A50 Rlerchandise 471 Foal Highway Foe Co. Clean Mwtort wood green r dry Stove-Otesel oil. As (or Puaj Saver SUntM Ph. 96444 sjee us rem rARM. cm or ACS - AG LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real MUto mortgage twiUMta State Ftnsne Ca irr s Kirh st h $-4121 Special 1 ' DRY WOUD PROMPT DELTVRX. PHONE 2-7443 Capital Lumber & Fuel ' " ANNOUNCE th opening of their mw file at the opening of their new off at 1M So Corat-Driv Into their Frry St. entrance for quick pick-up oa Prete-lcs Briquettes. West Salem Fuel Co. Any foci to f Ult TOUT DNd. RURAL DELIVERIES PHONE SALQi 3-4031 j 1315 gdgewater - Wwt Saiera ANDERSONS hand picked sla bwood. 2 co" 4 Phone 2-7751 or 4-4OL OAK and prune wood. Pnone 2-2129 ere. Prank Judd. AUMSVILLE FUEL Co, old growth fir and core block. Phone 3-1304 Saiera or 831 Aurnsvtlle. 468 For Rami MananaoT RENT Rent is AMERICAN floor Milder for that professional looking; lob at tf ORRIS-WALKER PAINT MFG. CO. FACTORY STORE 1719 N Front St. Ph. 4-2279 li I'KiVa. lati'tKs ruA Hs.Nl Hian- keta An 1201 St Pb 2-9082 500 Business - Finance 810 Mooary to Lean Consolidate All Bills Twentv-flve rears an. General Fin ance Corp was organized by Salem business and professional men to give ou a loan service we nave lent rnu ona. THY OUR SERVICE Toy can repay anytime to reduce cost Ho endorsers or help from friends. longer time to repay Phone first for a one trip loan Loans $23.00 to $300.00 on signature furniture, and equipment. Loans to $500.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Free customer parking at Maricn Car Park across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie No S138 and a? 33$ Private Money On Cars, Trucks & Trailer Homes Long or Short, rerme-Payments Roy H. Simmons, W S frf mrrr-la1 St Phort'-1 PRIVATE one loan Phone 2-0794 lk,t. US tOtt FARM. CITY or. ACR AGC OANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real estate mortgagea St cdhtracta. State Finance Co. 17 " High St Ph 3-4121 Here's Why PERSONAL Is Your Best "Buy"! "Yes to 4 out of 8 employed people married, single. Lunch hour service. Payment date to fit payday. I -visit (phone first) Nationwide credit est a b Used In U.S. and Canada. Budget counsel no obligation. Between payday loans. Loans for any worthy purpose. Now Longer terms. Smaller Payments. Com in or phone today. LOANS $29 to $300 on Signature or Furniture; up to $900 on auto. Personal Finance Co. 103 S High St. State license: Phone: 2-244 S-122 M-1S9 AUTO UAN WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 11$ Church St Ph I-$4s1 Parking Aplenty Uc M159-S134 CUT CUT CUT Cut your present -payments as much aa 50 Let us show how it may be dor - $50 - $2,300 AMOUNTS PAYMENTS $166.32 $9 00 ZM.7X 14 00 933 92 $30.0$ 29 00 44 00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans ms Uberty Phone 4-2333 5 Return on your money paid ever) 9 months. Amounts $300 to $3,000. 1$ years continuous operation in Salem and we have never .missed a divi dend. Come in for Information. , General Finance Corp. 134 S. Commercial. Salem. Oregon Statesman Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Classified Advertising Per ward. 1 time Per wptsTL S time Per ward. T times Per word. 1 Month . Minimum tea words. Extra enure for "Blind" ads -lt 60c JWa Readers la city briefst Pa .fa Minimum tea words. Na Refunds. The deauOne for classified and reader advertising Is 5:43 pja daily Only emergency "tost" ada will be ccepted after that hour - . The Statesman reserves the right to- reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under proper classifies tlon The Statesman assume aw nancial responsibility (or which - may - appear tn advert -ments publistted In its colcmna and In easea rhere this paper fct at fault will reprint that part of aa advertisement tn which the typo Tannics! mistake ocuure v A "Bund Ad an ad containing a S la teaman boa number for aa address ts for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor a aaawerew by letter The Statse man It est if Kberty i divnlga tafuiiiiaa mm ta the tdentrry g mm mtmm a for Pnllifj Forcer 600 Employment 602 Halp Wantad Good Jobs tarn ui for quality Job. Benefit by our knowledge of employers and by our experience In the community. Check or listings San.. Tues.. Thurs. COaOtEBCIAL PLACEMENT AGTNCY M State (Ore, Bidg.) 4-3331 . 