2 (Sec 4) Statesman, Sclam. Orst. Th sdar. July 2. 19 S3 Radio and TV Schedules KPTV Channel 27 THURSDAY 8:30 What Gooking? 10:00 Freedom R-ngs . Il:00The Big Payoff 11:30 Welcome Traveler 12:30- Ladies cTnce 1:00 Capsule Theater 1:13 Arthur Godfrey 2:00 ilatinee Theater 3:15 Search for Tomorrow 3:30 Love of Life 3:45 Toymaker 4:00r-Howdy Doorly 4:30 Kid Magic 4:45 Variety Roundup 5:00 Range Rider ' 5:30 Doug Edwards 5:45 Time for Beany 6:00 Candy Theater 6:30 Dinah Shore 6:45 News Caravan 7:00 Groucho Marx 7:30 Burns and Allen 8:00 The Unexpected 8:30 Ford .eater 9:00 Martin Kane 9:30 Ethel Barry more 10:00 Hollywood Wrestling 11:00 Nite Owl Theater 11:30 (Approx) Sign Off HIGHLIGHTS THURSDAY ' What's Cooking?, 9:30 Local, live cooking shot- starring Bar bara AngelL Matinee Theater, 2:00 "Near ly 18". Gale Storm, Rick Vallin, ; Bill Henry, Toymaker, 3:45 Local, live childrens' show starring the old German Toymaker with tales of - toys to -jelight the young of heart Burns and Allen, 7:30 Grade's tccentrie Uncle Clyde, an old vaudevillin, plans to pay the Burns a lengthy visit George is against the idea, so Grade hatch et a plot to prevent the uncl from staying. The UnexneetefL 8:00 "Des ert Honeymoon." John Agar and Cathy. Downs in the story of a young couple honeymooning in Palm Springs and a missing wed ding prerent which brings up many pasts. Ford Theater, 8:30 "Birth of a Hero" starring Mark Stevens and Ellen Drew. Story of a spin ster bank cashier who would rather die than let her bank be robbed or let marriage interfere with her career. Ethel Barrymore Theater, 9:30 "The Duke". Patrick Knowles and X. T. Stevens in a story of a jew elry robbery in .vhirh suspidan points to The Duke. A cat used to distract the guard later leads to tne real criminal. -Wrestling From Hollywood, 10: Sandor Srabo vs. Mr. Moto JL main, event) Brothe- Frank Jares vs. Freddie Blassier (semi windup). ' XTI., O 1 rk- 11. AA and TELEVISION Sales and Service I'lilcheH's 1880 Stat St Ph. 3-7577 ffcere i$ we better shampoo tfcee FORMULA NATURAL OIL GLAMOUR SHAMPOO h it guaranteed la give yee envrpoed satisfaction for both econ niy and quality; or "42" will give yew vice wnot you paid for it. there it a fermula "42" Shampoo For Dry Hoir and the regular Formula "42" Shampoo far1 nor tol or oily hair. The label idetfet e one far your bofr conditio. Yaw caw be in if it's 4M FROM CD n "Honeymoon Limited", Neil Ham ilton, Irene Harvey. FRIDAY 930 What's Cooking 10:45 Northwest Digest 11.-00 The Big Payoff 1 1 :30 Welcome Traveler 1230 Ladies' Choice l:00-Double or Nothing 130 Strike It RUi 2:00 Matinee Theater 3:15 Search for Tomorrow 3:30 Love of Life 3:45 Toymaker . 5:00 Cisco Kid 5:30 Doug Edwards 5:45 Time for Beany 6:00 Cavalcade of Sports 6:45 News Caravan 7:00 Hoffman Hay Ride 7:30 You Asked for It 8:00 The Big Story THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS j KILM UN, EOCO 149. KGAE 1438. KOEN 97S, K6W 62a, SIX UN Pacific Standard Time j KPTV-UHF Channel 27: FM: Megacycles WOTS lltl; KEX HJ (Editor's meta: The lutinua pa bashes la imJ faith the pragmas and Unci aa arTiaa ay the radia statlras, aat cans aftlmes te programs are chanced wltliaut notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible tar the accuracy herein.) HOUR 00:0 90:15 6 RkLM Mora New iTimekeenei News OCO Western MelodldW astern MelodleiTarm News K6AI Bra. Nook IBrk. Nook iBrk. Nook KOIN- R.TJ3: Oregon KOIN Klock IKOIN Klock KR Dave West Dave West Dave West KEX Ol Farm Hr. I Ore. Farm Hr. lOre Farm Br. 7 SiSLM KOCO K.GAB KOIN KEX Hem tnrwav KOCO Klock Hrk. Nnok KOIN Klwk Country Edit. Firtt Edition Break Gane I KOCO Klock IBrk. Nook Macleod News IJohn Lee Wills In Agronskv 8 KSLM KOCO KOAI KOIN Kr.w KEX Cecil Brown News Jim Dandv Consumr Newt The Oid Songs Break Club Family Aitar KOCO Klock IJim Dandy Valla News (Old Songs Bteak Club 9 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KfSW KEX News Muie Back fence mat Road of Life News News I Commentary Piano Patterns Second Look Backfence Ma Perkins Music Box Stars el Today ' KSLM KOCO KGAE Newt Fay's Records Back Fence M 2d Mrs. Burton Reynolds show Chet Huntley Telle Test Ray's Record I Back Fence M. (Perry Mason I Reynolds anew I Music 0UI.- KOW KOIN KSLM KOCO KOAI KOIN KCW KEX Ladles Fair Ray's Records Back Fence U. Grand Slam Bob Hope Whisperin Sts. Ladles Fair Ray's Records Back Fence M Music Sparkles I Pays to Marry I Girl Marries Top Trades News "Spider" Duncn Mcleod Noon News Paul Harvey I News IMsJor League ("Spider" 1 Come Get It I Road of Life iNoon Edition KOCO K1AE KOIN KG W KEX 1 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KG KEX J. Klrkwood Major League "Spider" Hilltop House Bckstage Wife Kay West :J Klrkwood I Major League ("Sp.der" Godfrey I Stella Dallas I Kay West 2NKLM KOCO KGAE KOIN ' KGW KEX News Major Leagua Record Room Godfrey Plain Bid Ten Ernie I Musie I Major League Record Room (Godfrey I Frt Pf . Farrell I Ten Ernie 3 KSLM Musie IMuaie News KOCO Magic Melody Magic Melody Magie Melody KGAE ' 1 Dandy Show ij. Dandy