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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1953)
8 (Sc 2-5latitinan,:Salm. Ore WdnWJulr 8. 1953 4S0 Musical Instruments BAXY GRAND piano. Mahogany fin ish. Owner leaving-town, must sell .',' one. Reasonable.- 4205 Che. metm St. or Phone 3-4677. &KLY Story and dark Pianos have , . mshogany sounding boards. Will t - not split, warp or crack stays in ; xune 13 oettcr. Tne music cen "tee. 470 N. Capitol. Phone 1-5371. NEW and used pianos, for a better buy. Wlltsey Music Bouse iaeo State. , 82 Sports EgxtipmSnT GENERAL boat - repair. Ho-Bl Boat Shop. , 1845 Birchwood. 3-8904, 3-3722. ; WANTED GOOD outboard motor Hi HP or larger. Will trad $70.00 Auto Radio Practically Brand Mew I call 3-8311 454 Bicycl MAN'S Bicycle. A-l condition. $15. 289 N. 14th. Girls , Schuwinn built bicycle with carrier. Perfect condition. Will sell for less than half price. Phone z-uio aner r. m. 463 For Rant, Miscellaneous BENT or buy. All types electrical or bana tooia, garden tractors, spray' ers. Howser Bros.. 1185 S. 12th. J DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets turn. 1201 State. Ph. 2-9062. FOB RENT or lease, lge. warehouse space cement floors, brick bidg. down town. Inquire H. L Stiff Fur.1. 3-9185. 470 For Sol, Miscellaneous COFFEE tables. Glass top. $8.95. Bar gain Barn 4 miles N. 99. ABOUT 30 sq.. yds., new heavy weight ocite carpet paaoinf. neap, isbu N. 18th St. TRAILER mower in very food con , dition on rubber Also LH.C. 214 plow. 3-1194. New Singer Electric cabinet sewing machine. Full price only $123.50. Write for free colored catalog of come in for free demonstration, singer sewing ce ter. 130 N. Com'l St. FT. COLDSPOT refrigerator in good condition. Phone 2-9851. BEAUTY COUNSE-OH. cosmetic. Ph. 3-5401. VACUUM Cleaners. Upright $6.50 Sc. up. Tank vacuum $19.50 St up. Glenn Woodrys. 1605 N. Summer. Lemonade Speciajs" Bnjoy the warm weather with, a good used refrigerator from RALPH JOHNSON. APPLIANCES Seasonable prices and good selec tion. General Electric. Kelvinator, Leonard. Cbldspot. etc. 355 Center Phone 3-3139 PAINT 1.99 gal. Bargain Barn. BENDIX automatic washer and dry er. Both new. never used. Sell $125 less if both taken this week. Mov ing. must sell. 553 Union St. Sewing Machine Buyers Purchase a new Singer electric cab inet for as little as $12.50 down and $534 per month. Call or write Sing- er Sewing Center. 130 N. Com'l. TWIN BED. Complete finished ma ple. Coil springs, cotton mattress. $24.50 Bargain Barn. 4 miles N. 99E. REDUCED $10 per day until sold. 40 gal. electric heater. Starting price July 8. $152.75. ' Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front St Court St. Ph. 3-9111 We Give S&H Green Stamps SOLID OAK arm chairs. 4.75. Bar- gain Barn. 4 miles N. 99E. i DOUBLE head Sweedin freezer. 1 Coca-Cola dispenser. 1 Taylor freezer. 1 walk-in cooler 6x8. 1 Ad miral service box. 1 Pepsi-Cola d is pe ns e r . 1 968 Ferry St. OAK 'rockers $3.50. Bargain Barn. BEAUTIFUL black saddle, bridle and martingale, for young lady or man. Phone 3-8272. OLD chest $4. - Bargain Barn. CLUB CHAIR. $9.95. Snooks. ALMOST new 6 yr crib with can't wet mattress $25. Play pen and pad In new condition $10. Basinet with spring and matt. Excellent condi tion $10. Jim Dandy tots swing, teter, rings and bar combination $15. Excellent. Phone 3-8272. BOOK CASE. $3.30 Bargain Barn. Sewing Machine Used Elec. Wal. Cab. Good sewing . conoition ana guaranteed. Full price $29.50. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Cornl St. HARDWOOD vanity table $5.50. Bar- gain Barn. 4 miles N. 99E. WILL sacrifice new, never used. 10 000 gal. gas or oil tank. Eyerly ' Aircraft Co., Turner Road Phone 2-3831. PAINT 1.99 gal. Glenn Woodrys. FOR SALE. 314 ft. cherry ladders. Like new. Phone 3-1747. " xNNERSPRING mattress, box springs nd poster bed. Phone 4-1700. OAK STAND. Table $1. Bargain Barn. Top Soil River silt, fill dirt, prompt delivery. Phone 2-1749. TOOL RENTAL. U-FTX-IT. Corner of North Commercial and Columbia 4-5261. GOOD USED cotton mattresses. $5 V up. Bargain Barn. 4 miles N. 99E DEEPFREEZE home freezers. Yeat- er Apliance. 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. DESK $8.50. Nice old clock $7.50. Serving bed table on castors $3.50. Lino, rugs 9x13 $5.29. Millions of items at the Bargain Barn 4 miles N of Salem. 99 E. MOTO-BOY power mower in good ihape. Only $59 95. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St.- Ph. 4-6371 PRESSURE cookers. $15. Snooks. PRECAST reinforced, concrete sep tic ; tanks, state approved. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1405 N. Front St. Phone 3-3417 liARGE S dr. chest. Very well con structed. $14.73. Bargain Barn ELEC clothes dryer only $59.95. 2 only. Yeatet Appliance Co.. 373 Chemekta St. . DELUXE lawn swing. Adjustable. Headrest, lnnerspring pad. Sell at i.90 Most: puces. Buy it at Glenn Woodrys for only $59.50. 1805 N. Summer St. PIANO BOXES Salem Music Co- 153 So. High. Ph. 2-8708. Ml Nv Chorrh St. Classified Advertising Fer word. 1 time . Per word, 1 times -rer word, 7 times - -Per -word. X month ..Minima ten word Extra charge for BUBd- ads ' ; 1 v . 