J r t READY FOR DISCARD cafaway 4 Ik Tfortd War II U trala CI'i la awa-ap .perattoa. will be carded sms at A.P. Ilia MUttary XcscmtiaB, Uwl r Greea, Va. NEW ARRIVALS FROM CONCO.Tw bir gorillas stick close together In their new home at Rome. Italy, Zoo, after antral by airplane from Brazzaville, Belgian. Congo. Dunnigan Promoted l To Portland Post Kenneth H. Dunnigan. 1050 Maine Ave., for the past year spe cial representative for Occidental Life of California, has been ap pointed assistant manager of ; the , firm's Portland branch, William B. : Etannard, vice president in charge of agencies, has announced.' Dun nigan Is a member of the 2030 Club, Lions, and Chamber of Com merce in Salem. Stock Market Scores Gains NEW YORK WVThe stock mar ket shook itself free from the re straining 1 hand of . reaction this week and made the best gain in the past two months, v . The upturn was modest in char acter, and it was cut back at the and of the week, but It was ac companied by heaviest volume since early June. At that time the Summer rally was well under way. , Such a showing of strength with the market up for the second straight week gave immediate v hope that the reaction had ended. Bulls are hopeful that one mora forward push will send the mar ket ahead into what they fondly regard as a pre-election rally. - Already there are signs that an anticipated fall business upturn is . finding a warm reception in the stock market. Footballs used la professional and college games cost as much as $20 each. Why Suffer Any Longer Waaa tara fall, mm m Can r ta China. Hm Matter wttfe waat jmm an alttctes tMrdera. aiasatua. ktut, toss. Bv n. aieTt, raa. ttpatt . at n atmkatea. rbeaautOaaa. gall ad btoaV ae rr. akm. faaaa CHARLIE CHAN CRTNtSI ca tM R Caaairtai Pa ism SALS at OkX OfTiaa Boar C, taacaad tax Oaly Dr. V T caaa N D Or a Ckaa. RJ DKS. CHAN . . . LAJ1 CH1NESX NATUEOPATHS UpataJra. 241 Narth Liberty OtTlea ' SatarCay aaty It alaa It 1 av, I to I ajB. CaaanltaOaa toad araaaata aatf artaa testa r fr at cfeart rracttaa atnea ttll Wrtea raa attraetfa (1TL Ma cattaav . a - - AKD IIUT MEATS ' . Cust caxix price ooi da2rrT ; - rrZ7i II!:ri2ia Pcs!rr Go j iMnn ircns. wU. iKT.era I s . .-O- '" Jsti- - 4 - 4 lwM)M)M County Gerk Deputizes 37 As Registrars Thirty seven people have been deputized by Marion County Clerk Henry Jvlattson to act as registrars of voters this coming week. Deadline for voter registration is Saturday, Oct. 4. The special registrars will be manning booths in the city's fire stations, two downtown banks and at the corner of State and Liberty streets. Judge Val Sloper, chair man of the citizen's committee which is working on the voter reg istration program in Salem, said a booth will also be opened Monday in the West Salem fire station, and on probably in Keizer. Mattson said registration is necessary for anyone who has not previously voted, for those who have changed addresses since the last .election, or women who have married and thereby changed their legal name. Many people have been disqualified by failure - to vote in previous elections, Matt son said, and must also re-regis ter. . Fireman and stations where they will work are: Central, Peter F. McCaffery, Alfred H. Aeschle mann, Theodore Cupp and Donald Hill; north, Arthur V. White, Clarence C. Nelson, John Stettler, Sr., Robert M. Putnam; south, Earl T. Sherwood, Carol H. God sey, Walter W. Mills, Robert W. Johnson; east, Gerald T. HaH, Fred Hunt, D. P. Bridleman, John D. Stettler Jr. . Others who will register and booths at which they will work are: First National Bank, Mary Louise Lee, Sara L. Howells, Doro thy B. Lee, Ruth R. Foster, Helen B. Law, Bellroie A. Collins, Olive G. McLauchian. Alice N. Wood, Harriett E. Gaskins. Ladd and, Bush bank: Eleanor J. Campbell, Neva R. Walker, Margaret K. White, Theima Wink enwerder, Mrs. Juanita Miles. Junior Chamber of Commerce booth: Mary Jane Flfstrom. Rhea J. Doen, Margaret Bastin, Helen H. Boise, Mrs. Elizabeth Boniface, Mrs. Beatrice D. Schaef er, Mrs. Viola M. Celine. Mardello Loder and Josephine Hay. . PEES CHeawMThaids) flstola, FlssBTe, Itching, Pra lapse, and ether Eectal dls erders corrected. KUd TraKdjneztt Call far exaalnatiea er write far free descrlptten Beeklei. Dent beceaM tncnrable by ce- D. Deynclir, IIJ3. Rectal Specialist X07S FaJrgreanais Rd, Saleas, Oregen I! TT w-i we - ; "w 1 alker, Jet eturns From Korea First LL Lloyd F. Walker. Korean jet pilot and camerman since last March and a World War XI veteran, returned Saturday to spend a 30-day leave with his fam ily at-2755 N. Liberty St. Walker, who was re-called to duty with the 403rd troop carrier wins of Portland in April. 