t The States man, Salem. Ongcsu Monday. November 14. 1851 1 Drives Home With Bullet tinder Heart j LIGONIER. Pa. L5V George Giesey. 33. of Ligonier. drove 12 miles to his home tn an auto Sun day despite a bullet wound under the heart. jr; Giesey told state police a J22 caliber pistol he was cleaning at his hunting lodge accidentally dis charged. - i - Giesers family took him to a hospital alter he collapsed on I reaching home. His .condition is i critical. .. Films Taken of McKay, Family For Television Movies were taken Sunday of Gov. Douglas McKay, his family and friends for screening far the aters and via television in con nection with his recent appoint ment as U. S. secretary of the in terior. Cameramen were in Salem Sun day to take the movies at several locations. f ' .-- - rust JJitHrUca nut. WKU u ; front of the First Presbyterian Church, following the christening of six-months-old Nancy Jane Hadley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' Wayne E. Hadley, and grand- daughter of Gov. and Mrs. McKay, i In this . picture, leaving the 'church, were Governor and Mrs. McKay, and Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Club for Physically Handicapped Holds Banquet r l i T India Revises Korea Trace Compromise 4 Mercury Drop's To 24 Degrees Demos Claim McCall Shows V . 'Partisanship' PORTLAND UPi Democrats and their four children, including Sunday accused radio eommen- AHan. Eileen, Bruce and the baby. The father held the child dur ing the christening ceremony with Dr. Paul Newton Polling, church pastor, officiating. No pictures were taken inside the church. The scene then-shifted to the tator T. Lawson McCall of being "unduly partisan" in behalf of Re publicans in ins dally news broad cast over KGW. The executive committee of the state Democratic organization agreed to ask the manaeement of : McKay nome. in iront i toe noma KGW to discuss the .matter. A v v 'V.. z iwas taken a group photograph of I I Gov. and Mrs. McKay. Mrs. Had ley and her children, and Mrs. 'Lester! Green, holding her little -.son, Danny. Mrs. Green is a! daughter of Governor and Mrs. ; McKay. Mrs. McKay was holding ! Nancy Jane. Inside the McKay home a 'num ber of "shots" were taken of the Governor and Mrs. McKay. Later Governor McKay posed on formal complaint to the Federal Communications Commission also was authorized. McCall, former assistant to Gov. Douglas McKay, said that "The apprehension this group feels, is. Members and guests ef The Indoor Sports Crabs, Saiese Chapter CS,i are shewn at a baaqaet held this week ta the HeDyweed Lleae Den. I The local greap was host te St members ef the Portland chapter.! Che U. ft. Salem residents clear, cold Sunday wt J kjr of 24 degree reported cy weeyr- wurm at McTtary ruid. Todar5e srfceduird to be neerty the sarae . erilh eaxly morr-irg fog A Vw trarpfrttors of 84 d rj sr. vm aiated far today wtlh tin to V a mtsiUe 4 degree. rog throughout the Northwest 2 ik3rpd Sir for Cm near midnight Sunday and rukied at I least cm air Una fLrtt te aa ur- arbedaled stop. Oftx-Uk at Me- Nary tower rrpcrifd a taarond 1 Western Airfines "Owvair." twta engine pasamrv tn landed at the SaVra fkl aborUy peat eaid Ktht. The plaae was ra rocte ta I riibrr Portland or SeatUc, boCh cf hkh were torrrd ta. SaVra was achedoled to f oiow euU wHa be vy fog starting at about 1 s. n. today. The erraalaaUea la a aea erm greva, with It caa4era ka Great Brttala aad Caaada. far akyaWaily ftalesa areatdeaft la Kijaioad Ctevtlaad. the. lawn near the east entrance a .a m ' Mfii a of the Capitol. With the governor I on , recent program he Painter Salvador Dali Converts Gen, Clark in Ihikm Surrealism to Atom Mysticism TTnAO n pinT1 McCall said he believed How- J llVUlXtl lO 1 ixiii For Ike Visit McCall said he beUeved How. ard Morgan, state Democratic chairman, was attempting to "in timidate'' him. He said the charge of partiality; was probably made wai Edwin H. Armstrong oz nis secretarial staff. ! Other photographs, taken at the Salem Saddle Club of which Gov ernor McKay is a member, fea tured the governor riding his fa ivorite mount and other