10 Thm Statmcm. Salam. Oregon. Monday. July 7. 1832 No. 88 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December SI, 1951, of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, of the City of New York, in the State of New York, maae to the Insurance Commissioner Of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Total premium income for the year. $731.415.687 58. Interest, dividends and rents received during the year. $200,392,238.86. Income from other sources received during the year. $96,649,316.95. Total Income $1,028,45741-37. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annui ties and surrender value, $325,543,197.07. Dividends paid to policyholders. $94. 602.092.05. Dividends paid to stockholders, none. General insurance expenses. $79,605. 165.95. Amount of all other expenditures (including investment expenses $24, 869.628.79). $113,057,713.30. Total expenditures. $612,808,168.37. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). $166,655,808.06. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc . $1.166 997.232.79. Value of bonds owned (market or mortized). $4,195,112,712.08. Value of stocks owned (market val ue). $99,888,637.18. Premium notes and policy loans, $151,194,410.93. j Cash in banks and on hand. $120. 215.427.08. Interest and rents due and accrued. $45,503,706.46. Net uncollected nd deferred pre miums. $48,280,990.13. Other assets (net). $101,051,847.12. Total admitted assets. $6,094,900,771.83. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Net reserves. $5,303,612,709.78. Policy claims and losses outstand ing. $31.676.812 08. All other liabilities. $395,052,543 23. Total liabilities, except capital, $5, 130.342.065 09. Capital paid up, none. Special surplus funds: $11,770.000 00. Unassigned funds (surplus), $352,788. 706.74. Surplus as regards policyholders, $364,558,706.74. Total, $6,094,900,771.83. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities re ceived. $5,359,635.13. Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year, $722,381.31. Net losses and claims, endowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the year. $2,696,042.18. Principal office in Oregon 712 Public Service Building. 920 S.W. 6th Ave.. Portland. 4. Oregon. In this statement bonds not sub ject to amortization and all stocks are stated at the market quotations on De cember 31. 1951 as prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. MONDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. KGAE 1430, KOIN 970, KGW 620. KEX 1190 FM: Megacycles - KOIN 101.1. KEX 92.3 (Editor's note: The Statesman publishes In good faitb the programs and times as provided by the radio stations, bat because oftimes the programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accuracy herein). HOUR 00:00 00:15 5 ROIN News IR.FJ5 Oregon IKoin Clock KGW Symphonette ISymphonette i Symphonette KEX Farm Home I Farm Home IFarm Home 6 KSLM News ITtmekeeper iMarch Time KOCO West Meiod. I West Melod. IFarm News KGAE CAE Klock I Klock I Tom Kelly KOIN Koin Clock IMaoleod News IGoss News KGW Country Editor 1 Johnny L. Wills News KEX 1st Edition IM Agronsky IBob Garred 7 KSLM Hemingwav Break Gang KOCO J R. Ranch JJ-R. Ranch KGAE AP News (Klock KOIN Consum. News I Valie News KGW Old Songs (Old Songs KEX Break. Club I Break. Club 8 KSLM Cecil Brown I Family Altar KOCO Cummings I Cummings KGAE Tom Kelly I Tom Kelly KOIN Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny KGW Music Box I Kate Smith KEX News I Stars of Today 9 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX News News 9 o'cl. Wire Big sister House Party GOP Conv. I Capitol I Tune Timi (Del Olney ( Ma Permna IHouse Party I GOP Conv. 10 KSLM News ITello "fest KOCO Music I Music KGAE Del Olney I Del Olney KOIN 2nd Mrs Burton Perry Mason KGW Db!e or Noth Dble or Noth KEX GOP Conv. iGOP Conv. 11 KSLM Ladies Fair KOCO Music KGAE Shep Fields KOIN Macleoa News KGW Foster News KEX Paul Harvey U. adieu Fair I Baseball I Perry Combo Come Get It IRoad of Life Noon Edition 12 KSLM Top Trades News IGay 90's Garden Guide KOCO Baseball I Baseball 1 Baseball Baseball KGAE GAE RancherolGAE Ranchero I Noon News I GAE Ranchero KOIN Hilltop House Carl Smith Kirkham News Kirkham Newt KGW Backstaee Wlfe'Stella Dallas llWidder Brown Woman in Hse KEX Kay West I Kav West IKav West IKav West 1 KSLM Jack Kirkwood Jack Kirkwood Music B. S. I. KOCO Baseball I Baseball I News I Magic Melody KGAE Maltby Musie I GAE Af ternooni GAE Afternoon GAE Afternoon KOIN Jack Owens IWayne King jThis I Believe ITunet'i.'