8 The CtatMxnea, Bc-Iea, Drew 7dn day, March 11, 1853 I SOCI ETY CLU 6 S MUSIC Around Town . . . Br JERYME ENGLISH A CHILDREN'S . . . fashion show on Tuesday afternoon at the 'American Legion Club . The Chi Omega alumnae sponsoring the affair Attended by over 150 women . . ; and lots of children in the audience as it was definite ly their show, even though the mothers and alumnae modeled smart spring outfits . .'.all pro ceeds to go to the pediatrics ward at the new Salem Hospital addi tion . . ; Mrs. Dale Pence chair man of the annual show ... i Adjectives . . . win net describe the adorable youngsters, some thirty In all . . . most of them pre school are and even a few. who suits only been walking the past year ... there was one who cried, but what children's shew wonld be complete without a tear . . . there were winks, curtseys, and lets of smiles from the youngsters ... a few of the beys modeling ma if they had been doing it for years . . . Sunday School outfits, school clothes, party dresses, play clothes, what to wear at the beach, and the traditional cowboy and Indian outfits all modeled by the children . . . A low runway erected Just for the children and coTcred In pastel green paper with a ctriped carpet ... Host of the children accompanied by their mothers or Chi Omega alumnae ... A Chi Omera active, Margaret gXrklin of Bend albly taking over the commenating duties at the last -minute . .-. Marilyn Hunter alnging and Evelyn Flog playing incidental music during the show . . both Chi Omega coeds ... The decor . . . bird cages filled with blossoms decorating the hall and pastel streamers at the en- " trance for the models to enter . . . The tea table set against the win- down and covered with a yellow brocaded satin gown ... so spring like the centerpiece of white quince blossoms with white dais ies at the base of the arrangement in a crystal tray . . . miniature yellow birds tied with pastel rib on to the branches . . . even two birds perched atop the punch bowl . . . the punch a favorite with the- children as well as the adults . . . Mrs. W. Connell Dyer and Mrs. B. O. Schucking pour tag . . - ' A number ... of out-of-town guests noted amidst the crowd... A group of Chi Omega alumnae down from Portland ... Mrs. Ed ward Ward, Mrs. AHard Heltkem- Cr, Mrs. Percy White," Mrs. Her rt Darby, Mrs. Francis Jaeob- berger, Mrs. Quincy Daniels, Mrs. Kussell Caldwell and Mrs. Vernon Jeakins . . . In another group . . . Mrs. Walter Gadsby and Mrs. Waldemar Spleed of Portland JoinhiK Mrs. Gadsby's ssiter. Mrs. Bigfrid Unander, and Mrs. Robert lloe for the occasion ... Mrs. uer trude Walton down from Portland to watch her grandchildren. Clay bourne and Shannon Dyer, model noted numerous other "proud grandmothers', who ; were all miles when their grandchildren appeared on the runway ... A .uartet from the legislative con tingent ... Mrs. Kenneth uoodau f Oswego, Mrs. Charles A. Tom mt Rufus. Mrs. Pat Dooley and Mrs. Richard Dekh of Portland all wives of state representa- ttves ... . and Mrs. Goodall a Chi Omega ... PARTY TXMK . : . Mrs. Daniel J. Fry Jr. has Invited a few friends to luncheon on Thursday after noon at her South High Street residence fort the pleasure of her longtime : friend, Mrs. Byron A. Stover of Bend, who is here dur ing the legislature with" her rep resentative husband ... A coffee party. . . on Friday morning for the new Mrs. Edwin Bishop, the former Mary Ellen Shepherd, when Mrs. John Kolb entertains at her Ben Lomand Park residence ... A group of thej bride's intimate friends have been bidden to call between 10 and 12 o'clock ... The couple's mar riage took place in Palo Alto, Calif, last month . . . Mrs. Bishop Is arriving Thursday from ' the South and her husband will join her here this weekend . . . they will return together by car to their new home in Chico, Calif. . . A buffet supper ... on Thurs day night when Mrs. Keith Pow ell entertains for Mr. Powell on his birthday at their .Mission Street home ... Wishing Mr. Powell a happy birthday will bo oemberm of the Immediate fam ily and their children ... Mr. and Mrs. Bingham Powell of Lebanon, sir. and Mrs. Robert Brown and Mrs. Chester Cox, a longtime fam ily friends . , Celebrating ... her 12th birth day with a slumber party