1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Thm Statesanan, Salom, I , - , . . Radio and TV Schedules KPTY Channel 27 MONDAY 10:45 To Be Announced 11:00 The Big Payoff 11:30 Welcome Traveler 12:00 Kate Smith Show 1:00 Double or Nothing 1:30 Strike It Rich 2:00 Matinee Theater 3:13 Search for Tomorrow 3:30 Love of Life 3:45 To Be Announced 4:00 Wild Bill Hickok 4:30 Hopalong Cassidy 5:30 Telenews .5:45 Time for Beany 6:00 Ken Murray Show 6:30 Sportsman's Club 6:45 News Caravan 7:00 Chevron Theater 7:30 Voice of Firestone 8:00 I Love Lucy 8:30 Red Button Show .8:00 Robert Montgomery Show 10:00 To Be Announced 10:30 Nite Owl Theater li:00 (Approx) Sign Off HIGHLIGHTS MONDAY What's Cooking 10:30 Live i.K.i . nn'th intrviw home- making and marketing tips; re- ' TOAD EC LOUIE TV 1179 Lana Ave. Than 3-3531 Open Monday and Friday Evenings MONDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time KSLM US. KOCO 1490, KGAX 1438, KPTV-CHF Channel 27: FM: Megacycles KOIN ISLl; K1X 9f-3 (Editor's note: Tae Itatemu publishes la good faith the prograsos and times as provided by the radio stations, hat became ofttmes the programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot ho responsible for the accuracy herein.) nous 0:60 0:15 KSLM KOCO KGAK ao KOW News West, Melod. Brk. Nook RJJ3. Oregon Dave West farm Hour (Timekeeoer 6 west. SMMO. Brk. Nook Koin KlOCK Dave West Farm Hour 7 KSLM koco KSAI KOW KOW Hemingway Break. Gang Meditations J Koco Klock Brk. Nook (Brk. Nook irinolr lMaelead NW1 Counter Editor I Johnny L. 8 KSLM KOCO KOAB KOIN KOW Cecil Brown News IFamny Altar JKoco Klock I Jim Dandy Consum. News I Vane News Old Sengs Break. Out) inU (Ann ' (Break. Club KSLM Dr. Sword ICaoitol ComntJ Pastor's Call 9 KOCO Women's Page Music aafs? Backfence Mat. Backfence KODf iwaa ox KOW News l"... ,'. . . SCrS i i KSLM KOCO KOAB KOIN KOW KXX News Hello Test Ray's Records Backfence Mat. Mrs. Burton Hostess House Don Gardiner rit'i Records Backfence Perry Mason Hostess Mouse Chet Huntley KSLM KOCO KOAB KOIN KOW KXX Ladies Fair ILadles Fair I Queen a Day Queen a dav RaVs Records (Ray's Reeords I Ray's Records (Ray's Records Backfence Mat I Backfence Matl Backfence Mat. I Backfence Mat Grand Slam iRosemary House Party I House Party Db'e or Noth Dble. or Noth. Phrase Pays I Bob Hope Whispering Sts.lGirl Marries IV. IJndlahr I Barney Keen 1KSLM Top Trades J News KOCO News (Major League KOAB Club 1430 IChib 1438 KOIN Macleod News (Come Get It "1 mnw m mnad of Lisa A ara-v o.ui Rifm Noon Edition KILN Jack Kirkwood Jack Kirkwood Lucky U Ranchl Lucky TJ Ranch KOCO Major League I Major League (Major League IMaJor League KOAB Club 1430 Club 1430 I Club 1430 I Club 1430 KOIN Hilltop Bouse 'Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrej KOW Backstage WlfelStelle Dallas llWldder Brown iWoroan m Hse 1 Way vwwm 1 . nr I v,,. tW.. 2 KSLM News I Music Music I Better Shoppers KOCO Major League I Major League IMagic Melody (Magic Melody KOAB Record Room I Record Room I Record Room Record Room KOIN Arthur Godfrey! Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Curt Massey KOW Just Plain BUI F. P. Farrell I Lorenzo Jones IDr.'s Wife KXX Cal Tinney ICalTlnney (Millionaire 1 Millionaire KSLM Dallas I Dallas 3 KOCO Magic Melody (Magic Melody KOAB J. Dandy Show! J. Dandy ShowlJ. Dandy Show J. Dandy Show KOIN Ruth Ashton IJimxny Wakely Beulah (Tunefully yours KOW ravelers (Travelers i Dr. Paul D. Garroway Music Revue I Bin Kins 4 KSLM rulton Lewi I Hemingway KOCO Music U Want) Music U KOAB Kids' Corner (Music Mart KOIN Klrkham News lAunt Jemima KOW Life Beautiful Navy Show KXX Tiny Tunes Squirrel Case KSLM Babby Benson IBabby Benson Bill Hickok I BUI Hickok KOCO Research I Second Look Valley Report (For You KOAB Music Mart (Music Mart Music Mart Music Mart KOIN E- R. Murrow 'News World Today Gosa News KOW Bill Stern (News Hour nrestooe Voice I ITrestooe Vetee 5 Merrie Circle ivirgu nnsuey 6 KSLM Gab. Heater KOCO Candle Light KOAB Music Mart KOIN Bob Hawk KOW Relax Muslo Local News (Candle Light Sign Off Bob Hawk Relax Must I News Weatherman Cud This B Stars Sing Johnny on 7 kSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KXX Cud This B Youl Rosary