The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 13, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Miss Lundy,
Mr. Hanson
Married '
'? Exchanging their tows at an 8
o'clock ceremony on Friday night.
May 8 in the fireplace room of
the Calvary Bantist Church were
Miss Geraldine M. Lundy, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lundy
of Portland, and Harold Hanson,
son of Mrs. Alta Hanson of Sa
lem. The Rev. Frank Stannard offi
ciated at the nuptials. Mrs. Char
les Davis was the soloist and Mrs.
Leone Gookins the organist
1 For her w e d d i n g the bride
chose a navy blue suit with white
and chartreuse hat and navy and
chartreuse accessories. She car
ried a nosegay of yellow roses
and carnations. . :
Mrs. Kenneth Hanson, Stayton,
sister-in-law of the groom, was
the bride's only attendant She
wore a pink suit with corsage of
white carnations. Mr. Hanson
stood with his brother as best
man. Ushers were Ray Davis and
Kenneth Corrigan. ;
Mrs. Lundy chose a navy blue
suit with white and pink- carna
tion corsage for the wedding. Mrs.
Hanson attended her son's mar
riage in a navy and white suit
with corsage of white carnations.
A reception followed in the
fireplace rooms. Mrs. Bertha Mc
Mullen and Mrs. Thomas Roen
poured and Mrs. Virgil Tuel,
Brownsville, aunt of the groom,
cut the cake. Mrs. J. Harold
Brown assisted in the dining
The newlyweds will make their
home at Santiam Ski Lodge,
which they recently purchased
and will continue to operate.
Out-of-town guests for the
weddine were the groom's sister,
Mrs. Arthur B. Smith Jr., and
children, Terry, Sherry and Ran
dv of Seattle. Mrs. Miles Austin,
Richard and David Eastman of
Forest Grove.
Plans' Made for
Annual Sale
A regular meeting of Marion
Auxiliary was held Monday eve
ning with the president, Mrs.
Dale Brooks, presiding.
New members were Mrs. Vere
McCartv. Mrs. Agnes Stupka, Mrs.
B. E. Logan, Miss Phyllis Logan,
and Mrs. Signa Dayson.
Committee reports were given
by Mrs. Lloyd Bobbit, hospital
chairman. She announced her
committee for the yar as Mrs.
Mike Becker, Mrs. Charley Hunt
Miss Mary Gilhuly.
Americanism chairman, Mrs.
George Mason, stated two flags
had been given to a cub scout
troop and Mrs. Gladys Mason of
Mill City donated two flags to
the grade school there.
Peppy chairman, Mrs. Don
Stupka, announced the Buddy
poppy sale will be May 22 and 23
with headquarters at 109 South
Commercial St She will be as
sisted by Mrs. C. M. Briggs, Mrs.
Covil Case, Mrs. Dave Furlough,
Mrs. Charles Hagan, Mrs. Herman
Lafky, Mrs. Ralph Harlan, Mrs.
Al Aeschlimann. Lunch will be
served to all workers and the re
freshment committee inciuaes
Mrs. Mike Becker, Mrs. Mary
Chamc Mrs. .Russell Mudd, Mrs.
MauHe Olson. Mrs. Mammie
Phinnc Mrs. Elvera Beard. Win
dow decorations are in charge of
Mrs. Joe Hopkins.
' Mrs. Clarence Forbis reported
fliAr will be memorial services
at tho Presbyterian Church the
of May 24 by the Fed
erated Patriotic Orders. All pat
riotic orders and their families
invited to attend. The tea
honoring the Gold Star Mothers
and War Mothers will be held
Thursday. Mav 14 at the VFW
To Raise Funds
For Red Cross
Camp No. 1360, Royal Neigh-
tors of America of Salem is par
nationwide parti-
Otic project of fraternal benefit
nrieties to obtain funds which
will be presented to the Ameri
can Red Cross with the sugges
tion that the money be used for
the purchase of a number of
mobile units for gathering blood
for the boys in military service
and for civilian needs.
The project sponsored by the
National Fraternal Congress of
America, calls on the 85,000 local
lodges of its member societies,
throughout the United States and
Canada, to contribute casn.