4c LlOe lSc .60c -25e Eeaders in city briefs: Per word , , , 7e Minimum ten words. No Befnnda. I' The deadline for classified and feeder advertising is 3:45 p.m. daily. The "Ustesm an reserves the rtgnt So reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper elassificatioB- The States an aumes no finan cial responsibility - tor errors which may appear In advertisements pub ' lished in tts columns and in eases here his paper is at fault will re print that part of aa advertisement in wnteb the typo aphical mistake . occurs A "Blind" Ad a ad containing a Statesmrn box number1 for an' ad dress is for the protection of the - advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman -1s not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind- ad. 600 -Employment 604 Hlp Wanted, Mad. TWO Fellas, I'm tired of having bohatflde appointments made for men that are unable to close. Z want two men that can dose a high pro portion of their sales presentations. These men win have an unlim ited money-making -opportunity with an organization that has the reputation as the fastest moving. the soundest organization of it's type in the field. You win have all the cooperation, sales aids, and help that you need to make you successful. Your future is as big as you can make it. If $200, $500 per week doesnt scare you I'd like to have you spend five minutes of your time with me, finding ' out why we can make each other more successful- in the -future. Contact Mr. Barrett at SIS Hood SL, room 203, before 1 p.m Mon day through Friday. ' 602 Help Wanted WEEKEND fountain help. Wood ruff's San Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls. WE ARK now taking applications foe Paper Routes at earner divi sion. Statesman Buildings Boys ist be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents. If you have already applied kindly do so again. THE OKEWJH STAilBMAn MEN OR women to hoe beans. Rien- sche's bean yard. jCau between - 4-2789. COUPLE to live in and care for small baby In exenange tor room and board. 2.4652. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sal. Miscellaneous BOX SPRINGS with Hollywood legs. $5. Bargain Barn. 4 miles N. 98 is. CHARRIS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment Ph. 3-ssis. Mary E. Bales. PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum, xeaier Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 4-4311 Singer Elec. Port. Sewinc machine. All Reg. attach ments, ngnt ana loot control, new machine guarantee, save sins- er sewing center, ijo . worn t. TRAILER $40. Snooks. 1255 Broadway, Crushed Rock FOR roads tc driveway cement. Ready-mix concrete, lisnien sina. Bulldozing drainage and ditching. 4 yd. shovel St drag line- Phone - 49, Walling Sand & Gravel Co. NEW WAL. finished knee hold desk. $27.50. Glenn Woodrys. iw rt. Summer - St. $30 ALLOWED for your old water neater regaraiesi ox cunmuuu i make, on a new Westinghouse automatic electric water heater, with a ten year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa, Phone 3-4311. NEW PLASTIC rockers $19.95. Bar. gain Barn. Spec. miles . DINETTE tables 2 leaf extensions. $5.95. Bargain barn. 4 miles ti. on 99E. ' CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for tables, furniture, railings. n . Liberty Furniture from 12 apts. Cheap. 190 S. 13th St. HEADERS. 49 Ford complete set. Phone 2-1850. FOLD-A-BED. $89.50. Snooks. OCC. CHAIR $2.50. Bargain Barn, It's a buy. 4 miles W. on sa. Special Singer vacuum cleaner completely reconditioned. Revolving brush, 2 speed switch. When new the Sing er Vacuum sold for $79.50. Now only $14.75. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Com! St. . STANLEY home products. Lee Mindt. tree Madison, Ph. 3-4056. NEWLY painted washer. Looks good, works good., $19.50. Bargain Barn. 4 miles w. oisij DO YOU like maple furniture? Save - more than half on good used maple. Sec. desk also maple hutch, coffee table, corner cup board. Glenn Woodrys. GLASS top tables 3 finishes. Coffee. end and lamp, only $6.95 Ea. Glenn Woodrys. . USED electric ranges $12.95 St up. Yeater Appliance, 375 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. Diamonds & Jewelry at cost plus 10. Call or write W. C. Mitchell. 1175 miiyara. Eugene. Ore. 3-6557. 5 PR CHEST 12.93. Glenn Woodrys PORTABLE laundry frays. 1, 16 ft. row boat .one Frigidaire refriger ator, oak breakfast table and 4 chairs, Duo-Therm oil heater with forced air. 'one John Deere trac tor, L. A. model, with plow and cultivator. 2180 Chemawa KO. GOOD used wood ranges. $10 each. Used refrigerator? $49.50 & up. Used washers $995 & up. Yeater Appliance. 375 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. S PC. CHROME set $38.50. Wal. din ette. 2 leaf extension $49.50. Solid or dinette 45. Kitchen set 3 pc. 812.50. Glenn woodry. 1609 a, Summer. POWER lawn mover. $59.50. 1355 Broadway. NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up -o $50 or more for your old sewing machine on a new free Westing house sewing machine with' a 20 yr warranty. Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemeketa St. BOX SPRINGS. Used with Holly wood legs. $3. Glenn Woodrys. Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seeds and odorless, i Sack and bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-8127. GOOD solid kitchen chairs S2 each. . Glenn Woodrys. 1605 N. Summer, Free Sewing Lessons With purchase of Singer Electric portable sewing machine. Machines look like new. $23.00 off new price. A-l condition and guaranteed. singer sewing center. 