Lowell Thomas Dinah Shore Lone Ranger Nation's Bus. Lone Ranger 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW Geo Do tt Geo Do It 'Bishop Sheen I Bishop Sheen Dugout Dope (Track 1400 (Track 1480 I Track 1400 Suspense (Suspense (Stafford Shew (Junior Miss 1 Man's Family i News of Worse. Railroad Hour RaUreeO Beast Longine Sym. lLongine Sym. I Mich! Shayne Michael Shayne 9 KSLM Hardy News -uit n Lewis "Music KOCO Track 1490 (Track 1400 (Track 1400 KOIN Radio Theater (Radio Theater (Radio Theater KOW Wione Houi Phone dour Allan Jones KXX romrrow's newsl Orchestra IPowerland KSLM Behind Story INewsreeJ KOCO Night Song (Night Song KOIN S Star Fuuu l Dwight Cook KOW Richfield Repr (Soorts Final KX final Edition I Dance Tune KSLM Fantasy Hall (Music (Music IMusle KOCO Night Song (Night Song (Night Song Night Song KOIN Chamb. Forum (Chamb. Forum (Midnite Music (Midnite Musle KOW News IT. L McCaU KXX Dance Time i j I Dance Time KOAC SM ke. Monday 10:00 a.m. The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women "Home Exten sion Visits": 11:00 School of the Air; 11:30 Music You Want: 12:00 The News and Weather: U:1S pjn. Noon Farm -Hour; 1 300 Ride Em Cowboy: 1:15 Oregon School of the Air: 1:35 Melody Lane; 1:45 Musician Com tnents: 3K Especially for Wom en:' 2:30 Memory Book of Music; .-.45 School of Air; J.-OO-S.OO. Baseball Orew Monday, Aprfl 27, 1853 cipes, and she will actually cook two items a day. Kate Smith Show 12:00 The Dunhills, tap trio; Dramatic sketch starring John Newland en titled The Key." Matinee Theater 2:00 "Top Sergeant" Nat Pendleton, Carol Hughes. Sterling Houoway. Wild Bffl Hickok 4:00 "A Close Shave for the Mars halls." Disguised as an outlaw, Bill joins a band which has been looting the' town of Payrock. Ken Murray 6:00 Eve Arden, Joe Besser, comic, and "Sharkey" the seal as guests. Voice of Firestone 7:30 George Lindon of the Met, and Dorothy Warrenskjold as guest stars. I Love Lucy 8:00 Lucy hires a maid, who is so domineering she kicks up a rumpus in the Ric- ardo household. Robert Montgomery Presents 9:00 "The Glass Cage." Lee Bowman and Marilyn Erskine in the story of a "human clock' whose well-planned regimen is shattered when he is suspected of embezzlement. Nite Owl Theater 10:30 "Mys tery Broadcast" Frank Albertson and Ruth Terry. TUESDAY 10:00 Freedom Rings 10:30 To Be Announced 10:45 Newscast 11.00 The Big Payoff 11130 Welcome Traveler Well Take Almost Anything In Trad and Com and Get it too on tho Great New KOP 179. KOW 82. KKX UN 041 INews Farm Newa Brk. Nook I Koin Klock I Dave West IFarm Hour March of Tine News Brk. Nook Koin Klock rarm Time rarm Hour I Break. Gang Sam Hayes (Koco Klock I Brk. Nook KOCO KJOCJC Brk. Nook Goaa News) Wills (Knox Manning IBob (Jarred son Bible Institute Btblo Institute Koco kiock iworia news IJim DtndT Jim Dandv IHelen Trent Music Box Brkfst Slub Gal Sunday I Music Box iBrkfst Slub Rsawayeaie i"ntiftt "KX..M DaMMol Dasrsm T ass. Mat. Backfence Mat.1 Backfence Mat i w " ' IfHi.h, Music I Music Ray's Records I Ray's Reeords Backfence Mat. I Backfence Mat Mat. Norah Drake (Brighter Day Strike It Rich Strike It Rich True Story I True Story IGay sXTs Music Major League Major League Club 1430 Club 1430 Wendy Warren (Aunt Jenny Penoer Youna Haooiness Jack Owens I Jack Owens IV-,. Wm Rr. Vm inmy ma ww News Music Magic Melody Magic Melody I I Tor Girls I Tor Girls I Curt Massey ISam Hayes Wantl Music U Want; Music u want Music Mart I Music Mart lArt Kirkham Music Box Art Kirkham Art Baker ' Squirrel Cage 'Happy Time luunuer newa doo usuiasj ISO. i (News (Com. Sil. Serenade ISam Kayee 188 Keys I Com. Theater Bob at Ray Good Llst'ns. Com. Theater Bob & Ray (Good Lisfng. Youl Golden Echoes I Gold en Echoes (Bandstand Bandstand SpotlTalent Scout (Talent Scout A1 Goodman A1 Goodman i Henry Taylor I Music of stars Music Night News Radio Theater Allan Jones Powerland News (Han of Fantasy I Night Song INia-ht Sons? JChmbr. Forusn IChmbr. F I Investigator i Dance Timet llnvestia?ater I Dance "lme City Council City Council 1 Dance Time lUanceTime O.S.C. vs. TJ.W.; AO Children's Theater; 5:30 Of Books and People: 5:45 Let There Be Light; 6:00 The News and Weather; 8:15 Oregon Col lege of