t 1 : ;. ( - if. r -. Gifts for Farmer Fathers By LILLIE L. MADSEX Firm Editor, The Statesman Farmers' wives , and daughters,1 attention! Father's Day is al most upon you and along with a couple million other women in this country you're going shop The Father's Sos haven't been forgotten. They've been left out on" purpose.' They'll : knowj just what 'to buy father a tie they can .-borrow ..when stepping out this summer, a new gadget for the car any way, they'll know. But you If you havent been in a farm gadget store (they refer to it as equipment) in some time, youH get your eyes opened Things have certainly improved. For instance, you might , buy the, man of the house one of the new electrically propelled "old- fashioned ice cream freezers. They'd be useful - around the house when no man is thereto turn the old hand freezer. Many Popular Items Or if your lawn is not set with automatic sprinklers, a 50-foot length of plastic hose would be good. Ifs much lighter for you to lug around than the old heavy rubber hose lengths. There are also rubber-lined robes or rugs for lawn sitting if you have time to sit And there are very comfortable lawn chairs. Too,' there are fine portable outdoor lights under which you can work longer in the garden in the cool of the summer evening. , A silhouetted name plate for the top of the mail box, or a post near the entrance to the farm, should be nice. They come in prices from around $3 to $8, depending upon how much you .want on the sign "and how elab orate the horse, sheep, cow or dog, which decorates it, is to be. In case you have hunted around for something to measure a dis tance with, and failed to find a handy gadget, there are very fine steel tapes 50-foot ones for $4.25 to $5, and wooden folding rules for around $2.25. Of course, you can get both cheaper, but so long as it's Father's Day, just as well buy him a good one. They are a little smoother to use. I did see a nice steel 10-foot rule for $1.75. It would fold up to fit into, the pocket of your garden jeans. -Fence Flier Handy ! One of .the handiest little af fairs I found seemed to answer the purpose for a lot of things. The man in the store called it a fence plier." You could pull staples with it, you could cut fence wire with it, and one end was equipped for hammering. Any farm wife could find a multi tude of uses for this. It would snake a fine Father's Day gift for only $3.25 although a few ran higher. Often times, it's handy to have something besides the paring knife with which to cut off a hit of the porch box or a corner from a new shelf that doesn't fit just right There were some love ly chisels on the market, both wood and steel, varying in price from 50 cents to $225 (and higher). One with a inch blade, for only $1, the store man told me, was about the handiest rig if you only had one. If there's been an argument .,:t- 4' G ;;' -- . 4 , i Alt ViVW .-hi t:' V - - - -'j ' " flu ' ' fc' i CRATER LAKE Three Crater Lake National Park visitors rest on a rim parapet as they gase toward Llaa Rock massive lava forma tion, rising nearly 2000 feet out of deep blue waters. At the left ir .iStetacagL 5a!x Ore Stnu Tana 11 1851 Cac. 5 123 Crater Lalcc Park Has 100th Anniversary The i 100th anniversary of Cra ter Lake, in Crater Lake National Park is being observed this year. John B. Wosky, park, superin tendent, said no separate -event is plained though a special exhi bit is; in the park information building for the information of visitors.-- . -. . i:.7 ; Those who have seen the awe some 1 grafideur of Crater Lake will understand in some part the tremendous excitement experi enced: by John Wesley winmn, pioneer mine seeker, who first saw the deep blueness of the lake on June 12, 1853. On his trek through the wilderness in auest of the famous "Lost Cabin Mine," uuiman wandered out of the for est and stood in wonderment on the rim of the lake. His notes on the discovery were quite h definite and because of the ex citement of the times in Southern Oregon it was several years later before two separate parties came again to rediscover the lake. Res idents of Jacksonville named the lake,! Crater Lake, in 1889, ten years after Oregon became a state. It was not until 1902 that the area was placed in the nation al park system. - Since then, many hundreds of thousands have thrilled to this wonder of the world which is set in the cauldron of an ancient vol cano ML Mazama. f jf. Fon !! 