604 tUtp Wcmtwd. Mcda" REAL ESTATE farm salesman, snuat be xperf need and a good producer. Excellent working conditions. See Fred Rawlins at Rawlins R. X. Phone 2-4664 or 4-1764. OPPORTUNITY for s carcer i depart ment store merchandising. Open to ambitious young man. Must have high school education or better, and be of good character and habits. Should hare pleasing apperance and ability to meet the public. Some sales experience In stores helpful, or would train person selected. Apply Oregon State Eraoloyment Service, 710 Ferry St., Salem. 60S HeJp Wantwd. fa-mala WANTED: Woman to do housework for man and 3 boys. Paul Rouse. Rt. $. Box 494. Phone 4-3907. MIDDLE aged woman, cook, bouse -keeper, also help care for elderly Invalid lady. Call mornings. 693 N. Liberty ATTRAiJiivJt woman, former waitress capable meeting public, top- pay. S day week Apply 1395 S. Commercial. WANTED: Young lady for office work. Prefer h.s. girl Class of 1932. If you can handle some shorthand It will help. Good hour and good pay; short learning period. No smokers. Apply in person, Monday or Wednes day, to Mr. Williams at Master Bread Bakery, Broadway Ac Market. 612 Work Wantwd. Mcda" WANTED: Wood cutting with bucz saw. By cord or by hour. Phone 4-2764. SMALl. carpentry lobs, good work. Reasonable. Phone 4-14X4. 615 Situations WantacT COLLEGE GRADUATE. legal training, wants temporary work of any kind. rreieraDiy omce for month of Janu ary only. Ph. 4-1324. HOUSEWORK wanted. $1 per hour. Experienced. Call 2-6457. HOME BUILDING ana remodeling. Free estimates. Phone 4-6340. HOUSE work by the hour. Ex perl enced. Phone 4-3495. WILL do baby sitting, evenings, your home. Phone Z-6878. WILL care for baby days, my home, Alao babv's laundrv. 1110 N. Libert v CAT DOZER and carry -all work. Road building, land levering St cleaving D-7 Cat 1. K Buick. Phone 2-8034 CARPENTER and repair work. Phone 2-1459. CARPENTER, ALL types, home re- modeling, cabinet work 1 11 1-iUJ after 3. tLhOUSEWORK by theShour. Also Iron- ing and dressmaking, alterations In your home or mine. 494 N. 13th. Pn. 2-44M WOOD Sawing chain saw Phone 4-4331. HOME building & remodeling. Free es timates. Pone 3-7420. CEMENT w-ork of all kinds. John Feld- schau Phone 2-962$. CARPENTER work any kind Reason able. 4240 Mcgleay Rd. Ph 4-3054. MICKENHAM'S 'NURSERY -STATE LlgNSED AND INSPECTED HHS 6 A M TO 9 P M PW 2-7999 i IGHI crawler dozing djrt leveling DRESSMAKING. experienced. "MTT Julius Pincus 1700 North 20th Phone a-e343 HUMt. BUILD1NC Remonalina . Free estimates Ben Gr-ves Phone 3-$393 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement a Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phone da J!j 3-9409 Evenings 3-7412 2-441 1 Salem Oregon 700 Rentals 702 SI pin q Rooms. Board NICE light housekeeping room. Lady. 683 N. Church. SUNNY clean warm sleeping room with lavatory. 472 N. Uberty. FURNISHED clean, warm rooms. Close In, kitchen privileges. 754 Ferry. 70S Apartmenta For Rant" CLOSE in. furnished or unfurnished apartment, steam heat and lot of hot water. Automatic laundry. Adults. See at 610 S. Com!. FUftNISHD 4 rooms and "bath. Clean and desirable. 319 Belle ue St. corner Commercial. 1 AND 2 room apartments for rent. 103 Marlon St t ONE 2 room and 1 3 room furnished apts. Heat, lights and water. 933 N. Hlrh, - APTS. for rent. Phone 3-8709. CLEAN apartment close to state house and shops. 2 adults. Phone 3-9037. LOVELY. NEW. 3-roora furnished apartment. Private bath and en trance., laundry facilities. 3 blocks to Stat buildings and shopping center. Phone 2-7830. : SMALL furnished apartment, private bath, first floor, hot and cold water. Phone 3-6434. FURNISHED attractive 3 rooms, first floor. 1370 Chemeketa. Phone 3-9696. PIASANT 3 room, close In apartment. Ground floor, plenty heat. 74 ti. cmircn. CLEAN comfortable 1 room apart- ntent. only $23. Lady preferred. 94$ Ferry. APARTMENTS. Four Corners and West Salem. Child care. Phone 3-3611. i ROOM furnished apartment, cloee In. Phone 2-6099. Eve. Business ADDING MAC INKS ALL MAXXS adding anachinea and typewriters ranted, renairea Roen. 456 Court Pi. one AfHI.IANCK SEV1C , - -tMHX. Crosley and Hot point SaJae and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap-plia-it-e 353 Center St Phone 3-313a. YEA I ER APPLIANCE Co 37$ CLemek eta Phone 3-431 -4311 G. ALT DRESSMAKIN lterationT EXPERIENCED dressmaker, clothing, alterations, draperies, etc Mias, L Combs. 3-8314. PR1VIN4. t-SSTRtJCTIONS LEARN TO DRIVE the fEasyway) CaD Mr Rli lard. Valley Motor Co. Salem. Ph. 3-3141 or 4-5174 eves. PCKNITURE RE FINISHING FCANITURE reflaShed. repaired. Ed orBroes. 