130 N. Com 1 St. BABY stroller $2.95. Bargain Barn. Phone 2-2441 Sabscription states By earriey ta cities: Dally and Sunday $ IAS per mo. Daily only L25 per mo. Sunday only JO week By saa 11. Sunday enly: (in advance) , $ J50 per mo. Anywhere in 0. S-, 1.7S six mo. ' ; 5.00 year ; By snail. Daily and tandayt t (in advance) In six counties . . $ LOO peraao. (Benton. Ciacka . mas. Linn. Mar lon. Polk. Yam hill). , Ebtewhere in Oregon ' la U S outside Oregon i 8.23 tlx me. 10J0 voari.v L20 per mo. 1.4S per MO. M ember Aadlt Boreaa of Circvlationa Barean of AdTertlslnr. ANPA Oregon Newspaper " Pabllshe Assoclatioa , : AdTertlslnr KepresentstlTes: Wsrd-Grlfflth Co, New York. Ghicare San Francisco. Detroit 6Q0" Employment 604 Help Wanted. Mde' SALESMEN MEN WAITED Must be neat, industrious, of good character, sincere, for sales work. CaU 2-5079 between 9 and 10:30 wk days, for appointment. - WANTED, young aggressive man with background for route sales such as wholesale milk, : beverages, etc.. union scale, hospital plan, good working conditions. Box 520 Statesman WEEK END car hop Woodruffs Saa Shop 3400 Portland Rd , Salem, Oregon. No phone calls. 606 Help Wanted, female WAITRESS. Speedway Restaurant. snoppmg center. WEEKEND waitresses. Speedway Restaurant. Shopping Center.- HOUSEKEEPER, stay nights-7 Call morning, 683 rr. Liberty St. WANTED, saleslady. Must play piano ana oe experiencea , musically Wills Music Store. Experienced waitress. Golden Pheas ant. Apply after 11 A. M. HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged, live in. Mr. Barnes 4-4476 ext. 6 WANTED single lady to work in summer home. Mostly cooking, oooa salary, inquire iogg Bros. WEEK END car hop. Woodruff's San Shop. 3400 Portland Rd- Salem, Oregon. No phone calls. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous THOR SPINNER automatic wash ers, like new 4 only, at $79.50 Each. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. GOOD coil springs $75 Glenn Woodrys, 1605 N. Summer St. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous"' 24 FT. LOGS WANTED Premium price paid far 34 ft. No. 2 St No. 3 grade second growth fir. WEST SALEM. LBR. CO. 1650 Wallace Rd. Salem Phone 4-3381 days - 4-1784 eves. 474 Miscellaneous" Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or mail your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bid Stat Sc Com. Ph. 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sale or rent. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 3-9186. 476 Fuel ASHCRA FTS fuel, cores, log-ends, SlaD. Pnnne 3-3380. 844 Mill St. 16' OLD fir veneer, cores. Phone Elmer Bole, 2025 S. 12th.' 3-9453. ANDERSON'S hand picked slabwood. j. eora 14. f none z-vvsi or 4-4Z93. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdut, woodr green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444 Capital Lbr. '-Fuel Co. . Pickup your Presto logs. Briquets & wood 198 5. commercial St. Ph. 3-7721. Spring Special MULCH SAWDUST AND FERTI LIZER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BLOCKWOOD. 16" CLEAN West Salem Fuel Co. 1525 Edeewater Phone 2-4031 Oregon Fuel Co. Slabs Sawdust Oak S & H Green Stamps 3017 Broadway Phone 3-3333 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money lo Loan PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794, AUTO LOANSt WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church St. Ph. 2-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 Consolidate All Bill? Twenty-five years ago General Fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men . to give you a loan service. We have lent minions. TRY OUR SERVICE You can repay anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from - friends longer time to repay. Plu first tor a one trip loan. Loans" $23.00 to $300.00 on signature. furniture and equipment. Loans to $500.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Free customer parking at "Marion . Car Park'.': across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. . Lie No S13S and M338 (KijWiKVHtffi iBm man 5 REAL ESTATE LOANS Up to 20 yrs . . Amortization , Quick Service. Minimum Charges. Calvin V. Kent ! Mortgage Loans 45$ No. Church Phone 4-2293 CUT . CUT J CUT Cut your present payments as . much as 30. Let us show how it may be done. $50 - $1300 AMOUNTS PAYMENTS $166.32 $ 9.00 258.72 535.9? 850.0$ 14.00 29.00 44. Oft PAcn-ic Industrial Loans lis S. Ubertv Phone 4-2203 SEE OS FOR FARM. CITY or ACR- AGX LOANS. BEST OF TERMS. WE BUY ' Real estate mortgages contra eta. FINANCE CO. 1 Ph. s-tut m s. High st. 600 . Employment ' 604 Help Wanted. Mali DEMONSTRATOR SlOOirWk. YOUNG ISJAN 25-35 MUST BE SINGLE : FREE TO TRAVEL THROUGH SEARS ROEBUCK STORES You will be trained to demonstrate Sears pressure cookers, and you 'will receive full pay while training. This is a permanent position with op advancement, rhis is not a commission job. nor house-to-house selling. (100 per week, plus bonus, plus trans portation. Start on payroll at once. NO PHONE CALLS rONTACT MANUFACTURER'S REP RESENTATIVE BILL PEARSON. PERSONALLY ANYTIME DURING STORE HOURS IN HOUSEWARES DEPARTMENT, SEARS ROEBUCK St CO. 530 N. CAPITOL 608 Pickers Wanted PICKERS WANTED Northwest strawberries, good pick ing Call Reimann Real Estate 3-9203 to register for transporta tion. WANTED cherry pickers, good crop. Arthur H. Bone. Orchard Heights Rd. Rt. 8, Box 588. 