tO-The Statesman, Sclem.' Oregon Sunday August 24. 1852 Records of Tax Claim Settlements Available For Public Use Soon -. .'r'-'' - By FRANK O'BRIEN- "i - WASHINGTON () Some time next week a long-secret area of the government's dealing with the publics-settlement of tax claims by compromise will become open to the public. An executive order from President Truman last Wednesday au thorized the Bureau of Internal Revenue to open its tax compromise files a step long sought by newspapers, news agencis and some leg islators, particularly Sen. Williams j -- (R-Del) . . . . - - - In xvt . opanunun uariis Against Giving Power to GOP The idea behind the pressure was that most people have to pay their taxes in full, and that when .a taxpayer is allowed to get off with paying pnly part of what he owes, the rest of the taxpayers should be told how and why. A number of such compromises have come to light recently, most of them unearthed by Williams and other congressional investiga tors. Questions Asked And taxpayers have been asking questions about the whole situa tion, among them: U What is, and what is not, a compromise tax settlement? i 2. Who can get a compromise settlement, and how is it done? 3. What cases does Truman's order cover-past-as well as cur rent settlements?. . 4. Just how will the bureau make public accepted' settlements? 5. To whom will the opened files be available? Answers Given Here are the answers, from in ternal revenue commissioner John B. Dunlap and other bureau offi cials: r 1. A compromise settlement Is one settled for less than the tax assessed because: A. The taxpayer cannot, for some reason, pay the full taxes he owes, and admits he owes. B. The taxpayer did not owe all he was assessed. . C The case is settled on the basis of an "offer in compromise" from the taxpayer an offer to pay less than he is assessed. 2. Anyone can get a compromise settlement who is broke or in dif ficulty and cannot pay his taxes. Congress itself provided the com promise as an escape valve. 3. The bureau has interpreted the order opening compromise tax settlements as applying to all cases settled from the date of the order Aug. 20, 1952. That means the thousands of cases already settled by compromise remain closed un less the Bureau makes some of them public on its own initiative. This has been done when some of them became involved in public controversy. lomtments To Willamette Faculty Listed ' -2- J FRENCH LICK, Ind. (JP) Sen. John J. Sparkman, the Democra tic vice president nominee, declar ed Saturday night Republicans would wreck the social security system, .weaken farm price sup ports and ban low rent public housing. ; The Alabama senator, in . a speech prepared for delivery at the Indiana Democratic Editorial Association campaign kickoff, said the record of the GOP controlled 80th Congress substantiated those accusations. Voters should ignore that see ment of the GOP "which spends a good bit of time and energy mak ing seductive promises," said Sparkman,' and judge the party "by the way it votes on vital is sues Wreck Fatal to Oakridge Woman BURNS, Ore. (JP) An automo bile plunged off the Bend-Bums highway on a curve near Hamp ton Saturday, fatally Injuring Oral Rogers, 31, Oakridge. ! Two others from Oakridge were injured in the mid -day crash. Ernest Hebert 50, was in critical condition. Lyfe Rogers, 26, was slightly hurt The three were brought to a hos pital here by ambulance. Oral Rogers died in the hospital 4 hours after the crash.1 La Scala Orchestra, Choir Threaten Strike MILAN, v Italy (JP) The orches tra and chorus of the famed La Scala . Opera Company here has threatened to go on strike unless the director reinstates the choir master. He was fired for letting his group make recordings for an American firm. do vCrJi $ 000 EXEftClSC NORMAIPRS-. PC6UC6 TO A COMMON CABLE OrSEASS. CONTACTS WITH MEW oooops should ee AVOIDED. AVOID SWIMMING IN POLLUTED ' WATER CLEANLINESS O EVCfty TUIN6 TAKEN INTO THB MOUTH MOST CARE FULLY GUARDS AVOID CONTACT WITH FLIES OR JWnitN6BfeSED1&RJS ft iCV M. AVHOCVEft SWUNG TOO ACTIVE fUy SS0m o VHhtn (pouo Strikes CALL KXiR