lfl ISoc 2V-Statesman. Sakn, Ort Friday, July 10. 1353 I SOCI E.TV C LUBS MUSIC Around Town . Bj JERYME ENGLISH visitors are the incentive for much of the summertime en- tertaining . . . with coffees, lun cheons, oatio parties and at homes arranged in their honor ... Pretty floral cards were re ceived in the mail Thursday to a coffee party for which Mrs. Rob ert Sprague will be hostess on - Friday moraine. July 17 at her " suburban home on Douglas Av enue ... the affair is . being i-ranffd in compliment tiMrs Melvin T. Hurley of Richmond, Calif- who arrived in the capital weanesaay ior a iwuuun iit with her sarents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague . . . Arrtvin ... in Omon on Mon- " A for a three weeks' visit will fee Mr. and Mrs. Elton Von Kschen and daughters, Doane and Joanne, of Mannasset, Long l&iana, rt. a. ... they will be the house fuests of Mr. Von Eschen's brother and !ctr.in-Iaw. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Von Eschen . . . during their stay here they will spend Prt of their tm t the Von Eschen beach i.nm at Wecoma . . . This will be m. vi Eschen's first visit home in twentv vears ... In welcome , to the visitors the EHis Von Eschen will be hosts for n in t home on Wednesday, jul-r 15 at their Fairmount Hill residence with guests bidden to call between 5:30 and 8 o'clock to great the couple . . . On the agenda ... for Saturday evening is the supper party to be given by State Representative and Mrs. Kenneth Goodall at their Lake Oswego home . . . the hosts are calling their party a "special session of the house of represen : tatives" . . . Among those bidden from Salem are Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson?; Secretary, "of State and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry, State Treasurer and Mrs; Sigfrid B. Unander, Attorney General and Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, Rep. ; and Mrs. Lee Ohmart, Rep. and -Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Rep. -and Mrs. W. W. Chadwick, and Rep. Mark Hatfield . . . Date is set . . . Even though sum mer has hardly arrived, it's still time to think of fall fashions . . . and the Salem Zonta Club mem- .'bers have announced that their - fall style show will be an event of - Friday, August 21 at the Ameri : can Legion Club . . . Fashions will be from the Esther Foster Shop . . . Miss Echo Yeater is lieading the directorate for the benefit affair (incidentally, all proceeds will be turned over to the YWCA building fund, the . club's project this year) ... oth ' ers assisting on the general com- mittee are Mrs. Mabel Clock, Mrs. " Oscar Christenson, Mrs. Mary Thomas,- Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Leonard Rowan . and Mrs. Karl G. Becke . . . Celebrating ... his third birth . day on Wednesday was Billy An- ; derson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam L. Anderson . . . the party - was held on the patio at the home ' of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Anderson . . . The Walt Disney theme was used in the decor and favors . . . Wishing ' Billy a happy birthday were his grandmothers, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Pearl M. Hill . . . Mrs. Wil ! liam McElhinny, Christy, Jeff and - Jeanne, Mrs. Rex Bee man and David, Miss Nita Tole, Ivan and Mara Pavlov, Mrs. Stanley Salyes and Denise, and Mrs. Gay Vanden- burg and Frank ... A surprise party ... on Wednesday night for Jean Hart- ; well on her birthday . . . A group of- her co-workers at the state house, all college students, arriv ed at the E. T. Hartwell home with a birthday cake . . . Surpris ing Jean, who went to Pomona this last year, were Coralie Doughton, Marjorie Mosolf, Doro thy Swigart, and Marcia Webb . In Albany ... on Thursday as special guests at the AAUW tea meeting were Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, the state president, and Mrs. Arthur Sprague, the Salem Branch president . . . The Albany branch entertained in honor of Dr. Cabeaox of Belgium at the home of Mrs. R. W. Tripp ... Dr. Ca beiox is currently in New York studying on an AAUW grant given-' by the Albany Branch . . . she made a special trip west to meet the members who had made her study possible ... VACATION TALK ... Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher and daughter, Susan, have returned from a stay atf their beach home at Wecoma and a trip south to San Francisco, Yosemite and Reno . . . The Fishers now have as their house guests or a few days Miss Beth Saunders of North Hollywood, Calif, and her fiance, Tom Abel of Honolulu . . . the latter is soon leaving- for duty with the air force ... Arriving ... in the capital Sun day for a fortnight's visit will be Mr. and Mrs. F. Glenn Wessale and sons, David, and Billy, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who will visit with Mrs. Wessale's parents, nr. ana Mrs. Don . Smith . . . During their stay here Mr. and Mrs. Wessale plan to go to ML Rainier for a sojourn. . .their sons to remain with their rrandpar ents. Home from a stay ... at their beach home at Seal Rock are Mr, and Mrs. Keith Powell . . . they nad as their guest over the holi day weekend Miss Mabel P. Rob ertson . . . Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith Schryver have been vacationing at their summer home at SealRock the past week. Leaving . . .Saturday for Nesko- win for a fortnight's sojourn at the beach resort will be Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Joseph and chil dren, Bob, Bill, Sally Jo and Pa tricia ... A guest ... at the home of Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Pat terson for the ensuing ten days is their grandson, Tad Patterson, of Eugene ... Spending . . . the ensuing six weeks at Camp Tammarack near Sisters is Ann McKesson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc Kesson . . . she left for the moun tain camp on the Fourth ... News has come . . . from Japan telling of the birth of a son, Rich ard Ray, on June 6 to Captain and Mrs. Virgil Harrison . . . also wel coming the lad is a brother, Ja mie, who is four . . . the grand- Miss Graber, Mr. Short To Wed weaaing oeiii wiu ring on Tuesday, July 14 for Miss Bever ly Graber and Leon Short, USA. whose engagement was announc ed last year. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Graber and her fiance is the son of Mrs. Pearl Short. The ceremony will take place at the First Congregational Church at 8 o'clock with a recep tion following in the church par lors. The Rev. Hugo Sword will officiate at the rites. Miss Judy Wade of Newport will he the maid of honor and bridesmaids will be Miss Joanne Wenger, cousin of the bride-elect, Miss cyntbia Vincent of Eugene, Miss Helen Reimann and Miss Betty Lou Graber, who will be her sister's junior attendant Harvey Short will serve as his brother's best man. Ushers in clude Douglas - Raines, George Hendrickson and Clifford Sexton. Miss Graber and her fiance are graduates of Salem High School. Mr. Snort, who is currently sta tioned at Camp Roberts. Calif.. with the Army, is arriving home onight on leave. Travel Theme For Luncheon Travel folders of far-away pla ces furnished the 'decor of the Salem Sojouners meeting Thurs day at he Salem Women's Club. The dessert luncheon was in charge of Mrs. John Larwood, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Harry Van Horn, Mrs. William Foster, Mrs. M. A. Stoutenberg. and Mrs. William Schaumberg. Mrs. Lynn Woods was intro duced as a new member and those attending for the second time were Mrs. Charles Proctor, and Mrs. W. E. Murray. Bridge and Ca nasta were in play following the business meeting. Members are invited to bring their families and guests to the Dallas Park for the annual So journers picnic on July 19 at 2 m. I : : i ' :: "i : : v. '."'..'.,.....: ' -. ' ' ; ' - . V : i - - f s i S - : - ii I i "twrtiHf nwi ml I Mrs. Thomas F. Fought r. and daughter, Kelleo Shannon, who left the first of July with Mr. Fought for De troiti Mich., to make their home. They have been visiting the past month in Salem at the homes of j their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Thomqs F. Fought Mr. Fought will be with the Lincoln-Mercury di vision of the Ford Motor Co. in Detroit. (Steimonts Studio). Dinner Party For Mr. Hansen Mrs. Leo Hansen arranged a surprise picnic supper in honor of her . husband on his birthday Wednesday night at the Hansen home. Covers were placed for Mr. Hansen's brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allport, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Allport, Kathy and Deborah, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DLFilippi, Delores and Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Campbell .Butch and Raymond, and the hostess. Sohn-Baney Rites Read - On July 1, the marriage of Miss Sharon! Baney and Pvt Melvin Surpriso Party For Bride.elect SHERIDAN Miss Joanne Cranmer was given a surprise bridal shower this week by Mrsi Sohn took place la the fireplace WaW Oglevie and daughter, MaJ room of the Educational Building of the first Church of the Naz- arene, with