1951. has been Hying an KP-80, a photo jet plane, and has 100 missions on his record. Associated Press reported that Walker was greeted by two gen erals when he returned from his 100th Sight. The two, Maj. Stephen N. Shoosmith of Great Britain and Brig. Gen. Dudley D. Hale, were on a tour of the 67th Tactical Re connaissance Wing's Base, and waited for the pilot i arrival when they heard he was due. A B-24 Pilot in the South Pacific for 13 months during World War 1L Walker entered the air corps Sept. 10. 1942. He was on duty until Nov. 1S45. when he joined the 403rd carrier wing, a reserve organiz ation. He has received the Korean battle star and earned the, third cluster to the Air Medal he receiv ed in the last war. Walker's wife, two sons and daughter, will join him. "when he goes to Moody Air Force Base In Georgia at the end of his leave. Wheat Prices Drop Sharply CHICAGO (VThe problem of rmf wre t rrkpanin x a variety of wheat, not wheat from Russia- confronted the grain market this wppi- Tho market didn't solve the problem. Instead, wheat slumped several cents with the December contract making a new low. Action of -wheat unsettled other grains, although their losses were not large. But lard took a very severe drubbing, both the October and November contracts sinking to new seasonal lows. . For the week wheat ended -3 lower, corn Vx lower to 4 higher, oats V-7.Va lower, rre fc to 2 cents lower, soybeans 1 cent lower to y mgner ana iara 33 to 63 cents a hundred pounds lower. Salem Obituaries KBMPTON Samuel Kempton. at tha residence. 50 Locust St.. Sept. 22. Surrlved by a daughter. Mrs. Ted Gordoa of Salem: three grandsons, Wayna Gordon of Seattle; Bruca Gordon of Salem; Ted Gordon Jr. of Burbaak. Cailf four great grandchildren . Terry and Rich ard Gordon of Salem: Bruca cordon of Seattle and Stephenla Gordon of Burbank. Private servlcea will be held at 10:30 a-m. Monday. Sept. 3S. to tha Virgil T. Golden Chapel. Dr. Seta R. Bunungton omctaong. Interraent will D in seicret Memorial fara. rieaaa omit flowers. , HANKINS ' Minerva Hanklns. at a local hospital. Sept. 36. Lata resident of 4259 Durbln Ave, Salem. Survived by daughter, Mrs. Henry Wetherman of Salem; two sons. Elmer and Beeeher Hank-ma. both of Bakersfleid. cam. several grano- chUdien and great grandchildren also survive. Announcement of funeral ser vices later by the Virgil T. Golden Co. S UNDLTg Georea Aid en Sundll. at a local hos pital Sept. 28. Late resident of Ran dolph Field. Tex. Survived by wife. Sally Ann Sundll of St. Petersburg. Fla., son. Scott Alden Sundlle. also of St. Petersburg: parema. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Sundlie of Salem. Announce ment of services later by the Virgil T. Golden Co. BIEGMTJNn Mrs. Lucv Loretta Siegmund. at the residence. 1390 Le St.. sept. n. sur vived bv husband. William M. Sieff mund; two daughters. Mrs. Kugena Morse and Miss Wllda Bieccnuna. au of Salam: brother. Elmer E. Braxe of Moro Ore. Services will be held at l'JO p.m. Monday. Sept. 29 in the Clourh-Barrick Chapel with Dr, Brooks H. Moore, officiating. Interment win bo in City View cemetery. SHOEMAKER Baby Shoemaker. Infant daughter of Mr. and .ttrs. Samuel snoemaaer oz Gates, in this city Sept. M. Announce ment rf aeiice later by W. T. Bigdoa Co. . TOOLET " Delia Toolev. Sept. 2. at the resi dence. 1144 N. Cottage St. at the age of ST. Survived -by husband. Everett Toolev of Salem; oromer. want uav idsoa of Vancouver. Waah.; two neph ews, two nieces. Member of the Church of God. Services win be held in the Howell-Edwards Chapel at 10:30 ajn. Tuesday. Sept. SO. the Rev. Harold i. Mcintyre officiating. . : Valley DeQaware Famlkaer ALBANY Services for Delia ware R. Faulkner. 