The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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aiuss makes lieturn in Special brent i -
Planning on taking in. the NCAA cage playoffs at CorvaHis in
March? 11 so, better be getting In your ticket applications pronto.
Ducat Mgr. Jim Bragg wax telling us the other night that he's had
almost 5.000 requests from the Seattle area already, all rot course
anticipating the appearance of the Washington Huskies in the tour
ney, with the added nope tnat beanie u ana aanny
hr -. " next weeKena s corvai-
lis appearance of Bob Houbregs ,
and the Huskies Has naa me us;.
ticket office doing a Dnsx ousi
ness also. Some pretty good seats
for the Friday , nighter are still
available, but only a few. general
admissions are left for the Satur
day night fray. You can look for
qtute a , hooking duel in both
gameav same starring Houbregs
of the Huskies and Tony Vlastel
lca.of the Beavers who is turning
out to be a terrific scoring threat
irrjthe conference . . . Know any
thing about shooting a crossbow?
If so, and you're interested in this ,
medieval weapon for current-day
sport, a move is now on to get
the--Game Commish to consider a ,
Dedal deer season for crossbow
hunters. One Frederick J. Oltmanns,
is spearheading the move. He'd like all interested to write to him so
that he would have sufficient evidence to present to. the Cornish dur
ing its July public hearings . . . There's no Marlin Cole to run off
with all the individual scoring Honors in we Marion uouniy is ieague
this semester, but have you noticed the two private scoring feuds
that have been going on week by"
one is of course the one for the lead, featuring Mill City s Roy Chase
and" Sublimity's Ron Ruef. They've been within a whisker of one
another all during the season, and have swapped the league lead
on four different occasions. To make it even more interesting, both
are "little" basketeers, Chase standing 5-10 and Ruef 5-9. Then
there's the St. Paul family argument involving ; the Smith brothers,
George and Sam, who amount to the O'Brien act of the M-B League.
They too have been as close a Scotchman's money belt throughout the
season, are high among the loop's top scorers and have taken the
lead over one another on two or three occasions. Sam is the bigger
of the two at 5-10. George is a mighty mite at 5-6. and we imagine
there are more than merely a few remarks cast to and fro at the
Smith family dinner table these evenings. Prior to Friday's games.
Chase had 191 points, Ruef 189, George Smith 141 and Brother Sam
140 . " -
Bevo an Explosive Word Around Wooden
Speaking of basketball seerers, here's a tale seeping from
the southern extremity of the Coast Conference: Seems that John
- Wooden, the UCLA mentor was in the market for an assistant
coach last autumn. Among the applicants for the Job was Newt
Oliver, an obscvre Ohio prep mentor who offered to bring along
a "pretty fair 6-9. player" If he were hired. But he wasn't Oliver
landed the head coaching Job at Rio Grande College In Ohio, and
took his 6-9 player with him. The name of the kid? Clarence
(Bevo) Francis, the one and same who Is making basketball
scoring 'history, almost dally, and who earlier this season poured
in 116 points ma single gai
. Rather imagine that every time Wooden hears or sees the name
Bevo he now screams, quite loudly ...
When Kid Gavilan takes on
the welterweight boxing crown, the Kid will be up against one of
the most scholarly mittmen in the game's history. Another Gene
Tunney, no less, and perhaps even a wiser head than that owned by
the old heavyweight smartie. .'.
Won Four NCAA Titles at Michigan State
Davey started his fistic career at Michigan State College at
the ae of 17. He won few straight NCAA titles and graduated
. from MSC with both a Bachelors and Masters decree. Items that
certainly arent part and
a teacher in the Michigan
Should the young southpaw with the confusing style that has
helped whip such , gladiators as Rocky Graziano, Ike Williams and
Chico Vejar be able to topple Gavflan Wednesday, hell likely be
come the first world -champion in history who also teaches school
room ABCs. .. J
Incidentally, the Chicago battle is to be televised Wednesday
night over KPTV ...