964 Norway St. Phone MITH1NG Repair - ll mats of Guns Basement Howard wica.'una i Sptg Gooda. HK',HI.L PRUULICTS t R W ATKINS Co products lila S Co.n I Katem Ph 3-3393 Free det I IWNM.IWf.HI SHAJLPi-SlNGr sale . and rvic" Dotarherty Bicycl and Mower Shea 139 Ferrer jndt Ptrgfr9 3-l li A LP EN : NG Guaranteed rv1eeT New seae r en hand uwiin Call War W i4t fw Ci-il pj l.lliHTINi. niTUill lAlJ-vI S LuMusive tighuni aUl. 13 High St Pheae t-Mla, . 700 RbAthl 70S ApartiTieaTtt for Bant CLEAN 1 room furnished apartment. 9S9 S. 12th. Bus by door. LOVELY apartment, netar Capitol. Uul- lUes furnished. Employed lady. 66C S. Snmmer. V&ttY NICE 1 bedroom apt. Either furnished or nnfuiniahed. Call Apt. 1636 S. 13th. LARGE 2 room furnished apartment. T9 N. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE, upstairs, nnfumished apartment. $59 per month. 1 blocks from city library. Phone a-3931 bs- ti.tB 9 and S. a. CLOSE in. $30, 945. and $54. private aatn. a-esaa a-saja. VXrVKHlSUXD 4 rooms with, balh. qose tn. Phone 2-1723. 4 ROOM furnished apartment, private hath, utilities, close In. 249 Marion. 4 ROOM fomiahed apt, $33. 403 N. 20th.' Phone 2-3391. COURT APT. 3 room ec bath. Newly decorated, furnished. Immediate pos' session. Inquire 1340 So. 12th. FURNISHED 1 or 2. apt. $32. Phom 3-9311, 640 N. Commercial. 3 ROOM furniabed court apt. garage. close in. Phone z-osea. $ BEDROOM furnished apt upstairs dandy rental $35.00 a month. Phone Ohmart St Calaba, Realtors 3-Q391. EN EXPENSIVE warm apt., private bath. heat, water and garbage service furnished Phone 3-7773. VE'iV modern apt. Walking distance from Capitol St Hollywood District. tLmnfi. refrigerator, laundry facilities urnished. Very comfortable, ample storage space, very easy to beat. Al Isaak. Phone 4-3311. NICELY furniahed apartmenta suitable for two. Electric range and refrig erator. Laundry facilities. Close to bus $38.50. An utilities paid. 2030 N Commercial. ONE OF the nicest 3 rm. furnished apts. in town. Close. All utilities fur nished for $33. 1211 Edgewater, 3-3109. 3-9939. FURNISHED apartment. $38. Ground floor private bath. 1969 N. Commer cial NEW furnished, duplex, creek, 3 rooms. 13x28 living room, oil fur nace, car port. $72.30. utilities extra 310 S Winter. Owner. 2193 Berry Phune 3-H28 ' NICE basement apartment In Holly wood. Only $43 per month. Call Raw lins Realty 2-4664 or 4-1761. 707 Housas For Bant SiutATJ. 2 room house. $30. 1380 Center St. FURNISHED 4 room court. Inquire 3510 Portland Rd. 1 ROOM partly furnished. Close in Water paid. Quiet couple. $37.30 per month. Phone 3-6810. 2 BEDROOM house Macleay District. Reasonable rent. Garden spot. Phone 3-4451 CLEAN 1 bedroom house. 2227 Hyde St. 2BEDROOM house. 951 Gaines. 3 ROOM house. 2 bathrooms. Inquire rear ant.. 1315 No. 5th. SMALL house, close in. unfurnished, except stoves, refrigerator. 492 S. High LITTLE stucco house. Hi bedroom. Partly modern. Wired for range. In West Salem: $35 a month. Ph. 3-7997. NICE new, small. 2 1 bedroom, view house, utility room, sttachad garage, lawn. $62.30 month, inquire at 909 Cascade Dr. Phone 2-4644. S B.R. PARLOR. K.. util. Fenced yd. Near bus and sen. $53 per mo. Percy Uliman. bkr. Ph. 3-8902.' SMALL, unfurnished house, electric heat. Englewbod District. $4$. Phone 3-9192. . t)N BEDROOM house . In court. Un furnished 1 except- refrigerator and stove. Inquire filling station, corner Lee 8c Mission. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Private bath and entrance. $37. Phone 3-3530. K CLOSE in. Urge desirable furnished apartment, utilities peiq. 7 asanon. SMALL 2-bedroom. 2430 N. Church. Inquire 1011 S. Uberty. 1 BEDROOM, automatic oil heat. 14 M living loom, fireplace. MwmeBT. m rage, adults. Close. $79. Ph. 3-eaaa. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished home. 3 room furnished upper-duplex. Ph. 4-3091 3 BEDROOM house, full basement, with laundry. recreation and storage rooms, double plumbing, electric beat (very well insulated). Refrigerator, range and Bendix washer. On bus line. House Just six years old. Win be. vacant January 1st. Call 2-6981 aftet 3 p.m. or before 8 a.m. 1 BEDROOM house in Court. Uniur nlshed except refrigerator, stove. 2443 Market. Phone 2-1958. S BEDROOM. 2 downstairs 4c one up stairs. 3333 Chester Ave. Off of Lan sing. 2-Room furnished. $23. On woman. Upstairs. Phone 3-8222. NICE 2 bedroom bouse, mostly fur ' nished, fireplace, basement. South. References. $73. Call 3-3010. UNFURNISHED 31 bedroom duplex apartment $4Q. W. Salem 3-8990 J-ROOM COTTAGE, water and electric lights furnished. 