Compost Heap Good Place to Haul Leaves By LXLUZ L. UADSEW Garde Editor, The Statesman Composting for tardea soils is an old story, but well worth re peating this time of Gbe year. v Since the fall rains have start ed and the leaves are falling fast and furious, it is often surprising to know the Quantity of leaves hauled away for burning where : instead they could be used to great benefits around home gardens and liower beds. Many gardeners are handicap ped right from the start because of the lack of organic matter in the soil and since stable manure to add organic matter to city gar dens is a hard thing to obtain, the compost pile is all the more e i eentiaL . A fancy compost pile Is nice to see, but a lot of good benefits of composting can be obtained even though the pile is : not exactly square and built perpendicular on the sides as recommended. Just piling the leaves in the corner of your, garden area and throwing a little soU and fertilizer in with them and letting them decay will flo a tot ol good next year. So long as one has to rake leaves to have them hauled away it is lust about as easy to carry them back to one corner of the garden Rose art red anyway I'm getting notes about how satlsfac tory is the floribunda Carrousel ... a California origination which has an abundance of vigor and beautiful coloring ... I haven't seen , It yet but am looking for ward to that privilege. A note drifted in to me this week which I suspect arrived dur ing my vacation and , was mis placed. But Mrs. Cecil Smith had a rare dahlia in her garden which , had two different kinds of blooms on the same stem. Ordinarily the blooms, those who saw the plant told me, are white with a red cen ter. Of the two blooms one turned ut to be normal color and the ether was of reddish-orange color 11 over. We hope to hear of the final outcome of the. plant if it continued to produce two types at blooms. . I stopped the other day to see Effie May White's African Viol ets out at Tour Corners and was - amazed at two things: First, what a large variety-she actually had, and second, how nonchalantlv she handled a plant 1 had always sup posed had to be handled witah gloves, figuratively " speaking. There are a couple of things you have to be careful of, however. she admitted. One of these maybe both of them, she added as an after-thought was to keep the plants from getting chilly. Too much of a change in night temperature, any chilly drafts like taking the plants outside without protecting them from winter winds, using cold water in watering them these things are all taboo if you want your A. violets to bloom, Effie May insists. I stood watching her transplant a couple of little num bers. Her soil is all mixed before hand and her daughter tells me that it is mixed just as carefully as a cake. Then .she waters this with hot water before she sets her plant in it. The cold of cool soil and the hot water combine to give the .right temperature for planting, r 5 . She-had double ones, pink ones, ail snades or blue ones, rose ones, wine ones and on and on. There's no disputing that Ef fie May knows now to grow African violets. .j While rambling around the countryside looking over this and that, we drifted into a dinner at Monitor at the IOOF halt not ton long. ago. Sitting at a table next' xo us una enjoying, as we were, the fine ham dinner) were two garaeners. Mrs. Henry Annen and Mrs. Rose Butch from the' Mt Ansel area. We eavrirnrm1 nit learned that Mrs. Annen's beauti- "lul white Christmas roses had not yet budded this fall. Frequently, she said, when the weather is mild, they will start blooming outdoors around Christmas and continue into the soring. Whn th weather wasn't mild, they didn't oo so weu. y m ' ' v. Out at the very attractive Chrys anthemum Show held at the Salem Heights Community hall under fiL - YOU BUY -iJRK You owe it to yourself to see the Miracle Sewiog Machine that i tiidt;tch l - 1 Matt knnenK(l ; , Oom oil four Mwinf Mr . wihrl - WITHOUT ATTACHMfNTS. US ftrfm Ktmt PMoessfrst'ea Ealph Jchnssn S55 Cent r ' Phone f-S US M m . ' 1 1 - 1 1 Mannequins n n i t 1 - - - .. . '. , lh ' ' ' M il "- I ' A ' : 1 If .A J2 I 1 1 j j ' n i! ,..;.',;;U . . MM H 4, I 1 ' ' ' i : Unusual arrancemenfa mm fa.tnra &i rs mm. show held by the Little Garden Club of Salem