The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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- Any elation Johnny Cberberg may feet as new pigskia mentor
at Washington probably is tempered by the realisation that under
Athletic Director Harve CaaaUl Johnny is f uc w nsv
in dazxHnr fashion. Cherberg may . ,
11 awake night worrying that if.
Howie OdeU tot the can after a
7-3 season, what in heck does a
mentor hare to do at TJW to stay
in the rod rraees . . . Bnt since
CaaslII apparently is hlh on Cher
berg, the new appointee likely
will be allotted one season to ret
his "sea legs" . . . Article in cur
rent Colliers mar says In a few
seasons .300 hitters in the Majors
will be as scarce as Dodos. Rea
sons: The wide use "of the slider.'
giving the pitchers an added
weapon to befuddle the batters;
nlrht ball which isn't the best
thing in the world for the eyes;
Introduction of the special shifts,
such as the J ones used on Ted
Williams and Ralph Kiner; and
the home run erase which finds
most everyone swinging from the
heels and too .often popping op
. . . As for the present-day ten
dency to 'try to kill that ball.
Kiner. the Pittsburgh home run
king, juts his finger on It when he
mm -it tm uk thAse homers
9AAifcitiir v drive faleniea" . .
Kiner faces a Mr pay cut because
with an aecempanjrinr drop In four-master Deiun ...
Hat Husky Tote Good Chance to Hold Up?
wuhinrton's Hnskles have made the tow to go through the
Northern Division season unbeaten and they're at the halfway mark
new with 8-0. Let's took at the remainder of the Huskies division
schedule and ponder Just where the "vow" faces, the rreatest threat
of smashing against a reef. Tippy Dye's elan takes on wm; in a pair
1 at Seattle an Feb. and 7 and since It's the Huskies' home court and
since the Courars are seemingly quag-mired this season the TJW Quint
ourht to snap up this series without too, much effort ... Then come
a pair with Oreron State at Corvallis in Feb. 13 and 14. If Slats GUI
, has one of his tight-stretched zones working right and Tony Ylastelics
fa at bis best, the Huskies mirht run
Is at Seattle on- the 20th and 21st
to spring- a possible upset. But the real test for the Dye crew may
come In the division finales against Idaho's Vandals at Moscow on the
27 th and 28th. Idaho is rourh defensively and will have the advantage
of the home floor. This might well be the series that could knock that
"vow" out the window . .
Retired Junior Pilot Looks Back on His Kids
Walt Lebold, the peppery little ruy who's long. been a prominent
figure in local Junior League baseball circles, was musing the other
day about the seven years he put in as a manager of youthful ball
dubs.- Walt was engrossed In retrospection, you see, because he re
tired from a skipper's role a year ago ... In his musings Lebold fig
ured that in his stint as pilot of the Mayflower Milk and Salem
Laundry teams he handled around 200 kids. And he takes pride In
how some of these younrsters advanced. Tako Cub Houck, s first
string bailer at Oregon State for several seasons. And Jim Roek a
member of recent Navy . teams at Annapolis. And there are Cliff
Glrod and Mike Glenn and Millard Bates, all prominent on Willam
ette ball clubs in recent seasons . . . Tea, Walt is proud of all those
kids, he coached, hot he is embarrassed, too, in the fact that they go
out of their way to speak to him nowadays, but he eant recall most
f their names. They've grown up that much . . .
Fight Fans Soon Han Turn That Dial Freely
The Oregon Liquor Control Commission must Include at least
one fight fan for it was a boon to the ring fanatics when the com
mission decided to do away with a regulation that was frightfully
Irritating on championship fight nights . . . That, of course, being the
regulation that no beer-sponsored programs can bo broadcast or tele
vised before eight o'clock. This measure blacked out all direct wire
reports on the big fights and had
of suspense ... But this regulations
and so now you guys with a fistio complex can bo happy in your
anticipation ... What a difference one man can make and Center
Dave Hagen of Molalla's Indians Is a rood example. In the Indians
first clash with Mllwaukle this season Hagen held Arland Bloedel of
the Maroons to exactly no points. The second contest of the series
came last Saturday night and Bloedel sparked a Mllwaukle win .with
27 points and with Hagen. sidelined by flu . . .
