The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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Mrs. Olive Ramey, Hillsbcro, president of Rebekah
Assembly, third from left, made her official visit to
Salem Rebekah Lodge Monday night Pictured with
Mrs. Ramey left to right are Mrs. Dorothy Bancroft,
Noble Grand, Salem, Rebekah Lodge; Mrs. Lola Os
borne, Portland, vice-president of the- Rebekah As
sembly; Mrs. Ramey, and Mrs. Gladys Rhoades,
vice-grand of Salem Lodge. (McEwan Photo).
State Officers
s Visit Rebekah
Lodge Monday
Honor guest of the Salem Re
bekah Lodge Monday evening" was
Mrs. Olive Ramey, president of the
Rebekah Assembly of Oregon.
Other distinguished guests intro
duced at the meeting were Mrs.
Christine Smith,- past president of
the Assembly; -Mrs. Robert Hen
derson, past president of the As
sembly; Grace Christensen, past
E resident of the Assembly; Mrs.
lary Allen, representative ARA;
Mrs. George Beane, past president
of the jurisdiction of Nevada;
George Naderman, Grand High
Priest of the Grand Encampment
of Oregon; Mrs. Clarence Town
send, president of the Association
LAPM; Mrs. Lola Osborne, vice
president of the Assembly of Ore
gon; Robert Henderson, Past Grand
Representative; Mrs.i Florence
Beatty, Musician -of I the Oregon
Assembly; Mrs. Lloyd' Wood, color
bearer of the Assembly; Mrs. Edith
Turner, Outside Guardian of the
Assembly; and Mrs. Victor Koop,
District Deputy President.
The Rebekah Degree was con
ferred on Mrs. Loyal R. Adkison
and Mrs. Emil Yohner. A tableau
honoring Mrs. Olive Ramey, de
picting the institution of the Re
bekah Lodge, was given under the
direction of Mrs. George Beane
Preceding the meeting a dinner
was given for members and visit
ins dignitaries.
Salem Rebekah Lodge will have
their annual Christmas meeting" on
Dec. 22. All branches of the order
are invited to attend and bring
The Three Link Club will meet
Fridav at noon for a no-host
luncheon celebrating birthdays on
October, November and Decern
The LAPM will have their spe
cial Christmas meeting Thursday
evening at 6:30. A supper will be
FL Club will meet Thursday,
Dec. 11 at the home of Mrs. Orville
Britton, 2780 Market btreet.
Ceremony Held
At Dickey Home
Jack and Russell Elmer were mar
ine miitv Saturday afternoon.
Dec. 6 at the home of the Rev.
and Mrs. John Dickey of Forest
Grove. The Rev. Dickey per
formed the single ring ceremony.
TVio nnlv attendants were Mr.
and Mrs. William Tate of New-
Kortr uncle and aunt of the bride
The bride wore a navy blue
dress with blue accessories and
The bridal couple left immedi
ately after tbe ceremony lor in
land. On Sunday they were the
. honor guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tate
at their home in wewoerg ror a
turkey dinner. A niece of the
bride, Mrs. Marvin Beer, made the
wedding cake. " -:-
Others , present at the wedding
4innr urr Mr' and Mr. Claude
Brown and Dick, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Brown and Muriai ox
Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Beer and Janie and Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Tate of McMinnviUe.
On Tuesday evening -Mr. and
' Mrs. Elmer will be guests at din-
er at the home, of her brother,
Tr. and Mrs. Claude Brown. -.
Mrs. Elmer , has had charge of
the school cafeteria for several
years and will, continue with the
work. Mr. - Elmer is a carpenter
at K Yellowstone National park,
where he works several months
very year during, the? open sea
aon at .the parkMrs. Elmer' also
works in the park during the sum
mer months. j
Mr. Gilson is Director
..,.' .
Melvln L. Gilson, director of
music in the Newberg High School,
hu organized, and is directing a ;
community chorus of 200 voices,
which will present "The Messiah"
on Dec. 14 at the Newberg High
SchooL Mr. Gilson Is the son of
Mr. and Mrs., Mervin J. Gilson of
Salem. He is a graduatev.of Wil
lamette University and has taught
at Madras and Dallas. .
LINCOLN The Lincoln Com
munity Club Association will
sponsor a benefit card party on
Saturday night, Dec. 13 at the
Lincoln School at 8 pjn. The pub
lic is invited to attend. Jello and
doughnuts will be served.
