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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1953)
The Statesman, Sales, Seen and Heard " By JtRTMt ; ENGIBH ' ' ' ' rr ' By JERYME ENGLISH TRAVEL TALK . . . Flying via the Strstocruiser to the Hawaiian Islands on Thursday will be Mrs. William H. Lytle and Miss Rota lie Dalke . U While in Hono lulu the traveler! will make their headquarter at the Moana Ho tel . . Mrs. Lytle toured the ether Islands on a previous trip, " bat Miss Dslke will take a plane trip to the Islands, remaining for several days The duo will return in a fortnight ... A motor trip ... east and gputh for Mrs. Arthur W. Woods " and daughter, Charlen, Mrs. Ella Durkee, and Miss Gladys Zell , . ,. Accompanying the group will be Charlen's school friend, Sidney Shepard of Portland, daughter of the Floyd W. Shep ards, former Salem residents . . . The fire are leaving Monday morning via Salt Lake City, Col orado Springs, St Louis and Lou isville, Kentucky .. . . their des tination is Portsmouth, Va., where ther will visit with Mrs. Woods' brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Crow . . . while in Virginia they will visit nearby scenic points of interest . . . Miss Zell will leave the tra velers in Virginia, going on to Washington, D. C, and other nor thern states ... She will rejoin them for the trip home, which will include stops in Florida, New Orleans, Carlsbad Caverns, Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion National Parks and Reno . . . . they will return by mid-August . . . It has been a busy weekend for the Woods family commuting to St Paul each day, where Char len has been a princess at the St Paul Rodeo . . . in between liAwe 4hnv h ira am an 4a A as us w m isacj aw aaseaaaes v uv their packing ... A cruise ... in the San Juan Islands on the vacation agenda: for Mrs. Helen H. Bailey and Mrs. William H. Burghardt, who will be Joined by Mrs. Bailey's longtime friend, 'Mrs. Ruth Ed munds of Twin Falls, Idaho . . . ' they are leaving Tuesday for Or es Island, where they will em bark on a sail boat for a seven day cruise in the San Juans . . . Flying East ... on Wednes day will be Mr. and Mrs. John S. Tyler Jr. and son, John, who will visit relatives and friends in De troit and Grand Rapids, Michigan for the ensuing three weeks . . . Leaving ... on an extended trip in the east and south today will be Mr. and Mrs. Stuart John son . . . they are flying to Chi cago and Minnesota, where they will remain for a few days ... . they will go on to Michigan to take delivery on a new car ... In Detroit they will visit with Mr. Johnson's brother and in Mid land will visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ty rbjae Gillespie . . . In August the Johnsons will drive to White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, to attend the Snn Life Insurance convention . . . The travelers will also visit in Wilmington, Del aware, and Cleveland before heading for the West Coast . . . the Johnsons plan to be away for two months ... A trip east ... for Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, who are leaving Monday by plane for Lansing, Michigan . . . after picking up a new car the Greggs will visit with relatives and friends in Ohio and Pittsburgh . . . they will then head for Bennington, Vermont to spend several weeks with Mrs. Gregg's mother, Mrs. Susie Estes .... the travelers expect to be home in early August ... Also east bound . . . come Monday will be Mrs. John J. El liott of Portland, formerly of Sa lem . . . She will go directly to Syracuse, New York, where she Will SDend the summer with k.r son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Poorman (Joan El liott) . . . Mr. Elliott will join his wife in the East in Septem ber, the two returning home to gether . . . The Elliotts were in Salem on the Fourth to attend the annual picnic at the Ronald E. Jones -country home . . . at which time Mrs. Elliott said au revoir to her. many Salem friends for the summer ... Arriving . . in the capital Wednesday for a ten-day sojourn will be Mrs., Melvin T. Hurley and daughters, Nancy and Jan et, of Richmond, Calif. ... Dr. Hurley will join his family here the following weekend and will return south with them . . . their son, Arthur, has been in Salem the past fortnight visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C..-A. Sprague . . . A short visit . . in Salem for Miss Margaret Purvine of Berkeley and her sister, Mrs. An drew Hammond Burnett of Santa Barbara,; who, are arriving in Portland on Thursday . . .they will be' met by their mother. Dr. Mary B. Purvine, and the three will go directly to Vancouver,! B. C, for a several days sojourn . . , The visitors will return to Salem a week from today andre- .