Marriage Announce! ORCHARD HEIGHTS . . . Miss tofeita Trfplttt, daughter of Dare Triplett of Buckler, Wash- and John Biles, Bom of lJxv and Un. W. A. Biles, were united In marri age on Dec 28. Mrs. Biles was hert over. Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons, where she has made her home for IS rears. The newlyweds left for San Francisco, where she is em ployed at the Company of Insur ance Underwriters. Mr. Biles is employed at the Salem Feed and Seed, but expects army orders in the near future. . Friday Bon Heur Club Dance The Bon Heur Dancing Club will hold a semi-formal dance Friday night at the Veterans Hafl. Dan cing will be from 9 to 12 o'clock to the music of the Mason Melo daires. -- ; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. French are chairmen of the directorate, assist ed by Dr. and Mrs. Waldo C Zel ler Mr. and Mrs. H. JL Rohland, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Shaf er, Mr. "Miss Francis JZngagecl SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Itoy M. Francis are announdnff the betrothal of their daughter. Miss June Marie Francis, to Jack I Howke, son of Mr. -and Mrs. Em mette Howke of Whitefish, Mont. Miss Francis is a senior at - the Silverton high school and Mrs. Howke is an employe of the G. N Railway Company. No date has been set for the wedding. - and Mrs. Howard Jenks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers and Mr and Mrs. Wendell Willmarth. - Boys and Girls iiges 8 to 16 ITS HEBE AGMII! Now Formlitg -New Class ale&n fJlmsk Cos LUCKY "7" ACCOnDIOII CLUB YOU GET: Use of Aecordlan for instruction and supervised practice periods. Two periods each week far seven (7) weeks in oar store stadia. Ton can earn Achievement Award up to $25.9 value on new GALANTI accordion. Dead These Simple Bales: 1. Mast me between ares t and If inclusive. 1. Must have had NO previous experience on ac cordion. S. Host agree to be present at each class meeting - for 7 weeks to be eligible for achievement award. . ('Net a contest, but an award of merit for in dividual achievement en the instrument.) Note: Only a limited number ef instruments avail able for use on this special offer. Registration JjjGO WORLD FAMOUS GALANTA ACCORDIONS CLASSES START HON. JAIL 26 A crocs From Elsinere Theatre Church Groups Will Moot SILVERTON T hlWomtn'i Missionary Federation of Imman uel Lutheran church will meet Thursday, Jan. 15 at 2 o'clock in the Fireside room 'for the 'first meeting of the new year. Installation of officers will be feature of the afternoon followed by the opening of the year's topic. wnicn ww be a study, ox the book of Exodus. Mrs. Albert Overlund is in charge of this, with Mrs. Murl Rasmussen in charge of devotions. Coffee hostesses for the. after noon are Mrs. Edwin Overlund, Mrs. R. O. Solum, Mrs. Otto A. Dahl, Mrs. George Anderson. , The Women's Society for Chris tian Service will meet Tuesday, Jan. SO at the social rooms of the Methodist Church. The executive board members of the American Legion Auxiliary, uapitoi unit 9 will meet Monday night at the home of Mrs. Anson Ingels on the Wallace Road at pjn. CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Salem Memorial Hospital Auxiliary meet 'at hospital annex, 10 ajn. Salam Rotana Club, Lausanne Hall. S p.m. Salem Junior Woman's Club masting. ciuonouM. s p.m. TUESDAY Laurel Social Hour Club with Mrs. Carl Thor. 1029 Clan Viaw Way. 1:30 nan. Chadwick Chapter. OES social club, aaasome xarapia, 1:19 pjn. BPW civic womans clubs meeting. saiem woman tiuonouse. 730 D.m. Cherry Court. Order oi the Ami ranth. VTW Hall. S n.nw junior Guild. St. Paul's Episcopal Church meet parish house, 1 p.m. Rainbow Girls and Mothers, Masonic xempie, tjo pjn.. election. YWCA-board meeting. YWCA head Quarters. South Winter St- 10 a.m. Bush Mothers Club, schoolhouse, 1:19 p.m. WEDNESDAY Circle meetings. Tint Methodist unurcn. 