In announcing the project to
eamos of Royal Neighbors of
America Supreme Oracle Fran
ces L. Torkelson of Rock Island,
UL, called attention to the great
need for blood for boys in ser
In 1951 societies of the Na
tional Fraternal Congress of
America purchased three blood-
mobiles for the American Red
' Jeffersen Mrs. Harold Mor-
rissette opened her home Wed
nesday to members of the Wed
ding Ring Club. Mrs. Oliver
Stephenson was assisting hostess.
Plans were made for a covered
dish dinner at the next meeting
at the home of Mrs. Charles
Hart, Jr., when eletcion of offi
cers will be held. It also will be
the last meeting for the summer.
At Wednesday's meeting the by
laws were discussed and plans
were made to enter a float in
next year's May Day parade in
- Fern Corners Mr. and Mrs.
HaEdie Phillips and Miss Janice
Phillips spent the Mother's Day
weekend in Redmond with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Browning and Linda Lee Leppln
went to RickreaU for Mother's
Day. House guests at the Brown
ing home for a few days were
llr. and Mrs. Clifford Danewood.
Mrs. Burgar a
Dinner Hostess
Burger was hostess for a dinner
on Tuesday evening honoring the
outgoing officers of the South
Hills Garden Club at her home on
E. Ewald Ave. g
Honored were Mrs. Ron Miller,
Mrs. Frank Dye and Mrs. Lewis
Bartlett The group discussed the
club's entry into the Salem Gar
den Council flower show. There
was an insallation of officers for
Mrs. Frank Dye, the new presi
dent; vice president, Mrs.! Ken
neth Graves; and secretary-treasurer,
Mrs: Paul Burger. Mrs. "Lar
ry Rich was the installing officer.
On the dinner committee were
Mrs. Lb A. Clinker, Mrs. Orville
Raymond, Mrs. Charles - Nielson
and Mrs. Paul Burger, committee
Woman's Guild of St I Mark
Lutheran Church will meet in the
social room of the church today
at 1 o'clock. Devotions will be
lea by Mrs. C. Averick and Mrs
O. E. Van Blaricom will give i
dook review. Mrs. E. W. Hill
strom will preside at the business
College Duo
Tell Troth
Romantic news revealed at the
Alpha Chi Omega house on the
Willamette University campus
Monday night was the engage
ment of Miss Frances Smith,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth K. Smith of Portland, to
Thomas L ScheideL son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Scheldel of Sa
lem. No date has been set for
the wedding. j
The announcement was made
known during the dinner hour
and the bride-to-be passed .the
traditional box of chocolates to
her "sisters'
Miss Smith is a sophomore at
Willamette and her fiance will
graduate from Willamette: in
June. He is a member of Sigma
ChL Mr. Scheldel will take grad
uate work at the University of
Washington in the fall
Rebekah Lodge held its regular
meeting and plans were made for
a dance to be held May 16 in the
I.O.O.F. Hall in Butteville. The
next meeting will be held May 21.
Miss Potcrscn
Honor Guest
SILVERTON Honoring Miss
Opal Peterson, bride elect of Ger
ald Sawyer, Miss Frances Fox en
tertained Monday night at a brid
al shower at the home of her
parents, the Floyd Foxes at Wal
do Hills Kancn.
Bidden were Miss Peterson,
Miss Patty Dickman, . Miss Vir
ginia RiehL Miss Carol Calkin,
Miss Nancy Peekham, Misses
Nola and Adrith Whittaker. Miss
Vivian Allman. Mrs. Floyd Fox
Jr, Mrs. Floyd Fox Sr. and Mrs.
Carrie Townsend.