If H. Lnby's WI Leagne playing schedule Is adopted this week
'"it's already -printed and In the hands of Frexy Bob Brown),
the town Senators will play 73 games at Waters Field and 79 on
the read: The Salems will open with Calgary here April 24, will
! be out-of-town during the State Fair and will have both Memor
ial and Fourth of July dates here at home, playin Vancouver
on the former and Victoria the latter.
All teams in the league with
two series during the season here.
do Vanni, is Salem's "rival" club in the 10-team setup and will
make four visits to the village. On the other hand the Senators will
make four jaunts to every other city in the league with the exception
of Spokane, Tri-City, Vancouver
make only one jump to Spokane, three to Tri-City,! three to Vancouver
and three' to Yakima. j
Cealdnt be worked out any ether way what with special
requests by ether, teams, no Sunday baseball in Canada, travel
expenses, early-season weather conditions, eta te be considered .
Church League Results
Startn B.
lit Pres.
Deaf Sch.
CL Bap.
lt EUB .
W L Pet
W L Pet.
4 S .445
1 I
5 7.300
2 8 .250
1 S .143
1 t .M0
10 .000
11 0 1.000
1st Meth.
Kap. Bap.
Cen. Luth.
1st Bap.
t 1 .900
T 3 .778!
T S .77
3 .687
3 .625
4 355
Kwd. Bib.
cutis b mom
WL Pet
3 5 J7S
4 7 .333
3 T .300
s i jaa
, 3 7 .222
5 S -200
1 .100
u e 1.000
1st Pres.
CaL Bap.
tng. EUB
ist Bap.
Jason Lee
St. Paul's
let Math.
Knight M
1st Cong.
1st Bap.
Kwd. B.
1st EUB
1st Cbs.
Chera. R.
1st Pros.
10 0
Chem. ReS.
Chem. NaT.
Llbertr -
: J00
St. Mark's
WL Pet. I
S .410
3 0 .333
3 7 .300
3 S .373
a e .250
3 S .250
2 S .200
0 t .000
11 LOOIODcaf Sch.
10 0 LOOOi
10 l jtao
Cat. Bap.
Eng. EUB
T S .700StMk.Must
4 S
'Duck Mermen Victors
EUGENE W - The University
of Oregon swimming team posted
its first dual meet win of the sea
son Saturday-when it defeated the
Multnomah Athletic Club of Port
land 47-36. ,
Gordon Edwards won two events
for Oregon the 220-yard and 440
yard freestyle. . - -
Going East
j fjck up
at Detroit "
Factory Drhro-Away
SAVE U? TO $300.00
Stan Dd!:cr f.loJcnj .
Chemcketa t IHjh ;
Phono. 2-2463 i
f -
x t .
Scholarly ring warrior.
682 Grandest- Apt. 1, Astoria,
week In the cage circuit. The best
Chuck Davey Wednesday night for
panel of the fight racket. He's
school system. I
the exception oi Tri-City will play
The Tri-City outfit, now bossed by
and Yakima. The Salems are to
The Weather Bureau Saturday
reported these skiing conditions :
Timberline Skiina: poor: road
clear, carry chains; 130 inches of
snow, none new; wet, heavy; light
to moderate westerly winds, cloudy
and raining very lightly: chair lift.
Little Betsy tow will operate. Fore
cast r Partly sunny Sunday; slightly
cooler; light to moderate westerly
winds. if
Government Camp Skiing poor:
chains not , needed; 43 inches of
snow, none new; wet, heavy; light
westerly winds; cloudy, raining:
all tows operating. Forecast same
as Timberline. - ;
Santiam . Pass, Willamette Pass
and Crater LakeNo report. Fore
cast: .Partly sunny Sunday; high
Sunday 35 to 40; light to moderate
westerly winds. , -.
- Hudson Victor -
SPOKANE, Wash. (aV Cecil
Hudson, .a bobbing elusive 166
pound target from Milwaukee, won
a unanimous ten-round decision ov
er aging Ted Lowry, New Bedford.
Mass., Saturday night.
The chapel of Trinity College,
uartzorcL (Jomu, jias . many fine
wood carvings in its decorations,
the work of J. Gregory Wiggins,
a xormer classics schohnaster.
This Year?