Education: 8:30 Flying Time; 8:45 Oregon Legislature: 7:00 General Extension Journal: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; BMt University of Ore- fon; t:00 Music That Endures; tr45 vening Meditations Rev. Frank Kelsey. Federated Church; It AO Sign Off. 12:00 Kate Smith 1:00 Betty Forness 1:15 Arthur Godfrey 1:30 Strike It Rich 2:00 Matinee Theater 3:15 Search for Tomorrow 3:30 Love of Life 3:45 To Be Announced 4:00 Howdy Doody 4:30 To Be Announced 4:45 Vacationland America 5:00 Name's the Same 5:30 Doujj Edwards 5:45 Time for Beany 6:00 Two for the Money 6:30 Dinah Shore 6:45 News Caravan 7:00 Texaco Theater 8:00 Firestone Theater 8:30 Circle Theater 9:00 Life of Riley 9:30 American Forum of Air 10:00 My Little Margie 10:30 Nite Owl Theater 11:30 (Approx) Sign Off HIGHLIGHTS TUESDAY Newscast, 10:45 Local live newscast originating in the KPTV studios. Kate Smith Show, 12:00 Teen age panel of college editors: Kateds, Katydids, Marshall Izen. impressionist and puppeteer. Texaco Star Theater, 7:00 Gertrude Berg (Mrs. Goldberg) and Peggy Lee as guests of Milton Berle. Fireside Theater, 8:00 "The Pemberton Boy, David Stollery. Story of a boy and his aunt who conspire to defeat the lad's fath er who intends to send him to a boarding school. Circle Theater, 8:30 "The Straight and Narrow.' Glenda Farrell. A domestic comedy in which an untidy kitchen becomes the symbol of lost youth. My Little Margie, 10:00 Mar gie and her father find themselves embroiled with a pair of wrang ling "Newlyweds." Nite Owl Theater, 10:30 "House of Secrets' with Leslie Fenton, Muriel Evans. City dDbifuaries HIZX Donald Glenn Mize. late resident of Salem Route 5. Box 448, at Fort Bragg. N. C April 18. at the age of SA years. Survived by wife, Mrs. Lowena Mize and two sons, Roy Donald Mize and Ronald Lee Mize. all of Salem; mother, Dora Briton; sister. Mrs. Violet Rye; two broth ers. Orval W. Mize afrd Carl Mize. all of Antloch, Calif. Services will be held Tuesday, April 28. at 1 JO pan. in the Howell-Edwards Chapel wltn the Rev. Lloyd Anderson of ficiating and Interment at City View Cemetery. QUAIFB Asa B. Quaife, late resident of 881 Rosemont Ave., at a local hospital April U. Survived by wife. Mrs. Myrtle Quaife. Salem; daughter. Mrs. Olive Kendall. Parllen. Calif.; bro thers. W. E. Quaife. Munn. Colo.. S. A. Quaife. Wood River, Nebr, S. C. Quaue, suawatna. nan.; aoso uiree nieces and seven nephews. Announ cement of services later by Clough Barrick Co. HENRY Emmett Hoyt Henry. late resi dent of 4790 Skyline Road, in this city April 23 at the age of 22. Sur vived by wife. Joan Henry, Salem; parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry, Salem: brothers. Wllbert Henry. Harvard. Calif.. Earl Henry. Gales Creek, Jack Henry. Salem. Jim Henry, Los Angeles, Calif.. Vernon Henry. Salem; sister. Mrs. Eunice Meeder, San Diego, Calif. Member Christian Church at Liberty. Serv ices will be held Monday. April 27 it 1J0 p.m. in the Howell-Ed warda Chapel with the Rev. John Meyers officiating. Concluding services at City View Cemetery. MARTIG Sam Marttr. late resident of 2970 Sunnyview Ave., in this city April 23 at the age of 75 years. Survived by brother, John W. Martig. Port land; two nephews, Robert Martig, Portland and Kennetn soartig. Gates. Services will be held Wednes day. April 29 at 10 JO a.m. in Howell Edwards Chapel with the Rev. Har old J. Mclntyre officiating. Inter ment at Willamlna Cemetery. BROWN Lawrence Brown, late resident Turner, Route 2 Box 3-E, at a local nursing home April 24. Survived by wife. Mrs. Sadie . Brown. Turner; sisters, Mrs. Clara Hickman. Salem. Mrs. Stella Davis. Cophan. Okla Mrs. Lizzie Harberson. Sangra, Tex, Mrs. Rachel Ackerman. El Monte, Calif,; brothers, Tyler J. Brown. Sa lem. Henry Brown, San Francisco. Calif. Member of Turner Christian Church. Services will be held In Turner Christian Church Monday, April 27 at 3 p.m. under direction of Howell-Edwards Co. The Rev. Guy Armstrong will officiate with Inter ment in the I OOF Cemetery. Turner. MORRIS Mrs. Lulu Mae Morris, in a local hospital Aoril 24 at the age of 75 years. Late resident of 399 Mission St. Survived by daughters, Mrs. George MUlikln. Salem. Mrs, Marie