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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1953)
i V f Th Slat man, Stdmvu'Gnqoa. Saturday. July A, 1353 Radio an d TV Sc KPTY Channel 27 IATURDAT 11:00 Double Barrel Playhouse 12:30 Talent Patrol 1:00 Date with Judy 2:00 Lone Ranger 2:30 You Are There : 3:00 Beat the Clock 4:00 Life Begins at 80 4:30 Superman 5:00 Saturday Night Review 6:30 Private Secretary 7:00 Jackie Gleasoh 8:00 Dangerous Assignment 8:30 Wrestling Headline . 9:00 City Hospital 9:30 Playhouse of Stars 10:00 Mr. and Mrs. North 10:30 Premiere Theater 11:30 (approz.) Sign Off. SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS KSLM UN, KOCO 1480, KGAI 143. KOIN 971, KGW 20. KEX US b ..Pacific Standard Time KPTV-TJHF Channel 27: FM: Megacycles KOIN 11.1; KEX 2J (E altar's note: The State xma.n publishes In good faith the programs and times as provided by Ute radio stations, bat because of times th programs are chanced without notification, this newspaper cannot bo responsible for th accuracy herein.) HODK 00:00 00:15 KSLM News koco West. Melody KGAK Salute to Sat. koin Western Stars (Timekeeper West. Melody ISalute to Sat. I KOIN Clock 6 KGW Record Room IRecord ivoom KMX. Ore. Farm Hr. I Ore. Farm 7 KSLM KOCO KQAK KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway KOCO Kloek Salute to Sat KOIN Kloek New first Edition I Break. Ganc KOCO Kloek I Salute to Sat IMacleof News (Record Room IM. AgronsKy 8 KSLM KOCO KCAI KOIN KGW KEX . Music Proudly Hall Salute to Sat Today'sTheater Record Room No School Music (Haven of Rest (Proudly Hall I Concert Fav. ISalute to Sat 'Salute to Sat IToday'sTheater Hollyw'd Stars Record Room Record Room No School Guest Star KSLM N.W. News iFarmJtHome KOCO World News IPublic Health Knae Pnlk Count v Platter Party 9 KOIN Fun For All run or ah KGW KEX Howdy Doody Howdy Doody Toyland Tunes I Toy land Tunes I Space Patrol ISpace Patrol KSLM News I Music IMusic Music KOCO AuntHaHie ' IAuntHaHt I Sat. Serenade bat.'Sereaade KGAK' Polk County Platter Party Polk Countv Platter Partv KOIN Music Girls ' Music Girls (Gsand Central (Grand Central KGW Adventure Book Carnival iHkywd. Bktt IHlywd. BKft. KEX Tomor'w Stars I Tomor'w Stars I Tomor'w Stars iTomofw Stars 1 o 1KSLM Sat Serendae Sat Serenade I Sat. Serenade Sat. Serenade KOCO Major League Major League (Major League Major League KGAE Poik Countv Platter Party . I Polk County Platter Party 1KOIN Give Sc Take jGive Sc Take Meet Missus Meet Missus KGW Mary L. TayloriMary L. TaylorlNat Fm.-Hme INat. Fm.-Hmc ' KEX News jPlay. USA I Play. USA UPlay. USA 1KSLM News I Top Trades' : Music Music - KOCO Major League IMajor League Major League I Major League KGAE Po k Countv PUtter Party I Polk County Platter Partv 2 KOIN Dune MacLeod Farm Facts I Inside Port'd fTreas. Show KGW Stars in Action Stars in Action I Band Parade Band Parade KEX News I Pan. Am. Union! Martha L. Harpl Martha L. Harp 1 KSLM Record Hits KOCO Major Xeague KGAE Jim Dandy KOIN Wash.. UJ5.A. KGW Serenade KEX Top Tunes 2 3 KSLM Sat Matinee Sat. Matinee (Sat Matinee (Sat Matinee KOCO Sat Matinee Sat Matinee ISat Matinee Sat. Matinee KGAE Jim Dandy Jim Dandy Jim Dandy Jim Dahdv KOIN Edw. Morgan ItLN. Record I Sports Revue tDanl Schorr KGW U Never Know! Henry Casiidy I Network (Network KEX London Studiol London Studioj Songs in Air. I Go to Town KSLM KOCO KGAI KOIN KGW KEX Sat Matinee Sat Matinee Jim Dandy Scratch Pad Network Clubhouse (Sat Matinee Sat Matinee Jim Dandy Farm News Network I Clubhouse 4 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX Music Sat Matinee Music Mart Krrkham I Hemingway (Sat Matinee I Music Mart iHollywd Date Talent U.SA. Talent UJS.A. This Is Oregon! B. Finnegan 5 6 KSLM Music : (West SerenadelCh. Science Music KOCO Rhythm Ranch (Rhythm Ranch IMusic I Bandstand KGAE Music Mart iMusicMart , IMusicMart IMusic Mart KOIN Lefs Pretend Let's Pretend iDanger Ahead Goss News KGW Talent U.S.A. ITalent U.S.A. T L McCaU 'Local News KEX Latins I Carlisle I News 'Star Time KSLM Hawaii Calls Koco Bandstand KGAE Music Mart km in CBS Feature I Hawaii Calls I Dugout Dope Music Mart I CBS Feature KfiW Relax Music I Relax Music KEX Sports Edition I it 7 KSLM vlel. Roundup I Westerners I Westerner KOCO Baseball I Baseball Baseball KGAE Music Mart. IMusicMart Sign Off KOIN Jimmy Wakely (Jimmy Wakely IGene Autry KGW Western Hits IWestern Hits arann Oprv KEX Good Listen. Good Listen. ' Adventurer' 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX College Choir Baseball Caravan Eddv Arnold Lone Ranger College Choir I Baseball I Caravan lEddv Arnold I Lone Ranger 9 KSLM News tRecord Hits News I l(,ti Show KOCO Baseball (Baseball Baseball I Baseball KOIN Gun Smoke Gun Smoke Desert Inn (Desert Inn KGW West Jam'ree I West Jam'ree (Pee Wee King' Pee Wee King KEX Dancing Party Dancing Party I Europe Dances I Europe Dances 1 o KSLM Take Number KOro Baseball KOIN Sat. Nite Final KGW " KEX News (Take Number Night News ' ookin" Ahead . Vet. News 1 Dance Time 1 I KSLM Dance Party KOCO Dance Party KOIN Music KGW News Nighcap KEX Dance Time I Dance Party Dance Party IMusic ICity Council I Dance Time KOAC 550 KC 10.00 a. m. The News and Weather: 10:13 Especially for Women; 10-30 Story Time; 11:00 The Concert Hall: 12 .