The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 22, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' ''.:."-';s ' Y-:. V r- ' ,v ? -
Middies9 Boat
i:- -- S -N .
SYRACUSE. N. Y. Navy! varsity
gatta en Onandaga Lake Saturday. Cornell, (left foreground) nosed out Washington (center back
ground) In a tight finish for
" Rusty Callow's Olympic oarsmen
CAP Wlrephoto to The Statesman.)
7- 1
Ennilfiim9 Annimg
With Jerry Stone
!Press of his food-dispensing business doesn't allow Walt ( Jun
ior );Cline much time these days for what was once his obsession
golL-But occasionally Walt does manage to whack nine holes and
does, he retain the magic touch?
Welt if scores tell the story (nd
what else would), the guy still
has plenty left Or would you call
a couple of 31's and a 32 shot on
recent nine-hole tours strictly
stuff for the duffers ... As a
footnote, might add that the rec
ord t SGC is 30 . . .
Bill Reeder, former WU Little
All America end, has quit his
football coaching job at Rosebiurg
and currently is in these parts
looking for a situation. Bill
.hasn't yet made up his mind
"whether hell drop coaching jfor
keeps. Is open to offers, however
. . Note that Bob Warren, j an
other ex-Bearcat gridder, has' ac
cepted a coaching post in the
Albany Junior High system 4 . .
"Salem resident Bob Clausen, just returned from a trip to the
Midwest, reports that Milwaukee has gone absolutely ga-ga over
heKBraves. The white hot interest isn't confined to Milwaukee,
however. Bob adds that it has spilled over the Illinois line and that
even Chicago itself has some rabid Braves rooters ... So worship
ful have Milwaukee fans become that Braves players have a heck
of a time ridding themselves of their earnings. When they go to a
restaurant it's on the house, when they go to a suds joint it's free
passage, etc., etc, etc. ...
Winning Will Keep Love Affair Alive
: -Maybe the honeymoon will end for Milwaukee and her Braves
on some not-far-off day but right now it's a prosperity beautiful
to behold . . . Some skeptics say Milwaukee fans will tire of their
new toy when if s not so new. But all the Braves must do to fore
stall that possibility is to win and keep winning . . .
t The athletic program sponsored jointly by the Churches
and YMCA each year touches a surprisingly large number of
people. Last winter's basketball program involved some 600,
counting players and coaches . . . The just-ended softball por
tion of the agenda had some 250 participants . . . It's a fine
recreational outlet for many that otherwise wouldn't have any
opportunity U give vent to their competitive urges . . .
The O'Brien twins of hoop fame, Johnny and Eddie, haven't
Just been sitting the bench for the Pittsburgh Buccos. The guys
have started a number of games, Johnny seeing both infield and
outfield duty and Eddie holding down second base . . . Eddie in
fact led the Pirate attack in a recent contest with a double and
pair of singles . . . It's a slow process for most, this wrapping your
mitts around a regular job in the majors. The O'Briens are by no
means first-year sensations, but they have lots of time to try to
make their names as synonymous with baseball as they were with
basketball ...
It sticks in the mind that there seem to be more errors
around the baseball scene this season than has been the case
for a long while. True of the Big Leagues, too. And maybe the
reason for the Impression is because lots of the miscues have
been conspicuous and game-losing ones . . . Well, maybe it's
the Atom Bomb. They're blaming everything else, including the
weather, on it . . .
Handwriting on Wall for Hutch
In two games the Red Sox pulverized the doddering Detroits
with 40 runs and 44 hits. That should hasten Manager Freddie
Hutchinson's efforts to line up another position for next year in
spite of Detroit Owner Spike Briggs assurance that no can will be
tied to Freddie's tail It's contrary to all major league propriety,
losing ball games like the once-proud Tigers are losing 'em. It's
just Hutchinson's ill luck that circumstances put him at the helm
of such an outfit The man at the helm is THE target even if it's
the guys in the hold that are smelling up the joint ....
The. Salem Exchange Club recently voted to continue spon
sorship of the State B Hoop Tourney, an event they've backed
for the past three years. Fine and dandy! And the thousand
backs net the organization reports was received from the '53
show should solidify Salem's chances of keeping the event ...
