The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 13, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    g -The Statesmen, Salonx, Orexjon, Monday. October' 13 ,1852
Refugee Say Reds
ies r ear
.1 o
Hubcaps Taken td I Standby l?irice-Wage
Torture By Religion
Keep Them from
Being Stolen
Control Act Proposed
"WASHINGTON (TV-Economic Stabilizer Ttoger 1. Putnam pro-
wno one I nnrnH RimrfjT a Ktanrthv nrire-wa s?f control law for n residential use
friends are, a worried youth learn- an Pmerpencv but mntainine built-in veto authority lor Congress.
One never knows who ones
To Get Confessions
MOSCOW WV-Nikolai A. Mlk-
hailov, secretary of the Young
Whether 'or not present controls axe extended beyond the present
April 30 deadline.' Putnam told , reporters, the country should have
"some kind of fire insurance" against a flare-up ,of inflation.
The plan now under study,, lie
hubcaps off Munson's car so they
wouldn't be stolen. .
ed Sunday night when he thought
someone bad stolen two newly
purchased hubcaps.
The routh. James Mimson of
CuSTlSuI1 told'theTtnl Houte revealed,, would oblige the Presl-
Congress of the Communist farty ZnZt -,TwIY . dent to consult with the 5enaie
w. i it u-lwhue it was parked in a service-1 . .
VIENNA WIron Curtain refugee, arriving la- Austria claim "" station on Uncasterve, But JTJl
Communist police of Eastern ruropewe turmng more and more to lamng Gnr the influence of re- iew rninuies aiter uiisonieii L" m T
ohvsical torture to extract "confessions' from anti-Communists. liTii the police station,' the hubcaps emergency power. ,
The refugees alleged the tortures have replaced the mental and " - ' turned up, in the backseat of the i It would add this extra precau-
emotional pressures which the Communists formerly used to force "TheKomosol young Comma- car of a friend, who drove by the tion: If Congress were In adjour-
nrisoners to sign the documents needed for Communist courts. .oal, in an address made police station hunting for Mim- ment when the emergency arose,
pruxmci w a . v nublie Simdav. said frn village and - "3 K PnM!i1in.miM be reauired
claim to have been subjected to I city, slackers and violators of the . Urvice sta- to caU f11 session within .30
torture. Some of their stories, are Marxian ruies were zouna among OuL.Be hU taken the! JfLzTTr OT T
make extravagant claims to win After referring o those coming
favor with the West. - - ' i under the influence of religion, he
But the claims of one young addad- "We are obliged vigorous-
Czechoslovak girl, who hides be- ly to put an end to the short-
neath the name of Miss Novak, comings in ideological work and
are accepted by Western investi- raue the level of new tasks." He
gators as reasonably reliable. She asked the Congress for increased
claimed she was arrested In Bra- aid for the youth movement.,
tislava and accused of being a spy. The Young Communist League
-t.-?f t 2.r. .w x. does not, encourage the teaching
hrf w9?!- oi xOQ OT belief in God.
she said, 1 was tortured for three a tZ? v i i
; WASHiwuiurt C -T riT; .f, -r t down with a believer and glad
Truman came noma ouuuj lu . , 4 ""vuiu
lie White House ne u vacaie in u,".. Kff. Communist dogma on the subject.
tnree months-after a coast-to- w--, w .uujev. w moigzu- g, youni peop do attend indent newspaoer 1A1 Akhbar combined group under Mo
coast speaking 4our - without par- . . church rvices in Moscow but Mondav that-Kin a7onk bilization Director Henry H. Fow-
and th. soles of my feet with a Hify are y the minoritr. will charged formally with i!nd developed into Propcee
vi . j ti. !; ..." I The congregations are made udL..... vi- I recommendations for the new
j t m j j I mostly of older neon la. the bulk 1 jt..i j j IT. i. Coneress in i January, rowler
baianrintf i mi.;nn th. of teem women, -i thwi. -i i i ready has announced ,ne: wiu seek
my hands When the ruler felL 1 1 Congress is in recess but V. . . v ,.' I t 1 extension of some priority and ai-
L !fnTf; OT r10 rufr eu 1 wUl resume Monday with the all- A1 Akhbar said the public, pros- location powers beyond their June
' a. a i m m ssviiTnv urnii in avav thf rna MAvn nn . a.
ma. v Mu iiMinn t l nnponani xasx oi cnoosins a .new I "" o expiration uie.
- w - - - " - WW I - I M MM thAl Bl t . '
: - w I MJTJiaTTl Kflia IS UX COTU W
President Ends
T v- ; and ED CREAGII
i "Well be in danger of a con
flagration until r Stalin puts bis
matches away, the stabilizer said,
f We should have a fire extinguish
er ready, though mostly it would
be kept hanging on the walL
1 "If we had had that kind of
protection when Korea was in
vaded we would have prevented" a
10 per cent dose of inflation.? ..
