The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    ! - :
I Radio and TV Schedules
Channel 27
TUESDAY t j : i .
, :30 What' Cooking
10:15 All-SUr Baseball Game
1:39 Freezer Fancies
1:45 Hollywood Reel
2:00 Matinee Theater
3:15 Search for Tomorrow
3:30 Love of I Life
3:45 Toy Maker
4:00 Howdy Doody
4:30 Stranger Thin Fiction
1:45 Boy's Railroad Club
:O0 Name's the Same
5:30--Doug Edwards ,
8:45 Time for Beany
6:00 Two lor the Money
6:45 News Caravan
7:00 Mirror Theater
7:30 Break the Bank
8:00 Nothing But the Best
8:30 This li Your Life
9:00 Adolphe ! Menjou -9:30
Scott Music Hall
10:00 My Little Margie
10:30 Drama Playhouse
11:00 Frosty Frolics
11;30 Nite Owl Theater
What's Cooking? 9:30 Local
live cooking show starring Bar
bara AngelL Marketing for
steaks and peach; pie.
Annual All-Star Baseball Game
10:15 Telecast ! "live" from
Crosley field, Cincinnati, with
Mel Allen and Jack Brickhouse,
commentators. !
Freezer Fancies, I 1:30 Local,
live show starring Betty Davis
with tips on freezing.
Matinee Theater, 2:00 "Girl
from Rio Movita, Warren Hull
and Kay Llnaker.'
Toymaker, 3:45 Local, live
children's show starring the old
German Toymaker with tales of
Toys to delight the . young of
heart. I
Miner Theater,! 7:00 -Salt
of the Earth" is j a television
drama based on ja short story
which will star Martha Scott and
Richard Kiley. Story tells of a
young wife whose efficiency ia
running other people'i Uvea rv
sulti In their resenting her well
meant interference.
Nothing But the Best, 1 8:00
Eddie Albert, emceeing musical
variety show with guests being
Paul Hartmtn, dancer; Portia
Nelson, vocalist, and some Span
iso dancers.
This lav Your Life, 8:30 New
time for this show. Roy Rogers
life will be presented on a re
telecast. Trigger, Dale Evans ana
6:45 News Caravan : i
7:00-Liberace ;
8:001 Married Joan
6:30 Candid Camera
0:00 Theater Hour '
:i0:00 Orient Express j
10:30 Drama Playhouse
11:00 Crusade In the Pacific5
11:30 Nite Owl Theater
12:00 Sign Off
What's Cooking? 9:30 Local
4 children will appear on the ;
arwe uivui UW WC MU IUU
Favorite story 9;w new
time for this show . . . "A Martyr
for Science" stars Adolphe Men
jou, Marshall Thompson and
Kay Morley. Story of a surgeon
whose Interne assistant neglects
his wife under thi-pressure of the
surgeon's work schedule. When
the interne disappears, his wife,
In terror fears he has been used
as a human guinea pig.
Scott Music Hall, 9:30 Patti
Page returns for an "On the
Boardwalk" production. Less
Paul and Mary FOrd as featured
My Little Margie, 10:00 Vera
mistakes the attentions paid Mar
gie by a handsome young truck
driver as that of a fortune hunt
Nite Owl Theater, 11:30
"Manhattan Love Song." Robert
Armstrong, Dixie Lee.
9:30 What's Cooking
10:43 Garry Moore
11:00 The Big Payoff
11:30 Welcome Travelers
12:00 Betty Furness
12:15 Arthur Godfrey
12:30 Ladies Choice
1:00 Double or Nothing
1:30 Strike it Rich
2:00 Matinee Theater '
3:15 Search for Tomorrow
3:30 Love of Life
3:45 Toymaker
4:00 Howdy Doody
4:30 Tootaie Hippodrome
5:00 Strike it Rich
5:30 DOug Edwards
5:45 Time for "Beany
6:00 Fights
Pacific Standard Time
KSLM 1390. KOCO; 1490. KGAE ltM, KOIN t78. SOW S28. KEX 118
KPTV-UHF Chaanel X7: FM: Megacycles . IOW 111,1; KEX ftJ
(Editor's note: The Statesman publishes la goei faith the programs
and tines aa provided by the radio stations, but became oftlmes the
programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot bo
responstblo for tho accuracy heroin.)