.Or Johnny Mize just picked up his 2,000th base bit in the
majors and, you know, Big John still could get in there every day
and: hit 40 homers and rap somewhere around .330 for the season
IFUt weren't for his legs. You're only as good as your stems and
Mire's aren't what they used to be . . .
It was said of Babe Ruth, that he could have murdered the
pitchers at the age of 50 if those pipe-stem underpins of his
had been willing. Often the eye and the power remain but
they have nothing to ride on . . .
Lawmaker Westland, 'Crooner'
Among Choices for Walker Tea
NEW YORK If) A 48-year-old
congressman who won the U. S.
Amateur golf ; championship be
tween campaign speeches, a 23-year-old
Navy Airman and a 29-year-old
night club singer provide
the! extremes of the 10-man golf
team chosen Saturday to defend
the; Walker Cup against Britain
next, September. . ;
Today's Pilchers
r 2T
at Chic go Ermkine (5-3) vs. Hack
er 8-10 . Pittsburg at St. Louis
(night) Linden, (3-8) -rs. State? lft-3).
J&BaCAX LXAGUX Cleveland
t Washington J Lemon -) and
TeHer (2-iT vs. ftchfits (1-1) and Masteries-'
(S-S). Only games.
Wins Annual Rowing Classic
T -V
crew wins the 51st annual Intercollegiate Rowing Association Re
second. In background left finishing fourth is 'Colombia u. coach
from Annapolis were clocked in
StiU Has the Old Magic
Congressman Jack Westland of
Everett, Wash., became an "auto
matic" choice for the 1953 Walker
Cup team last fall when he won the
amateur championship at 47- the
oldest man ever to win that title.
Others to whom Invitations were
issued by the executive committee
of the United States Golf Associa
tion were Gene Littler, young Navy
man from San Diego, Calif.; croon
er Don Cherry of New York and
Wichita Falls, Text Bill Campbell
of Huntington. W. Va, Dick Chap
man of Pinehurst N. C; Charley
Coe of Oklahoma City; James G.
Jackson ofSt Louis; Sam Urzetta
of Rochester, N. Y., Ken Venturi
of San Francisco and Harvia Ward
of Atlanta. .
, A
15:29 610 for the three-mile race.
Stayton Club
Crushed 14-0
STAYTON (Special) -The fed
hot Salem Legion junior baseball
team made a mighty step toward
a successful defense of its dis
trict 2-A crown Sunday with a
14-0 triumph over Stayton that
clinched the first-half bunting
for the Capital City crew. It wi
the fifth Straight win for Coach
Vince Genua's lads as the inital
half of the schedule wound up.
Ed Warrenburg hurled all but
the last inning for the Salems.
yielding but three hits, fanning
five and walking one. Gary Pat
terson pitched, the seventh, gave
no blows and whiffed two of the
three men to face him.
Big First Inning
Salem onened with a han? tat
lying seven runs in the first
inning. Two walks dished up by
Stavton's Wavne Mintpn thro
errors and singles by Fred Bol
ton, Curt Jantze and Tom Pick
ens fashioned the big inning. A
double by Bolton was the key
waiiop as the winners scored
three more in the third i.rm
Springer tripled across Pickens
S . . m -
in uk iourtn lor another run
and the Salems finished up with
two in the fifth and one in the
Stavton's rhif throat os ma !n
the sixth when Don Olmstead
and Dave Neitling singled but
the two died on base.
Salem ODn. scrnnit half ni
next Wednesday evening in a
mix with Aumsville at Waters
Twine Pedprsnn r.n
bell, Bolton, Jantze and Pickens
all nicked un tvn hit ir, k
Sunday game.
