The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 16, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    t The Stecttman, Sclra, Ott Sunday, November 11, 1SS1 I IT IV I '
ye Said feared vo RebukeJuslice
Om (Eveimft i? EeadflocCil WASHINGTON (Jl H
Queen and Her 4-Ycar-OitZ jCoff ield IVIakeS
No Request for
-i IieDetector
Diplomatic sources said Saturday
Trygve Lie has stated be is willing
pi remain another year as U. N.
secretary - general if the Russians
end the West cannot afreet on bis
Successor. v v
h There is no indication so far
at a deadlock will develop fi
ll on the question of Lie's suc
cessor. t .There art reports that a move
jU being developed to ask Lie to
tav on bat at the same time the
U. N. balls are full of, talk and
Speculation about various possibil
ffesroUah Entezam, who is a for
mer president of the Assembly,
va said to have the inside track
In the spirited contest for Lie's
rniezam uas saw am
tion must deal with whoever heads
the U. N. Secretariat.. -
The Russians are known to be
House in
vestigators said Sat-rday they art
reluctant to think the Justice De
partment tampered with a St. Louis
grand jury probe of the Internal
in a hurry for the U. If. -to snap Revenue Bureau in 1351, out they
up Lie's resignation, made drama- rapped officials for displaying
tically before the whole Assembly definite lack of a sens of val-
last Monday. They want lie out ne-"i
of office as speeduy as possible. Included in the scope of this
Some delegates, who would like criticism was EXUs If. Slack and
to see Lie reconsider, said his res- the men who were his superiors in
ignation came at a bad time. It the department in 1951. Slack is
was plumped into the midst of now bead of the appellate section
tense debates on Korea and these in the department's Tax Division.
delegates said it created new prob- He was given that post In Sep
Iems instead of tending to smooth tember upon being relieved as act
over East and West difficulties, in bead of the division by Attor
Tney said the Russians now art ney General llcGranery. . The ac
ta a good bargaining position and tka followed shortly Slack's ap
could be expected to exert every pearance before the House Judiei
pressure possible for their side, ary Sub-committee which Issued
In order to avoid having to give J Saturday's report.
M time, to Russian pres- The group, headed by Rep. Chelf
sure, they added, it would be wise! tw-T-. m !
If not alto Eive Lie a vote of confidence I t.,-) twL-
csouiuaie uut uu uKvmiB uc uu u uuu vu icuuua "UUKT I mMlt.
Truman Prepares
List of Suggestions
For Ike's Approval)
ROSEBURG CP District Attor
ney Robert VL Stults said Satur-
rrr"r:vrrrrT"r . m Washington lb rvnriaia .
4 -1 9 - l - tMMUUOLT III! HM U I A-4 If II I , .
TYocrn tbt prtrtU tessSoa
primary purpose la bis historic fa w w twt mea to ft
meetings with President - elect immdit!y to the cabtart rota
nMh-tr Mrt Tuesday wd be aia ttcond tad laxrw m
to make rertala that Elsenhower ttoa Triton, la Cs
Is informed ca makar wcrid tnb. meeting art achodud to be Smex
lems and bow the present admin-Ur7 SU Acbewv. Secmarr
Ceffitld. 23L of Vancouver.
Wash., surrendered to, police at
Salem Thursday after be read in
a oewspaper that Chester D. Crab
of Arago, Ore., bad been arrested
cocneld said ne would ask tor a
lie detector test.