Badgers, Pioneers Next Loop
Foes for Leading 'Cat Cagers
The Willamette Bearcats, making a strong bid for retention of
their. Northwest Conference cage crown, resume circuit action Friday
night on the WU floor with the Pacific Badgers and then go to Port
land Saturday eve to meet the Lewis and Clark Pioneers. Coach John
Lewis' Methodists boosted their
league-leading margin Saturday
mgnt wita a 58-50 win over Harv
Roloff s Badgers at Forest Grove.
.Willamette now has a confer
ence mark of five wins and one
defeat. Lewis and Clark rest in
second place with a 4-3 record.
Linfield'a Wildcats (3-4) battle
Pacific (2-4) at Forest Grove
Tuesday night and other confer
ence action this week finds College
of Idaho (3-3) hosting. Whitman
(2-4) Friday and Saturday nights
and Lewis and Clark at Llnfleld
Friday night. . -
Quints Fared
NEW YORK m Hero's how
the top ten college basketball
teams fared last week:
1. Seton Hall (21-0) defeated Al
bright, 32-52, and Villanova, 84-
78. ..--V ': - ! v
2. Indiana (9-2) didn't play.
3. .Washington . (18-1) defeated
Honolulu Plymouths, 66-63, and 69
61, and Hawaii. 83-55.
4. La Salle (16-2) defeated East
ern Kentucky, 89-67.
5,, Kansas State (10-2) defeated
Iowa-State, 81-78. :
6. Illinois (0-2) didn't' play. '
7. Fordham (14-2) lost to St
John's (Bkn), 62-56, and defeat
ed Yale. 48-44.
8. Oklahoma A & II -(14-1) de
feated Wichita... 73-59, nd Tulsa,
9. Western Kentucky (164) de
feated Tampa, 117-58. and 104-56.
10. DePaul (15-4) defeated Notre
Dame,. 83-56. ..
Pants Rowland
To Be Honored
1 CHICAGO W)-Officlals of the
Old Timers Baseball Association
have announced the organization
will honor Clarence (Pants) Row
land at its annual dinner Feb. 5.
Rowland, . former manager ' of
r the Chicago White Sox,- now Is
f resident of the 4 Coast .League,
lis 1917 Sox s3uad-won the
World Series fromtho New York
Giants. . ' .'..'. ; - . . .
The United States military, aca
demy at West Pcint was first
opened with 10 studant la 112.
How Top
' 1
Homers Mean Cadillacs
rou drive CadiUacs; If you're Just a
. Mirht be added, however, that
he swatted only .244 last season
afoul In one of these tuts, uregon
and potentially the Ducks have It
fans biting their nails In an agony
goes by the boards effective Feb.
CORVALLI8 CflP) Oregon
State's Rooks kept their record
clean Saturday night but it was a
tight squeeze as they edged Ore-
Eon's Frosh 52-51. Big Swede Hal
rook led the Rook scoring with
22 points. Ho collected only five
field goals during the game.
fir? ciAAfd
79Q TO -
toy h
( 2Jtis
' 5 "
I ft.- ,
, ; yNU - rock GxwtiOk,'fytfzt&rf
h-- ' - .. J
IPrep Leaders Favore
W I Pet.
Dallas" S 1-.S57
Woodb'n -8 S .714
Molalla S I .714
Eatacada 4 3 J35
SUvtoa S 4 .420
Sandy S 4 .42S
ML Aug. ' 1 0 .141
Canby 1 iil
More fireworks Is due. in the
mid-valley's major prep cage cir
cuits Tuesday night and the lead
ers in the various leagues are ex
pected, to clear additional hurdles
as they , seek, to speed : up their
runs for titles.' V : Z'.; t- "
In the Willamette Valley League
G-ordy . Kunke's Dallas Dragons,
riding on top of the standings with
a 6-1 mark, may be pressed hut
are expected to notch loop win
No. 7 as they Invade the floor of
the Cascade Rangers, who have a
4-3 mark. Woodburn's Bulldogs,
tied for second with Molalla's In
dians, take on the Silverton Sil
ver Foxes at Silverton,' while
Molalla travels to Mt. Angel. Both
Woodburn - and Molalla . are fav
ored. The Sandy Pioneers host the
Terrible Tomtny Wins by Stroke . .