-00 The News and Weather; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1 .00 Freshman Forum; 2:00 Music of the Masters; 4:00 How to Become a Radio Amateur; 4:30 On the Up 2S0 Ne, Church St Classified Advertising Per word, 1 time , Per word, 3 times . , ,: Per word, 7 times ,U Per word. 1 month , Minimum ten words. Extra charge for -Blind- a da j 4c 10c : is 1 .60e J 25c Headers In city briefs:; Per word .- 7e Minimum ten words. No Refunds. The deadline for classified and reader advertising Is 5:43 p.m. daily. The ttctesman reserve the right to reject Questionable advertising It further reserve the right to place all advertising under the proper classification I The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished n its columns and in cases Khm Mm tump im at fault will re print that part of an advertisement im. wtcn the. typographical mistake occurs X A 'Blind' Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number ,for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser ana. mutt therefore oe answered by letter The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulee Informa tion as to thef identity of an adver to thef iden inf. a rBlin tiser using a rmiaa" ad. ' HIGHLIGHTS . SATURDAY Yoa Are There, 2:30 "The Treason of Benedict Arnold." Oc tober 2, 1780 when the citizens and military forces of the 13 colonies learned that one of their foremost generals was a. traitor. Beat the Clock, 3:00 Fun show starring Bud Collyer and Box anne. J Superman, 4:30 Perry White and Jimmy Olsen find a seem ingly abandoned hotel . in the Louisiana bayou country inhabi ted by three strange characters. Jackie Gleason Shew, 7:00 Four Aces are guests. Dangerous Assignment, 8:00 "The Memory Chain Story." Steve is assigned to smash a spy ring whose members have a vital chemical equation. Playhouse of Stars, 9:30 "Richard and the Lion." Joanne Dru and Jackie the lion. Story 00:30 00:45 I News "arm News ISalute to Sat iKOC KlocK I Record Room l Ore Farm Hr. March Time (World News ISalute to Sat 'KOIN Kloek I Record Room l Ore. Farm Hr. Hr. iBreak Ganc I KOCO Kloek ISalute to Sat iGoss News (Record Room Vet's Report I News , I Ex. Service ISalute to Sat I Consumer I Manning. News IBob Hazcn iHaven of Rest I Concert Fav Salute to Sat Hollyw'd Stars (Record Room I Home Agent factor Call . IBargain Countr t4-H Club I Soap Box Derby I Polk Coun'y Platter Party pity Hospital Galen Drake How ay Doody Howdy Doody I Record Hits (Polka Time Polka Time IMajor League I Sat. Matinee Sat Matinee Jim Dandy IJim Dandy IJim Dandy I Wash.. U.S.A. IKirkham, newslKirkham, newt Serenade Author Speaks Public Affairs I Horse Races I Band Concert iBand Concert ISat Matinee Sat. Matinee Jim Dandy GOC Roll-call Talent U.S.A. I Amer. Farmer ISat. Matinee ISat Matinee JinT Dandy U Never Know I Talent U.S.A. I Amer. Farmer IMusic I Jimmy Dorsey I'ni.'ir Mart IUSAF Band I Talent U.S-A. As We See It Music I News Music Mart IUSAF Band (Talent U.S.A. I Bus. Voice .1 Gamblers!" Ramblers I Baseball 1 Baseball Mu'ic Mart I Ed Morgan IRelax Music Music Mart I Ed Morgan I Relax Music I Good Listen. ion Good Listen. Music I Baseball I IGene Autry iGrand Oury I Adventurer ILombard'o Ld. Baseball I Music in Air I Tex Williams iDancing Party Lombardo Ld. I Baseball I Dance Tex Williams EDancing Party Barn Dance (Dance Party l Bandstand (Guest Star I Dance Time Barn Dance Dance Party Bandstand Serenade Blue Dance Twne I Da nee Party ! Dance Party Music City Council I Dance Time I Dance Party (Dance Party IMusic (City Council I Dance Time beat: 5:00 Children's Theater; 5:30 Jerry of the Circus: 5:45 Here Is Aus tralia: 6:0 News and Weather: 6:13 Dinner Melodies: 6:30 Learning in Later Years: 6:45 Drama of Poetry; 7:15 Ligh' Onera Tonight: 8:43 The News and Weather; 90 Dance Pa rade; 10:00 Sign Off. Phone 2-2441 Subscription Rates By carrie tn cities: . Daily and Sunday Daily only Sunday only By mail. Sunday enly: (In advance) Anywhere in U. S. S 1.43 per mo. 1.25 per mo. 40 week S .50 per ma 2.75 six mo. 5.00 year By mail. Daily and Sunday: (in advance) (a six counties (Benton. Clacka mas. Linn. Mar ion, Polk. Yam S 1.00 oerrno. SJSstx mo. hill). Elsewhere tn Oregon . 0 JO year 1.20 Derma. 1.4S perm tn U S outside Oregon y as . y oiemDer AndU Bureau of Circulations J Bureau of Advertisirir, ANFA Y Orefon Newspaper Publishers Association dvertislng; Representatives: Ward-Griffith Co New York, Chicaro San Francisco, Detroit A hedules of a wife who pays too much attention to her pets. Mr. and Mrs. North, 10:00 "Death in the Danes." Pam and Jerry go to the beach and run into a murder mystery. Premiere Theater, 10:30 "In ternational Lady." , Geo. Brent, Ilona Masscy, Basil Rathbone and Gene Ixxkhart. Romance, adven ture and intrigue. SUNDAY 1 9:30 Frontiers of Faith 10:00 Candy Carnival 10:45 Paradox 11:00 This Is The Life ' 12:15 Hour of Decision ! 