rural scenes. i At the Salem Saddle Club the governor wore an outfit somewhat i similar to that in which he ap : peared at the Pendleton Roundup and i in this year's Rose Festival . parade. . ' ; 130 Air Fields In West Europe Aim at Russia PARIS (JP)-The Atlantic Powers are building up a bulwark of 130 ; military air fields across Europe all within striking distance of : Russia, it was learned Sunday, These air fields will be the , West's first line of defense in the event of a Soviet attack on West i em Europe. The fields form a huge are from : the top of the European continent ! to the bottom. Many of them al- ready have been built, an in ' formed source said. The others are searing completion. ' This rampart of air bases starts In Norway and cuts a southward path through Denmark. The line thickens as it passes through Hol i land, bulges into Prance. West ; Germany and Luxembourg, then thins out again as it curves Into . Italy. - ; ; Norway and Denmark are re- Krted to have seven fields apiece Mt or under construction. The Netherlands 13 and Belgium 14. Prance is known to have 41, West ; Germany 33, little Luxembourg 1, and Italy 12. said Morgan's remarks on the appointment of Gov. McKay as secretary of the interior were 'stupid and vicious. Morgan was highly critical of the appoint ment. , 1 :: ii McCall also said that Morgan earner told him he was plannin, By JOHN SODEUCK PARIS OP) -Spanish painter Salvador Dali solemnly announced Sunday, without a quiver of his waxed mustaches, that he has given up the Vtorld of surrealism for a new philosophy nuclear mysticism.'' It is, he said -gravely, atomic. And the fountain of his new philosophy, upon which he la to base his future works, is the United States. Dali sails Tuesday on the S3 1 Tokyo Monday and said he would SEOUL (!) U. K. Commander Gen. Mark Clark arrived from Toddler Found earner toia nun ne was planning a i a v to take steps to have the TCC A llXTfk XtffXl I IQV monitor his broadcast. lflJJ.YCllJ.lCl iFaV In Cold, Rain Flagpole Sitter Lays Claim to Championship PORTLAND WVW. L. Howard announced Sunday he had set a record for flagpole sluing of Id UNITED NATiOraL X. Y. IA India revised br racnpromise t4aa speed trp deediocked aegotia- tkxui for a Korean armistice but failed Sunday nlcht ta heal the U. SErtUta breach ever the plan. The Indian compromise v rushed into the UN Sunday after noon la an attempt to clove the rur. rt got ru Rnt gouig-over la a one hour and 43 minute dosed meeting Sunday night. Top delegates from n nations were present at the New York headquarters of the U. S. mixtion, After ft was over. Sir Perry Spender. Australian ambassador to Washington and chairman of the meeting, read a statement which asserted there had been "unanimous agreement on the ba- .ST-JSiS? Plan Discussed Communist areas. But his statement made tt clear! Plana tar the the revised Indian proposals on) Area Festival handling war n -xtrt ta Korea Sunday at a aorthweet who refused to return to theirltatlves meeting of the boom of Communist homeland did not an-l Norway Lodge la Che YMCA Sua iw n ts arrVvt mftwiil day aftmwo. raised by the U. S. I The t ertlrai, scheduled te be held ta Satasn. waa taelat2vly art! 5pender said that more clari- t tXmtj and Saaday flcations- of provisions la the la-1 ?T .Tl7JZZL ' proposal were needed and l.T .v the group wia meet again A . .vfj. Norse Festival III Kotmnmt when able. more tnformatioai la avaU- w4m tea V. a;i ihsai S smsi aaea wses aassaasa i contest, tmi to the ferrtL ;l One pnss'.K'.ty was as sli-ei- trip tortbei te Norway. The (Car tx- , In other action : Sunday - the General Committee: Voted to ask Gov. Adlal Stev enson of Iillinois to address the annual Jackson-Jeff erson Day dinner here next spring. Asaeatne committee s execu America for New York after seven discuss with U. S.. Eighth Army months of seclusion in a village commander Gen. James A. Van on Spain's Costa Braba where he Fleet plans for Presidentelect areamea up ue new mysucum, "I listened to Bach, turned to asceticism, neither smoked nor drank during this period," he ex plained. A canvas