i ; : I 4 I - - . . ; - t 6 Tks is!acaas, Sala Orsw v xVarnnrT 2I 1SS3 I SOCI ETV - CLUBS IMUSIC A roun Town Br JESTBIE ENGLISH : INVITATIONS . .. are in the mail from Senator and Mrs.- Eugene E. Mrth to an at home tor which . they will be " hosts on Sunday, llarch. 1 at their new McMinnville residence ... Members of the ' atate senate, of which Senator Marsh Is president; their wives and the board of control and their wives have been Invited to call between 430 and 730 o'clock - Dinner bests ... Cblef Justice of the Ortfra Sapresae Coart and Mrs, Latsarette wiU entertain at a buffet dinner Sunday at their Falrmount CHI residence for the - pleasure of Gereraer and Mrs. ; rami I. Patterson ... The George WuUnftM motif win be ased la k tnedeeer,.. Carers win be placed for Governor and Mrs. Patterson, Secretary of SUte and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry. State Treasurer and Mrs. Slgfrid B. TJnaader. Senate ; President and Mrs. Eagene Marsh, Speaker ef the House and r Mrs. - Sadie WUbebn Jr., Attorney Gen oral and Mrs. Robert Y. Thorn. i ton. Mrs. Barry B. Belt and the ; beets ... v iV.:-X;--:;-.f " From Washington, D.C . . . comes word that Miss Alene Phillips, per sonal secretary to Douglas Mo Kay. Secretary of the Interior,, entertained at luncheon one day last week in the private dining- room of secretaries from Capitol Hill . . . Among them . . . Miss ' Grace' Townsend from the office of . Senator Guy Cordon, who has oft en, visited in Salem . . . Ruth Hall, former Salem resident, who is now in the office of Senator Prescott Bush, Connecticut . . . she, for merly was in the office of Senator Wayne Morse ... Mrs. Dorothy Wood ring, who i has a host : of friends in Salem and is secretary ' to Congressman Walter Norblad , . . . also Miss Genevieve Cooper 1 and Miss Ethel LT Johnson, who , have many Oregon relatives : Celebrating- ... his third birth day today Is Kebert Guild, son of Mrs. Wallace Guild ... the affair is to be beld this afternoon be tween 3 and 5 o'clock at the Guild heme on Bolton Bivd . . . Wish lag Robert a happy birthday will be Mrs. Robert W. Gonnsen and Panl ... the latter a cousin of the boner guest ... Mrs. Richard Batter; Linda and Susan, Mrs. Herbert Adler and Becky, Mrs. Robert Hlnkle and Tammy, Mrs. James Miner and Jeff, Mrs. Grace Widdows and son Mark ... "t Welcome home ... for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burlingham, who ar rived in the capital Friday night from a five weeks sojourn in . Hawaii v. . they spent most of their time in Honolulu and made their .headquarters at the Royal Haw aiian Hotel ... they also enjoyed trips to the other Islands . . . The travelers made the trip both ways on the Lurline ... Weekend Jottings ... Mr. and rtn, Judy and Christy, ef Pnyal- Inp, wash, rare spending the weekend In the capital at the home r ka brother d saster-lavtoi Mr. and bin. Herman C Jochlna- eeav ;. . Seattle bound . . . Mr. and Mrs. Lelaad Shiaa and Mr. aad Mrs. Otto Skopil Jr. are leavtmg today attle . . . Mrs. Walter lVSpaaJ- dng wta WajBeatUe for . oe learn resiseats, Mr. aad Mrs. Ru sell Mnrdock . . Notewerthy . . . Mrs. Beatrice Peterson. Portland director of the Junior Red Cross, Multnomah County Chapter, American Rod Cross, who will bo the guest speaker today at the Junior Red Cross luncheon at the Golden Pheasant, has a son following her footsteps . . . for this week she re ceived word from Washington. D.C that be has been elected the national president of the Junior Red Cross . . . he went east to attend the meeting . . . Rainbow Girls . . . are busy stuffing envelopes for the Easter Seal Sale . - they are inserting several : enclosures In 11,000 en velopes, which .will be ready for mailing on March 5 .... . r" r TPM Club Fotcd At Dinner . Mrs. Charles Bottorff was hos tess for the February meeting: of the TPM dub at the Mayflower Hall. A- covered dish supper was served on tables covered with white cloths and -bright with Valentine decorations. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. William McKihney, Mr. and Mrs. John Heppner, Mrs. Laura Pan gle, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer TerrilL Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Stitchler; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Brandt and children, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jipp, Pamela and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. William Damery, .Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brandt, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Heln, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peffer, Donna Brandt, Jack Hede, Jim Brandt, Larry Brandt, Mrs. Jesse Rauch and Mr. and Mrs. William Hart ley. Birthdays honored were those of Mrs. Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Damery and Mrs. E. E. Brandt. Satter-Wilson Rites PEDEE Lucy Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Alva Bliss, Fedee, and Roy Satter, both of - Chitwood, were married in the office of the Justice of Peace in Dallas Saturday. At tendants were Mr. and Mrs. Alva Bliss. The newly married couple left Sunday for a trip to Anderson, Cal- where they will visit a sis ter of Mrs. Satter. They will make their borne on the farm of the Square Dance Jamboree fori High Schools j m Watcn fon RaW TTIrh School will bo one of the cactdi- Mr. ooid Mrs. Stanley W. Orman (Mara&ret Schwein ing) whose) marriage took place at the First Christian Church in San Francisco an Feb. 14. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Blanche Schwienina, formerly of Salem and now of San Francisco, and Walter H. Schwiening of Renton. Wash. A reception was held at the Mill Valley home of the Leslie J. Smiths, former Salem residents and uncle and aunt of the bride. The couple will live in Novato, Marin County, Calif. ' Former Salem Girl Married In Bay City Of Interest to the bride's , many Salem friends is the marriage of Miss Margaret Schwiening, daugh ter of Mrs. Blanche Schwiening, formerly of Salem and now of San Francisco, to Stanley W. Or man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hartwell of Mill Valley, Calif on Feb. 14. The ceremony took place at the First Christian Church, in San Francisco with a reception follow ing 'at the home of the bride's un do and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Smith of Mill Valley, formerly of Salem. For her wedding the bride chose dates competing for "Queen of the Sweethearts' to be picked at the "Valentine Special square dance iambens to he hlfl In RiUr. High gym from 2. to S pjn. today under the sponsorship of the; Sa lem E2&1 Square Dance Club. Illffh school from thrnn4iVntt the state have been invited and each attending will enter erne candidate for the "Queen of the Sweethearts.' The Queen will be picked by a drawing. To date, six high schools have accepted Invitations and still snore are expected to attend the square dance. The accepting high schools are Lincoln and Benson of Port land, Corvallis, Albany, Dallas and Salem. -..' :,-- ! . Goect Cllkn will Kb Khh-ljMr An- ruers, tsm UDertnexzer, uargaret UDertetjrier, Bruce . Burden, Ray Gound, Erma Weir and Howard Saucy. Bob Frail, Square Dance Club president, and Mrs. Penny Fontaine adviser of . Soum. Dance Cutty will also be callers. SUvttrtoav Mil Koltfc km hostess at an evening party Wed nesday at her Third Street home for a group of friends. Mrs. Tom Lunch was eo-hnxtM Ymritixl fnr the evening were Mrs. Mike Lunch, juts, un Jtteea, sars. Kobert Hag eard. Mrs. H-rron OHmm ur-rm Marcus Wentzel, Mrs. Mike Han nan, Mrs. Ralph Sears, Mrs. Bo ner juigerton, Mrs. Verier Sey doll, Mrs. Dean Johnson end Miss Bonnie Opperud. M. Harper celebrated their SOth wedding anniversary on Febru aury 12 with a dinner at