1 - - - II 7 Vm ' '- jy u ; v LEE'S ELECTRIC ftOOfl T T t ffil , ' j " 1 k is Wizard Island, a voleane which developed en the floor ef the cra ter of ML Maiama, the upper portions ef which were destroyed in a catacylsmic eruption unknown centuries ago. i over whether the kitchen stove stands even or not, get the man a hand level for around $4-25 Un doubtedly, therell be a lot of times this can be used to settle a husband-wife argument around the farm. The same goes for a hand square, and I found a nice one for $3.50. Jack Planes Nice to Have Jack planes could be had . at all prices and in all sizes. But again, the man in the store said the 10 or 12 inch ones were most handy and could be had for $4.50 to $6. One wrench which didn't par ticularly appeal to me as being useful, but which the clerk said was "indispensible" around the farm was a 24-inch pipe wrench selling for $4.75. He indicated that no man could get along with out it, if he didn't have one. That could be still it didn't look like anything we women would have much use for But there was a set of crescent wrenches, in dif ferent sizes, that appealed to me very much more. They'd be use ful to fix the lawnmower, the metal wheelbarrow (which if your husband hasnt one, youll find much lighter to run than the old wooden ones). These wrenches sold for around $6 and there were three and four in a set A good handy saw was only $4.50. While almost every farm has at least one hammer, it isn't al ways just where you want it. Frequently it's been left on a fence post in the far field. I saw some nice steel hammers for $3.75. Jackets Always Good And if you wanted to be very unselfish, there are some fine 1? II III... HHII J III il L If ,ui" ii Gill For FATHER'S DAY FROM It - ; - a f h 1 ' : -TT- J (k 1 IL a. Tie Chains and Bars Rings . ..: : $L50 to $10.00 . .. i,.,,, ,;.,,. .-$9.75 to $12X50 Pocket Knives 17,7 .7 ,.. --I2-85 Also complete assortment of Nationally advertised watches, HAinLTOJf, ELGIN, GRUEN, EULOVA And WESTFTELD (By Bolova) As low as ' ; r :'y r V9n Others from . , ;'": 7', T ..... '. ; : $17 w SX SALE tL CSS 443 STATE ST Easy' Credit . Terms .Open Friday Mte TBI 9 P. M. ztppered waist jackets in the men's stores. Some have knitted collars and cuffs and waist bands and some are very light, of nylon. They range in price from $4.99 to $15 and $16 and they would be useful to slip on on a cool day when you have just a little more garden work to do. If the sleeves are too long (and men, the clerk said, didn't like shorl sleeves) you can always roll them up. Potorson Rock Gardens Well Worth Viewing Those traveling U. S. 97 north of Bend, should take time to see Petersen's rock gardens located a few miles west of the highway. The view of the gardens is free and is like walking through a fairy land of miniature structures and castles. The children have fun, too, riding on the canals in twan-like paddle boats. Farm leaders believe that un cooked garbage is a leading cause of hog. diseases and recommend that garbage fed to hogs be cooked.! V FINE SHOES l S Sa,e Sf if jw)J Bostonian Tom Tom AUTHENTIC noccAsm Pad will loro this modem adap' -fcztton of fho ocigincd Indian Moccasin. Foot cradling skim to compliment Dad's carefree livina! So our windows for a Complete Selection. AVAILABLE AT DAEIIAC CI THESE SEES: I 7 T 8 I Vi I 9 I j 10 11 I Vk 12 1$ AA til x x x x x ;x x 1 x A I I j x x x x x 1 In I z I x B j I j I x" X X X X X x I X IX X X C j ij 1 X X X X - X X X x 1 1 X x I i X . P 1 1 x x 1 1 x x j x x j x Xm x x j x ix ' x - ; E I j x x j x "x j x x x x x T" ' I EE I I I I x I x x I x I X X X X 1 I Clisr Styles AvaiMh in Thcsa OPQr FRIDAYS TILL t P. M. FEE SEIGSS ! i MAKE FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 21$T WHAT fZS MAt 1 OTOI VUlf I (' a 1m at.feA' 1 J !! . SOSrt 1 IV I : Gtrt Father a BercaLoonger for Father's Day . . . ead the whoie faaJly will enjoy k for yeers to coma! Yow a catnap is k arter doing she dishes . . . rset ht k after assals or esesciee . . . relax im k before bed-dine. " Yow bava to try a BercaLounger yowrself so believe k. The seem k Befcaks stw, Improved "Floating Comfort.' Back-rest, seat and leg-reet snore independently (yet sogetker) to gfve yow body Mttommtitmlly Mmmfd swpport frees sitting to fell leclsnieg. The Bercsloesvcr k a fiate piece of fernl see worthy ef ess office, dee or Wring in, sk down and relax as a today. 4ok jfrfM erjeesa awe mm rMTMg plssticu j w Im tmummm fP See The Extensive Selection of These Fine Chairs On Our Floor MAS I 1 tr$T ItLAX Open Friday Nights 'til 9 P. M. " w Park Free While yov shop our store ! 230 CHGMCUGTA GALEA.f OnCCOtl e i 1 To Buy, Sell or USE THE STATESMAN'S Si fi CLASSIFIED For ADS Best Results! WW i im WATCH TV SS Stale Slreel Nexl lo Pay Less !