4 Th Statesman, Sal-m, Oregon, Sunday. Tun 22, 19S2 600 E',rvnipnt Rentals 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate .if 450 Merchandise 00 Business & Finance 608 Pickers Wasted 705 Aparanents For Rent 9 470 For Sola. MUceDaneou USED SINGER Electric portable sewing machine, long shuttle. Good condi tion full price $29.30. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Commercial. Open Fri. Evening. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous TENNIS racket. Phone 3-4839. 474 Miscellaneous HOSPITAL beds for sale or rent Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-91 M. WANT to buy used cameras & Lenses. McEwan Phofo Shop 245 N High Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or mail your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State & Com. Ph. 3-3311 476 Fuel 4 FT. GR EN slab wood, buyer to pick from convevor. Central Saw Mill and Remanufacturing Co., Aumsville, jjregon. ANDERSON'S handpicked slabwood. 2 cord. $12. Phone 2-7751 or 4-4253. ORDER YOUR WOOD FOR WINTER NOW AT SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. 16' HAND-PICKED HEAVY. GREEN SLABS. 2 CORDS FOR $12. PLANER TRIMMINGS. CAPITAL LUMBER & FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 3-7721 OR 3-6024. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood, green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY AND GREEN PLANER ENDS Blockwood. 16-in.. clean Screened Sawdust. Tube or P. O. MULCH SAWDUST AND FERTILIZER RURAL DELIVERIES Phone: Salem 2-4031 PICKUP WOOD AT 1525 EDGEWATER WEST SALEM SPECIAL Handpicked green 16" slab or edging. 2 cord load. $12 Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533 3087 Broadway 500 Business & Finance 510 Money to Loan Mortgage Loans Monthly payment disappearing loans. none too small or too large ABRAMS. BCURLAND & SKINNER 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9217 Private Money On Cars. Trucks Sc Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payment Roy H. Simmons 138 S Commercial St Phone 3-9161 FARM AND CITY LOANS Your own terms within reason. WE BUY Reai Estate Mortgages Sc Contract CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 687 Court St. Ph. 4-2284 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 3. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie M15S-S154 SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1480. KOIN 970. KGW 020. 1CEX UM KGAE 1430 FM: Megacycles KOIN 101:1; KEX 92.3 (Editor's note: The Statesman publishes l times as provided ky the radio stations, hot because of time the pro cram are fcaagea without notification, this newspaper cannot k rspsll tor the accuracy herein). HOUR 00:09 00:15 6 KOIN KGW KEX Church of Air Church Home Concert Hall Church of Air Church Home I Concert Hall 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX I- Tabernacle News News (Tabernacle I Sunday Music l Adv. in Res'ch 8 KSLM irst Raptlst I First Baptist Back to God I Back to God KOCO Deep River llntntl. Events I News I Henderson KGAE T Powell Orch. ,T Powell Orch. Christian Hr. I Christian Hr. KOIN Platform iPlatform iHow K Smith !News KGW Radio Pulpit 'Radio Pulpit IGlenn Shelley IGlenn Shelley KEX Uncle Bob Top of Morning; Mes of Israel Mes of Israel 9 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX Bible Class Bible Class Prophecy Bible HI. N. Story Ava Maria Roberts. Organ 'Roberts. Organ Music St. Francis Hr. St. Louis Mat. IJewish Faith Bride's Brkfst ' Bride's Brkfst I Proudly Hail Garden Guide : Garden 10 KSLM Hardy News Music : Lutheran Hr ILutheran Hr KOCO Wildwd Churchi Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Organ Loft KGAE Pentacostal I Pentacostal t Orchestra (Orchestra KOIN Invite to Music 1 Invite to Music ' Invite