TUCSON, Ariz. U) A 12-foot
putt that dropped for a Duxne on
the 17th hole Sunday gave Tommy
Bolt of .Ma pie wood, NJ., one of
golfs newest big names, the 12,
0000 first prize money In the $10,
000 open golf tournament. - -
His 72-hole total of 265 was 15
strokes under par.
Chandler Harper of Portsmouth
Va., who played with an aching
arm, finished one stroke behind
-with a total of 266. Ho won fir
Harper had clicked out three
birdies in five holes to pull even
with Bolt. His 10-foot putt for a
birdie on the 17th bounced over
the hole and cost him a first place
E. J. (Dutch) Harrison of Ard-
more. UKia.. wno iea wa nrsi.iwo
rounds and started out on the fi
nal 18 holes in a first placo tie
with Bolt, had his luck desert him.
He took a two-over-par 73 for
the easv Dar 70. 6.402-yard 1
Rio Golf and Country Club lav
out. His total of 271 left him in
a three-way tie for ninth place.
Bill Mawhinney of Vancouver,
B.C., got in at the bottom of the
Skating King
Retains Title
ST. PAUL. Minn. (A Ken Bar
tholomew of Minneapolis made a
determined comeback to sweep bis
last three races and retain his sen
ior men's crown in the National
Outdoor Speed Skating Champion
ships - here Sunday.
The telephone company employe
who will be 33 Feb. 10 scored his
fourth consecutive triumph and
eighth in his career In the senior
men's class.
Mile Chalked
NEW YORK (flVJohnny KoplL
a skinny 19-year-old senior from
Bayonne, N. J Saturday ran the
fastest mile ever run by a high
school boy. He was tuned In 420.1
on a flat indoor track in tho New
York University Interscholastie
Kopii's time was l.i seconds
faster than the national mark ttt
outdoors by Lou Zamperini ox
Torrance, Calif, high school in
The previous best Indoor mark
by(a high school roller was 4:22.2
by Leslie MacMitchell in 1938
when.MacMitchell was a student
at George Washington High
Schoolin New. York City.
- By Afen Maver
Fastest Prep
W li Pet.
W L Pet.
Min at. 10 e 1.000
Sublmty 1 -J900
Jeff 'son ; .T 3 .700!
o s D :
St. Paul
' 3 J00
- I t J 00
- 3 t. xta
3 MO
Gervals r S S MM
Chemawa 3 J33
Canby Cougars. ,
In the Marion County B cir
cuit, Bert Burrough's . Mill City
Timberwolves, streaking along at
the head of a pack with 10 straight
wins, might run into some stiff
resistance from a Jefferson Lions
club that has a 5-3 league mark.
The key mix is set for Mill City
boards. Sublimity's Saints,' .. rest
ing in. second place with a 9-1
record, go to Detroit and should
have little trouble with a Cougar
quint that has .wen but two loop
tilts to - date. , Other Marion B
games Tuesday night ' find . St
Paul hosting Deaf ; School and
Chemawa playing, at Gervais. i .
- Ole Johnson's Dayton Pirates, in
front in the Yawama League chase
go after their ninth consecutive
list of money winners with a 277
a score shared with seven oth
ers. Tho seven each drew $7.14.
Mawhinney is not eligible to ac
cept prize money. -
Tuesday Night
Harold Hauk's Salem High
School Vikings, whoso Big Six
League title hopes took a bad lac
ing last week in the defeat at the
hands of the leading Albany Bull
dogs, take on another league oppo
nent Tuesday night when they
W I PetJ - WL Pet.
Albany f I .S57lSprlnfd 3 I-.600
Corval's 3 1 .T50Cutno 3 4
Salem 3 07Benl 0 S
travel to Corvallis for a rnix"with
the second-place Corvallis ' Spar
tans. Corvallis rests In tho runnorup
spot with three wins and one sot
back, while Salem now has a
league mark of four triumphs and
two losses. The Vlks could fain the
second place position If they can
measure tho Sparts in tho coming
clash. -
Hauk plans to start his usual
lineup of Bill Thompson and Tom
Pickins at the forwards, Jack
Bishop at center and Gordy Doma
galla and Jim Knapp at tho
guards. '
The Salem Frosh face tho Cor
vallis JVs in a prelim to the Tues
day night varsity mix. ,
The Salem-Corvallis game Is the
only Big Six contest on tap Tues
day. Springfield plays Willamette
of Eugene in a non-leaguer.