12:30 Sunday Star Time 2:15 Art Linkletter 3:00 Roy Rogers 3:30 Your Play Time 4:00 Big Pay Off 5:00 G. E. Theater 5:30 Mr. Peepers I 6:00 Red Skelton 6:30 What's My Line? 7:00 Studio One Summer Theater 8:00 TV Play House 9:00 The Doctor 9:30 The Web 10:30 NBC News Review 10:45 Racket Squad 11:15 Texas Wrestling 12:00 (Approx.) Sign Off ' HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY This Is The Life, 11:00 This episode deals chiefly with the problems 'of disappointment and disillusionment in the life of the Christian. Sunday Star Time, 12:30 "Campus Rhyth m". Johnny Downs, Gale Storm, Rob't Lowery. Roy Rogers, 3:00 Dale Evans and Pat Brady engineer a jail break when gunmen attempt to kill Tom Lee in his celL Your Playtime, 3:30 "The Tim Bridge". Conflicting interests threaten the 10-yr. marriage of John Purvis, but the problem of their young son's emotional secur ity gives them pause for thought Marguerite Chapman, Geo. Nader. G. E. Theater, 5:00 "Bilshan and theThief". Aurelio Galli, Phil Chambers and Helen Brown in a story of a young adopted refugee who mistrusts his foster parents. Mr. Peepers, 5:30 Robinson Peepers is visited in Williams port by Mrs. Gurney, Harvey Weskit and Nancy Remington who make the trip by auto for the purpose of driving Peepers to the college where he is enrolled for a sum mer session. Studio One Summer Theater, 7:00 "The Paris Feeling". Sus an Douglas and Marshall Thomp son in a story of a young Ameri can officer and a French girl whose aunt considers the Ameri can an unsuitable "catch" for her niece. Television Playhouse, 8:00 "The House in Athens". Lydia St Clair, Ray Rizzo and Gaby Rodgers in a story of a poor girl who tries to blackmail a wealthy family but helps to forestall the moral decay of her victims. The Doctor, 9:00 "The Run aways" features Dorothy. Malone and Lee Marvin who will portray two young malcontents who are able to help each other in making a mutually important decision. The Web, 9:30 "The Unseen". Tale of, two young dancers and their frightening persecution by an unseen assailant as they strug gle toward stardom on TV. Texas Rasslin', 11:15 Duke Keomuka and Angelo Savoldi vs Dick Raines and Jack Kennedy. Main Event: (6-man tag team) Whiskers Savage, Farmer Jones and Farmer Pete vs Bill McDan ield, Fred McDaniel and Sky-Low-Low. Farmer Pet and Sky-Low-Low are midgets. 400 Agriculture 412 Fruit cmd Farm Produco YOU. PICK STRAWBERRIES. 10c LB. BRING CONTAINERS FIELD OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY. 'Also NEED PICKERS. WE HAVE LOTS OF BERRIES IN FIELD. PLEASE CALL 4-2989 MORNING OR EVE NING. GO OUT CHERRY AVE. TO ALDER ST.. TURN EIGHT TO BROOKS ST. TURN LEFT TO FIELD. LOOK FOR SIGN. ONLY ONE MILE OUT OF CITY LIMITS. I HARTMAN YOU PICK strawberries. 8c lb. J. E. Whelan Sc Son. Rt 2. Box 211. STRAWBERRIES. U-pick. 10c. 1 mile beyond Middlegrove School on Sil verton Highway. E. D. Bartruff. Rt. 6 Box 156. Phone Z-Z303 U-PICK Marshalls. 10c. R. A. Fied ler. Satter Drive. Vx mile North of SUverton Rd. on Lancaster. See si gn YOU PICK 10c. Woods field 2 miles west of Keizer School on blacktop road. 2nd field off road. Field closed 5 o'clock. No Sunday. Ph. 2-7895. nOIJ AUTHUHULU lie M m STRVICE For your protection, the man we send into yourTiome is LICENSED tONDED INSURED Every Eve. Til 1 PJW. CURTIS TV 3135 D St. Ph. 4-3781 DUDIO ana TELEVISION Sales and Service Iliichell's 1880 Stat St Ph. 3-7577 V 400 1 Afiricriltiirc 412 Fruit and Farm Produc CT-PICK strawberries. ' 10c lb. frank Tjney, 1390 Harmony Drive. 1 miles tT. E. Keirer. Ph. 4-T973. AGAIN taking limited number of orders for little wild blackberries. Phone 4-2381 after 5.30 PM. 450 Merchandise 451 MachlnTT cmd Tools USED M.Z. tiller. 3h.p. $175. Used M. T. Tiller. 6 h.p. $190. Hawser Bros. 1820 So. 18th. SHOP BUILT tractor 4 cylinder en gine Running condition 135. How ser Bros. 1820 S. 12th. P. M. 20 INCH chain saw, new bar and chair $150. P. M. 26 Inch Red Head chain saw, good condition S175. Howser Bros. 1820 3. 12th. T-20 WIDE gauge tracks. Phone 4 4339. Rt. No. 4 Box 262. Salem. 455 Hsehold Goods For Sal 'it miGIDAIRE range, used 4 months. Call 3-8303. REFRIGERATOR, davenport and chair, daveno and swing rocker. Reasonable. 1070 N". 18th or call 2t2537. FURNITURE from 12 apts. cheap. 190 S. 13th. Phone 3-5222. 9 PC. mahogany bedroom set. Also office desk. Phone 3-9342 IS CU. FT. Upright Home Freezer, cabinet slightly damaged in ship ment Big discount. See at Good Housekeeping Inc. 467 Court St 456 Wanted, Hsohold Goods eEmEDsnaiMnai WANTED -USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 CASH TODAY Good used furniture or will seU on consignment. Ph. 3-6098 Sudtell's Aoctlon. . 