73, wm be held from the Fisher Mortuary at 3:30 p.m. Monday. The Rev. Orvffle Mick. Dallas, will officiate. - Faulkner died at a Salem hospital Friday following a long illness. The son of Marion and IsabeUe Gil more Faulkner, Linn County pione ers, he was born near Lebanon, July 30, 1879, and bad spent his entire life In. Linn County, living at Albany since 1223. He was a re tired mechanic. In Lebanon on Feb. 4. 1SC3, be married Emma VoUstedt She "tn vires as do tmo daughters, Mrs. Katherine Garrett, Albany, and Mrs. Henry Belle Marks, Hermis ton; a brother, 'Lester Faulkner, Los Angeles: a sister. Mrs. Rhoda Jackson, Albany;- and two grand sons. Used AeUer ALBANY Services for Miss Hand : Acxley, 72, who died in a hospital here Friday following- a prolonged does, will be held from ; the Fisher Uortuary at 11 a.m. Tuesday. Tie Rev. Lester Jones wilt officiate and interment win be at Riverside Cemetery. ' Born at Lawrence. Kan.. June , Miss Ackley lived ia Neb raska for many years, cominj here ia 1305 She lived in Salem. Eugene and Ilalsey, moving here in Sinrvi&s; are two sisters, Mrs. XX i VXffler and lra. Cora Taytoc. both of Albany. LtV PilotR , m a. 400 Aprfadtore 425 Auction Sale ANTIQUE AUCTION THURSDAY, 7:30 P. M OCTOBER 2 IT YOU HAVX ANTIQUES TO SELL CONSIGN THEM TO THIS SAXJE - OB CAIX 8-8008. ' ITEMS NOW CONSIGNED 1 HIGH BACK CHATS ' X WALNUT CHATJtS v ' s COMMODES .'":" J- '--i S ASH CHESTS, 3-DRAWEH - ' !,.-- BOUND TABLE. CLAW TEXT " 1 MAPLE ROCKING CHAIR 1 CHERRY ROCKING CHAIR -' , . . 1 DROPLKAT LAMP TABLE '. - -r ' 1 FIRESIDE TABLE . J TABLE DESK. LARGE i " 1 DROP LEAP DESK. SMALL S-CAPTAIN CHAIRS ; . MAPLE CHAIRS i OLD ENGLISH VASE LAMP SPATTER GLASS LAMP SETH THOMAS S-DAT WEIGHT CLOCK MANTLX CIOCKS HAND PAINTED DISHES . ' . .' . ... -. - MANX OTHER ANTIQUE ITEMS Lane SudtelFg Auction Sales Yard 8915 STLVERTON RD. j ' -'" SALEM. OREGON 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Craftainai. Uwb mower. Vicinity of E. Madison St. Reward. Phone 4-ma. LOST Black cat. all white icct. Wm hit by car and Injured. Two boys In . car agreed to take cat to vet hosp. but did not. Were on way to Albany, if cat located call 3-5740. Reward. 314 Transportoflon WANT rid Monday through Triday. Out Eastskle Portland. IM ajn. to pjB. ah tit. Pbon 4-3903. 316 Personal LONELY? Want to met that "certain someone"? Send $1-00 and a aelf addressed stain Ded envelono to In troductory Service. General Delivery. Eugene. Oregon AIXUHOJLICS Anonymous lliTi fT commercial si. tit. a-aiw. nevona; Sunday 3 p. m Tuesaay a p. m. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group NoT. 2088 N commercial, pnona a-iMis ac S-4337 P a Box T24. , 400 Agricnltare 403 Livestock 4 head calves. S cows. 9 sows. boar. IS feeder pigs. Hi mile Northwest of Chemawa. J. W. -Hall. Rt. 1 Box 326-A. Phone 2-2S32. 4 EXTRA good milk cows. To be fresh Also a bred Heifers. , Phone 4-2489. BONUED Uveatock buyer.- Claud Edwards Rt a Boa W9I Pn LOCKER BEF or canning 35c it 37c, baby beef 43,s. custom aunnf. trau er loaned free. Phon 3-4858. Salem Meat Co. 1325 S. 25th St. I JERSEY-Guernaey. years old, just fresh. A. L. McMiilen. Rt. ft. box 282, 1 mile South of Liberty. LICENSED and bonded livestock buy- er E L Snethen 165 Kenwood Ave Phone 3-1343. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer E. C McCandHxh 1127 S. 23th. Ph. 3-3147 BONDaU) Uveatock -uyr. A. Som- mer. ax Chemawa Ru. pdooo -ii. Salom Market Quotations (As ef UU yesterday) aurrvatrA - Premium SI No. l .?$ No. X - M BUTTKK Wholesale JO Retail K4.0 S 4 Bxrnvs l (Wholesale prices range frosa 3 to 7 cents ovat buyuts orteo.) Large AA J$ Large A J7 Medium A M Medium .41 Pullet J4 POOLTRT Leghorn Hens Colored Hens Colored Fryers , OM n otera . JS J3 JM J4 . J4 Roasters LJVKSTOCK Taney Packma Company Qnotat1ens Fat Dairr .14.ee Cotter 13.0 ot 14.00 Half era . ltM to 2000 Bulls 20."O to 22.00 Good veal Calves I,AMS Yearlings . 23.00 to 25.00 22.00 to 2X00 19 M to 31.00 Aim to li.eo Ewea . LAO t SS0 Feeders Sheared Lambs 13.00 Aboot II 00 less Portland Produce . PORTLAND (AP) Saturday But- terfat TentaUve. suoiecx so murtoiau chance Premium Quality, ivaximum to J3S dot cent acidity delivered ia Portland. Sl-33c lb; first quality 7t-Slc; second quality 7S-79c. Valley routes and country points 3 cents less. Butter Wholesale f.o-b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA. S3 score. 