2 miles from own, i WANTED, cherry pickers now. Large orchard, heavy crop, half north. Oak Grove School. Phone 4-3954. CHERRY pickers, Thiessen orchard. Phone 3-1208, 4-3112. CHERRY pickers wanted Fred Ku- bin, Rt. 8 Box 22. Phone 47F21. WANTED, cherry pickers, children must be accompanied Dy adults. S. A. Wheatley's Orchard. Phone 4-1 121. CHElOy pickers wanted. Good cropT About 10 days picking. Rt. 1, BOX 763. Phone 4-2569. WANTED. ' cherry pickers. Andresen Farm. 4990 Lancaster Dr. Phone 4-1247 CHERRY pickers wanted. Good crop. Louis- Schmerber, Gervais, Ore. 12 miles North of Salem on Salem Champoeg Highway. Phone 3-1029. 100 STRAWBERRY pickers urgently needed. 10 acres Northwest. Good picking. 40c a carrier. R. P, Barn' well, 4930 N. River Rd. 4-4304. WANTED, cherry pickers. Richard's place, 293 West Cbemawa Rd. Ph 2-S583 or 4-3095. Wanted : Cherry 2-1208 or 4-3112. pickers. Phone Wanted: Cherry pickers, July 6th. Browning Ave. and Jones Rd. 3',i miles South: of Salem on Liberty Rd. St Browning Ave. 2 weeks plcxmg. Phone 2-1169. WANTED: Cherry pickers. Phone 2-6179. F. A. Muller, Rt. 1, Box 768. WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS STANLEY fNE ED. 2520 BLOSSOM DRIVE. HONE 2-3148. 15 acres Irrigated first year northwest and 7 acres narihall berries. Located 2 miles north of Salem. Turn west off Portland highway at Hayesville. Go 4 mile. CHERRY PICKERS wanted. Start J-Jy 6. E. C. Brunk, Rt. 8, Box 720 across Dallas Rd. from As- sociated Station. WANTED: Cherry pickers, 10 miles North on Wallace Road. Take grav el -road at Y. Second House. Ed. Lenstrom. Rt. 1, Box 475. Salem. Oregon. ; WANTED: Cherry pickers, starting Monday. 3 weeks work. 3185 Dallas Rd. 610 Sales Persons Wanted SALESMAN wanted to sell Johns Manvllle roofing and siding. Call in person. Mathis Bros. 166 S. Com'l APPLIANCE salesman wanted who s aggressive and ambitious for fu ture advancement. Must be capable to sell both inside and outside. Liberal commission plan. Apply Mr. Dcyle, Montgomery Ward. Salem. SALESMAN by Kirby Co. Car necessary, experience not. Phone 3-5364. 612 Work Wanted, Male CUSTOM MOWING, hay or grass. Ford equipment. 1893 Birchwood Dr. or 3-7731. CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand. Ph. 34512.Silverton. CARPENTER repairing or remodel ing. Small or large jobs. Hour or contract. All work must approve. Price cheap. 1693 Leo St. Phone 2-2292. WOULD "Hke steady employment. age 18. High School graduate. 2150 Lansing Ave. Pnone 2-3180. LAWN planting, weekly care, fences. sprinklers, shrubs, service Center. Phone 4-3373. ' I AM prepared to put in several more new lawns. Call 3-7373 days. -ss-2190 evenings. DOZING and" grading with light crawler. 36918. JANITOR Earl Cox. 650 Marion St Phone 3-7362. Gardening and lawn ; worn. lAWWMOwm Amu circle saw sharpening. Oscar Vasfaret. 391 . Gerth. Ph. 2-1556. Pick up Sc De- Tractor Work Plowing, discing, blade work, hay and ass mowin. Ph. 2-3041. CARPENTER: work, all kinds, larae or small, iteasonaoie. pn. 4-1424. 3-7809 614 Work Wonted. Female PROFESSIONAL upholstery, done In my home. Reasonable, pickup, de livery. Ph. 2-4290. TYPING. bookkeeping. , envelopes addressed, etc In my home, re liable service. -3292. 615 Situations Wanted IRONING, my home. 50c hour. Please bring hangers 1 1011 2nd St. West Salem WANTED, housework. 2 days a week. Phone 4-6513. BULLDOZING and : land clearing. .2593 Hollywood Dr. Phone 4-1838. BABY sitting evenings by experi enced woman, pnone 3-7750. Painting For quality work reasonable prices call 3-8625. ; HAVING AUTO RADIATOR TROUBLES? V. :iey Motor Co. experts w solve your proo terns ana save yon money. Free estimates, speedy service. Center snd Liberty. MICKENHAM'S 1 NURSERY ' STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT ED. HRS A-M- to f P.M. PH. 2-7S98 - I WTLIV BUILD you a home either large or nau at arrange finance at a real savin r. Phone eves. 4-5233. ORESSMAKING. experienced. Mrs. j-iius rincus. a iuh or mux. rn. .1-9342. CEMENT. WORK, all kinds. Prompt service.- guaranteed. Phon. a.Al "1 HOME bufkllng. remodeling. Free es- timates Ben Graves. Ph. 3-8393. ROTO hoeing, plowing, discing, lev- eling. lawns planted, service Cen ter. Phone 4-3573. Painting Wanted . : Outside work acbedule bow. Interior decoration ; also. Sedgwick. 3-33M. DAiLY child care, day or week. Ph. 4-5053. 1225 N. 9th. GOOD care for your child. 1180 Shipping. -S24, 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted CLEANING, rugs, windows, wood , Work, baths, kitchens, also paint in. Sedgwick. 3-3386. . i NURSERY, SCHOOL. line's Ultra modern. 85$ Mission. Ph. 2-7638 PAINTING: Interior and exterior. -McClain and Golden. Ph. 33322. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling . grading. Phone 2-3220. TILLING WITH rotary-hoe. Gardens, lawns. Phone 3-8529. 2355 Ever- gryen. ; CONCRETE work, ail kinds. Concrete walls, blockwalls, patios, sidewalks, basements. John Feldschan it Son. Ph. 2-8628. , 4-5329. , 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-9408 Evenings 3-7412, 2-4417 Salem. Oregon Land Clearing , IS yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete Job. : L. C Mitchell. Phone 3-5337. 700 Rental 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board BOARD and room or care for ladies at 1540 Bellevue. Phone 4-3769. CLLAN attractive sleeping rooms. Kitchen facilities. Close In. 754 rerrv. Downtown. 1st floor, clean, adjoining bath, refrigerator. 658 Center. CLEAN light housekeeping room. 735 N. Church St. QUIET comfortable near state build ings, rhopplng districts, kitchen privi)eges. 2-1449. SINGLE sleepingrooms . Downtown, very confortable. 