458 Building Materials Remodel, Repair, Now Save your cash for a rainy day. No down payment, 36 months to pay. Epping Lumber Co. '740 Sihrerton Rd. Phone 4-6123 Open all day Saturdays BUILDING? Nails, carload supply 9-75 No. 1 Painted cedar shakes with undercourse $10.75 Cedar shake. No. 1. clear 7.00 New hake molding per ft .10 New asbestos siding S 9.50 New 4 x S plaster board 1.40 3 tab comp. roofing 1st quality 6.95 Roll roofing with nails S 2.25 Bldg. oaper. 3 kinds S 2.75 4" solid orange-burg sewer pipe S .38 New 4" soil pipe S .70 All sizes galvanized pipe SPECIAL 500 gaL Steel septic tanks $62.50 New Aluminum Garage Doors $45.00 Steel Garage Doors $55.08 New & used fuel tanks CHEAP Colored bath sets, complete BARGAIN Toilets, wash basins, bath tubs. kitchen sinks, water heaters CHEAP New shower cabinets $43.00 New Picture windows, lge. stock S 8.00 Weathers tripped windows $14.20 New 2'8" x 6'8" doors S 5.50 New fir door Jams $2.50 Water proofed wall board 4x8 $ 1.75 New Grade A screen doors $fi.95 Outside white paint per gaL $ 2.95 Interior. Exterior plywood LOWEST PRICE No. 1 cedar shingles , ,$ 9.25 No. 2 cedar shingles , $ 5.00 Loose insulation, per bag . $ 1.00 Overhead Garage Hardware $1355 C. G. LONG Sc SONS Ph. 4-5051 1 ml. N. of Kelser Metal Fences Permanent. No upkeep. Free esti mates. 36 mos. to pay. Borkman Lbr. Sc Hdwr. Phone 3-3701. 2460 State St. BUILDERS SPECIAL 1x8 sWplap, $30-35 per M. 2 Inch lumber $25 per M. This is all good new lumber. Some lumber at $15 per M. 2-2042. 460 Musical Instruments WANTED: Player piano 3-5987 be , tween 2:00 and 4:00. ONLY Story and Clark Pianos have mahogany sounding boards. Will not spilt, warp or crack stays in tune 75 better. The Music Cen ter. 470 N. Capitol. Phone 2-5371 . NEW and used pianos. For a bet buy. Wlltaey Music House. 1860 State. 462 Sports Equipment 20' TERRY Rambelr, 52 model, gas equipped, lights, heat and refriger ator. Sleeps four. LANA LANE TRAILER PLAZA 1940 Lana Ave. . SOW boat for sale. Phone 4-3208. 14' FOOT BOAT Sc trailer, condition. Phone 2-4628. Good 7i H.P. MARTIN outboard motor. Like new. $135. Anderson's Sport- ing Goods. 167 N. Commercial St. A GENERAL boat repair. Ho-Hi Boat Shop. 1885 Blrchwood. 38904, 3-3722. BOAT for sale. 12 ft. Cbf'is Craft with - oars and accessories. Car top carrier. In good condition. A. R. Houtz. 925 WUbery WANTED GOOD outboard motor 7i HP or larger. Will trade $70.00 Auto Radip' Practically Brand Newl CalT 3-9311 468 Tor Rent. Miscellaneous RENT or buy. All types electrical or r hand tool oarrien tractor, snrav- tra. Howser Bros., 1185 S. 12th. U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets furn. 1201 State. Ph. 2-9062. I'OR RINI or lease, lge. waxenous space cement floors, brick bide, down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fura. 3-9185. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous KOOK-KW1CK steam pressure cook er. Large. Phone 3-3670. BIG rummage sale. 801 N. Liberty. NEW Underwood Portable typewrit er. CaU 2-0632. SNOOK Mmm. no Sattiday week, so 111 stick aroun' the Jernt til 9 Fri. Eve. Jist in case ya an wants to mosey In. Here is a few of the things ya mite like. way floor lamp $8.95. i Blonde coffee table $5.95. 14" side walk bike $1630. Fold-a-bed $8930. Radio-phono comb. $19.95. Beauti ful bedroom set $8930. Old fashion ed davenport $4-95 (taint purtty). Baby cribs and mattresses. Stroll ers $2.75 to $330. Lawnmowers $5. Wheelbarrow $730. Aw shux. It's take the whole page to name it aUL Come in an' nose aroun' an' ax questions. SNOOKS BARGAIN CENTER 1255 Broadway Phone 4-173 HEADERS. 49 Ford Phoaa $-1850. complete set. mm ii3o: 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, ' Miscellaneous IS CU. FT. upright freezer; well known brand, 3 months old. Save SISft, Call 3-6907. ; HARDER FREEZER Cheat 12' Cubic feet. Very good condition; $199. Howser Bros, lftzo s. iztn MAYTAG automatic washer. IS -t months old. Sacrifice S22S. Rt 2. Box 241. Silverton. 1 mile West. a mile South. North Howell School. SEWING; MACHINE ROUND bobbin. Singer treadle ma chine, S9.50. Sears Roebuck & Co. 550 W. Capitol.; Phone S-9191. PAINT sprayer, t h.p. gas. with pot. $55. Also 10" band caw. Co Box n. statesman. BOOK CASE. Only $6.00. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St. j Phone 4-C171 Singer vacuum (cleaner completely reconditioned. Revolving brush. 2 speed switch. When new the Sing er Vacuum sJld for $79.50. Now only $14.75. Singer Sewing Center, 130 N. ComT St. 18" x 23"- MIRROR, plate glass. $2.95 ea. tjienn wqodry s, STANLEY home products. Lee MindX ac Madison; Ph. 3-4Q56. NEAT PLASTIC Hose $2.93. Bargain Mrn, gar, nj oaiem PAINT $1.99 gal. Bargain Barn.' REO 21" Lawn Mower A Real Buy ao'.su USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St. - Phone 4-6371 HAND MOWERS from $3.95. Used Merchandise; Mart. 270 S. Liberty St. Ph. 46371. REDUCED" $5 PED DAY UNTIL SOLD 16" Huffy Rotary mower. Starting price July 2nd $63.75. Jaly 3rd $58.75 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front Sc Court Sts. Phone 3-9111 We Grve S&H Green Stamps Try This for Saving 20.000 foot insulated and bare house wire. Sixes No. 12 to 4. 