.v Yourt KGW Just Plain Bill F. P. Farrell ! Bob & Rav IDr.'sWife KEX Cal Tinney ICal Tinney IMusic Revue Music Revue 2 KSLM News . iPaula Stone I Baseball Baseball KOCO Maic Melody Ma-?ic Meiodv I vraeic Meiodv 'Maeic Meioay KGAE GAE Afternoon! GAE Afternoon! GAE Afternoon! GAE Afternoon KOIN Kirkham News iGodfrey iGodfrey iGodfrey KGW Travelers ITravelers 1 Dr. Paul ID. Garroway KEX Music Revue I Bill King Show! Something.Girlsl Something. Girls 3 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX Baseball Second Look Willamette GOP Conv. Life Beautiful El Ranc. Keepo I Baseball (Research I Willamette GOP Conv. I Music Box I Squirrel Cage 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis IHemtnewav iCurtMassey I Sam Haves KOCO Music U. Want IMusic U. Want IMusic U. Want IMusic U. Want KGAE Kids' Corner l Navy or Army I Music Music KOIN MR Morrow lNews I World Today Goss News KGW Kaltenborn J Foster News (Firestone Voice I Firestone Voice KEX Fun Factory IVets Reporter IHuntlev News Bob Garred 5 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX Conv. Digest Music Uncle Tom's Romance Relax Musio Weatherman I Conv. Digest I Music I Uncle Tom's I Romance Relax Music I Home Edition 6 KSLM Gab. Heater Local News (Answer Man KOCO Candlelight (Candlelight News KGAE News Music I Evening KOIN GOP Conv. IGOP Conv. IGOP Conv. KGW America Music IRmerica Music Montgomery KEX GOP Conv. (GOP Conv. IGOP Conv. 7 8 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Music Music I Crime Pay I Crime . Pay Rosary I Stars Sing I Bandstand I Bandstand GAE Hit I GAE Hit (Parade (Parade GOP Conv. IGOP Conv. IGOP Conv. IGOP Conv 1 Man's Family I News of World Railroad Hour Railroad Hour GOP Conv. IGOP Conv. IGOP Conv. GOP Conv. Geo Do It Dugout Dope Quiz Kids Phone Hour GOP Conv. I Geo Do It I Baseball I Quiz Kids 'Phone rlour IGOP Conv. 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hardy News Baseball S Star Final Richfield Repr Final Edition 10 KSLM Love a Mystery I Newsreel KOCO Night Song I Night Song KOIN Mel Baldwin Mel Baldwin KGW News T. L. McCall KEX Dance Time I Dance Time 11 KSLM War Front KOCO Night Song IMusic I Night Song KOAC 55 kc. Monday 10 M The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women. -11:00 The Concert Hall; 12-00 The News and Weather: 12:15 o.m Noon Farm Hour; 1.00 Ride Em Cow boy; 1:30 Errand of Mercy; 1:45 Invi tation to Read: 2:00 Especially for Lis tening; 2:30 Memory Book of Music: S:00 Oregon Reporter; 3:15 Music of the Master: 4:00 Adventures in Research: 4:15 On the Upbeat; 4:45 News and No. 7-7 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December 31. 1951. of the Connecticut General Life Insur ance Company of Hartford. In the State of Connecticut, made to the In surance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Total premium Income for the year, $155,783,838.08. Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year. $29,352,740.89. Income from other sources received during the year, $22,988 57237. Total income, $208,125,171.24. DISBURSMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annu ities and surrender values. $73,769. 292.03. Dividends paid to policyholders, $3. 259.746.96. Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash. $1,020,000; stock, none). $1,020. 000.00. General insurance expenses, $21,- 030.191.72. Amount of all other expenditures (including Investment expenses $3,443, 622 00) $11.263.36133. Total expenditures. $114,342,591.94. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). $23,107,446.66. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. $366,067,662.01. Mortgage loans in process, $1,007, 269.83 . Value of bonds owned (amortized). $468.957.505 62. Value of stocks owned (market val ue). $22.134.03035. Permium notes and policy loans, $17, 082.808.98. Cash in banks and on hand, $19,089. 289.77. Interest and rents due and accrued. $6,711,587.78. Net uncollected and deferred pre miums. $15,128,416.15. Other assets (net). $98,575.91. Total admitted assets. $939,384,592.96. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Net reserves. $735,525,338.89. Policy claims and losses outstanding. $88,000,544.08 All other liabilities. $43,954,731.16. Total liabilities, except capital, $867. 480.614.13. Capital paid up. $6,000,000 00. Special surplus funds: $26,832,000.00. Unassigned funds (surplus), $39,071. 978.83. Surplus as regards policyholders. $71,903,978 83. Total. $939.384.592 96. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities re ceived. $417,056 00. Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year, $23,155.72. Net losses and claims, endowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the year. $99,669.70. 