Heighta. A bridal party was arranged en the stage (top photo). With the reception table, corsages and ether accessories displayed below the star. (Statesman Garden Photos). , , the sponsorship of the little Gar den Club of Salem Heights, 1 had quite a chat with Charlie Cole (Mrs. Cole always calls him "Ar thur." I note) and. as usual. I came away with some more knowl edge. cnariie objected to the habit of using naphthalene flakes with gladioli bulbs as being "as old as the ark." Better, said he to use DDT dust. He takes the plants up when they are through growing cuts off the top. outs a teasnoon- ful of DDT dust in a bar anri shakes them up 'good before storing for the winter. He suggest ed such materials as Garden Dusto or Botano as being very good, and said if one used these to fol low the directions on the contain er. Charlie was sporting a pretty, small, yellow- Chrysanthemum in his lapeL It was, he said, a sport of Olive Langford and he had -I'lwmi! PRESCRIPTION 0 Bring your Doctor's prescriptions to this ReII. able" pharmacy, where you are assured skilled pro fessional service, ingredients of high quality and v uniformly fair prices. May we serve you the next, time? Your patronage is sincerely appreciated. J j ' ' j. ' , Wo Givo DOUBLE S&H , . Green Stamps' on All y i . -., Cash Prescriptions CAPITAL DE1UG STORS 405 STATE ST. AT LCZ3TY Add Touch to Flower Show : : m named it Kathleen Cola la honor of a granddaughter. I learned too, that squash keeps very well all winter long it they are taken carefully, without bruis ing and. placed in the basement. They should not be too cold and they should be kept dry.. Aumsville Group Plans Yule Cheer Utcmaa Kcws Sorviee AUMSVILLE The Aumsville Auxiliary, meeting this week, voted to give Christmas treats to grade school pupils and smaller children and to send two gifts to the Veterans Hospital gift shop in Portland. . , . . , .. Refreshments were served by Eileen Mickey and Blanch Wal lace. . 3 COFAPOUHDIHG Garden . Calendar Not. 17 Jefferson IVUnrfi Garden Club covgred mrm 7 pjn. Qty haU. Harold Wynd to mouw piciures. Nov. 17-18 Oregon Beekeepers mum raetunj xteamond. Nov. 20-21 Oregon SUto Hor ticultural meeting, Memorial Un Ion, OSC - . ' Knv 99-9 1 T. '., . . uk Auicrxwuonaj Flower Fiesta Civic Auditorium. Dec i-5 Nut Growers Society Twice &s Big! Twice i ai Frsgraiil! 1 Twico'ias". Beaniifal! - wjyz TV1" fiK0" ttfasure e' 7 nd in wide and sometimes even " much as 12 inches across. The richest, softest shades of shell Pink, satin white, royal red. All choice varieties. -Soey to Spw you can't miss. Save Money! Seri 11 for 2, or better sUIl $2 SrZ w?,.p,aLP?Uge- C Oj3-' welcome but plus ptal charge. II KnrVr0 7Z w2,r,etu" at " iar back. JSSZ ?lor Changinr Mum Plant that will bloom in 3 different colors the same year. . f KRUSE NURSERIES, DEPT. 7S205, Blmlngton, UlinoU Kama.' - i - ADDRESS EASY TERMS Sa Ec:d Yule Corsages Discussed by Garden dub wrapping and. Christmas corsages were in mens at th Mt Angel Garden Oub meeting Wednesday night at the dty halL Mrs. George Schmidt demon strated numerous novel and ori ginal ways of wrapping Christmas girts. Mrs. Bernard Schiedler snowea a aosen corsages with a Christmas mntit ooe a xnlnature weath made on a Jar rubber base.; The annual Christmas party was sei ior Wednesday night, Dec. 10. with following la charge: M'ft Juliana Dehler. chairman. Xfr Ray Telfer, Mrs. Aloir Humpert. xnn. uraoara jruner, Mrs. Leo Till, Mrs. Anna Walker. It Was VOted tht wnm tnm bers be paid for out of the dub Treasury and not be purchased by the individuals, also that the gifts be living plants. An invitation from the Labiah Meadows Gardra rfnh inviting tnembers as well as the club to take part in it's Green Mrs. Mark Wampach and Mrs. Ed Zach were hostesses. . , i Qvil Service Board lo Certify Police Test Result Results cf a civil imU ammation for new Salem patrol men will be certified by the Salem Civil Service Commhsion at Its monthly meeting Wednesday at Ohe tests were taken last week by 13 men. nin at ohnm bm temporary patrolmen on the dty police force. The police depart ment had exhausted its dvil serv- ice eugiDxe list some time ago. annual meeting, Marion Hotel, ouon. - - t Dec. S-T t VrriUnA v1 ev Mount Scott Community Center) m. tiuu Ave ana Harold Street. Dec! 