Salem (14) , Stayton (0)
n T f A n.. 1W M 4k k at
j 4 acta" ?; i'i
't, I 2 2 2 Wal i
Jan ze if S Son vri.t . a n
M ww u e. v w s
PUy 0 11 Waters el Mt
ilc. u tar rf 3 0 3 0
Spri 3b 3 1 0 2 Stev 3b. 1 0 S 3
LubV f 3 O S 1 nnroa 1 1 A ft A
War p 4 1 0 3 Hum' 3b 2 0 0 0
lire rf z 1 o o Wei' If 1 0 1
New lb 1 0 3 0 Whe' cf 0 0 0 0
Pin r 1 O 3 n Tntil M 141 a
Smi' 3b 1 0 0 0
Total 37 13 21 9
Salem 703 120 114 13 2
Stavton nnn ono n n Tin
Pitching Ip AbHRErSo Bb
V 117. i. V m M m n A m m
Patterson 1 4 00 0 S 0
Minten 7 37 13 14 8 S S
M in ten 7 37 1
wd unntn n.ib Yxr. i
PB Waters. Errors Burnser 4. Neit-
linff X. Waters!. SrrHnrm-
OlsTntead. Pickens. 3 BH Springer.
2BH Bolton. RBI Bolton 2. Jantze
9 Pamnk.ll C? 4
Gregg. DP Warrenburg to Luby to
a ivaiCtM
Legion Victory
For Aumsville
AUMSVILLE (Special)-Aums-
ville cut short an Oregon City
rally in the final inning Sunday
for a 9-7 victory in a district 2-A
Legion junior game that wound
up the first hall It left Attms
ville and Oregon City both with
3-2 marks.
Ken Keudell went the nifrhinff
route for the winners and Bill
Brown's triple and double led
the Aumsville attack.
Orego City 100 020 47 10 4
Aumsville ...304 002 x9 10 3
Mcintosh and Hardin ?r Keu.
dell and Speer.
Deally Livin'
Mrst game.
Salem (9) Lewiston (3)
, B H O A Heist" m 9 2 4 0
Sab' 2b 2 1 4 2 Was' If 4 0 1 0
Tan' ss S 2 0 4 Garary e 4 1 S 0
Smi 3b 4 0 2 1 Barton 1 3 1 S
Peres If 4 2 3 Rich 3b S 0 S
Deye m S 0 3 0 WiT rf 4 2 10
Clar lb S 17 0 Tuck 2b 1 0 S 2
Wither r 4 2 2 ft Bergen. 4 1 2
Mast' e S 3 7 O Carter p 2 0 0 1
Hemp p 1 t 0 Will's a 1 0 0 0
Borst p 4 10 0 Total 31 27 10
Total 3S 12 27 7
yf-lfbHPmhtd Slot
A Flied out for Carter In tth.
Salem : 001 Oil 060 12 1
Lewiston . 030 000 0003 S 1
Winning pitcher Borst.
Pitcher Ip AbHRErSoBb
Hwnphin 14 7 4 3 3 S
Borst 7), 34 SO O.S S
Carter IS 3 S 4
Hit by pitcher Witherspoon. Errors
Richardson. HR Wilson. Sabatni,
Perex. Two-Base Hits Witherspoon.
RBI Wilson 2. Heist, Sabatni. Borst.
Smith, - Perex 4. Sacrifice Carter.
Stolen Bases Richardson. Peres.
Witherspoon. Double Pays Smith to
Sabatini to Claroy. Richardson to
Tuckett to Barton. Time 4:04. Um
pires laier es Tubas.
Twice Sunday
- - ;. i
Spokane Next Stop
For Torrid Salems; t
Club Gets Ballard '
(Special) The red hot Salem
Senators continued their master
ful domination of the WI League
leading Lewiston Broncs Sunday
by taking both games of the
doubleheader here, 9-3 and 6-3.
Thus the .Senators swept all four
games of the series and climbed
to within one game of the front
running Broncs.
Salem is now tied with Van
couver for .second, place, and the
Edmonton ; Eskimos - have fallen
two games back of the Senators
and Caps. x
The doubleheader victory.
highlighted by a six-run inning
in the afternoon game, breaking
Salem Senators President
Bruce Williams' will today file
a protest with the Western In
ternational League President
Bob Brown concerning the num
ber of times the three Negro
players on the Senators club
have been hit by pitched balls
this season. For example, Con
nie Perez has been drilled by
enemy pitching seven times to
date, once In the head.