depicting the days. Howard, 34, la not sure, though, that the record will be accepted since the pole sitting was done ta two states. lie mounted a pole at Washou gal la Southwestern Washington on June 14. When Interest la the AVELLA, Pa. m They found 2-year-old George "Butch Bell assumption of the virgin emerged from this Interval of contem plation. Aseeaslea ef Mary The painting, which be says Is "sensational, because it is the op- Elsenhower's proposed visit to Korea. (Oark told newsmen he would be na he w; in Korea only "a couple of days I trn,trrA Hrn..t ttin t and that there was "nothing spec- pound to another pole la a i tana amusemem Darx. American and Brill th rpoki aen, who have been ecgagtng ta harp argunaect over their a' gstiona views for the last J!sIUty was a achoIarsh.'a frr V hours, refused to add anything to I winner to the University cf Wa&h-t the Spender statement. I mgton achoal of laxruag l rru-! The delegstrs them Ires were cy j&orwegissa. No fWT.rte dci- cordoned off from reporters by a w sfcaoe as ujs sneeufcg. large force of U. S. security agents XJn.rksr, Bevan Ajks u.s. la the Park Avenoe bending that If pnfrriITy It ffl houaea the United Sutea cWg-l AVCCUglllXC IVCU Sreury of State Deaa Ache- CoDqUCfit of. Gil 113 wno aaa aaaea itrgenviy lot i lal" tlve board to investigate (1) the ,n,oTi VnH f ,rW .ftXr P0511 ' the atom bomb," repre SUte Tax Commission and (J) the I I' 1 P-v I ts the corporeal ascension of sale of merchandise to state lnstl- T X1 Jil Mary, a Roman Catholic dogma tutions. M I ... 77 . which Pope Pius xn promulgated Voted to ask the Oregon Bar to investigate whether or not attor neys are soliciting business from convicts inside the walla of the state penitentiary. But he said, "naturally. X will The previous record tar Sag- discuss arrangements with Gen. pole sitting, Howard said, was set van Fleet for the president-elect's tn January, 1131, by Erma Leach visit. We are looking forward to of Eugene. Ore. She stared on a seeing him." ' platform above San Francisco n tAld nwmfi K yA uT car sot lor 152 nays. In the cold and the rain. Volunteers came on the little boy in a dense thicket about 2V miles some time ago. "The atom bomb represents the from his home in this Southwest- disintegration of matter. My paint ern Pennsylvania 3,000. community of to Seoul "to see my friend (Van Fleet) and to visit some of the units here. War-wrecked Seoul blossomed Monday with U. 8. and Republic ot Korea flags. Some 200 welcome signs began Sister Kenney CriticaUyDl SYDNEY, Australia UPY Sister Elizabeth Kenney, world famous for her treatment of poliomyelitis. was critically ill Sunday at her Toowoomba.1 Queensland home. She suffered a minor attack of cerebral thrombosis Friday night and ner condition has since become extremely serious. Sister Kenney has been suffering from Parkin son's disease for some time. ing represents the integration of the bodv of the virrin into heav- Butch's clothing he wore only a en. he explained la an Interview, going op on the front of the shell. T-shirt and blue Jeans over his Blae and Geld scarred capital, on specially-built underclothes was soaked from The predominant color ta the rches, on ricxery streetcars and the showers which had fallen in- work, which is three yards high bng the city's main thorougb termittently since he disappeared and about a half a yard wide. Is tares. shortly after noon Saturday. lapis larull blue, with splatterings A sign put up Sunday at the His face, hands and legs bore of gold. The figure of the virgin is main capitol gate, which read. scraicnes xrom uorni maa iwifi. Howard, still atop the role, said he hopes his record will be ac cepted. And he thinks there la a good chance tt will be. "After all, there are no standing rules tor flagpole strung," be said. SeattleDoclg Tie-up Cains Sunday nighfa special meeting of the group, flew ta from Canada and went Into the oration shorvy after t:39 pm. EST to err U In that the U. ft. demands coocrrte terms en handling war prisoners. It was this demand that cawed the rift with the Brttlsa Saturday.! a break that was viewed