Shew U Dandy Show Koin Wizard of Odds Ruth Aih ton Jimmy Wakely KOW Travellers ITravellers Dr. Paul KEX Know Ur News (Afternoon Ed. For the Girls 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis Hemlnewa Curt Massey I ' i Hxves KOCO Music U Want IMusic U Want (Musie U Want I Music U Want KGAI Kids' Corner ' Musie Mart Music Mart Music Mart KOIN KirkhamNewa I Rosemary Kirkham News IKIrkham News KfiW Life Beautiful Star Time Music Box Music Box KEX This is Oregon Squirrel Cage Squirrel Cage lU.mpy Time 5 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN B-Bar-B Guest Star Traffic Jamb. Mjirrow Bill Stern Happy Time I B-Bar-B Second Look iTraffic Jamb. News I Mews Hour I Virgil Pinkley KEX s KSLM Gab. Heater N.W News KOrn fandlelieht r-nndleliiht KGAE Supper Club Supper Club koi American Way lAmerican Way VJW R-Iss Muf:c Irtelax Music KEX .Weatherman I Home Eeitmn 7 KKI .M Cisco Kid I Cisco Kid KOCO Rosary (Stars Sing1 KGAE Music IMusic Koin Lowell Thomas I John on Spot KGW Rthh Edwards ! Ralph Edwards KEX Stars of Space IS tars of Space 8 KSLM Crime rehtrs Crima Fghtrs KOCO Dugout Dope (Baseball KOIN Meet Millie Meet Millie KGW 1 Man'i Family hv(1 xt KEX Symphonette iSymphonette KSLM :ien Hardy KOCO Baseball KOIN Romance KGW Dad Knows KFX MikeShayne I'm Larwis I Baseball IRomanca I Dad Knows I Mike Shaync 1 kki.M Behind Story KOCO Baseball KOIN e-iva Str Final OtflH ' Trtrter KEX Final Edition INe I Night News lUand World isnoi i Pinal D.- nee Time 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KEX Crime File Night Song Nat'l Guard News Dance Time Music Night Song I Musie Lwsn McCall IDance Time KOAC S30 ke. 10:00 News & Weather: 10:13 Especially for Women: 10:45 Story Time: 11:00 Concert Hall; 12. DO News : Weather: 12:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour: 10 Ride em Cow boy: 1:3ft Your Navy Show; 1:45 Radio Bookshelf: 2.-00 Living and Learning: 2:15 Hawaiian Holiday: 2 -JO Memory Book of Music; 3:00 Oregon Reporter; 3:15 Music of Mas ters; 4:00 Eyes on the Skies; 4:13 On The Upbeat: 4:45 Spirit of Vikings: 28 No. Chneh St. Classified Advertising Per word. 1 time , 4c Per ward. 3 times .. ,, , , 10c Per word. 7 times , i Per word, 1 month COe Minimum ten words. Extra charge fer "Blind- ads 25e Readers In city briefs: Per ward . 7e Minimnm tea wards. N Sefoads. The -deadline for classified and reader advertising is 1:45 pan. daily. The ttcsman reserves the rtgnt to tict questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place II advertising under the proper classification The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for error which may apnaat la advertisements pub lished n r it? columns and in cases where 'his oaper is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in W'Ch the tynoeraphical mistake occurs - A Tlind" Ad en ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answeieo by letter The Statesman Is not at liberty to rtivulee informa tion as to the identity of an adver tiser using: a "Blind" ad. 8:30 Dennis Day 9:00 Chance of A Lifetime 9:30 Adolphe Menjott 10:00 Safety Spotlite ' 10:15 Bob Considin'e 10:30 Vest Pocket Theater 10:45 Sports Den 11:00 Madison Square Garden 11:15 Nite Owl Theater ; 12:00 Sign Off i HIGHLIGHTS FRIDAY Whats Cooking?, 9:30 Local live cooking show starring Bar bara AngelL I Northwest News Digest, 10:45 Local, live news and sportscast with Norm Wallace and Bill Clay ton. ; Matinee Theater, 2:00 "He Couldn't Take If. Ray Walker and Virginia Cherri" , i 0:3t 9-4 March Time World New IBrk. Nook KOIN Ktoe. I Farm Tim lOre. Farm Hr. Break. Oane (KOCO Klock IBrk. Nook (CTti?- News I News Bob Garred iNews I KOCO Klock IBrk. Nook H Hahhitt Knox Mannlne Boh Hareo IRaven of Rest IKOCO Klock Uim Dandv I Helen Trent I Music Box 1 tBrean Club lHaven of Rest IWorld News Jim Dandv I Gal Sunday IMusic Boa Break Club I Pastors Call iBaren. Counter Dinah Shore Backfece mat. Guiding Light mat Backlence mat Dr. Malona Music Box IMUSIC BOX Dble. or Nothln'l Dble. or Nothin ICo-Cola Calng Music Ray's Records Ray s Kecords I Back Fence M. Norah Drake I Strike Rich I True Story I Back Fence M. I Brighter Day IStnke Rich (True Story 'Queen far Day Ray's Records Back Fence M Wendy Warren I Phrase Pays V. Lindlahr Queen for Day Ray's Records Back Fence M. I Aunt Jenny I Second Chance (Keep's Korner I r.my BO's ! Major League "Spider" I House Party IPepper Young ISam Hayes I Musie I Major League ("Spider" (House Party I Happiness (The Todds I Lucky u Ranch Lucky u Ranch Major League "Spider Godfrey Woman in Hsc. I Kay West Major League "Spider Godfrey Widder Brown Kay West Better Shopper iMagie Melody Record Room I Curt Mastey iDr.'a Wife Smr, Bandwgn (Ma fie Melody Record Room (Godfrey I Lorenzo Jones I Smr. Bandwgn I Music I Magic Melody U. Dandy Show Tuneflly yours Dave Garrway For the Girls I Wonderful City Wonderful City ITune Time SongtoRemembr ( Supper Club vVonrt Today T. L. McCall Chet Huntley Supper Club K-ioss. Newe Peterson B. Gar red (Silver Serenade am Havaa Nev RS Keys Supper Club (Supper