K8L.M News Summary Music. TlmelcpTi News
KOCO West Melod. IWest Melod. Farm News
KGAE Brk. Nook I Br. Nook I Brk. Nook
kuin R.F.D. Oregon IKoin Kloclt IKoin Klock
KGW Dave West IDave West (Dave West
KEX Ort Jirm Hr. JOroJTarmHr. lOreJarm Ifr.
March Time
I Brk. Nook
Koin (Clock
Farm Time
lOre. Farm Hr
apricot whip (not too high , in
Matinee Theater, 2:00 "Mick
ey the Kid." Bruce Cabot, Ralph
Byrd, Zazu Pitta. ,
Toymaker,- 3:45 Local , live
children's show starring the old
German Toymaker with tales of
toys to delight the young of heart.
Fights, 6:00 Kid Gavilan of
Havana vs. Ramon Fuentes of Cal
ifornia at the Milwaukee, Wiscon
sin Arena.
Libera ce, 7:00 Selections in
clude: "Beer Barrel Polka," "Mal
aguena," "As Time Goes By,"
"Humoresque," "Polich i n e 1 1 e"
(puppets featured) and "That
Doggie in the Window" (with
I Married Joan. 8:00 Joan in
sists upon joining husband Brad
on a camping expedition and en
deavors to learn to ride a horse.
Brad tests Joan's aptitude for the
great outdoors by asking her to
rough it in the house.
.candid camera, 8:30 . . . new
time for this show . . . Mary Mar
garet McBnde as guest emcee,
riignugnt is reaction oi a cus
tomer in a store into whose hat
Funt breaks an egg.
Theater Hour, 9:00 "Die
Hard," stars Jackie Cooper in the
story of a perfectionist whose
success leads to his failure.
Orient Express, 10:00 "Miss
ing Men" Locale: Munich," Ger
many. Atomic energy scientists
are victimized by enemy agents
as they seek to develop atomic
energy for paceful uses.
Crusade in the Pacific, 11:00
The war to check expanding Jap
anese aggression in the China
Burma-India theater.
Nite Owl Theater, 11:30
"Great God Gold" with Sidney
Blackmer and Martha Sleeper.
Stock Market
Takes Third
Straight Fall
NEW YORK m - Defense
stocks turned soft Monday and
beaded j a decline in the stock
market, Losses ran to between l
and 3 points at the outside in rep
resentative areas.
The extent of the fall was meas
ured by The Associated Press av
erage of 160 stocks at Si JO. the
biggest; 'decline in around five
weeks, i The average now stands
at $107 J0J It was the third straight
fan for the average after six
straight advances.
The industrial component of the
average was down $1.40, the rail
roads were down $1.50, and the
utilities ; were down 30 cents.
The list expanded somewhat to
include j 1435 -nidividual issues of
which 178 advanced and 71$ de
clined with 7 new highs and 65
new lows for the year touched dur
ing the day.
Lack of urgency in the decline
was indicated by the fact that only
1,120,000 shares changed hands.
That was considerably higher than
Friday's total of 860,000 shares, but
it is well below the daily average
so far this year.
A British oceanographic ship
has determine 1 that the Mariana
Trench, southwest of Guam, ia
35,640 feet deep.
City. CDlbfittiuiaFiles
i I
Dr. Ansa J. noddy, near Willows,
v-aiii- juit s at in at a at so. stu
dent at New Tribes Mission, Chlco,
aurvivea or wut, Mrs. Koborta
Boddy, Now Tribes Mission; throe
otugnim,- Ajonoa, MMoca and
Katny Boddy, New Tribes Mission:
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Boddy,
Vancouver, wasn. services win do
hold Wednesday. July is at 1:30
p.m. in first Baptist Church. Salem,
with 1h Reverend Risbert rfficUt.
log. Interment at Parkhill Come
tery Vancouver, Wash., under di
rection or Howell-Edwsrds Co.
f -
UTTO! .. "
William Wilson Diittnn In tHta
cuv. jujv 7 at the ace of M vaar.
Survived by daushter. Mrs. Jennv
Hlfer, Spencer. Neb., and brother,
A. A. Dutton, Mankato, Kan. Serv
ices wui do. neia Tiosdav. Juiv 14 at
S p.m. in Howell-Edwsrds Chaoel
with Interment ia Cltv View Ceme.