Tm convinced if s beyond
the accidental stage," Williams
said Sunday, "and I'm Inform
ing Brown Monday that from
here in the visiting dttbs come
to Salem at their own risk,
starting with Tri-City next Fri
day. Well give them some of
their own medicine from now
a 3-3 tie, and another three-run
blast in the . ninth inning of the
night game, also cracking a 3-3
tie, wasn't the only good news
for the sizzling Salems. Manager
Hugh Luby announced that the
Sacramento Solons were send
ing immediately via option First
baseman Jerry Ballard, the six
foot, six-inch giant the Senators
were after since the start of the
Clardy Ailing.
Ballard likely will join the
club .at Spokane, where a four
game series opens Monday night
He comes just in time, for Joe
Clardy is badly crippled up with
an ailing back and must go on
the disabled list
The Senators used the big in
ning to wreck the Broncs in all
four games. Sunday night it was
the ninth when Les Withers poon
singled,' Bob Nelson walked, win
ning pitcher Joe Nicholas sacri
ficed, Dick Sabatini singled to
center, Gene Tanseili flied out
and Milt Smith doubled off the
center field fence.
Nicholas' win was his seventh
and he beat Mannie Perez, ace on
the Bronc staff. Witherspoon had
three of the 10 hits off Perez.
Desperate for a win. Manager
Bill Brenner of the Broncs
caught the night game. He
socked a two-run double. He
usually pitches.
Berst in Hero Role.
In the first game Jack Hemp
hill was knocked from the box
in the second inning when Lew
iston scored all its runs, two on
a long homer by Artie Wilson
and the other on a walk, sacri
fice and single by Al Heist
Larry Borst was sent in to re
lieve Hemphill and pitched score
less ball, allowing two hits, the
next 7V4 innings. Borst was the
winner, his fourth victory.
Salem got a quick run in the
third off Don Carter when Dick
Sabatini homered over the left
field wall. The Senators got an
other in the fifth when Sabatini
walked, Gene Tanseili singled
and Sabatini scored as Milt Smith
was hitting into a double play.
Hugh Luby's clan tied it in the
sixth when Les Witherspoon was
hit by a pitched ball, went to sec
ond on Don Masterson's bunt-hit
stole third and scored when Borst
beat out a hit to shortstop.
Then in the eighth the Sena
tors walloped in six runs for the
ball game, -almost duplicating
their Saturday night feat of scor
ing eight times in the final inn
ing for the 8-1 win.
Connie Hits Slammer
Witherspoon started it by hit
ting a double. Ken Richardson let
Masterson's roller go through him
for an error and Borst fanned.
Then Sabatini walked, Tanseili
singled. Smith walked and Con
nie Perez lofted a grand slam
homer over the right field wall,
his fifth round tripper of the
Lefty Dave Dahle, who hurled
a 40 shutout over Yakima in his.
debut as a Senator last Thurs
day, will face the Spokanes Mon
I! Up How!
Second game:
Salem (S) Lewiston (31
Sabi 2 4 2 S 2 Heist m S 14 0
Tanll s S
Smi' 3 4
Perex 1 2
Deyo m 2
Clar 1 3
With r 4
Nels' e 3
1 2
4Wasley 14 2 6
S Came' r S 2 2 0
Barton 1 4 1 12 0
Rich' S 4 2 1 1
1 2
1 10 1 Wilson s 3 1 S 1
2 2 0 Bren' e 4 10 3
1 Tuckett 2 3 4 2 2
3 M Per D 2 ft 0 1
Nich p 3 M
32 10 27 18 , Will' a 10 0 0
Total 33 8 27 S
A Grounded out for M. Perex In
Salem 010 101 003 S 10 1
Lewiston 100 200 0003 S 1
Pitcher Ip AbHRErSoBb
Nicholas ft SS 3 3 - 3
SC. Perex ft 32 10 S ft ft ft
Hit by Pitcher Wilson. Passed
BaBs Nelson. Errors Sabatini, Rich-
ardsoa. Two Base Hits Nelson. 1
Smith. Heist. Cameron. Richardson.