to Music ' Invite to Music KGW Lockw'd Dotv ! Foster News I Eternal Light i Eternal Light KEX Parade of Hits Parade of Hits Parade of Hits Parade of Hits 11 KSLM .ank & Era. IScience Report 1 First Methodist First Methodist KOCO 1st Baptist list Baptist r.; Baptist (First Baptist KGAE Baptist Baptist Baptist 'Baptist KOIN Invite to Music Invite to Mu.ic Music For You Music For You KGW Elmo Roper I 4 Story Theat. Bob Consldlne Uohn C Swavze KEX Kneass. News Parade of Hits Christ. Action i Christ. Action 12 KSLM as KOCO Baseball KGAE Pop Orch. KOIN News KGW Foster News IB. Cunningham jB.iseball i Baseball Pop Orch. News G. Fisher ! Music Hall IGay 80's iMartm Kane 'Revival Hour Reviva' Hour KEX Revival Hour 1 KSLM KOCO KG AS KOIN KGW KEX Music I Music Baseball Baseball Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Gorifrvs R'tble I 3cdf rvs R tble i Bob Trout Hollvw'dPlhse Holly w'dPlhse Time of Life I'Kiu.iPL Voicei Prouliecv Voice Church Home 2 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX .idow Sun. Music Siesta Time Serenade N'ews Billv Graham I Shadow Sun. Music 'Siesta Time : Serenade IHavmes Show IBiIIv Graham 3 KSLM KOCO KG AS KOIN KGW KEX Gabby Haves Don Stewart Ser. Blue Dec Bride Prom. Concert Milton Cross (Gabby Haves ; Don Stewart ! rmy 'Dec. Bride : Prom. Concert i Milton Cross 4 5 KSLM News Music KOCO News I Quartet KGAE Heritage 'Heritage KOIN Fr. Fontaine Fr. Fontaine KGW Mer. Wilson I Mer. Wilson KEX Stop Music I Slop Music KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX News St. Francis Cancer Screen Guild Best Plays D. Pearson I Music i Bandstand Guv Lombardo I Screen Guild iBest Plavs IC. Archer 6 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX MGM heatre Baseball News People Act Meet the Press Paul Harvev I MGM Theatre ; Baseball : Maltbv Music (People Act Meet the Press R'dside Chapel 7 8 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX J.J Anthony J.J Anthony IHardy Family IHardv Family Baseball Baseball Baseball j Baseball Sun. Eve. Con. 'Sun. Eve. Con. San. Eve. Con. (Sun. Eve. Con. Our M Brooks Our M Brooks P.M Playhouse P.M Playhouse Who There? Who There? Svmphonv ISvmohany Defense Stars Headlines 'Stewart Craig C. Huntley zo Question Baseball Sign Off News SymDhony Careers Un. 1 20 Questions ! Baseball ! 'Orchestra I SvmDhont lOper. Safety KSLM News KOCO Baseball KOIN 5 Star Final KGW Reporter KEX "ina) Edition 10 11 KSLM Music KOCO Baseball I Music Baseball KOIN rhicagoans IChicaeoana (Bandstand land'tand KGW News Nighteap'Sun. Symph. !Sun. Symph. !Sun. Symph. KEX Good Listening! Good Listening I Good LtstenlneHood Listening KSLM Music KOCO Silent 9 I Music ISilent KOAC 10:00 a.m. News and Weather; 10:15 11:15 Sign Off. 510 Money to Loan PRIVATE mnnev to loan Phone I-07S4 ! mm n, mum Consolidate All Bills Salem's largest and jldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need It I You can pay an) dm to reduce net cost! No endorsers or help from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to ssoo.oo. On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or other personal property M) $300 00 total $800 001 phone or visit our office today I Hear Top Trades" 125 dally - t:45 n. Sat 1390 KC'sll 136 S. Commercial St. Lie No S13S and M33S We'd Like to Loan You S100 If you'd like to borrow $100 (or any amount up to $1500) Phone or call on us immediately Typical Repayment Plans 11 Mo. Amount Payments $118.08 250 93 531 36 870 84 $ 8.00 17 0 36.00 59 00 84.00 1239 84 PACIFIC Industrial Loans US S Liberty Phone 4-2203 512 Loans Wanted WANTED to borrow. $5000 on a going business will pay 10' i- for 5 yr. Write Box No. 321. co Statesman. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted WE HAVE an opening for an aggres sive lady or man to assist our out side salesman. In appearing, be able to meet the public and furnish refer ences. If you qualify this will be a year around position, with your choice of either, salary or commis sion or both. Person selected will be thoroughly trained by factory trained men. Your earnings in either case should net you from $75 to $100 per week. Applicant must apply in per son from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. No phone calls. Ask for Mr. Hardman. Willamette Valley Roof Co. Inc.. 1810 Lana Ave.. Salem. IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad in Education Column. CHERRY picking at the Fred Kirkwood Orchard, start Thursday June 26th. Phone 3-6547. good faith the pro trams aa 4 00:30 00 45 I Church of Air Church of Air (Sunday Music Sunday Music I Guest Star ITo Vets Music ' Music I I Inv to Learning Sunday Music Light & Life 'News Sunday Music ! Light & Life l.roohcv I Ava Maria I Music I Gallery Gossip : Proudly Hail Guide I.N'at'l Vespers Nat'l. Vespers Air Force Hour Air Force Hour i Baseball Pop Orch. 1 Music Hall IMartin Kane l v.i.ii itour fCrime Fighters .Crime Fighters , Motion Carried Motion Carried Sun. Serenade I Bob Trout Time of Life I Church Home True Detective I True Detective Sun. Music Sun. Music Svmphonette 'Svmphonette Hit Galaxy i Hit Galaxy I Top Story 'At This Hour I Herald of Truth! Herald of Truth I Nick Carter i Don Stewart Hit Parade Doris Day Prom. Concert i Evelyn Knight i Nick Carter I Don Stewart 'Hit Parade Doris Day I Prom. Concert Sunday Edit. : Concert Band Concert Band ,C'd This Be You C'd This Be You ; Music Music ' News Room I News Room iBest Plays (BestPlavs IStop Music StoD Music IU Never Know ' Bandstand ' Sammy Kave llnner Sanctum Hats in Ring IC. Archer Rosary I Dugout Dope I Mario Lanza 'Inner Sanctum Hats in Ring I Bill Tusher I MGM Theatre I Baseball Maltbv j Whistler Amer. Forum Bandwagon I MGM Theatre Baseball ! Maltbv Whistler 'Amer. Forum ! Bandwagon Info Please i Baseball i Orchestra The Chase , Here's Band Info. Please I Baseball I ! Orchestra The Chase (Here's Band I Editorially Music I New Baseball Baseball I Baseball 'Memories 'S. Craig Show lOrchestra Hospitality latholic Hour l?atholic Hour lriith in Times I Good Listening! Good Listening (Music IVlusic 'Sun. Reverie (Sun. Reverie I Music I Silent I Music ISUent 4-H Summer School Sunday Service: 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted MAN and wife for maintenance duties In large apartment house. Good sal ary, free rent and all utilities. Apply the Lee Apartments. 585 N. Winter. Office Jobs Discuss your job requirements with us fully. Our knowledge of Jobs and employers can save you time, money, and shoe leather, and help prevent costly mistakes. No charge for reg istration. M. Ins. Sales $300 M. Seed Sales Exp $220 F. Bkkpr. FC R 1. Est $225 r. Bkkpr. Exp. gd. fut $217 F. Steno, Exp. for law ofc $200 T. Steno. Gen ofc. 25045 $225 plus F Cc. typing, gen. ofc $175 F. Col. Gen. ofc $190 F. Recept. Cashier, figr $200 F. Typist, exc. fur. 5 da $185 F. Drs. Ass t. Sc typist $175 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 494 State (Ore Bldg.) 4-3351 REPORT Monday night at 7:00 p.m. for hospital aid examination. Sal ary $193. State Civil Service Com mission. 102 Public Service Building. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper with payroll and lumber invoicing exp. Bjx 327 Statesman. S850 Cash GIVES YOU YOUR OWN INDEPENDENT BUSINESS NOW! Openings for man or woman to oper ate route of Chlorophy automatic lc gun dispensers. Tremendous oppor tunity offered with this nationally advertised product. Earns up to $70 per week to start route established for you. Liberal financial assistance for expansion. Write for interview with Company executive, giving ref references and phone number. Write to Box 322 co Statesman. REPRESENTATIVE for 35 year old concern, exclusive Willamette Valley area. Must be high caliber, profes sional type, earning $600 to $800. Apply 521 Equitable Bldg., Portland. BEacon 9133. MAN AND WIFE to work in furniture store. Nice downtown apartment fur nished. Permanent position. Apply at Hogg Bros. 260 State St. 604 Help Wanted, Male REPORT Monday night at 7:00 p m. for correctional officer examination. Position at Oregon State Peniten tiary. Salary $250. State Civil Service Commission, 102 Public Service torn mission. NATIONAL firm needs young man for management trainee. Position holds a promising future for the right man. 20-28 vrs. of age. high school gradu ate. Should have keen desire to man age a retail store. Training and in struction will take several years. Job has a good starting salary with pe riodic increases. Veteran preferred. Inquire Oregon State Employment Service. 710 Fe rry St. By request. MARRIED man for dairy and general farm work, house and utilities fur nished. Good salary. Year around Job. experience required. Elvon C. Holman, Jefferson. Oregon. Turn at Looney Butte Tomato sign. , mile north of Midway on old 99E highway to Jefferson. RELIABLE man with car wanted to ca'l on farmers. Wonderful oppor tunity. $15 to $20 in a day. No ex perience or capital required. Perma nent. Write todav. McNESS COM PANY. Dept. B. 2423 Magnolia St.. Oakland 7, Calif. MAN for building custodian: respons ible position; permanent work. Apply Hogg Bros.. 260 State St. EXPERIENCED furniture and floor covering sales person. Apply Hogg Bros.. 260 State St. DINNER COOK, afternoon shift. Nohl gren's. 440 State. EDGERMAN for small sawmill. Phone 2-3139. WANTED. Experienced carpet and lin oleum mechanic. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. MAN WITH TRUCK to haul fruit to Cherry growers. Ph. 4-2019 after 3 p.m. 606 Help Wanted, female HOUSEKEEPER wanted to take charge of fatherless home and 2 boys, while mother attends school. Private room, board, and salary. References ex changed. If interested mail card to Mrs. MacDonald. 380 N. East St. Monmouth. Oregon, and I will come to see you. WANTED woman to keep house and cook for 3 adults. No laundry. Room. board, and wages. Phone 3-6103. BOOKKEEPER wanted by downtown real estate firm, to handle partner ship and corp. books, cash receipts to general ledger. Typing required, shthd. heipful. For appointment see Commercial Placement Agency. 494 State St. LADIES. $30 Weekly, spare time, making studio roses at home. Easy, Looks. Smells real. Write STUDIO ROSE CO.. G reenville. Pa. COAT Sc DRESS SALESWOMEN, ex perienced only, good wages. Write Box 323. co Statesman. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Tha Spa. 382 State. WOMAN TO care for home and school age children, prefer to Live out. Phone 2 -4840. BUYER WANTED Eugene department store needs ladies hosiery. lingerie. accessory buyer immediately. State all qualifications and phone number in letter or call manager, William's Department Store. Eugene PERMANENT "housekeeper. Separate house, and car maintained for you. Good salary. Take care of us and 3 little girls. 4-2821. 608 Pickers Wanted CHERRY pickers wanted, one west of Pratum. Phone 4-1331. mile ROYAL. ANNE cherries, pound Ph. 3-4866. you pick. 4c U-PICK Northwest strawberries. Start ing Sundav, June 22. Go West from Wallace Rd. on Glen Creek Rd. 12 mile. Phone 3-6996. T. J. Shepler Farm . PLATOONS and pickers! Please help us pick 20 acres of very fine North west and Marshall irrigated straw berries. No Sunday picking. Start Monday, June 23rd & a.m. until dark every day. Turn left at Keizer School on black top. 2 miles to Woodland sign. 2 nd field back Wood Ph. 2-7895. PICKERS wanted, cherries and straw berries. Transportation from S. Com mercial. Rural, 12th St. N. High. Broadway and N. River Rd. Phone 2-2985 af'.er 5 p.m. 35 CHERRY pickers start Monday. Thiessen Orchard. Tents if needed. Phone ?