with growing concern ta diplomatic quarters here. British Foreign Secretary An thony Eden stayed away from the meeting. He was n presented by his minister of state, Selwya Lloyd. Lloyd left the mectier arm-la-1 arm with Ernest Croat, U. S. dele gate who had taken Acheean's views opposing the Indlia plan to Eden and Uoyd Saturday, I Methodists in elongated, "much "Give the Communists helL Dee." He was found m a thicket so densely gf own and difficult of ac cess that one of the rescuers said: more so then El Greco made his, he said. The face is recognizable, "but was taken down Monday and re placed by one reading: "Strength en ROK forces. ROK stands lor "I don't see how he ever got m S0 RepubUc of Winds Buffet there Norman E. Walker. U, a steel shop machinist, was the first to sight Butch, "It made me feel good all over when I found him," said Walker. I guess that s because I have a 14-month-old baby myself. "Butch was soaking wet and shaking. He wasn't crying and sat for it," he continued. Angels are represented by atoms and un clear odds and ends. The painting, which will be ex hlblted In New York around Christmas time, is In a Le Havre warehouse waiting to be shipped to America. Dali, sitting in the study of his Paris host, Bolivian millionaire Arturo La pes. thoughtfully con- 14? Shaken Up in Portland Road Auto Wreck ..ITIf..T-Northwest Pledcc men. which has crippled the 2 attie waterfront since Nov. threatened Sunday to bring a com plete shipping Ue-cp at this stra tegic port Maxie WeUbarth. rpokesman the AFL Maritime Trades Depart? ment Committee, said "plans were being drawn to turn a may all com mercial ships from Seattle. He hinted that the tie-cp might spread later to military piers. n - wr: aanfr couldn't talk though he tried, AH I templated his revolutionary ded he could get out was, Mommy,! sion to set aside surrealism for the ancisco Past Presidents Dehlers Host to Sutnaaaa Nw Sarrte , MT. ANOEL The Legion Aux illary Past Presidents Club meet at the Dehler home Thursday night wun miss xneresa and Loretta Dehler as hostesses. SAN FRANCISCO MVStron ; north winds i buffeted the San Francisco Bay area early Sunday, uprooting trees, shattering win dows, toppling bulboards and power lines and setting fires. r lames destroyed an East Oak land Hills home and burned over iuu acres. Fourteen San Francisco firemen were treated for minor injuries suffered fighting a stub born rice hull dump fire. ine weatner Bureau said the home. Mommy home.' Williams wraDoed Butch In his own jacket and started for the Bell house. The mother. Mrs. Betty May BelL 22, who Is expecting an- new creed. "The young Dali, he said, with a trace of weariness in his voice, "was close to Jerom Bosch tHler onymus van Aeken). The older other child in May, fainted as he I iVPlo!er1 V" clasped the boy in her arms. f'l got hold of him and held him tight," said the mother, "then I passed out I nearly dropped him, I guess. At Washington Hospital, physi cians said Butch's condition Is good that, barring unforeseen com plications, he will recover. , His parents remain fearful, how- Tour persons were shaken trp, I Soil is Tested two oz tnem treated at a hospital. when a southbound auto struck I A soil testing demonstration a parked car tn the 1700 block of I given members ot the Lansing Portland Road early Sunday Neighbors Garden Club meeting morning. I Thursday afternoon at the home Still hospitalized Sunday night I of Mrs. Ben Rathjen. Members were Donald Leroy Jones, 12, of I brought samples of soil from their 398 Hoyt St- owner ot one car, I own gardens and Al Clarke of and one of his passengers. Norma I Vuta Gardens did the testing. Near $7C0,000 PORTLAND Un Methodist church expansion, youth work and and Idaho had pledged near tT3. 