The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 16, 1952, Page 8, Image 8

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    t The Statesman, Salrnzu Qrsw Sunday, November 18, 1S52
Officers Will
Visit Legion
Units Monday.
The department officers of the
American Legion Auxiliary wiU
- make their official visit to Salem
when they will be entertained' by
Capital Unit 9, Salem Unit 135 and
Kinfwood Unit 81, on - Monday
evening at 8 o'clock in. the main
room of the American taction
' ClUD. . ,
Appran President
of Capital Unit, will preside at the
meeting. Mrs, E. 5. Simkins pres
ident of Unit 125 and Mrs., Verne
Axelson, president of Unit 81 will
pour during the social hour. The
refreshment committee will be the
membership committee of Cani
tal Unit; Mrs. T, J. Brabec, "chair
man, Mrs. R. C. BlaxalL Mrs. Lue
Lucas, Mrs. John . Wood, Mrs.
Walter Spaulding, Mrs. W. L. Os
borne, Mrs. Michael CasteUano,
Mrs. Anson Ingels, Mrs. Earl T.
Andresen, Mrs. H. H. Henry and
Mrs. Austin H. Wilson Sr. The
decorations committee will be the
past presidents of Salem Unit 138:
Mrs. Bert Walker, chairman, Mrs.
Harlan Judd, Mrs. Joseph DiFlip-
?U Mrs. Harold Streeter and Mrs.
ed UUakko. "
Thegifta will be in charge of
Mrs.jamer Knower. Music will
be furnished by Peter VanHorn,
who wiU sing, accompanied by
Pat Shields. ;
Department officers planning to
attend are Mrs. Robert Kreason
of Dallas, department president;
Mrs. Lois Erickson, vice president;
Mrs. Mae Whitcomb, secretary,
Portland; .Mrs. McKinley Kane,
Dundee, treasurer; Mrs. Mem
Pearce, historian, Salem, find Mrs.
Harry Humphrey, Stayton, district
; president.
Birthday Parties
For Young Set
birthday parties for (the weekend
l Included an Evening party for
Judy Scott on Saturday celebrat
ing her twelfth anniversary. The
diversion was an old fashioned
taffy puU. Her guests Joanna
Weekly, Janice Phillips, Jo Gan
non, Denlce Miller, Rose Dunigan,
Barbara Burns. j j ; (
Tuesday, Armistice! Day was a
double holiday for Denlce Miller,
whose thirteenth birthday anni
versary was the inspiration for a
movie party with late refresh
ment at her home. Bidden were
Linda, Wyetta and Joyce Capps,
Barbara Bums, Judy Scott, Cheryl
Mrs. Henry Bastain honored her
daughter, Betty, op Tuesday after
noon for her tenth anniversary.
Bidaen were Arlyce Slack, Carol
Senrick, SherriU White, Marsha
Lee. Others present were Mrs. Pe
ter Kergil and her f house guest.
Miss Agnes Malsom of Bristol,
. D. Miss Malsom and Mrs. Ker
gil are sisters.
City Panhellonic
luncheon Friday
City Panhellenic has slated a
i sneeting for Friday noon, Nov. 21
! t the Senator Hotel. Mrs. John
William Stortz is president of the
group this year. j
! City Panhellenic has scheduled
Its annual open meeting for . all
Greek letter women in the city for
Friday, Dec. 5. The affair will be
luncheon at the American Le-
J ion Club at noon with Miss Mary
ash, dean of women," at Oregon
State College, as the guest
speaker. - .
Mrs. Robert Kreason
Pallas, department presi
dent of the American Le
gion Auxiliary, who will
make v her I official visit to
the three Salem Units" of v
the American Legion Auxil
iary Monday night at the
. American Legion Quo. .
Dance Clubs to
The i Bon Heur Dancing Club
will hold its November rfanr Fri
day night at the VFW Hall with
iae mason jweioaaires playing for
the affair. Th mmmittu hi,.
- .w auwiuwa
Mr. and Mrs. Neil P. Witting,
tubmen, box. ana Mrs. P. w.
Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bur
roughs, Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee, Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Hume and Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Elof son.
