The St&sicrncrn. Salecx, Ore'n,Thursda7. Oct6ber 23, 1552-27 i -1 11 to - -H-Vtt MODEL OF NEW OMR A HOUSE Thle is model of rWfront opera heat fat IXunkttrr. Germany, to replace on wracked In Iut war. It wiU be completed la 154 coattn Sia0,0ft. i : ' - - ft ,1.' I MOVING JOB Floating mining- plant of FreepoH Sulphur C4k, to extract mineral from marshlands, to towed in bayou country en a 65-mlle trip from Grande Ecaille to Bay Ste. Elaine, La. $1 . . .... ... 17 , i.- ' S.1 .J SPLENDOUR FOR PA LA C E-Amerleaa Grs and othera admire work ef rerOdlnc witfc i t m i..a mwmmm m ni.nri i TjmiAn'i ftarkforfeam Palaea. BU1U KM Mi l;H CIHII Mus WH . - Too Many TV Dealers NEW JifORK ID Awarding TV franchises to almost every type of retail dealers in newly opened transmitter areas can taidermine public confidence, warned the Na tional Appliance and s Radio-TV Dealers Association. iMort Fair, president, cited Den ver as a new market where prac tically everyone is selling televis ion sets. He said paint shops, drug stores and antique shops, among others, were offering sets to the 'pubuc.. '--. - I Fart said most of these display samples only and practically none were equipped to , Inspect, install or service sets. He said there were mora than 500 television dealers in Denver, or one for every 650 in habitants. ! ! ' i Wootl Chips Show Coloring of Stains CHICAGO Vet Th difficulty of showing the exact colors of wood stains m they will appear on var ious woods has been solved by a Chicago paint and stain J manufac turer (Martin-Senour) , by publish ing a color folder containing 60 individual wood chips stained in Various colors. ' r '.' ;. The different vcffects obtained by the same color stain on typical in- terror woods in contrast to exter ior cedar is shown by duplicating 20 of the colors on the two types of wood. ' " - ' : -; ;l The cost of preparing the eight- page advertising folder was so great that it is sold for $1.50 per ; copy, t - COP'S CAB COPPED CHICAGO UH i Patrolman Rob ert C Woodward parked his auto mobile across the street from the New Qty police station. 1700 W. 47th ' Street. When - he completed his tour lie found his car gone and thought at first fellow, bluecoats bad removed it for a joke. Brother officers crossed their hearts, how School Building Sites Now Bigger . SAVANNAH, (J) The present trend in building schools is to lose the building in a large tract of land, according to Savannah dele gates to the southeastern confer ence of the American Institute of Architects at Atlanta. - The group said the average school built last year was located on 20 acres three or four times the size of elementary and high school tracts of, the past, n The architects recommend struc tures, spread over - a comfortable area connected by side corridors. with' relat'd activities housed to gether. One-story schools arc safest, ar chitects said, and 83 per cent of I school buildings constructed last year were without basements. MAKE INDIAN GOODS MOOSE JAW, Canada (flV-A Chinese firm is trying to sell Norm America native novelties to store keepers here. In a letter from Hong Kong, the local Chamber of Commerce was advised that K. S. Lau and Co., are the manufactur ers of all kinds of Indian1 beaded belts as well as jewelry, mocca sins, novelties, etc The company said It had been handling this line for years, establishing a good name throughout the united States. There were about 200,000 college-level teachers in the United I States