Mrs. Georre W. MUlle. at tho rest.
dence. 47S N. Capitol St.. July IS.
Survived by on, Henry J. Millie. Sa
lem: sister, Mrs. 3. L. Blxbr. Lon-
view. Wash. Announcement of vrv.
ices later by Clough-Barrick Co,
Ceasar Kicond. late resident af
Taft. in this city July S. Services
were held Mondsy, July 13 in St.
Barbsrs s Cemetery under direction
of W. T. Rifdon Co.
Undine Ssrsh Rose, st tho real.
dence 1163 Chemeketa St. Survived
by three eons. S. Parzv Una tt.
Portland, 1st VU Nell Hose, In Ko
rea. 1st 14. Wayne Rose, in Pan-
ama; arandchiMron. 8. Party Rose,
III. Rebecca Leo Rose and Steven
ram nose, au of Portland. Services
will be held Tuesday. July 14 at S
p.m. In Virgil T. Oolden Chapel with
Dr. Paul Polina of HcUtlnf . 1
Everett rranklln Smith (better;
known to his friends as Psul .Bun:
ysa Smith) Lata resident of Wren
ujy ie. sumvoo or wifa, Mrs,
Mablo Smith, Wren; daughters,
Violet Anderson. , Corvallls. Char
lone smith. Salem; sons, Dusne
Smith, San Prandsco. Everett Smith.
Jr U. S. Navy, Dennis and Darold
Smith. -both of Wren; mother, Mrs.
C. B. JLefilnawcn, Portland; father,
Henry Franklin Smith. SprinctleUl;
sister, airs. Irene Nelson. Rice Lake,
Wis.; brother, Malcolm Le'finfwell,
Salem;! hall-siiters, Mrs. Lydla
Shields. Priest River. Ids., Mrs. Msy
SUnson. Sprinsfield, Mrs. Dorothy
Rause. Priest River. Ida.. Mrs. Gen
eva DaolitUe Spokane. Wash.. Joan,
Minneapolis. Minn.: half-brother.
John, Wayne, and George Smith, all
of Springfield; Orland Smith. Tsxas.
Servicee will bo held Tuesday. July
14 at S D.m. in Cloush-Rarrlrlr
Chape! with tho Rev. V. U. Loucks
officiating. Interment will be at
City view Cemetery.
Ambrose Snook. Julv 11 at Hn,.
burg. tte resident of 3189 N.
Liberty: St, Salem. Survived by
three sons. Prank, Richard and
Robert Snook, all of Salem: one
daughter. Mrs. Avis Squires, Salem!
brother. Will Snook. S. D sister.
Elsie Snook, Salem. Nancy Hender
son. Toppenlsh, Wash.: and . 1J
arrandchlldren. Services will be held
Wednesday. July IS at 3 p.m. In the
w. x. aigaon una pel with Interment
gfrtatnaa. Cedtas Oraw Tata fait II XS C.
New Artificial Leg
Allows Farm Work
t TOKYO (Ph The American-
&.orean i foundation baa devel
oped a new type of artificial lef
which will permit war-maimed
Korean soldier to work la the
rice fields..
j Howard A. Rusk, head of th
private organization's all-mem
ber mission, said the pes leg
type naa oeen equipped with
metal rocker at the bottom which
will enable a worker to lift his
toot from the mud more readily.
at ee Mission Cemetery. V,mh.r A
SDanish-Amerlcan War V.l.r.n.
iin s-osi.
1040 Cedar Way July 13. Survived
by wife. Mrs. Hazel Stotler. ealaih
nleo, Ella Schraf. Salem: neohew-
vraiier swuer. oaiem: seaera 1 nieces
an1 nephews in California, flervioee
Will be held Wednesday, July IS at
1 pjn. in Clough-Bsrrick Chapel
with Interment at Lee Mission Ceme
tery. The Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson
will officiate.
Everett R. Stroud late f
4o W. Madron a Ave in a local hos
pital Julv 12. Survived BY Vtf- Vf r.
Cornelia Stroud. Salem: daughters.
Mrs. lanor Miles. Corvallls. Mrs.
Donna Fay Porter, in Germany; eon,
Ronalrf itmiiri !. i.
tors, Mrs. Helen Wlnsl'ow. Portland,
Mrs. Adelaide Rush, Oswego; sister.
mrs Mary ummacx, saiem; and six
grandchildren. Services will be held
Wednesday July IS at 10 a.m. in
Clough-Barrick Chapel with the Rev.