2c a ft. to 3c a foot- Will last a short time only. Capitol Bargain House, 143 center St. THOR SPINNER automatic wash ers," like new 4 only, at $79.50 Each. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Phone3r4311. 5EEPFREEZE home freezers. Yeat er Apliance. 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seeds and odorless. Sack and bulk orders delivered Phone 3-8127. ' : CHROME SET Special $39.95. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone 4-6371 USED electric ranges $12.95 Sc up. Yeater Appliance, 375 Chemeketa. Phone 3-431L PAINT $1.99 gal. Bargain Barn. Diamonds & Jewelry at cost plus 100&. Call or write W. C. Mitchell, 1175 Hiuyard. Eugene, Ore. 5-6557. GOOD used wood ranges, $10 each. Used refrigerator? $49.50 Sc up. U3ed washers $9.95 Sc up. Yeater Appliance. 375 Chemeketa. Phone i-4311. PORTABLE laundry trays, 1. 16 ft. row boat ; .one Frigidaire refriger ator, oak breakfast table and 4 chairs, Duo-Therm oil heater with forced air, one John Deere trac tor. L. A. model, with plow and cultivator, 2180 Chemawa Rd. EQUITY in new Philco refrigerator, moving, must sell. Phone 3-1284. HUSKY red cedar fence posts. 7-foot. 30c each. Ph. 38F4. Independence. NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up -.o $50 or more for your old sewing machine on a new free Westing house sewing machine with, a 20 yr. warranty. Yeater Appliance Top Soil River silt, fill dirt, prompt delivery. Plune 2-1749. TOOL. RENTAL. U-FIX-IT. Corner o North Commercial and Columbia. 4-5261. OOOD seed potatoes. Netted Gems. Plant anytime, now to July. $2.50 per 100. Phillips Bros., Rt 5. Box 493, 2 mi. East 4 Corners on State St. Ph 4 3081. USE" your credit, its good here. USED MERCHANDISE. MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone 4-6371 PRECAST reinforced, concrete sep tic tanks, state approved. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1405 N. Front St. Phone 3-3417 EL EC. clothes dryer only $59.95. 2 only. Yeatei Appliance Co., 375 Chemekta St PIANO BOXES Salem Music Co.. 153 So. High., Ph. 2-8718. COIL SPRINGS $2.95. Glenn Woodry CH ARRIS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment Ph. 3-3918. Mary E. Bales PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa. Ph 4-431 1 ai VACUUM CLEANERS 5 Rebuilt Electrolux S9.95. Seats Roe buck Sc Co- 550 N. Capitol. Phone 3-9191. . ashed Rock FOl $ Sc driveway Cement, R .nix Concrete. Garden Sand. Baii.uzing drainage and ditching, yd. shovel Sc drag line. Phone -S21. A Walling Sand & Grarvel Co. $30 ALLOWED for your old water heater regardlest ,xOi condition or make, on a new Westinghouse automatic electric water heater, with a ten year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Phone ,3-431 1 . CLOTHES ClNE posts, iron legs for taVes. furniture, railings. 1145' N. Liberty. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous 24 FT. LOGS WANTED Premium price paid for 24 ft. No. 2 Si No. 3 grade second growth fir. , WEST SALEM LBR. CO. 1650 Wallace Rd. Salem Phone 4-3381 days - 4-1784 eves. -4 474 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or mail your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolnh Bldg State Sc Com. Ph. 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sale or rent Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 3-9188. 476 Fuel 16" OLD fir veneer "cores. Elmer Bole. 2025 S. 12th. Phone 3-9453. ANOEKSON'S hand picked slabwood. i cord $14. Phone 2-7751 or 4-4253. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444, Capital Lbr. Fuel Co. Pickup your Presto logs. Briquet' 8c wood 198 S. Commercial St Ph. 3-7721. Spring Special MULCH SAWDUST AND FERTI LIZER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BLOCKWOOD. . 18- CLEAN West Salem Fuel Co. V-S, Edeewater Phone $-4031 Oregon Fuel Co. Slabs Sawdust Oak S & H Green Stamps 307 Broadway Phone 3-5533 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan Consolidate All Bills Twenty-five years ago General Fi nance Corp was organized by Sa lem business and professional men to give you a - loan service. We have lent millions. TRY OUR S EH VI CI Ysu can repay anytime to reduce costs. No endorser or help from friends longer time to repay. Ph. first for a one trip loan. Loans $25.00 to, $300.00 on signature, furniture and equipment. Loans to $500.00 en cars, trucks, and trailer houses, i Free customer parking at ""Marion Car Park": across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie No S13S and M33S 5 REAL, ESTATE LOANS ;Up to 20 yr. Amortization Quirk Service. Minimum Charges. Calvin! V. Kent Mortgage Loans 456 No. Church Phone4-2293 SEE US FOR FARM, CITY or ACRE AGE LOANS. BEST OF TERMS. WI BUY Real estate mortgages & contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S High St Ph. 3-4121 PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. AUTO LOAN WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church St. Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 CUT CUT CUT Cut your present payments aa much as 50. Let us show how it may be done. $50 12.500 AMOUNTS! PAYMENTS $166.32 $ 9 .00 258.72 535.92 S50.0& 14.00 29.00 46.00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans lis S. Liberty Phone 4-220$ 515 Investments BRUSH CREEK Dist 19 wants bios on cost of drilling well and install ing water system. Contact chair man Martin Maurer, SUverton, Oregon. , Phone 3-4532. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted PARTY to put up t acres hay. W. A. Slater. 4285 State St. Phone 2-4221. WANTED: D.HJ A. tester for Polk County. Contact the County Exten sion office in the Court House at Dallas. WEEKEND fountain help. Wood ruffs San Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. No phone callg. WE ARE now i taking applications for Paper RouStes at Carrier Divi sion. Statesman Buildine. Bovi be 13 years or over and have f the written consent of their par ents. If you have already applied kindlv do so again. THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted. Male WANTED: Man for planing mill, grinding room. Able to handle pat tern and detail work. Also take care cf -planing mill, siding, resaw, good Job for right party. $2.20 per hour. Willamette Valley Mill. State age and qualifications. Write Box 497, co Statesman. .Wanted 2 Salesmen I want 2 men ! who will work 6 hours a day for $25 per day. If the Job you have now is not paying you this, come in and see me at 515 Hood St.. Rm. 205 between 11 and 1:00. See Mr. Barrett. WANTED, mam over 24 to wrap bread. Night work .Benson Bakery, 264 No. Commercial. WELK END car hop Woodruff s San Shop 3400 Portland , Rd., Salem. Oregon. No phone calls. 606 Help Wanted, Female HOUSEKEEPER. Phone 3-1345, eve- nings. JD. Hartwcll. HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged, live in. inruarnes 4-476 ext. 6. 60 .WORD TYPfST with olfice ex- perience. 25 to 35 years of age for tdvancement No shorthand re quired. Present employer will not be contacted. Ph, 34184, Ex. 25, during business hours COMBINATION waitress and fry cook. Apply In person Temple Cafe. WANTED single lady to work in summer home. Mostly cooking. Good salary. Inquire Hogg Bros. EXPERIENCED waitress. Breakfast shift. Nohlgrensi WANTED: Lady fry cook and all T It T TTTTi I around helper. Apply in person at J i f I I Eola Inn after 2 noon. JL7 XI V JLXM VJT ' CrslraArTnIlvmfi'ner,n i",",1- We b,ck P drlvewayr -4ios. tress. Apply in person. Spot Lite. wmlk, etc estimatef f WEEK END car hop. Woodruffs San 'phnelOT. ' Shop. 3400 Portland Rd., Salem. , . " . .!Lg"0 no phone cans. Salrn Sand & Gravel Co. WAITRESSES experienced, for new rtr,t wfc T- Spced Way Restaurant Day and nmACPiI . nits shifts. U7P Center St Rw1"1Ba7em,eCntln, ' 608 Pickers Wanted . ' tS&T . Phon day 3-9408 CHERRY pickers wanted: Otto Beut- Evenings 3-7412. 2-4417 ler. Rt. 8, Box '519. Garden Rd. 1 Salem. Oregon mile West of Pftttum. j j -1 I I CHERRY pickers Wanted. Fred Kirk- Land (clearing ' ! wood 1090 J. Summer St. Phone IS yrs: Exp. Call for estimate on hour r-i0 l4 s l work or by contract for th com WANTED: Cherry pickers, 3 weekg plete Job. L. C Mitchell. Phont wcrk. 3185 Dallas Hd. 3-5337 r v . 618 Educcrttenl 618 Education j DEPENDABLE BUSINESS TRAINING AT Merritt Pavis School of Commerce New Classes Are you thinking of business training? wtu-nunw om worsen are in such demand and when apportunl ties for advancement are so great . j Brush up on your ability to take dictation. Learn shorthand and type writing only. Start one of our noted courses im secretarial training! or begin the famous Pace course in accounting and business administration You may start in ! our night school school any week day, except Saturday. Here you are helped to got aaeaa as tasx, ibs you can tearn ai a ame. iome in ans searn roe MERRITT DAVIS SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 429 SUte Street Over The 600 Employment 603 Pickers Wcxnted CHERRY 'PICKERS wanted. Start July . C C. Brunk. Rt t. Box 720 t across Dallas Rd. from . As sociated Sfation. WANTED: Cherry pickers. 10 miles North oa Wallace Road. Take grav el road at Y. Second House. Ed. Lens tram, Rt 1. Box 475, Salem. Oregon. VANTED: Cherry . pickers.- Phone -6179. r. A. MuOer. Rt 1. Box 768. CHERRY picking to start July 3rd. R. E. WorraL Rt. 8. Box 590. Orch- ara . neignts rta. rnone 4-ioga. WANTED. 50 pickers for 18 acres Northwest strawberries. K. L. Strawberry Farm. 1 ml. N. of Sa- lem city limits on N. River Rd. WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS STANLEY SNEED. 2520 BLOSSOM DRIVE. PHONE 2-3148. IS acres Irrigated first year nortnwest and 7 acres marshall berries. Located 2 miles north of .Salem. Turn west off Portland highway at HayesvtUe. uo mile. PICKERS. . register now for straw be tries. 