t it r- r 4 Cp -2) Stattunian. Salni OraTfanv. July 9, 1S33 f- Oxen to Lend Color to Children's Rodeo V ... f - J S St Mr v 7". ... " i s. ,-7 AURORA Merle Ferguson (In wagon) and L. E. Gienau are pictured with the pair Of oxen which they have purchased and are now breaking for the second annual Aurora Junior Rodeo on August 16. Biding In the above wagon daring the rode parade will be Lloyd Mills, 7, and Dale Lowrie, 6, both of Aurora, who sub nutted winning names oi uuxe ana aanay in a contest ior naming; me wen. Aurora to Repeat Jr. If Rodeo on August 1 6 I'- By MRS. LOUISE SMITH Statesman Nw Serrtce j'tAURORA Plans. are shaping up fast for the second annual Aurora Junior Rodeo which wll be held on Sunday, August 16. t:More than 60 boys and girls, ages 6 to 18 years, from many nt th state Darticioated in the first rodeo last summer. The Junior Rodeo is sponsored by the Aurora Lions Club and is non-profjt with all proceeds go ing into a youth activity fund or for community betterment All stock, arena material, blea chers and help are donated, and merchants from the area supply trophies, ribbons and merchan dise for winners. No prize money Is involved. Teaches Sportsmanship The events range from calf roping and steer riding to high ly competitive horsemanship con tests. The rodeo is designed to Man "Old after 40" NOW FEELS YEARS YOUNGER Tm 74. Haa ao pep. But Ortrex mad bm led 20 ycanjrotiascr tkaa I did. I hav plenty - mow. K. H. J New. hiz Brantley. Oklahoma City, cy usintA rota iw approved by lea dial doctor. Starts new vigor, vitanry la body o in iraai makes yoa feel yean yoonser pieasant tablets. Get OSTREX today for 11.19. II not delighted, maker refimdi Brio of this pacaac. Zm dom t risk a penny. Get new izor. TUsiity. pep AT ONCE. Pnti y old fast became bck- ;er. Safe, ' viiror. vitmlitv. Start mam vooth todav I Q5TKEX 1 rer raw -ml fx SO- hMem At ' all drug stores everywhere In Salem ,at Fred Meyer's and Paylen. vonKwmiAsmiEi teach sportsmanship and brother hood to small-fry by allowing them to actively participate. Here is what some of the youngsters who rode last year had to say concerning the show: 11-year-old Wayne Jeskey, Auro ra, who won the calf roping con test, "Boy! This sure is swell I'm going to practice some more!" The all-around champion cow boy, Donald Riseling of Oregon City, said 'Tve had a swell time and I certainly owe my winning to my horse!" (All entrants own their horses). But best of all was the expression on the face of 7 year-old Richard Birch of Hills boro, as 'he patted his horse's neck after winning the pole bend ing race. Birdie Brooks, 15-year-old girl from Colton, Oregon, . rode a Brahma steer and won third prize. Spectators from Chicago were amazed at the splendid rid ing ability of this girl and re marked that this was "the first time we've seen a girl ride a Brahma for the full count" At City Park This year the Junior Rodeo will be held at the Aurora City Park, with a parade opening the show at 1 p. m. Leading the parade will be the Aurora Grade School Band direc ted by Lion Hal Beyers. The Sil ver Spinners, 52 uniformed ma jorettes 4 to 13 years of age, will perform with their batons. These little girls are trained by Mrs. Bob Mays. Children are featured in all activities. A young queen and court will Chest Leader . - v v t ' - x - . ! j ( : ' i - - ' ! . - "tt I 1 Clewing does it Get a happy little lift. CSiew Wrigley's Spearmint Cum. Help you on the i. v V?aAiVX tu!ta' ngwems jrma- myl WRKUtV AKM3 HARRY SHERWOOD 1 Harry Sherwood Named Chairman Of Silverton Ghest SHERWOOD Harry Sherwood, widely-known Silverton business man, has been named chairman of the Silverton Community Chest for the coming year. Harry Car son Jr.. was named vice presi dent; Ruth Kephart, secretary, and J. Carey Moore, treasurer. Sherwood reports that immedi ate attention is being given to the selection of the campaign chair man and committee. The date of the campaign budget will be an nounced within a month, i be chbsen on basis of tickets sold. Young eligible contestants for the rodeo are invited to! write the Aurora Lions Club for par ticulars on entry. 