How Good?
Rate McKeea Better
Kramer Defeats
Aussie Netter
BUFFALO, N.Y. If) A deter
mined Jack Kramer made it two
straight Sunday over - Australia's
Frank Sedgman in their interna
tional pro tennis series, winning
in straight sets, 6-4, 6-2,. In Mem
orial Auditorium. .
Kramer still trails in the series
with 8 victories to Sedgman's 1L
Rickey Considering
NEW YORK W Gabe Paul,
vice president of the Cincinnati
Reds, disclosed Sunday he had of
fered tho Pittsburgh Pirates five
players for Ralph Kiner. National
League home run king for tho past
seven years-,
Paul, in New York to' attend tho
baseball writers - dinner Sunday
night, .said he made the offer; to
Branch .Rickey Saturday night and
the Pirates general manager had
assured him he would give the
proposition "serious considera
tion." --T . " - '.-.vC -I:-
- Paul estimated the five players
he offered were worth" In i the
neighborhood of J3C0.CC0. No actu
al cash was cilered. All players
currently ara, ful!) fledged mem
bers cf tho Redi, according to
There have been all sorts' cf
reported cfiers for Kiner," said
Paul, "but our offer is the only
bona de one ever made for tho
Vikings Invade
To mi
W V Pet.
W X Pet.
Dayton 0 1.000
WUlm'aa 7.1 J75
3 I , J71
fS J33
T .128
1 n 425
Sheridan S 3
7501 Amity'
N-Mar. , - 4 4 JOOj
ramn u
circuit j win Tuesday night In a
fracas with Amity's Warriors on
the Warrior court. -The Pirates
are favored to take an Amity club
that has but onev league . win so
far and If the Johnson team does
prevail it'IT be, its 15th' straight
win over' the over-all season, and
its 33rd straight. Yawama victory
over : three . seasons. Wlllamina's
Bulldogs, in second place . with a
7-1 ! record ? play at - Sherwood,
North Marion hosts Yamhill ' and
Banks hosts a Sheridan team that
rests in third place .with a 6-2
inarkv-rv "AW.. '?. .
' Joy Boyle's SUyton Eagles,
leading the Capitol League scrap
with: five straight . wins, should
get No. 6 Tuesday night as; they
host the Philomath Warriors (1-4).
' ' ' ' ' '
8Tn Stotasmozu Salem Orejon, Monday, Fobruarr 2, 1953
Convicted Saigh
NEW YORK Fred Saigh, St. Louis Cardinals owner facing a prison
term for in come tax evasion, huddles with Baseball Commissioner
Ford Frkk. tight, after their conference hero. Saigh announced that
' ho weald appoint a committee acceptable to Frick to ran tho Car
duals until he could divest himself of fcls stock in tho crab. (AP
' Wlrephoto to Tho Statesman.) f p
Stars Compared for
SciuSl-sra iCo&chQS- Kate
- By LKN LEFKOWj .!';
a gentlemanly squabble ! among
West Coast basketball' coaches
over which is the better Bob Hou
bregs of Washington or Califor
nia's McKeon. r- 1 f t
They're both top-light centers
potential candidates for All-America
honors but most Fadfio
Coast Conference coaches I line up
solidly behind McKoen, a lanky
6-foot-7 sensation who's seeing his
first! year of varsity, play v
There's one loud voice in Hou
bregs , corner, however. And it
belongs to Nibs Price, McKeen's
coach. " ' ';'.- -
Price - a veteran ' of ! 20-odd
year of conference combat at Cal
says: : . " .v. j ... V-:.
"Understand, rm not trying to
knock Mac (McKeen) because ho
oan do some things Houbregs
can't, and no's only a sophomore.
