i - !!. 1 1 j m it 8 tSoc I) 5 lata axons, Salem On IHdajv July ICS, IS 53 Harry Martin, MacleayArea Farmer Dies : Harry E. Martin, 74, a dairy ' farmer in the Macleay area all of his life, died Thursday in a local hospital following a short Illness. , Martin was born June 10, 1879 in the Waldo Hills east of Salem and had worked his present farm on-Boute 5, Box 473 for the past 50 years. He was a member of Macleay Grange and the Court Street Christian Church. Martin and, his wife, Mrs. Myr tle M. Martin, who survives him, would have celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in October. Other- survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Alta Kephart, Sil verton; a son, Harry E. Martin Jr., Salem; brother, Onie L. Mar tin, Salem; a sister, Mrs. Grace Stapleton, Salem; also four grand children. Funeral services will be an nounced later by Clough-Barriek i Co. I Hells Canyon Support Aired WASHINGTON (fl A former Interior Department official as serted Thursday the Power Com mission doesn't want to hear com plete arguments for a proposed gov ernment dam in Hells Canyon. C Girard Davidson of Portland Ore. made the' assertion after the commission denied his request for a 90-day suspension of Its hearing on Idaho Power Company's applica tions to build . three dams in the Snake River on the Idaho-Oregon border one in Hells Canyon. The commission although turning down the suspension granted the National Hells Canyon Association and eight Washington state public utility districts permission to op pose the applications as interveners at the hearing. Davidson represents the interveners. A recently invented device, the sonic fathometer, has located so many unknown mountains and chasms under the oceans that chart-makers have a hard time keeping up. A Natural for Hot Weather IN AIR-COMEDITIOfJES) CailflFOBT iJk FAMOUS BUFFET r 4U "Tfaa Out Stiw (Children Under 1 O-Just 44c) Menu for f riday, Saturday and Sunday Assorted Wheat Wafers and Potato Chips Brown Brad 20 Varieties of Delicious Salads on Ice Relish Sticks - Pickles - Pickled Beets. Tapioca Pudding - Hot Boston Baked Beans Roast Veal and Baked Premium Ham With Dressing Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable With Fruit Sauce,' Escalloped Potatoes, Green Vegetable. Coffee by the Silex-Full, Iced Tea or Lemonade Hot Cloverleaf Rolls and Butter Apple Cobbler, Ice Cream, Sherbet, Hot Boysenberry Sundae or Watermelon 'AO Yon Can Eat from 11 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Week Days From 12 Noon to 8:00 P. M. on Sundays Downtown on State Street Air Conditioned by "CARRIER" Disciples End International Church Meet . By HECTOR L, FOX PORTLAND W The. Disciples of Christ ended their international convention .here Thursday night on a "boa voyage"- theme that included a plea for greater finan cial support of foreign missions. More than a score of resolu tions were acted upon during the final business session. Resolutions approved urged: Suspension of construction of The Dalles Ore. Dam on the Co lumbia River pending, an investi gation by President Eisenhower of charges by Indian tribes tnat per petual fishing rights at Celilo Falls under a 100-year-old treaty would be destroyed by water backed up behind the dam. Continued support of overseas relief work sponsored by the Dis ciples, CARE, CROP and other agencies. Support of the United Nations as the 'best instrument" to bring about world peace. Study of the Bncker amendment to limit the treaty-making powers of the President. Adoption of uniform church road signs to identify Disciple of Christ churches. Acceptance of the principle of church services in drive-in thea ters. l Imprinting of "In God we trust" on all postage stamps. ' Admission of up to 300,000 dis placed persons in the next three years. ; The delegates voted to commend universal use of the revised stand ard version of the Bible but re ferred to a committee a resolu tion urging speedier Veterans Ad ministration processing of war Veterans' benefit claims and pro vision for court appeal of denials. ' Greetings from Gov. Paul L. Patterson of Oregon and Miami Fla.