Club I Music Man I Musie Man I Eddie Cantor Eddie Cantor 3ood Listening 1 3ood Listening I.Music IMusic Bandstand Bandstand (Sign Off I IHarry James Harry James I Netwrk feature1 Netw'rk feature tMike Malloy I Mike Malloy Music Music (Baseball I Baseball (Family skeleton! Johnny Mercier 'Roy Roger- Rov Koaerj lABC Playhouse IABC Playhouse Music IMusic I Baseball IBing Crosby II Ws Commie Mail call music (Baseball I IBinx Crosby 1 1 Was Commie I Mail call music V' Mew Night Song Bamtstand I Golden FleeN 'Dance Time (Crime Files Night Song IBandstand Golden-Fleece Dance Time . I Music (Night Song 'Music I City Council I nance Time Musie Night Song Music tCity Council ID -e Time 5:00 Children's Theater: 5:30 Jerry or me t-ircus: 3:45 Report from Europe; . S :00 The News and Weather: S:13 O.S.C. Dept. of Music: 6:30 Headlines of Chemistry; :45 Memories of Hawaii; 70 Report From Congress: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 9 00 BBC Theater: S:45 The News and Weather: S:00 Musie that Endures; 9:43 Evening Meditations Rev. Harold MarcheL Bethel Baptist Church: 1040 Sign off. Pbone Z-Z441 Subscription Rates By earrte la cities: Daily and Sunday Daily only Sunday only S 1.45 per mo. 1.25 per mo .10 week By eaall. Sanday only: On advance) t 50 per me. Anywhere in U. S. J 7S six mo. 3.00 year By snail. Dairy and Snnday: (in advance i ta six counties g 1.00 ear mo. (Benton. Clacka mas. Linn. Mar- US six mo. ion. Polk. Yam hill). 10-50 year Elsewhere In & Oregon .. L2S) per mo. la V S outside Oregon L43 per mo, Member Andlt Bareaa of Ctrealations Barean 'of Advertising. ANPA Oregon Newspaper Publishers Assoeiation Advertising .RepreseatatlTes: ; Ward -Griffith Cx. New Torfc. Chieago ; Saa Tranelsca, Detroit iIZLSSOO Personal USSUAwMal 0U aw aSlem-A A lli ViU German Toymaker, with tales of toys to delight the younj of heart t - ! Cisco Kid, 5:00 Cisco and Pan cho thwart tn atempt bj 3 men to nuke off with part of, the treasure of Princess Zenda's city. i Hoffman Hayride, 7:00 Local, live show starring Taylor Morris and Country Gentlemen, i The Square Dancers are featured. - Yon Asked for It, T.30 Thea dore Kaufman-win drink flam ingo gasoline The Phantom of the Opera" portrayed, by I Lon Chaney Sr. in the scene when his mask is ripped off while he plays the organ, and others. i The Big Story, 8:00 Story of Bill Bailey of the Valley Morning Star, Harlingen Texas and ( how he captured a slayer. - Chanee of a Lifetime, 9:00- Joe E. Howard, composer of "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now?" is guest of emcee Dennis James. Favorite Story, 9:30 "The Man Who Sold His Shadow1 ; stars Adolphe as narrator with De For est Kelley and Anne KimbelL Story of a man who sold1 his shadow to th devil Sports Den, 10:45 Local, live show. An informal visit with sportscaster Bob Blackburn. i Nite Owl Theater, 11:45 "Boy of the Streets'Vfackie Cooper and Maureen O'Ccnnor. Marion Co. Has Biggest Tree Planting Marion County woodland own ers planted nearly twice as many seedling trees these past four years as any other Oregon county. A total of 551,000 trees were distributed to private woodland owners. From late 1949 to 1952, there were 320,000 Douglas fir trees shipped from the rOegon forest nursery to this county. Also included in the Marion County tree planting were 110,000 Port Orford Cedars and 37,000 true firs. Surprising to many is the figure on Ponderosa pine, as nearly 15,000 were set out in Mar ion County although this tree is usually considered an Eastern Oregon one. There were also 26,000 black locust and 23,000 eascaras. Sea urchins which scrape away rust and leave steel exposed to the sea can destroy steel by do ing so, says the National Geo graphic Society. NOTICE Or BOND SALE Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned unUl S:00 o'clock P. M.. Standard Oregon Time, on the 34th day of July. 163, and immedi ately thereafter wUl be publicly opened by the District School Board of Clear Lake School District No. 122, Marion County. Oregon, for the pur chase, at not less than par and accrued interest, of the following .described negoUabla general obliga tion coupon bonds of said school dis trict in the principal amount of S13.000.00. dated Auguat 1. 19S3. in denominations of S500.00 each, and maturing aerially in numerical order as follows: f 1,500.00 on February L 195 $1,500.00 on February 1, 1956 1 1.500. 00 on February 1. 1937 S1..VW.O0 on February 1. JB&a S1.jO0.0O on February 1. 1959 S1.j00.00 on February 1, 1960 $1,500.00 on February 1. 