on Fri day night will be Mary Camp bell, daughter, of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell ... the girls will come for supper and break fast will be served in the morn ing . . . Mary's guests will be Su san Boring, Barbara Roth, Patricia Campbell, Ann Strain and Nancy Otto . . . Europe bound ... on Thursday win bo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Letts Jones, who are leaving Salem for San Francisco, Los' Angeles, Naehex, Mlsa, and New Orleans on the first part of their trip . . . At New Orleans they will board their ship , for the "Coronation Cruise', which win take them via Havana and the Mediterranean to London . . . their ship will stay in port, where they will make their headquarters during the cor onation ... from England the travelers win go over to the Con tinent for a tour of Holland, France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy ... tney wui mate us re turn trip by plane In mid-summer . . . Welcome homo ... for Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Murphy, who have returned from a three months so journ in Southern California they spent a majority of their time in Pasadena with their son, Kenneth, and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crafts . . . The Murphy sojourned at Palm Springs, 29 Palms, La mina Beach. San Diego and Los Angeles during their stay in the South ... Rep. Wallace Talks on Bills Rep. Dorothy Wallace "of Port land spoke informally to the Sa lem Junior Woman's Club on the bills she is supporting during the current session of the legislature at the Monday night meeting of the club. She discussed the mental retardation bill, child molesters bill and the senate bill on the gov ernors study group for sex devi atlon. . The nominating committee was elected including Mrs. Wesley Goodrich chairman, Mrs. Calvin Kent, Mrs. Virgil Ekstrand, Mrs. Jerrv Anderson, and Mrs. Wal lace Wilson. The president will be elected in April and the other officers in May. The club voted to sponsor Brownie troop 214 and assist with the bake a cake for crippled chll dren days on April 3 and 4. Plans were completed for the club's an nual Easter Bonnet Driago Dene fit on March 19. The refreshment committee in eluded Mrs." Gordon Graber, chairman. Miss Betty Jean Berg ner and Mrs. George Patterson. Gov. Patter Is Speak Governor Paul L. Patterson was the guest speaker at the meeting of the Salem Unit. National Fed eration of Women's Republican Clubs Monday afternoon at the Senator HoteL i A large group heard Oregon's governor talk on Oregon's constitution, and we changes needed since the popula tion has increased so rapidly and is still increasing. He stressed the importance of all people to inform themselves on ' legislation. Mrs. Luke . Johnson introduced the sneaker. Mrs. Clark McCall presided at the business session at which plans were made for the annual conven tion to be held in Portland on March. 31 at the Multnomah HoteL Delegates elected to the conven tion were Mrs. McCalL Miss Eliza beth Porter, Mrs. M. M. Magee and Mrs. William F. Leary. Alter nates include Mrs. C C. Geer, Mrs. Eugene Laird and Mrs. A. C F. Perry. Reservations for the bus trip and luncheon must be made by March 25 with Mrs. Laird, 853 Sunset Ace., or Mrs. Francis Wade, 954 a Bt, i Mrs. George i A. Arbuckle will entertain her club at luncheon and bridge this afternoon at her 1m perial Drive home. Mrs. Peter Geiser will be an additional guest. The Thursday Club has post pone dits March meeting and will be entertained on April . son Straight From the Shoulder Spring Lamb Ono of Best Buys; Special Recipes, Menus Are Given , By MAXDfE BUREN . Statesman Woman's Editor - In these days of modern agriculture and marketing practices, lamb is an all-year meat, however, spring Is the special season for this food. Statisticians tell us that approximately 3,754,000 lambs were being prepared for the market Jan. 1, and are now moving into the markets at a greater than normal rate. Approxi- -mately 300,000 more lambs were marketed this January than last Lamb is a good meat buy, and certainly one of the best of all flavored meats. - Take lamb shoulder for instance, one of the most economical of roasts. Here's a menu for a lamb dinner: Mixed Greens salad , Braised Rolled Lamb Shoulder Whipped potatoes Spicy gravy i Buttered beets Black Walnut Cake a la mode A spicy touch is given to the roast when if s cooked like this: BRAISED ROLLED LAMB SHOULDER to 4-pound rolled lamb shoulder " ' " teaspoon ground ginger teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoons salt S tablespoons flour '. 