- the 1954 convention city; presentation and installation of Dr.) Cleveland Kleihauer Holly wood as new president were con cluding features. j The National Geographic Socie ty ! says Dewsbury, England, is Called the rag capital of the world. ACORNS FROM THE XH2 j I WITH DEL MILNE The Oak Room and Lounge are OhhSo-Cool, it's really delightful down there during hot days and warm evenings thanks to the "air-conditioning" ability of Carl Armpriest and to our check writ ing ability, if you get, what I mean. Anyway, expense is no object as long as our customers appreciate the service and bro ther they do. Our dining room is known far and wide for the marvelous meals we serve. The clever salads, our hot breads, our home made pastries, and the multitudes of entrees that enable the patrons to choose ' exactly what they like. If it's a snack it will be an enjoyable, snack, if it's a "he-man size" dinner it will bs. a dinner complete to the last de tail. The price for either one, and the many in-be-tween, will be surprisingly low. If you insist on excellent food we invite you to the Marion. In Salem Ifs the Hotel Marion, 3-4123 Anrnmuasal. oUunDy (DILffiAnBAICrE -MEM'S UnT-- FAM0US KUPPENHEIMER SUITS Regularly 75.00 to 100.00 Now 395 to W5 VARSITY TOWN GREIF SUITS Regularly 65.00 to 75.00 Now f95 to 4f 95 From our regular stock. Eroken sizes and color ranges. In worsteds, tweeds, flan- nels, Shetland and unfinished worsteds. Single and double breasted styles in Regulars, ; Longs, Shorts, Porttys. We still have an excellent selection in sizes 36-37 & 38 ALL WOOL KNIT -Values to $5.00 iWIilA TRUNKS 00 Brief and high waist models; in navy, white, tan, maize and maroon . Sizes 2836 Open Friday 'Til 9 p.m. TTDn. MIanim9 SDnaDflD CYCLIST INJURED. Elden Lehnherr, 22, of 490 Lost Lane, suffered a fractured Collar bone Thursday night when he fell from a motorcycle he was riding. He was taken to Salem General Hospital for treatment and later released. Former Policeman Back From Korea A former Salem policeman and veteran of three wars returned home Wednesday after fighting with the Marines in Korea. MSgt Herman Doney was dis charged from the Corps June 30 after recall duty with the Marines since August, 1950. He and his family will move into their new home at 190 N. 24th St later this month. , Doney served from 1918 to 1922 in the Navy and later with the Coast Guard. He joined the Marines in 1929 and was released in 1945. . eers Visit Valley Farms " By U1XIE L. MADSEN Farm Editor. The Statesman "Behind 1 the different tongues we find another human being not so very much unlike ourselves. That's perhaps the biggest thing we learn." So said Prank Makkingi of The Netherlands, speaking for the 32 engineers from 14 different countries, who came to Salem Thurs day for a two-day visit t ! A no-host dinner honored the group at the Senator Hotel Thurs day night with Ben A. Newell as master of ceremonies. j "We f eel that some of the' Rus sians shouldi have been put on the same ship, and into the same room as we, and I think l they would want to be different too," Makking, the only speaker for the foreign group, continued. With the exception of four or five of the foreigners, all could talk English,! and newspaper folk and agricultural leaders attend ing the dinner spent the greater part' of the evening exchanging in formation concerning the various countries. ; The group, sponsored by the Mutual. Security Agency, all met at Logan, Utah, where they spent four weeks. From there they went to Washington to spend two weeks. This past week they have been at Corvallis where they will return Sunday evening for an other week before going to Colo rado. They will leave for their various native countries between Aug. 7 and 12. This weekend will be spent in tourist cabins at Taft Thursday afternoon the group visited the farms of Ed Zielinski in the Hazel Green area and Cornelius Bateson in the Fruit land district - Friday morning they will in spect the Dorsey Gray ranch at Aumsville, have luncheon at Sa lem and be guests of Blue Lake Packers during the afternoon. Wednesday was spent in Port land looking over factories manu facturing irrigation equipment and pumps. J. C. Moore, Oregon State Col lege extension conservation spe cialist is guiding the men through