000 Sunday night at the close of the Portland Area Forward Move ment fund drive. The money Is to be txsed tor church expension, youth work and education. H. P. Demand, campaign direc tor, said some 9 churches la the Spokane district had pledged 171. ti eg a S18S.T3S Quota. He eaid he expects late reports to put Spo kane pledges ever the quota. Goal of the drhre ta the three states is one niCka dollars. LONDON VTl Anewia Bev an. leader of the La-bar Partya far Wft wteg, derUred Sunday the I ICoreaa War would end ta a mat-1 trr ef weeks if America wtxi i "recocntae the CVi'rwee rewhitiae as aa sraeipliafad fftrL. P Bevaa said there la no use try leg ta get Bed China te agree te a truce "If U& saooey and arms! are pourtcg Into Formoaa te eel able Chiang Eai-Sbrfc te resume! civQ war- I He tard the nstions of Europe: to -exert a Lttie snore tsifluextra than they have ta the last fewj years on the administration of the' United Stair" and aearried: -General Elsenhower should re alise that Britain will not sur?ort any solution ta Korea which la volvea an estmsiaa of the conflict agamet the Ciaeea. t Same oysters are male or fe male at any one time, but norm any charge from eaie te female i and beck a gala aevrril Umea dur ing their Lvea. TRY A PMVATI DAN CI LESSON ONLY 1.00 AO types ef daariag samskl Stedie Open. IS A. M, te Is F. ML JON-MAR DANGN9 STUDIO CTf teeth Ceeasseeitil FaatastJe Animak He said he was greatly Influ enced by Bosch, the 15th Century Dutch painter who peoples his paintings with devils, fantastic ani mals and strange landscapes. "Bosch was demoniac. Dali aaid. "Mr tint nhaae dealt with! and possible Internal Injury. evil. But my new one is more I Driver of the car, Marjorie Dales heavenly.' . ICordz, 20, Albany, suffered pos- rtali safsf ft ha fnc fintcK I aihle internal inturiea and a cat although he will not be 3a series of ICS water color illus-lon her chin. Another passenger. Camfleld. 20, ot 351 Wlnola Ave. Jones suffered a scalp laceration- possible skull injury and an in jury to big leg. Miss Camfleld In curred an abrasion on her The club recently purchased six winds, which reached gale force I VT "f""111 wu x. a series of 102 water color lllus- on her chin. Another passenger, airs of pillow sUpito beem- of 63 miles an hour in February Buteh already has trations for a monumental edition Darwin Kerber. 980 Market St, i P' broidered and sent to the Veterans ' Hospital gift shop for Christmas and the evening was spent sew ing on the slips. A lunch was served by the hostesses. r - . . mm m . new ouicers ior tne ciuo are ' Mrs. Mae Heggie, president, and wrs. Ernie Crowder. secretary. The next meeting will be held , at the home of Mrs. Gene Hoffer ( on Tuesday, Dec. 10, and will be a ctuistmas party. One oyster may spawn about 60 million eggs In a season. - vewpuses may have an arm spread of as much as 28 feet. A around 6 a. in. at Oakland Air- 8Ven with pneumonia. I cf Dante's divine comedy being was said shaken up. Both were hibits will be made by Mrs. Lowell Haha and Mrs. Halbert Kemper for the Salem Greenery show an by Mrs. Bithjen and Mrs. Mil ton Blackmail for the Labish Gardens show. This club will have tor thel special Christmas project the mak ing of favors for trays at u Lansing Convslescent home an small trees decorated for eac room. tfl3 port, had swept down from the Canadian prairies. They : brought a Frosty, lawns and near temperatures were expected Mon day morning. Valley Obituaries eeiSg Making of Gifts Club's Project published by the Italian govern-1 discharged from Salem General ment. I Hospital after treatment. The paintings of the Inferno in State police said the accident occurred when the Jones vehicle, driven by Miss Cordz, struck a I vacant parked car belonging to I John Robert Archer, Brooks, on this book, he said, art surrealistic The paintings ot heaven are In his nuclear mystic style. On his theories on nuclear my sticism. Dan observed: a new the west side of the highway. No CLEAR LAKE "uuts xrom xma oi spiniuaury is pcing Dora I citations were Issued. Cloth' was the project of the ex-1 in America- The big discovery of tension unit Friday when it met modern times is nuclear physics. I KENNETH HAHN HOME at the home of Mrs. L. J. c&apin. xne moacrn artist generally noes JEFFERSON Home from Mrs. J.. E. Whelan and Mrs. at- I noi unaersrana xnis. "Alter the French Revolution, the world turned to material things and gave up faith. This is changed now. Everything