The wedding la planned for
June. . : f
Mrsi Wolf President
Mrs. Robert F. Wulf will serve
as president of the Bush Mothers
for the ensuing year as a result
of the election held at the group's
last meeting ' on Tuesday after
noon at the school. Other officers
are Mrs. Hugh Morrow, vice-president;
Mrs. Gerhar Pagenstecher,
secretary; and Mrs. Darcy Moore,
treasurer. Mrs. Herman CJjJo
chimsen is the outgoing presi
Juniors Name
New Officers
Salem Junior Woman's Club
completed their slate of officers
far the coming: year at the Mon
day night meeting held at the
clubhouse. In April the club elect
ed Mrs. Wallace Cowen as presi-
Other officers to serve with
Mrs. Cowen are Mrs. E. D. Bart
ruff, "first vice president; Mrs.
Richard Lankow. second vice
president; Mrs. George W. Dewey
Jr., corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Calvin Kent, recording secretary;
Mrs. Lawrence Barnard Jr., finan
cial secretary; Mrs. Gordon Gra
ber, j treasurer; Mrs. Theodore
Jenny, parliamentarian; Mrs. Ted
Tibbetts. publicity; Mrs. Clinton
Ault: Mrs. Earl Hampton and
Mrs. Bill Clabaugh, directors.
The club I donated $337.29 to
their philanthropic project this
year, the Chippled Children's
Hospital School in Eugene. They
also turned in 12,991 stamps for
the Veterans campaign.
The speaker was Glen Eaton
of Portland, who talked on "Per
The budget committee win
Mrs Sherman Elected
Mrs.- Kenneth.' Sherman, new
president of the Salem Memorial
Hospital auxiliary, took office at
a meeting on Monday, a month
ahead of schedule 'because the
retiring president,4 Mrs. Stephen
Sherman, is moving to Connecti
cut The latter served coffee to
the group following the business
meeting. Other officers will be
selected later. -
DONALD The "Women's
Benefit Association "will hold its
regular meeting: Thursday, May
14, in the Masonic; building in
Donald. There will be practice
and plans made for the District
Rally which will be Held May zs.
Mrs. W. Kruse, Mrs. H. Fields,
Mrs. M. St Helens.! and Mrs. R.
Peterson were on ithe refresh
ment committee, t
meet May 20 at the home of the
outgoing president, Mrs. Jenny,
to olan next rears budget The
installation banquet is set - for
Mav 25 at the Colonial House.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Charles Winkenwerder and
Mrs. Richard Klover following
the meeting.
Tbm Cfcrtasxncmw Salm.
Mrs. Mccks to
Bo Installed
The Highland School Mothers
Club will hold its final meeting
of the school year Thursday. May
14 at 1:15 p. m. in the school au
ditorium. A special invitation s
extended to all mithers of chil
dren entering school this falLii
1 New officers to be installed are
Mrs. Carroll Meeks president;
Mrs. El win Klien, vice president;
Mrs.. Lyle Urban, secretary; Mrs.
Stanley Ness, treasurer. The fol
lowing new committee chairmen
will be introduced: Mrs. Alfred
Chivers, finance; .Mrs. Robert
Preston, hospitality; Mrs. E. B.
Dennis, program: Mrs. Charles
Kelley, publicity; Mrs. Ralph An
derson, room mothers; Mrs. Wal
lace Beckett, health and welfare;
Mrs. Walt Gagle and Mrs. Charles
Harvey, bulletin and year , book.)
. The room mothers for the past
year will be given special recog
nition by Mrs. . Warren Miles,
president Included are Mrs. C L.
McDonald, Mrs. Albert Piche,
Mrs. Charles Kelley, Mrs. J. Q.
Taylor. Mrs. K. L. Pugh, Mrs.
Ralph Anderson, Mrs. Wilbur
Martin, Mrs. Fred Loy, Mrs. Jay
Orwoon, VskL. May 13. 7 "
Teed, Mrs. Marvin Nettleton "
Mrs. Fred Medeck. Mrs. Forres::
Shipley, Mrs. John Nor by acf
Mrs. Gibson FoUis. f .
.The school instrumental musi .
classes will play during the after ,
noon, led by Mrs. Karl Thelen Jr, ; ,
instructor. I ; ;,
The fus trade mothers wil.
serve refreshments in the cafe,
teria after the meeting, with Mrs .