1:13 dessert luncheons. Hollywood Lions Auxiliary with wrs. AJZred T. Williams, 989 Timmi rack St.. S p.m. Jason Lee Methodist WSCS general mwunj, xviroy turnn, igao a.m. TVITllniV 3S. lurni liinnfhMn u.mmU nr.... i uuunuici women s Association, Mar ion noiei, sua pjn. Salem rounrli nt Wnm.n1. rwn.i. .. w...a. m ui ma. ration. riHr I.lhrrv a n m Auburn Mothers Club meet' at school. Merry -Go-Round Club with Miss Florence KlHnun. TTstltvwwwt 4V Iran. SATiranAT' AAUW uBthail. im.riin T wub. 1 pjn 1 , wu. 1 p.m. Kill Vk s - - - . , yA itm-jr:i try. rr trrr J 1 ' liVA-:.::::'- CSDQD0Q?(B Y s ' x X f ? - 1 I f 1 l. I I I 1 1 M l X J I I I I I 1:1 I V 1 f -55 a as ao ..r . . m uh -ssa.. -s ? Tx-a 1 fs "r S y- . r- i rv-f: fir' 1 "';:; Sir A;rwfrtKVf ' " iuiiJ ...i.i.'s sf.i.k. - Yes, It Is incredible! A full 25.00 saving on the kind of sew ing machine you've wanted! The cabinet Is truly a fine piece of furniture. Handsome walnut veneers cover the sturdy hardwood frame . . . carefully styled to suit your home. Best of all, your Kenmore machine is covered by Sears 20 year guarantee. Be sure you try Kenmore! ! -.- ts wmnm v ACltl,S OMLtSt SOOOCK Plenty Free Parking PHONE 3-9191 for free hem , DEMONSTRATION or nuH this coupon for FREE UTESATUSI : Sears, Roebwck and Co. I 550 N. Capitol Salem, Or. Gentlemen: Please send me further information describing Kenmore sowing machines. nami ':: " STREET OR RR CITY STATI STORE HOURS: Men. and FrL. lt:3S to 9.99 T. M. Taes,WeL.Thurs,Stll A.u.tetr.M. Phbne 3-9191 r f rn r : 550 j. Capitol, Sifa Budget Shop To Open on Fri day m Of interest to the community! Is the Budget Shop to be sponsored by the YWCA with locale at 162 S. Commercial St. The shop -will buy and sell XQod used merchan dise Including- clothing for men, women and children, books, dishes, household items and small pieces of furniture. j -?:- ::-; i , . The onenlns? dsta la JTan. 11 mnA the shop will be open Friday and Saturday, of each week between 9Z0 a. m. and 5 p. m. The shop is located unstaira an tna urt mi of the block between State l and Ferry Streets. ' - j i . Tne public is asked to brinf ar ticles thev wish to be said tn th shop and they win in turn be sold on a commission oasis, rne owner will receive. 79 of the sale price and the YWCA will Jceep the oth er 25. i .. . i Before the shop can be open there must be a supply of merch andise on hand to, sell, thus the shon will ha nrm tn tVi niiMIn bring articles on Wednesday Jan. i oeiween iu a. m. and 4 p.m. The merchandise must Ka ekin and in eood condition, as tills- la not a rummage sale. ; Staffed by Volnnteers ; The shop is a major project of the Y-Wives far the eomina rar and will be staffed entirely by vol unteer workers. Y-Wives mothers and friends have already offered their SLtxistanro in thim vnrfh nm- iecLith all nroceedsfsai on tn thm new building fund. f Mrs. Chester Loe is chairman of the Budget Shop committee adn assisting are Mrs. A. C Haag and Mrs. Owen Searcy, shop proce dure and merchandising; Mrs. Ted Ogdahl, Mrs. William Lenhart and Mrs. Frank A. Brown, personnel; Mrs. Eugene Kokko and Mrs. War ren Ling, treasurer and assistant; Mrs. William R. Shlnn, publicity; Mrs. Clvda Martin. Aut-mf.shnn sales; and Mrs. Gardner Bennett, maintenance. YWCA Classes Scheduled Bowline. coDDer work and lamn- shade making are highlights in z wui classes scneauied to begin this week. Other old favorites of fered are textile painting and be ginning bridge classes to be giv en weekly for a Deriod of six weeks. Anyone interested In bowline is asked to meet at the YWCA, 141 S. Winter St., on Monday night at 7:30 p. m., with beginners espe cially welcome. The CODDer work dau tauerVi by Mrs. Norval Edwards, will also night at the YW at 7:30 p. m. This class Includes rnnitnirtlnn rf nn- per articles from a light weight copper xou. Be ainnlna' bridge will Ha