t ' SOCIETY CLUBS MUSIC Around Town: . . , By JFJtYME ENGLISH ' INVITATIONS ... to. Valentine mrtlM art keemnff the nostmen'a packs filled to overflowing .. . Cards have Deen received rrom Mr. and Mrs. Bussel E. Pratt to an at hnm for which theV Will be hosts on Sunday, Feb. 8 at .their North 24th Street residence ... a large group of friends have been invited to call between 3 and 8 o'clock . . . I today's mall ... wES be !a vitatlens to two coffee parties for which Mrs. Robert Browncit aad Mrs. Richard Nelson will be hosts Feb. 11 and UUIki King wood Heights home of the Brewn aiia mm Cuaiia Drive ... Guests have been bidden to call between It and 1 o'clock eaeft cay . . ... Cards . J . will also bo tn the .n ika ftrat af tha vfk to & Valentine coffee for which Rep resentatrr and Mrs. Robert I Elf strom and Dean and Mrs. Mel" Tin H. Geist will be hosts on Sunday. Feb. 15 at the Elf strom homo on FaJrmomnt Hill ... Call In boars will bo from 4 to 1 'clock . . J Calendared . . . for Tuesday, Feb. 10 Is! the coffee party for whtofi Mrs. John Ramace. Mrs. Boy Todd! and Mrs. Roger Hoy will be hostesses . . . xne aixarr will be held at the Croisan Creek home of Or. and Mrs. Ramage with guests bidden to call be tween 1:30, and 8 o'clock . . flonu ttilar different ... in style mHtvarm ts bains' nlanned bv mem bers of the Salem Business and Professional Women's Club for Feb. 10 at the Salem Woman's clubhouse . . . This will bo a dressmakers style show with dressmaker models featuring the hard to fit figure and what the dressmaker can do about It . Showing' their- own designed gowns will be Mrs. Julius Pincus, Mrs. H. If. Boesch, Mrs. Leon- CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Capital T7nlt t. American Legion Auxiliary. Salem Woman's Clubhouse, Ip. b. Banna Rosa Court, Order of Amar anth, ism anniversary, Masonlo Tom pie. 1p.m. Christian Woman's TeUowshlD exee- rttve roeeUn. Tint Christian Church, p nv. university of Ore ton Mother and 6 ads, coTWod dish dinner, Mayflower .li, p. m, Salem Daughters t the Nile. Ma soalc Temple, noon luncheon. Royal Notshbors of America. Past 1 pracie duo wren atrs. aw js. nasson. SI Center St, 1:30 p. m. Salem Garden Club, Salem Woman's Clubhouse. S p. m. tUESDAY Salem Women's Army-Navy League luncheon. Oak Boom, afarton Hotel. ll: p. m. Missouri Club with Mrs. W. O. Wal ker. 1044 N. Summer St. no-host lun cheon. 11 p. m. Swegle Woman's Club with Mrs. Malph Hete. SS75 N. Lancaster, lp.m. Swefle Rood Garden Club with Mrs, O. P. Bond, 7 JO p. m. Missouri Club with Mrs. W. O. Walker. IMS North Summer SU 130 sto-host luncheon. American War Mothers at 1 o'clock at the American Legion Club. WEDNESDAY Westminster Guild. First Presbyter ian Church. 1 p. m. Pythian Sisters. Centralis Temple, Beaver Hall. p. m. General meeting. West Salem WSCS, with Mrs. K. M. Hoffman, Ul Pled Snoot St. 130 p. m. Woman's Guild. Tint Congregation al Church, 1p.m. Women's Fellowship Group, Knight Memorial Church, 1 p. m. tHTTBSDAY Mothers Club. Job's Daughters. Be thel 43. Masonic Temple. 7:15 p. m. - Salem Writers Club with Mrs. Al bert Gtrod. 1147 D St, T:4S p. m. Hl-Y Mothers. YMCA. noon lunch- w -"!.. V with VTra Kdward Curtia, S6S Hollywood Drive, 1:30 p. m. Merry Minrfers with Mrs. Albert rabry. 1425 N. ltth St. 1 p. m. ATCROAT Willamette Shrine. White Shrine of Jerusalem. Masonic Temple, covered dish dinner. 