-1208 T 4-3112. WANTED Cherry pickers, heavy crop. Starting Monday. 10 miles N. of Wal lace Rd. 2 miles S. of Hopewell. A. E. Sinkins. Rt. 1 Box 484. Still have 2 weeks picking OF NORTHWEST STRAWBERRIES AT K. AND L. STRAWBERRY FARM. LOCATED JUST ONE MILE FROM SALEM CITY LIMITS ON NORTH RIVER ROAD. PICKING EVERY DAY. EXCEPT SUNDAY. Strawberry Pickers Wanted Paying 6 cents box. will work Sundav. weekend pickers welcome. 6 miles North on River Rd. Fir Grove Farm. Phone 4-4063. Sundav Picking Good berries 35c carrier. Turn left on paved road. 2 miles east of Totem Pole. 3 rd. house on right. Clarence Zielinski Rt. 7. Box 261. Ph. 4-1022. STRAWBERRIES. U-PICK. 10c. Sat ana Sun. Orchard Heights, road bv Pop corn school. G. H. Wilson. Ph. '4-1000. STRAWBERRIES. U-PICK. 92c pound. North on 99E to Totem pole. East la miles to 4 corners. Turn right at Rickard's garage and mile turn left, go past second house to sign in lane H. C. Wacken, Rt. 7. Box 253. Phone 4-1342. Picking Sunday STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. Ir rigated berries. Stanley Sneed. 2520 Blossom Dr. Ph. 2-3148. Call after 6 p.m. Located 2 miles North of Sa lem, Turn West off of 99E at Hayes-ville. WANTED CHERRY pickers. 10 ml'es North of Wallace Rd. Take travel road at Y. second house, Ei Len strom, Rt. 1, Box 475, Salem, Ore. CHERRY, blackberry, logan pickers. Cabins furnished With lights and wood. Harold Bartch, Rt. 1, Brooks. Oregon. I NEED Strawberry pickers, full or part time, j0 acres irrigated. Northwest, excellent berries, 5c a box. Ph. 4-4304 P. Barnwell, 4930 N. River Rd.. Keizer. WANTED Cherry pickers. Salem-Dal-las Highway. Heavy crop. S miles west of Salem, across road from As sociated Service Station. Starting Monday. June 23. Phone 2-1186. E. C. Brttnk. Rt. 8, BEGINNING Friday 20th. want cherry pickers, adult, drive outs, trailer nouses at Browning Ave. and Jones Rd. South. Elbert Jones. 4120 Jones Rd., Salem. 612 Work Wonted Male YOUNG husky man needs job imme-dia'-elv. Phone 4-2632 or 4-1927. WANTED Small carpenter jobs, good work Reasonable. Phone 4-1424. 615 Situations Wanted TYPING done in my home. Reasonable. Call 2-4816. CHILD care or baby sitting, your home or mine, anytime. Ph. 2-1945. LADY urgently needs job to gain ex perience with permanent job and wage n view. Box 325 co Statesman. BABY SITTING, anytime. 565 N. 18th. Phone 4-4748. HAULING 24 ft semi. Also tree top ping. Phone 2-7118. LAWN MOWER and saw sharpening. Guaranteed 39 f Gerth Phone 2-1656. HA bailing, mowing and raking. Phone 4-3088 mornings or evenings between 7 and 8. HOUSES CLEANED: Flues. Gutters. windoA-s. walls, kitchens. Call Sedg wick. 2-0774. CEMENT work all kinds Brick flower wells, septic tanks. Block wa as John Feldschau. General Cement Con- tractor Phone 38-F3 Salem OUUU loo ii lawn mowei snarDen- r,g H"ft Rrrv 1410 S 12th LET US FIGURE jour outside painting. Phone 3-9133 or Silverton 2-554. WILL DO ironing in my home. Ph. 2-4946. ACCOUNTANT OFFICE MANAGER Taxes, financial statements. 7 years diversified experience. Age 34. char acter ? bu.-iness references. Return ing to Salem. Write Mr. Bryan. 