I K i -4 -V 1 23 (Sec gV-Staltman, Salem, Onw Smu Juno 14. 1853 Fath er's Day 43 Years Old, Going; Strong- Rose Official Flo wer d Observe In Other-Countries Better head for the storm- cellar, Pop. Sunday, June 21, it Father's Dav. and that meant Junior may clobber you with a hunk of dlrffr wood by way ol snowing n t "Just a chip off the old block. If he doesn't, Mom and that adoring daughter of yours will come a't mooching. And, oh, how you hate it! v Then thereH be giftt and Father's Day cards from all the family. YouH be "King for ft Day all right Observed Since 191 Left look' at the record. Fath er's Day hat been celebrated in this country since 1910. Yet, in all that time, not one father hat asked to have it wiped off the calendar. rnnriuslnn'. You like it In fact, fathers in a lot of countries like it China liket it so much that they obsenre Fath er's Day twice a year mere, in tne Spring and Fail. Oh sure, it's a different kind of Father's Day. Just as it is in Canada, Sweden, Haiti, Honduras and anywhere else that Father's Day is celebrated. But the idea's ' the same to honor the guy who brings home the bacon. Started in Spokane In case you're wondering now Father's Day began, the credit belongs to Mrs. John Bruc Dodd of Spokane, Wash. It was at Mrs. Dodd's suggestion that the Spo kane Ministers Alliance spon sored the first city-wide Father's Dav ceremony some 43 years ago. Shortly afterwards this organi zation circulated a petition to other church and civic leaders. Their plan was to emphasize such, fundamentals of family life as: Father's place in the home: safe guarding the marriage tows; and the proper raising of children. Gradually the aid of city and state officials was enlisted. Na tional interest in Mrs. Dodd's ef- i ort to honor fathers everywhere was aroused, and other localities were soon holding annual Fath er's Day ceremonies. Then in 1924 President Calvin Coolidge recommended Father's Day be observed throughout the nation. Bote Official Flower That same year Bible class in Wilkinsburg, Pa., hit the news papers by suggesting adoption of the dandelion at the official Father's Day flower because "the more it is trampled on, the more it grows." Most communities were ftbt im pressed. The rose was adopted instead. But a keynote for Fath er's Day had been fountL'Senti ments sincere, affectionate and topped off with a dash of good natured humor have ' been in style ever since. Stamps In The News By SYD KRONISH When a pretty woman is made to appear uncomely in a portrait, her fondest admirers protest vo ciferously. When that lovely lady happens to be the newly crown ed Queen Elizabeth, and her por trait on a new Canadian com memorative stamp is distorted, then millions of her subjects rise up in arms. The new Canadian stamp f" 1 iw-i mm.. . . .1 ..III"' - !, . ,,,, ,. If f'" h il jr stirred up t flood of protests. In cluding newspaper editorials. The complaint is that the new stamps are shoddy and make the radiant ruler look ugly. Canadian postal officials, bear ing the brunt of the attack, are at a loss to explain the situation. They had chosen a photograph of the Queen, received her ap proval and put the stamps into the regular channels. However, somewhere in the en graving process something went wrong. The profile portrait de picted Queen Elizabeth as an eld erly, sharp-nosed, haggard souL The shading around the cheeks gave the impression that she needed a shave! The postal officials hope the supply will be exhausted quickly. And they probably will, too, since this is a coronation issue which many collectors will be anxious to obtain. -' The last of Japan's tourist se ries depicts the Kintal Bridge, long famous for Its wooden arch es. The bridge, was washed away during a flood in 1950 but has since been rebuilt on the same site. The 10-yen brown adhesive shows the bridge as it appeared formerly. The 24-yen blue shows it as it is today. i : WALDPOBT Surf fishermen line the sand at Alsea Bay during the salmon runs. Each year, too, Waldport sponsors a salmon derby, one ef nunerons such sporting events along Oregon's 400- mile Pacific ocean parkway. Most of these fishermen ere partici pating in tne derby. Taking Dad en a fishing trip would be a novel and appreciated way to spend Father's Day. . New Sweaters Snow Trend in Pattern, Design Keeping in step with the trend to 'textured fabrics in suits and sportswear, knit-wear for men of fers a broad realm of new de signs, colors and patterns for Father's Day gifts. The traditional pullover sweat er, which has an important place in every man's' wardrobe is seen in a variety of styles including checks, stripes, shoulder yoke designs, and novelty presenta tions which combine knit sleeves with sweater bodies (or fronts) of all-wool gabardine and other fabrics in both solid colors and patterns. i , Diagonal stripes, multi-colored patterns and designs 'of Scandin avian flavor will be widely fe tured, along with cable-stitching, diamond patterns, hunting themes and other novelties. Adaptable Sleeveless Sweater The adaptable sleeveless sweat er, which is both a useful gar ment for sports and a source of added