1 p m. Chomeketa Chapter. DAR. American XiOgion Club. 1 p. m. luncheon. OnrEtiquotto By Roberta Leo Q. Is it proper for a woman to hold a man's arm when walking with him? A. Not during the day, unless aha is old or feeble. At night a man may offer his arm, not only - because it is a courtesy, but usu ally because stilt-heeled shoes provide somewhat of a hazard In the dark. Q. If the bride's father, the bridegroom,' his' best man. and ushers are all renting their formal attire for the wedding, who stands the expenses of these clothes? I 1 ' A. Each man rents his own slothes. Q. Shouldn't a hostess wait un til all her guests have arrived be j lore serving . cocktails? , A. No, this isn't at all necessary. tlim BEEF Eastern Qrocjon white iaca Hereiord booi boagld direct Irom tha ranch aid haulsd la oar own trucks. Bar end sots ct Paella? Hoes Whol tscla Fricas. CuK ting and wrapping, smoking, curing, , Fraa dsp fraaxs) Custom siTTlng. r iiOTiniTa Dovnf Front Quarter B2m?BEEF- - IXall or vniftio - Hall or 7hola - VJk FadercHT Grodad . , -: . Ia r ard A. Fry, Mrs. A. E. Luther, Mrs. H.- M. Allender, Mrs. A. J. Arehart and Mrs, Thomas G. Lovett. A pce-naptlal party . . . plan ned for Tuesday night by Mrs. George Keortgo in compliment to Miss . LaMoyne Mr Adams, bride elect of John Erleksen . . . The affair to be held at the Keortge home on Waldo Avenae . . . gmests gidden to a dessert sapper and povnd shower for' the bride-to-be,. . . Honoring . . Miss McAdams will be Mrs. BJarae Erleksen. ther of the greeni-to-be. members of "her sqaare dancing group . . . Mrs. William Rector, Mrs. Cornelius Lefrren, Mrs. J. Deane Patterson. Mrs. Charles Felke, Mrs; Maynard Nelson, Mrs. Walter Dickson. Mrs. E. A. Carle ton. Mrs. Glade FoUis, Mrs. C O. Goodman. Mrs. Lomla DeLeretto. Mrs. James Dimmit. Mrs. -O. K. Seals and Georgia Keortge, daugh ter of the hostess ... Tuesday morning ... at 10 ajn. at the YWCA is time and locale for the monthly meeting of the Salem General Hospital Auxili ary ... plans will bo completed for the annual rummage sale and spring membership drive ... Mrs. John H. Johnson is president of the auxiliary and asks all mem bers to attend this Important meeting ... Circle the calendar ... on March If for the Easter Bonnet bridge benefit sponsored annaally by the Salem Jnnlor Woman's Crab, which Is always one of the. high lights of the spring season . From England ... comes news of the birth of a daughter to Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Marion E. My ers of Chester, England on Jan. 19 . Mrs. Myers was the for mer Anita Bushell of Manchester, England ... Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marion W. Myers of, Sa lem ... Sergeant Myers recently re-enlisted with the air force for six years ... he has-been in Eng land the past two years ... St. Agnes Guild, St. Paul's Epis copal church will hold its monthly covered dish dinner Tuesday at the parish house. Hostesses are Mrs. Otis Cass, Mrs. Cummings Reid, Miss Irene do Lisle and Miss Gladys Zell, Today's Pattern iAQA For a Mother of the Bride, for any special event this! Dress is simple, slenderizing, has that flattering deep yoke which looks its loveliest in contrast. Bolero is brief and boxy. Make this two some now, enjoy it until summer I Pattern 4698: Women's sizes 14, M, S8, 40, 42. 