10 acres, very good : irri gated berries. Located 2 miles east . of 4 Corners. No children under , U without parents. Call or con tact tn eve. after T p.m. Phillips Bros. Rt 5. Box 492. -i 610 Sales Persons Wanted! SALESMAN by Klrby Co. ' Car necessary, experience not Phone 2-53C4. 1 612 Work Wanted, Male EXPERIENCED meat cutter, married, age 31. desires Job managing mar ket Can furnish, excellent refer ences. Consider leasing - good mar ket. Box 517 Statesman. LAWN planting, weekly care, fences. sprinklers, shrubs. Service Center. Phone 4-33J3. I AM prepared to put . in several more new lawns. Call 3-7373 days. 2-2190 evenings. CUSTOM MOWING, Urge or small Jobs. 1895 Blrchwood Drive or 3-7731. GARDEN or yard work want: day. Phone 2-7266 evenines DOZING and grading with crawier. absm. - JANITOR Earl Cox, 650 Marion St Phone 3-7362. Gardening and lawn work. - : LAWNMOWER AND circle 'saw sharpening. Oscar Vasfaret 391 Gerth. Ph. 2-1656. Pick up Sc De- livery. : Tractor, Work f Plowing, discing, blade work, hay and grass mowing, fri. 2-3041. CARPENTER work, all kinds, large or smalt Reasonable. Ph. 4-1424. 3-7809 1 614 Work Wonted, Female PROFESSIONAL upholstery, done in my home. Reasonable, pickup, de- uvery. pn. 2-4Z90. TYPING, bookkeeping, envelopes addressed, etc. In my home, re liable service. 4-5292. 615 Situations Wanted . BABY SITTERS, day or night. Your home or mine. Ph. 21945. 1 G. M.C. dual drive short logger. Any where. Phone Dallas 2469. WILL CARE for children, your home days or evenings. Phone 2-6876 or 4-3403. ROTO-hoeing, plowing, discing, iev eling, lawns planted. Service Cen ter. Phone 4-3573. i BABY sitting. Phone 2-6876. day or evenings. Painting Wanted I ;putside work schedule now. Interior -. : - 0 . - oecoranon aiso. aeagwiCK. 3-3.fBfi. " "'J w - hour. Please bring hangers. 1011 zna street, west saiem. CLEANING, rugs, windows, wood work, baths, kitchens, also pagnt ing. Sedgwlek. 3-3386. j BABY sitting, evenings. No smoking". lrinxing, eating, pn. 3-7690. DAILY child care, day or week. Ph 4-5055. 1225 N. 5th. MOWING hay or grass by hourj or jon. Phone 2-1117. GOOD care for your child. 1180 NURSERY SCHOOL. Fine's t?Hri' modern. 835 Mission. Ph. 2-7658 PAINTING: Interior and exterior. McClain and Golden. Ph33322. LIGHT crawler ( dozer, dirt leveling. grading. Phone 2-32?p.x j. Painting FOR QUALITY WORK at reasonable prices. Call Z-B625. tiiingwjTh rotary-hoe. Gardens, lawns. Phone 3-8529. 2355 Eyer greenyX ! I WILL. BUILD you a home either large or small Sc arrange finance at a real saving. Phone eves. 4-5233. X HAVING AUTO RADIATOR i TROUBLES? Vi "ley Motor Co. experts will solve your problems and save you money. Free estimates, speedy service. center and Liberty. MICKENHAM'S NURSERY STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT ED. HRS 6 A.M. to P.M. PH. 2-7896 SOUTH SALEM PHONE 2-0403. BABY" NURSERY. CONCRETE work, all kinds. Concrete walls, blockwalls, patios, sidewalks, basements. John Feldschan Sc Son. . Ph. 2-8628. 4-5329. i DRESSMAKING, experienced. Mrs. J-ilius Pincus. 1700 North 20th. j Ph. '-9342. CEMENT WORK, all kinds. Prompt service, guaranteed. Phone 4-5129. HOME building, remodeling. Free es timates. Ben Graves. Ph. 3-8393. 620 Day and Contract ASPHALT Start July 6 You should be In these times whon Monday evening. You may begin day tne work, you pay for one month at many advantages of studying here) Pbooe 2-1413 I ed by isht Man's Shop - i 700 I Rental TRAILER SPACE $19 a month. Just across the street on South of Paul Si Bn.Saarr- 740 Oxford. Phone 2-8895. J 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board' now Vacant, its e. Miiier. rooms, bath and utility. Close in, quiet weU kept yard, refrigerator, stove! and electric heat Adults. $45. Phone 2-6880 for appointment. 1-ROOM furnished apt Utility porch! electric refrigerator and stove, pri vate entrance and bath. Ground , floor.! 177$ N. Front Phone 4-1677. NICE ROOM for gentleman, close in. o n. winter. CLOSE IN. nice room. Private bath. Refrigerator. Good beds. 763 Mer loni ' ; - . SINGLE sleepin groom Downtown, N. Liberty. very t confortable. 474 Phone 4-5780. CLOSE; IN. clean furnished roorn prtafe bath, refrigerator. 765 Ma- rlon St . . - NICE room, close in. private en- trance, man. 549 N. Cottage. QUIET comfortable near state build- ings, rhopplng districts, kitchen on tnleges. 2-1449. . CLEAN attractive- sleeping rooms. Kitchen facilities. Close In. 154 Ferry. 705 Apartments For Bent APTS. furnished. incL utilities. $20 . and up. 827 N. Liberty. In Apt. 7. FURNISHED 4 rooms and bath. Pri ' vate entrance. Phone 4-3378. $ BEDROOM upstairs apt Pvt. en. trance, partly furnished. Phone 4-1618. . . TWQ ROOM apartment nicely furn lshed. Reasonably close to, Leslie -School. Phone 3-4307. CLEAN 2-room. furnished, bath, re frigerator laundry room. 555 S. . Liberty. 34815. : 2 ROOM apartment with private bath and entrance for a single. Clean. -1385 N. Capitol St " VERY CLEAN furn. 1 bedroom baae- ? ment apt., knotty pine kit., new ' auto washer and range. Priv. beth & entrance, beautiful park dt Employed couple pref. $4730. Ph.' 3-5196 after 5. 