Brenner. Rung Batted in Wither
spoon, Nelson. Clardy, Sabattni. Tan
seili. Smith, Cameron. Brenner 2.
Sacrifice Clardy. Deyo. Nichols.
Stolen Bases Tuckett. Time lO.
Umpires Yuhase s EUer. Att L1M.
ft Th Stcrfeamcm. Salem Oregon Monday, June 22, 1253
Phog Allen to Talk, Show Films . . .
Famous Jwlefiitos Quest
M Tonigh.' s'SIBC Stag
Dr. Forrest C (Phbs) Allen, noted basketball coach and author
ity from Kansas University, who
clinic at Eastern Washington College, is to be the guest of honor
tonight during the Salem Breakfast Club's stag dinner at the Chad-
wick farm east of the city.
The dinner is open to the mas
culine portion of the public and
will get under way at 6:30 o'clock.
The farm is located SV miles
due east traveling on State
Dr. Allen, for 43 years coach
at Kansas, will show movies , of
the Kansas-Washington game ! of
last March at Kansas City in the
NCAA ' finals. The Jayhawkers
won that clash by a 25-point mar
gin even though Washington was
pre-game favorite
The Jayhawkers last year won
the national championship and
this year finished second, after
losing a one-pointer, 69-68, to In
diana. Dr. Allen helped coach the
United States Olympic Games
team during the Helsinki classic
last year also.
Tonight's meeting will wind up
the Breakfast Club programs for
the season.
Chiefs Down
Spokes Twice
By The Associated Press
The hot Salem drive toward
the top of the Western Interna
tional League featured Sunday
action in the loop, but the We-
natchee Chiefs also made a gain
as they jumped to seventh place
with a pair of wins over Spokane
by 5-2 and 0-1 scores.
The double loss dropped Spo
kane into a tie for fifth with idle
Victoria. Yakima made a bid to
ward getting out of the cellar
with a 4-3 ten-inning win over the
Tri-City Braves.
No other games were sched
uled in the circuit Sunday.
Wena tehee 200 003 000 S 10 0
Spokane 00ft 002 0002 S 1
Oubre and BartomU; Romero. Cor
dell (S) and Sheets.
Wena tehee 310 002 1009 14 3
Spokane 000 001 000 S 14 3
DeCarolls and Bartobnei; New.
Romero (7), Osburn (9) and Sheets.
(10 Innings)
Yakima 000 001 011 14 12 1
Tri-City 011 000 010 03 9 0
Del Sarto. Rios (7) and Novlck;
Tanner, Robertson (7) and Pesut.
Protest Aimed
At WI Umpire
VICTORIA un Manager Bob
Sturgeon of the Edmonton Eski
mos in the Western International
Baseball League was on the pro
test trail Saturday.
The Eskimos lost a 2-1 decision
to the Victoria Tyees Friday night
and Sturgeon launched a protest
against Umpire John. Luksik.
First he protested the decision
of Luksik for not allowing pinch
hitter Bob Aprea sufficient time
to get in the hitter's box in the
seventh inning.
He also complained that the um
pire failed to inform the official
storekeeper that the remainder of
the game was being played under
Victoria pitcher Bui Prior threw
two strikes before Aprea got in
the box. He struck out with Ed
monton runners, on second, third,
and one out in the seventh.
Gonzales Nails
Pro Net Title
cho) Gonzales, 23-year-old Los An
geles star,- had too much youth
and power for J. Donald Budge of
Oakland, Calif., Sunday and whip
ped the 38-year-old . redhead 4-6.
6-4, 7-5, M to win the 1953 world
professional tennis championship.
Budge gave the 5-3 Gonzales a
much stiff er battle than was ex
pected, but weakened considerably
in the fourth set '
The top-seeded Gonzales receiv
ed about $1,600 in addition to the
trophy, while the third-seeded
Budge earned about $1,000 in the
week-long tournament
Tide Table
Tides for Taft, Oregon June. IS53
(compiled by U. S. Coast and Geo
detic Surrey. Portland. Oregon).