44, 48, 48. Size 38 dress and bolero, 4 yards SP-inch; yard contrast. Send Thirty-five seats in coins for this pattern add S cents for ach pat tern if you -wish lst-ciass mailing. Send to Anno Adams, care of The Statesman. Pattern Dept. P.O. Box S710. Chicago SO. EL Print your KAMI, ADDRESS with SONKt SZZS. STTLX MCMBU. Morrrns to pay : - f OJ . , A .g .I,,, ,i a i m . ' JYllss Tcxtcm DrltJo Of Mr. Bronson . SHERIDAN Miss ' Barbara Jean Tfefom, daughter jit Guy ZL Tatom of Sherjdan, became the bride of Gordon V. Bronson, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bronson of Wecoma Beach. 6n January 10 at 8 o'clock In the Sheridan Metho dist church. : .';. The ' Rev. Everett H. Gardner performed the double ring cere mony. Mrs.' Alvina Brown sang, accompanied by Otto Heider Jr. at the organ. - c i -: -. The bride was given In marriage by her father, and wore a tradi tional gown of white satin. Her fingertip veil of Illusion was held in place by a halo cap of seed pearls Her white Bible was top- Iped with an orchid. ; mi in auuj uuu xawm. an iiiiiiir ville, sister-in-law of the bride, was matron of honor and wore a rose- net gown. Bridesmaids were Lorraine Tatom, sister of the bride, Betty Jo Tatom, sister-in- law of the bride, Ardelle Tatom, McMinnvUlef niece of the bride. and Joyce Haddon, Sheridan. The attendants all wore pastel frocks and carried matching bouquets. Ardelle . Tatom and Karen Tatom lighted the candles. Best man was Homer H. New som, .and ushers were Donald and Marvin Tatom, Sheridan, and Dean Tatom, McMlnnvffle,' brothers of the bride; and Edward Smith, Lincoln Beach, cousin of the bride groom. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the - church parlors. Mrs. Ruth Tatom, sister-in-law of the bride, cut the cake. Assisting were Mrs. O. R. Dale. Mrs. Helen Voorhees, Betty Agee, Mrs. Ray Brown, Betty Voorhees, Mrs. Betty Jo Tatom. , 4- Pfc Bronson is stationed at The Presidio, San Francisco, Calif, as a member of the military police. Nccdlocraft aw !& In uviyNL Give .your living-room a fresh spring touch with this filet crochet and pineapple design chair-set. It protects upholstery I Make a buffet set to match. Use white No. 50 cotton for a crisp, sugar-spun effect. Pattern 80S: chart; crochet directions. Send twenty-five cents In coins Sor .this pattern odd S cents for each pat tern if you wish lst-ciass mailing. Seed to The Statesman. Meedleeraft Dept. P.O. Box S740. Chicago SO, UL Print plainly TO UK NAMI. ADDBXSS with ZONM. PATTXKN NCaUBKB. Such colorful handiwork Ideas I Send Twenty Cents in coins for our Laura Wheeler Kaadlecraft Catalog. Choose your patterns from our gaily Illustrat ed toys, dolls, household and personal accessories. A pattern for a hand hag Is printed right In the book. PDESTT if . 1 i k n -;- Justice Tooze Guest Speaker At Glub :; : Members of the Salem Woman's Club entertained their husbands and guests at a party Friday night at the Salem Woman's Club. - Justice Walter JU Tooze was the guest speaker and the subject for his talk was "The Constitution of the United States. A musical pro gram was given Including piano selections by Mrs. Paul Hale and solos by Mrs, David Cameron, ac companied by Miss Alice Crary Brown. ," - - Mrs.. Wmiam Leary was chair man of the-coffee hour, assisted by Mrs. Charles Cole, Mrs. J. D. Walker, Mrs. E. A. Rhoten, Mrs. Merle Travis and Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Presiding at the coffee urns were Mrs. Clay Cochran and Mrs. Walter I. Spauldlng. Rogors Gilbort Vows Road SHERIDAN -Paulina Frances Gilbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward James Gilbert