is in a s e Ceatiaoeaa I thur Sorensen were the leaders. I Mrs. Chapin opened the meet ing with the first in a series of Ice In Hawaii Is Kenneth Hahn, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hahn. He la on 20-day leave, visiting his wife and daughter and parents here. Following his home visit, he Daaa Andrews Mart Teres -ASSIGNMENT a Ida Leptae BEWARE MT LOVELY Mrs. Aganetha Hamrn r AT T AC - I 111 do neia at 2 pm. Monday in Evan-I " -. . " " . . I state of de-materialization. No one ni t.v. ff-w. tninin .t geUcalMennoiuteBretorenChuixhl Mr.arMT.As training at for Mrs. Aeanetha Hamm who did lust returned from a five-weeks' rr17 rcct Bennlng. Ga, Idaho, California,! .at .t-ntirf. ar'w for Mrs. Afanetha Hamm who died lust returned Fridav at her home. Dallas Route tour through L Box 44. Burial will be at Dallas Colorado, Oklahoma ana ArKansas. to metaDbTsics. Thus, a new Some authorities believe that Cemetery. The Rev. A. P. Toews They visited relatives and friends. Mysticism Is being born from the Captam Kidd was not a pirate, but will officiate. I Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Evans win tre of the atom. mi eeia m a WIT m.. t .aae was Dorn m aiouniain mt, m going to xsremexwn, nuo, m a victim of political intrigue. Minn, April 9, 1880, and was mar-l spend Thanksgrring weekend with 1 1UEAKCATS SEE HONOLULU ried there in 1904 to David D.l their son-in-law and daughter,! HONOLULU. T. H. UPS The Hamm who preceded here in death Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stayner, and I Willamette University football several years ago. They moved to I their grand danghter and her hus-team went sightseeing in Hono- uauiorma va, ixlc aars. mmm aaa nana. Air. ana sots, vera aum. mlu Sunday. But Coach Ted Og- been a Dallas resident Since 1328.1 I dM maid berinnin Mondav thai Surviving are two sons, David I . - . Isauad will work-out twite dailv through Wednesday in preperatkn for Friday nighfa game with the University of Hawaii. &T.M.i Butte Creek P-TA Z5?&T'irZ& Hears 4-H Report uamm oz uauas; xv grange nuaren.i I I Gales Open :U ai 7:U On Sale: h Sttven's Jewelry sMnorad byi 2O30 Ovb THa first play f the I y r QvU Drama Nstfval, ';. wG!ad Tidinos" I VH be nresented lfandaT. Nee. g 24 at the Saleaa High Aaditeriam. , pju. xiexett eaa be purchased at the door for f L75 reserved, and A-ta anreserveo. FrcD TckTirica Ttcairo Tester Appliance and Tele vision Co. Invites yea and year family to attend their free tele vision theater every night til t P.M. Monday through Friday. The theater Is located right in the store. And Tclsvislcn Co. S7S Chemeketa - Phone 1-4211 ttatenaaa Ntws Eerrke MARQUAM The Butte Creek! P-TA held 4-H achievement night with 4-H clubs reporting I their work of the past year. Edna Kleinsmith who went to the Corvallif 4-H rummer school thanked the P-TA for her Schol arship. Larry Robertson and Bet ty Dauthit who won scholarships to Camp Colton told of their ex periences and thanked the P-TA. Others attending . Camp . Colton were Georgia Ann Jergusoa and LeRoy Swartout. WBUaa G. Smith 4-H extension agent, presented the pins and achievement certificates to the 4-H members and their leaders, New Shewing - Open C:i5 ( LejTsi" UleTUTjef C a J. - Ce-Featare -"Te Have and Have Net? Humphrey Begarl . -Laarea Baeall Eada Taeadayl -cAEimr Laareaee Olrrler JcBaifer JUST ACROSS TUX STREET Asm Sheridan - Kites Left - Rebcrt Eyaa Reck nadaea mORIZONS WEST 4a technicolor Krmi Tsytor -SEEDS or DESTXUCnOX Everybody Saves with Greyhound's 6-BIDE FAMILY BOOKI A Jeka YTsyae -mo jnr McLAIN" I Kay Belrrr Waere's CharleyT J -ta Technic!- Mrs, Shopper kaowe a rml trraia. waea aW awe m. TWTe wky she's a big booatrff for the Crrrboend Kee I eau:y not. Whet btg eeviags! She ee swyoee ka ar tai; e ee u ... la either directiea tit. tea any two giea Orrgoa TkkrU goed for S9 dcya e HEM'S JUST ONI TYPICAL IXAMPLIl galraa te Tertlaad 4 One-Wsy Tkkers Cost Qd&ng Hd. tax) ft-Ude FaaaHy Seek Ceers re federal tax Jaae Iia rNAlGIITT TflDOW" fsnr cnbert Frank Fay SPOTLICirT SCANDALS" J YOU SAVE . 4.t0 $2.10 iS3 2LQmrckL J. L. VTala, Ayerl