The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 16, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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    t The Start man. Scrim Orsw Sunday. Novmboc 11, It 12
from TH OraQon Statesman's VoIUy Ccmatpcodattfa
Due at Dailas Tuesday
.r t -
For TFomaii TFJio Laves Birds
Pennies Buy Ccmmry
LEBANON Tears ttpV&
pens IlOWcfl - uhuiku iw ,
Ike fec ef n-jar-rii Mis T
Myra II well Friday afterneea
a 32 slsih-grade students froa
Green Acres School paid s sar
prtee viatt to the friendly UUl.
Udy at her home here. Far tha '
students brought with them the !
gift of a sinaer canary to replace
the one that died twa weeks age,
canary thai had Keen the we
nun's companion ; I o r eicht
years. - " - , :
Behind the rift U a story
which has tt berinninr several
years are during a raging snow
a torti. The students, then in the
early grades of elementary
School, saw Mis Howell dally
feed the wild birds with food
purchased from i the meager
pension cheek she receives each
month. " '
Miss Howell Uked the Bttla
children, and they In Urn grew
to love the little lady who al
ways had a cherry remark and a
friendly word for all of them.
Miss Howell also eared for her
K-year-eM mother aniil her
death last Easter Sunday.
In addition to her canary,
which she had named Dickey,
Mies Howell has a small dor
she calls Frisky. The dog and
bird, and especially the latter,
were close, companions -of the
Bat old age caught ' up with
Dickey and two weeks ago he
died. Miss Howell looted for his
companionship, and several
t lanes visited a ' downtown feed
store where she admired a beau-
ttfal stngiac canary.
she loaget 'sr another bird. Miss
nowefl e-Ut alTord to pay
the price from her small trusts.
;f. V .
. Little ehOdrem have sv way of
finding-out things, and thai Is
Suss what the sixth . gxaaers
learnedV vrlSh the aid of their
teacher, Mrs. Ora SiTlsnder. -They
accumulated pennies and
nickels, and then, each young
ster , brought hatches of home
made candy to school which was
said to other students.
All the money was placed' In
to one fund, and there soon was
enough to buy Mi only, the can
ary, but a new cage, same bird
seed, and a few pennies ' left
over for additional, feed.
AH S members of the class,
with their teacher, descended
upon the Howell hosnev. While
an but two of the students were
inside singing' : songs, reciting
poems, and repeating the 23rd
- Psalm, the remaining duet slip
ped the bird and. cage bite Mtaa
Howell's kitchen.
Then, as their brief and happy
program ; ended, the bird was
brought forward and presented
by the class spokesman. Bttla
Judy HoUenbeck.
Sunned into silence at first,
the Utile lady finally murmur
red,MOh. I love you. I love you
all." as she smilingly dabbed
away a tear of happiness.
: Bui as great as her happiness
might have been, the smiles up
. an faces it her 32 friends as
they left for class showed the
Job was being shared eeaally
by all of them.
i Brooks Discussion topic at the
meeting of the P-TA Family Bela.
tions meeting at 1:45 pMnWednes-
oay wm be -stepping Out la Teen
society. Mrs. J. W. Fitts is chair-
I man of the troop which will meet
with Mrs. W. R. Plan.
North Howell Mrs. W. IL Od
die, who subedited to eye surgery
at a Salem hospital last week, has
returned home where she Is able to
take care ox home dirties to a small I
Middle Grove The Mothers'
Club will meet at 730 pjn. lion-
day in the school basement. Two
films, "New Tools for Learning I
and "Children's Growth" will be
shown. ;
1 Aumsvine AumsvUle P-TA
will meet at a pn. Monday- at the
sen oo mouse. program is a I
secret of the men who will present
it in competition with .. worn
members. The losers will five the
winners a party. Lunch Mondavi
night will be furnished by second
and fourth grade parents who are
to bring cakes.
Fratuns Pic. Lawrence Fischer
has been spending a 20-day fur
lough with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Fischer. He left Thurs
day night and expects to see duty
in curope soon. ; ,
North Howell Leroy Beals, old
est son of Mr. and Mrs. 'John
Beals, cam home this week, fol
lowing his discharge from the
Army. He has been in Korea for
the past year with an engineer
construction unit. '
Wllhunina The Civic Club will
meet Thursday at the Bebekah
HalL The hostesses will bo Mes-I
dames Leona Zetterberg, Esther
Dentel, Ann Call and Olive Watts.
The speaker will be from the
Ctuldrens Fsrm Homo at Cor-1
vallis. - '
Ore-A big eeJebraUea will bo bold ai Dallas Tuesday in
aoner oc nauve eon jeaasue Kay. The popular singer win bo ae
fyipauioa by us wife, the former Marilyn Morrison of Beverly
mas, Cam. Picture was taken shortly before they were married.
may , as new I era cuy. (Story ea page 1).