2123 Myrtle Ave. 708 Farms, Tracts For Rant ABOUT 50 acres of work land. South. . Rent all or part. D. A. Fish. 3-4708. 1488 S. Commercial. 710 Wantad to Rant, Housas WANTED TO RENT 2 bedroom modern house in country. $ to T mile radius. Phone 2-2872. ' WANT to lease with option to buy or low down payment. 2 or 3 bedroom house. Box 49 Statesman. I BEDROOM house with basemenl. nice neighborhood. Ph. 4-1383. 712 Wanted to Rent Apts. WANTED; Furnished apartment, south of town for a young mother with two months old baby. Will pay $50-60 per month. Write to 731 E. 14th No. 9 Eu gene or phone 3-3667 Eugene. 714 Business Rentals' 2390 SQ. FT. shop jot warehouse space. for rent or lease. 3053 Portland Rd. Phone 2-7842. DOCTOR, dentist for small blness near hospital. Zone 3 corner. Easy parking. 1 room' apt. 810 S. Winter. Phone owner. $-3129. t ROOM suite. 1 single. Oregon B332- Ph. 3-4114. GROUND FLOOR office or store apace for rent Call at Fltta Market. 218 N Con-mercial ; Phone 3-4424 - ! Directory dATT-tl SSE i CAPITAL Bedding, cotton wool, spring mattresses Renovated. repaired Ph V4(W9 LANDSCAPING Oeaignlng A Doarfler ue mo "h -1322 PLUMBING GENERAL REPAIR and pumps DecaT tur Maers 7 S Coral Ph 3-9223 PAIN TIN O PAPER BANGING PAINTING. P4o- in "ree estimates 3-9513 837 Shrpptag SAND AND GRAVEL WILLING SkAND tot (iaAV C rock For fadi and siln Heedv-mlx eaerese Garden aand Bwlldorrtng drainage St ditching vd sh mt and draa ba Phnnel-924. SEPTIC TANKS HAMELS septic tanks cleaned. Lln service. Guaranteed work. Ph. 3-74Q4. TODD'S -pUc tank trvic. eleanina - Installation Repairs Phone 2-0734. illKE'S Septic Servic. Tanks cleaned. (lines) no extra charge. taetrek - iTRoatar 3-948. qriifia. ra. Si; W Senile mmmkm. dras cleaned Roto r ooter seme Ph 3-3321 WFl.fL ORrUJTvQ 1 E V5Sftk feA CQ0 itcsl Elialo ITS YOUR TOWN OWN A PART 1 ' -.. i t La Ohmart ITS $5500 . It needs some work: but a livable S bedioom home oa N. 9th St. good large lot small down payment. 4 BEDROOM HOME 2 ACRES OF LAND Small chicken house and barn, large bom, good deal for $8300. DUAL FAMILY HOME S good flats 1st floor has X bedrooms, 2nd floor has nice 1 bedroom apt. double garage close In on corner lot take a look. NORTHWEST 4 BEDROOM HOME On corner lot, full basement. 2 baths, oil furnace, mahogany woodwork, sots of nice features, plenty of space for comfortable living priced at $18,400 Call Louis Lorenz Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St. Eve. Ted Morrison $-3048 - Ralph Maddy 2-348S Henry Torvend 3-3632 1289 COURT STREET For Immediate Sale $16,000. buys this S bdrm. home In finest of condition, auto-oil heat. hdwd. firs., deal for family home or conversion to apartment. Lge. corner lot 80 x 107 ft., sprinkling system in yard. dote, garage. Shown by appt. only. $3,000. will handle.. CALL H. K. LAYMON, SALESMAN - . " THE HOME OF MANY FEATURES: Beautiful view. lge. lot. dble. plbg., full basmt., dble. garage. 3 bdrm. with dble .closets, built-in drawers lge. Bv. rm., with raised fireplace, lge. din. rm.. kitchen, full of built-ins. lovely nook .Auto-oil forced air furnace In fact this home has everythln for convenience Sc gracious living. CALL J.-E. LAW, SALESMAN 80 ACRES Located Northeast, excellent sou. 3 bdrm. home, lge barn, tractor and equipment Included in purchase price of $27,000. CALL PETE GEISER. SALESMAN OFFICE Sc SHOP BLDG. Lge. parking area, corner location. Class "A" com mercial bldg.. approx. 3 yrs. old. Has 28 x 28 ft. modern office space, 28 x 63 ft. storage Sc shop space. 2nd fir. modern apt. This property is ideal for contracting business, wholesale location or any service-type business. CALL C. L. GRABENHORST 2303 STATE STREET No. 3 Business Zone 102x93 ft. corner lot. Ideal for Business development. House with 2 apt. occupies premises $2000 down. $60.00 per mon. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST. JR., CO-OP BROKER DROP IN AND PICK UP YOUR 1953 CALENDAR! GRABfOTIORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Uberty St. H. K. Laymon 3-8450 J. E. KENT'S NEW YEAR SPECIALS No. 1 Older home located in the Hollywood district clot to bus. stores and Catholic school. Large living room with fireplace, separate dining room. 2 bedrooms and unfinished upstairs, basement .garage. Urge lot. $6,730. Your terms within reason. Call Mr. Kent. No. 2 Spacious, nearly new horn in good district. S large bedrooms with excellent closets .lovely riving room with fireplace, large dining room, attractive kitchen, double garage, large lot. Compare this with others and you will ssy it la reasonably priced at $ll,tk)0. Terms can be ar ranged. CaU Mr. Kent, i 436 North Church Ives: Mr. Value of The Week Just like new. It's very well built. Modernistic in every respect. Lovely fireplace. Oil heat. French doors go ing out to real nice back yard. k Acre lot. Insulated. lVs blks. to bus. Queit st. Price has been reduced to $11,790. Oak Grove Setting Lovely new home. 3 bedrooms on one floor. OU furnace, fireplace. Spacious lot. 1st class construction. Imm. Poss. Has utility room. Offered for less than F-H-A. appraisal. Full prle $10,900. Beautiful Large Lot And we don't mean mavb. It's a pleasure to show. Lovely panelled den. Oil heat, fireplace, insulated, spacious rooms. In excellent repair. Fin location. Very attractively priced at $14,200. - Quality Family Home 4 Bedrooms plus room to add more. Fine central location. I foot deep basement, furnace, corner lot. Home in the very best of repair. Spacious rooms. Built at the time when qual ity waa prevelant. Yet It has every thing that's modern. Totaloprice $10,500. Liberal terms arrangedj Service Station . And a good one. Established many years. Purchase price to include all property, bldgs.. station, home, gar age plus all equipment. Garage on property suitable for welding repair or body shop. Very prosperous com munity. Advertised gasoline. Total price for everything $22,000. Terms. Industrial Site Close in S3 by 169 lot. This is an ex cellent property for future develop ment. In the meantime you have three homes which could be used for rentals. Total price $21,000. Term ar ranged. 8 Unit Apt. Very desfreable location near Stat House. Furnished. Large lot. Annual gross income $3460. Owner will sell on liberal terms. Or may consider a ranch type home as part payment. Total price $28,000. CALL FOR DAN ISAAK. EVE. PH. 4-3333 or MR. KIOGINS, EVE. PH. 4-5494 "or MR. CRAWFORD. EVE. PH. 4-5020. If no answer call 4-2248. 25 Acres 17 under cultivation. 2 bedroom mod . em older type house. 40 by 90 barn. fruit house and tool shed. Spring with plenty of water. Total price $7,009. Terms. Dandy Acre With aa unusually nice home. 8 Booms, with basement and fireplace. In the very best of condition. Very good 30 x 20 barn, chicken house, garage. Paved highway. Near town. Total price $11,930. a . 28 Acres Near Salem. Modern 2 bedroom house. Will, and Amity aoU. Tractor, disc, drill, plow, cultivator, fertilizer, spring tooth harrow. Owner may consider exchange for hous la Sa lem. Total price $11,500. CALL FOR MR. LEVENS, EVE. PH. 2-4733. If no answer call 4-2248. Al ISAAK & CO. REALTORS Office Phone 4-3311 or $-7829) 2033 Portland Itoad Kee. 2-3358. 3-4739 4-jm.t&4, 4-3C20 . . ... , u mm 800 Heal Estate iWMa I ' J J f V m-. lis frady Caleb Phone 4-4115. 2-4118 Louis Lorenz 3-5590 Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Law 3-5113 Pete Geiser 3-9968 & KENT, Realtors Phone 4-2293 Kent 2-2780 3 BEDROOM CLOSE .IN W are proud to have the listing on this fine home. Full basement td a new oil furnace. Large modern kitch en with auto, washer and disposal unit. Large dining room with living room. Fireplace. Good garage, fenced In yard. In our opinion this has everything and well worth the ask ing price. ONLY $ MO. OLD As soon as you see . this rich looking 2-bedroom home your heart will skip a beat. You even get a new auto washer and dryer with this one. At tached garage. Hardwood floors. Good sized living room. Lawn la in. Owner is being transferred out of state. Will easily go GX for $7950.00. A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT And balance Ilk rent will buy a good little home with kitchen. 1-bedroom. front room and complete bath. Large corner lot. which gives you a good garden space. Total price is only $2750.00. Start the New Year out with a place of your own. RE-MANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 201 South High Street Phone 3-9203 Ph. Eve's. 4-1671. 3-3858. 4-5319. 3-3264 801 Business Oppcirtunltlas TAVERN (Wash.) Building Apt. es tablished for year. Wonderful busi ness, $15,000. Worth much more. Sick ness. Quickest and best offer. Terms. Box 46, Statesman. BUILDING FOR RENT EXCELLENT LOCATION for insurance or similar business. First floor. All replies strictly confidential. Writ Box 43. Statesman. FOR LEASE, i major oil Co. Serv- ice Station. 