00:30 00:45 IKoin Clock IFarm Time I Johnny L Wills IN.W News I News I Klock Babbitt Show Knox Manning Bob Hazeo 1 Break. Gang IJ-R. Ranch I Klock IGrana Slam Music Box IBreaK. Club Sam Hayes JJ-R. Ranch I AP News Rosemary I Music Box Break Club Bible institute Bible institute 1 Cummings I Cummings fTom Kelly J Tom Kelly (Helen Trent Gal Sundav I Kate Smith IChuck Foster GOP Con. I GOP Conv. Comnt. I Pastor's Call Bargain Countr IPiano Patterns 'Morn. Medit. I Del Olney Del Olney I Dt .Ja lone Guiding Light I Strike It Rich Strike It Rich I GOP Conv. I GOP Conv. Answer Man I Music I Dennis Day I Music I Music I Blue Barron Norah Drake Brighter Day Brighter Day I Dr. Malone : Barney Keep i Barney Keep 'Queen a Day I Baseball I Tony Martin House Hartv Queen a day I Baseball I Wayne King House Partv Pepper Young Happiness Lucky U Ranch I Lucky U Ranch I Baseball I News I Willamette I Studio IMusic Box 'Squirrel Cage Baseball Young Heart Willamette Studio IMusic Box Happy Time IMusic I Your Host IMusic IMusic I Cabin I Cabin IGOP Conv. IGOP Conv. Basin St. Music! Basin St. Music itiOH Conv. IGOP Conv. I Sam Hayes 188 Keys I Radio IGOP Conv. I Showcase IGOP Conv. (Music I Baseball IQ's Wax Wks. I Alan Jones IGOP Conv. IMusic I Baseball IQ's Wax Wks. I Alan Jones IGOP Conv. Pultun Lewis I Musie Musio I Baseball Baseball I News 1 You and World 'Chamber For "ml Chamber Forum I Sports Final Dang Assign. I Dang. Assign. I Dance Time I Dance Time I Dance Imt News I War Front I Night Song I Night Song IT Band-Stand IT. Band-Stand 'J. Wallington J. Wallington I Dance Time I Dance Time INews (Night Song IMusic (Night Song Weather; 5-00 Children Theatre; 5:30 Story Behind a Song; 5:45 Let There Be Light: 6:00 The News and Weath er; :15 Oregon Civil Service; 8:30 Fly ing Time; 6:45 Here's to Veterans: 7:00 Tom Roberts organist: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8.-00 Treasures Off the Shelf; 8:30 Artistry in Classes: 8:45 The News and Weather; 9 KM Music That Endures; 10:00 Sign Off. Tube of Shaving Cream Black Jack Fails Con AUSTIN, Minn. (JP) Conrad Kaus's bid for liberty was a mighty close shave. He slugged Sheriff Albert Rein artz Sunday morning with a blackjack made of a tube of shav ing cream wrapped in a towel, and fled the Austin jail. A few minutes later Kaus was caDtured in a nearby clump of shrubs, sootted by the sheriff's 12-year-old daughter, Jeannette No. 17-17 -. i A Anmml Ct. t.m.nt fnp the year ended December 31, 1951. of tne XNOnn American vaauauy uu Surety Reinsurance Corporation of 99 John Street. New York 38. in the state ol New York, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds. $41,485,877.20. Stocks. $6,881,619.00. Mortgage loans on real estate. $100, 443 75. Real estate, none. Cash and bank deposits. $2,502,822 83. Agents' balances or uncollected pre miums. $1,519,493.10. Interest, dividends and real estate in come due and accrued. $102,922.61. Other assets, none. Total admitted assets. $52,593,178.49. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses. $20,422,302.76. Loss adjustment expenses, $1,433, 981.36 Unearned premiums. $13,781,252.14. All other liabilities. $5,047,644.32. Total liabilities, except capital. $40, 685.180.58. Capital paid up. $4,000,000.00. Special surplus funds, none. Unassigned funds (surplus), $7,907. 997.91. Surplus as regards policyholders, $11,907,997.91. Total. $52,593,178.49. STATEMENT OF INCOME Premiums earned. $18,747,275.63. Losses incurred. $9,817,389.42. Loss expenses incurred, $790,808.62. Other underwriting expenses in curred. $9,715,608.13. Total underwriting deducUons, $20, 323.806.17. Net underwriUng gain or loss, $1, 576.530.54. Investment income. $1,340,940.91. Other income. $20,552.68. Total, before federal income taxes. $256 142.31. Federal income taxes incurred. $78, 563.91. Net income. $334,706.22. Dividends to stockholders, $300, 000.00. ,, Dividends to policyholders, none. Capital changes (net), none. Other items affecUng surplus (net), $866,460.43. Total capital and surplus items (net). $566,460.43. Increase in surplus as regards pol icyholders. $231.754 21. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $249,872.0t. Net losses paid. $63,583.29. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. No. 11-11 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the vear ended December 31. 1951. of the Home Life Insurance Company of New York, in the State of New York, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Total premium income for the year. $25,634,470.35 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year, $9,302,202.26. Income from other sources received during the year. $6,731,599.27. Total income. $41,668,271.88. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annu ities and surrender values. $11,211. 804 35. Dividends paid to policyholders. $2. 639.612.29. Dividends paid to stockholders, none. General insurance expenses, $4,875. 970.94. Amount of all other expenditures (including investment general expenses $1,232,339.91). $8,568,495.67. Total expenditures. $27,295,883.25. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). $5.304.282 71. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. $120,979,150.39. Value of bonds owned (amortized). $100.044,181 04. Value of stocks owned (market val ue). $7,015,180.00. Premium notes and policy loans, $11, 687.740.18. Cash in banks and on hand. $2,945. 664.82. Interest and rents due and accrued, $1,300,782 45. Net uncollected and deferred pre miums. $3,659,401 89. Other assets (net). $113,790.38. Total admitted assets. $253,050,073.88. LIABILITIES SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Net reserves. $194,789,664.00. Policy claims and losses outstanding. $1,215,503.51. All other liabilities, $42,965,613.58. Total liabilities, except capital, $238, 970.781.09. Capital paid up, none. Special surplus funds: Invest. Cont. Res.. $2.400.000 00. Unassigned funds (surplus), $11,679. 292.77. Surplus as regards policyholders. $14,079,292 77. Total. $253.050,073 86. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities received. $12,458.80. Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year. $1,156.23. Net losses and claims, endowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the year, none Principal office in Oregon, none. No. 12-12 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the vear ended December 31. 1951, of the Kansas City Fire and Marine In surance Company of Kansas City, in the State of Missouri, made to the In surance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds. $2,516,360.80. Stocks, $1,926,142.08. Mortgage loans on real estate, $13, 025 00. Real estate. $491,134 81. Cash and bank deposits. $1,111,556.62. Agents' balances or uncollected pre miums. $1,488,706 97. Interest, dividends and real estate in come due and accrued. $19,052.07. Other assets. $415,078.58. Total admitted assets. $7,981,056.93. LIABILITIES SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses. $376,599.00. Loss adjustment expenses. $33,296.06. Unearned premiums, $2,808,993.00. AU other liabliUes. $1.972423.53. Total liabilities, except capital. $5. 11.111.59. Capital paid up. $1,000,000.00. Special surplus funds, none. Unassigned funds (surplus), $1,789, 945.34. Surplus as regards policyholders, $2,789,945.34 Total. $7,981,056.93. STATEMENT OF INCOME Premiums earned. $2,794,128.59. Losses incurred. $1.568.81530. Loss expenses incurred. $223,688.69. Other underwriting expenses in curred. $1,044,689.65. Total underwriting deductions, $2. S37.193.64. Net underwriting gain or loss, (-) $43,065.05. Investment income. $228,775.61. Other ircome. -)$1.691.18. Total, before federal income taxes, $184.01938. Federal income taxes incurred. $23, 129.59. Net Income. $160,889.79. Dividends to stockholders. $100,000.00. Dividends to policyholders, none. Capital changes (net). $77,412.31. Other items affecting surplus (net). $19.51838. Total capital and surplus items (net), (-)$42. 106.07. Increase in surplus as regards nol le holders: $118,783.72 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $4,17236. Netnosses paid. $1370.79. Dividends paid or credited to policy- noiders Obituaries MOORS Charles Henry Moore, at home. 1730 Water St., Thursday, July 3. at age 61. Survived by sister, Mrs. Lena Lichty of Los Angeles. Announcement of ser vices later by Howell-Edwards Chapel. O'KEEFE Elizabeth O'Keefe, late resident of 4023 S. E. Taylor St.. Portland. Moth er of Mrs. William O'Mera of Denver. Sister Mary Raphael and Mother Mary Camilla of the Sisters of the Presen tation. Dubuque. Iowa. James O'Keefe of Early, Iowa. Charles O'Keefe of No. 15-15 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December 31. 1951. of the Michigan Mutual Liability Com pany of 28 West Adams Avenue. De troit 26, in the State of Michigan, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law : ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds, $27,665,778.62. Stocks. $452,681.00 Mortgage loans on real estate, none. Real estate. $3.3lb,uu.io. Cash and bank deposits. $2469.421.89. Agents' balances or uncollected pre miums. $4,178,853.76. Interest, dividends and real estate Income due and accrued, $117,199.12. Other assets. $64,871.06. Total admitted assets. $40,064,818.61. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses. $17,981,894.76. Loss adjustment expenses, $1,554, "21.18. Unearned premiums, $9,728,702.21. All other liabilities. $3,007,367.92. Total liabilities, except capital. $32. 262.586.07. Guaranty funds. $500.000 00. Special surplus funds. $1,000,000.00. Unassigned funds (surplus). $6,302, 232 54. Surplus as regards policyholders. $7. 802.232 54. Total. $40,064,818.61. STATEMENT OF INCOME Premiums earned. $30,876,636.95. Losses incurred. $16398398.52. Loss expenses incurred. $3,090,663.77. Other underwriting expenses in curred. $8,737.238 49. Total underwriting deductions, $26. 226.300.58. Net underwriting gain or loss. $4, 650336.37. Investment income. $513,547.07. Other income. $62,418.75. Total, before federal income taxes, $5,226,302 19. Federal income taxes incurred, $284, 182 68. Net income. $4,942,119.51. Dividends to stockholders, none. Dividends to policyholders, $4,052. 024 84. Capital cnanges (net), none. Other items affecting surplus (net), $326,721.64. Total capital and surplus items (net), $4,378,746.48. Increase in surplus as regards pol icyholders. $563.373 03. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received, none. Net losses paid, none. Dividends paid or credited to pol icyholders, none. No. 9-9 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December 31. 1951. of the Germantown Fire Insurance Com pany, of 5321 Germantown Avenue. Philadelphia 44. in the State of Penn sylvania, made to the Insurance Com missioner of the State of Oregon, pur suant to law: ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds. $2.750.872 26. Stocks. $2.463333.60. Mortgage loans on real estate, none. Real estate. $139,900.25. Cash and bank deposits, $408,462 18. Agents' balances or uncollected pre miums. $69,407.37. Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued. $19,487.47. Other assets. $40,540.05. Total admitted assets. $5.891.903 18. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses. $18,656.33 Loss adjustment expenses, $1.500 00. Unearned premiums. $1.300313.16. All other liabilities. $204.243 53. Total liabilities, except capital. $1. 524.613 02. Capital paid up. $1,104,000.00. Special surplus funds, none. Unassigned funds (surplus). $3,263. 290.14. Surplus as regards policyholders, $4.367390.14. Total. $5,891,903.16. STATEMENT OF INCOME Premiums earned. $507,678 57. Losses incurred. $115.148 89. Loss expenses incurred. $11.861 66. Other underwriting expenses in curred. $376.334 31. Total underwriting deductions, $503. 344.86. Net underwriting gain or loss, $4, ?33 71. Investment Income. $175,878.94. Other income, none. Total, before federal income taxes. $180,212.65 Federal income taxes incurred. $64. 189 29. Net Income. $116,023.36. Dividends to stockholders. -$73,600.00. Dividends to policyholders, none. Capital changes (net), none. Other items affecting surplus (net). $196,132 42. Total capital and surplus items (net). $122,532 42. Increase in surplus as regards policy holders. $238,555.78. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $9,819.39. Net losses paid. $359 19. Dividends paid or credited to pol icyholders, none. Principal office in Oregon. 1300 E. Burnside St.. Portland. Oregon. No. 10-10 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December 31. 1951, of the Government Employees Insurance Company of Washington, in the Dis trict of Columbia, made to the Insur ance Commissioner of the State of Or egon, pursuant to law : ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds. $7,743,284 17. Stocks. $1,915,113.00. Mortgage loans on real estate, none. Real estate. $735341 62. Cash and bank deposits. $1,903,640.19. Agents' balances or uncollected pre miums. $1,382,466.55. Interest, dividends and real estate in come due and accrued. $79,432.73. Other assets, none. Total admitted assets. $13,759.178 28. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses. $2,408,569.43. Loss adjustment expenses. $766,326.87. Unearned premiums. $5,301,439.15. AU other liabilities. $1,089,400.55 Total liabilities, except capital. $9, 565.736 00. Capital paid up. $1,000,000.00. Special surplus funds, none. Unassigned funds (surplus), $3,193. 44236. Surplus as regards policyholders, $4,193 44236 Total. $13.759.17838. STATEMENT Of" INCOME Premiums earned, $8,930,670.10. Losses incurred. $4,682,720 90. Loss expenses incurred. $132236731. Other underwriting expenses in curred. $1.654.833 62. Total underwriting deductions, 559.821.73. Net underwriting gain or loss, $1, 370.848.37. Investment income. $394,178.62. Other income, -$993.72. Total, before federal Income taxes, $1.764.03337. Federal income taxes Incurred, $674. 