- i f "Where pretty wemea 1114 Lilian St. walk In Or. Sunday, July 5 1953 main until July 18 at the home of their mother ..... ' COFFEE TIME ... on Friday morning when Mrs. Melvin H. Geist entertained with, a delight ful party for the pleasure of Mrs. George W. Gunn, the former Sal ly Smith, who is here from her home in Athens, Georgia for the summer ... Mrs. Gunn and their year old son, George Jr., arrived in early June and the Rev. Mr. Gunn will join his fam ily, here in mid-July . . . they are visiting at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. Her bert Smith ... Friends of Sal ly and her mother were bidden to the party ... Presiding . . . at the coffee urns were Mrs. L. B. Campbell, mother of the hostess, and Mrs. Paul Hendricks ... Assisting informally were -Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, her daughter, Mrs. Wil liam F. Johnson, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom Jr. . . . the latter obtaining a grand suntan while sojourning at the beach recently ... The cof fee table centered with a white milk glass compote filled with white daisies and baby red roses, just matching the decor of the dining room - . . . Pinks ; pre dominating in the living room . . . noteworthy the beautiful bouquet of moss roses, a perfect complement to the wallpaper . . . Guests admiring the antique sewing machine in the hallway, which is nearly a hundred years old . . . Mother-daughter duos . . . Mrs. H. If. Brooks, mother of ; Mrs. Smith and grandmother- of the honor guest . . . Mrs. Chan dler Brown and her coed daugh ter. Plum, in a fetching sailor blue cotton . . . Mrs. William L. Phillips and daughter-in-law, Del, (Mrs. Don Phillips) ... the latter chic in a coronation print of white and turquoise with a stole lined in the blue . . . Mrs. Rose Babcock and daughter, Mrs. Vern Shay ... A newcomer be ing greeted . . . Mrs. Don Gleckler, ,who recently arrived in the capital with her husband from Topeka, Kansas . . . Prof. Gleckler to be on the Willamette University Music School faculty . . . Mrs. Silas Gaiser enthused about her recent trip east, espe cially the Yale graduation so dif ferent from the university com mencements on the west coast . . . and Mrs. Howard Runkel anticipating a trip east in Aug ust ... I j Tennis, Golf Classes Will Begin at YW Tennis classes for beginners are now being offered by the Salem YWCA. The first of six lessons will be given on Tuesday, July 7 at 6:30 p.m. and at 7:15 p.m. Miss Mary Polales will be the instruc tor. Intermediate golf class is sche duled to begin on Saturday, July 11 at 9 a.m. This class is desig ned for those whoknow the fundamentals of golfing and who wish to improve their play. Bun ny Mason, pro at the Salem Golf Club, will instruct.- Equipment is furnished and transportation can be arranged. Advance registration which is necessary for these classes, may be made by telephoning the YWCA. A sewing class, taught by Mrs. Glenn Weaver, will be offered Wednesday nights for any teen age girl interested in learning to sew her. own summer or school clothes. The first meeting of this six weeks session of classes is at the YWCA at 7:30 p.m. on Wed nesday, July 8. For further in formation one may call the YW. United Nations Tea for WSCS A United Nations tea will be sponsored by the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the Ieslie Methodist Church Wednes day afternoon at 1:30 in the church parlors. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Dennis Patch, chair man of the committee of Chris tian World Relations of the Salem Council of Church Women, who will speak on U. Nf Fronties." The members of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Independence Methodist Church are invited as special guests. The committee arranging the tea includes Mesdames W. S, Ankney, Edwin Thome, Ever ett VcRae, J. S. Murray, George Henuerson, and J. L. Heidler. Mrs. T. O. Adams will pour. The tea offering will be given to the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. All interested women are welcome. 8 Exposure) Film Developed it Printed Jumbo or Regular Size Just 40c : Artz Photographs 125 Court SU i ARE YOU Thinking about a permanent? If so, investigate our special type of per manent waves before ; you decide. Come in and talk to us soon or call 2-0992 for further details. You'll be iglad you did. BEAUTY CENTER beantiffl women walk t" Phene 2-0992 ion at Young Home fter Rites rSf ... t - . -. . .. ..... . T The chapel of the First Chris tian Church wis the scene of the marriage of Mrs. William Blackley, daughter - of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Allred of Tilla mook, and Charles ML Thomas Jr son of Mrs. Charles M. Thom as of Portland, formerly of Sa lem, and the late Mr. Thomas, on Saturday morning. The Rev. Dudley Strain offi ciated at the II o'clock rites be fore a setting o! calla lilies and bine delphinium.- Miss Jessica Kinsey was- the organist. -For her wedding . the bride chose an ice blue sheer gown over satin with matching acces sories. She carried a white' Bible marked with pink rosebuds. Mrs. Lois Bankhead of Port land, sister of the bride, was the matron of honor. ; She wore a pink sheer dress , with white ac cessories - and carried a colonial bouquet of white and blue flow ers. . . Ralph Th'omas of Seattle stood with his: brother as best man. Seating the guests were Ben T. Thomas of Seattle, the groom's other brother. Bill Duerfeldt of Forest Grove and Gleason A. Young. iThe bride's mother wore a gown of navy blue sheer with pink accessories and corsage of pink rosebuds. Mrs. Thomas at tended her son's marriage in a mist blue suit with white acces sories and a gardenia corsage. Reception at Young Home ' The wedding reception follow at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glea- "BIJOU" imported virgin. Worsted Wool-You'll Love and tee Price . ... ...Only tyi. fi' sr v f ,- " - t 5095 SWEATER $n95 SKIRT Don't