2 tablespoons melted drippings Vi cup water teaspoon ground cloves Combine ginger, dry mustard, cloves, salt and flour. Dredge lamb shoulder with seasoned flour, saving remaining mixture. Brown slowly on all sides in lard or drippings.' Add water. Cover closely and cook slowly until meat is done, allowing 40 to 43 min utes per pound, or about S hours. Thicken drippings with remain ing dredging mixture for gravy. . " Or if you like your lamb with a dash of foreign flavor try this menu with Lamb An Brouchette (French for "on a skewer") ' 'Orange-onion salad Lamb aq brouchette Steamed rice Green beans with Toasted Almonds Hard Rolls- Jelly Cottage Pudding, lemon sauce Lamb patties are economical meat, try them with a menu that includes buttered lima beans, French fried potatoes, lettuce tomato salad and fudge cake. . : FRUITED LAMB PATTTES 1 pound ground lamb, 1 egg 2 slices bacon 1 teaspoon salt 4 cooked prunes, pitted - ": cup milk cup crushed corn flakes Chop bacon, cook until crisp and fill center of prunes. Com bine lamb, corn flakes,' egg, salt and milk; mix well. Divide mix ture into fourths, and shape each patty around a stuffed prune. Place patties on broiler rack. Insert broiler pan allowing 2 inches between heat and surface of meat. Broil patties on one side until they are brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Turn and brown on second side. 4 servings. CLUB CALENDAB WKDNESOAT Catholic Daughters of America, most at Catholic Center, 8:15 p.m. - Cherry Court. Ordar of the Amar anth. Scottish Bits Tempi. 8 p. m. Hollywood Uona Auxiliary with Mrs. Irl Robinson, 3.685 Englewood Ave, S p. m. i . Salem Unit 136, American Laglon Auxiliary. Salem Woman's Clubhouse, Id. n. Washington School Mothers Club meeting, at school. 8 p.m. Sojourners birthday party, aalsm Woman's Clubhouse, 1 p. m. THCRSDAT Auburn Wotnan'a Club meet at Com munity Hall. IS o'clock dinner. Merry Mtnglers, Mrs. Robert Fromm. Silverton Road, 1 pm annual plant exchange. ITtlDAV Neibhbors of Woodcraft. Woman's Clubhouse, S p. m. Salem Woman's Club dessert bridgs benefit, clubhouse, lp.n. Friendship Club with Mrs. Jos Sun derland. 1 pjn. . SATVKOAV : Salem Chapter, OES, Masonic Tem ple. S p.m. 1 Don't Bother With Dishes, Just Throw Them Away; Aluminum Foilwaro By ELENORE LESTER . Lady, the millennium is here. In which you can actually cook, freeze, store, reheat, and serve your food in one and the same dish and then throw the dish tway. -" ? ; : A new line of aluminum foil ware dishes offers the answer t the homemaker's prayer. They come In 12 sizes and shapes for; baking pies, cooking casseroles; broiling fish, and performing any other culinary operation you can think of. . The housewife can now cook her food for the freezer la a foilwaro dish which comes with a seal-tight lid that even has a place on which she can write the name of the food and the date of freezing. Then, when she is ready to serve the dish, the homemaker j takes It out of the freezer, puts M into the oven for heating, and brings it right to the table In the same aluminum hia. After dinner presto she Just throws away the dish. : If she's .la an economical mood, she can wash and reuse the dish any number of times. Depending on the size and shape of the foilwaro dish, , and her own imagination, she can put it to use as an ashtray, coaster, candy dish, or flower, pot. The dishes come in assorted sizes and shapes, in sealed plastic bags, in prices ranging from 29 cents to SS cents, depending on the assortment. So throw away your dishpan and free yourself from the tedi ous job of washing sticky pots, pans, and dishes. Just toss the dinner dishes ' Into the garbage can, and Join your family right away at the TV set. (Copyright 19SJ. . General Features- Corp.) PTA Will Hear Dr. Derthick The meeting of Salem High School P-TA will be held tonight in the achool library at 8 o'clock. Don DuBois, vice president, will