their homo for eleven guests. Cards Mrs. Glen Lengren. Mrs. John Jelderks, Mrs. Howard Booster and Robert M. Harper. f ' Pythian Sistors To Independence) A large group of Pythian Sis ters motored to Independence Thursday night to visit Willamette Temple. The honor guest was Mrs. Aioert Gimde, SUvertor. the grand chief. Nearly a hundn I attended from Salem, Dallas, Eugene, Hubbard, Oregon City and Silver- ton. Mrs. arl Burk. Salem, past grand protector, was Introduced with the grand officers. Others from Salem attending wers Mm. dames G. W. Thomas, Lennlo Ir vine, Herman Bergner, Dora Stanton, Wayne Stanton, Axel Ja cobsen, Nora Pearce, A. A. Nio derberger, A. W. BockafeDow, Clif ford Schultz. Harrv Wilson. Clara Norton, Trilla Oatman, Oscar Vas- zaret, scon bns3it. O. Mrs. Leslie J mm' child-' groom at Chitwood. Into the Frying Pan . Automatic Fryer Has Dono Much to Revive Old Time Deep-fat Cookery By MAXTNC BTJRCN Statesman Wossaars Editor Deep fat frying went into a temporary decline a generation i ego, but with the advent of the electric fryer it has become popu ;; lar aeain. There are many excellent recipes for deep fat frying, and if' i you're the owner of an automatic fryer, you're probably reading the accompanying manual carefully and madly trying the re- clpes. . ; However there are hundreds' of them and perhaps you may : like to try out a recipe, say, for ham fritters with cheese sauca, : nice main dish for dinner. ; a white lulls and OianHllv lscs ?wJi - -nams. hilMii. tfnwn AVM h. n wa rgner, J 1 j 1 . . cap held in place her shoulder UeW I-leen JrresldenUl length Teu. She carried a bouquet of white orchids, freesias and bou- vardia. Walter H. Schwiening of Renton,- Wash, gave his daughter I In marriage, Miss Marilyn Kufner of San Francisco, a cousin of the bride Recently elected YTeen nresl. dents and their clubs are Sally Reiwald. Leslie 7th srsds Y Teens; Claudia Peterson, Leslie 8th; Donna Zeh, Leslie 8th; San dra Everitt Panish 7th: Carol HAM FRITTERS i tablespoon melted fat i 1 cup chopped cooked ham cup sifted all-purpose flour 2 eggs teaspoon salt cup milk teaspoon baking powder 1 Fat for frying Sift together flour, and baking powder. Add eggs beaten with milk. Stir in ham and melted Crisco. Drop by the spoonful into deep not Crisco (365) (or hot enough to brown an inch- cube of bread in 80 seconds). Fry until brown. Drain and serve with cheese sauce, j ! " - r'"- Cheese Sauce i and daughter of Mrs. Grace Ton- t?JV. pri 8thi Shirley Tabor. .v c.Lw. , I Parish 9th: Joanne Hoksomh. Wait honor. She wore a ballerina gown f IXmna Lawrence, West of toast tulle over yellow taffeta Salem-th; !u?.d Barbara Sharpo, iil m . i wexi Maifrm urn ' wiui ura mniTB. m ramwi I - ..... bouquet of Talisman rosebuds. For her daughter's wedding Mrs, Schwiening wore a pink dress with pink and black patent accessories. Her flowers were green orchids. Out-of-town guests at the nup tials were Mrs. Tonack. aunt of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. C W. Dunn of Salem, longtime friends. After a wedding trip the newly weds will be at home in their new residence at Novato. Marin Coun ty, Calif. The new Mrs. Orman is a grad uate oi saiem schools and is em ployed by the Southern Pacific Co., in the bay city. Her husband is on the staff of Girard's Inc., in san KaiaeL. L Mrs. L D. Kalsis was hostess for an informal luncheon and after noon games on Thursday. Guests were Mrs. Alfred Strawn. Mrs. Floyd Norman and Mrs. Allen Keith. Mrs. Joseph Franks was hostess to the Sigma Kappa alumnae at her Saginaw Street home Thurs- oay night. A dessert suxmer w served followed by a book review rjy Mrs. iLeon Everitt. Members of Bethel 43. Job's Daughters, win hold a business meeting this afternoon at the Masonic Temple at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses Fcfo - Miss Barnwell " FOUR ; CORNERS Miss Janet Barnwell, whose