Your New
I. "Ml IV
Bra - Pvahm
CHICAGO Iff) ' Officials of 12
major' conferences Saturday dis
cussed ways and means to stream
line investigations in the new Na
tional ' Collegiate Athletic Associa
tion "get tough" policy against
"The ,aim is closer co-operation
Aussie Fails
In Record Try
Tired Landy Chalks
Mediocre 4:11 Time
MELBOURNE. Australia (fl A
gaunt and weary John Landy won
the Victorian Mile in a disappoint
ing four minutes, 11 seconds Sat
urday and then announced he would
make no more attempts this year
to crack Gunder Haegg's world
record. -When
he does continue his 1 as
sault on the fabulous four-minute
mile next season, the 22-year-old
Melbourne student hoped some of
the bids may be made in America.
"I have refused many offers to
tour overseas, especially America,
this year, but would like to be able
to accept next year," Landy said.
"It all depends on how I'm run
Five pounds underweight from
four terrific races in the space of
two months, the speedster never
had a chance Saturday to challenge
Haegg's world mark of 4:01.4 and
he fell miserably off his own recent
performances. '
He had excited the track world
by running a 4:02.2 mile on this
same Melbourne Olympic Park
track last December.
College Slat
Action Slated
PULLMAN. Wash. tf Wash
ington S.tate College officials cross
ed their fingers this week and
mailed . invitations to ten North
west colleges to take part in a
combined invitational and North
ern Division Ski Meet Feb. 1415.
They held . off sending the in
vitations until the last minute be
cause ski conditions at Emjda
Bowl have been the poorest In
years. But the tournament spon
sors say now a recent snowfall
there convinced them conditions
will be favorable.
Besides the Northern Division
schools of the Pacific Coast Con
ference, invitations went to the
Whitman. Wena tehee Junior Col
lege. Montana State, Portland Uni
versity and Seattle University.
Marion Quint
WI.Pctf WLPct.
Marion M 11 1 .917 Salem Au. 8 7 .497
YMCA 9 3 .750 Salem JVs 3 10 .167
Wolfmtt'i 4 .667 Battery D 3 10 .107
Warner M 5 7 .437)
The Marion Motors quint,
streaking along at the top of the
City League standings with 11
wins in 12 outings, goes after vic
tory No. 13 Tuesday night on the
Leslie boards in a & o'clock mix
with the YMCA entry. The YMCA
crew currently is in second place
on the standings with a 9-3 mark
and could tighten the race up con
siderably with a win over the Ma
rion outfit Tuesday night. Other
Tuesday games see the Salem
High . School Jayvees meeting
Warner Motors at 7 and Wolga
mott's Service. Station, battling
Battery D of the National Guard
at 8. , .;-
Wednesday games find the Sa
lem Jayvees against Wolgamott's
at 7, Warner Motors opposite Bat
tery D at 8 and YMCA - against
Salem Auto at 9 o'clock.
Raiders Lose
CBJCO, Calif. IB Chico State
swept a basketball ' series from
Southern Oregon, downing them
84-67 here Saturday night,
SOCE led at halftlme. 36-28, but
In the third quarter Chico tied the
score 60-60, when Ellis Rolls scored
six straight baskets.
Chico ran away in the final quar
ter, scoring 24 points to Southern
Oregon's 7. '
George ' aladeros,- Chico State
center, scored 31. Southern - Ore
gon's Guard Ken Kimura garnered
Open Daily 8 AJ.L to 11 PJX
i -
Duty Firnnsdsf cn Cc3
4i pji.tD-o m.v
jsi F:.-.3 3-9123 cr 4-2243
- ' ' '- . .4.;- r
Prescripllon i:erer- 1CD to. Uberty
- ; WGlatforas
between the 'NCAA and the same
conferences in tracking down and
punishing - those - who break - the
rules." said Walter By era, NCAA
executive director;,- ' --- -The
meeting only got down to
item No. 6 on a 13-item agenda
Saturday. -After Sunday's final ses
sion there will be an announce
ment. There is none Saturday.
Byers said he did not yet know
if the "conference of conferences'
will make any specific recommend
ations at this time to the NCAA 17-
man council attending the meeting
or the NCAA membership.