474 N. Liberty. Phone 4-5780. 705 Apartments for Rent FURNISHED basement apt. Oil heat, electee range, refrigerator, shower, private entrance, reasonable. 1488 S. Cornl. Ph. 3-4706. NICE 3 room furnished apt. Close in. .Bath. Refrigerator. $23. Phone 3-6768. 3 ROOMS unfurnished, adults, elec trie stove, refrigerator and auto. matic wasner. call 3-7108 before 2. 3 ani l ROOM apt. Close in. Ground floor. $33 ana $23 per month. Phone 3-44C9. FURNISHED. 3 room apt. also 2 bed room house. 2310 N. 4th. FURNISHED apartments. One bed room duplex, S45. Also studio apt. with kitchen Sc dinette $37.50. See Mgr. after 6. 640 N. Com'l ATTRACTIVE apt., 1 bedroom. Fur nished or unfurnished., 2595 N 5th St. Phone 4-1407. SMALL furnished apt. Private bath. utilities. 43Q s. Capitol. Ph. 3-5359. 3 LARGE rooms furnished apt. Ph. i-iwi. 704 . comi St. FURNISHED 3 room apt. $53 per month. Inoulre at 31$ Bellevue. CLOSE in. nice clean room. Lady or couple. Lrooo pea. 7no Marion. Deluxe nicely furnished, immaculate ly clean. 1 bedroom apt. Garage. West Salem. 3-8347. 2 ROOM apt., light heat St water furnished. $35. 340 Union. Apartment ONE AVAILABLE NOW. L.R.. D.R,. KITCHEN. DINETTE AND BATH. UNFURNISHED $43. FURNISHED $55. Call 3-6124 for appointment to see. THE ROBERTA APT. 1130 Leslie. St. TWO ROOM apartment nicely furn- lshefl. Reasonably close to Leslie School. Phone 3-4307. 3 ROOM, private bath and entrance. Refrigerator and range, carpeted floors and knotty-pine interior. Phone 2-0713 CLEAN quiet unfurn. 3 room court apt Has electric range. Near bus and cannery. Phone 2-8009. QUIET newly decorated 2-room fur. -ushed court apt. 1065 Madison St. FURNISHED APT. 3 blocks from city center, immediate availability, call at Woodry Furniture, 474 S. Commercial. e CLOSE IN. Utilities furnished. $30, $45 with private bath. 2-0485, 3-5838 3 ROOM furnished court apt. Clean. S45 per mo. 3560 Portland Road. FURNISHED 3 rm . court apt. Newly decorated, close in on N. Com 1. Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644. FURNISHED or unfurnished apart- mctt close in, shade trees, a place you will like to live. Beautyrest mattress, automatic laundry, TV connection, new refrigerator and range, lots of hot water. Adults see at 336 Oak St. ONE 2 bedroom. . unfurnished. Phone 3-8566. COMPLETELY furnished, fully mod ern, radiant heat. 3 rooms. Phone 4-3714. Capitol Plaza UNFURNISHED apartments. 1163 Chemeketa. Phone 3-8S30. Ambassador Apts Nicely furnished apts. 550 N. Summer. APTS. furnished, incl. utilities. $20 and up. 827 N. Liberty. In Apt. 7. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent 1 2 BDRM. home, modern, clean, im- mediate possession. 562 Mill St. NEW DUPLEX, unfurnished, stove and refrigerator if desired. 1 bed room, attached garage, electric heat. Completely insulated. Phone -2621. GOOD 2 bedroom house near city limits. Call 3-9378. DUPLEX, 2 large bedrooms, nice bath, large living room. lovely kitchen, nice utility, stove, refriger- ator. adults, no pets. Phone 3-6468. FOR RENT: Seven room house locat ed -east on Turner road. $50.00 per . month. Inquire C. W. Parker, State Highway Department. Phone 4-2171, Extension 717. OLDER home, good district. Gas. automatic heat. 3 or 4 bedrooms. Double plumbing, $60 per month. Phone 4-6253. FOR RENT, by lease, roomy 2 bed- room. unfurnished, fireplace and basement. 1504 Broadway St. 2 BEDROOM house, attached garage. Overlooking city, on corner. Off Cascade Drive and Parkway. $70 mo. Call. 4-4798. VERY low rent to permanent tenant, excellent location on bus line. Fully modern one bedrm. with lots of storage. ED LUKINBEAL. Realtor Phone 2-6680 FURNISHED-' bedroom home. Ph. 4-6615 or see at 597 S. 16th. I BEDROOM-, modern. garage. Brooks. Phone 4-5028 MODERN one bedroom house. Drive by 663 Patterson. West Salem. Call 2-1744 4 room modern house, electric heat. $33. 883 N. Cottage-St. Suburban, plastered, duplex. Attach- ed garage, private nam at entrance . Electric stove and refrigerator and oil stove. Shade trees Sc nice lawn. $47.50. Call 4-1996 after f or before t A. M. ' J LARGE 2 bedroom unfurnished du- plex. 658 Ferry St. Phone 3-6275. CABINS, partly furnished. 1 room. $7 a week. 3 room, aa. ia wiu lams Ave. Ph. 3-7712. " CLOSE in 2 bedroom unfurnished cottage, j all esectrle. 83 N. Church LEASE only S yrs. old. 2 br. home. 460 Hickory. 3-5838. . MODERN 4 room duplex 1 bedroom. arare. Richmond Dist. pn. z-vn'i. FURNISHED, small but lovely. Must see appreciate for 1 or 2. j-aow. WHY RENT Your choice 1 mod ern homes $500 or less down. see Star Realty. 3330 So. Fee Hiway. Ph. 2205L- 700 Rentals 703 Farms. Tracts For Bent 20 or 30 ACRES of land and room house with-shower and 'wired for . range. mi. South of Salem. D. A, .Fish. Phone 3-4700. 1488 S. Com! St. - -t - -- - --- - - - SI Acres with 2 bedroom - modern house. -Renter must buy crops and equipment,- Phone 4-1336, 710 Wanted to Rent Houses' LOCAL executive and wife.' no chil dren, desire modern unfurnished X bedroom house. F. C. : B.. furnace; ana gsrsge. z-443i 3 BEDROOM, home, south of Salent, Automatic heat. We have two chil- dren.CaU3-9796. ' . ' - . RESPONSIBLE business man needs 3 bedroom home in or near Salem, 3 nice children. Rent or lease with option to buy. References tf desired. Write Box 523. or call Mr. Felrlng, Salem Z-2459 2 OR 3 BEDROOM, respectable cou ple, daughter, age 10. Prefer South Salem. :- Professionally employed. ReferencesPhone2-v801. WANTED 2 or 3 bedroom house or apt. Furnished.