8 Thm Statesmen. Salem. Q, Tbcandaj. Dmemabmt 4, It SI UJJ 0 o """ "" "The r Che coa wr " .corv. to let ith0oorl osCu.h.1 Roomy c M a e id Onl YOU GET AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING WITH LEONARD REFRIGERATORS Leonard refrigerators are cold from top to base ... More usable "cold" space and bigger on the inside . yet no big ger on the outside than ordinary refrigerators. Best of all It's backed by Leonard's 70 years of experience and proven dependability! YOU GET TWO HUGE OVENS WITH LEONARD'S ELECTRIC RANGES! Leonard ranges are the latest in streamlined electric cooking . . . with the exclusive "Automatic Meal Minder." It turns on the current, times the cooking and shuts off automatically when the meal is done. It's the big buy ... the beauty buy In electric ranges I A (?W Tfv r CORNER CENTER & CHURCH i -. .. Innus You 70 Years of Knoiv WITH m Month1 your Wtchi 0 & ran vm s- n 9 mmmmtllll4MIfMm .-. ta. A 7 . Heat,, '""ad ' hH on ! Th0m withe ervt hln 2S uiiaoa oeatsj y "win I 'W ,n Y" Kltchmn rnrK 0 w