Dovetailing Effect
Such streamlining methods may
develop by providing interconf er
ence probing assistance and dove
tailing conference enforcement ac
tivities with those of the NCAA.
About 10 colleges and universities
have been reported under observa
tion by NCAA investigators.
Big Ten and 'Pacific Coast Con
ference officials were scheduled to
discuss the Rose Bowl Saturday
while attending the conferences'
meetings. It was to be strictly in
formal and a Big Ten spokesman
said no announcement would be
made concerning the Rose , Bowl
The Big Ten negotiating commit
tee will meet at a later date with
a similar group from the PCC to
map a tentative renewal contract.
Cougars Upset
Stayton Quint
CASCADE (Special) Stayton's
Eagles suffered their first setback
of the Capitol League cage cam
paign Friday night as Johnny
Seim's Cascade Cougars registered
a surprise 55-51 win - over the
circuit leaders.
Joe Boyle's Eagles had snared
six straight league wins before
running afoul of the steamed up
Cascade led almost all the way,
with Ron Chaddick and Don
Sproul providing the chief im
petus. ' The first quarter was
close, Cascade holding a bare 10-9
margin at the gun. But the
Cougars speeded up in the second
period and ran up a 29-20 ad
vantage by lntermisison time. The
count at the finish of the third
chapter favored the Cougars
40-32. The Eagles closed the mar
gin in the last quarter but couldn't
catch up.
Chaddick tossed in 18 points to
Snark Cascade and Sproul con
tributed 13. Gene Small hit 12
for Stayton end David Nettling
totalledjll. '
The surprise loss also was Stay-
ton's first setback in the league in
three seasons. The win was. the
oxtn against two aezeats in tne
loop for the Cougars.
Edmonton Sets
Training Base
Eskimos of the Western Interna
tional Baseball League have com
pleted arrangments to open
spring training March 23 at Comp
ton, Calif., a suburb of Los An
geles. John Ducey, Eskimo general
manager, said Saturday he had
received a wire from team mana
ger Bob Sturgeon that arrange
ments had been completed for the
team to work out at Compton
Municipal Stadium.
The team will break camp April
IS and play exhibition games en
route to Tri City, Wash., where
Eskimos open the WIL season
April 24.
Cougar Slatmen
First in Tourney
University of Idaho skiers were
first in both the cross - country
and jumping, Washington State
College's ski , team took ' enough
places to win the Intercollegiate
Nordic . Combined .Tournament
which ended here Saturday. i
WSC scored a point total of 183a
to lead Wena tehee Junior College,
in second with 184.4. Idaho took
third, followed by the sponsoring
University of Washington in fourth
and Seattle University in fifth.
Kjell Knarvik of Idaho tumped
113 feet and scored 109.2 to win
the jumping Saturday He was fol
lowed by Hans Bjornstad of WSC
and Olav Stavik of Idaho.
' - All women of the United States
first had the right to vote in a na
tional election In 1920.
Novak his foe TaesdayJ
Favored Crafty
Admiral Wins
$50,000 'Cap
MIAMI. Fla. m Crafty Ad
miral, high weight of the ! field
under 129. pounds, Saturday: won
the mile and one - eighth of the
850.000 Mclennan Handicap at
Hialeah Park. Oil Capitol was sec
ond and Ken third In the ; field
of seven. I .
Under Ken Church's guidance,
the five year old son of Fighting
Fox stepped the distance ' in
1:53 2-5, far off the track record.
Crafty Admiral, paid 88.60.! 84.50
and 83.50. Oil CapitoT returned
88.70 and $5.20 while Ken! paid
Crafty Admiral broke from the
barrier in front and never was
headed. He finished the trip three
and one - half lengths in front of
Oil Capitol, running in the silks
of the Hasty House' Farm. Oil
Capitol was three - quarters of
a length in front of Ken, owned
by Mrs. E. K. Weil.
Then came Spartan Valor,! Man
dingo, One Count, and Gushing
The. winner's share of the 864.-
000 purse was 845,400. j
Favorite Role
To Decorated
In Rich Derby
ARCADIA. Calif. U) Decora
ted went one i up on Chanlea in
their battle for midwinter 3-year-old
honors Saturday, and at the
same time made it plain heU be
a top contender in the 3100.000
Santa Anita Derby, two weeks
from now.