marriage to Don ald Brant wQl be an event of February 21. was honored at a bridal shower on Wednesday eve ning when Mrs. . Ernest Walker opened her borne with Mrs. Ross Chrismaii gad Mrs. LeRoy J. Stewart as cc hostesses. - Bidden for the pleasure of Miss Barnwell . were , her mother, Mrs. Ben Gisler, her sister Miss Joann BaraweJL her fiance's ' mother, Mrs. Albert BranL Mrs.CecU Hun- saker, Mrs. Clara Moris, Mrs. S. H. Cable, Mrs. Homer Bales, Mrs. Warren ShrakevMrs. Harold Snook, Mrs. Oliver Kickman. - Mrs. Rex Nicholson, Mrs. Hardie PhUlips, Mrs. . M. White, Mrs. Jess Mc llnsr, Mrs. Waldo Miner. Mrs. J. . Webster, Mrs. Wuuam Fies ter, Mrs. Tarz Aufrane, the Miss es Shirley Etzel and Geri Bales Candy Sale to Continue : .The Blue Birds and Camp Fire girls of Salem and Mill City are ready to -start the last week of their annual candy sale under the direction of Mrs. Robert . White. They have been greatly pleased with your response to the new product and more candy had to be ordered to fill the demands. The girls are hoping that the last week of the sale win be as big a success as the first one. SEE NORGE Begore Ton Buy The Only Fiace In 8alem" To Boy n orae a Is aft AL LAUE, REFRIGERATION A APPL 2350 SUte St. Ph. 8-84U Mrs Latham Goes East SILVERTON Mrs. . H. Br La tham, who tu cd as chairman of the Silverton Publio ' Library Board -for more than SO years, reslenins? to move to" Oakland. Calif, four years ago, left Oak land for New Jersey Thursday for a visit with her daughter; Mrs. Aian sacuung, according to news received here by friends. Mrs.- McClung. (Louise' Latham) who attended Silverton ' schools sad the University of Oregon re cently joined her husband in New Jersey where he was transferred after being stationed with the navy in San Francisco for some years. "'"'''j' Bliss King Tells Troth Announcement Is being made of tne engagement ox Miss Iarlene King, daughter of Mrs. Rosalie Wallace of Salem and E. W. Smith of Pendleton, to Charles Diller, Aurora, son of E. C Diller of Au rora. No date has been set for the wedding. The betrothal waa made known at a party in Aurora on valentine's Day. . The Boms Eesnosaics dab of West Salem Grange will meet today at 1 pan. at the home of Mrs. Frelda Brog, 1545 Kim St. Couplo- to Vcd In April SILVERTON The wedding date for Miss Irene Moseng and Gail Cantrell has been set for April IS at B pjn. at Trinity Lutheran Church with the Rev. J. A. Luthre to officiate. The engagement of the couple was announced late In January. Miss Moseng is now in the offices of Dr. Norman Dodds at Silver ton, while Mr. CantreU Is witJa the J. C Penney Co., in CoqulUo. He has been with the company at Silverton for the past year, being" transferred to Southern Oregon in January. . Larg selection of Camellias m bieom. Visitors w4- MHIard Henny HZNNY CAMELLIAS AND 'AZALEAS ' ' BXOOKS, OKEOON Fellow signs 1 mL N. sf Brooks On Highway SS Aiiio-Tnicb-riro Insuronco Fire insurance rates are net the same la all csmpaaies be are to cheek en ear rates, also pay by the year and save money. i Bill and Geo. flslios District Agents t 1455 No. Capitol SL tiai'K m T W A 1 Phone 3-5S31 Betweea TJood A ShlppLmg Ste. oa Oway golag North 1 cup milk Vt cup grated cheese -i - i , 2 tablespoons butter : 2 tablespoons flour i ! " : 1 teaspoon salt i i - Melt butter, add flour and salt and mix well. Add milk and stir constantly until mixture boils. Stir in the cheese. Serve hot x on ham fritters. "' - . --V-;. ; '. I J Or these interesting doughnuts, easy because they need not be rolled out: : k .. : ' ; ORANGE DROP DOUGHNUTS - 2 tablespoons melted j 2 teaspoons baking powder shortening j ; H teaspoon nutmeg 1 cups sifted all-purpose 1 egg . flour Cup milk - : H cup sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange rind teaspoon sal , .., ..-.-. . -,.-.....; p Sift flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and nutmeg together. 