CDCTDC! EARLY APPLICATION OF KEN MY TREATMENT IS IMPORTANT IK) - PREVENTING CftlPPUNO. ADMISSION TO A KENNY TREATMENT CENTEe BARRAK6 ED THROUGH VCLX2 CCCTOR THC PULU KENNY TREATMENT IS ADMINISTERED 6 FULLY TRAINED KENMV THERAPISTS. Two Children, Father Drown PLYMOUTH, Ind. (JP) A young Hammond father drowned with two of his children Saturday after ordering his eldest to cling to their overturned canoe. - Edward Kreyscher, 33-year-old telephone repairman, tried to swim to the shore of Myer Lake with his son, Dan, 7, and his daughter, Kristy, 4. While the wife and mo ther, Mrs. Alice Kreyscher, watch ed helplessly, they screamed for help and sank. The eldest child, Karen, 9, clung to the canoe as her father had ordered and was rescued by a neighbor in a boat. Tolstoy's Granddaughter Joins Catholic Church ANN ARBOR, Mich. (J?) The granddaughter of the famed Rus sian Novelist Count Leo Tolstoy has been converted to the Roman Catholic Church. . Miss Marie Tolstoy, hert to teach Russian and Slavic lan guages at the University of Mich igan summer session, became a member of the church after re ceiving instruction. Dr. Bennett Two new appointments to the Wil lamette University faculty were disclosed Saturday by Pres. G. Her bert Smith. Both appointees will assume their duties at the univer sity in September. Dr. Thomas Russell Bennett. former dean and professor . of philosophy and religion at Ken dall college in Evanston, HI., has been named associate profes sor of philoso phy at Willam ette and head of the philosophy department. He will also assist in religion. Henry P. Arnold, who has been director of music in Ashland, Wis., nuhlie school system for the past vear. will instruct in voice and public school music. Dr. Bennett received his bach elor of arts degree from the Uni versity of West Virginia. He was eranted a doctorate of philosophy from the University of Chicago in June. The . newly appointed educator served as professor of philosophy and religion at Fairmount college in West Virginia from 194M1. He was appointed to the Royal Insti tute of International Affairs in London where he studied under Prof. Arnold J. Toynbee. Dr. Bennett served two Years in the Air Force. He is married add has five children. Arnold, who was granted a mas ter's degree in music from North western University, was director of music at Punahou in Honolulu from 1949-50. He has had considerable ex perience as a baritone soloist. He was choir director at Emmanuel Methodist Church in Evanston and the Sauganash Community Church in Chicago. A graduate of Jefferson high school in Portland, Arnold was in the Navy V-12 program at Central college in Fayette, Mo. He is mar ried and has one child. Double Header Today W. L League Class "A" BASEBALL ' SALEM SENATORS vs. YAKIMA BEARS Waters Park -2:00 P. M. GOLD ARROW RESTAURANT Open 12 NOON 10 PJ1V Serving Steak, Ham 1 Chicken Dinners Say . i. . Hoio About this? Sunday inner 85c THIS SUNDAY IT'S Roast ! Turkey and Dressing COLE SLAW with Sour Cream Dressing Mashed Potatoes and Giblet Gravy Cranberry Sauce Hot Biscuit and Butter Served from 11:30 A.M. to 8 P.M. In Our Beautiful Dining Room Or in the Privacy of Your Car Woodroffe 's SAN SHOP At SiUm'f North City Limits I THE NORTHWEST'S FINEST 162H N. Commercial Tra walking p r paint store er piioi w in CHOI Hello People little cooler today many people feel very much more healthy. If you are like to stir around may be yon come to my place for good first class No. A-l Chinese dinner, the best. Ton just tell me to fix for yon and I will make very rood se lection and cook just right and price he will be very, very reas onable which yon will like. Ton bring family for Sunday dinner, we are also open Mon day when nearly all ether placet of eat are closed. pa (iiillr7 lr rt -r, i- jrf YEE SINO (that's my nam sure) Pictu.