Chin, Salem; sisters, Mrs. Gertie Trowe. Vestal. N. Y Mrs. Myrtle MARK RADIO and (TELEVISION INC. Salem's Most Com plot Television Cantor Phone Day er Night, 2-1611 or 2-4728 2149 S. Commercial MOTOROLA Call 4-2271 HEIDED'S 421 Ctmrt 112 Center fir TVY if Trouble? Can be selves! tt 1 year location la Sbetd. Call as U well 4 ear i-4 ' best to get . s l .jreesl ylcteire,- j t IManD rowns BAKER. Ore. m A Robinette man was reported to have drowned Saturday in the Snake River when his jutboard-powered boat over turned in a rapids. The victim was reported .to "be Bui Brokaw, about 60. State po lice said Sunday they were told by Harry Meek of the Richland area that he saw 'Brokaw's boat go into the rapids and capsize, about six miles below Brownlee Crossing. The body was being sought Death Claims Lumberman PORTLAND IT) William Ring Morley, 49, Pacific Northwest lum ber executive, died Sunday while attending church services here. He was president of the Western Logging Co. and Gladstone Boom Co., both of Portland, and the Saginaw Timber Co., Aberdeen, Wash. He served for eight years as president of the Lumbermen's Industrial Relations Commit tee and was a past director of the West Coast Lumbermen's As sociation, and a director of the Columbia River Log Scaling Bu reau. Survivors include the widow. Louise, two sons and three daugh ters. Expedition to Explore Greenland Snowbank FT. EUSTIS. Va. W An expe dition to explore a two-mile deep snowbank and a moving glacier in Greenland is scheduled to leave the transportation center' here by May 1, the army announced Sun day. The expedition, the Army said. luu a two-fold purpose to test the latest Army arctic equipment and to map the huge snow field, esti mated to be nearly two miles deep. Shepherd. Mrs. Rose Thomas, both of Spokane, Wash, Mrs. Nora Rothe lou. Copenhagen. Denmark; four grandchildren and four great grand children. Services will be held Tues day. April 28 at 2 pjn. in Virgil T. Golden Chapel. SUMMERS Robert W. (Bill) Summers, late resident of 450 Grove St.. April 25. Husband of Hazel L. Summers. Sa lem; father of Robert L. Summers. Salem, Marvin K. Summers. Rose .ur: of Coyle B. Summers, Cerber. Calif.; brother of Mrs. Naomi Armour, Antioch, Calif.; also sur viving are seven grandchildren. Services will be held Tuesday. April 38 at 1:30 pjn. in the W. T. Rig don Chapel with concluding services at Belcrest Memorial Park. The Rev. Dudley Strain will officiate. HACKER William Hacker, late resident eg 1066 Glenn Creek Rd, April 23 at the age of 78. Survived by a daugh ter. Opal Schaef er. Alton. BJ. Grave side funeral services Monday at 2 pjn. at Belcrest Memorial Park, the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Serv ices under the direction of Bollman Funeral Home. Dallas. ITALLARD e Cornelia C. Stallard. late resident of 2240 N. Commercial St. at a local hospital. April 26. at the age of 68 years. Survived by two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Bywaters. Camden Point. Mo, and Mrs. Jennie Harris, Salem; brother. William R. McCormick. Camden Point. Mo. She was a mem ber Of th Svwnth nv A4w m,4-4 Church. Services will be held Wed nesday, Apru zv, at a pjn. in the Howell-Edwards Chapel with Elder R. G. Schaffner. officiating. THOMPSON Daniel C. Thompson, former resi dent of Pasco. Wash.. April 25 in Pasco. Survived by four daughters, Mrs. Thelma Papkoff. Salem; Mrs. Louise Houscr and Mrs. Mary Wil son, both of Pasco, and Mrs. Alice Coleman. Cayucos. Calif.; a son, John Thompson. Salem and 10 granJchlldren. Services will be held Tuesday. April 28. at 3 pjn. in the Clough-Barrick Chapel with the Rev. uuaiey strain officiating and inter ment at Claggett Cemetery. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed as executrix of the estate of JENNIE MOORE, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, to the undersign ed at the office of Williams Ac SkopiL attorneys for said executrix. 412 Pio neer Trust Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published the 20th day of April. 