Cosmis Dance
The Cosmis Club dance will be
an event of RaturHon- u .
the Mayflower Hall. Esthel Ben
ner and his orchestra will play for
uanong oexween 9 and 12 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank- irtnnM-
chairmen of the dance directorate
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rhodes
and Mr. and Mr. svr,v vt
, . . -
assistmg. i , 4
The American War Mnttia. tn
hold a social meeting Tuesday aft
ernoon at. the home of Mrs. Ed
ward R. Cook. 2125 MtHU 1..
nue, at 1 o'clock. '
Officers Named
At Girl Scout
District, Santiam Area Council.
oumii mi ue x naay morning
cers are Mrs. -Chester Chase, first
1Z r ., luu, ,UU ICS W.
Knnowsky, second vice-president;
- - MJwuKf wuv was
reelected secretary.
jLuvnamji mgnt a group from
the Salem. district attended semi
annual council meeting in the
Memorial Union Building on the
Oregon State College campus,
Mrs. Ivan Marble, Indepen
dence, was reelected president;
WMfl Main m C1w .
.is., tMKiu, was reeiecT
ed treasurer; Mrs. A. C Newell
was named recording secretary
and Mrs. Walter Spaulding was
reelected corresponding secretary.
Salem members of the board in
clude Mrs. Chester Chase, Mrs.
Ray Stringham, Mrs. Ted Hobard.
Mrs. Charles J. Knnowsky, Mrs.
John Lewis, Mrs. R. N. Chase and
Mrs. Edwin Keech.
Others attending the dinner
5Mt ere Mrs. Ward Davis,
Mrs. Hal Randall and Carol Ran
dall, who reported on the North
west District conference held in
Seattle last month.
Miss Randall and Karen Gun
derson of Lebanon were the only
two girls chosen from the Santiam
area council to attend the confer
ence. The 1854 conference will be
held at Sun Valley. Miss Randall
told of senior Girl Scout partici
pation in the planning program
during the conference and of the
report given by Sally .Sabo of
Bozeman, Montana, who repre
jented Region 11 at the Interna
tional World Girl Scout Camp at
Switzerland this summer. Plans
are also underway for an ex
change Girl Scout camp between
Canada and the U. S.- -
FL dub Entertained
The Salem FL Club met Thurs
day night at the home of Mrs.
Ralph Spence. Mrs. Gregory
Schmidt was the co-hostess. At
tending were Mesdames Robert
LaudahL Keith Rtw Tm vcr
Everett Soden, Orville Britton,
uujru xiamoy, jauce aunmons,
Harold Bressler, Laurence Mc
Clure. Weslev Hunter. Mia Tr..
Doyal, Doris Kimble, Delores Jay
ana Juois xuaaxu. ,
New Christmas Department -,
Is, Now Openl
(Just around the corner on Commercial)
Magnificent Gift Wrappings '
Lovely candles In an assortment of colors and
designs , '.
Unusual Christmas Cards-(Over 1,000 to choose'
from) Box. Assortments . .Personalized
Edward Williams ;
180 Court Street -J ,
, and Just Around The Corner on Commercial r.
s4n Announcement
P Casual Dresses
Dressy Dresses
Cocktail Dresses
Values to
Sizes - :
'9 to 17
10 to 20
MYt to
i - m www k0
Famous Designers
Reports Given at
CDA Mooting
Reports ' were firen at the
Catholic Dauehtr nt lm.;..
meeting Wednesday nijht at the
-ujouc center, ine tall bridge
series has lust ended, hit win k-
resumed sifter the first of the year.
square nances wui continue at the
Center the first and third Wednes
day of each month. Plan
nude for a Day of Recollection on
ov. a at St. Vincent DePaul
- Mrs. Frank Parch er sanf a
Sroup of Gallic folk sonfs. accom
panied by Mrs. William Scfariver.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. J. P. Collette- Mrt T. 1
Gooley,Mrs. Francis Waser andj
mu.. wooa vores. "
The Swes le PTA wCl aseet at
the school Tuesday night at 7:30
p. m. For the program the Willam
ette Universirr Drams rimirtm.
will present a play. The third
bu iuuuipi wiu serve as nos
tesses for the coffee hour.
Benefit Tea at -Chrfstenson
Residence' -
rvent of Friday aiternooa. Nor.