preside. The nominating commit- Cecil R. Monk, chairman, will make the report, followed by elec tion of officers. The health committee will have charge of the program, with Miss Nell Guthrie chairman, and Don DuBois, health teacher at the Sen ior High School, taking part. Oth er members of the committee are Mr. and Mrs. William K. Stolk, Mr. and Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker, Mrs. Helen Poulade, Don DuBois and Miss Guthrie. . Gurnee Flesher, assistant prin cipal and former director of phys ical education, and health in the Salem schools, will outline the health program carried on in the schools with special emnhasis on the 'health course at Salem High tjcnooL The speaker will be Dr. Charles H. Derthick, assistant Drofessor of nsvchnlow at Wit. lamette University and clinical psycnoiogist at ttuicrest school of Oregon. His topic will be' "Un derstanding Adolescence'. Parents will be privileged to ask questions wmcn wm ne answered by Dr. Derthick, - , Final plans will be reported on the rummage sale-to be held March 27 and 28 over Green baums. Stewart Leek and Mrs. Chester Cummin gs are co-chairmen Jor the project. : Funds de rived from the sale are to be used for scholarships to senior students at Salem High. Refreshments are in charge of Mrs. Arthur Sliffe, Mrs. Floyd McClellan, Mrs. Lyle McCauley. Mrs. Paul Holloway, Mrs. Paul Harvey Jr, and Mrs. R. A. Green. ; Miss Shepard A Bride of Tuesday j -1 i Amidst a setting of spring blos soms and flowers at . the First Christian Church Tuesday night Miss Leona Shepard, daughter of mi. ana Mrs. h. E. Shepard of Portland, formerly of Salem, be came ine Dride ox Uavld Lee Chamberlain, son of Mr. and Mrs. John I Chamberlain. ; The 7:30 o'clock rites were per formed by the Rev. Dudley Strain. Verne Esch was the' soloist and Mrs. Joseph Cracroft the organist. Of white satin was the bridal gown fashioned entrain and seed pearls outlining the sweetheart neckline. A small, brimmed cap held In -place her fingertip illusion ell. She carried a. prayer book marked with a white orchid. Miss Helen Shepard was her sisters honor maid and wdre a mist pink net gown with stole. She carried a bouquet of orchid carna tions. The bridesmaids, Mrs. ! Sanders, sister of the eroom. and Mrs. Orville Hern, wore orchid net frocks with stoles and carried pink carnations. Cheryl Weisner was tne nower girl and wore a white organdy dress.' Brother Is Best Man Lawrence Chamberlain stood with his brother as best man. Ush ers were Alton L. Chamberlain, also a brother, Donald Jones, Ger ald McKeal, wade Carter and Delwyn , Kleen. The bride's mother chose a grey ensemble with pink accessories and corsage of pink carnations for the wedding. Mrs. Chamberlain -J ( - ) J- Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Bartlett (Phoebe Denton of Valsete) who were married on Feb. 23 at the home, of Dr. Earl H. Bonbow in Dallas. The couple . will reside in Dallas. (Lyman's Photo Shop). " attended her son's marriage in a light grey and rose ensemble with white accessories and corsage of white carnations. The newlyweds greeted their guests at a reception ' in the church parlors. Pouring were Mrs. Fred Blum and Miss Lena Blum. Cutting the cake were Mrs. Nels Nelson and Mrs. Tom Wol gamott. Assisting were Miss Gwen Fry, Miss Betty Smith, Miss Greta Ann Schrecengost, Miss La Verne Shepard, Mrs. Delwyn Kleen and Miss Shirley Karsten. After a wedding trip to Califor nia the couple" will be at home in Salem at 1148 Leslie St For traveling the bride donned champagne suit with navy and pink accessories and' a pink top coat and bat. ' ! i . - n- t , , : - f f ' ' jgS ' New Citizens Are Greeted Two new citizens were greeted by Salem families the first of the week. A little boy, Scott Allan, was born to LL (jg) and Mrs. Ronald Smith (Carmen Campbell) on Monday night at the Salem General Hospital. The lad has a brother, Jeffrey. The navy officer is currently in Hawaii, having raw cently returned from a tour of duty in Japan. The baby's grand parents are Mrs. Van Wieder and Ellsworth Smith and the great- grandparents are Mr .and Mrs. F. A." Smith. Mrs. A. S. Campbell and Mrs.' Fannie HilL all of Salem. A daughter, Bonnie Bell, wag born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wash burn (Buena Stewart) on Monday at the Salem Memorial Hospital. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart and Fred Washburn of Portland. The baby's great grandmother Is Mrs. Clara Stewart of Salem. i Betrothal of Duo Told Mr. and Mrs. Albert Feller are announcing the betrothal of their daughter, Louise, to George Schle gel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer " Schlegel of Albany. No date has " been set for the wedding. - Miss Feller Is a graduate of Sa lem schools and attended Oregon State College. She Is now em ployed at the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Her fiance at tended Albany schools and la now in the navy, stationed at Treasure Island. otei : VV VACUUM CUAMSS : Ask For Tear At The . Clfcis . US Conrt St. n. 4-55C2 Annual Session 0f Amaranth The Grand Court, Order of the Amaranth will open its 26th an nual session Friday, March 13 in the West Side Masonic Temple, Portland. Winnifred K. Dyer, Can non Beach, grand royal matron, and Francis R. Hinkle. Gresham, grand royal patron, will preside. A banquet will be held Friday evening in honor of Lois Levine, supreme royal matron of Seattle. Other distinguished guests who will be present are Jared Summer hays, grand master of Masons in Oregon, and Len Fuller, potentate of Al Kader Shrine Temple. ! The election will be held Sat urday morning, March 14 and in the afternoon the necrology cere mony will be conducted, with Rosa Heinz, grand prelate, in charge. Saturday evening there will be the public installation of officers. Delegates and visitors will at tend from Astoria, Seaside, Can non Beach, Newport, Bend, Kla math Falls, Medford, Roseburg, Eugene, Salem, Oregon City, Mil waukee, McMinnville, Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Gresham, Park rose, and Portland. Grand officers from Salem who will attend are Donald Patton, Eand associate patron; Maude ister, grand faith; - Mrs. James Tindall, Stanley Dilatush, Flynn Faught, and Mrs. Faught, all grand representatives. Official delegates from Salem, who will attend are Hanna Rosa Court, Mrs.. Donald Patton, royal matron; " Joseph Johnston, royal patron; Mrs. B. J. Bangert, associ ate matron; Paul Gilmer, associate patronf . Cherry Court, Mrs. Carl Guen ther, royal matron; Elmer T. Boy er, royal patron: Mrs. Charles W. McCabe, asso ciate matron; and Robert Nlckens, associate patron. Surprise Birthday' Partyv Mrs. Elmer Christensen enter tained with a surprise party for her husband on nils birthday Sun day, afternoon at their Amity home. Guests included Mr. Chris tensen. his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Christensen of Amity, his brother Marvin Christensen of Amir, his brother Marvin Chris tensen of Amity, his brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ho mer Kirkwood of McMinnville, and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christensen of Salem. CJH VALLEY IREAD-tfw as er te "Raducing Scamuoa" yae eat est sad enjoy SUN VALLEY BREAD ... low st calories yet lug hesarniwoasckgatirtetii. - SUN VAtU Y ADDS VAJU5TY rssdbarsiais "MADS BY THE BAKERS, OF MASTEH EiEAD- What makes Helena Rubinstein's tayLong t . the cream of indelible lipsticks? No CompromFse With Color, Helena Rubinstein proves herself the genius of the tmposslhla, gtvet you the one indelible lipstick in FULL-STRENGTH COLOR (and what color I fantastio, melting pinks ... orange reds deeper rede fresh off the vine). And, because the world's greatest beauty authority is naturally ever-conscious of the needs of your skin, thU indelible lipstick hag die tender, babying feel of CREAM. .1 . High voltage color, creamy texture, inner glow all this and sure-fire INOiXIBiLnT too (Stay-Long will never kiss and tell!). J ! , j - ' ' For The Gem Of A Lipstick, A New Gem'CasoJ ' - i ' " . Stay-Long, the longest lasting lipstick in the world in new jewelled eases, is only 12$ less than the price of an empty Jewelled ease! The case is a gilded stick with costly looking engine turning capped with one wonderful costume jewel in a choice of colors. Stay-Long in the golden- wedding ring case, L0Q. Stay-Lnstre fox especially dry lips, in new jewelled case, LSOw jm ' ' ' . ! CAP 1A 405 State Street r Corhsr of Liberty Vo Give S&H Green Stomp