1 The club is making an appeal for businessmen to sponsor the show on television. Summer heat in the United States often surpasses the warmth of the tropics says the National Geogrphical Society. CALL CUSTOM For Everything In Floor Covering 233t S. ComX Ph.2-1991 Buildings at Mongold on Auction Block -l ; Statesman News Serrlca DETROITThe Portland Dis trict, Corps of Engineers, will sell to the highest bidder two, two-story apartment' buildings, one electrical distribution sys tem and one water distribution system at Camp Mongold near Detroit Dam on the North San tiim River. ; Used during the' construction period of the Detroit Project, each of the apartment buildings contains . two three-room apart ments i upstairs , and two down stairs. Removal must be made be tween September 1, apd October 31. The bids will be opened at 1 p. m., July 29 in the Real Estate Division office of the Portland District, Room 222 Pittock Block, Portland. . Persons interested in bidding oh the property may inspect it by contacting the Project Engin eer at Detroit Dam. rrrn tt . V rrn irs! ) ' DAILY ND SUNDAY". The Nation's Top Comics 1 ; ! , : Your Home Newspaper BLONDIE By CMC YOUNG OCVJOOO-THE WOOOCEYS Use having ATD?PlBLE (QUARREL OCE Summer Conference Starts July 16 Statesman News Service MONMOUTH The 1953 Ore gon College of Education sum mer conference will be held on Thursday and Friday, July 18 and 17, according to the director of summer school activities, Miss Joan Seavey. Scheduled to head the confer ence session are Dr. O. B, Bon trager, Ph.D., and Dr. Douglas M. Kelley, M.D., who will lead a program planned to include the problems and findings in the field of communication, human relations and guidance. Dr. Bontrager, a leader in the field of reading-communication, is at present director of the Read ing Clinic at a California teachers college. Dr. Kelley is well-known for his group, therapy and counseling work in the European Theater during World War II. He is now consulting psychologist for the city of Berkeley, and Professor of Criminology at the University of California. Interested persons may attend any of the orientation sessions on July 16 at Maple HalL Admis sion tickets, for which there is no fee, may be obtained at the administration building or by writing to the dean of women. Following the conference, there will be an intensive 18 hour in stitute held by the Oregon group for the study and application of general semantics in communica tion. Dr. Kelley and Dr. Bontra ger will be the institute leaders. The sessions will be limited to 30 persons. Tuition of $20 will admit mem bers and non-members to all the Valley Briefs 2 o 351 State Street Downtown n n J(oU 1128 Cantor At Shopping Center oup.g Bee5 KoasS pfjOiiEicg Fork Steak !BMSteaib" ILsan Joul Bacon .LB. A Plentiful Supply Of Tho Cuts Wo AdTertis. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUB AD, ITS SO. ;:IIiiic3 Han 1 : . . ;DcIcjna -LivcnTnrsl UARII V7EATHEB QUICKIES O G lb. Uieners Polish llings Ground Beef OUR CENTER STBXET MABXET IS OPEN UNTIL 7 P. M. FRIDAY EVENINGS 9 P. M- sundays:li n .. :.;.' Buena Vista The Buena Vista Womans Club will entertain fam ilies and friends at a basket din ner at 12:30 p. m. Sunday at Hel mick Park. Wheatland Number of per sons crossing the Wheatland Fer ry during its eight-hour run Sun day was estimated at more than 1,000. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zim merman, who lived here for 21 months while he worked at De troit Dam, moved Tuesday to Eu gene where he will be employed. Hopewell Mrs. Belle Simkins was honored on her 82nd birth day Sunday at a family gathering at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Ray of Fruitland. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lande and daughter, Cheita, are moving to Stayton where they have pur chased a home. UL ,C SO EAPiy IN 1 - - If 1 111 1 j rreiA r : l i II I f r- xy- v' x- s v "v OONT VORGY BU3NCH E.EVE PVTHINiG WILU Bt FINE IN A. FEW MINUTES WE HAVF A OULF TMAT AmVTuiki.1 WE SAY BEPOPC WE'VE HAD OUR COUNT DICK TRACY By CHESTER GOULD Valley Births SILVERTON A daughter to and Mrs. Earl Palmer, ML Angel, July 7, at the Silverton Hospital. STAYTON To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pietrok, Stayton, a son, July 6, at Santiara Memorial Hos pital. To Mr. and Mrs. Burley Coffey, Idanha, a daughter, July 4, at Santiam Memorial Hospital To Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Wilson, Lyons Route 1, a daughter, July 4, at Santiam Memorial Hospital. Polk Co. Rural Womens Clubs to Picnic at Dallas Statesaaaa News Service DALLAS Polk County Federa tion of Rural Womens Clubs will hold its annual picnic at Dallas City Park on Wednesday, July 15, with a basket dinner planned at 12:30 p. m. The Bridgeport womans Club will be hostess, c Mrs. Eldon Johnson, president. has requested a president's coun cil, including chairmen of stand ing committees to meet at 10:30 a. m. She also asks each dub to bring expressions on the fair booth, a club motto, and a theme for dub work. ; The first auto traffic death oc curred when an auto killed a pedestrian in New York in 1889 says the National Geographic Sotiety. -omagee.vxiVe got to be WTIENT. I WAS MARRIED TO KNOW HIM. Crrictt. r 1 BUT A LETTER? T SHUT UP VM-O MVS AND WRITE ATTENTION WHAT I ; TO A sTTZlL.VOUf BUT! CAN GET fWRTTE?' RESULTS SO 7 MUCH C3UICXEJ? r V IP SOU LET ME - Meanwhile i TAKE ALL CATALOGS.' poom -rue PiMFrr vour FIXTURE HOUSES AfPSS INI AMERICA 7s5i LITTLE ANNIE ROQNEY By DARRELL McCLURE ft VI HOPE V0U ARE NOT fotl lINb CUkLU AND IIRtU OF TR0TT1N6 AROUND, VIS) TlWfi MY OLD FRIENDS EVER THURSDAY IS MY VISITING, MCi MASMrM TIK.T TPDDfBfC UADOV TO SEE MOW AWFULLY 6LA0 THE NICE ttO PEOPLE ARE TO SEE NOU-I THINK TKEJrRE GRAND AN YOtTRE 6RANPER IP PEOPLE COULD REALIZE HOW SAD, LONESOME AN0 NEGLECTED ULO VWUc. f-fcfcL, BEING SHUr tsl IN AND FORGOT TEN, viv Turor wmnn rf A CONSTANT STREAM OF VISITORS EVEW 0AY- I KIN EASY SEE THE NICE OLD PEOPIE DON'T WANT ANY MONEY Oft CHARITY TMEY JUST WANTA HAVE A FRIEND COME IN AN' SAY HELLO .AU'WHEM NOBOO CDMES, THEY FEEL BAD ALL OVER BUZZ SAWYER I 1 :j&X9&W- I By RAY CRANE TALK, CONFOUND TOO! rfKTKTS ASYJROTKSt! V YOU LIE! WHATD YOU M WTTH KIM? LUCKY... CUD! j I THEN W A SACK... FEET jjH,. J I - I ... itm mfi A a mimmm . IS KH "N ' Wm.VKm.H, --- X L VWMISKEK SAID1QTAK61IIM 1 iTTT 1? I tOMtUISOUTHfUCOrTER-. I '-gjr 3if l V' - DROP HIM AT SIA. WE JU5T it Y It MICKEY MOUSE BT WALT DISNEY HAVE A PliASANT JOjeNEVTO BALCYMELLOPEE I . ' V r-..iw-i JL WLL..(HIC 1 CEJrTAlNLY MOPE THAT... HUH I COME ALQNS. Tv BWOY SUKE, V PONT EXPECT US TO START TWETKAIIM ALL BV OUZSELF .. PO YEZ? r NOW. WhIN IT STARTS TO ANOVE. BE s j r SUKE TO LEAP ABOAKC?..! a v mmmi ...,.,-.:. - RIP KlRBY By RAYMOND AT THE INTERNATIONAL TRACK. THEBES IA METN SUBJECT- FOR SPECULATION BQ THE ' AN AMATEUR! EVERYONE IS . RiCH AUVSON LAUSHlNfi. HE ISA DETECTIVE SIRL AMERICaV NAMED RIP KlRSV, SO THEY TRIES ASAIN TO -i A5K,CAN HE j WIN' WHO'S """V" VLVV FIW THE HER DRIVER TJ fJl FINISH LiNET trtv"ll WHAT'S THE COOS OH THE VJ I L I IU? YOU NAME ! J) K fartf BMr-IlltW 'EM, I) yWJja BA8YJ THAT 6UY AOj h"HE EXPERTS OON'tT hn ji tviiy i-i-J a CHANCES. RIP. WE'LL SHOW THEM VSOTT JTs WE DAkunST GASOLINE ALLEY By KING It's kind of ou JudvTThats all toakeusa ride in I rkjbt,TcpS. ycxir new convert iHe.V It fun. rA -t Suppose you leave Isabel . M t -J neie- ana pkk is W7 in s am ana BARNEY GOOGLE f Here, Jod. Th?s will boy your car a tew canons or gas. 1: Ifs an idea the Judy ) IS Taxi cab Cbmpany V By FRED CASSWELL cless yens ftA OAL LA CMlTrl A ECCS 11 FROM TEXAS, SfOUFFV- RREYE GOOD T fTSMP TO HELP OUT ffJ JL SHOT, COUSlM ? THET "SMITH- SACKER FEUD A CH.SI-.CPvE m A RtvENoOtK OUT. YONOCR vfTUffT MAUD UP j i