CofSeld told police that be bad
been with Crabb and ti lVyear-
okt Lang: girl the night she Coup-
for the essions said, at the same erefl Ilarrtaiaa, hrrs aid Crm
time, that they vQ cover several a-setaowers aloe are ea
other poiaU of great importance: P"1" to be Sea. Ksry CaU4
Ui 1 1 4 IMUJUTf tt
rv -r-. i.t I turn iiuihujbti at ra-
Kared. Police said bt toU themhra-urgt Elsenhower to name HSLL uJT
drove Crabb and the girl to a top cabuiet members dealing wtta SVf tj??? fTl
Ak.4 rw. IVra-n M tn mill rMJMni 1 . ' '
v ! mi. m m 1 - - ' nmlMl Tl
Its n!rtt rrf Anrfl t rvl Mi tKmliUto. defense and trtasurr 1
there. Iwtthla two weeks and direct tbetn
Crabb, police said, told them btlto begin working- wtta thetr Trn-
remembered that be. Coffield and nua administration predecessors
the girl had driven to the road ce around Dec. 1 at the Utert.
iity and are quoting the Russians
amu PiiUMi ma uaiui in wjw
tkm to Entezam.
The United States is playing this
problem cautiously. A spokesman
said that tt is not urgent and im-
: mediate. Ht said American ener
i gie? are tied up with things like
I Korea.
He said, however, it a great
: number of states want to discuss
the issue in the next couple of
weeks the U. S. would get its ideas
In order.
LONDON Britain's Qaees EBxabeta bevers aver her seat and
tlal saw teste to fat thrtaM. rrtnce Cbartot, wbett ftartb Urthda
eclcbrstod Ner. 14. ne littlt etaet aatmrs tatrtrmed by
t uiy
pappst as bt etta ta his toy
antral CasUt last sanuaer. Tbt pktart was rtlsaaed thia week. CAP
Vnretheie via radio to The Stitaasnia.) ;
Homes, Stores
About $165 In equipment was
Thpre was sneculation ' in U. N. I art n 1 nen 4s-ts 4Vta insn nnil 1951 by J. Howard McGrath. then
quarters that the Americans would Lumber Company,' 149 S. 12th St- ttorney general. fter the U. S.
not want to act until President - sometime Friday night In one of dlltrict ttorney, the late Drake
elect Eisenhower has had an op- jjve tai( uiegal entries into pri- Watson, nadappealed to McGrath
porttmity to make up his mind, vate business and dwellings. T P- v . 4. , .
since the Eisenhower administra- Officials of the company re- Slack a superiors then, in addi-
"It would appear that there has
been a definite lack of a sense of
values or an ability on tbt part of
some public servants to' separata
subcommittee said in a report to th
the big wood from the brush,' th
tavS 2 Movies Make Afrkdn Dress
subcommittee hearings that be had
I not Interfered with it or attempted
to bead off any indictments.
Ht was sent to St. Louis early in
Korea Vets Eligible
ine gin naa anven to me roaaiTw www uw. a at we 1 C: v t
and that only be and Coffleld bad What action r3 be Ukea along TOr OCCOI1U IX) 3 II
driven back. I une is, ox course, a tnaner
Tbt girl's nude body was found for Elsenhower to decide,
la a ditch by a bunter last month. I Tt Ask StoWmni
Coffield. held without bsH. bss
X. The administra lion 1s also
WASHING TOM iff Trlersns ta
the smed sorces wte have sra
sinct the outbreak of tbt Koreas
Mfrfv .l7ft tton7. prepared to U3 the general and War are tlVt for a second rosr-i
Less Revealing Than K Y. Garb 'Fight' Taf t if
Post Contested
his advisors that a statement rr I SBtJ lost to bey homes Shi
yirry on tbt Eoresa situation, to-1 rarma. m veterans ammstrstosJ
dorsinf the present policy of la-l wk3 Saturday. f 1
slsUng oa volunUry rrpatnation of in jeoersi grtrnmcnx e-i
prisoners of war to any armistice guarantee a new tosa tor wierass
agreement weald great I y I aamn a sarms douctt
rtreer2n the Ucitod Kutes h ta km uncrr the woru Vsr &
dealing with other nations at the p announcea.
HOLLYWOOD UPl The movies make a woman la the Afrleaa
Jungle dress less revealing than one in Niagara Falls. N. Y.