June. Tim Ht Tim Bt
22 :fJ9ajn. 3.7 .232 a.m. 0.3
i S M pjn. 6 J . ' 2 :12 pjn. 2.3
23 10:44 ajn. , 4.0 - 4.1S ejn. -O.l
. : ftO pjn.: .S : S4 pjn., 3,S
34 11:38 ajn. 4a v 4:58 ajn. -04
10.-01 pjn. SJ , 3:55 pjn. 2J
29 124 pjn, 4.4 ' r S39 ajn. -1.1
10:43 pjn. T4 4:42 pjn. 2 0
is now in the University for a case
Sets Mark
: 1
LINCOLN, Neb. Sam Ihess,
Southern California ace, wipes
off the discus he used when
he set a new world record at
the NCAA track and field tour
ney Saturday. Iness hurled the
platter 190 (AP Wire-
photo to The Statesman.)
Archers Hold
Monthly Meet
The Salem Jabberwalkie Arch
ery Club held its monthly shoot
at the organization's grounds
near Pringle School Sunday, with
Bob Norton taking top honors in
the men's division and Marge
Anglin the winner in the wo
men's category.
Jerry Crum was the top bow
man in the Junior division and
winner in the Pee-Wee group was
Jimmy Hoxsey. .
Chuck Anglin was second and
Bob Staley third, in the men's
division and Margaret Springer
and Dorcea Burnett were second
and third in the women's. '
Vernon Hill was second in the
Junior and Sue Anglin third,
Norman, Newberg nabbed run
nerup slot in the Pee-Wee de
partment and Steve Dawson was
Jefferson Junior Club
Topped by Fall Gty
FALLS CITY (Special) The
Falls City Junidr SUte League
team scored an 11-7 win over
Jefferson's lads here Sunday,
after which the Falls City Cuds
blanked the Jeff Cubs 5-0 on no-
hit pitching by Johnny VogeL
Jefferson 000 321 17 4' 6
Falls City 603 110 x 11 6 7
R. Phillips and R. Phillips:
Gilman, McFall and Friesen.
The surface of Venus cannot be
seen from the Earth because of
dense clouds.
National League
(Ten Innings!
Brooklyn . 10 001 000 02 S ft
Chicago 200 000 000 13 ft 1
Mil liken and Cam pencils; Church
and Caragiola. , s J
Pittsburgh , , .102 001 010 S 12 ft
St Louis lift 000 0002 ft 1
MiUer. Chambers (3) Brazle (7).
White (81 and D. Rice.
Philadelphia 300 010 010 S S 1
Cincinnati 020 000 0002 1ft ft
Konstanty and Lopata: Perkowakl,
fOng il), couura (a) ana semuucjc
Philadelphl 1" 002000 0013 8 2
Cincinnati 013 010 OOx ft ft
Rirzlk and Burgess; Bacsewskl and
New York li 111 100 100 S ft ft
Milwaukee 000 000 000 ft 2 ' S
Gomez - and Westrum: AntooelH,
Johnson (4), Jolly (7) and Crandall.
(Caned end of eighth' Inning be
cause ol darkness.)
New York . , 000 010 40 442 1
Milwaukee 200 000 04 S ft
Jansen. Wilhebn (8). Corwin (8)
snd Noble: Surkont Burdette (7),
Bickford (8) and Cooper.
Tat "' aC 1
Bombers Split
NEW. YORK 11 The New York
Yankees moved 11 games out
front in the American League Sun
day by splitting a doubleheader
with Detroit after Cleveland bowed
to Washington's Spec Shea. 5-1.
Milwaukee held its game lead
in the National League as both the
' Western International
W I. Pet. W LPct.
Lewiston 31 20 jSOS Victoria SS 20 .472
Salem 30 21 -8a Trt-Ctty 23 20.442
Vancou 30 21 MM Calgary 2329.442
Edmon 31 24 344 Wenatche 2S 30 .455
Spokane 25 23 .472 Yakima 24 33.407
Sunday results: At Lewiston 3-3.
Salem S-: At Spokane 2-1. Wenatchee
S-9-. At Tri-City 3. Yakima 4 (10 inn.)