Labisli Club
Plans Yule
Greens Show
Km Scrrtrt -
HAZEL GREEN Plans forthe
Christmas Creens Show, which
will bo held at llobooa's real es
tate office on Portland Road
December 13-14, were completed
at the meting of LabUh Meadow
Cardears at the home of Mrs.
HatUe Van Cleave Thursday.
Following the dessert luncheon.
members impeded the buOdlnxi
where the show is to be held so
that they could plan for the show,
Mr. and Mrs. XZalver Omhclt
had as guests this week Mr. and
Mrs, August Weber and Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Smith, Qyrnne. If.
D., AH were former neighbors ta
North Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mcdsuxh-
ry returned home Wednesday
from a sight-seeing tour of Nevada
and California.
-GHU From Cloth- wQ U the
topic at the Hazel Green Rome Ex
tension Unit which meets at the
home of Mrs. Ed Zieiinikl at 10:39
am. Tuesday. Mrs. Ruby Wacken
and Mrs. Dorothy Ziclinaki will
present the lesson. Those who at
tend are asked to bring their own
sandwiches. Salad and dessert will
be furnished.
Scout Troop 87, Hazel Green,
accounted for two advancements
given at the Silver Falls district
court of honor st Wood burn
Thursday evening. Lonnie Page
and Alrln Zielinskl were advanced
to second cslss scouts. Loo Haw
ley was awarded a merit badge.
Cascade High Plans Education!"
ProEram: Stavtnn Fnllv Tn v? tirl i
1 J - . wa S VU ,
Lde-Planled Seed
Beer a Watermelon
ct CasadtdSS iptrrt-U n4 as wt3 as thiot
M m i
reatared wa be aldresars by
County School Superintend!! Af
Des Booth, "A Tribute to Teach
ers,'" and Stale Rrp. Mark: Hat
field on "Education lor Troodoa
and Peace." .
Paul Scheela, Cascade student
body president. wiU be master of
ceremocic. Xntrodadzg Mrs.
Boo'Ji WJl be Qarenre lUnrlcks.
student body presidret at Staytoo
Union High SchooL
The Cascade band and girls ge
club will pet form. BoUrare direct
ed by WUIism BlaarU. The Turner
Home and Cardea Qub win fur
for all faculty members who at
Mrs. AI Gurrurkh
caoxVier of Mr. and .
of Ta
a the fsaoCv
tViwi at the saarket this
mrr far uUm nam. Oi
Day. aho picaod a porfocCy.
rtpraed sorioa from Ue vtara.
tn Britain the actamobCo wld
shkU Is rilled a airscrrca.
Everything for Your Window
Vsnetiia VLndn, Drspos snd Shades
"Traverse Rods Tarn boo Drspea and Shades Ccsmbie
MaUe Screens Ckrth and Alumlsum Awrlngs IVrplace
Screens and Accessories Chspmsx. Bomo rtverers Var9
Vertical Kinds roldlcg Doors Tranrparest rurtis Stars
Shades. t
We vTaab, Falal. Kal and XrUpo TeaetUa BSnda
Free Cstissalos 11 Dews Fay ttoati2y
U7I Crate St. (fsrawrty IT est SaJess)
Scouts Select
Sheridan Man
Fcr Jamboree
. ... . . t ... ; . .
SUtetman New Scrvlee
SHERIDAN Bert Wepster,
Sheridan walnut grower, has been
named Jamboree leader lor the
Boy Scout Jamboree in Los An
geles next July. He was named by
the Portland Area Council of Boy
Scouts. "There will be Scouts from
43 countries attending the Jam
boree. About 7,000 eligible Scout-
ers in 4he Public Area Council
were considered for the leader
positions. v ' "
Leon French has taken over
duties as Scoutmaster of tl Boy
Scout troop. Meetings ar held
each Wednesday evening at bap-
man Grade SchooL . :
Sgt. Robert I. Harris, son of
Mr. aqd Mrs. ilolf Harris, returned
to Blaine, Wash., this week. He is
stationed there with the Air Force.
Mr. and Mrs. George Marrs have
returned from a two-months trip
to Ohio. They visited many his-
torical and scenic places on the
John Schuchman, son of Mrs.
Kenneth Dovle. is servins with the
Merchant Marineand is on a. trip
to Japan and Korea now on the
Cainsville Victory.
A union Thanksgiving program
will be given Nov. 27 at 10
at the Assembly of God Church,
with the Methodist, Christian and
' Nazarene churches also taking
' - tart 'r-
Supper Planned by
Lihcoln-Zena Club
ZEN A The new Parents Club
of Lincoln and Zena School dis
tricts is planning a no-host "get-
acquainted" : smorgasbord supper
for Friday, Dec. 5. Mrs. N. E.