Cook flow ; . but ..; I' sometimes we . wender. . Ia. aru elaborate etory about the Blyihe-McNulty weddine the reporter quoted the bride ' as " making the original statement This is the' happiest moment of my life." Something like ; the mterview of .the man, who served in Ko- : rea, survived, a year in prison, was flown K back to US and upon being- met by the 're- r porter at; the .airport and asked ; if he was clad to be back was credited by the radio interviewer as - having replied "III say." '? This type reporting is giving the world a real cross-section of life. 5 t. ! . Grtettnai, Me patriots "-. i:; There should be more of you little Oregonlans alive and happy when this woeken s over because a No At Homes Scheduled ' Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, Ore gon's first lady, has cancelled her weekly, at homes for the 'Summer season. She will resume her in formal at homes for friends and townspeople again in the fall. son. A. Young in Kingwood Heights.' Bouquets of calls lilies, snapdragons, roses and sweet peas provided the decorative note about the rooms. Mrs. -Bill Duerfeldt of Forest Grove, sister of the bride, cut the cake," assisted by Miss Mildred Stafrin of Dallas. Mrs. Earle Rich ardson of Dallas presided at the Coffee urn. Assisting Mrs. Young about the rooms was Mrs. Ed ward T. Lord of Portland. 'Rose Marie Blackley, daughter of the bride, passed the guest book and Beverly Young was in charge of the gifts. After August 1 the newly weds will be at home in Acarta, Calif. Rattle the Fit fi 95 x tt i - j : p.'fj;.W w U't ' Honeybun" With it Sweater Skirt mashing Success in Turtle Neck and All Purpose All ah e . ri-. 'wR I . You Are I would Aooacu. jnorthan-fair of fireworks child were I Ten Gardens To Be Open For Tour One of the larger events sche duled for the mid-summer sea son will be the annual summer garden tour sponsored by the Salem Garden Club. The date is Wednesday, July 29 with ten gar dens to be open to the public be tween 2 and 8 o'clock. Gardens in South Salem have been selected for this year's tour and .tea will be served at the south High Street residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Hanzen. Last year's tour featured gardens in North Salem. Gardens to be open for the tour include the Walter H. Smiths on Mission Street; Mr. and Mrs. Mer- rf tgf BsWeseste Invited to "Charge ll" like a Charge Account at SVALCM, OWffiON PtEASE PRINT PLAINLY eW Mai Prompt fc fcwwre Eoriy Vo&sofert Yor group, of Legislators- took away, your fire crackers. Those men hated children so much they passed a law which they hoped would condemn you to a long and eventful life with all your limbs and both eyes intact To the mother who wrote a letter to the editor complaining that her. child could not cele brate the Glorious Fourth without fireworks. we also send greetings. We suggest she stu dy the true meaning of Independence Day, and find out that flagwaving is not a sign of patriotism, nor are laws made for spite. Sav ing, the life of one child this year would be q exchange for a whole carload he might understand if this hers - V . Maxine Buren The Yemarcos will hold their annual picnic on Tuesday after noon at the home of .Mrs. Henry G. Carl, 963 E. Street, at 5:15 p.m. A covered dish luncheon will be served and assisting host esses are Mrs. Herbert Ostlind and Mrs. H. B. Rothrock. This will be the last meeting of the group until falL rill D. Ohling, Mr. and Mrs. Ed gard T. Pierce, and the Hanzens on South High Street; Colonel and Mrs. Phillip W. Allison, George and Miss Elizabeth Put nam, Mrs. Chester M. Cox, Dr. and Mrs., Richard Upjohn and Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gorm sen, all atop Fxirmount Hill; and the Walter Kirk garden in Morn ingside. , , ' Heading the directorate for the tour is Mrs. Ben Maxwell with Mrs. Walter IL Smith, Mrs. Wal ter Martin and Mrs. Morrell Crary assisting on the committee. DANDY" Flattering New Neckline SQ95 A Kharafleece Favorite W "Glamor Girl" Gstjic Good Looks Pearl Buttons. "TRIC-O-LORE" A Cashmere-Soft, Cashmere-Rich Blend of Wool, Nylon and "Vice ra. f95 Lays FOR THE B.G SELECTION SEE MILLER'S FIRST (Mrs. Goulder to Bo I The regular business meeting of the Women's Society of Chris tian Service of the Jason Lee Methodist Church will be held Wednesday, July 8 with a bus! ness session at .11 a.m. in the Kirby Room. During morning the meeting there will be a roll call of circles and Mrs. E. P. Goulder will tell the purpose of the circle in the WSCS. . : -,- !,:.-.. At 12:15 there win be a cov ered dish luncheon for the entire WSCS. The devotional program will follow at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. E. C Outlaw, in charge of the Plut Novtlty and Blends at Cheese Yours from Probably Salem's largest Stock i-.- " ).. . ARE ALWAYS TOPS I . ' Top Remember,Jnly m '. t Away Your Swoator Wardrobo OR ... I Hoadquarf ors for Swoators y-i Speaker devotions. ' All interested women are invited to attend. " The Capital O Square Dance Club has terminated -its dances for the summer, with activities io oe resumea in we xau. DONTT Throw your watch awayAWe fix them when others etnt Thp Jewel Box 44S State &C Salem, Ore. ' Lots of Them Classic Wools and o; . . -4". ! J , ; . Quality Top Styling I J Top Colors. ; J- l.. Off Low, Low Cost nr i up Down ON Each Sweater 5. (