I picked this Intelligence up in the course of an afternoon a work
til with Marilra Monroe and a Belxiaa Jane RusselL
Maruyn ana x watcnta rusnes ox ner is ten picture "Niagara.' xa I nam jmowiana ox uaiuornia maoe
U. Xf . Cencral Aaaembty.
t. Elsenhower vQ have aa op
portunity to express bis views!
about the foreign policy problems
and the present administration a
Loaa ruarsBty tewrickaas cs nvt
early bQ art ertrnded under ta
Koresa CI bCl to wtrrsns l
served aay place since Jut ZTi
inger Points
To Luchese
r . . f . . . "
NEW YORK m The govern-
raiararm. , an ' m ausuwiaiai am - siian sai . ....
ported to city police the loss m- to McGth. were Deputy At-1 on acm9t gh, wean a dinginx, black satin dress that forms a new dear Saturday be would not besi- SVStJ Z iSaSls
eluded two power saws, a power I torney General Peyton Ford, ainct I Monrot doctrine,
plane and, four roHs of , pennies. I -t don?t have a stitch on tnv-
itry was gained by prying a sHd- " fvf-. . Idemeath." she exclaisad. That
I ing door off Its rollers and forcing y was shocking but not surpriainf
i another door into tne salesroom. "t" ";mrr "T because Marilyn Is on record as
over aa acung neaa ox ma iaii.M1, ... .
llso occurring irlday nint was " " wjr" J" anU-lingerit; .
entry into the home of Clarence dryixW serving until McGranery T., .... . .
kerman. 1280 S. 14th St. A pack- vea. . Ptemper. rCn - V.
unt ox int lnoicxmenis venuuu-i r r.".r
Also occurring Friday night was
an entry into the home of Clarenci
Ackerman. 1280 S. 14th St. A pack
- m ii a - a. llla.l A
feiA"im: lv rhnedriW I Devil" U Moniqut Van Vooren.
wiruna; w,Ti. James P Finneffan. who had t. formerly of Brussels. Miss van
'A hSnfof' Wat? Sed as SecSVto tergal Vooren ha. a 38 inch bom which,
loalS aSSSidto ve?ut at sT ESS. HawS laS U a possess more valuablt than
enter the front door but was convwiea ox misconauCT m omct.
! '"?Ir?" 1205 3.
cff. rt r wShv 15tH- St, reported that two car
fF At thi imemi rH.r robes were token from her car
At uie same time, in an oraer ,
-from U.S. Attorney Myles J. Lane. JiVS ?Z& fJS!LtWui
federallnvestigaUve agencies were 0 1 1 Qth
-Itold to step up their probe of Luch- n?. N'
L,." nSiiitZ, . VfcL VkT XtCiKi- to city police the theft of two
' Wnit wf rtS chickens from his front yard early
benefit of a federal rackets grand morning. He said the
faking note of testimony about '51 ' When
before the Tew York State Crime
' Commission, Lane recalled
! statement that last Sept 4 be
i ered his aides to "probe into the
an academy award.
South Koreans
Beat Off Reds
5 New .Venus
alleged rackets in the labor and
end of the .garment in-
Statue Found
Miss van Vooren was complain
ing audibly because Producer Sol
Lesser forced her to wear a bra
for her first American picture. She
farmery worked in Italian pic
tures, only ona of which has pass
ed the censors in this country.
"I never wort a brassiere be
fore." she explained, even with
out benefit of press agent,
Wnnrierine it thia anti-l!n?Ma
SEOUL If) Dug-In South Eo-I trnri mfrm anrtadinff nationwide.
rean infantrymen on ion point mil, Jt nueried two Drominent lincerie
a. . m nu. m . -
crest Samper xuage, uircw umz i manufacturer.
