large double garage. Quick posses sion can be had. property will qualify for G. I. loan of FHA for those desiring low down payment. 2 3 Bedrooms rge living room for TV, 2 bedrooms dqwn, 1 up. with room for one more. ' attached garage, near a school, reasonable terms, might ke late car in for down payment. 950. Cafe ell established, good equipment easy lease, has future drive-in pos sibilities. 1 J. Need Financing e are making mtge.-loan 9 un in 20 years, also place G. I. and FHA poana, on late built property. Uoe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Phone 3-8218 lz Acre, New Home bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen. Attached garage. Chicken house. Northeast of city. New homes surrounding. - $8,950. Older 3-bedroom home. Barn. hicken and brooder house. $6,500. all Carpenter. 2 Houses on 1 Lot 2-br. with basement I with 1 br. rlose to shopping center. Price $12.- Must beshown by appt. Call My. Business Property . VERY nice location with many pos- libilities. Owner retiring ana jeav ng town will accept home or farm i trade. This is a good snna mvesi ient Price $21,000. Call for ap- 'intment to see, Lancaster Dr, 3-BR. HOME withL Jk- Bam and other out bldgs. Choice location. Price $11,500. Call Carpenterf I Art Madsen, Realty VSH State phone 3-5580. 2-8812 CHOICE CORNERS 1075 N. CAPITOL M x 130i. Furnished modern apts. 120.000. terms. Corner McCoy ana Colonial. 2 lots. $5,000. Eatep. A-STEAL. $6,350 possible S BR newer type plastered house. Close to Hoover bcnooi. Move right in. I SUMMERS RLTY. 1725 State. Ph. Day, eve. 2-4601 BV OWNER, ultra modern 3 bedroom (home, totced air furnace, large Jot. 120x120 Acres of builtma. Cov Wreri natla. larre windows, built in butomaUe laundry equipment LShniM and lawn In, The Dries is $12,900. Phone 2-0004. . f 4 Caiab