! Putnam disclosed he has asked
the wage, price and rent control
agencies to have tentative legisla
tive DroDOsals ready for him by
CAIRO, Egypt (JP) V The Inde- Nov. 1. These then will be studied
Egyptians! to
Charge Farouk
With Treason
2 Youths Held
er Arrest m
Car With Girls
A 14-year-old Nevada boy was
held by city police Sunday on a
charge of Juvenile delinquency
after bis arrest with a 21-year-old
friend, who is held for va
grancy. !,
Police said -two Toledo girls.
one 14 and one IS, who were rid
ing in a ear with the .two Nevad
ans, were released into the custody
of then parents Sunday afternoon.
Richard Walter Potter' 21, of
Winnemucca, Nev, was the driver
of the car, In which the boy, from
the same town, and the two girls
were passengers. Police said the
boys picked the two girls up in
Sisters and drove from there to
Salem, after spending the night
near Eugene. .-
end of this 8,500-mile campaign - "J " "V , I Central Committee which, in turn. I sentence against , the: ki
tour you couldn't do better man holdm- a coin agamst it with th7 will organize a new presidium to Moving m exue in Italy. j decide whether to recommend that
roil hnrr nn me oia ex urea-1 j . . ... rpn m rna nnuni TJniitKtiM i Tha .nM VommiV. umut 4 ,.u i.n.uAn MinHnii
yayn. gam iuuiui iucdi I Uic piCSCUk au n 1 1 1 1 1 n uvu vwuuwm
was made when Ma. Gen. Mo- be extended, also,
nammed riaguiD, now premier.
to fall back on the old expres- ij Qi " nosjEacn replace the present Politburo.
awn,, j ! , , com dropped, I was beaten again.
He starts a new three-day trip TbeDf to toTce to
Wednesday night through ew confess by almost strangling me
England and to Brooklyn. And with their hands. :
almost as soon as he gets back, he rormM 0f Torture1
will head midwestwara again xoi "All this was not enough. Pen
whistl estop until election day. I cils were put between my out
Signs of Wear - - . stretched fingers and the knuckles
The 68-year-old executive, trav- then pressed together. I kept hop-
eling in the role of retiring Demo- ing that their inventive minds
cratic party head, came through would exhaust themselves, but the
the ' 90-speech grind in better police always found something
ahane than most of the others in new. They put matches between
, his 16-car special train, sun, his I my bare toes and lighted them.
voice and his bearing did show a
Eisenhower to
Seek Voters on
Atlantic Coast
sprang his military coup Jury 23.1
Farouk abdicated three days later. 1
Al Akhbar said an official in
vestigation disclosed ! that U. S.
Secretary of State Achnon,
backed by President Truman, had
objected to any intervention by i
Britain In the Egyptian crisis.
The Investigation," according to
Talk Selects
few signs of wear.
But Truman was obviously, con-
the paper, disclosed that Acheson
DENVER UPi - Gen. Dwight D. I was roused from his bed in Wash-
The worst of all was when they I Eisenhower started a week of po- ington By Sir Oliver Franks, Brit-
drove staples for paper under my
nngernaus. ,
Helicopter 1 developments and
atomic energy will be discussed by
a two-man team of specialists at
litical big-game hunting Sunday lh ambassador to the U. S, who I a meeting xnursday ror aiem or
pointing toward the populous I delivered an urgent message from ganized reserve corps units at the
vlnced. whatever his critics might Miss Novak claimed that during states on the Atlantic seaboard British Foreign Secretary Anthony Reserve Armory.
think, that he helped Democratic three days' torture and 11 days' after still another invasion of the Eden to the effect Farouk had sent The speakers will be CapL John
presidential candidate Ad lai Ste-1 interrogation, she did not break traditionally-Democratic South, j Eden an SOS. f i I L. Farris and Lt. Ralph E. Houck,
vi-ntnn hv tn rroaountrr iwini uvwu. oijiuuu tu icctivcu no i i h rtattia fnr th. nndtanmr i r. a .moim. . tin'4. i nntn rrom xne aixm Army ceaa-
In which one aim was to cut down food She said she had nothing to moving toward a climax, has only ish intervention was iconveyed to quarters at; San Francisco, Calif.
r t.i-v4 in t: v, -- I confess, and finallv. after xrnri- I n . ' I i. ' . . !Y ' . . . I t . .uj i. h9hmi
Bge as GOP nominee.
' . M. . , 1.1.
11 KJ KJtlC LttU BdJ lUi tCi mr uc-
(her he is right about that, even
.after the voters have had their
Nov. 4.
Iuge Crowds
What can be said now is that
the crowds he talked to, neighbor
to-neighbor fashion from the tram
platform, were generally as large
tf not larger than those to whom
he appealed in 1948 when he was
himself seeking re-election..