1232 N. Val)cv St., Burba nk. California. ROTOV'ATOR WORK. Vincent Kremer. i 2150 Lansing Ave Ph. 2-3180. Experienced babv sitter, day or night Phone 3-7206 ' PHARMACIST desires part or fuil time managerial or partnership. Experi- enced. Box 318. Statesman. j! I CEMENT and carpenter work. Walks, floors, drives, a speciality. Free esti I mates. Phone 4-6167. D R S M A K I N G . experienced. Mrs. Julius Pincus, 1700 No. 20th St. Pnone 3-9342. HAY St GRASS mowing, no job too large or small Phone 2-3041. WILL board children, good country home, excellent care. Phone 2-6290. REMODELING - PAINTING - PAPER ING. Rapid service available now. Sedgwick. 2-0774. LIGHT crawler dozing, dirt leveling. grading. Ph. 2-3220. HOME BUILDING. Remodeling. Free estimates. Ben Graves. Phone 3-8393. VALLEY HOUSE and Window Clean ing. Windows, walls and woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. 255 S 22nd. Phone 4-6303. CUSTOM plowing, discing and harrow ing. Call 2-8156 or 3-1084 evenings. 618 Education IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint write for Talent Test 1N0 Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 292 States man. 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-40t Evenings 3-7412, 2-4411 9 Salem. Oregon 700 Rentals DUPLEX apartment. Unfurnished ex cept for range and refrigerator. Electric heat. Private bath. Parking space. Laundry facilities. $60. Close in. Al Isaak. Realtor, phone 4-3311 4 ROOM COTTAGE unfurnished. Couple preferred. $35. Apartment, private entrance and bath. $25. 2255 North Fifth. NICE furnished 2 bedroom house. Keizer district. Adults I no objection to small baby or teenager). $65. Al Isaak. Realtor, phone 4-3311. TRAIL Eh SPA.t. Modern shady quiet 20 cooler than in town. Patios & sewer service, no crowding, any length trailers. Fir Crest Trailer Park. Phone 4-4704. 3910 N. River Rd. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board SLEEPING ROOM, ladies, close to M. Hospital, kitchen privileges. 667 S. Capitol Ph. 3-3324. SLEEP NG lOOMS, 1 or 2 large fur nished bedrooms with private bath and entrance. In Capitol shopping center. Private residence. Garage if desired. 449 N. Capi to 1 . NICE sleeping room, very close in. 262 S. Cnurch . NICE quiet room, close in, near state buildings. Use of refrigerator. 481 N. Winter. Phone 3-8295. SLEEPING ROOM, West Salem. 2 fur nished rooms, private entrance, single perso i preferred. Ph. 2-7554. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, lady onlv. 68f North Church. NICE FURNISHED warm rooms. Kit chen privileges. Close in. 754 Ferry St 705 Apartments For Rent UNFURNISHED four room apartment. Private entrance and private bath. Trulv desirable. 545 N. Church. Ph. 3-7060, NICE unfurnished apartment, carport, 3 room, private bath. $65, includes utilities. Across from Public Service Buildi n g. 1133 Chemeketa. Ph. 2-5430. 2 ROOMS, clean, furnished. Good lo- cation. Call after 6 p.m. Ph. 2-6546. VERY attractive, brick court apt. 396 South 17th. LARGE, completely furnished, includ ing utilities, 4 room downtown apart ment. Basement pullman apartment. $40. Ph. 2-4814 or 4-16O0. NICE sleeping room, with hot and cold "ater. 255 Center. General Real Es tate. Phone 3-3289. COURT apt. 2 room & bath, furnished. Close in. Ph. 2-0714. 5 ROOM flat in Hollywood district, 2598 Brooks St. Newly decorated, completely furnished, lovely neigh borhood, nice yard & garage, busi ness couple preferred. No pets or children. Furnish reference please. Write Mrs. O. A. Latham, Box 30, The Da lies. Oregon . ATTRACTIVE, well furnished 1 bed room apartment. Large rooms, lots of builtirvs. Sparkling clean, beauti ful kitche.i. Oil heat. Private bath. Walking distance downtown. Utilities paid except electric. 745 S. Com mercial. 2 LARGE rooms. Completely furnished. All utilities paid. Private bath and entrance. Phone 2-6832. 2219 Broad- way. FOR business man. large well fur nished room. Private bath, kitchen ette. 290 S. 14th. COOL, very attractive, newly fur nished, brick court apartment. 