1953. ELEANOR ROBERTS Executrix of the Estate of Jennie Moore, deceased. WILLIAMS & SKOPIL Attorneys for Executrix 412 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem. Oregon. Ap.20.27. M.4.11.1S 300 Pergonal 310 Meotina Notices roaum XASdra no. AX. AM. Wed. Aprfl 29. M. M. .t STI I I Wall V.ssa .M w SI . SAM 4X UJ Ul( m . W SJsai 312 Lost and Found LOST: Black pony la South Salem. Phone 3-6040. LOST: Small black and white dog. cruiarens pet. supper. He ward. ynone s-oaoi or Z-7S17. LOST: Large iAmettiyst purple nck- tMcm. fttcpsui. i uoerai reward, lost In or neer'qrystal Gardens. Wed. night, 22nd. Call or write Mary F. Anderson. P. O. Box 242. Gervais. Ore. Ph. 2422. Dr. Y. T. Laaa WD Dr. O. Chan, MS , DS8. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 341 North. Liberty SatarAay eedy. 18 swsn. te I pjbl, e to I .aa. Caeksmttatlea. bleed ftressnre and shse tests are free ef charge. Praetieed since 1917. 'Write for attractive gift. Ne rtohgatien. As Boat Tips 450 Merchandise 455 Hssjhold Goods For Solo Used Appliances NO DOv PAYMENT APPLIANCE CO. H V USED NORGE REFRG, Small size, excellent running condition, lust overhauled only 940.85 USED WARDS REFRG. cu. ft, very clean, quiet running, com pletely rebuilt unit, a real buy only : , S69.S5 USED LEONARD REFRG. 5 cu. tt. clean, good apartment size. Only S49-M USED COLDSPOT Large size, deluxe TINKHAM Appliance GENERAL i 260 N. LIBERTY. SALEM 300 Personal 316 Personal ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 315. N. Commercial. Tues. and Fri. S p.m.. sun, a p.m. pnone z-zioa. Z-Z843. SECURITY DETECTIVE Agency. Pri rate investigation. 139 Pacific Bldg. Pnone 4-zz4S. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 2068 N. Commercial. Phone 2-9419 or 3-4537. P. O. Box 724. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock 3 EXCELLENT Jersey - Guernsey cows to freshen. Make offer. Ph. 3-5972. FOR SALE: Fresh Jersey cow. Quiet, heavy milker. Apply Tom Gibbons, Rt. 1. Box 202. Independence, Ph. 33 rz. YOUNG Jersey cow giving 2 gallons of miU a day. S90. H. F. Christian- sen. Rt 5. box 464. Macieay Dist FOR RENT, irrigated pasture for cattle. Phone 2-3141. i mile E. Liberty School. R. G. Doege. 365 Boone Rd. FIVE fresh cows, one or all. White's Ranch. mile East from Turner, 10 HEAD of gentle saddle horses and Kid ponies. 3376 siiverton Hoaa BONDED Livestock Buyer. A. F. Sommer, 1265 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-2617. REGISTERED Hereford bulls. Dom ino Sttrain. Yearlings and two year olds. E. B. Henningsen. Phone 379 Jefferson. Oregon. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C. McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147, BONDED Livestock buyer.- Claude Edwards, Rt 3. Box 899. Ph. 4-1113. LICENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. L Snethen, 165 Kenwood Ave. Phone 2-1345. LOCKER BEEF. Whiteface Hereford. 36c; locker pork 35c. Nothing down, months to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co. 1325 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858, 404 Poultry and Rabbits WHITE LEGHORN. New Hampshire, and Austrawhite chicks. Palmer's Poultry Farm. Brooks, Ore. Ph. saiem. z-6343, Wanted. Colored hens. Lee's HatcrT- Phone 3-2861 KXi BITS & hutches for sale. PR, 4-2674. CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any kind. Ph. 4-3436. Newell's Poultry Plant Kill 6 days a week. Rt 5. Box 109. Salem. RABBITS wanted, any size and quan tlty. Also purebred breeding stock tor sale. Ph. 2-7107. TWICE weekly, day old chicks in New Ham p. Parmenter Reds. White Leghorns, Austra-White. W,h i t e Rock. White Wyandotte. Parmen ter cockerels. Lee's Hatchery. Ph. 2-ZS61. GOLDEN BROAD and New Hamp shire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St Phone 3-4969. 408 Pots DESIRE 6-8 weeks female kitten. Orange or buff. 2-7071 REGISTERED Dalmatian one year old. 833. au Monmoutn H73. REGISTERED Scotch Collie puppies. Alfred J. McKeon, Rt K. Box 175, Stayton. Ore CtJTE Cocker Puppies. Hoi 3415 Williams Ave. AT STUD, Golden American Cocker. 5 generations pedigree. A.K.C. Reg istered. Champion blood lines. Ph. 3-7712 CHINCHILLAS for sale. Good stock Reasonable price. Ph. 2-6393, CANARIES, good singer and hens. lasting Mother s Day present Ph. 4-1597 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1958 Mc coy, l diock east of r. capitoi. l'i blocks north of Madison. Ph. 2-6897. MOORE'S TROPICAL FISH, equip ment Goldfish. Parakeets. S miles from Lancaster on Macieay Road. Ph. 4-3773. Closed on Wednesdays. 