. Leaning over his speaking stand
as a Missouri farmer, might lean
over his backyard fence, Truman
- appeared more efiective, more
confess, and Imauy, after spend- three weeks to go. Prime Minister Churchill and his Invited to attend are National
ln. Eom: m labor camps for I with time nmnlnn nuL thr- K;n.t .nH-th.. vn Guardsmeni ROTC members and
-ponucai re-educauonr she was were indications at th. mAra1 pH,h 7 q,,., i reserve components of other
reieasea. But sne feared re-arrest h,-.,," 7 rT" ST.: ,r , rr hMn,hH f th armed forces . Ci
Aiuaviu uai lti iu xjx'.ii w t-i l iiei i anai r nna riTnar TnsiTi ist Tnam i aMvAw - - -
may be adding still more speech- go to Farouk's aid,! Al Akhbar Lilians are also invited to attend.
maaung appearances to his already 1 said.
crowded campaign plans. His ad
visers are watching for "soft m A 1
spots" on the Republican map, I flY AlM TOl
and at the same time weighing t
Eisenhower's chances of cracking imr -f 1 HXT 'm.1
a number of Democratic strong- iYlOllierS Willi
and escaped to Austria at the first
opportunity. x
! W. U. Legal Aid
Cluiic to Fete
5th Birthday
Willamette ! University's Legal
Aid Clinic, pimeer organization' of
W.U. President, ;
Maj. Gampion Due
At Alabama Meet
An aide said he may spend two TIL 'L. C JJl9
full days in Pennsylvania instead JODS SOUffni
of trying to cover that state with M iO
one sweep of whistle stops.
GOP strategists have been eye-
Q. Herbert Smith, president of
Willamette University, accompan
inA Yvr MnlJNnrman Camnion. will
Mothers who hold down Jobs J participate with other college and
years ago. i . ' L . celebrate its fifth anniversary on I psnerlallv in PhilaHpinWa -Pitl
. . II. - - X J A J M I Tir. J I m " - - y awww
.1 mnumuj w?a naraer. sor weunesuay. . .. .. . . burgh and the coal reeioiu. Tn the
fiSTKliAfJff these areas have returned!
speeches at every whistie stop and until it now handles between 173 ?Ta32ri"T!f
: in the fervor of his appeals. and 200 cases per year in Marlon fL8! fif
f.w nhr ! . Countr. the rest Of the state. The Republi-
Even at the points, where there "Response to the legal clinic has
was heckling, teen ag- been highly gratifying." said Prof-
era. uics cidwiu cneerea narrr wiants a. ,nu, uuccwr uie
Tniman anH nrmH him r I clinic.
cm heir or "Pour it on, Harry.' me community has recognized Ci vwp? wcueve, majur un-
Could It be that the crowds liked the worthiness of ( this organiza- ter area for the Democrats.
; Truman because of that peculiar tion," he pointed out, "through the In any case they have mapped
talent for talking a language no Community Chest which this year a heavy schedule of appearances
"one could mistake? Could it be increased the legal aid budget for for the general in that statei
- th bristling arth MiHuioctom the first time in five years." The Eisenhower was born there and
Erases that made comnlirated 1- chmc is supported for the most he will have the sentimental ad-
Meat contains all the minerals
necessary to sustain life. ! . I
Carbon black is widely used in
printing inks. - . . ,;
Capture Isles
TAIPEH, Formosa VChinese
Nationalist . guerrillas ' attacked
three small islands off the Red
China mUnlandJVednesday and in
a night and a day of hard, fight
ing wiped out three companies of
Communist troops, the official cen
tral daily news reported Monday,
Three Red com pannes normally
would number about 750 men,
The Central Daily News made
no mention of guerrilla losses, nor
did it say whethes the Nationalists
remained ot withdrew, to their
base. " r. . j
It said the guerrillas attacked
Wednesday ' evening and figMirg
continued until 5 pjn. Thursday -when
Communist resistance ceased.
it ' : .
Tuesday, Oct 14
a p. M.. mnA
$L6I (Pins Tax) V I
If Tickets at the I
Ij Reeerd Shop ; I
sure of himself, than he did four its kind on the West Coast, will fc, the ri in wSiV outside tte honM wold et Pecial ROTC officials in a conference
Luk..u t. iu I M?eanarp nse in registrauons, ncJ HraHon nn lnrMnt tax riav r ii.tuit n,FAn.n9i
v , I vWV Aw 4c a vv via a aa a, vav ---.
if a resolution of the fOregon state at Montgomery, Ala.