- not of ma, thia is my cousin Frank Featuring the Finest In CHINESE and AMERICAN FOOD p Lunch Dinners Ute Snacks Piepared Orders to Take Out, Phone 2-6596 NEW ENLARGED DINING ROOM Facilities Available For Banquets and Parties Z055 Falrtroands Bd. Just before yen get te the Hellyweed Stop UffcU Open DaQy 11 AM. to 2 AJ.L Sat TO 3 JLM. Wave Kills 18 AUSTIN. - Tex. J MB An August neat wave bad cost Texas 18 hu man Uvea Saturday. : In the slow-burning death - to crops, it had ' cost farmers and ranchers at least 68 million dollars. What it had cost in wasted livestock-who nudged. the pastures for some trace of jgreen feed nobody ventured to estimate.- r ; The loss'in seared grass was be yond estimate. v ... . - : These figures are for August on ly. Texas has been in i , state of drought for two years, the Soil Conservation , service said, and some parts of West Texas have been suffering for seven years. 1 2-7829 15 Tickets Issued To Double-Parkers ! Some 15 rivers as of Saturday have felt the sting of Salem's rul ing against double-parking since the ordinance against such prac tice on business streets was put in effect little more than a week ago. Salem city police have added frequent arrests or citations for double-parking to the steady num bers of violations for driving the wrong-way on a oneway street, violation pf basic rules and illegal reverse turns. There are two vari eties of double-parkers: attended and unattended. The former car ries with it a $2.50 fine whereas S5 is the tariff for desertion of a car in the lane of traffic , Continuous Dean Martin Jerry Lewis 'lumping Jacks" Marguerite Chapman - "Man Bait" 15 Generals : 1 Retire in Iran . TEHRAN, Iran (ff) The high brass of Iran's 130,000-man army was thinned Saturday by the re tirement of 15 generals, including one dismissed from the military governorship of Tehram after his troops fired on rioters here July 21. Many other officers were report ed, without officials confirmation, to be marked for retirement by the , Nationalist government of Premier Mohammed Mossadegh, who is now his own defense minister. Gates Open 7 ' V Show at Dusk Starts Tonlte (Son.) "When In Rome" Van Johnson Pan! Douglas - Plus - ' "LOVE IS BETTER THAN EVER" Elizabeth Taylor Larry Parks The output per man-day of the American coal miner has risen 32 per cent since 1939. 'lAJoocIroffe 96 SAN SHOP FRENCH FRIED SHRIMP 95c Continuous Clifton Webb - Ginger Rogers "DREAM BOAT" - e Keenan Wynne "HOLIDAY FOR SINNERS" T Continuous Spencer Tracy Katy Hepburn "PAT & MIKE" ' Ray Milland "SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR" Continuous Cary Grant Jeanne Crain "PEOPLE WIU. V. TALK" ' - Tyrone Power rRAWHIDE" Spitsbergen, was. visited by. the r Norse "Vikings about 1194. They, named it Svalbard, "Land of the ; Cold Coasts." Corn contains more protein than any other dry cereal. .. r STARTS TODAY! AT THE HOILYVVOOD M-G-M's TECHNICOLOR SPECTACLE ROBERT J TAYLOR CEBORAH, r - KERR Cast ef Thousands! COMPLETE ROAD SHOW PRESENTATION Adults . . 7St Sunday Programs Children . . ; . 3Q 1:45, 5:11, 8:37 sw EATER. Cash meres . ' Cashmere and Wool Wooi LORD JEFF JANTZEN TOWNE & KING mz i , ;-;' I 12 Different Colors 695 2350 Open Mon. and Frl. Eves. Til 9 P.M. 484 Capitol In the Capitol Shopping Center Quality Supplies at Reasonable Prices Fountain Pen ti Pencil Sets Eslerbrook Sheaffer Parker $3.50 and up """ Zipper Binders $1.50 and up Nolebooks Arlisl Supplies Pencil Sharpeners Globes . ' ' $ Send them off to school pro- "T'W S perly equipped and help make this m successful year for your youngsters.. Make -.5" J your shoppinf for them sue- cessxui. too, oy Duyinr ineir supplies In our shop. YouH j r I find trade "A" values In every selection, "all at bud-ret-pleasinr prices." Think and Do Workbooks lit 2nd & 3rd. Grade Crayolas Crayonex Pencil Tableis iisfti2flea5w F-TO, II I. I III jljlL MX V 1 1 J i Mill ill JQi 1111"" - M : y'v -y -- vTj x 11 If vTCVw' " - and 3 ring 1: A I - KM, v WMMA4eMMii4HetetMevi Bjsrasssss jpmm MfW!M.Wt ',wgffV7 TOa!1 f-i.v vm V' M y.w mww 7ek. '..i.i; Zipper binders Loose Leaf Binders ! Swingline 101 ou It Staples and Tacks f BRIEFCASES Come see our large selection of. briefcases in both leather and other materials. Pencils Penholders Pens Pasle Penmanship Papers Reinforcements Composilion Books Noiebook Dividers Loose Leaf . Fillers Ilechanical V J fcWAWilM 1 Drawing Supplies ,; - . --. j, -.. .