15-16 Washington SUte aederatlon of Gardm rinha d a y f Show, Spanish Ballroom vuympic uotel. - GIANT Bushes 2! for cl00 '5 ior $2 Leads of Jsnbe BUessa Fresa Every Bash Plant these hardy, extra choice " n vtwui youH have a gorgeous display of giant flowers with enough left o. tor breath takingly beautiful bou- Double Peony WbVo Warm ana Happy bvcaut our For ECONOMY MiDorrttot 00jsCaB elOl For CC.VJOXT rtoot-no- Elewer ' Across Ike Beer Fully Automatic ' llo Work No Dirt Wkh Hmnilisl nwSrif. yea cms FUUT AUTOMATIC MnaBv werk, m afirf, m wslerel ev wWotWig. I4ey tt wot wat all wiar wHh lM3rteei a? lie n 3 - 3Cw33 Question Answers s Qacstfesi Can you tH m fV name of a scrine-floweriM Kn's that has a dm ihmt - and little whits like Cowers juii a irw oa a stem and the petals have tiny green -tips on tnemT J, saw soma last year at a Cower show, wrote down the dea crieptkms and forgot to get the name. O. S. . Answer Could be snowflake CLeucoium Ytrnuml T4. i. old-fashked Cower and It coloo ies beautifully if left alone. 1 found some growing in an old garden out nar Sheridan some jw ago ana taixea the owner OUt Of a bulh. It H Anm V-.. tifully lft all .trv .. shrub border. The Cowers hart oetzxam larger and while it has ntmultiplifd rapidly, I now have Vv wnera out one was wismauy pianWd. Soma buih ntiWu. . . , "ihim v w smi rx t,now to bloom in my garden. uMKKnra inooors last, spring. Is this unusual? R. XX a habit, after being forced, of fomtnr too with hinom. rnornents during the next few months. If it lm Hw. m-. t n bloom Otlttvwa k... mer. However, sometimes when ther bloom twrir 4n a . .w. this way, they are completely spent - .0T.1 w BDP aaon be fore they bloom again.. QBesHea Have used coffee grounds as a mulrh immJ of my plants. They dont seem to ao so weu ana am wondering if this has hurt them. The leaves are a liQa yellow. Wu inA th.i coff ee grounds were good frttf UvJl. Answer Coff ee grounds seem ' I i0"' ri N . 1 IM4 Uy energy srd moneyl Trade" In yovr old worn ovt cleaner now at tun hanM.u. Kenmora trpHgkt has adftfstahlo Imnh, r!fe switch, StraamCnod tank typa Kanmore coenea witn full set cf artatkmanH to da aS your clesr log Jobs. Motors waver stood &. Coma fat todayt , VI . m r a m m mm ' Phoni 3 for free) HOME TRIAL or mail this coupon for fre Iiteraturo . Tha gtataaacau Cclata, Ortw to act aotaewhat like sawdust, i UtorriUe thought for those of us who drink a lot of coSee) They tower the nitrogen content f the oa unta they, are decomposed. f00 hua us. Add a lUtla extra bitrogen to the mulch when using coSre grounds. . . Oesti Wherv eouU I get f."?1 I stopped at a book tort tna oCtxr day aad w fvtoW had a book on greechouses. rt.B. kave a boAoTTwStrw a chapter or two la'aoa j!?. on greechouaes. AIm the Oregon Stats Coller has put out f?TT tood bulletins oa this subject. One U Smaa Cre houjor Amateur Gardeners.- J Is reesxxsei. ' ?.1?Ti ack? Xs there farthing t can do to save th J-gJ f This stuff I. acsrrS v.'!!? - This Is mildew. Ther has been m K i"rr terywhert this fait Kol only roaes but a great variety ON m TeW tock fral Sears, Kaobvck 350 N. Cspcto! Saleea, Ore. - 9191 CeaUrfl rieaaa KAMI . STRTET OR PJt cut U 111 i r m w :f JILSIQ In Tht : r. ' "x 1 " Call i-UTI IW iwlw I fkaadgy ItoragAae It. IIS2- .15 el shrubs aad I have tkotod! it ve on ctover Ceids. Rom er;4rts aty that the dry soU pha coci tights had promoted the saidef. W1A th rsins this a soon i over now. Rowwer. if the foKfe eoo tisues on the bushes and hare aoeoe mar brlrt weathef wzxdmH frost, durting siilfur wta grrr good control. liowrrcr. vtmiu have much snore cnUdew aew usia sprlag. wt growtJ hat ifan4 araia. Za the sprtag ftartfcfardr ysxir roses early and Imp n up very It days or so thngh the a son. Lae an a3-purpo dart. Impsriol I 7ZlSnABLS V7aIIpan2r Engdahl'sj AXXFAJ 14. Mi I We Cin a .j w aut Xf TtXBO to Ham! CAIIELLIiiS We aavs a ofea&d T heaky. hraached Mmu --aisa. 7i kursary A Sed Store . T Ceraerof cuh AMSitc a atotas Kmsth af ai.t- 1 V n TRADI4N AllOWANCI tOUt OtO MAOfiKl VYCtTH MOU AT JtAWI leva rKa stoMMdahU irm..Tl. f Kefunora sawing Imachtnea. d4wU atitdv alro4e4 sotr. rW ragvtstts iped. 23 year wkfteti Bwarantoa with mry sttochiasv and Co. sead sai farther tafarsaattoa Sewing' Machines Vacwea Oaanart . STATU. Ccpife! Sriopplng ant