C L. McDonald and Mrs. Albert ,"
Piche as chairmen, t
Cama Club Officers
New officers of the Cami -Dance
Club for the ensuing yeai
are Leonard Gottfried; president
Wilbur McCune, vice-president,;
and: Jack Scott, secretary-treasur
er. Officers were named at the
club's last dance of the season
on Saturday night at the Cath
olic Center. f : ,
. .i' i . i
i :i' '- ' ! j : ' i
The American Legion Anxill. '
ary 138 will hold its regula;..
business meeting Thursday eve
ning at 8 o'clock at i the Salen
Woman's Club. The officers fee
the next year will be nominated
Mrs. Walter Esplin and Mrs. Ken
neth Taylor will be hostesses fee;
the: evening.
well, irs
'i t
Patience is a virtue but it can be overdone. Though we war
ily watched the Pups accumulate over the past few months,
we retained the courteous mein and the charitable heart.
The eminent fashion experts who pushed this or that for the
Blue Birds "big moment" had our best interest at heart. It
was just the weather or the locality or something.
Now something has happened to bur sunny disposition and
our simple faith. Our patience feels curdled and there's a
gnawing .suspicion that something should have been done
about our eyes! The "terrific" styles now appear slightly
"terrible." i '
Since the pups touch us in the highly sensitive region of tho
pocketbook, we may be prejudiced. Ji
But you don't have to agree -it's a free country. We'll gladly
sell them to you. x ' -!' J
Warm bulky fleeces in blah nude,
giddy gold, blouse blue, complexion
pink . . . just the thing to wear in
Alaska this summer.
Just a few poodle coats left (thank
goodness) . . . some have insulated
linings to help keep in the summer
Swim Suit Pups
$4 to $8
Swim suits that have lost their zip
(as if they ever had any) in assorted .
sizes-for assorted figures.
A dandy croup of pleated and
"pleated nylon skirts in the most un
flattering styles you can imagine.
Wonderful for alt who live in caves.
Grey, navy, brown.
Bruir' Coat Pups
4 99
Cotton brunch coats from a famous
manufacturer in disgusting styles
Not too bad if you live alone, j
at 69.95 these suits were supposed to
walk right out . . . maybe they'll
crawl out at 42.50. sizes 10-18.
Not recommended for those with
weak hearts ... sheer cottons in hor
rible styles and terrible colors . . . oh,
well what do you want for 4 bucks. ,
Bras and slips in broken sizes, broken
colors, broken hearted . . . perfect for
those who never know what is trumps.
Nice skirts in a revolting sort of way
. . . clammy cabs in black, navy,
green. Straight line, back kick-pleat
For those who look good in anything
(or nothing) cotton circle skirts with
goldprint on billious colors. Broken
Will make fine sweaters for pets . . .
assorted sizes in stomach turning
stripes. If you like nice things, youTl
hate these.
Jackets In nubby fabric . . . lust the
thine to hunt (pink) elephants in . . ,
navy and white; skirts to match above
gems ... 4.94.
4 f 3.00
Bras, panties that have sen better
days. i j
4 tweed coats in loathsome colors.
They look bad on the hanger but wait
till they're on.
These monstrosity left over from win
ter . . . when you see them you'll know
why . . . wools, jerseys, failles, bur
lap, and cheese cloth.
59c . 6. C 2.95
"Strange things are happening" or
will happen if you happen to fit any
of these misfits . . . summer cotton
styles for those who just dont care.
A really swell group of nylon, hose
. y It's these kinds of nylons that
make silk worms happy again. Only 6
pr. to a customer, out believe us, you
wouldn't want anymore.
i 5.00
Quilted cotton robes . . L Imported,
from New Jersey ... should have
been exported to Arabia, j
Knit Suit Pups
; 23.00
These defy description . . . novelty
knits that are indeed novel and dont
let the original high price scare you
. . . they- weren't worth it In nice
summer colors of forest green, stormy
grey, Christmas red, winter navy, etc.
. m
r a
Peddle pushers and shorts in denim.
They were originally styled for moun
tain climbing in' Peru . .!. in under
wear pink,, blousey blue, i shocking
f ii
i if.