74c lb; as score. 74c;; B. M score. 73c; C SB score. 72c Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles 45'-4ac Ur. Oreaoe. VIb. loaf. S1-S4C. Eggs To Wholesalers Candled egxa containing no loss, cases included. LoJb. Portland A large. 63-64; A medium lii-54ii- B grade largo Sie. Eggs To Retailers Grade AA. large 7zc; A large, eo-eoc; aa, meaiuin 55-57c; A small 39-43c; Cartons 3 cents additional. - Live chickens No. 1 quality. f-O-b. planta-Tryers, 2',k-3 lbs. 35c; 3-4 lbs. 35c: roasters. 4V lbs. up. 34c- heavy hens, all weights. 15-17c; light hens, all weights. l-15c; old roosters. 13c Baooits Average so giuweia uvt, white. 4-3 lbs. 23-36C. 3-4 lbs. 29-34c; old does. 10-l3c. few higher: fresh dressed fryers to retailers. 3-e3c, cut VP S3 SOT. Fresh dressed meats wholesalers to retailers: dollars. per cwt: Beef Steers, choice 500-700 lbs. SS.0S SSJ0; good. SLS0-MJ0-. eonisnereiaJ. 4aao-5oxor utility. 3i ao-is-oo-. , commercial. MM-4UBO; ntihty. 34J- 37.00;; canners-cutters, saao-SC.Oe. Beef euta choice atori ITinrlnnsr ten. 6X50-44 J; rounds. asjBe-caje; full Joins, tuiiiiitoii. angles. 44j0O-tS.4tt; lurniaarti I. 440- 32.70; chucks. C0.00-36.00;; ribs, tiO 10 00. Veal Good - choice. loJt-53.00; commercial 45X1-50.00. Pork euta Loins, choice. 8-12 lb. St.eo-6zaO: shoulders. 1 lb. 36.50- 41.09; spareribs, 435C-34J&. fresh hams 10-14 Iba. HJUO-OiM. Lambs Choaee - prlraem. 40-50 lbs. 9 00-52.00: rood. 4740-51.00. Mutton Good - choice, iaao-22Ja). voe Grease basis, aoaninany 45c . to growers. CouBtry-dresaed xaaata fOLh. Port- Beef TJUOty cows, 33-33c S4 Canners-cutters. 23-30c. Veal Top quality 43-43c; food Bear- lea 3S-3BC outers lower. Hogs Lean blockers 31-Be Jb; agiit. i?4oe. , Lambs. Best 42-45e H. 1 Mitton Best. 14-lSc H ' Oniona 50-lbv sacks West Ore. YeUowa, tnedhxm. 200-40; IS Sk sacks SS-53ci Wash. TakiBBa yeilows. snediaan. 2.0-i3c 3- inen ma. SJO-SjBe; psnne. i 275-aaO-. 3-tatca mln 303-23. Polstuas Orev-araah. Bus s. Ho- J. 4JO-75. few 8.00; bakers SO; 24 lb 1JS-33; 10 lb tl-fir; No- 3s. 3.73-M; lore whrte -No. la. TVS. Hay U. SL No, i groom alfalfa. 33.11 3730 delivered. ac aoal truck lota. f.o.b. Portlands dell 36.00-37X0 . trkv 'a " ; " : 400 Ajcnltnre 425 Auction Sales 404 Poultry end Rabbits WANTED -Heavy and light hens, fryers, also custom killing. Phono 3-2801. jee s naicajiy. MALLARD DUCKS for sal. Phone 2-8834. . FOB SALE. 9 months old white La horn laying hens. 9 months old pui- ie. ynone -sai9 alter a. llENS wanted, top prices paid. Also custom lulling. Newell's Poultry Planu Rt. f. Box 109. Salem. Phone 4-94ZB. S"W ilAMPSillKt Chicks, day-old and - started. Weekly hatches. Lee's Chicks . grow fast Phooe 2-2S6X Lee's Hatch er' rabbits' 2-7107. led any aiao Sx quantity.' &ATCHXS of Golden Broad and New Hamnshtre chicks every Tuesday. W spdaUxe in broiler chicks Pox's Hatcnery. j&30 State St Ph. S-49aa-. WINGS BABBIT KV pays premiurn prices for rabbits. t to 4 lbs. SOU gtato. 4-391. 403 Pets - - - " ' S PEDIGREE Pomeranian puppies. Call weekends or after S. Phone WANTED Boston terrier for children's pet. Phono- 4180. H. J. Kymos. SOS Walnut Ave.. DaDas. CUTE black and white puppie.F5) each. Don Hood. Gervals. Phone 3224. S SPANIEL .PUPPIES weeks old. Your choice S10. wanted boat trailer. Phone 2-0000. 520 RadcUff Dr PEDIGREED AJCC. Boxer pupa. re aonaoie. t-none 4-327. MOORE'S ' TROPICAL FISH, oouip- ment. -supplies. 2 miles from Lan caster on Macleay Road. Ph. S-732L Closed on Wednesdays. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1S53 Mt Coy. 1 block east of N. Capitol. block north of Madison. 410 Seeds and Plants We're Moving Camellias for hedges 2-year-old plants. 31.00 each. Azaleas 15c up. Rbododen drons 31 JO up. 2340 Mtn. View Dr. Phone 3-6023. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce PEACHES Late Poster peaches TJ-pJcx. Xmlah Fruit Farm. fa mile out Wallace Kd. Phono 8-0374. GET YOUR canning tomatoes now. at the North River Rd. Frutt stand. mile north of Keizer School. Ph. 2-4358. CONCORD GRAPES and canning to matoes. lk mile South of 4-Cornert, Fresh Sweet Corn Pick it yourself. Ready now. $1 JO grain sack. Ted Muller farm. 2 miles south of Y Cafe on Salem-todependeneo Rd. U-PICli FILBERTS. 