of Carl ton and Vincent Hayes Rogers, son of Mrs. Edith Rogers of Sheridan were married Jan., 22 at a ceremony at the bride's home, at 8 pjn. The Rev. Eldon I Wood of Carlton officiated; . The bride wore an 'afternoon dress of royal blue velvet with white accessories and a corsage of green orchids. She was attended by Miss Georglne Wong of Port land, who wore a navy and white afternoon dress, navy accessories and a white carnation corsage. Eugene Rogers, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Roberta Robertson, niece of the bride, lighted the candles. , .- At the reception, Mrs. George Carl, grandmother . of the bride, served the wedding cake. Mrs. Robert Tobertson, sister of the bride, poured, assisted by Mrs. Dean Lauderback. Marietta Hog erssistar of the bridegroom, Sally Lenocker. Mrar Eugene Rogers, Mrs. Lauderback, sister of the bride and Miss Robertson. Following a wedding trip to The Dalles, the couple is at home in Sheridan. The bridegroom is em ployed at Taylor Lumber Sales company. Miss Williamson Now Advisor WOODBURN Miss Joanne Williamson was installed as wor thy advisor of Evergreen Assemb ly, Rainbow Girls, Wednesday night in a public installation cere mony at-Woodbura Masonic Temple. - -. . 1 - Miss Nancy Schuler, rearing worthy advisor, was -installing of ficer and Shirley Anderson, chap lain. Others taking . part were Mrs. June Wittmyre, Mrs. Patty Reynolds and. Mrs. Harold Tlck nor. Also installed were Janice Painter, associate worthy advisor. and Phyllis Roberts, DoQie Cum mings, Jane McGrath. Dorothy Baxter, and Jean Stach. Mrs. Tom DeArmond was re elected to serve as mother advisor. Serving with her will be Mr. and Mrs. Gail Wengenroth, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson, Mrs. Les Paul son, Mrs. Frank P. Doerfler, Mrs. Teresa Walling and John Schmid. DeMolay members conducted the coronation. Following the ceremonies Miss Carl Livesay, Sue Paulson and Dollie Oimmlngs present a musi cal program,' Federal and State TAX RETURNS PREPARED. LEON A. FISCUS 15tf N. 4fla - Fh. S-S2XS odd VvMk For' f fiat Mak-and .Tha Service, You Can Trutt ; 1129 Center ftreet '. ' 1 " 1 , ' 423 Court Street . -r" Salem's CMesff ind lmrgti' TV end Cadla Dczlsr Patricia : VJliitflcId Nov Mrs Rogsrs f SHERIDAN Patricia Berna dine Whitfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitfield, and Eugene Merle Rogers, son of Mrs. Edith Rogers, exchanged vows at the Whitfield home ' Friday- eve ning, January 16, at 8 o'clock; Rev: E. H. Gardner of ' the Sheridan Methodist church performed; the double ring 'Ceremony. The bride was given m marri age by her father and wore a gown ' of i white lace' and , taffeta with a i net overskirt. Her nylon net illusion veil was of fingertip length, r She carried ji colonial nosegay of white carnations,. cen tered with an orchid. f Mrs. ! Joanne Porter, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, and wore a pink " taffeta gown covered with pink net. She carried a colonial nosegay of pink carna tions, centered with a gardenia. Carolyn Whitfield, In yellow taf feta, was flower girl. Candlellght ers were Freddie Whitfield, bro ther of the bride, and . Sonny Jones. Vincent Rogers was best man.