396 South 17th. NICE room with private entrance and bath, close in. $20 month. 655 N. Cottage. 3-6233. 3 ROOMS, newly redecorated, unfur nished except for stove and refriger ator. Private entrance and bath. Adults. No pets. Call in forenoon or after 6:00 p.m. Sheldon Apartments. 1360 North Liberty. 3 LARGE rooms well furnished. $35. 1173 N. 4th. Phone 4-3580. PARTLY furnished, main floor, close In. Mn Bower. Ph. 3-5883. 3 ROOM apartment. Includes range, fcaruge. garbage and water. Oil heat- A t ii ru n 1 1 ie DELUXE, 1 bedroom furnished apart ment. Nice laundry. Garage. West Salem. 3-3347. 2 Ri )OM furnisned. including utilities. Private bath and entrance. 1063 - 7th St. Phone 2-6401. . NICELY FURNISHED apartment, suit able for two. Electric range, new refrigerator. Free laundry facilities. $38.50 per month. All .utilities paid. 2030 North Commercial. ' CLOSE IN furnished 1 room house keeplng apartment. 633 Ferry. 3 ROOMS AND BATH, completely re decorated, ideal for couple, corner Oak Hill & Hwy. 99 South. Inquire at South Village lira. MODERN unfurnished 2 room cabin. $25 month. 1480 Boone Road FURNISHED court apartment. gas cooking. refrigerator, $30 month. 1340 Lee St. THREE ROOM furnished apartment $36. Private bath and entrance, 1968 North Commercial. SMALL, APARTMENT, nicely furnish ed. Women or girls only. Also garage. 1118 Oak St. Ph. 3-5834. UNFURNISHED modern apartment. stove Sc refrigerator. Ph. 4-5336. LARGE 3 room apt., range, refnger- atar and laundry. 1055 Egdewater. NICE 1 bedroom apartment furnished or unfurnished. Call 3-4217. NICE 3 room furnished. Near State building and shopping center. Phone 3-6535. 3 ROOM court apartment. Stove and refrigerator. West Salem. Ph. 2-3997. WELL FURNISHED 3 room apartment. 5 blocks to Post Office. 549 N. Cot- tage St APARTMENTS Also room and board fo children. Phone 3-3611. LARGE 1 room apartment, big closet, all utilities included. $30. 340 E. Wash- ington. Ambassador Apts. Nicely furnished apartments. 550 N. Summer. NEW 3 ROOM apartment, range, re frigerator, fireplace, laundry facili ties. $65. 1076 Bellevue. LOVELY APARTMENT furnished or unnf urnished, 4 blocks from U. S. Bank. Shade trees. Adults. See at 336 Oak St. LARGE furnished 3 room apt private bath, newly redecorated .4 1 9 S. lftt n. FURN 2 rm. cottage, $35; 1 rm. $22 JnqApt 4. 827 N Liberty. 2-3-4 ROOM furn. apts close in. priv hath .V7100 or 2-6096 eve FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart ment. All electric. Priv ite hath and entrance. Bus at dour. Call after 6 pin. 4-4969. 1150 Vista. 707 Houses For Rent OLDER type 5 room house In south Salen. Phone 15X7. Davton. SMALL suburban furnished house. J20. Suitable for couple or adult. Phone 2-1879 10 00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. 4510 Ni!-s. J 2 BEDROOM house, automatic heat, I gas range, basement & garage. Near SJate building $55 i..Call I 3-1 152. I BEDROOM unfurnished all electric ho'jse on bus stop. Phone 2-0986. -1179 6th. . 4 BEDROOM old home, modernized, l'j block from city library. Inquire 245 S. Winter SMALL 1 bedroom furnished on South River Rd. $50 month. Phone 3-3931 or 3-6853. . SMALL, furnished 3 room, modern, electric heat. For 1 or 2 people. West Salem. $45. Phone after 5:30 p.m. 2- 6981. MODERN 3 room furnished house with bath. 675 South 19 FOR RENT New 2 bedroom duplex house for rent. $50 per month. 5 room house to lease 2 block to store on S. Com mercial St. $50 per month, adults only, also 2 room furnished apt. $30 per month 2 bedroom house on South 99 highway. $40 per month. F. H. Weir, Realtor 1247 S. Commercial Phone 3-94lf MODERN 3 bedroom house. 3 blocks from Court House. Call 3-9413. UNFINISHED thoroughly modern. 1 bedroom house in West Salem. Couple only. Phone 3-7987. LARGE 4 room unfurnished house in court. 