1M1 $2,500.00 on February 1, 1962 The bonds will bear interest at a rata or rates of not to exceed four per cent 14) per 'annum payable semiannually on August firsW and February iirst of each year, evi denced by coupons attached : to the bonds. Both the principal 01 and interest upon the bonds will be paid at the office of the county treasurer of Marion County, Oregon. Each proposal must specify in multiples of of 1 the rate of in terest, not to exceed four per cant 4 ) per annum, which the bonds are to bear, and must also state the amount bid for the - bonds. The bonds will be sold to the high est bidder, but the district scnool board reserves the right to! reject any or all bids. Unless all bids are rejected, the bonds will be awarded to the bidder complying with the terms of the notice of sale, and sub mittine Uie bid which provides the lowest cost to the school district. Each bid must be unconditional. must be accompanied by a certified check or cashier's check in favor of the district, of or upon a bank doing business in the state of Oregon, in the sum of $260.00. and must be en closed in a sealed envelope addresed to the undersigned and marked on the outside "Proposal for bonds." No interest will be allowed on the de posit with the bid, but the check of the successful bidder will be re tained as part payment 6f the bonds or to secure the school district against loss resulting from failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of his bid. Each bidder shall Include In his bid a statement of the total cost to the district, if his bid be accepted, provided none of he bonds are called prior to the final maturity data thereof. The successful bidder wUI be fur nished with the written opinion of Winfree. McCulloch. Shuler & Sayre. of Portland. Oregon, to the effect that the bonds constitute the valid and legally binding obligations of the said school district. The bonds win be delivered com plete. without undue delay. : at ' the expense of the school district, at such city in Oregon as the successful bidder shall name. LORRAINE EICHELBEnCul Clerk Clear Lake School Dis trict No. 122. Marion County, " Oreson. ADDRESS: Route I. Box ITS Salem. Oregon July S. S. IS. ADMrNISTKATOSI FINAL NOTICS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that RALPH BECKER, as administrator of the estate of Robert Becker; de ceased, has filed his Final Account as such, and by order of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Ore ion for the County of Marion, the 11th day of July. 1953. in the forenoon of said day has been fixed as the timet and the courtroom of said court has b en fixed as the place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate. - Dated and first published? 1 RALPH BECKER Administrator of the Estate of Robert Becker. Deceased. RHOTEN. RHOTEN tc SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Attorney i for Administrator 5a tern. Oregon. J. 4.ll.isj3,jly.x .300 Personal S12 Lost and Found LOST: Billfold with personal papers Sr money. Saturday nignt at Horse Show. Rt 1. Box 430. Dallas, Phona S-Jem 4-3492. FOJND: Looaeleai notebook 7."x5. Alphabetically filed. Containing names of logging firms and lumber yards. Apparently lost by heavy equipment salesman. The Oregea Statesman Want Ad Dept. Sit Poraonol ANYONE who saw of knows of per son who shot Brown and Black Airedale on or near Kiogwood Heights or West' Salem last Sun day afternoon, please call 3-7873. WILL NOT be responsible for any debts other than any own after juiy ist. imora smaeL WE'RE looking for the oldest wed ding g-owns in Salem to be mod eled on ' the Elsinore stage Thurs day. July 9th. in conjunction with "Dream-wife." We also need sev tat lovely young women to model these gowns. Please call Mr. Jones at the Capitol Theatre. 3-5050. We want to present a cavalcade of wtdding gowns and we need your help in obtaining the gowns. MBS. JEAN. Psychic reader tells your past, present, future. Can help overcome all obstacle that keep you from success, health and happinesa. Tip Top MoteL $580 S. Commercial Hy. SvE Apt. 7. SECURITY DKrECTlVE Agency Pri vata Invest! e-ati an. 13S Pacific Bldg Phono 4-224S i : ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group N L 208$ N. Commercial. Pbone 2-94 IS or 3-4537. P. O Boa 724. 400 Agriculture SHEEP pasture for rent, Ph. 3-1064. 402 LWostock " 4 ARABIAN yearling filly , with papers or will trade for hay. 3290 Fisher Rd. LARGE 10 month Guernsey calf from good stock. WUl take shal low wall pump as part payment. I35S Holgate. Keiter. LOCKER BEEF. Hereford. 24c; locker , pork 45c. Nothing down, S months to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co. 1323 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858. FOR SALE: 3 year old Jersey Heif ar coming fresh with second calf any day. Good eating milker. Price $130. L. D. Rains. 4053 Monroe Ave. Phone 3-3001. I' BRED GILTS. Yorkshires. $73 each. R. W. Hayden. - Rt. 3. Box 797. Phone 4-4231. FCn SALE. Guernsey-heifer calf, 3' munths old. good milk stock $45. Phone 3-1285. , FSAANNAN'milk aoats. Turn West t.t 5495 N. River Rd.. 1st hou,e on Ieft. LOST: 3 Hereford calves, age 9 months. Brockled faced. Contact Jim Pyeatt. 3-010D day,2:3242 eves, SltETllANl3pT5NY7bUck and white mare. Be S years old in Nov. Would like trade lor milk cow or sale. Brooks, Route 1, Box 223, 1 -nile E and 1 mile N. of Brooks. 5NE Durham cow in excellent shape with one S weeks old Holstein bull calf, both for tlTS.' Call 4-4S82 FSR SALE. year old sorrel saddle horse, $75. Also saddle, bridle, etc. f'a!l 3-4031. fesrsxcE: 3 y ear old mule, or trade for gentle cultivatine horse. PSone 3-1231. Cervals, Rt. 1 Box 129. bonded Livestock buyer, e.' d. MrCandWsh. 