- ' 1 t ' After the ceremony a recep tion was held. Mrs. Frank Raines, aunt of the bridegroom, served the wedding cake. Assisting were Mrs. J. D. Karamanos. Marietta Rogers, Sally Lenocker, and Mrs. Bob Lenocker. ; , H', -i- After the reception the couple took a trip to The Dalles. They will be at home in Portland, where the bride is employed at the Fed eral Reserve bank. The bride groom will enter Multnomah col lege, specializing in Mechanical engineering. . Spring Festival U Dato in April The 10th Marion County Homo- makers' Festival will be held Saturday. April 25 at the First Christian Church. Flans for this festival were made by the county extension committee meeting at the home of Mrs. Cornelius Bate- son of Pratum-Macleay unit. i The theme of this year's Festi val will be "Months of Merit. Ex hibits ! by the 38 extension units will feature project lessons held each month. This year's project lessons Include: Mam Dish Meals, Gifts from Cloth, Functional House Dress, Becoming a' Good Buyer, Care of Rugs and Uphol stery, Textile Painting and Braid ed Rugs. A study of Norway has also been included In each month's meeting. Mrs. Jack Bartlett is chairman of the county committee. Other members are: Mrs. Cornelius Bateson, Pratum-Macleay unit; Mrs. C N. Ruggles, Prospect unit; Mrs. T. C Lorenzen, Thomas unit; Mrs. Fred McCalL Keizer unit; Mrs. Norman ReOlng, Donald unit; and Mrs. Charles Wright, Aums TQle unit. . , Members ef the Salem T. L. Club and were entertained by the officers Thursday. Present : were Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wood, Mr. and Mrs.; Harold Bressler, Mr. and Mrs.! Everett Soden. Mrs.L Wes Hunter, Mr .and Mrs. Luther Mel ton. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mo dure, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Brit- ton, Miss Joy Doyal, Miss Delor es Jay, Miss Jodelle Parker and Miss Doris Kimble. FTUNQ ; CAEXTiETS DESZ3 . - CHAIRS FOLDES3 GUIDES TRAksTES ' J ' CASES o o o Typnrlr. Ezch. 453 Court J - r ; - : , i . D0ui3I10B(iiI District1 Meeting Held Friday At Temple Over 250 Eastern Star members attended the , district meeting - on Friday . night at the Scottish Rite Temple. Presiding officers were Mrs. H. E. Smedley and Lowell Shinn, worthy matron and patron of Amsworth Chapter, OES.; Mrs. Charles Leonard and E. A. Fin lay, worthy matron and patron of Ramona Chpater, Silver ton;; and Mrs. Harry . . Charlton '- and Harry Miller, worthy matron and patron of 'Trinity Chapter. ' Introduced and honored were Mrs. Carl v Wlmberly, worthy grand i matron of the Grand Chapter of Oregon n Herman, John ston, grana sentinel, Mrs. iaui Hauser, past grand matron and grand historian; ' Rex Hartley, past grand patron; Mrs. J. Edgar, grand rep. to South Dakota; Mrs. Harry i Lucas, grand representa tive to Connecticut; .Mrs. Rex. Hartley, grand representative to Prov. of Ontario, , Canada; and Mrs.. Clara VanLoan, grand rep resentative to Texas. Mrs. Paul Griebenov, worthy matron of Chadwick Chap., Mrs. Otho Eckersley and Carl Snider, worthy matron and patron of Sa lem chapter; Mrs. Dessa Hofstetter, worthy matron of Adah chapter; Independence; Mrs. and. Mr. Har ley Shaw, worthy matron and patron of Zenith chapter; Browns ville; Mrs. and Mr. Arthur Kop plien, worthy matron and patron of Rhododendron chapter. Falls City; and Irvine Wright, worthy patron of Euclid chapter of Jef ferson. Receiving the degrees of the Order, for membership into Ains worth chapter were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C Lee, Mrs. Kenneth Lee, Mrs. D. L. Moore, Mrs. Rus sell a. Krueger and Mrs. D. J. Rains. Decorating was In charge of Mrs. Lawrence Pruett and Mrs. H. D. Kortemeyer. Mrs. Paul Riff ey was in charge of refresh ments. The Jiext regular meetina of Ainsworth Chapter will be Feb. 4 at the Scottish Rite Temple at eignt o'clock. 