008.34. Net income. $1,090,024.93. Dividends to stockholders. $240,000 00. Dividends to policyholders. $259. 729 20. Capital changes (net). -$39.02835. Other items affecting surplus (net), $68.08935. Total capital and surplus items (net), $528,789.90. Increase in surplus as regards pol icyholders. $561335.03. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $78,133.18. Net losses paid, $28,451.60. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. Daylight Time The following cities in Oregon are on Daylight Time (with their clocks one hour ahead of Standard Time): Albany Aloha Amity Astoria Beaverton Bend Burns Can by Carlton ClaUkanie Cascade Locks Corvallis Cottage Grove Colver Oaytoa DeLake Estacada Eugene Forest Grove Gearhart Gladstone G res ham Hillsboro Hood River Jtiction City Klamath Falls Lafayette Lakeview Lebanon Madras McMinnvlUe Medford Milwaukle MolaJia Newoerg Newport Oakridge Ocean Lake Oregon City Oswego Portland PrineviUe Rainier Redmond Riddle fUrttburg Bandy icappoote Seaside Sheridan Sherwood Springfield BL Helens Bweet Home raft rigard Warrentoa West Linn Wlllamina Yamhill Washington cities on Daylight Time include Seattle, Vancouver, Aberdeen, Camas, Kelso. Longview and Olympia (also most of Ta coma). Russ Soldiers Kidnap Pair BRUNSWICK, Germany (P) Two Russian soldiers Sunday used the "gotta match?" gimmick to kidnap a West German customs man at the border near here. As the two 'Red soldiers step ped across the border on the pre text of getting a light they pounc ed on the unsuspecting German and pulled him back into the East Zone. It happened so fast that an other West German customs man nearby was helpless to prevent the snatch, the second of the day. Earlier, two East Zone people's police grabbed a customs man at a different spot along the bor der. No. 6-6 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ei ded December 31, 1951. of the Boston Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Beston. in the State of Masschusetts. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds. $26,332,273.07. Stocks, $12,159,007.00. Mortgage loans on real estate, none. Real estate, none. Cash and bank deposits. $618,961.35. Agents' balances or uncollected pre miums, $1,327,709.68. Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued, $128,241.17. Other assets. $128,725 46. Total admitted assets. $40,694,917.73. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses. $1,999,877.69. Loss adjustment expenses. $50,000 00. Unearned premiums, $19,612,672 52. All other liabilities. $1,527.742 19 Total liabilities, except capital, $23. 190.292.40. Capital paid up. none. Special surplus funds. $290.000 00. Unassigned funds surplus). $17,214, 625 33. Surplus as regards policyholders, $17,504,625 33. Total, $40,694,917.73. STATEMENT OF INCOME Premiums earned. $13.249.333 33. Losses incurred $2.759.738 79. Loss expenses incurred. $86,371.74. Other underwriting expenses in curred. $1,947,028.13. Total underwriting deductions, $4. 793.138.66. Net underwriUng gain or loss, $8, 456.194 66. Investment Income. $1,004,876.01. Other income. $291 07. Total, before federal income taxes, $9,461,361 74 Federal income taxes incurred, $327. 120 62. Net income $9 134.241 12 Dividends to stockholders, none. Unabsorbed premium deposit re turns. $8.784 282 41. Capital changes met), none. Other items affecting surplus (net), $1.298.576.01.. Total capital and surplus items (net), -$7,485,706 43. Increase in surplus as regards pol icyholders. $1.648.534 69. BUSINESS IN ORFGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $44,905.66. Net losses paid. -$48.380 26. Unabsorbed premium deposits paid or credited to policyholders. $24,638.65. No. 5-5 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December 31, 1951. of the Affiliated F M Insurance Company of 700 Turks Head Building-Providence, in the State of Rhode Island, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds. $2,248,363.67. Stocks. $90,400.00. Mortgage loans on real estate, none. Real estate, none. Cash and bank deposts. $725,317.67. Agents' balances or uncollected pre miums. $549,470.06 Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued. $3,255 22. Total admitted assets. $3,616,806.62. LIABILITIES SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses. $242,066 65. Loss adjustment expenses. $3,680.00 Unearned premiums. $706,604.62. All other liabilities. $697,196.41. Total liabilities, except capital, $1, 649.547 08. Capital paid up. $500.000 00. Unassigned funds (surplus), $1,467, 