1127 S. 28th. Ph. S-8147 BONDED Livestock Buyer. A. F Sammer. IMS Harmony Dr. Ph 4-2817. BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards. Rt 3, Box 899 Ph, 4-1113 DCENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. 1. Snethen. 1SS Kenwood Ave. Phone 1-134S. LOCKER BEEF. Whiteface Hereford. 28c: locker pork 33c. Nothing down. s months to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co. 132S S. 35th. Ph. 3-4851. 404 Poultry and Rabbits YOUNG HENS for freezer or locker. ' SI JO each. Phone 2-2127, 420 Boone Rd. Clrd. Fryers. Ph. 4-1090. FRYERS. Rhode Island Reds. Ph. 3-S429, Jennings 21 ARBOR ACRES White Rock pul lets. 7 month oid, now laying. $0, si.is eacn. rnona 2-1107. CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any kind!. Ph. 4-342S. NeweU's Poultry Plant Kill $ days a week, Rt 5, Box 109, Salem. RaSBITS wanted, any size and quan tity. Also purebred breeding stock for sale. Ph. 2-7107. GOLDEN BROAD and New Hamp shire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Fox Hatchery. 3330 State St Phone 3-4969. 408 Pots CHOICE Persian kattens. 468 N18th. THOROUGHBRED red-orange Pom eranian, full grown, weight one pound. Descendant from "money dojC world's greatest "pom". 713 1 airview, uallai. I BLACK male cocker puppy. ? week 01a. sio. Phone 3-BJ03. CANARIES. Closing out. Mrs. Geo. Slack. 1459 Hlcfcory. Phona 2-0743. REGISTERED Boston Terrier pups'. 2015 N. Commercial. PUKeBREED" black Cocker female, 8 months old. $7.50. Phone 4-4778. PUREBRED Springer Spaniel pups, also mother dog, 740 Highland Ave. rn. zt8ZB. CANARIES, parakeets, call evenings. Powers. 735 Bellevue St. Ph. 4-15C7. MOORE'S TROPICAL FISH, equip ment Goldfish, Parakeets. 2 miles from Lancaster on Macleay Road. 18. -3773. cioapd on Wednesdays. Hollywood aquarium, isss Mc. Coy. 1 block east of N. Capitol, l'i blocks north of Madison. Ph. 2-6897. 410 ScU and Plants LARGE Pelargonium 75c each. Af rican Violet Headquarters. Oppen's Greenhouse. 4330 Auburn Rd. CABBAGE PLANTS, $1-25 per hun dred. Pansy plants 5c each. Bloom ing fushia and begonia hanging bankets. $2.50 de up. Silke Green- nouse. Rt. 6, Box 80". CHOICE fuchsias ; and begonias and strawberries U-pick. Anna Clag- gett,217SChemawa Rd. LAST chance to get choice tuberous begonias at this price. 25c each. $2.73 . doz. all colors. Claggett's Greenhouse, 4'i miles North of Salem on Wallace Road, turn right at toot fl orioge in west Salem GERANIUMS. Fuchsias, five for $1 xuoerous oegonias, lor si. inese are not seediinge. Fuchsia hanging baskets, $2. Merrills Greenhouse, Brook. BLACK'S Gardens are building to ward Salem's biggest perennial col lection. Special ties Chrysanthe mums, iris, delphiniums, geraniums, lup nes, airtilbes. 2270 Che maw a Rd, Phone 2-4250. 412 Fruit and Farm Prodi uce U-PICK strawberries. 10c. Good picking, i miles East of Keizer School. Robert Austin 5245 Ridge Dr. i . HAY for sale in field. Baled or loose. 4-.116S. 4 YOU PICK strawberries. 8c lb. f, E. Whelsn de Son. Rt 2, Box 211. STRAWBERRIESTTupick. lc. l'i Ml. West of Keizer School. End of road. ; U-PICK strawberries. Lots of good berries, la mi. E. of N. Howell .School toward Mt. Angel. Fri. ic Sat only. Robert Huston. Rt 1. Box 111, Brooks. ; ... ; U-PICK berries.' Vic WilUamsonT East Totem Pole, follow signs. U-PICK MarshSll strawberries. 10c tb. Bring containers. Fred McCall,-' X 316 mile N.W. Keizer school on pavement Phone 4-1917. STRAWBERRXES,i you pick Sc. Large Berries. . Phone 4-1223. BASPBElwlESrbne mile East of Keizer. 4S4S Claxter Rd. DO YOUljRIVK aU over the country nunting for th best fruit and. veg etables for caanins or freczingf Come out or call us. We have them ' ail when in-, season at farmer's prices. Phillip Bros, arm -Market, 5590 Portland Rd. Phone 2-4512. MARSHALL strawberries. . U-pCkT lac L. E. Stettler. first place South . Chemawa Indian School. Corner of Bnowom Drive and Keizer Rd. U-PICK strawberries7i lOeTb- Ph. 4-5177. 36S S. Lancaster. 400 ! Agriculture 412 Fruit and Farm Produco YOU PICK , STRAWBERRIES, 10c LB. ' BRING CONTAINERS FIELD OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT j SATURDAY. Also NEED PICKERS. WE HAVE LOTS OF BERRIES IN FIELD. PLEASE CALL 4-2S89 MORNING OR EVE NING. GO OUT CHERRY AVE. TO ALDER ST.. TURN RIGHT TO BROOKS ST. TURN LEFT TO FIELD. LOOK FOR SIGN, ONLY ONE MTJLE OUT OF CITY LIMITS. ' I HARTMANj STRAWBERRIES. U-pick. 10c. 1 mile beyondr Middlegrove School on Sil verman Highway. E. D. Bartruff, Kt. Box 150. Phone 2-2303, FOR SALE, good oats and vetch bay. You harvest. L. B. Van Dyke. Ph. 4-4331. Rt, 5, Box 440. Across from Macleay Store. You Pick Strawberries 8c Good picking, bring containers, A. P. Williamson Farm. RL S. Box 240. Phone 4-4074. GOOD YOU PICK Marshall straw -berries, 10c lb. Clarence ZielinskL Rt. 6 Box 233. Phone 4-1022. . U-PICK. Delicious fine quality strawberries at the Alvtn Van Cleave Farms at 10c lb. l',i mile E. of Totem Pole, 'i mile N. on ' Van Cleave Rd. Follow signs. Phone 2-5165. 