Gresham is president of the club
and Mrs. Phil Brandt, secretary.
Many parents were present at
the open, house held by both
schools Thursday night. Arhut V.
Myers, supervisor of suburban
schools In the Salem district, was
Another recent activity was the
presentation of a flag, to Zena
School by Mrs. Dale Mott on be
half of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post at Salem.
Sheridan The Public Library Is
sponsoring a children's contest
during Book Week. Nov. 16-22.
The contest is open to children
from the foruth through the eighth
grades. , ;
Monmouth Polk County's an
nual 20-40 banquet will-be held
Tuesday night at 730, at the 1 007"
HalL Members, wives and friends
are included, says Don Rowland,
president. Wives of members are
sponsoring a duck-calling contest
and a dance win be the final feat- !
Bayesville The Hsyesville
Woman's Club will meet Thursday
at the home of Mrs. Charles Gar
rison on Claxter Road. Assisting
the hostess at the 1:15 pjn. dessert
luncheon will be Mrs. Garland
Black and Mrs. Mare Saucy., Fol
lowing tne business rneenng. Mrs.
Marc Saucy will speak on her re
cent trip to Switzerland '
Four Corners The executive
committee of Cub Scout Pack 109
will meet Wednesday Immediately
after school in the multipurpose
room at Lincoln School with den
mothers and all parents and boys
interested in Scout wore. Boys S to
111 years inclusive are eligible to
Cibbens New
At Monmouth
i - ...
MONMOUTH Tom Gibbens IsP WULamim. The hlirh school
Al u V j i ama I .
me newiy-cieciea masrcr Oi fiion-j p.TA will meet Monday at S pjn.
mouth Grange.
. Also elected: - Overseer, Erick
Swenson; lecturer, Claude Snair:
chaplain, Alma Speas: steward.
Harvey Young; treasurer. J. L.
Van Loan; secretary?. Lysis Car
michael: gatekeeper; Guy Thorn
brne; Ceres, Mabel Lofte Pom
ona, Mrs. Guy Thornbrue; Flora,
Mrs. uaude Snair; assistant stew
ard, William King; lady assistant,
Mrs. William King; executive
Ccalic SfalioLsry Ccbj-
1 : ? uyra
YiXA A:o-sr.iUDGE
-4096 MtJrfa g-aanupsouuuuss''
at the high school. The program
will be under the direction of the
speech, department. Paul Yoder
will conduct the business meet
ing. .
Four Corners Mrs. P. F. Gates
has sold her residence at 200
South Lancaster Dr. to Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Nordvold of Zumbrota,
Minn. Mrs. Gates has moved to I
ML Angel LL William Brock-
haus. whose wile Kathleen and
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Brockhaus, live here, has returned
to this country after Tth Fleet duty
off Korea the past seven months.
He served on the oiler Kevasota,
now back at Long Beach, CaEC
committee, W. J. Stockholm,
Charles Ray and J. W. Graber. j
Mrs. Nada Hassler- and wumer
Powell were named matron and
patron of the- Juvenile Grange.
'Degree work was exemplified for
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kreuger, In
of ail the pleasures
brings... only you
can give this gift! I
f soil ., H mtU, mmH ta say
fk Klataariy
ay Saacart, ScSaai Saaart
OMfMc Cwaaaaiav Taadwn, Uwyml
. ata aila
9 Cooke's Stationery Company, 270 State Street
, Gaath at I ctoa ' fnf WL nlaiaa taaS m
IVmHAlf STAI UFOtTtl fENJ o aock (NQwIIylrS."
PHat aoma and mddnu pioMy. ff
No afdtn iklpp atftaid UAA, Sony COJ).. -
S a o
QGrnt Q
a a
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Ortcjoa ZHg Cloia et Hli
Phone 3-7SC3
. . .
A new land ofautomoMe
truly naJanced mi9
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Here! all yon hire to do to enter tie tig . . -
See tie texxutlonil sew PlymoulH at your
Plymorith dealer! bepnning Thursdsy, Not ember 20. Then secure
a contest entry blank from the dealer and complete this
statement (in SO words or lets) t "What I lie mot about tbe
1953 Plymoutaia
FIRST PRIZE- hrxmd neic 1933 Plymouih ContrrubUl
The next fee prise are new Plymouth Sedan! . .
Hundred of big cash prize. See your Plymouth dealer
for contest entry blank end com plele detalu
Big context dote midnight Monday, November 24,
rTTUOVTtt fr'rUoa CEKTS1XK COItrOlUTlOX, Pevoli J I. UiJJtm