nf frf Tuesday, Jan. IS at 7:30 p. m. at the YW. Mrs. James Webb will in struct in the Gordon method. Thm lamnshada ma kin meets on Wednesday, Jan, 14 at a. na. unaer ine oarectlon of Mrs. Frank Wav. Old lamr ahaH may be refinished or new ones may oe xasmonea as one desires. Textile painting is taught by Mrs. Georee Gresror and will mt Wednesday, Jan. 14 at 7:301 p. m. Anyone interested in these class es may register or obtain addition al information bv railing tha YWCA. Salem Rotana. fTlnli wfii Monday night at Lausanne Hall on uw nuuuneiie university campus at 8 p. m. with Miss Lorena Jack as hostess. A social hour will fol low the meeting. Does Your Basemen! Leal:? Ualer Proof er For Damp Basemen! Walls Ilakes Them Dry II0I1I1IS-T7ALKEI1 PAniT co. lilt N. Front Ph. 4-2271 - i - ! - ; ' i Everything for the Sickroom Tired? Loyey? - Perhaps vitamins are your Tiood. To bo suro soo your doc tor for a ; check-up. f We stock a fuU line of vhamins. 9 A.M. TO 4 P. M. SCHAEFEITS . Drug Store 1199.1953 I. : Phone 3-3197 :;. 135 North Commercial . BnahMotKers to Bleet The 'Bush Mothers dub meets Tuesday afternoon at the school at 1:15 pjM.-For the oroeram nov- elty musical numbers will bo given by Miss Harriet AUer and humor ous readings by Vaughn Blanken- snip, Willamette University stu dents. The tea hour following will oe tn charge of the fourth grade room mothers, Mrs. 1L F. Breith-j aupt, Mrs. Wllf ord Kaufman, and Mrs. Ralph Lee. i .... r St llar7s Xlalld ef Si. FanTa Episcopal Church will be enter tained at a 1 o'clock dessert lunch eon Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert DeArmond, 1570 N. 23rd SL Mrs. Joseph M. Devers Jr. of Stayton will be the co-hostess. " Tho Ctatoamcau ScJem, Oraw Snaday. Jannarf f KZ$ Anlo-Trcdi-Firo Knsnranco Uenth after. Month ear Service Savings and Customer Satis- faction baa proven ltaelf -and enr emstemers are saving ' y ee. r. C1ZZ? Bm Geo. Qslio District Aao&to ' -4 T tlzL-L-l Agents 1435 Ho. Capitol SL Phono 34S31 Botween need SklBvlmg Ste, osj CI way goiag North - Wl JjJls aaaassk aasah. asssak .daasfaah. T?r IT7 CMS CStSIMQS (56 QfflCKSlE o ms 0q mm 1 cLijJcltJKi ciir .TLjJill ; .-r -r , - Pay Only in Amounts You Can Afford?- J WEEKLY OR MONTHLY DR. MADBY BEMLEt, Dtaflst Yes, you can have (S months or more fo pay for the Dental Plates you get RIGHT NOW at Dr. Sender's; That sMons yea coo KEZP YOUR CASH FOR CURRENT NEEDS . . . and you don't have to be without the benefits of new dentures. There's no red tape ... no bank or finance company to deal with. Dr. Somlor's Liberal Credit Plan h available for all types of Dental Plates, including those set with Doa't gamble away Good Hearth by aegloct !ag your tooth! Hove oodod Deafol Core WITHOUT DELAY ... yoa coa orraago to pay AFTER work Is completed, oa Dr. Sem tor's Liberal Credit Plea. Easy Payments to fit small badgeftl Moro Natural Looking More Comfortable Moro Scrviccobfo Ak Your 'Dentist how Transparent Palate Plates' and Bioform Teeth can add to Im proved Personal Appevance . . . and help restore Vigorous, Healthful Chewing Powtft See the samples of those rnodorn plates at Dr. Semler's. ' O PAY III SMALL WEEKLY or MOIITIILY AUOUIITS ... YOU CAII AFF0.1D YOU DECIDI haw smoU row croM eorsMats saoole be os4 Or. Ssailsr wM occsst oay rso soosblo torsss yoe vmt. taisr Wooriof Yoor Ptatoa WaSa Too ray! If no extraction needed, come In before 10 A. M. (except Saturday). New plates wiH he reedy by 3:30 THE SAME DAY. SPECIAL EMERGENCY SERVICE for brolen platesl Missing teeth quickly re placed . . . loose plates promptly reset. SPECIAL SERVICE FOR OUT-OF-TOWN PATIENTS' Avoid extra travel expense! Save timet Take advantage of Dr. Semler's Speedy Service- YOUR WORK COMPLETE IN I TO J DAYS (difficult cases excepted). :" RE6ISTC1ED DENTISTS AjJrTi V ; Located fn fAo h j I ft (L l tge lj) if j ll A i C 1L It 11 M C J . v t