. "But, oh that Houbregs, he's got
tho greatest hook shot I've ever
seen, and ho has plenty of fakes
to go with it,"
Yet, Nibs feels McKeen a gang
ling 1 19-year-old who has lots to
learn, will develop into a . great
player. - - -a-i- -- tT-v-;-2r-;t
"Before McKeen's through, - he
can be a better center than Hou
bregs," said Price, a shrewd Judge
of hoop talent, ' I r' '
The other day at a basketball
! O.
Pittsburgh slugger: I am certain
Mr. Rickey wl substantiate this.
Paul : declined to ' identify -the
players, but declared they were
all highly regarded and could play
regularly for Pittsburgh.' . - ,
Holland Injured, '
May BKss Idaho
- EUGENE iSi Barney Hollant
University of. Oregon guard who
was injured -Saturday in the Oregon-Oregon
State basketball game,
probably will not be in tho start
ing lineup next weekend when tho
Ducks meet tho Idaho Vandals."
Holland - suffered a broken nose
and a cut over his ri-Lt eji which
required three stitches - during the
fourth wuarter cf. Oregon's 73-C3
victory over Oreron State. -
L Ckach- EiIT. Eorcher said "Bob
Hawes will replace Holland in the
starting lineup. .
W L, Pet.
W L Pet.
1 i JiOO
0 4 .000
SUyton SO l.OOOiPhilmth
S. Heart 3 3 .000 Sal. Ac.
Cascade i 3jooi
Bob Funk's Salem 'Academy Cru
saders go . after their first league
victory in a mix with , Johnny
Seim's Cascade Cougars on the
Cougar floor, but Cascade (3-2)
is favored. Leo ?rosjacques Sac
red Heart Cardinals take time
out front league warfare s they
invade the Columbia Prep court
in Portland. - ' '
Lone Big Six League game on
tap Tuesday night finds Salem's
Vikings- meeting the Corvallis
Spartans at Corvallis. Salem drop
ped to third . In- the race- via a
loss to; Albany last week, while
the Spartans rest In second - with
a S-l mark. -,
t In Polk County B action Val
setz hosts Falls - City Tuesday
night. . - -
Says Good-Bye
writers luncheon the talk turned
to tho two centers, who are cer
tain to battle it out for All-Pacific
Coast honors and possible All
American ratings. .
"McKoen is a better all-around
player," UCLA's Johnny Wooden
contended. "He hurt us more in
our two defeats by California than
Houbregs did when we split in De
cember with Washington."
(Continued on next page)
Cougar Skiers
Tops inMeet
-BaNTT, Alta. (fl Washington
State College rolled up 385.6 points
out of a possible 400 here during
the -weekend to capture the team
championship for. tho second time
at tho International -Intercollegiate
Ski Meet.' '... 'r' V
.; Washington State . cleaned up In
individual honors. Nils Hegvold
winning tho 7 individual four-day
combined ' and Al Fisher taking
second:"': ; r : '
Hans . , Bjornstad, ' 1950 , world
champion ski Jumper, copped the
individual' jumping. - title. From
Lier, Norway,' Bjornstad skis for
Wena tehee Junior College, which
topped the teams In Jumping. '
; . Olaf SUvik. University of Idaho
skier from ; Molde. Norway, won
the gruelling five-mile cross-coun
try mamauai title. - covering tho
rain-soaked course during a steady
drizzle in 28 minutes, 39 seconds.
Austrian, Burr i
Nab Ski Honors
OGDEN, Utah ) tf) Christian
Pravda, Sun Valley ski . instructor.
won his second recent major" in
termountain ski meet Sunday when
ho led a star-studded field down
the slopes of Snow Basin in the
sixth annnal Eccles - Cup races.
The smiling Austrian ace flashed
down Wildcat Run in 1:27.1 trailed
by Jack Reddish, tho. Salt Lako
City Olympic performer now wear
ing Sun Valley colors. Reddish fin
ished in 1:32J. ,
. Janette Burr won' the women's
race in 1:42.4 followed by Mary
Litchfield. 1:48.0. and Katy Ru
dolph. 1:43. All are members of
tho Sun Valley team. v
CHICAGO ipyThm Chicago
Shite Sox announced "Saturday
e signing of their red hot Cuban
pitching prospect, Mike Jornielis.
The Chicago Cubs used six dif
ferent ; second basemen', during
1S52. Including Catcher Bruce Ed
wards who played in one game at
that spot " .