Elmer Heibert officiating. Interment I
will be at Rosedale Cemetery. I
Standards Low
TAIPEH. Formosa U? Skill
ed! workers ia Free- China are
belter riff than similar snrt
id Russia accordinf to the labor:
officer of the If utual ' Security
Agency in Formosa. :' '
Willis R. Etter saya it Ukes a
Russian worker 375 hours , of Ja ;
bor to buy a sewing machinal
while in: Nationalist China thirl
required only 322 hours. Etter":
gives-these other examples: Ara
dio Free China, 183 hours; Rua 1
It, 223 hours. A wrist watch :
Elmer T. Stotler, st the residences T China 40 hours; Russia 533
Hours. A bicycle Free China
9Z hours: Russia 108 hours. Clnth-!
for a Man's Suit Free China;-:
460 hours; Russia 583 hours. "
M ' i
Wooden Ships Still in
Demand by U.S. Navy j
iSTAMFORD. Conn: CH - The
building of wooden ships la not . '
entirely over in Connecticut. The
Navy still prefers them for somex
mine-sweeping operations, and a'
SUmford firm builds them, using .
a trevoiutionary new method bf
laminated wood construction, ac-';
cordins to the State Development
Commission. . C
KSLM Heminrwav Bresk. Cang Break. Gang
KGAf Brit. Nook Brk, Nook Brk. Nook
ROIN Kotn Kloek Maeleod News iOoss News
KOWi Country Editor LJohnny wills Nws
KEX i News rM. Axronsky I Bob Carred
IRbt. Hurleigh
Brk. Nook
iK. Babbitt
I Knox Msnalag
Bob Kazan
KSLM Cecil Brown Family Altar Rest Haven Rest Hsven
KOCO News KOCO Klock KOCO Klock News
KOAR Jim Dandy - Jim Dandy Jim Dandy Jim Dandy
KOIN Mnsum, News IVsllo News 'Helen Trent IGalSundsy
KGW Th Old SongslTbe Old Songsl Muste Box Music Box .
KEX Break. Club Break. Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club
KSLM News ICap. Comment I Pastor's Can I Bargain
KOCO Music Music Piano Patterns Minor Carson
KG At Bacxtenre Mat. Backfence Mat. BacUfcnce Mat.l Backfence Mat.
KOIN Road of Life Ma Perkins iDr.Malone Guiding Light
ROW ' News IMusic Box Music Box I Music Box
KEX News IStars Today iD'ble 'r N'tbin'ID blo r N'thing
KSLM Glen HardV
1 KOCO Ray's Records
" KGAB Bsckrenre i
KOIN Mrs. Burton
w KEX Chet
I Telle Test
I Ray's Records
I Coca Cola Cash
Music r
Ray's Records
Backfence Mat.
I Brighter Day
Brad Reynolds Brad Reynolds I Strike It Rich Strike It Rich
I Ray's Records
Backfence MatJBackfence Mat.i Backfence Mat.
Perry Mason
Brad Reynolt
Huntley I Morning Mel
I Norah Drake
I True Story
(True Story
1KSLM Lrdies ran- I uadies Fair
KOCO Ray's Records Ray's Records
KGAB Backfence Mat. I Backfence Mat.
a, KOIN Grand sum i&iprauing mush
1 KGW . Bob Hope PaystoMsrry
" KEX Whispering SU. Girl Marries
Queen for Day I Queen for Day .
Ray's Records I Ray'a Record
Backfence Mat.!Backfence Mat.
iSprkling Music Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny
Pnrase fsys 1 secona (.nance
V. Lindlahr (Barney Keep
I News
ksi.M Ton Trades
1 KOCO News i (Major League
" KGAB Spider ispider
2 KOIN Maeleod News Come Get It
KGW Noon News I Road ol LUo
KEX Paul Harvey (Noon News
I Gay SO's (Music
(Major League I Major League
Spider (Spider
House Psrty (House Psrty
(Pepper Young Happiness
I Sam Hayes I Tho Todds
J. Klrkwood
Major League
Hill Top Hse
rtai'kstrfge wife
Kay West
Major League
Record Hoom
Art Godf rev
Just Plain Bill
Turn to Friend
IJ. Klrkwood I Lucky U Ranch) Lucky U Rancb
(Major League I Major League (Major League
1 Spider I Spider Spider
(Art Godfrey (Art Godfrey I Art Godfrey
Stella Dallas 'Widder Brows Woman in Hse.
