The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 19, 1952, Page 16, Image 16

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lfi-TlU StciMmcnf Salem Onqon TM&. 'P'ecessber: 19 1 33$ j
West Stay ton
Plans School
Party Tonight
Statesman Newi Service
Christmas party at West Stayton j with their families for a Christ-
National Forest
Employes Slate
Christmas Party
Statesman fewi Serrlf.
DETROIT Willamette National
forest employes will gather at San
ta Clara Grange Hall Saturday
School will be held Friday night.
Students will present a program,
while the Community Club is in
charge of a visit by Santa Claus.
Christmas vacation will start
Wednesday, Dec. 24, and end Jan.
6. Children" are to bring a sack
mas dinner party,
Following the dinner, which
will be served by members of the
Grange, Santa Claus will distri
bute gifts to the children and
games will be organized.
Detroit forest service personnel
lunch Wednesday with milk to be ; who plan to attend include Mr.
served. They will be dismissed J and Mrs. Howard Dean and chil
early following room parties andjdren, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Steers
and .Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Starr
gin exenange. a Lnrisimas din
ner will be served to them on
The primary room has used can
ry canes, popcorn and "snow" to
decorate a tall tree donated by
Bryon Ruggles.
Four new pupils, one in each
room, enrolled Monday. They are
the Wright children who trans
ferred from Mari-Linn School at
Lyons, bringing enrollment here
to approximately 100.
Four pupils received honorable
mention in the KOAC art contest
this week. They are Joyce Wilson,
Pose Ann Henrickson, Susan Fow
ler and Jimmy Thomas.
Mrs. Oertrude Hennies, third
and fourth grade teacher, is plan
ning . motor trip to California
with her husband and son during
the holidays.
A school party recently celebrat
ed the seventh birthday of Joyce
Wilson- Her mother. Mrs. Harlan
Wilson, and Mrs. Robert Shephered
served refreshments to 30 children.
Reed and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford White and Mr. and Mrs.
S. T. Moore and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore en
tertained forest service friends
Monday evening with a Christmas
coffee party at which they served
a variety of Swedish cookies and
Invited for the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Steers, Mr. and Mrs.
Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Reed, Mr. and
Mrs. S. T. Moore and Richard
Swartzlender and Loyd Bransford
from Eugene.
Civic Players
To Appear at
Roberts Sat.
Statesman News Service
ROBERTS Salem Civic Players
will present the play "Dust of
the Road" at the Roberts Grange
Hall, Saturday at 0 p.m., follow
ing the Grange business meeting
which will be held at 8. The
Christmas play is under the di
rection of Miss Beulah Graham
and includes a cast of four, Eleo-
nore Roberts, Frank J. Hutchinson
Arthur L. Davis and R. J. (Dick)
Group singing of Christmas ca
rols and a gift exchange will be
part of the program, followed by
no-host refreshmnets. The Com
munity is invited to attend the
program at 9 o'clock which will be
The Home Economic Club of
Roberts Grange met at the home
of Mrs. Chet Nelson on Croisan
Creek Road Tuesday evening with
17 members present. Plans for
1953 year book activities were
discussed and regular meeting
night changed from Wednesdays to
second Thursday of each month.
Mrs. Charlotte Jones was award
ed a prize for a Christmas story
contest. Gifts were exchanged and
a basket filled for a needy fam
ily. January meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Lee Eyerly.
Gates Woman Club
Elects New Treasurer
Statesman Newi Service
GATES A special meeting of
the Gates Woman's Club was call
ed by the president, Mrs. W. S.
Hudson, Monday evening at the
Parker-Hutcheson furniture store.
The group elected Mrs. Lewis
Brown treasurer to fill the unex-
f)ired term of Mrs. Arthur Find
ey, who is now residing In Rich
land, Wash. Mrs. Albert Milsap,
who heads the fireplace fund drive
for the Gates Community Center,
accepted a resolution presented by
the building committee for dispos
ition of the fund.
Mrs. Helen Dilts
PEDEE Graveside services for
Mrs. Helen Dilts, 49 former Pedee
area resident, will be held at Sa
lem Saturday under direction of
the W. T. Rigdon Mortuary fol
lowing funeral services on Friday
at Seattle.
Mrs. Dilts died Tuesday at her
home in Seattle. She had been ill
about two years. Death was at
tributed to heart disease. She grew
up in this district, later moving
to California, and had lived in
Seattle about 15 yearrs.
Survivors include her husband,
George Dilts, Seattle; mother, Mrs.
William Janes, Salem; grandmoth
er Mrs. M. Stock of Salem; sisters,
Mrs. Ethel Osborne and Mrs. Ber
nadeen Edwards, Pedee; Joan
Brown of Sirters, Ruth Downing,
Burnt Woods, and Jean Jones,
Salem; four brothers, Harrison and
Glen Jones, Salem, Ted Jones,
Harlan, and Harold Jones, Tacoma.
Store Opens
At Hayesville
Statemaa New Service
William J. Lentsch are proprietors
of Hayesville's newest store which
handles building supplies, sport
ing goeds and gift items.-
Lentsch is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Math Lentsch, 4090 Portland
Rd., and the new firm is located
next to his father's blacksmith
shop, just north of Hollywood
Bowl. It is housed in a new'
building constructed of concrete
block with a 25 by 50 foot base
ment. The Lentchs were in the hard
ware business at Corpus Christi,
Texas, before coming here. Mrs.
Lentsch is a native Texan. They
plan to move to this district from
east Salem where their sons, Billy
and Jackie, attend Washington!
School. 1
White Christmas
Said Possible for
Upper Canyon City
Statesman News Service
IDANTIA Santa Claus will be
In Idanha Saturday at the Davis
clothing store to visit with his
many young friends between the
boors of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Whether or not the weather
man has snow scheduled for his
trip is problematical. High flee
cy clouds and temperatures be
tween 30 and 40 have kept can
yon residents guessing as to the
possibility of a white Christmas.