5c pound. Good picking. 2740 Fisher RdT 3-1156. -FILBERTS. U-pick. 6c pound. U20 Chemawa Ka. Phone 4-4QPX SWEET CORN for canning and frcez- ing. Get It this week. SI bag. in miles BQinn or aaie at. wru SWET CANNING tomatoes. Third house left of Robert School. L. B. ZieUce. Phone 4-4058 C AUNTS Ci TOMATOES U-PICK $1J0 bu. We have tons of red ripe nan add tomatoes. . Exceptionally rood picking right now. Do not de lay any longer. Holman's. 9 miles North of Jefferson on old 99E high way. ORDER YOUR cauliflower now for freezing. Reasonable. LeVee Phone a -63 13. CAULIFLOWER. TOMATOES,' CUCUMBERS Orranically grown. 2 miles East of Four Corners. Phillips Bros. Phone 4-3081 FOR SALE. Nioe canning tomatoes. Call 2-5982 after S pjn. TOMATOES. 31.50 a bushel. U-Pick. BrinaT container. - George Aaber on Grand Island. Rt. L Dayton. Ore. 4TTT FOR SALE Alba Chalmers Model B tractor with. plow. disk, harrow, hy- - -draulic lift, power, take off. spring seat, all for $1150. Phone Huh bard iilll 450 Merchandise 451 M"rtiM7 and Tools tUY SHOPSMTTH AT . WARDS. The complete workshop. 3 t wer tools in ote compact unit, f bench saw. 12" Chse sander. woodworking, Istbe. ver tical or horizontal drill press. Only 10 aewa. balance noathly. 136 50 less mof. ' . MONTGOMERY WARD .53 H. Libertv Phono S-31S1 RENT or buy: All types eleetrical'or bad tools, garden tractors, sprayers Howtar Bros. U33 S. 12th. 455 Hoosehokr FocSole piece 4-45. bloade dining room set. $123. DUNCAN Phyfe dining table and 4 chairs. Upright piano-davenport 4 piece bedroom auite-refrigerator-ironer. sawdust burner with boooer. rexr 9x13 and fx 10. 2130 Center.1 All ear Sonaay a Monaay rwmg. LEAVING city Must aell iMaedtately Furniture of 3 room house. Most of tt ptattlcaHv new. Time H short. Rex Taaabert. 37LS June Ave. 4 1 biock , North of Simnyvtew ave. 2nd gJW or w vwwr no, WOOD CZRCULATOR. A. H. Aodersuo. Phone 3-4768. - PRUNE ptcking. SLOO bushel. U-pick. . Phone 2-2243. Edward Deneer. Rt. 4. Box 70S. I nuks Sosttsi ac I Ihwtj on Skynrie Ka. J BOSC pears. U-pck ftie a boabeL aM8 or 30Se Robtadale. first road right. TOMATOES and srapei: U-pick or picked. S miles on Wallace Rd. rnfle cn Fiala Ktf. A. E. PeOrer. CAULIFLOWER tor Ires-nag, aiT Cardess, 8 mSes Past of Stavtqn- U-pick toovateea. Hjft buaheL Come Svnday. Also corm. Frank Toney. IK mile Northeast of Keizer. Phone 4-2S7X ' ' ,' 1 TOUATOI3 picked and aoned.iOo buahet. Also corn. J. E. Whitehead. 49g CommlngatLane. Phone 4-y9S. . f OHATOaui 31ii etnaw-L picked. Brin contaiSkers. H. H. Brenemaa. 1260 Cljewewo P5. Tmm 3-t6. ' f aLL.T SICATX & rooruo-l circulator. Good conuitioa. $23. Also cHilda smoter. 9. Wlfrter. PISCX walaatt dseUe act. S-J. 1. blue velour osei staffed etiair. 62S. Call 831 Btedmont after 8. - ae :- v 450 Blerchszirllse 453 Household Goods For Sal FURNITURE Chrome Dinette Table with 4 chain. Bke new. $33 Apt. size1 Hoc-trie 3 burner stove, like new. S50. Daveno and chair to match. S3S. ZS43 Portland Road STROLLER. $3: Chrome high chair. sis: enrome Kttenen stool. 31a. "3471 ranxrounos Bd SACRIFICE Odd chairs. Davenport. $30. Refriger ator. Cr. a-, aae. aocker, szs. Bnux automatic washer. $90. Davenport St chair, excellent condition, $80. Two oil heaters, small. 123. large $40. I piece breakfast or dining set. $13. Floor lamps. $1 At 313. Table lamps, end tables, mattresses V box springs. Chrome set. new, cost $139 sell $89, Console radio, $13. Electric range. $50. Throw ruas. wool & cotton. Rocker ac lots of other items too numerous to mtnpoB. pnone a-ecrr. ? CUBIC FOOT Nome refrigerator sea. terms, rnoae s-soss. 444 Souti. Hieh. Refrigerator, i ft. Good order. $40. Phone 2-5344 903 8. Liberty. tOIt SALE, bar with 4 stools, nicely nntr.aa wua ouiit-taa. ideal for a party room or kitchea. 30 8. 14th. can affer . 