Makes Visit
To Auxiliary
Mrs. Carl Oberg. department
president from Portland, made
her official visit to Marion Auxili
ary, VFW Monday night. Other
department officers present were
Mrs. Jonn WalJcer of Medlord,
chief of staff, Mrs. Edith Mudd,
Salem, past department president;
Mrs. Adwin Strayer, Salem, past
department president; and Mrs.
Joe Hopkins, Salem, assistant
Reports were given by Mrs.
Mike Becker, Mrs. Dale Brooks,
Mrs. Charles Hagen, Mrs. James
Hartley, Mrs. Genevieve Olson.
Mrs. Mel Clemens reported that
the arrangements for the dinner to
be given December 13 for the J.
C. Penney employees were com
plete. A portion of the money from
the dinner will go to the VFW
Cancer Research program. Mrs.
Virgil Bolton, National Home Fund
chairman reported that the Aux
iliary Minstrel Show performance
sponsored by the Keizer Lions
dub netted the Auxiliary $82. She
also reported that the troupe
would play to the boys in the TB
Hospital (Veterans Administra
tion) in Portland on January 18
Mrs. W. L. Barnett announced
plans for the Christmas party to
b held on Dec 21. Fifty bags of
blocks to be used In the Christmas
baskets for needy families were
given to the auxiliary by Reln-
holdt and Lewis Company.
The post Joined the auxiliary
zor a supper after the meeting
with Mrs. Edna Ptice In charge.
The next meeting of the auxiliary
will be January 12.
The Delta Gamma alomnae will
be entertained tonight at the home
of Mrs. Jack Miller, 1385 N. 24th
St, at 8 p jn. This will be a Christ
mas party and the province sec
retary, Mrs. Ivan Traynor of Eu
gene, will be a special guest. As
sisting hostesses are Mrs. Eldon
Caley and Mrs. Steve Anderson.
Christmas Miscellany
Turkey Stuffing Takes Bananas;
Cookies Go With Iced Desserts
Statesman Woman's' Editor
There are some people who like a little stuffing served with
their turkey. And there are others who like a little turkey served
with their stuffing. For these real stuffing connoisseurs, a new treat
is in store, Banana Stuffing for Poultry, made much like other
poultry stuffing but with the magic of the tropics in it For the
holiday turkey, duck or chicken. Banana Stuffing Is. a blend of
delicious fruit flavor with well-seasoned bread ... to make this a
really tangy poultry accompaniment. It's a masterly combination
everyone will like.
Ya teaspoon pepper
cups butter or margarine
quarts soft bread crumbs,
loosely packed (about 1
pounds bread)
large onions, chopped
tablespoon salt
2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
4 cups (1 quart) diced ripe
bananas (about 8 to 8 bananas)
Use either all-yellow or fully ripe banana. Melt butter or
margarine in large saucepan. Add bread crumbs, onions, salt, pep
per, poultry seasoning and bananas. Mix well. Makes about 3V&
quarts .stuffing, enough for a 10 to 12 pound ready-to-cook turkey
or 2 (9 to 6 pound) chickens or ducks.
Important: If extra stuffing remains, shape it into balls and
bake in a separate pan alongside the poultry, about 20 minutes.
For flavor, spoon drippings from the poultry over the stuffing as
It cooks. Garnish the poultry platter with these extra stuffing balls
before serving. If desired, bacon fat or poultry fat may be used In
place of butter or margarine.
Ifrese holiday cookies aren't too rich and may be served with
ice cream or custard to make a fine dessert. Raisins are a basic
ingredient in many holiday cookies, for they belong to the season
just as much as Santa Claus.
a4 cup seedless raisins
1 cup shortening
locup granulated sugar
2 eggs
cup milk
2 cups quick-cooking oats
i cup chopped walnuts
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
teaspoons baking powder
Vi teaspoon salt
Vi teaspoon soda
Wi teaspoons lemon extract
i cup chopped walnuts
Rinse raisins In hot water, drain and dry thoroughly. Cream
shortening and sugar together. Blend In beaten eggs, milk, oats
and nuts. Sift flour with baking powder, salt and soda, and add
to creamed mixture Blend In raisins and flavoring. Drop by small
spoonfuls, about 2 inches apart, onto unstressed cookr sheet. Bake
in moderate oven (350 degrees) 12 to 15 minutes.Makes 4 dozen....
medium-sized cookies.
for Christmas Cheer
that goes on and on
For the Rest of
Your Ufa.
yt3i Smart, hand" turned Evans Slippers are the
L: s' greatest gift in the world for a man. There's
cf7yf . abundant comfort in ever well fitting pak.