In 1951. n I ill : io) WW Mill (stzdl dzlrynzn) says: "Miik control V his consistently lowered the butterfit content of our milk supply while increasing the price the consumer ptys." "A low test milk his been marketed not bypopular demand hot bylaw? - txnii Fsosucnou ak3 r.u:zTi::3 act hffiiiatd cm ccr;jro a ciz:::i 1V4 twtts A fine hdr a that keeps your hair neat a vltally-oiwe io. " your holr nteds hlp. needs LB. iitiilfovPW '6 iMkl'i li $ fiEG. 49 PiCG. Wlih purchase '$15 Size. 0 TASUTS VOX KISULAX PWCI OF 45 ChforenfiwH . ' . - Odor .! fA . . u' . '"'' mwe for 1.25. ShzckWy Ztzlistk LATEX HALLOWE'EN MASKS Ml CCID CHEM.1 & $1.43 VcF. Your own faciei isavesents glYt then UFE-UXE AHlf.lATIOIil (Sizes for Adults) Zedblt Eua Irhhraan Ceotiaentel Princess Cynthis J Trcsp Clews Sad Apple TQI J CI-n-TQG AT Pilled VJiSh 0 POPS METAL HOISEr.lAltERS I for party-table favere l and prim, or trick -or-rjiLJl I rat expedilionil J'-sY&fi 69c VALUQ for VJ 0 a a. . 59e Anael Fact foundation powder In one. mm Cnlorful carton -haute with eadonhana win dews, a ghost, a black cot end a bat ... plus 1 10 luscious hand-outs for oreedy Ooblinsl PARTY FAVORS & 7ABLG DECORATIONS Hallowe'en Horn . . . . . I5 Witch or Cot . . . . . . . 10 Donkey on Wheels .... 29 Jr. Pumpkin 25 Jumbo Pumpkin ...... 49 U k!u::dheds o? OTina paqtv favors . A few ctropt oivet h.r. I natural seolp CIU, hfB, ove loo,e dandruff ,cale,, ments re- HaIbwocn Hostess Sptcial! r Chocolctd-Coverod fir si'tsHel Soothes threat. It help loosen It pel germy pWegm. fouiid mi Af.:i7crjo oven va of?j , i it ... You've seen the very same type at 19.95. Stay-lovely plastic f top; snag-proof construction; 1 8x25x9" size. Pastel colors. - ill lSe YsJnes! Pot Holders .r. . Oc 4S Mere Than Small J art ; Iloxzema . 85c Jar 59c Sz Barbara Genld Enriched High! Cream ... LCD? S-oniiec No-Nick Ualer Glasses 3 io, 8c Kegvlar 10c Copper 1 Pot Cleaners . ... 4c "Rajah- Pint Size Improved T Cleaning Fluid . . . 17c Pint Bottle " " Dubbing Alcohol . . 9c Was S1.00 Chlorophyll (1 ' Clo Shampoo . 50c Rer. 25c "Trim- " ' Hail Clipper , 17c 15e Value Plastic ' . . Candy Dish. . . . f no 7c SI Value! Hopalonsr Cassidy s 1 Flashlight . . . . ,mT 39c 49o Value Boxed Gold Floral Holes 19c S1.20 Value Animal, Western, Action Comic Doolis 12 to, 39c $1.75 Tslae Henre Intlme" j Vigny Cologne . . 43c lSe Value! Aluminum' Head Dalh Spray ..... 21c Rerular lSe Cannon Dish Cloths ... 3 h, 12c S2-5S H Gallon, Glamoren . Carpel Cleaner ilZ 1 Z9o Packase of S Powder Pnlfcs e 16c 49c Value! 18x27 Crib Sheeting ; 17c Hay; Fellows! LOOK! m mm Tin of 24 for r 'vf naigesTion can we caused bv nt;nn ... by lumpy nerves, by family Pts. Take Amitone for fast relief. Contains Glycine to "ere excess stomach add. r Ate; - 109 Gelucaps Auutst tat H limited Time Offer! ' II j - ' 'Get Teen Today! : V noy sogers Auiegrapn on me iiouu l "" "N The Barrel Smokes When You Shotl M ( t) C ) Handsome metallic olastfe rifle with metal cop-shooting unit that's com pletely .enclosed... no one can tell that you're shooting caps! oven fs Of Ft Bake-KIng": Free! ef extra tost $1X3 Vclco Ilybalsl : Vitamin Gelucaps (j with pur- Broiler Pan Biscuit Pas V Caks Cosier Rack ? 11" x keeps oven' ICl n46a X J f 7V" sire. It'V n broiler clean I sj 1THE rFPOYEDl ilorophyll teeth ptatt v sra? bad ensATti (694)' ewastt III THE CAPITOL SIIOPPniG CEIITEH Plat Hi. Tax U;M rutnid Io CnUI qyonKrtii. ever, and helped him 11 ou an auto theft report.