410 Seeds and Plants CUT tulips, small or large variety. Win deliver. Phone 4-1313. BnTKHIU. aver-bearine strawberry plants. 40c a dor. 433 S. 17th. Phone 2-5538 Choice Gloxineas now blooming at Salem's African Violet headquart ers. Visitors welcome. Also Fuch sias. Petunia. Tomatoe At Bedding Plants. Oppen's Greenhouse. 4330 Auburn Rd A7.AI.EAST shrubs, pansiea, prim roses, perennials, Boyd nursery 2440 State. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce SEED potatoes, local and Eastern Ore. $2,75 100 lbs. Al Ped. 5230 Portland Rd. 4-4078. ASPARAGUS for canning or freest tag. George Asher, Grand Island. Ph. 61X20. Dayton. Fresh Cut Rhubarb For canning. 6e lb. Seed potatoes. onion seta. veg. plants, pansies. pe tunias, all types fruits and veg. Come by ' over the weekend and) visit our zarm marxet mow unaer our personal management 5590 Portland Rd. 3 blks. No. of . Lan caster Dr. Intersection. 414 Farm Equipment 1949 MINNEAPOLIS Moline Tractor. Model R. like new. Good 11 x 36 in. tires. Lights, starter. Call 4-5388. 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools 94 GALLON orchard sprayer, oa skids. 75 ft hose. Excellent con dition. Phone 4V2548, see 3880 Cen ter St. 1 BOTTOM 14" plow. 230 W. Clay. Mnnmoutn zzri. RENT or buy. AH types electrical or hand tools, garden tractors, spray ers. Hewser Bros. 1189 S. 12th. ! r Ml -tar 450 Merchandise 455 Haohold Goods For Sols USED WARDS REFRG. Deluxe. S crispers, a real buy at only S39.9S Because oz aent in tne ton. Only 139.95 USED GENERAL EL. REFRG. De luxe, very clean, sealed unit. Only $69.95 t USED ELECTRIC WASHERS, RANG ES - $14-95 to $99.95. All in good conaiuon. model. Very Clean. Only $e9.95 GILBERT Company ELECTRIl PHONE 2-0312 10 CU. FT. Kelvlnator refrigerator in good condition. $50.00. 1430 S. izw. fnone 4-540Z, FOR SALE:Won a new Refrigerator. Must seU my t ft 194S mVw. Re frigerator. Bargain. Can be seen at 1IZ5 Albert Dr. Ph. 2-5763 FOR SALE New Mayflower forced air oU furnace, 110 BTUs, complete controls, duct work. 273 gal. tank. S750 wholesale. seU for $600. Phone 3-7766. w &irr-t3fa:. (tem 45S Wanted, Hsehold Goods WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 CASH TODAY. Good used furniture or will sell on consignment Ph. 3-6098 SudteB's Auction. 1 njn USES: (It? 457 Badio and TV S-40-B Receiver. Cost $120, 3 asoa. ago. Sell $90, Flrestanon. Lincoln 8c Liberty. 458 Bufldlnq Materials SPECIAL STRAND STEEL GARAGE DOORS WITH HARDWARE $56.50 (8" x T) 9x7 la x 7 FREE DELIVERY DRAYTON LUMBER CO. BROOKS, OREGON Ph. 2-4202, 4-6154 Builder's Special New planed lumber. $15. per M and up. IJeuverea. rnone PAINTER'S HINT: Brushes last longer when hung to soax uwcaa of being stood on bristles. Your paint job lasts longer, too. when you use paint from Norris Walker I For everything in painters sup plies It's 1710 N. Front St. Ph. 4-2279. , PLYWOOD Fine assortment of ReJL Interior and exterior. Many oecorauve ec naro wood plywoods in stock. See themT screen aoors. boj9 up. nwu , tite wdw screens. Wallboards of every kind. - Start at $1.40. 4x8. Roofing many colors, 2x4 gutter, 15c ft No. 1 Red Oak Fig. in heated room to Insure dryness. Fir Fig. $5930. 1X4 DEM Fig. $98J0. Doors. Doors. Ac Doors. Mahogany. Birch. Fir Slabs, and Panels. $6.95 Use our free, cheerful estimating , to pay. Free delivery. No order too I smau. Its appreciated. I Portland Rd. Lbr. Yard 3545 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4433 Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. 2 s 12 clear. $5 per sq. No. 3s S dear, se per sq. mo sap wooa Emu and set them.' Ted MuDer. Salem. Independence Rd. - Phone saiem z-iiae Remodel, Repair, Now Save your cash for a rainy day. No sows payment. 0 nanu u Epping Lumber Co. 5740 Siiverton Rd. Phone 4-4123 Open all day Saturdays 450 Merchandise 458-BuHdlna Mortoriais Buildincr? New weatne stripped winoowa, com pletely ass iiibled. hundreds In atock. ready to go. 814 up. New if plywood 13,e New picture window y 8.00 New doors 2-8"x8-8" $ 5.50 $ 8.95 -8 6.95 3-tab hexagon roofing 3-tao thickbutt roofing . Unoainted cedar shakes -8 5.75 Reverse trap toilets, complete -S23.50 New 20xl8' wash basin 817.50 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete. 869.50 New shower cabinets, complete. 