the Reverend William F. Clay performing the nuptials. ine unae was. given in mar riage by her uncle. Theodore Lord. Missj Carol Werner : was bridesmaid, and best man i was Lloyd Walker. Mrs.' Eloise Bing- enheimer played the wedding music, i For her wedding the bride chose a navy blue suit with white accessories and carried a white Bible centered with an orchid. The reception was held at the home of the. bride's aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lord. A bouquet of Sweet Wil liam and carnations centered the serving table, with Mrs. Arthur Bingenheimer cutting the bride's cake and the bride's aunt, Mrs. Ben Gipson. -oourine. Following a short honeymoon the couple will reside in Califor nia, where the groom is stationed. Gardeners Talk Over Problems MT. ANGEL Fifteen mem bers attended the July meeting of the ML Angel Garden Club at the city hall Wednesday night. The evening was spent talking over curent garden problems, es pecially mildew.N blackspot and fungus diseases of roses and the poor seed germination experi enced by gardeners this year, Miss Anna and Miss Theresa Duda served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Volney White were appointed to act as hosts for the August meeting xxew Y one s coney island sea shore resort where thousands of people go on hot summer days is so called because it once was in habited only by rabbits. ry and Joanne. A mock wedding ceremony was given during the evening, after which the bride- elect opened her gifts. Guests included Joycelyn Judd, Dorothy Key and Mary Lou An dnst from McMinnviue: Mrs. Mer le Henry of Grand Ronde. and from Sheridan, Mrs. D. E. Still-; well, Mrs. Eugene Small, Jeannie Aaron, Betty Lou Kooy, Minnie: Kampstra, Frances Gutbrod, Do ris Suns, Barbara Byrkit, Mrs.: Francis Wiser. Mrs. Francir Thompson and Gladys Nordin. CLUB CALENDAR .. -. t-i nusAT Salem Unit. Renubllean Women's Federation of Oregon no-host picnic Wedding to Be On July 24 I Invitations are in the mail tj the wedding of Miss Priscilla An ne Moore and Harry William Ru sen, which will be an event cj Friday, July 24 at the First Con gregational Church. The bride-elect is the daughte of Mrs. Chester O. Goodman an( Marvin L. Moore of Newberg. Thi groonvto-be is the son of Mr. anj Mrs. Harry . Russell of Port land. i - 1 The 8 o'clock rites will be foj lowed by a reception in th church parlors. DONT Throw your watch away. We fix them when others can't The Jeivel Box 443 State St, Salem, Ore. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Homer Harrison of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dahlburg of Portland. formerly of Salem ... For That Aching - Back Get SchaefeKs Liniment for the relief of muscular aches end pains due to exer cise or exposure. 50c, 1.00 & 1.75 Schaefes : Drug Store Ope Dally 7:30 A-M. to 8 FJtt. Sundays 9 AM. to 4 P Jtt. 135 N. Commercial ' r :1 iiSfi&n Alii ttw oaty strapUss bro that adds fullness confidentially without pads or puffs Te b treasured forerer after: the bra that made yonr (own 6t to perfectly on that perfec day. Hidden Treasure adds a subtle accent ef femininity to your figure . ; . comfortably, naturally without artificial devices. Beautifully rounded contours are bailt into the patented Magictip . . . cant wash out, ever! Select your trousseau f Hidden Treasure bra now! bite or black nylon, sises 3246A, 32-38B, 3248C 5.00 AW ia ragidar and plngu( Mrloa, $30 to 5.M DisnncnvE apparel wx womeii 81x108 . 72x108 . Pillowcases 148 Our 460 State St. Phono 3-8 18S I . : . 'S , , Extra' j The Music Center Cordially Invites you to come In II and tee its large selection oi I Heu ?! 1 sed IPzanos Il Xncludinc: Spinets, Grandav Studio UprighU II I , and Piano-Organ Combinations. I Yon Can Be Sure of High Quality at Reasonable Prices ' - Af - Ufie lJudic (Center II 470 N. Capitol St. II Capitol Shopping Center j : Open Man. & FrL Til S Long Wearing - Hotel Type CJilDosOnpo Best Quality 2.39 2.19 49c Thread Count Best Quality IPI?(S(aD(B 72x108 ... 2.49 Pillowcases- . . 59c Stock up today at these money-saving prices Save 20c Pr. em 0) 3-LB. NYLON REINFORCED UN EC Elf u 3 COLORS Holds Matchless beauty at e matchless price. 90 wool and 10 nylon thafs as long-wearing it is warm. Yours at this price only f e. during the Blanket lay-Away Sale in three bold blanket colors. Select several at this es low tele price. forced Strength In Where , Need It . . . 2.19 80c Pair Fitted Sheets rill Size 1.99 n)W "I Full Bed I I 81x99 j Save 80c pr. 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