2i win be the benefit tea to be
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar C. Chrlstensen. 735 Stewart
Street, by members of the Lady of
ML Carmei Study Group, which
has recently been organized.
Proceeds from the event wEl
augment, the building fund for the
new St. Joseph's Catholic Church,
now under construction. All Cath
olic women are invited o call
between 3 and I o'clock,- .
Hostesses for the affair are Mrs.
Adam Engel, Mrs. Duane Gibson,
Mrs. Bryan Goodenough. Mrs.
Hall task, Mrs. Stanley McKay,
Mrs. Ward Shryock, Mrs. Charles
Wagner, Mrs. T. A. Wlndkhar.
Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde and Mrs.
Chrlstensen. The club members
will assist about the rooms and
preside at the tea table.
Dino and Do Club
At Sloan. Homo.
The Dine and Do Club was en
tertained at dessert hxncneoa at
the home of Mrs. Mary Sloan on
Cummincs Lim TJrarsday after
noon. Mrs. C E. ttst, Mrs. Hugh
Adams and Mrs, P. O. McFariand
were honored with a birthday
Tbe bazaar committee reported
net of C8 and Mrs. L. A. Wood
and Mrs. G. C. Pomeroy were ap
pointed chairmen to select a needy
Christmas family. There will only
be the oo meeting In November
JS fourtl Thursday faHa
on Thanksgiring. Guests attend
ing were Mrs. Dale Iimbaugh and
Mrs. Sella Lansing. The Dee. H
meeting will be a- Christmas
party at the H. E. Goodrich home.
The Wasaa8 AaxIHsry f fx
PauTs tpiscopal Church will meet
in the parish bouse Friday after
noon at 1.29 p. ra. There win be
election of officers, followed by a
Dinners Slated
For Auxiliary .
The Harion-Ptk County Medi
cal Auxiliary has aUtad social
meetings t home oC members for
the November meetiag. Kobxxt
iiaaers wia begia st I CS p. m.
with. Informal mabm foUovtag.
Hostesses are as foikmst Mrs.
diaries Caasbca, 1FI9 Virginia
St, Ms. iward Vaaderboof and
Mrs, Donald Woodard aisistlng-
Mrs. Horace McGee, 137 N. X2rd
SU Mrs. Otto Kraushasr and Mrs.
Marnard SMffer assisting
Mrs. Thad Mcreland, Jtil AJrs
rado Terrace, Mrs. Carl Hohn and
Mrs. Harold Pooie. asslrtlzig;
Mrs. Robert F. Wulf, tCf S, High
St. Mrs. Roscoe Wilson and Mrs.
Cart W. Emmons '-"r,t
The West Saleta LUm AaxlSary
will xneet Monday night at the
1223 N. lKh St, at t pjtn. A ttle
yi-on party wia foISow the meetiag.
Guild to Plan
fsuT Laeopl CLarch vO met
Tvesdsy afternoon at tbe ptr
bouje. Uarttsart are ttx
fiord. Mrs. C W. Parser. Mrs.
rjr, --ins, Mrs. 1L CL Sdrra.
Mias tiabrth Porter and Mrs.
Jew , wU be . report of the tt
tostjng committee, rns be"
last wUch the mad c w Sm
!illlA4rr-it Commssatoo Jar
men the breakiast tor the Jiov, XI
eoaCrmation class wSi be post
poned usta Dec T. j
RrO-1 U, Jsk"! D.iVUrs
observe junior Bethel nigbt at the
Monday meeting at the
hail at p. m. There wta be
alecUon of ctfjcers. A practict 'lor
all Junior Bethel ofneers is ctd
uled for Sunday anernoon,
" "
7- ' V'mm,,KU1 Meae-e wjuwestr jsm tM .rrr nmi w. n ,, ...... ..x. J I
..MSswOTM,,t,i1arijMlW. , , I,, , y:....r. ' ' I
Announces A
Nationally -Famous Coat
Manufacturer Closes Out
Large Group of Fine Coats
At a Ridiculously Low
Figure to the Schlesinger Co.
v Evtry
In 100
All Wool
I - I 1 1 b H I w m mm IV I I
17 J
Si'zesi j - ( L I I
12V? to " j - j L I I j I
at w e i
409 Court