4-4458. 802 Bug ieaa Property 8 UNIT monthly rental apartment court plus living quarters. Good Salem lo cation, excellent condition. $569 monthly lacom. For gal by owner. Box 802 Statesman. l5 808 Houaaa For Sola 4 ROOM modern house, lot, all fur nishings, garage, barn, woodshed, chicken house. For sale by owner. W. L. Nimnicht, 509 Mill St.. Silver ton. BY BUILDER 2 new houses. 2-7071 i East Englewood. Ph BY OWNER. 4 yr. old house. 2 bed room, unfinished upstairs, fireplace, hardwood floors, attached garage. $8,700.18100 will handle. Ph. 2-7227. ! PRICE REDUCED 5 ROOM modern home, large garage, trees, bice lawn. $9,000 cash. For par ticulars see owner, C H. Sanders. 345 Jefferson St. VIEW home on large lot in pleasant suburoan neighborhood. Solidly built, extremely liveable, 3 bedrooms. . $1X900. 2790 So. 12th. Shown by ap pointment. Ph. 2-2171. HEY, FELLOWS WOULD YCU LIKE TO OWN SPARK LING RANCH STYLE HOME with rustic beam eel Ting, fireplace. 2 bed rooms, dining area, attached garage, large corner lot. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO SEE THIS ONE. ONLY $909 down moves you in. SO, HUR- SMALL DOWN" PAYMENT 2 B.R. modern on 96x100 ft. lot, fire place, large kitchen, partially fin ished upstairs, outside city limits but pas city water. Near bus lln. Make reasonable offer, win carry $7400 Joan. .Will consider late model car . In trade. Phone 2-8388. 800 Real Estate 834 Su bo ens HONEY MOON HOUSE and 2 acres of land that looks good enough to cat. 2-bdrm. home. 8 yrs. old and is as cute as newly eds. Priced right for them at $3,900 and only 91.CO0 down. Perfect location for this kind of property. $700 DOWN For this cozy as a bug in a rug home on 1 . acres of good ground. Family orchard, bet lies, soil will grow any thing you want in a garden. Chicken house, garage, good well. (Grow your own living and have a home of your own.) All for only $4300. full price. L. E. KLUMPP, Realtor 3037 Portland Rd. Phone 2-7642 808 Housae For Sola DONT MISS THESE $120 a mo. Income on $7500 Investment. This 2 bdrm. home now occupied by owner. Will easily rent for $50 a month. A Is on same lot these two other rer.tals now bringing in $70 a month. These rentals are furn. All having $ ft. refrigerators 8c apt. size elec. rani'es. Close to everything 8c this prici of $7500 we think is a wonderful buy. Owner will trade for 3 bdrm. home with basement. Call St let us sh r you this today. Another 2 tidrm." home with unfinished upstairs, full basement, nice lot 31 x 170 and iml y 3 blks. to school 2 blks. to transportation. Owner will finish upstairs at th asking price of $7,000. This home is only 8 yrs. old. St cm be handled with $1,000 dn. Sc ba nee lik rent. Salem's First Drive-In Smith's Real Estate Ph. 3-T007. day. eve. Sc Sun. 4405 Portland Rd. Want Lots of Room Over 290 aq it. of floor space in this bungalow home, plus 2' acres gar den soil, lots of nice fruit and shad trees. Located 111 Park Ave. in Wood burn. 2 blocks West of 99 High way. You should see pictures of this. . Price only $11,000. i iffmfimtiRL mftnm&mWa By Owner North 1 year old 2 bedroom home-; 4 acre, fruit .grapes, berries, garden, large lawn, auto oil heat. Phone 2-9611, Eve. 2-7843, call for Smith. Start the New Year with a new home, 3 bedrooms, forced air heat, fire place, lots of builtlns. large lot. FHA appraisal $10,730. E. A. McGlauflin, Realtor 267 North High Phone 2-8611 Call for Smith. Eve. 9-7843 E-Z BUYS 2 BR. DR. DR. KIT. Bath, 2 Lots. South on Summer St. Just out of City Limits. Electric Range and some other furnishings go. This Is Good Buy. ONLY $4f?ao. ONLY $4250. What a buy. 2 Br. Lr. Dr. Kit. Bath. Wired for Range, Table Top Elec. Water Htr. Large Garage. Sidewalk, Jpose in on So. 17 St. This clean older cottage type home Is ready to move Into. SAVE PLEN TY HERE. Only $4250.$1600 Down. Bal $40 per Mo. ONLY $700 DOWN. This is a dandy Jiome for couple. 1 Br. Lr. Kit. Break fast Room, Bath. House 9 Yrs. old. Large lot. Att Garage, Good Elec. ; Range Included. Total price $5150. TRADES HAVE GOOD' CLEAN 2-Br. Home at $4250. Owner wants to trad for Duplex or other Income Property up to around SS500. IT YOUR PROPERTY IS FOR SALE OR TRADE. Let us help you. LIST WITH ME IN 33. SUMMERS 1729 State St. Realtor Ph. 2-4602 always 4 Bdrm. St. Vincent Dist. Fireplace, oil heat, automatic washer and dryer. Corner lot with nice back yard and outdoor fireplace, dble. ga rage. Price $11,000. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1329 State. Ph. 3-7382. 3-4094 Ph. 3-3580, 2-8812. 8un. or eve. COMFORT PLUS VALUE. ONLY $5500 for this newer redecorated 2-bdrm home. Very clean and neat. Cht fdn.. oil heat, large kitchen, garage, utility. Paved St. NO FINANCE FEES HERE. ON LY $300 down. ACT NOW. PRICE HAS BEEN REDUCED $1000 for QUICK SALE. $250 Down On this small home. 1 bdrm. down, un finished upstairs. Lit. and fireplace, mail kit., dinette apace, nice bath, corner lot, paved all seta. Needs soma repair. GX Loan. Full prle $3300. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 980 S. Commercial Phone 2-4390 Eve. 3-9539 $950 DOWN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 3 BR. Su burban home. 12 x 2 living room carpeted. 11x12 dinina room, big bright kitchen nook, inside utility, family fruit, oversized lot, paved street. Furniture can be bought rea sonable. Sacrifice $6930. $1000 DOWN s COZY 2 BR. home, fireplace, carpeted living room 19 x 21. carpeted dining room 9 x 14. kitchen with br. nook, plenty of bullt-ms, oil furnace. In sulated, newly decorated. Immediate possedon. Where can you match this for $8300. FULL BASEMENT $2000. DOWN BUYS this completely moaerm z nearoom name, on iunw-, hardwood floors, spacious lot. over size earaare. In too shape. Less than 19 years old. Where can you match this nome wun .xuu naaemenr, zor $-,900. Cliff Bowder, Realtor Assoc. with Ctoett K etryoa. Realtors 1980 rAIRGKOUMDa IOAU Next to WiUaette Valley Bank PHONE 4-3394. 4-3399 Eve. 2-8033, 2-7279. 4-9384. 4-4372 Thm Shxtaam an. Salem. Or, Wadnaaday-, Dacatr 31. IS52 1 1 . 800 Real Estate 08 Houaaa, For Sal OPEN HOUSE NEW YEAR'S DAY Also On Saturday BY BUILDER 1180 Greenwood Dr. E. of T in ICeirer Very choice, restricted, suburban, new S bedroom, plus 1$ x 19 unfinished room. Generous size room closets. Front entry as central halL lk bath, double garage. 1728 aq. ft. Price $16.300. Phone 3-3322. DRIVE by 142S Evergreen Ave. and see this beautiful large 3 bedroom home. Just finished. Then call 4-3569. GENUINE VALUE FOUR-YEAR-OLD 2-bdrra home with hdwd firs, coved ceiling. French corner cupboards, lovely kitchen with many buUt-ina. utility room with trays and more built-tos. THIS FINE HOME IS VERY CLEAN AND NEAT. OPEN FOR INSPECTION NEAT. OPEN FOR OFFER. $739 DOWN WILL HANDLE. IN THE $7300 BRACKET. (3mm QGRD 3 Bedrooms, 1 Floor, V2 A Full basement with furnace on 99E South lust outside of city. Cant beat this for $6,500. Total price with easy terms. Dream House Here is the house you have been look ing for. 2 years old. Nice living room, 'with fireplace. Dining room. 2 bed rooms down and unfinished upstairs. Gleaming hardwood floors through out. Fenced in back yard. Different on the outside and located In Engle wood District. Price $11350. Apt. House on Court t. 3 furnished 3-room apartmenta. 2 blocks to the State Bldgs. $1AA00 will take In small home on trad. Beautiful Kingwood View unsurpassed, 4 bedrooms, ultra modern. a ore. triple garage base ment, party room with fireplace, $20,000. Win take smaller horn In town for trad. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1328 Stat. Phone 3-3580. 2-8813 Sun, or eve. Ph. 3-7382. 3-4094 $300 Down 2 br. home, fine location, corner lot. trees, shrubs, fenced, move right in, Owner Wants Offer for his equity in 3 b.r. home, Keiier dist, large lot. paved street. 10 Down Payment New 2 b.r. home, plastered, hwd. floors, l.r.. d r., kit. Sc bath, garage attched. $8850. $2500 Down New lovely 3 b.r. horn, hwd. floors, man. trim, large utility, double gar., large lot. Ed Byrkit Co. Office Phone 3-3101 Eve. 2-6758 or 2-6288 or 2-6496 SPORTY TWO-BEDROOM ROME Tlf TKX RANCH STYLE CLASS. Picture win dows, drapes, lovely Irving room, oil heat, hdwd firs, excellent kitchen with large dining area. Wardrobe closets, car port and storage room, beautiful landscaped lot. Auto wash er. ALL THIS AND MORE TOO. ONLY $8930. $1000 dn. wiU handle. (.100 808 Lois For Sola NICE view lot. Best district. Take late pickup or good acre at city's edge. Sam value. Phon 2-6981. 810 Forms. Acraaqa For Sola 2Ym ACRES. 4 bedroom home. Income cherries, walnuts, filberts. Irrigation system, barn, chicken house, etc. Priced reasonable. Call 4-1151. 123 ACRES. Moses Lake. Washington. Water available in 1953. For sale or trad propei ty around Salem. Phone 4-4007. M. P. Towry, Route e. box ere 20 ACRES, close in 8. Reasonable terms to right party. Will consider car for down payment. Ph. 3-9343 or 3-9976. 