1 Beat egg lightly and combine with milk. Add to dry mixture. Stir ; -lightly and quickly to thoroughly mix. Blend in melted shorten ing and grated orange rind. Drop by teaspoonfuls into fat heated to 375 (or hot enough jto brown an Inch cube of bread in 60 seconds). Drain on absorbent paper. "Dust with powdered sugar IfL desired. Makes 12 to IS. " FKYTNO FACTS -,' j ; Most foods that are fried may be done either In a deep kettle ' or a shallow skillet. - -j . . - - - - - ; Use a deep kettle 6 to 7 inches in diameter for deep frying. - Use a heavy skillet for pan frying. . , ' A frying thermometer assures controlled frying temperatures -' and greater use of fat lot deep frying if you nave no intrtinatjf I ' xryer. - - I Keep used fat covered and in a cool place. ' i .. ' Strain 1st after frying egg and crumbled foods or batter: covered foods. - - - . - , - CLU3 CALEfrDAn sarraoAT "-; "S . '" -Honsa Kosa Court, Order of Ama nita, Masonic' Temple t p.m. Saieia Branch, AAtTW . luncheon. Americas Leinaa Club, t pjxx. Auburn AfotBers CluO snnsal St KbMUUMlW, sao r-i r- . .. . nooHriG Ycyr Dc:t Cuy h tifetima, economy, prcJzctJon, ? " r. " - f:mjzjL m as eV S mm,-mmmm asrais4 - ZZ23 Tcnad CssJ Visitors Honored At Parties1 SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Le onard Humble and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Humble from Woford, NJD. who are in the west for the 50th wedding anniversary of the men's parents, Mr. and Mrs. d Humble of Oirvalusv have been feted by; former neighbors, who now live at Silverton. Tuesday noon the Hum bles were luncheoon guests of Mrs. O. Opperud. Additional guests were Mrs. Henry Haxtvickson and Leon ard, also formerly of Wolford. Tuesday night Mr. and ' Mrs. Herman Christenson. were dinner! hosts for, the r two: visiting cat pies, and Mr. and Mrs. Henrr Marvickson, and Lexmard and Mrs. Upperud. . ; SuvertonfoIk who clan, .fa at tend the wedding anniversary eel' ebration at Grace Lutheran Church at Corvallis -Sunday , are Mr. and Mrs. Alden - Clemetson. '. Mr. anrl Mrs. Herman Christenson, Mr. and Mrs. liartvlckson and Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Berg. Mrs. wpperua and Miss iwrri Onmr. UQU ' . Snfcr zi$i CcIIj? The' Eell-Donib EI3B! 1 And The Wm Jdaa DoatroT Afl LUo : upon this Planet by the Use of the Atom and Hydrocen Bombs? What about God's Great Secret, Weapons? When WO They Be Used? Sunday inghi, Feb, 22. r.'hes new drc3 or di tz2 to help your coc'b or chest cold daat delay. Creomul&ioa coatnmi only safe. hc!p- sul. promts la-redjeati sad no nar cotics to disturb nature s process. It joes into d troccLU rrrtna to JJ carore sociLs acJ tcr.J nw, ttrlzx. kLamed broncLIal mecl nines. Cost- smsed to please or year Cmzzist rs f ibwS money. Creomuloa has stood tie test cf cary colons cf users. EIda UhmctY and Salem Ste. n Hlvrtisiiii Ifflsf its ZS special Tofey! ; m PMiir!!es oLak t Lt L2....L.IJ w iiiv siai wi jwwi IIUUSBIIUIU budget you must maka It do an fficient i". i . " job. tleire liter usigrl It properly Informs you about the valuo of the things you buy. It helps you make an intelligent choice of the things you need or want. It tells you how you can make your life, and the lives of your family, more pleasant, comfortable and satisfying. . : , ' " ' ' I Finally because Advertising is the whetstone of competitionit helps to give you In- l creased value for your money. No. maker or seller of the things you. buy can long continuo to exist unless he tells you about his products ond proves, through performance, the things he toiis yuu Informing the consumer of products and services Is just one of the many ways in which - ,( . : r . i . '00$ fo) ftp, V73 - "SJ13I1S: I U Z7LJ This adveri!ssmtKf Is published by .;htl:tbttKatefAdvtrl3n3sc:rJ::salV Cc3 Illait C; a Ilii mli a rh.. 2-234 Xleaseaable m ia hmm -w . m - mt law W m W .