- Phone 4-5247- after 6 p.m. . MODERN 2 or 3 bedroom house, must be well kept and desirable loca tion. Phone 2-1928. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house in nice neighborhood, with automatic heat, by July 31st. Adults Phone 4-5544.' 3 OR 4 BEDROOM house by respon sible family. Three children. Might take option if suitable. House must be modern. Phone 2-7401. 2 Bedroom furnished home. Couple with 2 girls, age 4 & 5. Up-to $73 per month. Phone 3-6592. GOOD 2 bedroom house, heat. Phone 4-2761. automatic 714 Business Rentals" OFFICE SPACE. Inquire 109 S. High. Piione 3-4114 FOR LEASE, 160-200 ft. frontage on Fdgewater St. West Salem. Ira Fitts. Phone 3-8403. FOR LEASE, business building, park ing area, very desirable district. Suitable for most any type of busi ness. - Rent oti'y $125 a month. Al Isaak. Ph. 4-3311. GROUND FLOOR office or store space , for rent Call at Fitts Market 216 N. , Commercial Phone 3-4424. 2 BI.DGS. in Hollywood. Could be used as one. Door between. Ap prox. . 1000 sq. ft. $50 a mo. ea. side. Call Rawlins Realty at 2-4664 or 4-1761. 800 Real Estate 801 BuainesB Oportunitie $3500 COFFEE SHOP in excellent location. Doing good R. Road business. Price Includes fixtures. Terms may be arranged. Phone 3-5748 after 7 p.m. for Information FOR SALE by owner 14 space trailer court including 3 partly furnished apts. Choice location In expanding bus. zone. Ph. 2-9213 for appoint ment MAJOR oil company station in Wil larnlna, Oregon. For lease. 7c net margin. Buy Inventory and equip ment at cost, appro. $3,000. Call ifter 3 p.m. Salem 4-3298. SELL to trade 11-unit court. Only S 17 ,500. Showing good returns. Will take home or income property in Salem. Call .Nell Knittel. with Al len C. Jones. Realtor. 231 N. High St. 3-3838. Eves. 4-2310. LEBANON'S BEST. 10 unit motel and 2 bedroom home. Units will accom odate up to 4 persons. Best of con struction and repairs. Leaving states. Best offer in 30 days buys. Terms Sc trade. Rio Vista Motea, Lebanon. Oregon. FOR SALE by owner 1 mile S. of jriuooaro on Highway 99. service station Sc garage with living quar ters. Large grounds and well. A good buy St terms to suit. Write W. Wagner. P.O. 4297 Portland or call Ca 1359. 802 Business Property Duplex, Trailer Park on 100 x 117 lot in No. 3 zone. In come from 9 trailer rentals now on property. One side of Duplex is furnished. Several Oak trees pro vide shade. -Can be handled with $1,000 or more down payment.. Full price $11,900. Garage Wrecking Business Small home, not furnished. Located 1 block from Highway No. 99. on one acre of ground. Garage build ing has 1620 sq, ft. Cement floor. Price with stock $6,509. Without stock $6,000. Good terms. E. J. Zwaschka REALTOR Phone 3-4035 1745 Grant St. GROCERY, good location. Owner re tiring because of health and age. Fixtures and inventory for $7503. Lease available. Attached .living quarters. 2-7054. 804 Suburban Choice 5 Acresi Attractive 2-bedroom home, - excel lent condition, hdw. floors, dining room, fireplace, oil furnace. Dou ble garage, large chicken house, well house, electric water system. Variety of fruit, berries, and fil berts. Beautiful place to live prof itably now. Priced at $16,500.00. Terms. See Mr. Johnson for par ticulars and' showing. ED D. POTER, Realtor 215 S. High St. Ph. 3-3630 or 3-6373 806 Houses For Sale OLIVE ST. SPECIAL ALL LARGE ROOMS In this 3-yr.-old 2-bdrm nome. hdwd firs, fire pj la attached garage. Oil F.A. heating Extra large lot. SELLING FOR AP PRAISAL PRICE OF $12,50Op EN GLEWOOD DIST. ON QUIET STREET. THIS IS IT YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH THI3 VERY NEAT late built home with 2 bdrms, lovely kitchen, din ette.. Hdwd. firs. Large attached garage. Shady fenced yard. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. ON B R E Y M A N ST. S1SOO down WORTH THE ASKING PRICE OF $9000. ON THE ABOVE SEE MRS. OGLESBEE. COLBATH LAND CO. 515 COURT Dial 4-4494 or 2-4552 Eve, ph. 2-5373 $9950. New 3 bedroom, suburban, easy payments. Very well built home, forced air oil furnace, sepa. rate utility room, large garage, fire- . place, near school. 'Nearly half acre. Phone owner. 2-2020. LOW DOWN PAYMENT 1 2 bedrooms, fenced yard, fruit, near . schools. $9000. Faye Seal. Br. Pn. 4-5384. K IZER District. Modern 2 bedroom home- Attached garage, lis acre. $9000. 'Phone 2-1292. : BY OWNER. Niee home in Keizer District.- Fifteen minutes from downtown Salem. Will sell fur - nished or unfurnished. Everything practically new. Niee garden. Fine home for couple. Reason for sell- in?, bad heart condition. Phone 4.2577. -- BY OWNER. 2495 E. Nob Hill, corner McGilchrist. 3 bedrooms on 1 floor. 3 complete baths Living and din ing room. Basement with party -room.; 2 fireplaces Auto matic dish WMhert Double garage. Shown by appointment:' Call 2-1162. - MODERN., carpeted TTbedrooni older hoose - Excellent condition, yard and location. 1 Your terms. $8,200. Phone a -4338. ' : . I 800 iReal Estate 808 Hdusei For Sale $8500 FOR A" DANDY 2 -bed room home. . Wall-to-wall carpets LR and hall. Wired: for dryer, deep well plenty 'of water for this one acre of ground. GOOD. TERMS. SEE DAY ID ON THESE. C0LBATH LAND CO. ; 1 515 COURT Dial 4-4494 or 2-4332 Eve, ph. 2-2025 CHOICE CORNERS 1075 N. CAPITOL 64 - x 130 "i. Furnished modern apts. $20,000. terms. Corner McCoy and Colonial. 