843.00 Colored both setts bargain. 500-gaL steel septic tanks 862.50 4- soU pipe .70 New esectne water heater S72.50 New steel garage doors 55.00 Asbestos siding f 9.50 New plasterboard, 4x8 1.40 Exterior white paint (gal) .. s 2.9s Waterproof wall board. 4x8 $ 1.75 Loose Insulation. Per bag $ 1.00 New bathroom set. complete 586.00 Mahogany & birch plywood, bargain DOORS Hundreds of fir and hardwood doors; birch, mahogany and gum wood. Pick your choice at Bargain prices. SHINGLES No. 1 per so. a 9.2J No. 2 per sq. f 5.00 No. 3 per sq. . 84-00 Cash St Carry Discount 25c sq. CJ G. LONG At SON Phone 4-5051 1 ml north of Kelzer OVERHEAD garage door hardware ,, Overhead aluminum garage 814.90 847.SO aoors witn Hardware uaivamzea tve rrougn i41,ic per ft EPPING LUMBER CO. 3740 Siiverton Rd. Phone 4-8123 open all day Saturdays 460 Musical lnstruinonts KIMBALL piano, small upright Good conaiuon. rnont 3-H041 WILL store piano free and eive ex. ceUent care In fine home. Phone Z-0197. NEW end used pianos. For a better buy. . Wiltsey Music House. 1860 oiaie. 462 Sports EqulpmonT MERCURY outboard motor with vfuicasiivcr lower unit with 3 point Hydro, almost new. 8495. Salem Boat House. 100 Chemeketa. Ph. 468 For Bent Miscellaneous WAREHOUSE on E. State St. 24x32. b um Die lor worxsnop or storage. FOR RENT or lease. Ige. warehouse down town. Inquire' H. L. Stiff U DRrVE TUfv m-a dtvV suuikcis zurn. uoi state. Ph. 2-9082. 470 For Solo, Miscellaneous WASHING machines from only $7.00 usea aaase. Mart 270 So. Liberty Phone 4-8371 crms 01 course SAVE $100. Due to lack of spaced niui xu nw jsenoix ueiuxe Washer and Dryer. Never used. 555 umwi au enernoons or eves LITTLE used Electric food mixer. rncra 10 sell, f none 3-3752. " . ' 1 w.u HIWH. Hotpolnt push button range. Dun can PhW. riinln. a 14 k 1 twin bedroom set Llv. rra. set. ui wasner ac misc. 3JS3 Raw uns Ave. Ph. 4-2093 USED Weber FounUinett S7w compressor. Very good condition. if i ffii jars, 2 arast arms. CAR RADIO BARGAIN. 49 to 52 Foaamc. piece (Jus torn push but ton, only 869.95 Installed. Pay day budget plan of only $1.95 per week. No money down (On approved Credit) Radios for nearly all cars. S Ac H rrw .7 j aw. www service all makes and models of uoa. iTjr us. Master Service oa w commercial. BED. chest, vanity Ac bench. aSgl .1 . bed. spring, Ac mattress, chest with mirror. 1 large seta white ruffled nylon Priscilla curtains. 1510 N. ora. 01. fn. a-tJVDi 38 OLDSm6b1L& sedan, like new", or a Gibson 8a cu. ft refrigerator for sale or trade for bulldozing or table saw. 52 Emerson T. V. con sole with record player. It EAT Markets attention! Globe electric dicer cheap. 12 gauge double barrel shot gun. Phone 2-0020. Mel Coc. Paradise Island rirn, on 1 urner na. A61'imt UAmmc 1.000 yards, the best we have ever had for good organic results. Order rotted cow manure that you can use without fear. $5 per yd. 4 yd. $18 8 yd. $25. 10 yd. $40. Flag stone, lava stone, fence posts, 4x4's. stakes and rustic red cedar fencing. Phillips Bros., Rt. 5, Box 493. Ph. 4-3081 Salem. 2 ml E. 4 corners FOR SALE: Kirby Vacuum Cleaner. 1 year oiQ. sao. rn, 3-8775 TOOL RENTAL. U-FIX-IT. Corner of North Commercial and Columbia. 4-SZSl DAVENPORT and matching chair, cost $350. Will sell very reasonable. Ph. 3-5420. ANTIQUE melodeon, connected with early history of Salem. Write Box a52 Statesman. ROTARY electric sewing machine. Cabinet model, like new. $65. 520 1. 14th or call 3-3539, 117 INCH Motorola Console and UHF ana v ni . met reasonaDie. none I Z34S Dallas, Oregon AUTOMATIC Maytag Washer. 2 years old. 1455 No. 16th. Phone 3-6205. ONE EVERHOT Elec. oven, almost I new. $20. One Martin 60 Outboard I motor, 7 H.P. 3 yrs. old. One Sea f King, 3 H.P. motor. 