259 54. Surplus as regards policyholders. $1.967 359 54. Total. $3.616.806 62. STATEMENT OF INCOME Premiums earned. $939,527.06. Losses incurred. $549,405.44. Loss expenses incurred. $5.547 35. Other underwriUng expenses in curred. $324,746.78. Total underwriting deductions. $879, 699 57. Net underwriting gain or loss, $59,- 827.49. Investment income. $33,763.89. Total, before federal income taxes. $93,591.38 Federal income taxes incurred, $12, 250 00. Net income. $81,341.38. Dividends to stockholders, none. Dividends to policyholders. $41,132.76. Other items affecUng surplus (net), $5,301.65. Total capital and surplus items (net), $46,434.41. Increase in surplus as regards pol icyholders. $34.906 97. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $22,176.09. Net losses paid. $2333 Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. Or. T T Lam. N D. Dr G. Chan. N.D DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 241 North Liberty Office open Saturday eniy. IS a.as te 1 p m tm 1 pjm. Consultation blood pressure and arine tests are free of charge Practiced since 1S17 Write for attractive gift. Ne oetJ-aUoflL 1 r-j Bakery Plants Face New Law For Workers PORTLAND Employment of boys and girls under 18 years old for working with certain power driven machines in bakery plants Covered bv the federal x.'aaa on hour law, is prohibited by a new nazaraous occupation order, ef fective July 21. Announcement of the new order wah made here today by Madison R. Smith, field office supervisor for the Wage and Hour and Pub lic Contracts Divisions. U. S. De partment of Labor, in Oregon. "The prohibited jobs," he said, "include operating, assisting to op erate or cleaning dough and batter mixers; bread dividing, rounding or moulding machines; dough brakes and sheeters; combination bread slicing and wraDping ma chines, and cake cutting band saws. Also prohibited is setting up or adjusting . - " V V. . HI. i t i machines. 'The new order does not re lieve an employer from the obli gation to comply with other Fed eral, State or municipal laws that set a higher standard." CHURCH HAS 250TH BIRTHDA NEW YORK (P) - The Grace Episcopal Church in the borough vi wueens nas celebrated its 250th anniversary. It was founded by a missionary of the London Soci ety for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts in 1702. Next to Trinity Church in Man hattan, it is the oldest Episcopal Church in the State of New York. Salem Market Quotations (As of late yesterday) I TTtRFAT Premium 75 No. 1 '.Z'Z".'.'Z. .73 No 2 Bl'TTKR Wholesale T6 Retail i.'..'.Z'.'Z'.'.Z '.81 EGGS (Baying) tWholsaie oi ices range from to 7 cents ovei buying price ) I-arge AA .51 Large A .47 Medium AA . .44 Medium .. '42 Small Zl 34 1 I TRY Leghorn Hens .13 Colored Hens .17 Colored Fryers 30 Old roosters .14 Roasters 39 LIVESTOCK (Valley Packing Company QnotaUons) Cutter 13 00 to 2100 Heifers 18 00 to 22 00 Bulls 20 00 to 27.00 Good Veal 28 00 to 30 00 Calves 24 00 to 28 00 Fat Dairy 15 00 to 16 00 rn 2 Your Sonus Can Make A Down Payment On A Late Model Car! Your biggest hurdle to a late model car, the down payment, has been solved with your bonus. Pick your favorite Used Car Dealer from Thursday, Friday & Satur day's Oregon Statesman. Save those repair bills on your older car and apply that different to your monthly payments. Remember: GOOD transportation is ALWAYS cheaper. WATCH YOUR MORNING STATESMAN FOR Carroll. Iowa, and the Rev. George L. O'Keefe of Portland. Solemn requiem mass will be Tuesday. July 8, at 10 a. m. at St. Stephen's Catholic Church. Portland, with Interment at Mt. Cal vary Cemetery in Portland. Recitation of the rosary at the residence Monday at 8 p.m. Hennessey, Goetsch and McGee in charge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX' SALE Pursuant to order of Circuit Court of Oregon, for County of Marion, in matter of estate of GEORGE ZWICK ER. deceased, the undersigned ad ministratrix of said estate will from and after 17 July 1952. at the office of her attorneys in Salem. Oregon, pro ceed to sell, at private sale, for cash, following-described real property: Lot No. 7 in Block G. of SIMP SON'S ADDITION to Salem as shown and designated on the re corded plat of said Addition in the record of Town Plats for Marion County. Oregon. Vol. 2 page 50. Said Lot being 175 feet on Leslie Street ind 364 feet long, as will more fullv appear, reference being had to the aforesaid town plat. TILLIE HALL As Such Administratrix ALLAN G. CARSON. WALLACE P. CARSON and PETER M. GUNNAR. 214 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, ttorneys for Administratrix. J 16. 23. 