Oregon. Newell and Don Rasmus- sen, both from the Marion Coun ty agent's office, arranged the Salem visit. A. Alvin' Bishop of Utah State College, is accom panying them throughout their United States' tour. Countries represented, with the number from each, are: Germany, 5; Denmark, 1; " Greece, 1;-The Netherlands, 5; Yugoslavia, 3; France, 2: Jamaica, 1; Turkey, 2: Thailand, 6; Iran, 1; Jordan, 2; Israel, 1; Brazil, 1 and Formosa, l. VISITS IN GEORGIA LONDON W) Moscow Radio re ported that Indira, daughter of In dian Prime Minister .Nehru, reached Tiflis, Georgia, Thursday on her tour of the Soviet Union. SCHAEFEffS Rectal Ointment 75c TUBE (With Applicator) Why suffer the discomfort of irritating and itching of piles? Sold Only at SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily 7:30 A M.-S P. M. 1 Sunday 9 A. M. - 4 F. M. 135 N. Commercial Edgar Alger Succumbs to Brief Illness tUtttmu News ferric : INDEPENDENCE EdgaDoer Alger, 78, , of 365 5 7th St, Inde pendence, died in a Salem hospi tal Wednesday night following a short illness. He was born in Clare, Mich Nov. 30, 1874 and was married in 1901 to Hattie Topping. She survives him. In 1928 the couple moved to Eugene where he was in the re tail lumber business. He was in the same business here from 1940 until his retirement in 1947. The deceased was a member of Osiris Lodge, 272, AF&AM, Bau dette, Minn.; Bemidji, Minn Chapter, 70, Royal Arch Masons; Elkanah Commandery, 30, Bemid ji, Minn; and Bemidji Chapter, 171, Order of Eastern Star. Surviving besides his widow, who lives in Independence, is one sister, Mrs. Rufus Poland, Port land. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in Smith Mortuary, Independence, with ri tualistic services by Lyon Lodge, 29, AF&AM, Independence. In terment will be at IOOF Ceme tery, Eugene. PIANO SPECIALS Reconditioned Uprights Reconditioned Bungalows Amplico Player . Used Spinet Grand Pianos $195 up -$325 $395 -S493. $550 up The Music Center 470 N. Capitol Ph. 2-5371 mows a-soso Pi TOIIIGHT! AT 8:30 MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW! -1 fL . - ) . II 5Qc JJP-JLAliAj y 50c TE ; 'w ... 3 Till 5:00 STARTS TODAY! 5:00 HYERA-EUEI O 2ND BIG HT - 1 11- - OP v v A 4 L i s Ttfiooo GASSMAN (ri CHAR1SSE i I. h 2 DRIVE-IN THEATRE -51 lilltU eitBINS. HIGHWAY f Ed IP MONK MOW Betty Grable "THE FARMER TAKES A WIFE" . MAN ON A TIGHT ROPE" Hubbard Drive-In Tonight and Sat. "Allegheny U p risln?" Plus Ab bott and Ccstello il "Jack and they Beanstalk" A 1 Gates Open 7:00 Show at Dusk ENDS SATURDAY! 1st Feature In Color -KANSAS PACIFIC Sterling Hayden Plus "COME BACK LITTLE SHEBA- Shirley Booth Tonite (Fri.) Oar Cartoon Carnival ' il'lll"! I'll KM hi PNONC a-S78 Cary Grant Deborah Kerr Dream Wife Ralph Meeler "CODE TWO" I i " In I Now Showing - Open 6:45 ! ! ' "off LiMrrs, ; . Bob nope, Mickey Rooney, ! Maruyn Maxwell ! - Top Co-Featore -' ; DOWN AMONG TOE SHELTERING PALMS" - Technicolor William Lundiean. David Wayne, Gloria DeHaven Mitzi Gaynor By Popular Demand For a Limited Engagement BILL DeSOUZA'S 10-PIECE MODERN ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHTS Plus Pop Edward's j Old Timers : Wed. and Sat. Nights - Hi 23rd Year at! CRYSTAL GARDENS! BALLROOM 1 2 BANDS 2 FLOORS - 1 PRICE SlNGlf i m . i i . .il ft J 'at':.' " .:: l"i : ITS SO GOOD LOOKING! Many is the wistful pedestrian and other drivers, too i who take a long second look at the sleek, alive-with-dction lines of this 1953 Mercury. For this is the glamour car of the American Road. Styled dramatically and excitingly, Mercury rs farther thanj ever ohe!ad of its field. AheacI In performance with extra-eager hustle from a mighty high-compression V-8 powerpldnt. Ahead in optional driving-ease, features with power toj help you steer, to help you stop, and even to adjust youi driving posture in any of four directions . with a powerjoperated seat I Come in soon "and drive the greatest Mercury ever built. In many parts of the West ifs leading tit entire price field in popularity and sales. This means fop re-sale value when trade-in time comes I EMi? FOR FUTURE TRADE-IN VALUE CI7ABKIGI2 ! Ca (3, Don Ramsdell 416 State4Stroet Jay Monnette Phone 3-6537 430 N. Commercial Phone 2-2487