2 lots. $5.000. Estep. jTfiOOU HOME. convenienUy located on paved street and lot. $4700. Will ' take trailer house as part payment. O. W. Cawan. 902 Sheiton. Dallas. Pnone 3707. K ZER, 2 bdrm home, $8500. wiU take car or pickup or lot in trade. Call 2-2277 or 4-4567. MORE FOR THE MONEY N. Salem. 1-B.R. home, good lot, $2900 North f Suburban, excellent 1-B.R. home, late built, spic and span, - modern kitchen, range included, large; corner lot. $3750. $750 down. S. Salem, cozy 2-B.R. home, plastered. ' extra built-ins. close to stores, bus line, business cone, low down pay ment; $5950. Better : value, excellent 5-rm. sub urban home. H.W. floors, coved ceiling, extra built-ins, almost new, best ; of surroundings. 1 A. lot. 2-cari garage, irrigation system. $9500; F.HA. loan. 3-B.R.s ranch type! suburban home. Look at what you get. H.W. floors, . coved celling, fireplace, patio,, storni windows and doors,' extra plumbing, master bedroom, 95x163 corner lot, $1000! worth of shrub bery) fine surroundings. "$11,900. $2950, down, 4 otr bal. Bj M. MASON, Rlt, 164 S. Comml. Ph. 38841, eve. 3-7823 FOR SALE, by builder, actual cost. Very nice modern 2 br., large liv ing, dining space, cove celling, hdw.:' floors. Pleasant kitchen and nook, lots of built-ins. Attached garage. Utility cement floor. Large lot. fine solL Close to schools, bus. stores. Phone 2-4221. Call at 4285 State, SCHOOLS are very important in selecting a lo cation for your home. This dandy 4-Dearoom (2 down and 2 up) place is 'close to Leslie Junior high and the new high school. There s a din in room, a utility room and car re. Close to bus and er ocerv store. You owe it to yourself to look at It for S 10.500. RANCH STYLE FOR $12,500 Located on a fine lot south with trees is a spacious 3 - bedroom home you'd love to call your own. Separ ate :dining room, cozy breakfast nooK. attacnea garage and forced air oil heat are among the features thatj should appeal to you. Close to grade school. FHA appraisal is $13,000. You can buy it for $500 less than that. DESIRABLE ENGLEWOOD f And a; comfortable newer type 2-bed- roons home make an excellent com bination. Living room with fire place, spacious kitchen, separate dining room, nice lot, garage and forced air oil heat. We suggest -vou call jus about it. Priced at $11,500. RAMSEY, REALTOR 208 North Commercial Office 4-6211 : Eve. Al nder 2-7646 jEve. Jim Ramsey 4-1696 $4500 IN THE ROUGH 4 Acres S. Rive Rd. 3 br. home; Not quite finished. Lots of water. Beau tiful i view out over Polk County. $1500. wiU handle. Art Madsen, Realty 126 State Phone 3-5580, 2881 CLOSE TO GRANT SCHOOL MOD. 2 B R. Home, fireplace, att. . garage, ..workshop, lovely yard, iiowers, trees, snruDS sio.soo. I WEST SALEM VIEW WOrTTJ ERF UL view with picture windows, full bsmt with party rm.l dbl i garage, patio with fireplace, lovely yard with lots of rock work, $19,500. WHY PAY RENT? JUST $700 down will move you into this j mod, clean. 2 B.R. Home lo cated North in City. hwd. firs, tile ' bath. lee. att. garage, nice neighborhood, full price $8600. J RANCH TYPE IN KlIZER Dist. A new home with besti of construction in every re. spect. 2 big B.R., lovely paneled den, marble fireplace, double window glass. double garage, paved st 1500 sq. ft. Only $15,750. j BURT PICHA 379-r. High St. Off: 2-4047 yives:- Bob Conklin 2-2598 YOU ha me the down payment. Close . in suburban home, 2 B.R.s. Good condition. Close to school and- bus. Celt now on this. CHAS HUDKINS Sc SON -Realtors 230 N, High St. Ph. 2-4129 Ph. eves: 2-6160 4 OR -5 bedroom, modern home. In sulated. stormsash. enclosed yard. Close to 3 schools, stores, bus. A real bargain. Phone 4-6152 after S P.M1 3 BR.j HOME. 2 years old. $1500 dn. Price $10,000. Drive by 3233 Lib erty Rd. Allen C. Jones. Realtor. 231 N High. Ph. 3-3838. Eves. 2-9848. r 4-Bedroom View Home ftor Immediate Sale Nearly new. well-built, ranch-type: potential show-place on -fenced one acre hill-top plot mile south of Salem with beautiful panorama of - vaitey: two bathrooms., three fire . places: kitchen grill, basement. patio, hemlock living and kitchen dining rooms; two-car garage be Ing; finished: lawn and shrubs around house but rest undeveloped except for young -nut and fruit trees; perfect TV reception; Salem School District; Morningside Water District; liberty - Salem Heights Fire District: built by present own-er-occupant; property 135 by 283 tee on pnngie Road; price $23,750. Phone 3-3948 after C p.m. or Sun day; S ACRES with very dirty J-rm home, water system, h-n hse, starter ga rage. Located 1093 Baxter road. $450 down. GIVE YOU EXCEL LENT BUY ON THIS IF TAKEN AS, IS. SEE OWNER, ph. 2-4552, eve Z-C9-J. WHALE OF A BUY See this late built 3 bdrm home - with beautiful fire place, oil furnace, garage, hdwd lira, corner lot. .. location, this PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD. YOU CAN BE THE LUCKY PARTY WI0 BUYS THIS ONE. COLBATH LAND CO. j 515 COURT Dial 14-4494 or 2-4533 Eve, ph. 2-6923 BY OWNER, ultra modern 3 bedroom honie, lotced air furnace, large lot, 120x120 Acres of builtins. Cov ered patio, large windows, built In automatic, laundry e on I p m n t. Shrubs anVt lawn in. The price is down. Pnone 2-0004. ; ; ! $8750 SPECIAL LOVELY AND CLEAN three-bed- ro ovnaro with LR. DR. extra nice kitchen, utility rm, tool hse. garaee. Niee location in Leslie School Dist. TERMS. SEE CARL ARNDT. COLBATH LAND CO. I 515 COURT v Dial 4-4494 or 2-4552 Eve, ph. 4-169 A GOOD buy. 3 bedroom home. Liv- , Ing room and dinette. 