warmth when worn with suits and Sports jackets, is of fered both in'pullover and button front versions. It will also appear as the novel surplice a cross over style which has a single but ton at the waist The Knitted Outerwear Foun dation, a member organization of the Men's Wear Inter-Industry Council, points out in its Spring survey of sweater styles that sleeveless sweater-vests featur ing plaids, tattersall checks and small stripes , is widely popular with men who enjoy wearing such vests with their suits. Comfort Rules Shoos for Vacation When it corneal to summer time footwear, the man-cn-ihe-go gets aa exceptional break this season! because the new "slip ens' have' succeeded in combining the com fort of the "loafer" type shoe with the trim tailored appearance of the traditional laced bal or bluch- er. :.'.: J The only noticeable difference in many instances is that the new slip-ons have no strings to them. Thus, his majesty the vacation timer . can appear well shod enough under any circumstances to please the most exacting fem inine critic They are Indeed i far cry from the "sloppy Joes' he loved so well and his twite despised. A couple of pairs; at least are advised for vacation time and the summer. They are available in leathers and fabrics and designs that f go everywhere and they'd make a fine gift for Father's Day ' . With sports clothes many smart males will choose new gillies in either oxford or slip-on types, in plain white, blue suede or the in ter el ting new . mesh treatments. Slow down! See the country. A Ifaittcd Sport Shirt for Dad, Juno 2 1st Add this "soft touch" to Dad's playtime hours, whether he goes in for active sports or just likes to loaf luxuriously. On him, this petal-soft, i- i . .. z e p n y r - i-gm sporr - i hirt will Inolr rvw-M ' ' . W r We Have a Wide Ranee of Styles to Choose From $2.?5 to $4,95 The 'Arrow Store ALEX JONES 121 North High St; ' mm Father Will Want More Than One Swim Suit in His Beach Kit Whether the male goeto the mountains, to the seashore or just touring, father's vacation time wardrobe is incomplete without not just one but at least two bathing trunks. The rule is never to wear a wet pair. The chances are, wherever he goes, a dry pair will always come in handy. And if it is to the seashore or a lake region rest or hotel, or a cruise toward which he's heading, then beachwear, which means more than just a pair of trunks, is is a must. Beachwear includes robes. jackets and sandals as well as trunks: robes for promenading from i hotel or cabana or state room to beach or pool; jacket far wear when the breezes grew cool; sandals to protect from burning sands. Terry cloth robes that 'double as beach shirts and towels are available. Jackets that resist the wetness, protect from the wind and have roomy pockets for cig arets. sunglasses or what have you, are smartly designed, and will serve other than beachwear uses. Fabrics, as in the instance of women's beachwear, offer new swim suits that dry quickly, are light and pack easily. Because of lack of coal and oil 85 per cent of Sweden's rail traffic is powered by electricity supplied by water power. Spin Fishing Wins Big Favor Among Anglers of Nation Spin-fishing described by many as by far the easiest to master, is rapidly becoming one of the nation's most popular methods of sports fishing. Using rod, reel, line and lures, it differs from bait and fly cast ing in that it employs a station ary spool that makes a backlash impossible. Line is finer, lures are lighter than those used in bait casting and heavier than the artificial fly, and can be east for greater distances. Spinning makes it easy to shoot a lure from any position under the most adverse conditions. Spin fishing may be used in any type of water from shaUow inland stream to the ocean, .'-'i; -? CP- CUE GftC3 tfJIAElB Maybe Dad won't talk, but you know what he wants something to wear! Hero are gifts hell warmly welcome and wear with pride and pleasure. SUITS Why not hare all the iamOy go together and select a smart now suit for Dad? Here cue ci . largo selection of gabardines, shark skins flannels end tweeds. From If)50 SLACKS Givo Dad's casual "wardrobe a welcome lift with one or more pairs of handsome slacks, Rom 095 1 SP0E1T GOATS A gift heU truly ap preciate a 100 all wool, smartly tailored sport cocrt. I From r !1995 if y 1 ' SPORT SHIRTS for his leisure hours Htfve him several new sport shirts. Cottons, rayons & nylon blends. All sizes. From. OPEII ALL DAY SATURDAY 2 - s oft . ft I AVI r" A A v.' nv r fflViti i i i ; I fu II II ml I QEG 3.95 VALUE 1) - 111 ' I f""p -! finished in bslced ' LIGHTED QUANTITY Hgor ' 1 I I tsnxatt Easy to ' Uncooditiooally Guaranteed Il fZ A osseMle -ao bolts or y II i" . nvk legs hinged to TV TABLE y ' . J j V ! I P nat for x' LAWN TABLE fORCK TABLE ? :': '.- - , ' ; -: " ' ' . A . I . ' ,:-1 ' 7' s.: j. - . ' ' i , ::-'.' '1 '. ' " " ' ' jjh D j ' :, f, - 'r!""'T ii -! ' Opsh 9 IL 1. To 9 P. II. Daily Lois of Frca Pcrkinj . -. . lmr 1. I i " r- SoIFoCoXoXil Ccnlcr and Cbnrch PKonp( 3-3C3 ) a. 2E0S.121L '7k8 StresI The Trains Drm On" Slow down! See the country. f i - ft t