With the exception of Santa's
reindeer everyone is satisfied
with present weather conditions.
Polk Draft Office
Closing for Week
Statesman News Service
DALLAS Polk County Selective
Service Board will close its office
all next week, it was announced
Thursday by Mrs. Nona Ford,
board clerk.
She said no calls to military
service are pending before Janu
ary. The office will reopen Dec.
29, but will close that week later
for New Year's Day.
Gates Girl Scouts
Fete Miss Joaquin
Statesman News Service
GATES A surprise party honor
ing Darlene Joaquin on her elev
enth birthday was a feature of the
Christmas meeting of the Gates
Girl Scout troop in the Gates High
School recreation rooms Tuesday
After participating in games,
songs and a gift exchange the 16
girls and their leader, Mrs. Walter
Thomas, were served refreshments
by the hostesses, Juanlty Thomas
nd Darlene Joaquin.
Silver Crest Baptist
Church Incorporates
Statesman News Service
SILVERTON The First Baptist
-Church in the Silverton Hills voted
incorporation at a special business
meeting held Wednesday at the
First Baptist Church parsonage at
The new group has taken the
name, "ihe allver Crest Baptist
Anmsvine The Aumsville Post
office is remaining open during
noon hours until Christmas and
will be open Saturday- afternoon
to accommodate persons who want
to mail packages, reported Post
master Harry Way.
verdale Grade School will present
their Christmas program at 8 p.m.
friday at the school. Parents and
friends are invited, reports M.
Meunier, principal.
Snrtnr VI1
Spring Valley Community Club
hold a fhricftnae a
Tuesday at the school.
Detroit Detroit school children
will hold their annual classroom
Christmas parties Wednesday
morning, and school will be dis
missed at 1:30 p.m. for the holi
days. Jan. 5 will be the date for
re-opening of school, according t
v. i mie, superintendent.
AtUnsfVfll AnmetrilTA J
School will present a Christina?
program at the P-TA meeting r
8 pjn. Monday. There will noi
be a business session, but Sanlr
Claus will be there, courtesy o!
PTTA Legion Auxiliary
Refreshments will be served.
Prstum The Christmas prograrr
at Pratum School win k ki -
- " utlU A
8 p.m. Tuesday.
RTTRRARTl Tk T-CA . i ,,
n. m icx-ais- i
'uu prfruamentarian contest will
be held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at
North Marion High School. Team
from Hillsboro, Forest Grove
Oregon City and North Marion
will compete.
Pratnm New residents here are
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dague who
purchased property from Everett
Hubbard The Hubbard grade
school basketball team will play
its first game of the season at
Aurora Friday at 2:15 p.m. Mem
bers of the team will be wear
ing new suits.
Santa Due at
Stat chub News Service
is scheduled to arrive in Indepen
dence at 2 pjn. Friday. He will
be carrying a pack on his back
with a treat fbr' everyt i
The Independence Chamber of
Commerce has made his visit pos
sible, and in honor of his arrival
the Isis Theater will give a free
show Friday afternoon for all
Santa will return to Indepen
dence Saturday from 2 pjn. until
I ......
UflllUJ iXAllUiO, it. X. vn
The U. N Social O mittee Wed
nesday approved the text of ,
proposed pact which would bind
all countries ra ig it to give
women political rights equal to
those of men. The text as ap
proved ...-0, with 11 ?ounti'es abstaining.
The chemical basis for lift is the
oxidation of tissue.
Church " and work is underway
to establish a temporary meeting
place near Drake's Crossing.
During the past year the con
gregation met for services in Sil
Yr p6?1 School, but the school
board denied the privilege this
I 1 1 - . ,
iOjj ' Have A
I mm w; : 1
Wl fliv. the family he '
l ffeLi-1 ' j Best gift of all ....
ffi5 I UXi m"m'amA handsome television setl
j IvV 21" Console Model Only. S$
las rv M
ffW sT T? Convenient Terms . . Installation All
2303 Fairgrounds Road
Phone 4-6251
Gyrafoam washing action means spotlessly clean clothes. And the Maytag Auto
matic is the only automatic washer that has it ! It's the famous washin principle
developed and perfected by Maytag. Gentle water currents remove soil safely.
Completely owtomotk Maytag washes,
rinses, spin-dries your clothes for you.
So eaiy to um-Simply set the two dials
washing cycle starts. Your Maytag will
even turn itself off I
Safety Lid Action stops when lid is
lifted. Wonderful protection for curious
young fingers.
Nwsxfs no bolting down Unequalled
for all-round dependability and long life.
easy Tain
America's best-loved conventional
washer. Gyrafoam ac
tion; big, double-walled
frTiirnlmmi tub.
Square porcelain-on-steel tub gives
added clothes capacity
. . . speeds up washing
Now you can buy a genuine May
tag for scarcely more
than you'd pay for the
lowest-priced washer I
Maytag Ironer irons everything .
shirts, blouses, ruffles,
children's clothes . .
quickly, easily.
Open Fri., ;
Sot., AAon.
Tues., 'Til 9 P. M.
raiuim nuni uizzt itnma i i:xx rni3
Free Delivery
Xmas Eve
Free Giftwrap
u o
$100.00 Cash! Other Cash
and Merchandise Prizes!
TAG 'EM and WIN!
You May
Be Lucky tonight
Cash winncn will meet In front of Wills Music store
at 9:00 o'clock where Mr. Vern Wiscarson will make
the presentation of the cash awards for the Downtown
Merchants' Association. I 1
See the
of Gift
i the'Centta
Downtown Retail Merchant's Association
- i