H1 ?(
Corviillis Series to i Open Tuesday;
Huskies Face Cougar Quintet Next
SEATTTLE (fl Jour full games
ahead of the pack, the University
of .Washington-; Huskies fly . home
this - week - from Honolulu after
three straight basketball triumphs
over Island teams. -
The undefeated Huskies lead the
UltS ,
I As Mustangs'
Pigsldn Chief
DALLAS, Tex. tB H. N. ( Rus
ty) Russell resigned Sunday night
as football coach of Southern. Meth
odist University. He had been . un
der fire after two losing seasons.
Russell became head coach at
SMU in 1950 when Matty Bell re
tired to become athletic director
His teams made sood showings
intersectionally until the past sea
son but couldn t make the grade
in Southwest Conference play.
Russell said. "It Is too big a iob
to coach football and have to an
swer criticism at the same time.
Rather than place either the ath
letic ' committee or the university
under any embarrassing pressures
I voluntarily resigned."
Russell said he had made a sat
isfactory financial settlement with
the athletic committee and the un
iversity. He Indicated that he had
been paid In full for the three
years remaining on his contract.
Ho did. not say how much money
was involved.
Russell who started coaching
in 1922. coached In Texas high
school t football until 1945 when he
became assistant coach at SMU.
Ha served as first assistant to Bell
until 1950 when -he was advanced
to head coach.
Whit Ace's 50
Beats Record
By The Associated Press
A pair of free throws in the final
seconds by a substitute guard
saved Eastern Washington's' undis
puted lead in tho Evergreen Con
ference Saturday night but tho
big thunder was at Spokane-where
Whitworth's Jim Doherty set a new
Northwest basketball scoring rec
ord of 50 points. - ;
Doherty established his scoring
record in a non-conference game
against St. Martin's, which Whit-
worth won, 85-6L '
Tho rangy Pirate center, holder
of tho conference scoring mark,, got
only, nine points In tho first half.
but ran wild in the second to rack
up 41 on IS of 28 attempts from
the field and 15 of 21 free throws.
The new record erases the one
held briefly by . Washington's Bob
Houbregs, who counted 49 against
Idaho a few weeks ago..
Scoring King
Finally Gets ;
WELLSVnXE, O. UP) College
basketball's leading pointmaker
Sot his high school diploma Sun
ay night.
Clarence (Bevo) Francis enter
ed Rio Grande, O., college . last
fall under a special provision for
non-high school graduates. He has
been doing some studying: there,
as well as breaking basketball rec
ords, and now ho Is eligible for
his high school diploma.
It was presented at a testimon
ial dinner for him here in his old
homo ftown. : " "
' There's a parade . on schedule
for Francis Monday., Then he goes
back to work again Monday night
when his team plays Pikesville,
Ky College in Beacon Memorial
Auditorium, ' ' - " v - -:
The tall (6-9) Francis - had a
comparative off - night Saturday
night when Rio played Steubenville
College. Ho got only 41 points, well
under the SO counters ho averaged
during his preceding 28 games.
But Rio ; won its 27th straight
game, 78 to 65, and Francis' point
total now stands at 1,341 for the
varsity had a tough time of it but
boat a UCLA alumni basketball
team, 59-58,' with free throw In
the last few seconds Saturday
night. -
Russell Q
Pren Divl
a ... a - .
Golf Association Makes Move
For Uniform Handicap System
Golf Association moved toward a
nationwide uniformity for deter
mining handicaps by adopting a
new system .Saturday which will
E reduce . both basic and . current
andcaps. -' .
A basic handicap is designed to
show a player's golf ability over
a considerablo period: A current
handcap is designed, to show the
at-the-moment state of his game.
Heretofore the association has
recommended basic handicaps on
ly. .
Tho -following , are . the main
points: '
1. 1 Basic handicaps will bo com
puted from the lowest ten of the
player's last 3 scores. When few-
i !
northern division of the Paclfft
Coast Conference with an 8-0 xJ
Pacific Coast Conference i
By ' Tho Associated ; Press i
' Northern Division
Washington . . '. j 8
0 1.0C)
Idaho .. . ; 4
Oregon '-" -rV ': 4
Oregon State ; $
Washington State' :1
Southern Divlaioa
California, B
Southern California 18
Southern California : $
Stanford ' 1
ord. They're 18-1 for tho seasoflL
During their Honolulu triD molt
of the rest of the division scrsn
hied for better places in the stand
ing's. :-.' ' .;. ' f .'..:.."!