5aTSAND vetch tay. $20 ton. Ill mow. You bale. Lester De Langh. 4070 Claxter Dd. Phone 2-6651. STRAWBERRIES. U-Pick. East from Keizer school to Claxter Road then South V mile to Dixon St. Oscar Noren. Phone 43932. fJUPICKMarshalls. 10cTR. A. Fied ler. Satter Drive. mile North of SUverton Rd. on Lancaster. See CPICK strawberries. 10c lb. Frank Tjney, 1390 Harmony Drive, l4 miles N. E. Keizer. Ph. 4-2972 fOU PICK 10c. Woods field 2 miles west of Keizer School on blacktop road, 2nd field off road. Field closed 5 o'clock. No Sunday. Ph. 2-7895. 1 UP'CK. 10c a lb. l'i mile North of underpass. Friendly Farm. 425 Auction Sales AUCTION Big Furniture Auction tonight 7:30 p.m. Lots of good used furniture and misc. East Salem Auction 1225 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-.1B71 SUDTELL'S AUCTION Thurs., Julv 2 3915 Silverton Rd. Phone 36098 10 A. M. Misc., and some furniture. 1 P.M. Livestock, chickens, rabbits, geese, etc., calves and veal. 4 sows, open. 25 weaner and feeder pigs, 3 150-lb. pigs, heifers, bulls, steers, milk and beef cows, sheep. Live stock sold by the lb. or head. Come A good tale to buv or sell. lane surrrrLL's auction SALES YARD SO 'Merchandise 451 Machinery qnd Tools T-20 WIDE gauge tracks. Phone 4 4339, Rt. No. 4 Box 262. Salem. ' 455 Hsehold For Sal CHROME set. gas range 9x12 rug. roll-a-wy bed, twin beds, electric range, dining set; record cabinet. zero Portland Rd. DAVENO in good condition. $35. 3480 Market at., saiem, rerftn. 3 PC. BEDROOM teV complete, springs and mattress. 3-7397. 1470 Market WESWNGHOUSE electric ranee. $35. 37S Fairviaw Ave. CaU after p.m FURNITUHE from 12 apts. cheap. IW S. 13tn. Ftione 3-82Z3. S TC mahogany bedroom set Also office desk. Phone 3-9342 18 CU. FT. Upright Home Freezer, cabinet slightly damaged In ship ment Big discount. See at Good Housekeeping ; Inc. 487 Court St 456Wantai. Hsohold Goods mm eaaBassaamaMa WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Vallev Furn. Co. 2-7472 CAaH TODAY Good used furniture or win sell on consignment Ph. 3-6098 Sudtell's Auction. saisiB;.MiiiB IC 'J3tt 458 Buildlnq Matarlala Remodel, Repair, Now Save your cash for a rainy day. No .down payment 36 months to pay. Epping Lumber Co. i. iuii nu. ; . iiun. Open all day Saturdays BUILDING? Nails, carload supply ....$ 9.7$ No. 1 Painted cedar shakes' with undercourse 4 Cedar shake. No. 1. clear New rhake-molding per ft New asbestos siding ... New 4 x plaster board 3 tab comp. roofing 1st quality .$ 6.95 Roll roofing with nails S 2.25 Bldg. paper. 3 kinds $ 2.75 4" solid orange-burg sewer pipe $ .38 New 4" soil pipe $ .70 All sizes galvanized pipe SPECIAL 900 gaL Steel septic tanks $62.50 Nw Aluminum; Garage Doors $45.00 "Steel Garage Doors ., $55.00 New St used fuel tanks CHEAP Colored bath sets, complete BARGAIN Toilets, wash banns, bath tubs, kitchen sinks, water heaters CHEAP New shower cabinets .. $43.00 New Picture windows, lge. stock $ $.00 Weatherstrippedt windows $14.20 New "" doors' S 9.50 New fir door lams : S2.50 Water proofeS wall board 4xS $ 1.75 New Grade A screen doors $8.95 Outside white paint per gaL 4 2.35 Interior, Exterior plywood . , i ! LOWEST PRICE No. I cedar shingles - S $ 25 No. 2 cedar shingles , S S.OS Ooose insulation, per bag S 1.00 Overhead Garage Hardware -$13 JS , it ft LONG SONS A Ph 4-5051 . 1 mt N. of Reiser m PLYWOOD Any : sice.1 amy kind. Fir and hard wood, rough ir sanded. See our sto-rfe. you'll ta surprised at the variety and low prices. "Your Building Supply Friends" Portland Road Lumber fYard OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 354 S. Portland Rd. 4-4433 M0.75 $ 7.00 .10 .$ 9.50 S 1.40 5 ' v 450 Merchandise 458 Buildlnq Materials Metal Permanent. Wo Upkeep. Free esti- mates. 36 mot, : to pay. ' B or km an Lbr. & Hdwr. Phona 3-3701. 2460 state st BUILDERS SPECIAL 1x3 sh'plap. $30-33 per M. 2 Inch lumber $23 per M. This is all good new lumber. Some lumber at $13 per id. 2-2042. 460 Musical Instruxnaints WANTED: Player piano 3-5987 bc tween 3:00 and--4r00. m '" 't DRESSED FR YERSTt"; " locker wrapped. Average weight 3 lbs. 80c lb. LeRud's. Phone 4-3073 eve. 590 Chemawa Rd. - 6TfL Y Story and Clark-Pianoe have mahogany sounding boards. Will not split, warp or crack stays in tune 7$' better. The Music Cen-te-,470 K. Capitol. Phone 2-8371. ViE W nd used ptanoa. For' a better buy.- WUtacy Musie House, I860 State. 462 Sports -xrulp-aomt McKay Isn't The Only 1 One! Old give-away Taylor is at It again t FREE One ($3.50) kida Life Jacket Must be a little kid as this is a little Jacket. Ater 8 a.m. COMBINATION 14 $" Kelly boat Beaver Trailer, IS h.p. Seott-At-water Outb'd. Motor trolls, and rung Kke ai Bee-stung Bulldog. Cost 1873 JO. Now i, price. 