481 Stat Street
Open Friday Nights -
Lcodors1 RocDiyo
Certificates ! -
The December meeting of the
Salem Camp Fire and Blue Bird
Leaders Association will be held
tonight In the Fireside Room of
the First Presbyterian Church, be
ginning at 7:30 pan. Leaders, who
have fulfilled reauirements : for
leadership training j, certificates,
will receive, them at this tune.
The combined meeting is also to
be the occasion of a Christmas
Council Fire marking the dose' of
the- leadership training course.
Leaders may become better ac
quainted at the' meeting and share
their; experiences with new lead
ers, who will be welcomed into
the Leaders Association. , The cere
mony will center around the
Christmas tree, and coffee and
Christmas cookies will be served.
The evening will close with Christ
mas songs.
Railroad Party Slated
Salem Railroad Club will hold
its Christmas meeting and party
in the basement of the Salem
Woman's Club on Saturday at 6:30
pjn. A covered dish dinner will
be served and there will be an
exchange of gifts. Motion pictures
will be shown during the evening.
J. H. Jennings is chairman of the
party. All railroaders of all roads i
are invited to attend.
Fete Pierces
Mi. and Mrs. Charles R. Pierce
will celebrate their golden wed
ding anniversary at an open house
on Sunday, Dec 21 "at the home of
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Archie W. McKillop, at
their suburban home, 4125 Liberty
Road. Friends of. the goldenweds
are being invited through the
press to call between 2 and S
'Hosts for the open house are
the couple's six children. Mrs. Ar
chie J. Elliott, Mrs. Walter Wads
worth, Brooks, Mrs. Walter Kar
sten, Mrs. McKillop, Miss- Ruby
Pierce and Harold Pierce. There
are 7 grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have lived
In Salem for 44 years, having been
married in Creston, Iowa.
Soroptimist Luncheon
a guest at tne saiem Soroptimist
club luncheon meeting ; on Wed
nesdav noon at the Golden Phea
sant was Miss Margie Leonard,
wmamette university Coed of the
Month. For the program group
sinfflnff was enlnveH unrier th riii-.
ection of Mr. Henrv Kavspr with
miss Alice Crary Brown the ac-f
comnanlst. Plana wpr made fnr
the club Christmas party on Dec.
17 at tne Home of the president,
Mrs. Donald Reinke.
Shirjcy Honnios
To Bo Married
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hennles of
Turner are announcing , the en
gagement of their daughter, Shir
ley, to Ronald D. Rentfrow, son
of Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Rentfrow
of Tigard. ,
Miss Kennies is a graduate of
Cascade Union High School and
attended Oregon State College last
year; where she is a member, of
the AlDha Omicron Pi
Mr. Rentfrow is a senior at Wil
lamette University.
The EDrine weddinr ia hinr
planned for March 21.
Yuletido Program
Given tor Club
r Members of the Welcome Wagon
held a" Christmas luncheon and
meeting on Wednesday at the Sen
ator Hotel. Mrs. R. V. Cooley pre
sided. Mrs. Floyd Baker, chair
man of the social hour, led the
group in singing Christmas carols.
C J. Harm was the guest speak
er and gave a demonstration of
Christmas decorations in the
Plans were made for the Jan. 22
meeting to be held at the May
flower Hall with a covered dish
supper for members, husbands
and guests at 6:30 p.m.
The StaeamcmSolftsi, OreTTiPTtdbDaceaAcT IV, KZZ
Rainbow Girls
Hold Initiation
Formal Initiation highlighted the
meeting of Chadwick Assembly,
Order of Rainbow for Girls Tues
day night at the Masonic Temple.
The initiates include Janice Rose
ler, Carol West, Judy McDonald,
Louise Henderson, - Sharon Sea
rcy, Judy Keller, Shirley Lee Fre
eman, Beverly Mocabee, and Kar
en Covext. Ann Hansen was re
ceived into the Assembly through
affiliation from Anchorage, Alas
ka, m
Plan's were made for a recep
tion to held Sunday, Dec. 23 at
2 pjn. honoring Miss Marlyn Lor
enz, grand fidelity; Nancy Bone. -grand
representative to Ohio; and
Wayne Henry, member of the state .
Assembly of Oregon. " 1
At the Dec. 23 meeting the girl
will entertain their mothers at a
Christmas party and exchange of
gifts: m
The Rainbow Girls have made
stuffed dolls to distribute to the
Falrview Home, Scrapbooks for
gifts for several patients at the
Tuberculosis Hospital.
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look no further . . . here are gifts for all the familyl
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