4-1653 COLEilAM oil circulator, like new and aoo gauon , tank. See at Zllf S. Sum- mer or phone 4-1794 UNFINISHED Furniture ready to paint Complete stock at Good Housekeeping Inc. 447 Court St.. 458 Wanted. Household Goods SxU roe. roDaway bed and twin bed set. Phane 2-3063. CHtST OF RAWlKi anti other good farniture. Barker's Parnitwe. Phono 3-8312. WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Fiirn. Co.' 2-7472 Call Trader Louie, 3-8558 Conrteons Appraisal Immediate Cash 458 BnfldbKj Matetials More CLEAN-OUTS - Reg. Now 1-Dutch corner cab. 3 31SS S 30JM 3-Coleman oil heater 34.83 24.10 t-Richmond 13 x 22 coral lavatory with fixtures 63.70 . 40.00 1-40 gal tabletos water beater 152.73 122 9 1-31" pow mowor 109J0O TiM Special 40 U 3x4 R-L-No. 4 com- S4S Carrie load approx 3400 ft. , 320 M Less quanUty f'' M TV ac Mahog Cush door SjOO un. Double hung windows . 33.73 no Popular style K gahr. gutter .13 Kn. ft. U reject plywood 3T to 36" x si" Jmk KEITH BROWN, LBR. YARD Front V Court Phone 3-fltl We give S. & H. Green Stamps Roof Time Repair that roof before the rains start. FIBER ROOF COATING 1'6 $1.19 saL , 8's J3 fal PLAIN ROOT COATTNO -l's $110 gaL Fs 9 gaL WET PATCH WET SURFACE LEAK Fixer $2.4 gaL 72c qt. 43-LB. SMOOTH ROLL ROOFINO 3X33 roU S3-LB. SMOOTH ROLL ROOFINO $2.73 roU OS-LB. SMOOTH ROLL ROOTTNG $3 JO roU POPULAR STYLE K GALV. GUTTER . .15c tt. . Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front and Court 3-ftlU We Give 8 St H Green Stamps SALE 7 No. S Cedar shingles No. X Cedar shingles Na 1 3 tab com p. rooflac Nw flush doors -FOrxS'S entrance doors New glass doors Door Jambs $ 3.73 $ 3.73 SARGAIN $ 3 JO Overhead garage door bardwaro$lSJ0 New 4xS piaster board S L4S V" Sc Pick your Cboica. 4x3 "sheets. New " sou pipe 73en. New toUetsi compleU J28J0 Used doubte hong windows 3 1 JO Now metal Kara doors S50J0 Large fuel tanks Thr-ff and 16 box nails $14J3 keg. some naua lowsas r siinito New ashestoa siding, no paint needod. nails furnished, choice el colors, only 33 JO aqotre. WINDOWS New psctore windows JIM New weatherstripped windows. completely ssssmhWd and ready kin Vi PLYWOOD Car load supply 18c ft-4x8 l. J 876 Zi 4A4 - 14','se ft. 4x8. prices on all other thick- .V C G. Long. .' Phone 3-5821 lmile north of Refect PLYWOOD Shop where the selectioo. fa gieatest and toe prices right, til or cut to that 1L11 tsb nied Flooring end siding low as $38JO. ear siding S49JO. waaisoaras oz air tuna. Raked rywood ISO ft. Ceiling tile and plank, colors in stock. Oak floor ing $11 4 J. Insulataoa aU thicknesses b4 m 1 ring. VC Bevel siding. aU, pa hi table. $133 J6. also 4 x 0 all dear. v or xioormg $80 JO. Common lumber in aU grades. Free estimates on all your seeds. . Monthly payments. noihlrtF down. . For- courteous assietTnre call or see "Tour Building Sooply Friends." . P n-w ear olvwood blows. aU thlefc- nessea. Same ridiculous Price, fiarry while selectton fa good. . Portland Road Iiixnher Yard . "Ooea aO day 3341 Portland Road Ph. 4-4433 The Ctsfrrsaera, Ccgata Ortw 450 Blerchandlse 458 BnUdlng LSoterlala PAINT SALE Gloss Enamel Rxa Sals -37 03 S3S3 -SLSS S1J6 CaCona Quarts WALL COATER OIL BASS WALL PAINT Gallons J.4S ts.i 3L45 55 Quarts tlJl PASTEL WALL COATER Gallons f Quarts 31.23 TEX3LTTE , FLAT WALL PAINT Gallons Quarts -Res. SJS -Reg. US Sale JS Single order of 10 Gala, for BARN AND SHINGLE PAINT 2060 Red 3 s f2Jr Gal -33.00 Gal 1'b 2080 Dk. Green rs - n Gal l'a . : 43 50 Gal Other colors available priced accord ingly. UTILITY OUTSIDE WHITE PAINTS l's Res. S3JS GaL Sale 33J0 Gal 3089 BUNGALOW WHITE PAINT Inexpensive white paint for ouwuHd inrs fences etc. 32-50 gaL KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD Front and Court Phooe 3-3111 WE GIVE 8 St H GREEN STAMPS WINDOWS Ahimlnom storm windows and dpors we nave a complete Rna of quality tt economy windows. Phone 3-37 is. Homo Improvements Co. 630 Marlon for estimates. Lumber Sale Housccleaninc;! No. 3 . A 4 beards and. dimension. Cneaper by tne Jitney load. Coast Range Mill. Wallace Rd. and Bassett SU, W. Salem. 4&3 Musical Instrtnnsmts CONTINENTAL (Conn) Cornet. pre- .IIZ. m- evenings j-aro. BEAUTIFUL mahogany piano. Con sole sxyie. must saci-ince. call s-5ai3 before pjn. Turner 163 alter p.m. SMALL PIANO and bench in excellent condition. 1890 South Cottage ACCORD IAN LESSONS instruments rented while you learn. Salem s larg est music studio. Wlltsey Music House. Phone 3-7186. 