Decorated, owned by Andrew J.
Crevolin, automobile dealer - in
nearby Albambra. went to the
front early In the 825,000 San
Felipe Handicap at Santa ! Anita
Park and stayed there to win by
two lengths, with Chanlea second
and Social Outcast third.
Decorated beat Chanlea i in a
warmup 10 days ago, after drop
ping their first match in mid -
January. Saturday Jockey Johnny
Longden left no doubt of the su
periority of his charge. He held
off the bids of a field of 10 others
in the stretch without difficulty.
Decorated paid 86.40. 83.30 and
83. Chanlea paid 34.40 and, 33.20,
Social Outcast 86 to show..; Time
for the mile and one - sixteenth
was 1:441-3.
Veteran, Youth
Links Leaders
EL PASO, Tef. if) Young Leo
Biagetti of Baltimore, making his
first dash toward golf glory; and
balding Chandler Harper of: Ports
mouth, W. Va., a veteran of the
tournament trail, went into a tie
for the lead in the 810,0000 El Paso
Open Golf Tournament Saturday
with a 54-hole total of 206.
Both shot two under par 69 over
the blistering, 6,309-yard El Paso
Country Club Course to take the
lead from Jackie Burke who led
at the halfway mark with 136.
Burke soared to a three over par
74, saying he couldn't putt lick.
It was putting that had shoved
him to the front Friday, j
The rose window in the ichapel
of Trinity College, Hartford,; Conn.,
has been called the equal Of many
of those in European cathedrals.
Aaro-Ur 2-Ooor Sodom, LW Price
F.O.I. Tetooav OMo, m rooarol
Tax, Stat and Locat Imxt, !f any,
Fralgkf, Dollvory - mmd koaotlaf
Ooraov Optional EqWpiant, bUro, .
Etzzi EIo!:r;Go.
...SM JL Hici
..... Calexnu Orecoa ! .
StilT another sizeable outing for
local mat. patrons looms. Tuesday
night when Matchmaker Elton
Owen"; presents his . weekly , grap
pling party Tat the ""Armory The
muscles maestro has Arrogant Eric
Pederson dashing' with Don Kin
dred in the headliner, and has
backed it up with a trio of enticing
prelims. .-.-
Most of ,.the card's .thunder will
of course eome in the mainer when
blond Eric, bloodied and battered
in losing' the tag team brawl to
the Negro combine of Kindred and
Frank . James last week, attempts
to reciprocate with burly Kindred
as the victim..
Kindred is easily one of the
Top Ski Jumpers to Compete
In Mt Hood Ca
GOVERNMENT-CAMP, Ore. (Special) Top American ski Jump4
ers will be pitted against three Norwegian world-beaters when lovers
of the spectacular gather at this little Mount Hood village February
22 for .the twenty-sixth annual running of ' the Cascade Ski Club
Winter Carnival, club president
Chester van Hough ten announced
today. Carnival highlight will be
the Pacific "Northwestern Ski As
sociation Jumping championships.
"It's almost like a little part of
the 1952 Olympic Games had been
moved to Oregon for that day,"
van Hough ten -explained. "The
current world's class A ski jump
ing champion, Norway's soaring
Hans Bjornstad . of Trondjheim,
and a man very nearly his equal,
Arrie Hoel of Oslo, will .head the
Norse contingent.'' Hoel has won
the . famed' Holmenkollen crown.
the Davis Cup of skiing circles,
and was one of the top three mem
bers on last year's Olympic cham
pionship Norwegian team. .
Stars Invited
Presence of these two of siding's
greatest will be due to the long
range planning of Portland's Cas
cade Ski Club and Leavenworth,
Washington's Winter Sports club.
Representatives of the two clubs
attended the Olympic Games in
Norway last winter and invited
two Class A champipns and two
junior age champions to spend this
winter in the Pacuie Northwest to
help train American boys.