2 bedrooms up, and 1 down.. Lots of closet room. , Half basement ..with auto, gat furnace.' $2000 down, balance $6 per mo Full rrrice 18.500. J. E. LeClere. 1694 N. Capitol . St. Ph. 3-3?5A. :',! Real Estate SMMII Simuw LIST ?.'"" sa B1 r r : asstasua.... BUS asssssssssssss ' i "'miitninMMt r- aii It assssssT ' SULUVAN KING WOOD HEIGHTS. Almost new. lovely 2-bdrm hse. with 1100 sq ft floo space, attached garage. $12. 000. I Would consider trade for smaller home in Kelxer DUL COAlf-RANCH. SO A. near Dallas. 5 rm (modem hse with basement, chicken hse, barn, woven wire fence .School bus. $6,000. NOTHING TO CLEAN UP. Move right in. If you are looking for a country home that is -spotlessly clean, on 2 acres of prattcally weed less ! ground, that has income from a rental of an extra hse in adrft. tlonh to the farm crop we have the.) place for you . . i only 3 mi. fronlt city center. $12,800. Terms to be arranged. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 3363 Portland Rd. 1 Ph: 44533 Br. Office. 367 N. High Phi 4-5422 ij Eve Phs: Eve, thf 4-2343. 3-9794, 4-5441, 4-5977 POSSIBLE 3-BJl. 2-Bedrobm. possible 3. Good plas tered ! home. Close to Hoover School. Att. garage. 1 blk to bus. A real buy for $6,350. I 70 ACRES with nice late built ranch iype home. 1 bdrms. All -fenced. Good, view secluded but only 10 min to Salem. Will take contract or small home In trade. $21,500.; I TWO RENTALS Two good homes.' Excellent rents. $6,750 j each. Will trade on larger home ; with basement. SUMMERS I ' REALTOR Phone 2-4H02 j 1723 Stale ' ' j J!' 'Keizer Manbrin Drive. Beautiful home with hdw., floors, 2! bedrooms, handy , kitchen, din. room, good financing. This house is In perfect condition. Drive by 431 Manbrin Drive, then call us. AU for $10,900. J.L.Himmel, Realtor ' ' Across from Sears 565 N. CAPITOL ST. j PHONE 2-6979 REIMANN $1000.00 DOWN LARGE floored attic for 3rd bed room j over your new 2-bedroom home. Beautiful hardwood floors Extra large amount of cabinets In kitchen. Large eatlnf area. Large attached garage, on ' paved street inside city limits. A good buy at $9250. HORSE LOVER'S HAVEN 29 -ACRES that should be worth a small fortune as Salem expands. A beautiful 2-bedreom home over looking Willamette River Valley. A large barn, exceptionally well built with a tack room. Chicken house. 2 wells.- Several -fruit trees. Part of the land Is Inside city limits An outstanding buy at $33,00d. Good terms- available. ! HANDY MAN SPECIAL $3200: WITH only $500 down buys an unilnished one bedroom home only 4 years old. Separate utility room. Double lot with lots of fruit trees, city water. Close to new school and only 2 blks. te bus .line. I REIMANN ! I REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 201 South High Street Phone 3-9303 Phone evenings and Sunday 4-1671, 3-3858, 4-1288, 4-3319, 3-3264. Low Down Payment Price on this late built 3 bedroom home with forced air oil heat has been reduced to $8500. Nice size lot. large garage, block to bus. Quick possession. .1 t ' j ' ' " . ,! Building Lots few nice large lots East that ran be (purchased on easy terms. Here's your chance to be smart and get a start. JoeiL. Bourne, Realtors 1140 jr.". Capitol j Phone 3-821$ 808 1 Houses For Sale COMPARE Stw I I ' br. ranch style sub. home. Big knotty pine kitchen, large liv ing room with beamed ceiling and rustic fireplace. Oversize bath with built-in sink and vanity. Built-ins galore throughout house. Wardrobe - closets, hardwood floors, plastered. Insulated and i weather stripped, forced air furnace In large plastered attached - garage. $2500 on. bat FHA. loan. This house Is finished . throughout in a different rustle manner to give it the maximum -of personality and Uvability. Owner occupied. You can't Judge this house by just driving by. We will be 'h. ppy to show it It any time. Lorat ed ! 4165 Hager St. Phone 1-7416. 3 Bedroom $62501 BUYi THIS 3 BR. HOME LIKE RENT. . Low: down payment, balance $30 per month. Fruit At shade trees. Home In perfect condition. New roof, good paint. Spotless inside St out. $4250. Home & $125 Income ntADE IN YOUR 2 BR. HOUSE on . this i large, well kept, older hone. $125 per month Income and quarters for retired couple or small family. Full basement. Hardwood floors. Owners quarter a has 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitch en. Balance of house in rentals. Hollywood district. Terms te right buyer. .' . I ' . - ' ' 4 Br - English Style lee this fine t room older horn lo cated dose to schools and shopping. Corner jJot, attractive setting. l'V baths, new. oil furnace, basement. ' Shown by appointment only. $14,830. Eve. ph. 2-8053, 2-1028, 3-9956 Cliff Bowder, Realtor 1980 Fairgrounds Road ' -r Phone 4-3394. 4-3393 ' BY BUILDER NEW 2 bdrm. East Englewood. Best of everything, good Phone 2-701L i- " 807 irlp'ts. Courts for Sole 2 FURNISHED 'apts. Close in. Clean. Bath Private entrance. B4e ana $43 mo. 1143 Bellvue St. 808 Lots For Sale WANT to build? 100x163 fL lot. South, trees, excavated, semi view, $1500. Faye Seal. Br. Ph. 4-5384. ; . ; . rni vir.w LOT ON GENTLY SLOPING hillside one mile soutn on Prtngie noma; 19 by 1 283. approximately , half -acre. Morningside Water District, Salem Sctool District; $2450. Call 3-394$ ftor Ti m. LOT on Oak St., between Liberty ani Hub for sale by owner. Ph. 3-3931. 800 4