4S2 Sports Equipment' 38 automatic Colt Commander. Like new, with 3 magazines, holster, am munition. MaKe offer. 2-1215. 1 BARRELL 20 gauge shotgun. Phone 3-6535. OUTBOARD motor cscelienl eondlUoiZ Going Salmon fishing? Trolls fine. 7.3 horsepower. Phone 2-3015. J3-.35 WINCHESTER Model 64 deer rifle with sling, like new 373. 16 ga. 3 C Higgins 6 shot shotgun, like new $25. Shingle wheel trailer with rack 50. 3-4757. S47 Morning suv; ur. SLEEPING trailer 4 x 4 x 8. Sleeps 2 . & small child. Rounded front. $100. Trade for deer rifle or rule Sc Phone 3-0634. WINCHESTER model 70. ealibre 270. Almost new. 1340 N Front or Phone 3-4902. - RIFLES. 30-30 Savage i-5. Winchester 25-35. 335. Call evenincs. 2-5578. SELL-TRADE, sundry guns, cartridge. reloading suppi.es. sackett. Fnone 3-431 z. 30-30 Winchester 94 carbine, new. Phone. 4-5-38 or 3-6181. 4S4 Eicyclea" 1947 WHI motor bika. Phone 4-6194. GIRLS BIKE for sale, good condition. sz . leio a. Hign. 483 Foi Rent Miscellcmeons RENT a professional typo American floor sanaer or tn dcst joo. see Norrls-Waiker Paint Score, 171$ N. Front St. 4-2279. it ufcuvtv iautKa FOR RUil Biaav kets furn. 1201 SUta. Ph. 1-900. 470 Foe Sole. M-tceLk-tiecms Office Equipment Large oak office desk, with lots of drawers. 3-sec-oa steel Tiling cao- 2543 Portland Road NEW SINGER electric feather weigh! portable sewing machine with table (8 OS off of original price. Table slightly damaged. New guarantee. Singer Sewing Center. 130 ft. ci TeerclaL Open rnaay evening. NICE 7ft. Coldsoot refrieerator. Phono afier 4 p.ro. weekoays. 2-6197. Sunday all cay ELECTRIC Ranges New and Used Y eater Appliance Co 373 Chemck eta OWNER leaving state If Sacrifice I TOO! furniture Se appliances to sell at Hi grade 5 pc plastic Sc oak. Jf. dinlne set. S58e brass fire screen $5.00. El portable spray 81 5 JO. f Car .radio puaa . button, siaau. Hainaa cabinet grand piano, -man. case, a good tone, 8123JO. Hiossier duviBg room suite, burl walnut coa sole buffet. Double pedistal table with aatomatle leaf. 8 chairs uphol stered seats ac Back. Was 3415-00. now 8135-10. Davenport and chair ia rose ntohair, fluted back. Kroehler make, just like new. soid new foe $2SJ8 now 35 00. Solid wood, chest of drawers, bed. nite stand. Carpea mattress and box spriaga. S pe. Just like new. 309 JO. Hutch shelves top compartment Jt - drawers below, bleach fir. $-3.90. Many other arti cles. Woodry Faratture Market, 1608 N. Suwurtrr St. Yoo may ar- ranee terms and have tree delivery. LAWN mower. $4 JO. Bed for 48 Nash, 35. 1696 N. Caprtol. SPTN-T, $450. 1474 Court even in g. OIL STOVE. Laaerur. Whrtekiichea burner. Lang. ex. large. 48 Ford pick up. T3f) Maple St. W EST1 GHOUSX refrigerator, deluxe model, excel tent condition. 310O. Un . lversal electric range, $123. Break fast tabae and 8 chairs. da-mR toons table it 8 chairs. Come 2-8 aa. 983 N. Church TRASH BURNER, white "HE n r nv J! J! 5 N. 5th. Rear Kvi. $179 EX CXI 1X1 24" power mower, naed two months for 1. mi r. aiarn, - - isa-r APRONS, greeting cards. gifU. The Apron SRoo. wn w. ai. ADMIRAL refrigerator. Oil circulator. High chefr. Gas range, xoasxer. isn register. Soft ice cream machine. 2 heads. Taylor dpfreere. Walk -ia Ice box. Steam table. Dish washer. 18 booth, cheap. Miscellaneous items. Black 8t White Co-fee Aop, 3984 K. Canttoi. 7ASHLNG a-ack-aea. New aad Used Yeaies ApiiH-ara Ca 37S Chaaisa- . . 34-30 W-WCKrTER Carbiae m excel- lent condition: a Boxes abeas mcruo ed 343. Also good cowtom bmit 3 i wheel trailer 873. Jack Sackett, 2?QS Ft Wrm. ' CaU 2-2441 for ' Ih-Ilixig Power tzsdaj', gaptgrait S3, 1 Hll h 450 BletThandfte 470 For Sal. t!lsceIlOTecs AMERICAN oriental rug, fxll, Uxe now t?na Ptinn m -V I'crn c l 1 1 mac-tine. long bobbin, good coadiUoa and guaranteed. Sings sewine center. 130 N. Comrnsrclal. BROOM Coleman beater, used i wir? ter. CaTl 3-7. ' DIAkOvB RLNGV lis carats, diamonl tt platinum wanting, nice. Boa 617, gtatemn. - i ORIENTAL ruas. Red bacVrrou'ndl tree pattern. One 8x1 1. 0x8. $50 each. -1 blue rug. 6x10. $13. Good eondl. . tion. Phone 3-7W6 all day Sunday' after 3 p m. Monday. ' " OIL circulator, very good. FImZI 4-1350. FOSTER'S FANTASTIC FittDAVI means just that. Yoall fmd some items cut as much as 80. Wt it's -only for one day and Fridays are., the day. Bargains aU through the store on a fantastic Friday at Andy e -Foster's CAMERAS. 