30. Jly. 7. CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of School District No. 24CJ. Marion County. Oregon, up to 5:00 p.m.. P.S.T.. on Friday. July 25. 1952. for furnishing the petroleum products required by the district dur ing the year beginning September 15. 1952. Proposal blanks may be obtained from and shall be filed with the Dis trict Clerk at 460 North High Street. Salem. Oregon. A proposal guarantee is required The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved bv the board. Connell C. Ward. District Clerk. Jly.7 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: At dinger pool, child's light horned rim glasses Reward. 4-4745. BLACK and white cocker near Cen tral Howell School. Phone 2-1353. WILL the person who picked up my 7' 2 Hp. Evinrude motor, serial No. 07379. at Mission Lake on July 4 kindly call me at 4-4174. Ivan Bow ers. $25 reward. 316 Personal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. 315'i N. Commercial St. Ph. 2-2108. Meeting bunday 3 p.m. Tuesday a p.m ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No 1. 2088 N Commercial Pnone 2-9419 or 3-4537 P O. Box 724. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock PASTURE for rent. 80 acres, fenced. Plenty wa te r. Phone 2-7298. BONDED LIVESTOCK buver E C McCandlish 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. LOCKER BEEF, cut and wrapped. 49c lb.: Locker pork. 35c !b. Custom kill ing Livestock bought. Trailer loaned free. Ph 3-4858 Salem Meat Co. South of Waters ball Dark BONDED Livestock -uyer A F Som mer. 2130 Chemawa Rd Phone 4-2617 LICENSED and bonded livestock buv er E. I Snethen 1940 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-1345. BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards Rt 3. Box J99E Ph 4-1113 JV July 10, 11 and 12 V-i. -v' sg V-'' 4O0 Afxricnlmre : 404 Poultry and Rabhiia : FRYERS AND HENS WANTED. HIGH EST MARKET PRICES. PHONB 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. N -.W H AMPSLLRfc. ChieJu, day-old andi started Weekly ha tehee. Lee's Chirks a row fast. Phcne 2-286 L Lmm'm Batch e-r HATCHES of Golden Broad and Mew Hampshire thicks every Tuesday. W specialize .n broiler Chicks. Fox's Hatcnery. i30 State St. Ph. S-4969. 408 Pets - - " COCKER PUPS. $13 and Sit. 1475 North 21st. Phone 3-4974. SHETLAND PONY, gentle, saddle, bridle. Rt. 5. Box 900. Saiem. Tint gravel road to left peat Bicker Schoot. At end of road. SPRINGER SPA.S1XX, pups for saJau Nicely marked. Well bred. Will make good hunting dogs. 11 miles east at Shaw. E. F. Amort. - MOORE s tropical Lsh aquarium plants, heaters St thermostats, pumps, 2 miles from S Lancaster on Macleay Rd Phone 2-7321. closed Wednesday.. " TROPICAL FISH and supplies. C-"C . Mann. BatUecreek Rd. Turner. Ore. 412 Fruit and Farm Produc . BAN AND BEET. Raspberries at S4tt N. River Rd. Ph. 2-4358. FORMER Frigaard fruits Land under -new management, now open for busi ness 5445 North River Road. FboaS) 2-4358. 7 BLACK CAPS. U-pick. lie per pound. Bring containers. Carl D. Vogt. 14 mile west of Pratum. PIE CHERRIES. 12c pound. Jo5 Dazies. Hubbard. Diagonally screes from school on highway. Pboo Hubbard 3803. 3 BLUEBERRIES. 30c per pound. 1 miii south of Woodburn on Highway ss, James L. Bright. . LAMBERT cherries, good picking a.iuu um, jc id. rnont i-iiza. TOP quality grass hay. never rained on. $20 ton Phone Silverton 5-F-JL Rt. 3 Box 74-A. Savage and Martin. 10 ACRES of irrigated Marshall, f a.m. until dark. 6c a lb. 1 miles west from Keizer School on black top to Woodland sign, second field. Bring; containers. Wood. Phone 2-7895, NO Sundavs. LOGANBERRIES. t2.00 a crate or 171 pick 10c pound. Saturday. John Neuensch wander. T mi. South os Salem on &9E. Call 1-0030 noost or evenings. U-PICK MONTMORENCY pie ch 10c pound. Thoroushlr di throughout season. 1 mile south 4 corners, to McClay Road out miles on left. Bring own containers. K M. Livesley. Route 5. Box 478. BLACK CAPS. U-Pick. JX00 or 12 picked. Phone 4-4331. Bouts t. joe. EXTRA GOOD cherries 4c lb. U-picxL Royal A -ins. Bings and Lamberts, f miles north of Salem on PacifiS Highwav. Phone 4-3989 before 8 SJn, Jacob Faix. ROYAL A-NNES. Bings, Lamberts, 54 lb. You pick. 3180 Chemawa Road. 1. O. Muchridge U-PICK STRAWBERRIES 10c a 16. Bring own containers. Stanlev Sneed, 2520 Blossom Dr. Located 2 miles North of Salem. Turn West off ei 99E at HaysviUe. U-PICK. irrigated Northwestern strawi berries 1710 Wallace Rd. 1 roL north. of bridge 3ring containers. PIE CHERRIEST Lamberts. Royal Annes. Phone 2-4254. 414 Farm Equipment FOR SALE AJiis Chalmers machinery. N'ew and used Phone 4-155 ! - 1 ( :" t 000 mm