8 (Sec 1 Statesman, Salsm, Ore Wednes July 8. IS53 I ti(. j ; ."' ..'Vs.:''.; -Ms S O C I ETY C LUBS MUSIC nn mm : Around . - By JERYME ENGLISH ' ! COFFEE TIME .Wednesday and Thursday mornings when Miss Mildred Chris tenson enter ! tains at her new home on West Judson Street for the pleasure of her sister, Mrs. Marjorie King, , who is here for the summer with - Her son Lewis . 1 . they reside in Eureka, ealif. and will return there in the fall, where Mrs. jOng is a teacher . . . she is now .-'attending. the summer session at Willamette University . . . A, ' group of Mrs. King's friends have been invited each day to call be "tween 10 and 12 o'clock . . . . -. ; Presiding ... at the coffee urn this morning will be Mrs. H. K. Stockwell . . . Assisting will be Mrs. George Weller, Mrs. Boss .Hogue, Mrs. Steve Anderson and Mrs. Otto Skopil Jr. . . . Pouring I on Thursday morning will be Mrs. ' Wallace Carson ... assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Don ald A. Younc Mrs. Edwin Keech. Mrs. John Griffith and Miss LU- " lian "Davis r ' A surprise ... handkerchief shower feted Mrs. Earl Bogardus Tuesday night when Mrs. Lester I.. Pearmine Jr. entertained mem bers of their bridge club at her country home ... Mr. and Mrs. Ko (Tardus and their three sons, Kandv. Douzlas and Darry, will uwin be moving iwiT from Salem next week they will leave on a camping trip to Denver, plan ning to be gone several weeks . . . Bridge was inplay during the evening with a late supper served lv the hostess . . . Saving au re- rvoir to Mrs. Bogardus were Mrs. Kollin Haag, Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. Donald Barnick, Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, Mrs. , Roger M. Schnell, Mrs. William R. Shinn and Mrs. Pearmine ... On the calendar ... for Sunday, July 19 is the silver tea and gar den party to be given by members of Bethel UD, Job's Daughters at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam J. Braun on North 23rd Street . .-..The affair is being given to raise money for robes for the new Bethel ... All in- . terested friends are invited to at tend between 3 and 5 o'clock . . . ; A round ... of informal enter taining has feted Mr. and Mrs. William Reinhart of Washington, D. C, who have been in the capi tal the past fortnight visiting Mrs. Reinhart's brother-in-law, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Carson . . . and in Silverton with -her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Allb right . . . Mon day night members of the Carson family entertained with 'a picnic dinner at Silver Falls for the Reinharts ... In the group hon oring the Reinharts were Mr, and Mrs. John Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Carson, Mrs. Walter Barsch, Mrs. Hugh McCammon, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gunnar and Mr. and Mrs. Rex AUbright ... On Sunday the Frank Reinharts entertained at their Portland home for the pleasure of his brother and sister-in-law ... On the Fourth a fam ily gathering feted the visitors at the Rex AUbright home in Silver ton . . . Out-of-town guests in- .dn-ied the James Shaws of Med ford and Mr. and Mrs. George AU bright and daughter, Karen, of Grants Pass ... TRAVELERS . . . continue to highlight the summer news . . . Mrs. Frank Marshall is being welcomed home from a six weeks' trip East ... In May she attended the national .convention of the General Federation . of Women's Clubs in Washington, D. C. . . . Mrs. Marshall, as president of the Salem Woman's Club, was the 'group's official delegate at the ,ManAn Frnm Wscrtirtcrtnn Mrs. Marshall toured .Virginia then- went up. to Baltimore and -New York Qity . . Enroute West she stopped in Indianapolis for a fortnight, where she visited with relatives .... Heading south . . . come Satur day will be Mrs. Clinton Stan dish and daughter, Elaine ... they are driving to Reno, where they will be joined by former Salem residents. Mrs. 'William Schultx and son, Billy, -who are coming west by train from their home in McCook, Neb. . . . The four will then vacation at Lake Tahoe, Tesemite and San Francisco, ar riving in Salem on Jury 20 . . .' after a week's visit in Salem Airs. Schultx and her son and Mrs. Standish and her daughter will go to Seaside for a week's sojourn . . . Mrs. Schultx will return to her home in early August ... Convention bound . . . Mrs. John Hann leu bunaay. ior rasa dena, Calif, to attend the Alpha Xi Delta national convention, joining the Portland ' delegation ... Mrs. Earl P. Newberry, Port land alumnae president, and Mrs. Loran M. Thompson, province president, and . Mrs. Benjamin F. Schumacher, of Corvallis, prov ince vice president, are among those attending from Oregon . . . UidnaySIow-Dotin Jtestless Nights . Wle kidney function slows ion. msjty folks complain mt nagrinc backache, fccad - pen . diiiiness and ka at