Only games scheduled.
Pacific Coast.'
W LPct. W LPct
I S Diego 37 47 .440Hollyw'd SO 33 .603
Oakland 3 47 .434 Los Ang 40 38 -35S
8. Fran 34 4S .429 Portland 40 39 JOS
Sunday results: At Oakland 9-3.
Portland S-2: At Los Angeles 4-7.
Seattle 2-4: At San Diego 4-3, San
Francisco 3-1: At Sacramento S-L
Hollywood S-4.
W LPct. W L Pet.
N. York 40 14 .787 Washing 32 29 Mi
Cleve 33 24 J79 PhilsdeT 29 34 .460
Chicago 33 2S JSM St. Louis 31 44 .343
Boston 33 29 .547 Detroit II 43 .202
Sunday results: At New York 6-3.
Detroit 3-10; At Washington 8. Cleve
land 1: At Philadelphia S-4. Chicago.
0-9; At, Boston 3-0. St. Louis 1-2.
WLPct. W L Pet.
Milwauk 41 20 .627 N. York 30 30.500
Brook 38 22 .633 Cindnati 22 36 .379
St. Louis 35 34 J93 Chicago 19 38 .333
Philadel 32 24 J7i Pittsburg 21 44 .323
Sunday results: At Milwaukee 0-0,
New York 5-4 (2nd called end 8th.
darkness); At Chlcgo 3, Brooklyn 2;
At St Louis 2, Pittsburgh S; At Cin
cinnati 2-5. Philadelphia 8-3.
Firing Opens
Today in OGA
PORTLAND un Portland and
Up-State best ball teams fought to
a 7-7tt deadlock Sunday in a
pre-tournament event of the 25th
annual Oregon Golf ' Association
championships which open Mon
day. A field of 115 men and 51 women
have been paired for the qualify
ing round of the six-day tourney.
The low 64 men and 32 women
will be eligible to compete in
championship match play which
opens Tuesday.
Men from Salem competing in
clude: Bill Jones, J. W. Woods
and Bob Burrell.
LONGVIEW W Dick Price of
Longview defeated Bob Whisman
of Everett on the 28th hole by 10
and S Sunday to win the Washing
ton State Men's Amateur 'Golf
American League
Chicago 000000 0000 7 0
Philadelphia 000 010 13x S 9 2
Dobeon snd Lollar; Byrd and As-
troth. ,
01S 200 010 ft 10 0
Philadelphia 110 001 0014 1
Keegan. Aloma (6) and Wilson:
Scheibv Fanovlch (3), Martin (8) and
Astro th.
St Louis - 001 000 0001 3 3
Boston 001 009 20x 3 8 2
PiUette snd Courtney; Brown and
St. Louis 000 200 0002 7 0
Boston 000 000 0000 " 2 0
Holoman. Paige (9) snd Courtnejr;
Hudson. Kinder (8). Freeman (9) and
White. . i
Cleveland 000 010 000 L 3 2
Washington 300 000 llx S 7 0
Houtteman and Ginsberg ; Shea and
New York
010 000 0023 11 0
. 201 100 02x 10 1
Herbert (4) and Bu-
Detroit . 000 031 303-1-10 11 1
New York . 100 001 1003 11 1
Hoeft. Csrver (8) and Batts: Black
weU. Gorman (S, Kussvs (5). Scar
boraugh (6). McDonald 48) and Sil
vers, Berra 6.
Lightweight Toga
Moore PeJends Against
iulairisu Wedhesdav Eve
Gets Title Chance
af '
as Cleveland
Braves and second place Brooklyn
Dodgers were beaten. The Giants
tripped Milwaukee, 64, and battled
to a 6-6: tie in the second game,
called at the end of eight innings
by darkness. ' i j
Brooklyn dropped an extra-inning
game at Chicago, 3-2.