Council of Retail, Clerks wins ap- Attending will be more than 115
pr n : aJ t "aii college presidents and vice presi-
The i council, anAFfLatf Oiate, dmt and 60 deans, representing
held its quarterly meeting in Sa- ,
esx oi e sixe xne wepuDii- lcm Sunday with a combined din- ttrnuchout th United States Ha-
AFROTC. Campion heads Willam-
dential election.
If Pennsylvania is a potential
soft spot, Texas, the Eisenhow
Marion Hotel. About! 50 represen
tatives of locals in Astoria, Bend. I 11.'
Salem attended, i ' r
The resolution approved by the
council seeks legislative action on
a proposal to permit working
mothers to deduct pay to baby sit
ters from their federal and state
income taxes. Another resolution
sues seem simple-for the mo- R31 tte Community Chest and vantage of touring Texas on his favors a 5-day, 40-hour week
ment,' at least?
Whatever the
answer, the
the Marion County Bar Assn. birthday, Oct 14.
ine legal aaa program at Wina-
motte University has been esta-1
crowds came to the whistlestops. L , -r L Salem ITan ninnrerl
Ohio reporters, indeed, . saioTtnat Ilshe1 three-fold purpose. salem iUan iar5ea
In some cases the turnouts for the L CiiriSLin With Check Passing
mild-looking, grav-haired Mis- fT person an cprrtumty to
-looking, gray-haired Mis
sourian exceeded in size and en
' thusiasm some of the ' crowds
- which met Eisenhower at compar-
able cities in that state.
State police Sunday night ar
rested Bert Major Davis of 51S0
Sunnyview Ave. on a Linn County
warrant charging obtaining money
under false . pretenses. Davis was
arrested at a tavern in Gates.
throughout industry
John Moore, .Salem secretary
of the Retail Clerks Union, was
elected president of the council
at the closing session. George
Lightower and ' Gordon Swope,
both of Portland, and A. L. Lewis,
Astoria, were elected trustees for
one year.
The Helm and River In Afghani
stan may once nave rivaled the
Police said Davis was arrested Nile, the Tigris and? Euphrates as
Open 6:45 P. M.
Rita Hiyworth
Glenn Ford
" '
Frankle Xane
"Kalnbow Ronod
My Shoulder"
:r - - -... , .. - r
'Joan Crawford
Jack PaJanee
' 19
Marie Windsor
obtain legal advice and legal as
sistance. The service aids the stu
dent by providing an internship in
handling actual cases and thirdly,
it helps the bar association by re
moving the burden of free legal
services from many offices.
students begin their legal aid 111 connection witn we passing or. xne seat oi eariy ciymzauon, sj
eounseling at the end of me second ?,vr .1-uuo ncuuous cn. me nanonu 'J-P".
five weeks of their second year in tJau naa no1 l3eea w "t-
law scnoai ana continue th nrne.i uvui auuuu. ; . ' w"-w - ...T.
nee through the second five weeks
of their third vear.
Willamette University is the only
law school on tna coast which op
erates such a clinic. Two other uni-
. 2 , 1 . I
ersity law scnoois on xne JracUlC
Ot have been unsuccessful in I
operation of similar clinical serv
ices. if-i :-"'"'-( y-':
v There are apnroximatelv 28 law
schools in the United States which
maintain legal aid programs.
- ! a '
. w : , . . ; - '
PENDLETON (JPi Filming has
started 25 miles east of here of
the movie "Sioux Uprising," star-
ring Jeff Chandler and Faith Do-
mergue. Shooting is taking place
on the Umatilla Reservation, and
members of the tribe will ap
pear in scenes. ; v
Now Showing Open 6:45
aM AmISSiT CS3l-Joai ijnsf -acci ns
'TBI GulL"
" ! -with
Caesar Romero, George Brent,
- Andre? Trotter .
Will Rogers Jr.
Ha Technicolor
'' :
Robt. Cammlnrs
N" - -
Open 1:45 P. H.
mehael Rennte
Edmand Gwena
Robert Newton
-Yletor lTiigVs-
i lit
Galea Oyesi :4S
Shew At VM
I lOVl
r Another Great AH
Technicolor Show
1 THE702LD
Gregory Feck
' ; '
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that prof sd your steady supply off wholesome, sanitary rnHk the year 'round.
Qrmdm "A aOlk m aaost
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CJttOON au fttStxrtr CSaBMtTKi SawOwdk. SK'HVwtCB.NHta44,4
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"rrt iw ouiptrform tnj ethtr tar on tb road toirj. That ebdUngt ikmdi frml
Proof of Mtrcmrfx high oJut and popularity Vut in tht fact that of all ten tars in its prtco '
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Canyon say this of the cmjounow drive . . j '
Mercurfs flashing power and ptrfomanct g world-famous. Yet Mercury Bos been t
three time winner in nation GAS-ECONOMY tests. What's more, tbeW2 Mercury
Is truly NEW, not just a ftce-Up's styled years ahead precision-built for EXTRA
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