Kay Wejt I Kay Wes I Kay West
I Better Shopper
I Magic Melody
j Record Room
ICurt Massey
I Dr.'s Wife
Musie IMusic
Major League j Magic Melody
Record Room (Record Room
Art Godfrey 1 Art Godfrey
I Frt. Pa-. Farrell I LiOrenxo Jones
j Turn to Friend Smr. Bandwgn.fSmr. Bandwgn.
KSLM Musie
KOCO Magic Melody
Magic Melody
KGAB t. Dandy Show I J. Dandy Show
Magic Melody
J. Dandy Show.
Jim Wakely
KOIN Wizard Odda I Ruth Alhton
KGW WeL Travelers I Wei. Travelers iDr. Paul
KEX Know Ur News I Aftnoon Editor For The Girls
Magic Melody
I. Dandy Show
av U arrow a v
For the Girls
Curt Maswy
(Music U Wsnt
KSLM Fulton Lewis Heminrway
KOCO Music TJ Want (Music U Want
KflAK Kids' Corner IMusic Mart (Music Mart
KOIN Ktrkham News iRoeemsry lArtiviranam
LUe Beautiful Reserved I Musie box
This Is OregonlSauirrei Cage (Squirrel cage
IMusic U Want
l Music Mart
(Art Baker 443
(Haoov Time
3-D Movies
Said Aid to
Good Eyesight
CHICAGO (INS)-The makers
of 3-D movies may be ready to
give the public its biggest and
best bargain since the two-pants
Not only will viewers get -a
movie for the price of admission
but a free eye-check as well, vis
ion expert Reuel A. Sherman
Sherman recently told a meet
ing of the optical experts and
movie engineers:
"Between 12 to 15 per cent of
the public who don't know their
eyes are not working right will
find it out when they see a 3-D
And for those with good eyes,
Sherman adds, the 3-D movies
will improve their vision even
Sherman points out that the
new medium forces the eye to
work as a team and provides
needed exercise tor 'lsrv avaa "
He forecasts the use of 3-D films ;
iwr diagnosing eye iTOUDies and i
lor correcting certain deficiencies
in vision.
The symptoms to look for when
attending a 3-D movie are 'Tiead-
acnes, drowsiness and ,in ex
treme cases, nausea. If you have
an V nn, nf lh,m .. a
Sherman. rhini ,pa. v.....! I
. . j umw
eye trouble.
Which is all news to many ij
uiuvie cnucs mey thought that
iv aim sieepy leenng was
causea Dy the plot.
KSLM B. Bar B." IB. Bar B. IWondrful Oty
KOCO Tune Tim (Here's to Vets , I Musie
KGAE Traffic Jambee ITraffic Jambee (Supper Club
KOIN EdR.Murrow iNews (World Today
KGW Bill Stern ' INews Hour lLawsn MeCaQ
KEX Happy Time Pinkley Huntley
tWonderful City
I Songs Rem.
(Supper Club
IOoss News
Euner Petersoa
Bob Garred
KSLM Gabriel Heater INews
KOCO Candlelight Candlelight
KGAE Supper Club iSupperClub
KOIN People Funny IPeople runny
KGW Relax Music Relax Musie
KEX Weatherman Home Ed.
ISUver S'r'nadel Sam Hayes
News SS Keys
ISupperClub (Supper Club
I Murray Show I L. Murray ShW
Cousin Willie (Cousin Willie .
Good Listen Good Listen
7 KSLM Rptr'sRondup Rptrs Rondup I Ramblers
KOCO Rosary Stars Sing Bandstand
KGAB Music I Music (Sign Off1
KOIN LeUa Parsons i Timeless Tales JLowtl Thomas
KGW WaltO'Keefe IWaltO'Keefe llSawTomrow
KBX Space Rangers (Space Rangers (Discovery
KSLM High Advnture lHlgh Advnture IMusic
KOCO Dugout Dope Senator's (Senator's
KOIN Sum Mus Hall (Sum Mus Hall (Geo. Fisher
KGW 1 Man's Family World New
KBX Symphonetto. (Syraphonette
(Sign Off
Family Skeleton
I Saw Tomrow
(Literary Greats
Eddie Fisher (Rsmary Clooney.