LTS "S;i.r,r.r O. Peter Rosenfeld. president of
The Chinese struck withTpla: Beverly-Vogue Co, and also
toS STi S? 2aS SL President of the Caornto rash
morning. Within an hour they had ion Creators, said no. The samt
Hn.,Ki4 th. tKt. .h.v sentiment was expressed by E.
bieriing aerEuson, presiacni ox
2 makinx the decixiocs that hart to
mllHoa American women cant bt i2 TTT IT- cC:r: ' ' be made between now and Jan. .
wr00-"; I Th i.rfmhfr nrwt ta mw natdl i. The tEvecticxs 3 afibrd aa
7crmson said braxxitra salts in I k n T)rrM I orportunity for tha octrairg and
Hollywood keep pace with those I Uampshire and Bridget has aaJdinosilMl President by Joint state-
ox tne ran ox xne eouniry i ana i only the threat ox a Touga and I " Mm
added: ' M I tumble Cxht" for the Job among on one, to fymbolixt the - unity
"It must be because Women fellow Republicans could Induce l v "t4
.,..s.M inMHfMt him to trr for it a rain. wouat so oemonsxraie st
to add to their charms by wear- unagae too xne posx tan year .
m xna rue ox a neuu-ax ueieeeui awe nman
Hval Senate supporters of Gen. 1 According to wesent riant Tru-
Dwight D. Eisenhower- and Taft man and liaenhower wUl bold two
tor the GOP presidential nomina- tneetlnxs. first and probably for
tion. I s very brief time nelv. thrr will
In aa Interview la Cincinnati, I meet ertvaulv. feme autSnHtiM
Taft declined to say whether bt here believe that to this face - to -
would be interested to the Soar I face session, the President wd
leader's tob la the Incoming Re- seek to err.phaiiie to the Pm-
nuhllraa 5nata if MridM KlfTM I A .v . v. i- ji
i - aside. Ht called the race "wide stout to do whatever be can to
PORTLAND in KPTV. Port-1 OP0- ... larrangt for a smooth transfer of
land, the nation's first ultra high I Tan now is enairman ox xne po- administration which will prevent
ftequency television - sUtlon. is ten ScnaU Republican Policy tha Soviet from taking- advantage
capable of previdin; a good pto-1 w"" TT,,lt Ay unceriamty xa Americaa
tore to 88 per cent of the popu- fVt?i.x .nni
la tion in four counties surrounding I wt to shift to the post of floor
instructions at the time. I I V,.: v- ' the Mamzelle Maswranne Braa-
tto. to a Said Rosenfeldr
' .n '"wV I nlar hrThls oV. is wT W I month, beat the Reds off by 6:30. -Mis. Monroe, no doubt, will
arms u 1 The Reds scuttled back into their soon learn that the power of sug-
Tt . fwi !iiw Ki,c r thm 1 caves on The Yoke. . a maze of leestion is more effective than bald
Luchese," an ex-convict turned near here. This one, too, is without
wealthy garment manufacturer.
Lane s acuon &awraay: loiiowea -fa - jlrsthan life size, tunnels, caves and tranches at tht fact and tht obvious , much less
i en the heels of an announriment I muco iaxgcr vuaauie axce. i . . , . ' . . .
w,. nn i w,4i,:. "7.;;: It was found in ruins at Masseria wtWHB aesiraDie wan ui unpuro. aiity
! for the state cornmisslon. that G4ane- ItaliaSPhae5t
transcripts of the commission's " nJS"
proceedings were being turned Portant discoveries in many years.
. over to Lane and various district T. T . : "
attorneys. , , JMlXOll Lilt Hlg
A farlavrAl ravti si rsrf 4Aarf.
A..SS!!i ?h Foot on Beach
'awCeeftf t TTVanlr ! aTrTfalla in tKjh
! nation's underworld hierarchy. L MIAMI BEACH, Fix. W Vict
ing this very necessary garment,"
a v
ICPTV Coveri
Four Counties
tht city..'
That was tht report Saturday of
Knowland told a reporter. bow-
Radio ' Corporation , of
after completion of a survey.
RCA said tht station Is capablt
of furnishing a good picture to 88
per cent of those living In Mult-
iZrJL.r? ever, that be has beard nothing to
America i ... -r. - u .uw. .vl
limn mm wm wwuju i l un
post Ht was asked if bt would I
give up his candidacy for the Job I
if Taft should seek the position.