2 ROOM apt. light hear Sc water . furnished. $33. 340 Union. i AVAILABLE at ELAINE after the 4th: Lovely corner furnished apart ment. Living room, kitchen, dinette, bath and bedroom. $53. 879 N. Lib- erty.; - ' ' 3 ROOM, private bath and entrance. Refrigerator and range, carpeted floors and knotty-pine Interior. Phone 2-0713 - FURNISHED basement apt Oil heat, electric range, refrigerator, shower. ' rivate entrance, reasonable. 148$ . Com'l Ph. 3-4706. CLEAN quiet unfurn. 3 room court apt Has electric range. Near bus and cannery. Phone 2-8009. ' NICE 3 room furn. apt. Close In. Ground floor. Private entrance and bathj Phone 3-6768.1- - 3 ROOM furnished duplex, adults only. Near state hospital. Phone 2-804 L. j TWO 3 room furnished apt. Private .bath, newly decorated. 1960 So. Commercial St. I DOWNTOWN, clean, well furniahed. 1st floor, 3 room, bath. 658 Center. CLEAN one bedroom furnished half duplex. 2595 N 5th. Ph. 4-1407. i ROOM furniahed. Privaie bath." Utllltles paid. Garage. 1553 State. FURNISHED apt 3 rooms and bathl Laundry room. Telephone, off at. parking. Adults. 155 N. Capital. -Phone 29006. QUIET newly decorated 2-room fur . nished court apt 1065 Madison St FURNISHED APT. 3' blocks from city center. Immediate availability, call at Woodry Furniture. 474 S. ' (jommerciai. CLOSE IN. Utilities furnished. 8.8 $45 with private bath. 2-0485. 35838 t 3 ROOM urnished court aptClean. j pgr mo. . 45 per mo. 3560 Portland,. j uitiviiHtu 3 rm. courtapt Newly ipt Newly decorated, close Irs on N. com L- Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644T FURNISHED or unfurnished apart-me-it close In, shade trees, a place you will like to live. Beautyrest mattress, automatic ' laundry, TV connection new refrigerator and range, lots of hot water. Adults see at 336 Oak St. - ONE a- bedroom, unfurnished. Phone 3-3366. esEr y 1 bee a 'a em. bedroom furnished and on bedroom unfurnished. Inauire t 1656 Weber Ant. South 13th. NICELY furnished close in. clean, basement apt. Electric refrlgera-to- stove, bath, excellent bed. suitable for one gentleman. All utilities furnished. Also have apt on second floor. $22. 243 Union. COMPLETELY furnished, fully mod ern, radiant heat 3 I rooms. Phone 4-3714. COURT apt., newly decorated, fur nished or unfurnished. 2 rooms and bath. Hlde-a-bed. Lady pre ferred. 380 S. 17th. 3-3713. Capitol Fjlaza UNFURNISHED apaijtments. 1165. Chemeketa. Phone j 3-8630. Ambassador! Apts.- " Nicely furnished apts. 550 N. Summer. APTS. furnished, incl utilities. $20f and up. 827 N. Liberty. In Apt 7 ' PULLMAN APT. Furnished. The1 Devereaux 1488 State. Ph. $-2534 707 Houses For Rent . ATTRACTIVELY decorated. 1 bed; room, unfurnished. jYard, shrubs, garage, bus. Adults. ' Phone 2-1407. 2 BEDRdb house. 13&5 Waller. Ph. . 4-3902 I - 1 BEDROOM house. I 1 blocks from downtown, partly furnished. $45. Phone 4-1818. ' ; 3 ROOM cottage. Electric cook stove and on heat. 835. 1980 N. 5th. 2 BEDROOM, cottage and garage. Electric stove, refrigerator and Bendix. 630 Cattertin. Available' July 12th. $70. Phone ; 3-2707. CABINS, partly furnished. 2 room. 87 a week, 3 room, ! S8. 3413 Will-: lams Ave. Ph. 3-7712. ; FOR RENT or .sale, unfinished house; 4550 Niles Ave. i 3 BEDROOMS. HoUyWood district -Phone 4-2557. f i 2 BEDROOM house, suburban. Good '. garden space. Phonej 3-9578. ' CLOSE in 2 bedroom unfurnished ' cottage, all electric 683 N. Church ,' j ' LEASE "only S yrs. old. 2 br. home. 460 Hickory .3j;5838. ) : MODERN 4"room duplex 1 bedroom,"" parage, HiCBinona mat pn. g-7871. ; 2 ROOM. 2 stoves, hot and cold water furnished. One or 2 adults. 330. 4520 Portland Hd. 5ROOM partly furnished. $20 a manin, i or a men preferred. Ph. I jpre Hou. 2-494. 4 ROOM unfurnished Hou . . . o in S. Commercial. 669 ff- Front. 1 BEDROOM in small rnodern court. Cozy and convenient, located 3, bloc k f east of SUt Capital. See at 1533 Court St. FURNISHED, small but lovely. Must ee appreciate for I or 2. 3-5083. WHY RENT Your choice ) -mod ern homes 8500 or less down. See.: -Star i Realty, 8330 Soi Pic. Hiway. Ph. 22051. I I BED R 65M C6ttU6 Hlwly decorated, electric stove, garage, beautiful yard, on creek. ,744 N. Capital T " I - auuwn room nouae. JiJO LOVELY newer 1 bdrml court rents?, n. V1-.1. -. . . Bldg. Electric rangeland refiiger- ' 1 .... iiwi.u. . ycr mo. V. 1 1 Rawlins Realty at S-4S4 or 4-1761. 708 Farms. Tracts For Rent . WANTED to ren a. good farm en.' shares. Prefer i small dairy, Call 710 Wanfd to Rant Houaag RESPONSIBLE family needs' 2 bed. room home by August 1st. will consider lease with option to buy. Writs Box 496, or calf Mr. Felring. Salem 3-2459 after July 5. Unfurnished 2 bedroom house: automatic oil heat I vacinity of Richmond School. Phone 3-5873. LARGE 2 or 2 bedroom unfurnished' house 'cal business man. Ph. tOOD t bedroom house- automata heat rnone e-j'Bj. I ! ! "f.