12c Sweetheart Toiletry $Q59Certi 3 tied Certified 85 fcHeraaSMi Craara ' S" Si 00 Bsrbara I Gould ssv Vairdley : 25 Safety "JPTwoCvp la Aluminum : ESsb -3jP"f Flour OD Sack : 69c VIixird: Package ef two Variety res rifsirrr svrt as U Tea $9JS Flectrie Rieg. 9 Cannon 29s Value -Boys Hair i Bath Sport 7 Clippers Towcb Sox Toiletry . Variety i Apparel , Thm r:r3taca.' Cdzzx. CVagea. c 77 Brilliant Chinawaro in Collcctiona West Coast Designers aro Showing 1 By SUE GARDNER -'y - A great deal of imagination has always been shown by Cali fornia dinnerware designers. This is par tkularly evident in the new collections ,innw hilnf I shown to the xraae. vme .no ; ticeable trend is , the telescoping -of floral and leaf -designs! rrom aamty run t bands to a 1 1 -lover and large motifs in the ' center or other surfaces ef dishes.-1 : Richard Saar - has a .tricolor pattern, colorful ' enough, ' and unusual enough to be. used for decorative accessories. The plates resemble ar large flat leaf in sil houette and have center stripes of white with one side of the plate in yellow, the other in green. A line drawing of an in tricate leaf appears .on each of the colored sections. The cups Chemeketa Teastaalstrese elnb met in regular session at the Gold en Pheasant Thursday, with Mrs. Johnston presiding and Mrs. Paul Gilmer inducting Mrs. Alma Sher man into the dub.' Mrs. Olive Sacre was & special guest. Winning the Oscar was - Mrs. H. Jenkins Mrs. C. E. J aqua was the . install ed new officers; president, Mrs. Paul Gilmer: vice president, Mrs, O. K. BeaH; corresponding secre tary, Mrs. Edith Swartsley; secre tary, Mrs. Lee Hasklns; and trea surer, Mrs. Eric Nelte. FOB GUARANTEED Watch Repair THE JEWEL BOX: 44S STATE Prices Good thru Saturday heat Control Switch Aiii!aIgGSSla!p, jsai IdSori &u Soap! ;3 feairs Toiletry j Vh'&s'' ITgugI Variety Wick Reg. Colored it . IZszixr. rc!ac-rf g. 1C:-7 and saucers also have the three colors, i Another collection offers a set of grey dishes with rims of ' black and platinum and the cen ter design sr large leaf and berry motif in the deeper tones to match the rim. An example of multicolor pat- -terns: for dishes is one with a pale background and flowers and leaves worked in rose, yellow, brown and . green. Actually, there are just two large flowers placed on the plate making the design a bold one for plates. The plaid casual china is as popular as ever , and is seen la many color . combinations for . both general china and serving pieces.. An unusual set has a spiral 'pattern of many colors worked from the center out to the rim. For the provincial home there are many new patterns of Penn sylvania Dutch themes In dinner ; ware. ..'. (Copyrtsht. 1953) General Features Corp.) i Way ReSevea DUtreae Bveahe Vm 9 Leeei ceaesee At the shchtest eough. . -. mm ntfna due to a cold, rob on highly ff medicated, ee-eeetreiee" $CZJ Masterole. It not cmy xj f brines speedy relief but V A f . toetemuy iuth w " ' break up eoocesUon tn nose, tbroM and upper bronchial tubes, You can ! Musterole's wonder .fol veees werwta on ebesS, Utroat and back (Use a poulUcel, aasurtns Mtic ir reueii rg $3.95 Electric Toiletry 90,000 units bottle 100 23 Sc 3 for SOe Sdox. Pack s feC!aco 25cTop Spread cj u Uo ci.e: ToHstry Ce- ' ' m 0 w ail 0 w a L m