-No KnowUnd repUtd. 1
noman. waxnmgton ana VHLckV I sUnd on the statement I made
mas counties in uregon ana unt yesterday." Ht said then bt
wjumr. wasn. I candidate for Door leader
It added that 9S par cent of tbt Bridges wished to continue
Portland population is capablt of I post. The leader is chosen by
receiving! pictures from the sta-1 conference of all Republican sana
tion. I I tors.
1 i
I Costello now is in Atlanta Fed-
President - .elect Richard Nixon I
w ' 1 1 " w ne aasa v as a tt
fating Committee.
Teenager Dies
In Car Crash
He was taken to St Francis Hos
pital where a doctor sewed up the
cut with three or four stitches. Tht
iniurv was not serious.
- The ' Republican vice president-1
elect is vacauomntf Here with his
wife and two little girls.
Portland cn Failure of a
fuse in the Sacramento office Sat-1
I -l: ll i i . a
PORTLAND m - Patty RusselL !"wJ- "" 'Vi":
day night a few hours after a car
la which she was a passenger
crashed into a . telephone pole. .
Five other teenagers, two girls
and three boys, were hospitalized
trith injuries.
-The Russell girl was pinned in
the crumpled car for 20 minutes
and tht Cahfomia city for 14 min
utes. v
Teletype, radio and television
sound service was interrupted as I
a result Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Co. officials said.
During the last decade the num
ber of U. S. families Increased!
before firemen were able to free I from annroximatelv 32 minion to
ner witn crowbars. . : 1 40 million.
rVtvtnt Fyt Iniuryl In the shop. In
oortx, or wh3t drWmg, wear tht new
Unbrtokebit Giossts Ihct won t sbet
k . i wont brtok. Itody In 1 day
nf Semltr Optical.
W a lrrw '
Al.s4tA. I rilTaaT
f mm mHmtd. mmUy
sT gaaVsswawIjr JRMsw Jpssf
Wfcil fsyl
A -Y0I
raas4LlntTAa t CCSSJUfciaCra
m& wi Ami
iUiticr y,i J... ,- ' If" Mt
r you. That i2l S-000- Lll?0 dcrr. I
Doftcr Sco
wmi tag kiw
Eu!lt-U wwrUloM be ALL
CKAK S EL UH r . . . rtgU
inakU wtix
asw, ted.jl Ktt Jsit
"esftt ehaaasW" wkat-
llvt, yecr aew Mtierola
TV cat bt rmJ f tat s2
uiir, aa ii iur
Mort Poweiful Valrt-b-Heid Eapna
wUh PowerjUda Arrtnmaria Trarixmis
aioa (optksil oa Dt Lcxa xaodds at
extra cost) Body by Ftshtx Ceala
vmj Tin
poiaa Power Ztlttj Flats Olm a3
around, wi2x E-Z-Eja f Zcf cUis (oj
tiocalat extn coat) LaTst Braies fa
iU eli Ucidrcd KseActioa Ridt,
Tia IIcv7 G-E Anl&-
mile CLciHei Dryer
Oaoae Prodaciag Lam?
O Spxxn-GIaaa InsnL-rSosx
O ThermottaSc ConSrol
0 AutosncdStf
o P
p Monty More O-C rtcdmwa
for. Tour
Cecard Htctlc pySaac
cxnd Telerlsioax...i
44 miiw
WalssS flaiat
auw .
ImIs4s f4- WX- l
rUTaa. t Tv gtJM Tar YTk
sUUrur rwWkh
oaa, M4. imra t2tSt
BcUi-ta AfJ
Ks4ersto Ctock ftafie
Ttoaih fttJM
610 II. Csssrdd C3L
Cervica fidsca, lac
Opa d t ?iL TxtioT
Ecilj C: Tclrrida
aaadl CervUa
13 C ifstisa
1 ::i It. CcomtcX res l-llta I