Hoel. a university graduate in
his -homeland. Is a sporting goods
Salesman in Portland during the
week and coaches Mount Hood
youngsters every week end that he
isn t away at tournaments. He s
come in first or second every time
he has started this year. Twenty-
year-old Anders 1 Woidseth, hail
ed last winter as Norway's great
est junior-age jumper, is attending
Portland University midweek, and
jumping for that school in A class
competitions. He's finished near
the top of every meet he has en-
Chieftains Wait
Tournament Bids
SEATTLE m Seattle Univer
sity has decided to wait until it
receives tne invitations Derore
choosing which basketball party it
will attend. .
The school's board of trustees
and athletic board met Saturday
with the intention of deciding
whether the S. U. Chieftains should
play in the National Invitational
tourney In New York or tne Na
tional Collegiate Athletic Associa
tion western regionals.
After the session the university
issued a statement saying that any
decision now would be "premature
in the absence of a formal invi
tation" to either event.
ATBANV SneHan The Al
bany Bulldogs turned on the steam
in the second half Saturday night
for a 60-45 cage victory over junc
tion City in a non-league scrap.
Albany led at halftime 25-22.
toughesf rasslin- hombres to Tand
here in years, and ' ranks ' right
along with such as Soldat Gorky,
Herb Parks, - Ruf fy - Silverstein,
Leo Wallick, etc. His head butts
and pile driver, hold are punishing
dandies.;, He has teamed with
James on two straight local oc
casions and has been the big rea
son for the-two wins over Peder
son and Buck-Weaver in the tag
squabbles.;' . . '
Pederson and his full nelson and
overall strength are weU known
here. ..;,.. j.- , -
Salem's Tony Ross, out of local
action - tor the past few weeks,
was to have appeared in the spec
Friel Handed
SEATTLE (A Jack Friel. bas
ketball coach at Washington State
College for a quarter - century,
got a vote of confidence Saturday
from school alumni..
Meeting here, the alumni board
of directors announced the action,
saying it was unanimous among
board members. Lyle Maskell of
Yakima, board president, said the
vote was taken because of rumors
that Friel would retire after this
The board expressed apprecia
tion to Friel for his 25 years of
service at W. S. C, Maskell said,
and-"wished him. the best of luck
in his future years of coaching"
at the state college.
Bill Would AUow
Fish Pole Propping
A bill to repeal the law that
says steelhead and sturgeon fish
ermen must hold their rods in
their hands was introduced in the
House Friday by Rep. Russell
Hudson, The Dalles.
Many fishermen now prop up
their poles against a rock or
forked stick, even though it la
Hudson's bill would legalize the
pole-propping practice.
Last Chsnco at Th:so Oustscding Vc!j:j
i Special Group 105 Suits
Values to $69.50 3T)53
How. &Z
. This Special Group Is Broken Lots from
Our January Clearance. Sizest 34 fo 46.'
Snorts Regulars ' longs
Capital Sherpping Center .
Open Men. Fr, TU1
For the Makes' and
, 1
Tho Service You Can Trust
y-'.".r - -C See'' ' - j -:
. (gQCJ'u'GQ
r 1120 Center Street
: 423 Court Street I
Salem's Oldest end Largest
TY and Radio Dealer' -
ial event Tuesday, but won't W
able to make it due to a previous
committment. So Owen has moved
Affable Al Szasz up to the semi
windup spot, and the' Happy Hun
garian, from St Louis, absent in
these parts many months, win do
battle with Lu Macera. Szasz was
once A-l in popularity and ability.
-The two prelims, first of which
starts the. show at 8:30 o'clock,
puts Treacherous Phillips against
Dale KIser and Gino Nicolini op
posite Steve NovaL Of this quarter'
the handsome Nicolini has been
compiling a fine winning streak
and looks like a real comer. 7
Salem Fighters j .
Lose Belt Bouts i
Vancouver, b. c. pp)-Da-
Len Wainwright, Vancouver,' B.
C. won by foul over Willard Nel
son, Salem.- Ore. -Nelson disquali
fied for low blow.
! Jimmy Wells, Cardston, Alta
decisioned Virgil Dyer, Salem; Ore.
' I Free rarUng