tSmr. Bndwagn I Smr. Bandwgn.
better cooperation in matin it hJ
linquent fathers support their I
cnuoren is lorthcoming, aid to;
dependent children on the Navajo
Indian Reservation will be cut I
on, the Arizona Welfare Board
has. warned the Nfyajo Tribal'
council and the U. S. Indian
Chimpanzees sometimes appar
ently recognize pictures of them
KSLM Glenn Hardy
KOCO Senator's
KOIN Columbia Feat
KGW Martin&Lewia
KEX Town Meet
Fulton Lewis
I Senator s
(Columbia Peat (Mr. Mrs. North (Mr. Mrs. North
Msrtm&Lewts rreeoom usa rreenom usa
Town Meet
Town Meet
Monitor Views
KSLM Coke Tun
KOCO Baseball
KOIN 5 Star Final
KGW Rich. News
KEX News
I News Reer
I Night News
V Ac World
Sports Final
Dance Time
I Night Song
1 Bandstand
Dance Time
Rammer Guy
(Night Song.
I Bandstand .
Dance Time
KSLM Hammer Guy Melodies Melodies Melodies
KOCO Night Song (Night Song (Night Song I Night Song
KOIN Navy Show Music (Music (Music
KGW , News Nightcap IT. L. McCall City Council City Council
KEX Dance Tune - Dance Time ; Dtuseo Tun Done Time
KOJLC 830 k.e." 10:00 ajn. The
News and Weather; 10:15 Especially-
for women: io:43 story nme: liruo
Morning Muslcale; 11 -JO Musie You
Want; 12 0 The News and Weather:
12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride Xm
Cowboy: 1:15 Story Behind a Song:
120 Guest Star: 1:45 Melody Lane;
2 OO Living and Learning: S US Ha
waiian Holiday: 330 Memory Book
of Music: 30 The Oregon Reporter:
S:1S Music of the Masters: 4:00
UNESCO World Review; 4:15 On the
Upbeat: 4:45 Poetic Patterns: IM
Children's Theater; SJOJerry of th
Circus; S:45 Driver's Training:
f DO News and Weather; 8:13 Tom
Roberts, Organist: 9 JO Excursions In
Science: :4i Public Health: T:00 Ore
gon Mflk News oi the Air; 1:15 Eve
ning Farm Hour: - 8:00 Musie of
Czechoslovakia; 8 JO Concert En-
cor: I.O Newg and the Weather;
9.00 Music That Endures; 9:Si News
and Weather; W 9 Sign Off. i 1
Sale and Serric
1880 Stat SL Ph. 3-7577
f) ON
Ll ..Tver - , i, t
Or. T. T. Lass ND Dr. G. Caaa. NX)
Cpstairs, 241 North Liberty
Office epee Satarday'oaJy. It asm.
ta t pjsu. 8 to 1 ft jbv C ssiltatl i.
Mead Brresrare aad arts tests are
free f eJsorge. fraeussd stnee
1917. Write fee attractive gift. No
rbllratioK. : ;-l ,
e i
Mak It a habit thw. to o1t problems through Claified ads!
. i
For llinor. renttnj. hiring help. recoTering lost articles, finding.;
Irlng quarters or swapping what you're) not using for something you'd
lilu, them's nothing Ilk Want Adsl i
For friendly, experienced ad-writing help, dial 2-2441.
Telephone 2-2441
.s- t trf 3
V f rj '
These triple-thrift Want Ads mad money fast
for these) Salemiles. whom, you may know: '
By Mrs. Don C, Smith of
725 N. 16th. ' i
8 PC Walnut dining set $50. 1
Davenport and Chair $2S. :
Small Mahogany upright 1
piano $173. Call 3-5267. 1
Mrs. Smith says, "Certainly '
appreciate the efficiency and i
service J I
By Duane Hadley of 692
So. 25th St
DUPLEX, furjiished 5 rooms
and bath. Newly deco-
rated. Close to school, bus
at door, $47JHk ' Inquire
.692 So. j 25th. :
Mr. Hadley said, "Very good
results, treated house te first
party that calledV
By. Harry Lerey oi 2485
So. 12th SL'
LOST: Black pony in south
Salem. Phone 34040.-
r .1