The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 18, 1952, Page 24, Image 24

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    10 The Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Friday, July 18, 1952
SNC9 1775
5INCB 1900
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New Highway Construction
Causes Traffic Interruption
Traffic interruptions in many parts of Oregon, due largely to new
highway construction, are continuing, State Highway Engineer R. H.
Baldock reported.
Baldock said some projects are nearing completion while others
would be carried over into next year.
Baldock's road summary:
Ochoco highway Grading 10
miles west of Mitchell to Mitchell.
Rough and dusty. Slight delays.
Columbia River Highway Con
striction between Cascade Locks
and Hood River. Traffic controlled
by flagmen.
Dalles - California Highway
Construction on Modoc Point
Barclay section. Slight delay. Alsoj
nine miles south of Lapinc to Wil-
lanette Junction. j
Pacific Highway Grading!
from Lane County line south to j
Anlauf. Slight delays. Grading and ,
surfacing between Chenoweth Park!
. and Oakland Junction. S
Coast Highway Grading South !
of Bay City, Reedsport and Coos
Bsv. Slight delays.
John Day-Burns Construc
tion on Crow Flat section. Delays
Wilson Rive Highway Con
struction near Milepost 31.2. De
Unity-Baker Highway Con
st! -ction from Sumpter Junction
to Baker. Delays.
I'mpqua Highway Grading
nd bridge construction on Reeds- ,
port-Scottsburg section.
Coos Bay-Roseburg Highway
Resurfacing from Suicide Creek
to junction with Pacific Highway.
SliTht delays.
Nyssa-Adrian One way traf
fic over bridge.
Wasco-Heppner Highway Con
struction. Possible delay.
Service Creek - Mitchell Load
limit on John Day bridge.
Crater Lake North entrance,
open, one-way traffic under pilot
car. Trips each way to hourly
intervals 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. closed
at night. East entrance and rim
Shaniko-Fossil section Con
struction. Possible delays.
Elkton-Sutherland section
Grading and surfacing on Cala
pooya creek Sutherlin section.
Tiller-Trail Section Regrad
ing and surfacing. Delays.
Sams Valley Section Closed
to Dodge bridge. Detour by Shady
Warner Section Construction
between Drakes creek and Adel.
Frenchggen Section Closed
by high water, detour available.
Paulina Section Oiling on
Comb s Flat section.
Hey, mom,
they'll let me
pitch, if
you mix a
44&M P'tcher of
tf ZltUVEO c
One taste and you'll know you
have the four-minute answer to
hour-long cooking of homemade
tew. Your whole family will love
it! At your grocer's now.
tastes eerre costs less!
A tosry, heolthful, 'round-the-clock
orange beverage 1 Costs (ess than
orange juice. Each can contains the
concentrated juice of 6 to 8 Cali
fornia juice oranges. Makes a full
quart ! Rich in orange flavor and
color. Requires no rf rigerati6n.
Get it from your grocer's shelf.
Send for fREE pamphlet
"12 Dedciooj Recipes" Address below
Vm prepared biacuit mix for doUfh.
Roil out and cut into biscuit. Put
N alley ' Baef Stew in casserole, topped
with fcacuita. Bake in 400 ovaa until
biacuita ara dona.
glsSisipSaajaiaa Y
Ljr - - Tr .1- -J l4akaatallakatAiaBBf
' ' -"S Pffatl nfVefBnltH M
I cootmts 1
2-Party Consultation Urged
On Coming Foreign Policy
of State Acheson said here that
a proposal for Republican and
DemocaTlc chieftian to consult on
foreign policy during the next six
months to avoid an era of un
certainty and indecision at home
and abroad is a very important
But he checked any action on the
idea to the White House.
The secretary commented guard
edly on a plea by Sen. Wiley of
Wisconsin, a Republican foreign
policy leader, that the Truman
administration call on Republicans
for high-level talks on international
problems during the election sea
son and the interal before a new
administration takes over next
January. He was asked about it at
a news conference.
Without such talks, Wiley said
in a statement, there will be a
period of confusion that "could
only serve to the advantage of
Soviet Russia, which could fully
exploit it by an intended K.O.
Conditions are so critical, he add-
Dierdorff Heads
NW Power Group
PORTLAND (A3) The North
west Electric Light and Power As
sociation has elected John
Dierdorff, Portland, as president.
Dierdorff is vice president of the
Pacific Power & Light Co., Port
land. A. W. Trimble of Mountain
States Power Co., Albany, was
named first vice president, and R.
C. Setterstrom, Montana Power
Co., Butte, second vice president.
ed, "It is no time for any party
or individual to stand on its high
Oregon Hops
Show Decline
PORTLAND (JP) - The West
Coast hop crop will be do 2 per
cent this year, the Departrr.. t
Agriculture estimates. Neverthe
less the crop will Je 27 per cent
larger than average.
In Oregon there are an esti
mated 13300 acres in production,
about 1,900 acres under last year.
ye crop is expected to total 16,
900,000 pounds, compared with
18,774,000 last year.
The total for the coast is ex
pected to be 61,720,000 pounds
from 38,800 acres.
Divorce Sought
By Marion Davies
Marion Davies, one-time actress
and long-time friend of the late
William Randolph Hearst, filed
suit for divorce Wednesday from
her husband of eight months, Hor
ace G. Brown.
Miss Davies charged cruelty, but
made no specifications. She said
they separated last Sunday. They
had been married eight months.
Her attorney declined to amplify
the charges.
Their elopement to Las Vegas,
Oct. 31 surprised even their closest
Spanish War
Vets Elect
LA GRANDE (JP) The United
Spanish War Veterans ended their
Wednesday with election of offi
cers. A. J. Bush, Portland, became
commander; Dr. W. E. Buchanan.
Eugene, senior vice commander;
O. T. Gullickson, Portland, junior
vice commander; and T. Pender
grass, Portland, chief of staff.
The auxiliary- named Mrs. Mary
Harding, Astoria, president; Mrs.
Bessie Sutton, Albany; senior vic
pesident; Mrs. Dora E. Pender
grass, Portland. Junior vice presl-
' dent.
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7 tort St is pmirSaooiii mlilsJ
TOO many of childhood's more important things occupy their
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