1 year old. Both in A-l condition. Your choice 1 $100. See after 12 on Sat Ac Sun. or I after 5 on weekdays. DAILY CROSSWORD 4. Mttsjsc note 8. A rapid 6. Detest 7. Emmet 8. A female Poet 9. Music character 11. Showy flowers 13. Frigid ,13. Ctement IS. Narrated 21. Boast 22. Tribe in NaraHiBs (Assam) LLfstea S. FeDow .Stop 10. IitdelscAese city 12. Loiters IS. Type of sailing; 14. Evening; (poet,) 15. A perticl. of dust 18. Music note 17. Proline 19. Plural suffix 20. Ancient 21. FoundaUon 23. Chide 2S. MAssive 27. Worker 28. Extinct Ke ZesUad bir 29. Indefinite article 30. Maimed 34. Music ne 35. Caliber 36. Past 37. Give pleasure to S9. Unadul terated 40. Allay, as thirst 41. Assistants 42. God of war (Gr.Myth.? 43. Inner bark of the . linden tree : DOWN 2. Hoist 2. Anxious 3. Beast of burden 450 ' Merchandise" 470 Tor Solo. Kflacollanootis GOOD seed potatoes. Netted Cems. Plant anytime, now to July. 82.54 per 100. Phillips Bros, Rt 8. Box 498. t ml East 4 Corners on S'.ite St Ph. 4-3081. -65i0 Famous make wrist watch. 23 jewels. Sliffhtly shopworn. Close oyt price $29.75. Hartman Bros, 399 tWO baby buggies i2o.6o' 4c iiiM Used Mdse. Mart . ; 270 So. Uberty - Phone 4-8371 SALEM DIESEL piston rings and sleeves for any engine. 3773 Silver ton Rd. - ELECTRIC Ranges. Newand"Us Yeater AppUances Co. 375 Chesnek . eta. Top Soil ; , Wver sUt fiU dirt, prompt delivery. Phone 2-1749. CEDAR, telephone, and elec. poles. po' bn P01- mni stakes. ; Phillips Bros.. Rt 5. Box 493. 2 ,meg east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3081. fnklt Westlnghouse sewing ma chines on all floor samples. Save "P o 0. Yeater Appliance Co, a7sX ss- in 1 1 a ' VliTIIie-sg,rvl. HUSKY red cedar fence posts. 7-fool 30c esch. Ph. 38F4. Independence. REDUCED 85.00 per day until sold. 1 only Scott Attwater 10 HP Out , board motor. 3 speed shift, auto matic starter. ApYTS. ,23?" ,4th W8a 80' Keith Brown Lbr., Yard Front Sc Court St. Phone 3-9111 . - a-wv w SJlTls-J COW fertilizer. 85 a vd. ta ner la.T i-g. uiY- aacn UKEEPf STAMPS Phone 3-6021 43 FT. Tiler refrig. Just right ' for Cfocery store, restaurant or tavern, ike new. Also 3 section countre. Can be used as an L shaped counter. Horseshoe or straight Call 2-0070 10 A.M. to 130. $30 ALLOWED FOR your old water heater on this new 42-gaL Auto matic electric water heater. Yeater Appliance. - ' CHARRIS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment Ph. 3-5918. Mary E. Bales. Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seeds ' and edorlet . Sack and bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-8127. Walling Sand & Grav' Co. Crashed Rock FOR roads Ac driveway Cemei. Ready-mix Concrete. Garden San Bulldozing drainage and ditchin; 4 yd. shovel As drag line. Phon DEEPFREEZE FREEZERS. fesT AppUance. 373 Chemeketa. USED Westlnghouse Automat Laundromat Only $139.93. Yea Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa. STANLEY home products. Lee Min 1680 Madison. Ph. 3-4056. 472 Wanted, MlscoUanooui LOGS WANTED Stud MlIL Lengths $"4- or 18 Diameter to 18". sawmill Lens 12' and longer. Diameter 8" to ." Top prices paid. BURKLAND LUMBE CO. Turner, Ore. Phone 111 474 Miscellaneous HOSPITAL beds for sal or rent. , Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. s-flte. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE Df MOST CASES Bring or mail your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg, State Ac Com. Ph. 3-3311 476 Fuel Highway Fuel Co. dean sawdust, wood, green or dry. atove-ijiesei oils, fa. s-ete. IF1 OLD fir veneer cores. Enter , Bole. Z023 8. 12th. Phone 8-9453. Sprinsr SpeciaL MULCH SAWDUST AND FERTI LIZER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BLOCKWOOD, 18 CLEAN West Salem Fuel Co. 1520 Edgewster ' Phone 2-4031 Capital Lbr. Fuel Co. Pickup your Presto logs. Briquets At wooo. in s. commercial st Ph. 3-7721. ANDERSON'S hand picked slabwood. a eara iit. jrnone J-nsi or AUMSVI1XE FUEL Co. old srowth nr and core blocks, trn. 3-1304. Salem or 831 Aumsvllle. . Oregon Fuel Co. Slabs Sawdust Oak S & H Green Stamps 3087 Broadway Phone 3-5533 500 Bug. & Finance 510 Money to Loan AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 1 PRIVATE 'money to loan. Ph. i-tJUL 23. Miaae symbols 24. Aromatic laaer bark (W.X. tree) 25. Ahead 28,t3eparted 28. Female O a, i 1 j - 30.BibUcal hberatot 3L Praises 32. Wadinr bird 33. Performs 35. Cook In an oven SS.A 39. Ha' 4L llsOlrth e.-i M h I1 h W r ' h ', 1: " ' H3" IIlII'iLlII t t$ 'W