5li HP. Cris Craft Outb'd. Like new, Only $129.50. S H.P, Johnson. Neutral clutch. $139.50. Free. .3 dog. of our oyster fed nite crawlers to first three people in after S an. HP, Sears Elgin. Make offer. Many other cheapies. Water skiis 25 off list. Surfboards. Burchcraft. Glasspar. Bryant Ken craft boats. AU new Johnson motors In stock. Free-Kne boat cushion ($3.93) to first person la after I. Also choice of 8 (25c each) flash lure to first one In after S. Winners of last week are not eligi ble, and one prize per person. Sr.tl. OR THilil A XIV BhlTtJ TRAILER OR OUTBOARD, TALK TO US AT THE BOAT HOUSE. We probably cant get together hut we can have lots of fun argu ing; SALEM - BOAT f HOUSE 1"0 CHEMEKETA PH 3-9303 ROW boat for sale. Phone 43308 14' FOT BOAt V traUeTTncfoo condition. Phone 24&23. 12 ft. boat. Year oid. ggn. 92s So, 21st Phone 3-3885 . after 50. ' MATCHED Stf of Spauldlng tour nament model, woods and irons, nd bag boy. Phone 3-3626. $100, 7 Is H.P. MARTIN outboard motor. Like new. $135. Anderson's Sport- ine; Goods. 167 N. 'Commercial -St. GARDEN tractor, plow, cultivator. 2i h.p. outboard motors. 250 watt liaht . plant complete for trailer house, small gas engine,, reason able. Phone 2-6837. 1943 S. 12th. CAMP1T7G trailer, stands 6 ft. high, collapsible, 3 bads, sink, heater, table, lights, stove. $350. 3713 Hul sev; Aye. j boat repair. Ro-Hi Boat Shop. 1885 Birchwood. 3-8904, 3-3722. BOAT for f5 tl rh'rtm f-VlTft wiui oars and accessories. Car too carrier. In good condition. A. R. nnuiwj w liner WANTED GOOD outboard motor 7,a; HP or larger. Will trade $70.00 Autd Radio Practically Brand Newt Call 3-8311 464 BlcycU FORi SALE. Girls' bike 38 inch, in food condition. Phone 3-0285. FOR SALE. ManTEicycU, $20. Phone 3-3213. tr 468 Trad, Miacellaneoua FOR. SALE or trade, for cows or young stock. 1947 ' ton Interns- tional pick-up. Good condition. M. F. Webb, Turner, Oregon. Phone 2SX3. 468 Tor Rant Miscellaneous RENT or buy. AU types electrical or hand tools, garden tractors, spray- ; era. Howser Bros.. 1185 S. 12th. V DRIVE" TRUCK3 FOR RENT. Blankets furn. 1201 State. Ph. 2-002 FOR' RENT or lease, lge. warehouse space cement floors, brick bid down Mown. Inquire H. L. Sti, rura. a-sisa. 470 For Sal. MUcllcmous ROUND OAK Table, pedestal base $4.00. Some fine old arm chairs 5.00 to 10.00. Davenports 10.00. Imported Tapestry (Imported from Silverton That Is) $1.50. Never have U been in a store with so much plunder. Visit the Bargain Barn, 4 mi. N. Salem on 99E. TABLE TOP 1 4 burner gas range. $33. 950 N. 14th t. ; HEADERS. 49 Forfl complete set Phone 2-1850. RECORD CABINTr mahogany $13J5u. Glenn Woodrys, 1005 N. Summer. SEWING MACHINE ROUND bobbin. Singer treadle ma chine, $9.50. Sears Roebuck ft Co. aau in. capitoi. f.none 3-9191. 6 YfAR crib, like new, price. 60? NJ 1 stSt. Silverton, Oregon. CLOSE OUT fife screens, brass or black curtain type. Only $12.95. menu wooorys. PAINT $1.99 gaL Bargain Barn. NEW Blopde S Pc. Dining Set. A Beeuty save over $100. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 270 S. Liberty St. - Phone 4-6371 BETTER BUYS Glenn Woodrys. REFRIGERATORS Come in and make us an offer. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St. - Phone 4-63 NEW Underwood Portable typewrr irrit- er: Call Z-OG32. Large assortment of occ. tables, new & used from $2.50 up. Glenn V f -dry. 1605 N.. Summer. PA $1.99 gal. By-gain Barn. ecial . Singer vacuum clesner completely .-.- itioned. Kevoiving orusn. s spe switch. When riew tbe Sing er . icuum sold for $79.50. Now oiilv $14.75. Singer Sewing Center, 0 N. Com'l St. STA( EY home products. Lee Mindt. Madison. Ph 3-4056. I METAL BEDS $3.50 St up. Glenn Woodrys. PAlNT $1.99 gal. Bargain Barn. 5 MAN black rubber boat one 18ft row bait, one Frigidaire refriger ator, oak breakfast table and) 4 . chairs. Duo-Therm oil heater with forced air. one John Deere tractor, L.: A. Model, with plow 'and culti vator. 2180 ' Chemawa Rd, KIDNEY- ANITY $8 50. Glenn Woo. ALMOST NEW Easy Spin-Dry Washer. Reasonable. 1115 Ever- ,ecn Ave. SMITH -CORONA adding machine and cash register. Phone 3-3825. . SIMMONS-HIDE-A-BED, full size. green friere. Phone 3-1843. PAINT $1.99 gal. Bargain Barn. DTnETTE TABLES 5.95. BariaTn Barn. 4 ml. N.iE. ELECTRIC train. 48x102" board with mountains, bldgs. St scenery. 2400 Chemawa Rd. ' Try Thi9 for Saving , 20 .000. foot insulated and bare house wire. Sizes No. 13 to 4. 2e a ft.' to 3c a foot Will last a short time only. Capitol Bargain House, 143 Center St HOT PLATE. 3 speed chrome "' top. S2.75. Glees Woodrys. 1403 N. Summer. ! ... T -- . . , , ....... .... 450 Merchandise 470 For . Solo; Miaceillanexyua THOR SPTNNER automatic wash ers, like anew 4 only, at 79.5 Each. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Phone 3-431L D"EEPTREEZEhornefreezers, Ye,U er ApUance. 373 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. - 1PAIMT $19 i:al. Bargain Barn. KNEEHOLE DESK" asC Bafgali Barn. 99 S N. 4 mt. tSZEP-FREEZER. 18 cu. rt upHght. lec.. stove, refrig.. washmg ma chine and misc. furnishing, will' . sacrifice. Owner leaving city. Ph. RADIO COMB, beautiful tone $4B.M. G-enn Wpodryi. 1005 N. Summer. urganic 4 Fertilizer I Free of i weed ' seeds and odorless. Sack and bulk orders delivered. rnone 3-81Z7. USED electric "ranaes Hi ll L u. Yeater Appliance. 