Sunday Idaho and Oreeon were
knotted for second place, each will
four wins and four losses.
Whether Idaho can stay as hlsrh
this week is problematical. Th
Vandals must play four games i
five days during their annual in
vasion of Oregon's Willamette Val
ley. Idaho plays Oregon State
Tuesday and Wednesday, then taiv
gies with Oregon Friday and Sat
uraay. . ( ,
In other eames this wk Waah.'
ington returns to division play by
entertaining the tail-end Washin.
ton oiaie cougars in a pair at Se
attle. Huskies Beat Hawailans -
Washington made it a clean
sweep in Honolulu Saturday night
by downing the University of Ha
waii, 83 to 55. Tho Huskies' 6-fooV
7 inch star center. Bob Houbregs,
laced in 28. points, bagging 65 per
cent of his shots. Ho sat out thi
last five minutes. Earlier last west
Washington beat tho Universal Mo
tors five of Honolulu. 66 to 63 and
fia A .51. - .... . .
Other Huskies who were hitting
Saturday night were Captain Mlkl
McCutchen, who tallied 17 point,
and slippery Joe Ciprlano, wna
accounted for 15.
In division play Saturday night,
Oregon knocked over OregoA
State. 73 to 63 tn earn a anlit 1ft
the two-game home-and-home ser,
ies. . . Oregon shackled Orego
State's big Tony Vlastelica ti
cinch tho tilt. Tony, ; who potted
28 points Friday night, was held ta
a lone free throw Saturday nlgh
. In the southern division there
were some non - league doingt
over tho weekend but no confer
ence games. '
Gaels Pressed Cards '
In tho Cow Palace at San Fran
cisco Saturday night the St Ma
ry's Gaels gave Stanford, a Pact,
lo Coast Conference team, a scare.
Tho Gaels grabbed a t9-37 first
Mtmu. jciu uwiui m uuv : unuaui imr
fense started clicking. StanfoH
pulled out of that with a 52-4 f
In the opener of tho Cow Palaoo
double - header California, lead?
of. the Coast Conference Southern
Division,' downed the Santa Cla
ra Broncs 70-64.
Tho UCLA , varsity had a toug)
time with the UCLA Alumni bas
ketball team but finally beat thf
Alums, 59-58, with a free throw li
the last , few seconds Saturday
In Friday night games Califor
nia beat St Mary's 60-55, 8ant
Clara whipped Stanford 81-71, US3
1 a. i x i mm Am . . . 1
Deai oania oaroara o-m anu uy
LA defeated San Diego State
48. -
. How Salem Senator prospoctf
stack up for t the coming seasoj
will be discussed by General Mao
ager Hugh Luby at this morning's
session of the Salem Breakfast
Club, set for 7:30 at the Senate
1 Luby will dwell on deals madf
thus far to -strengthen the local
club and may hint of others t
come. All fans SBC members cf
not are urged to turn out for th4
meeting. ; ' . . !
Links Victors
HOLLYWOOD. Fla. (fl Mary
Lena Faulk, Thomasville, Ga., and
Mary Ann Downey, Baltimore, won
the - Women's International Four
Ball Golf Tournament Sunday with
some excellent playing and a
stroke of luck.
' 'They beat defending champions
Polly Riley, Fort Worth, Tex., and
Bea McWane, Birmingham, Ala.,
1 up. ;
er than 50 scores are available,
20 per cent of the available scores
will be used.
2. Currrent handicaps will be com
puted from the lowest 10 of tho
player's last 15 scores. Provisional
handicaps may be made when tho
player has turned in more than six
but less than 15 scores.
J. The new system will use a
handicap chart, based on figures
in the present - Chicago District
Golf Association chart, making uso
of. differentials between scores and
course ratings. '
4. Efforts will be made to devise
a uniform method for rating cours
es. Until this time plans now if
effect may be used.
n sp
Luby to Speak
To SBC Group