812 Exchanqa Real Eatata TRADE late built 2 bedroom home, suburban East. Fireplace, double garage, unfinished upstairs, patio, large fenced lot. To trade for late buOt 3 bedroom home with base meat. Phone 4-1563. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Contest of apeed B.Fala 9. Plnaceoua tree 10. King; with the Golden Touch 12. At a dUtance 13. Indicate 14. Vitality 15. Contained IS. Note of the scale IT. Type measure 18. Value 19. Female fowl 20. Run away 22. Weary 23. Took away (Law) 23. Mandibles 27. Most infrequent JO. City (Prusj.) 31. An oyster culture tract 32. Excl -nation 3 Jewish month 34. Strikes 13. Plnaceoug tree SS. Of Nlcaea 35. aauy . yieldinf 88. Shop 40l Market places. aLObaervea 4 .Com!t4S DOWN 1. Purify 2. First man Bih) S. Floating box for ft th d. Erbium (aym.) 5. Small food fish 6. Female red deer 7. Fuaa 8. Material 9. Fell in 11. Largre fish net 13. Reckless 15. Family ? residence 1 ' 800 Real Estate 8C3 flonsaa For Sola BY OWNER. S new houses. 190 N. 23rd. 1999 N. 24th. Both F H A. appraised. Ph. 2-0701. 816 fiaaort Propartr" BEACH CABIN BARGAIN Own a neach cabin North Lincoln County. $75 down no payment 1 vr. buys choice Mt at 3O00 ft. Ibr Water. lights, streets in Nesr lake, beach. shopping district. Total price $34., . Robin Reed. H kkr. Box 171. Deiake, Ore. Office open weekends. 818 Wantad, Rao) Estata HAVE BUYERS for tracts, 1 to 20 acres. .What have you? Al Isaak & Co., 'Realtors Office phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 3033 PORTLAND RD. Eve. 4-3333. 2-6078 or 2-4738 850 Automotive 852 Paad Cora For Sola Just Starting Need 20 Used Cars CASH At low book if It s SHARP $19,000 wont last long So Hurry 1 1 345 Union St. Ph.3-3040 '48 V-9 TOR- panel See at Arrow Used Cars. - 1931. KAlSR deluxe 4 door, RH. Oo! Good tires, 24.000 actual mile. $1400. Richard Gratsinger, Cervais, Phona 1950 HUDSON. Can be aeen mornings! 1974 No. 4th. 41 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-door. Really clesn. Mechanically tops. Sell for cash or trade for newer car. 2-1213. WILL TRADE 1950 Nash Ambassador. Hydromatic, good condition. For 51 or 53 Nash Rambler Hardtop. Call after 9-30 p. m.. 3-9798 46 V-9 SEDAN DELIVERY. $395. See at Arrow Used Cars. 1941 CHEVROLET Deluxe. Radio, heat- er. Good condition. Phone 4-2470. 3083 N. River Rd. 1941 CHEV. Club Coupe. Very good condition. .2683 No., 9th. . 1939 DeSOTO sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive, excellent condition. Ph. 2-3700 after 9. ' 1947 BUICK Super 4 door, radio, heater. $895. No trades. Phone Deiake 312a Collect. . FOR SALE 1937 Pontia c. 4 door. Clean in and out. No Junk. See Sat. through ' Wed. Phone 177W Independence, ' 4TC?HEV. 4-DR. Clean in and out. Ra dio and heater. Good motor Just - overhauled. New tires. Best offer takes. 955 Union. Phone 3-97Z3 1950 FORD CUSTOM 4 DOOR S ED All Radio heater, defrosters, good tires, beautiful Sheridan blue finish. x ceiient condition, only 96.000 miles. - Am leaving for overseas, must sell this month for only 91423. See at 2350 Adams St.. off 24th bv ballpark Every Day Is Sale Day AT OUR USED CAB LOT. ALL MAKES ALL MODELS ALL PRICES We Invite your comparison for prion with like make and modal anrwhsra. KELLY-OWENS CO. TRADES ' TERMS 660 N Uberty Phone 2-41 1 We-Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL USED CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO. ta n High Sam's Motor Co. Undercover but not Undersold. BUY SELL OR TRADE 187 No. Church Ph. 3-7811 85S Wantad. Cora Trucks WANTED 37-'40 Ford or Chev. In god condition. Will pay cash. Ph. 3-30 i?, WANTED, a good: used car, not older than '50 model. Will pay cash. Tm Webb. Turner. Oregon. WANTED, cars to wreck. "Ernie-. 12th Street Junction. Phone -B"?g. ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY - SELL TRADE 232$ Fairgrounds Rd Ph 2-8494) U2 H ouaa Tra are JAY AWK TRAILER SALES Buy 2640 Port. Rd. Sell IS. Bounders' 19. Conceal 21, Cries, as a crow 22. Definite limit of time 24. On of the planets 25. Overall s 26. Circuit 28. Changes position 29. Civil wrongs 31. Pecuniary penal tie 34. In this place 33. Wade across a stream i- Yeeterday's Aaswea 27. Shack over ' a mine shall , lEaig-.) S3. River (PoU 40. Personal pronoun cjAKjtfr" Agrn ,1-4 8iiilpj 111-- : "ll il llll IiIIIi fZT ""I? TtTTT lii,f -! :1