378 Chemeketa. ' Phone!-431L pAiNTil.W garaTjrTinaT---NOT much of a poet and we knowet ot the best buys yet on tbat U can bet, come out Jk mark, us showet-Bargain Barn 4 mi. N. Salem on 99E. Diamonds & Jewelry at coat plus lOaj. Cat! er write W. C. M"ctofU. " Hillyard. Sugenel Ot. 5-6557. - 1 GOOD used wood ranges, fid each. Used ref rtgeratorr $49.50 dr up. ' Used washers $943 up. Yeater Apptance. 373 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. . , 1 NICE bRdP leai kitchen t.bU 7.0. Glenn Woodrys. 1603 W. Summer. HUSKY red cedar fence posts, t -foot 80e each. Ph. 38F4." Independence ; NEEDED, old sewing machinesnTp 'm $50 or more for your old sewing ' machine on a new free Westing house sewing machine with a 40 Z warranty. Yeater AppUance Co., 373CemeketaSt. fX99gal. Bargal7rn. " ' 300 BED SPRINGES IM upTBargain Top Soil v River silt fill fill dirt, prompt delivery., "lull. 1.1 74 PAINTJI.99 gat Bargain Barn. DQtClTciIEST''Draweis'SJWrai gain Barn 99E N. of Salem. , TOO LTri N f A LrUFlX-rr. Corir""f North Commercial aad Columbia. 4-526. . tiOOD seed poUloea. Netted Gems! Plant anytime, now to July. SS.SO . per 100. Phillips Bros, Rt S, Box Nt93,-Lnt t Coroers ea Stat St. Ph 4-3061. ' , BOOKCASE WRl flNe flask Combin ation. kinds unusual. Kinds cheap ,. Bargain Barn 4 mt- N - Salem, 99E. Lowest Prices in th State. . iR'OLLS tan brick composition aid-ing.- new S3J0 roll, M. F. Webb Turner, Oregon. Phone 26X$. DOUBLE garage xdoors. t pr.5ifl: Portland Rd. NEW 9x12 Wool Rugs. 4 color;"Rag 45 00 value for lust 29J3. Bargaii Barn 99E N. 4 ml. - i OOD refrigerator, beds, mattresMS box springs, drcsaar. rug. ; Phons 4-1700. I 1 WaTCHaYAKIMAbouTI When you can get a deal like, this, , $50 wiU get you this $453 Ace An, -, tomatic Shoeshine Machine. 71J Falrvew. Dallas. " RTSiNkS 3T0O. Bargain Barn X YOUTH bed and mattress. Good con dition. 781 N. Wintei;. - PRECAST reinforced, conerata 1 sep tic tanks, state approved. : .OREGON GRAVEL CO. ' 1405 N. Front St. Phone 3-3411 ELEC.' clothes dryer only SSjiiTl - only. Yeatei Appliance Co., 371 Chemekta St - . ELECTROLUX VAC; Cleaner. "TiCS nev 43.00, Why par 109.00? Bar gain Barn 4 mi. N. Salem 99E. PIANO BOXES Salem Muaui 1 Co,ili So. High. Ph. 2-8718. CHARRIS foundation gir lies, bra. For appointment Ph. 3-atlL . Marl 1 E. Bales. ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodrys. Ph. '3-5110. PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing Mf'TMir floors or unoieum. Yoatet Appliance Co. 371 Chemeketa. Ph. .1-4311 BEST BUYS by barn R at tha Bar gain Barn. This is no Yarn. 991 N. Salem 4 mi. Vacuum ' cleaHerS T" Rebuilt Electrolux 19.95 Sears Roe buck & Co. 550 N. Capitol. Phone - 3-9191. . - ' I - VEftY NICE $ pc. nice wal. dine tie set $49.95. Glenn Woodrys, 1605 . N. Summer. : I ' Crashed Rock FOR roads St driveway Cement Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand ' Bulldozing drainage and ditching yd. ihwl St drsg line. Phons .'-29. ' Walling Sand & Gravel Co. -.: h NEW PLASTIC Hose 2.95. Bargain Barn. 99E N. Salem. 1 $30 ALLOWED for your old watet heater regardless of condition of make, on- a new Westinghouss automatic electric water healer, with a ten year guarantee. Yeatet Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Phone 34311. " 1 1 . ! 5xf2 AXMINSTER. rug, beautiful .-4 4 . - eXt'T SLA 7-1. .iSa j fait. i.ers us, rm j . fgi yu, KMiwtin VT OOQ" A ry. r vvtt erttiru aa eea nai 1 1 r 1 REDUCED $1 A DAY UNTIL SOLD. "VOUNCSTOWN DISHWASHER Starting price June 16 S299.9S . ' July 3 $169.9$ - J Keith Brown Lbr. Yard front and Court Phone 3-9111 , We give S. 81 H. Green Stamps CAMP MATTRESS 2.75. Reefy good Saely 18.00. Bargain Barn 4 mt ;N. Salem 99 E. I CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for tables, furniture, railings. 114$ iN. IJherty. - CHROME dinette seta. Urge S-Tr SO". No mar. back chair with thick -est. Very deluxe only 899.93. Glenn Woodry's, 1601 N". Summer 472 WanisxL Miscall cmaous 24 FT. LOGS WANTED Premium price paid for 24 fti No. s 4c No. a grade second growth fir. WEST SALEM LBR. CO. 1650 Wallace Rd. Salem Phone 4-3381 days - 4-1784 eves. : . i L474 Mlscllanous - . I uentar nate itepair rwrt-imin r vr e rv unrr ! CASES r. ' Bring or mail your Plates for Repair. - DR. i HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg Sate Se Com. Ph. 8-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sale . or rent Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. S-flM. m rued - - 1 Is" ' OLD ftr eeneer cores. Elmer1 Pole. 2025 g. 12th. Phone 3-9453. : ANDERSON'S hand picked slabwoodj : 4 cord $14. Phone 2-7751 or 4-475V Highway Fuel Co. i. Clean' sawduet, wood, green or 'dry; Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-4444. Capital Itbr. Fuel Co. Pickup your Presto logs. Brlouets as ' wood. ,198.8. Commercial St j Ph. ' ! Sprinj; Special I MULCH SAWDUST AND FERTI LIZER IMMEDIATE DELIVEKY BLOCKWOOD. 18" CLEAN. , West Salem Fuel Col. 'WFtt $,. JAIt- aleSaas- MlfVWaivVS a., ST US e)IW ' 1: i.. '. '