Home runs by Mickey Mantle,
Yogi Berra and Billy Martin 4id
the job lor the Yankees in their
first game 6-3 victory over Detroit
Whitey Ford, belted for 11 hits
.weathered a rough ninth inning to
go the route in 102-degree heat for
his eighth triumph. ; i
Walt Dropo drove in four runs
with a homer and two singles and 1
Ray Boone hit a triple with the
bases loaded in Detroit's 10-3 sec
ond game success. ( .
Shea held Cleveland to three hits
to defeat Art Houtteman, making
his first start for the Tribe after
his trade by Detroit Two errors
by shortstop George Strickland ru
ined Houtteman in the three-run
first Inning. Only three Indians
reached base against the ex-Yankee
who faced only 29 batters.
Chlsox Cilag '
The Chicago White Sox inoved
within one game of second-place
Cleveland by splitting with the Phil
adelphia A's. Harry Byrd's shut
out pitching and homers by Gus
Zerniai and Pete Suder helped the
A's snap a four-game losing streak
in the opener. S-o. ' -
Fred r Marsh, ) Ferris Fain and
Minnie Minoso hit home runs in
Chicago's 9-4 second game romp.
Bobo Holloman blanked Boston
with two hits, 2-0, in the second
game of doubleheader to end a
six-game St. Louis Browns, losing
streak. Skinny Brown pitched Bos
ton home, 3-1, with a flashy three
hitter in the first game.
Ruben Gomez shut out Milwau
kee with two hits, retiring the last
22 men in order in the New York
Giants 5-0 victory in the first game.
The Braves came from behind
with four runs in the eighth to get
off with a 6-6 tie' in the second
game, called after eight innings by
Mfksis' Homer Clincher
Eddie Missis' first pitch home
run in the 10th inning carried the
Chicago Cubs to a 3-3 victory over
Brooklyn, ending a tight battle be
tween (Bubba Church of the Cubs
and rookie Bob Milliken. :
RoyiCampaneBa, who had three
hits, smashed his 19th homer in the
sixth. : .
Pittsburgh ended a five-game los
ing streak and a five-game St. Lou
is Card win string with a 5-3 tri
umph jfor Murry Dickson. Danny
O'Connell's two-run double in the
third set the 'pace. The O'Brien
twins i had five of the 12 Pirate
hits, including two doubles by sec
ond baseman Johnny.
Another losing streak was brok
en when Gus Bell hit his 15th horn-
a s . as iti. m
er wiui two on ior uncinnau s a
3 edge over Philadelphia in the
second game after bowing to the
PhQs,j 5-2 in the opener.
The Reds' winning pitcher was
rookie Fred Baczewski, ex-Chicago
Cub. who was making his first
start! Jim Konstanty scattered 10
hits to take the first game.
Big Turnout
For Kids Day
. . . . .
was on hand for the big . Kids'
Day sponsored by the Salem Op
timist Club Sunday at Waters
Park. The boys and girls engsged
in a variety f novelty races and -contests.
A feature of the program was .
a donkey ball game between the
Salem Fire and Police Depart
ments. The gendarmes came out
on the. long end of a 5-4 score
after j a hilarious contest
MILL CITY (Special) The
Portland Timber Structures! Sun
day won a pair of softball games
from the Kelly Lumbermen by
2-0 and 3-1 scores. Ed Worrell
helped the Portlanders with a
onLine .
NEW YORK (A Light heavy
weight ' champion Archie Moore
makes his first defense of his title
Wednesday night when he faces
Joey Maxim, the man he dethroned
in a 15-rounder in Ogden. Utah.
The outdoor bout in the Ogden
Stadium will be the state's first
world championship fight and the
coast-to-coast telecast will be the
first network TV show to come out
of the .city. CBS will telecast the
bout starting at 6 p.m., PST.
Moore, 38. is a 3 to 1 favorite
to retain the crown he pursued
for so long. He won it by pounding
out a unanimous 15-round decision
over the 31 -year old Cleveland er in
St Louis, Dec. 17, !
Since winning his title. Moore has
kept i busy bowling over heavy
weights. He won six fights, five
of them by knockouts, and his
current victory streak runs to 12.
In his only outing since the Moore
debacle, Maxim whipped Danny 1
Nardico In ten rounds on March 4.
Shea Hurl G