174 N. Com! Linings & Back t FOR -s. f WOOD CIRCULATORS Sfe X WOOD RANGES r ATJLBTT FXTRN. CO. 21t N. COMT . NEW AND US tO Sewing machine. Yea ter AppUaaco Cav 373 Chemck- - eia Organic Fertilizer PREX OF WEED SEEDS AND ODOR LESS. SACK AND BULK ORDERS DELIVERED PHONE 3-8127 Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock FOR roads A driveway Cement. Ready mix Concrete. Garden Sand Bull oonm arautar and ditching t yb. innvn ar nn one nww 3-3249 CLOTHSLINC posts railing, porch! cotumss. weamervanes. 1145 if. Lib erty, Ton Soil and River Silt for lawns and flowers. Phone 3-174. Linoleum Rngs S3.95 VALLEY FURN. CO. 31 N. COMX. in a 1 1 riA rn mi " . v rt va - KJB WfJUr SMtal WatltST heater oo this oew 42 gal Auto matic eiectrk" wr iatawr Teater A nnti.An. DIAMOND ear screws, 62 points each?' Reaaonable. Box BIS. Statesmaa. GENERAL ELXCTRIC roasUr and cabl inei, nooa tonaiuon. Knone 4-13S7. . DEEPFREEZF FREEZERS V cater Ap VYtsfMV 9n i m.a CSED electric walnut cabinet sewinf maenme. aewa zorwara ana feveras, has hinged presser foot and.rerulaf set of attachjnenU.Full price 390 JO. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Com 1 1 i mot-1 il fas i si aa i . 'v w. vj-ras a i ai J trxillim. CHARRIS foundation girdles, bra. For aooeint ent Ph 3-5918 Mary Ba) C3 a M oaasaa.imw aeaHHaaaass RECAPS 670-13. 38.77 exchange Other ua m crmipBTTre prices. WARDS TIRE STORE STANLEY nome oroducts Lee MtndlT lono M8OT 3-4056 VESTtNGHOUSE roaster like new onlv 824 33 Y eater Appliance Co, 373 . Chemcketa. Phone 3-431 L 472 Wonted. Misilaneous WANTED: Filbert and Walnut dry in r. Lee's Hatchery. Salem. Phone Z-3W1. WILL exchange good large wingbaeH, overstuffed chair for smaHer over , stuffed chair. Phone 2-8S34. 474 Mlaceli Venetian BUND LAUNDRY Salem's newest servpce. Tapes, elata. aad cords sparkling eleaa and backl on your windows in 24 hours. CANTTELD ENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY 1440 S. 12th ST. PHONE 4-3401 SELF SERVICE GARAGE. Repairlhal car er truck yourself in a large warm, garage with plenty of lights tt tools under expert supervision. Days, eve nings Saturday & Sunday. Only $3.54 pet: day or by the boor. 3773 Silver ton Rd. Phone 4-5563. 2-5753. . Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or mat! your Plates for -tepefy DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST - Aaoipn Biag state & com, pn 3-S7ii lioSfn Ai. oeos foe aajo ot roat. i Fut-nltore Co. Phone 3-S188. WANT to bur used cameras McEwaa Photo Shop 343 N High. 474 FW " Capitol Lumber & Fnel Dry maple and ash. Very good for Cre placo aad f-raace. Phone 3-7721 West Salem Foel Co. Any fuel to suit your need. RURAL DELIVERIES PHONE SALEM 3-4031 1323 Edgewater Wert Salem Highi way Fnel Co. green ee oi v. Stova-DteaeJ oils. Ask for Peony Saver Stamoa Ph 38444 SEE US FOR FARM. CITY er ACRE AGE LOANS. BEST OF TERMS. WE BUT Real estate mortcaxes Jk contracta. State flaaace Co. 167 S Whrh SL Ph 8-4U1 - Oregon Fnel Co. Slabs Sawdust Oak S & H Greea Stamps -3087 Broadway Phone 3-SM HLU0.- to oaad. --sad slsowu-O Cord. 317 Pnooo 2-T751 OT 4-4-5X AUMSVUXE Fuel Co. oid growth tt and core blocks. Phooe 3-1306 Salem er 831 A-a-sville. 500 Business - Finance 510 Money to Locra PRIVATE money to loaa oa real estate. Phone 3-3tt4. ' , , , f ARM MORTGAGE1 LOANS AT LOW rates, long term. Pay any aasonat nay time Inm farm faaeom e. CaU or enu. Canet! ar ivenyon, aeana rs. 1909 Fa-rSTeaada Xd td Salem. 3-3551. Eeprttable Life A arance Society , Beref. Why PERSONAL It Your Best "Buy"! a) "Tea" to 4 oat of 3 employed people mairied. single T hour service. Payment date to fit payday. lv-dt loans (phaao firstl. Nationwide credit established fee : OS. and Canada. . Budget iminsil an nhllr'tfrm , tvtwien payday leenm Leaas for any worthy poxpoaa. . Wow Longer t-rwa. , , m Smaller Payments . . . Cnrrt. WW h-OO todST. LOAJTS $23 to COO on Slgnatare e . K up to sao r sa , Personal Finance Co. 108 SL High SC Phoner 2-3434 cHato -tt M-1S8 .inn 1 1 1 m at WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO tea a r-i rti St Pa. 3-843T Pmrkaae Aateat Lie -O-a-S-M