pep and cnerrr. Pont anffcr rata nihts with Unm sis. oesf erts if tcdnead kidney function is bc tine yon down don to ancn common esnsM ' as stress and strain, oner-exertion nr ez po sers to cold. Minor bladder trritationa doe to cold or wronar diet may causa cettinx n nUffcts erfrrenent pesisena. Don't neglect yonr kidneys If these eondJ. Mans pother yon. Try Dean's Pills n mild d nretie. It's nmnslns how many times Doan's fir happy relief from these discomforts ' fceJp the IS miles of kidney tnbes and filters finso, oat waste. Ask f or new, laraw. economy . Get Dona's YWm todayl Pay Bring all having formerly ; visited the.! Salem alumnae group .. . . Arriving ... in the capital by plane Tuesday from Philadelphia was Miss Beth Siewert, who will visit here for several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Ferd . Schlap- xohl, and her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Siewert . . . Beth, who has resided in the East for several years , now, is with an advertising agency in Philadelphia... Visiting ... in .Salem for the month of July is Miss Eleanor Trindle of Corvallis,! who is-the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wffliam II. Trindle ... Nursery notes . . . A fourth child, a little boy, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chester W. Car- baugh on July 5 at the Salem Memorial Hospital ... the , lad, who has been named Timothy Charles,, ripped the scales at nine pounds, five ounces . . . The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Carbaugh of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Silva of Ber keley, Calif. . . .'the great-grand mother is Mrs. Elsie Killin of Salem ... News has come . . . from Wash ington, D. C. of the birth of a daughter, Vicki Jean, to Major and Mrs. Blaine Vogt (Jean Gil lespie) at Walter Reed Army Hos pital . . . the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph-L. Vogt, Mrs. W. G. Gillespie and the late Mr. Gillespie . . . Mrs. Gillespie wil soon leave for Washington to greet her granddaughter ... Seven Girls Candidates For Queen Seven attractive girls, who are employed at different state of fices, are vieing for the honor of queen of the Oregon State Em ployes baseball festival to be staged July 13 and 14. The re maining six will serve as princess es to the queen the night of the game on the 14th. A parade will open the festival next Monday, terminating on the West State House grounds, when the Salem Senator baseball play ers will choose the queen. The girls were selected as princesses from the various state depart ments. A thumbnail sketch of each is as follows: ' Joyce Grimes of the State In dustrial Accident Commission hails, from Aumsville. She has served as a princess for school affairs on two different occasions, also as school cheer leader. Her hobbies are cooking, especially experimenting with new, tasty dishes, and dancing. Cooking Hobby for Several Alda Hoch is sonsored by the accounting division of the State Highway Commission. She is a brunette and carries a sunny smile wherever she goes. Alda likes all sports, is a good seam stress and loves to cook. Clarice Moon, a former Port land girl, represents the State Tax Commission. She is tall and dark with green eyes and is one of the Senators ardent fans. In school days Clarice studied dra matics and took part in several plays. She enjoys singing and plays golf. Nadine Olsen, known to her friends as Deeny, also represents the State Tax Commission. She comes from Silverton and Molalla high jschoil, where she won hon ors as a majorette and holds a baton trophy. She was also se lected queen of her sophomore class in a victory bond contest Her hobbies include fishing, hunt ing, cooking, sewing and design ing. Barbara Pickens, a curly haired, blue eyed red head, was picked by the State Police as their. candidate for queen. Her nick name is Babs and she likes to swim, fish and enjoys all outdoor sports, and plays tennis frequent ly. Barbara finds time to dabble in oil paintings and has a cup and saucer collection. Princesses Are Sports Fans Joyce Riley, a recentionist for the State Unemployment Commis sion, is another one of the seven contestants for the Baseball fes tival queen. Joyce, a striking brunette, is a Sale m girL She likes to sing, dance and draw. During high school days she took part in plays and operettas. In her spare time she studies textile painting, bowls frequently and is a good cook. Joyce is another one of the ardent baseball fans. 1 Dorothy Schmidt, is the only blonde among the princesses vie ing for the baseball crown Mon day night She is sponsored by the State: Unemployment Compen sation Commission. She is most vivacious and has a winning per sonality. She likes all sports and is a member of the YWCA, where she often swims. She also enjoys dancing,; singing and took an , ac tive, part in the production of plays during her high school days at Canby High. Dorothy is an accomplished seamstress and the best of cooks, t, : A boy was born July 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Estep Jr., at Sa-4 lem General Hospital. He has been named Mark Merlin. He has a sister, Lynne Louise, ' almost two. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Estep Sr., Salem, and Mrs. Albert Olson, Butte, Mont Mrs. Mary Hall of Dalton, Wis is the great grandmother. r Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey H. Yarberry (Joan Gloria Aitken) whose wedding "was an event of June 23 at the First Baptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Aitken and the groom is the son of Mrs. William Roland Yarberry of Asheboro, North Caro lina. The couple will live in San Diego, while the groom is stationed there with the navy and in the fall will return to Salem to make their home. (McEwan Studio). Rural Letter Carriers7 Wives to Be Honored During Convention On this weekend's agenda will be the Oregon Rural Letter Car riers Association state convention liary members are busy with plans iting women, who will be here with their husbands for the conven tion, July 10-12. Headquarters will theme of the three, day session is Grand Officers Visit Hanna Rosa Court Hanna Ross Court Order of the Amaranth met Monday evening for the official visit of the grand officers with Martha Bangert, royal matron, and Paul Gilmer, royal patron, presiding. . Escorted and- honored were the Grand Royal Matron Nadene Janes of Portland and the Grand Royal Patron Don Patton or Sa lem. Others escorted were Past Su-, preme Royal Matron, Mrs. Robert Ostrom of Cannon Beach;, past Grand Royal Matrons and Pat rons, Mrs. James Manning, -Mrs. Fred Helbock, Mrs. Maurice Mar tin and Harvey Ashton. Elective anp appointive grand officers honored were Mrs. Charles Hunt, grand associate matron, and Fred Helbock, grand associate patron; grand conduct ress, Mrs. Hans . Madsen; grand wisdom, Laulette Norton; grand standard bearer, Mrs. William Wilson; grand marshal, Raymond Howell; grand lecturer, Mrs. Carl Shetterly; assistant grand lectur er, Mrs. R. Lee Wood; grand page, Mrs. Raymond Howell; grand crown bearer, Mrs.. Gay Zimmerman; grand trustees, Carl Shetterly and Gay Zimmerman; grand commissioner, Harry Cash; grand representatives, Lynn Har ris, Gordon Herrig, Roy Ander son and Frank Guerin. Royal Matron! and Patrons present were Mrs. Hugh Temple ton, Mrs. John Bell, Mrs. Violet Newton, Mrs. Al Holmes, Mrs. Melvin Atchison, Mrs. Nina Palm quist, Mrs. John Dobson, Mrs. Harriet Myers, Mrs. Gladys Bal lentyne, Mrs. Maurice Parmenter, Melvin Atchison, Ray Jrook, Maurice Parmenter, and Tony Sorg. The Grand Court picnic will be held Sunday, August 2, at 1:30 p. m. at Champoeg Park. Social committee for the eve ning included Mr. and Mrs. Mal colm MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Georpe Gregor and Dr. and Mrs Ray Tower. MAKE YOUR JAMS AND JELLIES WITH CERTO j PECTIN I COfS FAtTHtt-Ys. t 2 hom 1 toftWI "FlAVOI-OUAIOfB" ft Hcksr. froihsf mmhtrml fruit ftvst IAS) El I N ttnivm ... jwst sww liquid Carlo ( mmtwrmi fnrit pmGm xWvct) iat fruit Mister FASTEII Takes is 15 SMBStSf fftSC frwft prsyrssll ' HOMEMADE JAMS j AND JEUIES i TASTE BIST COST LESS! j Befferl . . .r. ,v Jj to be held in Salem. The Auxi for the entertainment of the vis be at the Marion Hotel and the the 50th anniversary of Golden Jubilee. Hostesses for the social events for the women are. mem bers of the Marion County Auxi liary. Mrs. Lyman McDonald, gener al chairman, has appointed the following committees: hospitality, Mrs. Ray Hopper, Marion, Mrs. James Remington, Salem, Mrs Carl Millard, Mt Angel, Mrs. Jam es Ripp, Sublimity, and Mrs. Mil ton Knauff, Silverton; Registration, Mrs. Robert An derson, Sublimity, Mrs. Ray Con der, Sal em: decorations, Mrs. Floyd Crabtree, Salem, Mrs. Wil liam O Neill, Salem, and Mrs. Morris Nagl, Aurora: Memorial services, Mrs. Dewey Davis, Sa lem, Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, Ash land; president and secretaries breakfast, Mrs. Luther Cook, Sa lem. A social highlight of the con vention for the women will be the reception on Saturday afternoon in honor of the national officer, Mrs. O. S. Johnson of Lake Char les, Louisiana, and wives of re tired carriers in Oregon. The af fair will be held at the Chandal- aria Heights home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman McDonald, 2795 Ar gyle Drive, between 3 and 5 o'clock.' Reception on Saturday In the receiving line will be Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Floyd Cramer; Monroe, state president; Mrs. Frank Rhodes, Eugene, secretary; Mrs. J. Paul Myers, St Helens, Junior spon- TV- : 1 I ' ' S?M Self treatment and 3i aissoaia can be danger ous. Don't trust to lock when yoa hare some thing physically wrong . . consult your Doctor right away. When he prescribes, brinr your prescription ' here. Wo don't trait to lack, either. We are exacting. We Green Stamps CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St.: at liberty I : x ... - ! - r. V : . , 4 . ' ' '' i - - " v - " i ' 1 I . . -v ' . i I- " " r "i ' : 'Him km" - . - ' t r 1 Mrs. Walter Andrew Nystrom Jr., who was Miriam Whatley prior to her marriage on Jun 27,; at the Takoma Baptist Church in Washington, D. C. The bride is the daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Oscar Whatley of Thomas ville, Alabama, and the groom- is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nystrom of Salem. The couple will live in Wash ington, D. C. - Combined Meeting Of Church Groups Tabitha Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church will hold a combined meeting 1 with the Fellowship and White Cross Work on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Will Morley, 3790 Center St White Cross work will begin at 10:30 a.m. with a covered dish luncheon to be served at noon. The fellowship meeting will be at 2 p.m. with Mrs. W. O. Shepp, the leader. The program is en titled "Millions of Souls" and the speaker will be Mrs. A. H. Ed wards of Corvallis, Oregon State President of the White Cross work. Mrs. D. M. Eby will give the devotional message. Hostes ses will be Mrs. Morley, Mrs. Earl Seamster and Mrs. Howard Smal ley. There is an urgent heed for White Cross material such as old sheets suitable for bandages and old blankets, which would make good linings for quilts. sor, and Mrs. James Remington, Salem. Presiding at the punch bowls will be Mrs. Hans Rammm Jr., of Medford and Mrs. Warren Combs of Eugene. The decorations will feature the golden anniversary theme in candles and flowers on the tea table. The table will be covered with an ice blue satin cloth with an oven cloth of net with a blue and gold floral centerpiece flank ed by gold and blue tapers in gold candelabras. Mrs. Arch Brewster of Salem is arranging the reception, assist ed by Mrs. George Jones of Wood- burn, Mrs. Ray Hopper of Mar ion, Mrs. Luther Cook, Mrs. Floyd Crabtree and Mrs. Ray Conder of Salem and Mrs. Robert Anderson of Silverton. DON'T Throw your watch away. We fix them when others can't The Jewel Box 44S State St, Salem, Ore. i Give S1H , Miss Roth to Wed in July Friday, July 17 has been set as the date for the marriage of Miss Clara Belle Roth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Roth, and Dale James Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bates of Creswell. The couples will exchange their vows at the Knight Memorial Church with the Rev. Louis White officiating at the 8 o'clock rites. A reception will follow in the church parlors. Miss Roth is a University of Oregon graduate and has been teaching at Creswell. Her. fiance is in the lumber business in Cres well and expects to leave for the service soon? Your choice, 2.69 Entire stock of 2.79 and 5. cottoiis oh sale now-i-plus big f selection of brand new fall styles. Wards;80 square percales and plisses-famous forjtht way 1 they fit," , wash and wear." Co styles, zipper-fronts, shirt HURRY IN v is-? i 'X" 1 f 5s Four sisters, who gathere4 In Salem recently! for their first reunion in 39 years, jlnclude left to rights Mrs, William -Bergin of Los Angeles. Mrs. Edward Diager, Mrs. Leonard Judson, both of Sjjdem, and Mrs. John Jossi of St. Helens, The Berginsrwho Jormerly made their home k .... . .i J . , . , ii r t. In wiscorisin, .came to tne Studio)- Badges Given to Girl Scout Troop 27, all Junior High School students, were re cently given; their first class bad ges at a luncheon at the home of their- leader Mrs. John Ramage. Tjie- girls receiving first class badges included Linda Ramage, Cynthia Chase, Crystal Church, Glenda Foxj Marilyn Murphy and Claudia Peterson. Henrietta Har vel received the second class badge. f Girls who had earned badges but ; did not attend the luncheon were Shirley Hunter, first class, and; Janet Ctarry, Joan Osko, first Mothers, to Picnic Pi Beta phi Mothers will hold a picnic at the home of Mrs. Wayne Price, 960 North Cottage Street Thursday at 12:30 o'clock. 155 N. LIBERTY I PH. 3-31tl JULY C0TJ0N DRESS SALE Big Selection -Regular 2.79 and 2.98 i . 1 each for with handy pockets. Bright patterns checks, solids, plaids, florals, many with practical II' dark backgrounds. Dresses to wear now and right through the season. See them all buy two, save even more. - waist types r- ON SALE 4 DAYS ONLY - S, 9, r V::; 1 west coast last fall. .(McEwan Girl Scouts and second class, and VlenettaT Seal, second class. 1 j- Five-year pins were presented to Marilyn Murphy, Claudia Pet erson, Shirley Hunter and Cyn thia Chase. First American movies were made at Coney Island, New York, not in Hollywood. . 4 r -. : . Misses', women's sizes 10, 1 1th. i