1737 Market Street. SMALL, clean cottage on bus line. $30. 1074 'a 6th St. Ph. 3-4384 TO RENT. House, close in. Ph. 3-7835. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE near Capitol (or income from 2 furnished apts.) $75. Lease to responsible party. 1525 State. ALMOST NEW 2 bedroom house, elec tric range, hardwood floors, auto matic heat, insulated. 2236 Maple Ave. 708 Farms. Tracts For Rent SEVERAL PLACES from 6 to 20 miles from Salem. 12 to 20 A. D. A. Fish. 1488 S. Commercial. Phone 3-4706. 709 Wanted to Rent WE LL PART WITH OUR MONEY but not with our 5 yr. old boy. Returned veteran, steadily employed at Post Office needs furnished 2 bedroom house or apartment. Please phone 3- 3717. SMALL BUILDING, about 1.200 sq. ft. suitable for woodworking shop. Ph. 2- 1771. GARAGE in the vicinity of Oak and Commeivial. Call 2-8346. 710 Wanted to Rent, Houses RELIABLE family needs 3 bedroom, unfurnished house with yard. $50. Ph 3-3475. . . WILL pav up to $70 for a good 2 bed room home, unfurnished. Prefer east side. Phone 3-8841 or 4-1777. WANTED Permanent rental. 3 bed room, unfurnished. Up to $65. Phone 3- 4834. 714 Business Rentals OFFICE space. downtown. ground floor, reasonable. Box 326 co States man. BUSINESS Room H L Stiff 716 Resort Rentals ON THE BEACH apt., all electric, ac commodates 4 people, by the week. $45. P. O. Box 312 Wecoma Beach, Ore?on. Phone Delake 3302. 800 Real Estate REIMANN HOME OR INCOME 2 dandv homes in one location, live in one and rent one. A 2-bedroom with full basement and also a very at tractive 1-bedroom. Only $2150.00 to handle. $300 00 DOWN Small suburban home only 5 minutes from down town. A bargain for only $1500.00. TRADE YOUR CAR IN On a 3-bedroom home. Large living rooms with fireplace. Double plumb ing In good neighborhood. Close to stores and bus Just outside city. G. I. We have the home that you can buy with your bonus check. REIMANN REALTORS Loans and Insurance 201 South High Street Phone 3-9203 Phone Evenings 4-1671. 4-5319. 3-3264 G. I. SPECIAL New. well located, large 2-bedroom home. North. Auto Oil heat, all street improvements in and paid. Large well lighted living room. Grand kitchen with dining spot. GI or FHA Only $9000. Floyd E. Springer Builder Phone 2-4354 E. A. McGLAUFLIN. REALTOR 367 N High 2-8611. Sun, or Eve 2-7843 ST. VINCENT De PAUL Dist. 4 rm. hse. Nice lot. on bus line. Stoves in cluded. A fine home for the older people. $4500. EZ terms. See Gabriel & Gabriel. Real Estate. 630 N. Capi tol tt. Phone 4-1591. Sun. St Evenings 4-2868. Tune in KOCO at 800 AJ., Wednes day and Friday, and hear the Coun selor. Believe It Or Not We have a home with a basement only 3 blocks from Hollywood District that can be bought for $2000 Down. Automatic heat. Fireplace. Insulated. Lawn and shrubs. Tile kitchen. Total price only $10,500. Attention Veterans We still have new 3-bedroom home which you can purchase at only 10 d wn, which means $850.00 plus re serves of approx. $150, with a total price of $8250. Or a 2-bedroom home for only $715c. These homes have "hardwood floors throughout. Oil heat. Attached garage. Paved street. City sewer. Insulated ceilings. Choice of colors, interior and exterior. Youngs town kitchens. Let us show you these Sunday. June 22nd. Go out Mission to 22nd Street, south on 22nd about '3 mile. G. I. Special 3-year-old home. Paved street. Insu lated Lawn flowers and shrubs. At tached garage. Wall to wall carpets in living and dining room. Back yard fenced. Only $850 down, with a total price of only $8400. Beautiful Back Yard Very well built home. Could be made into 3-bedroom very easily. Dual heating system. Wall to wall carpets. Insulated. Fireplace. Liberal terms. Total price $11,500. Need 4 Bedrooms If so. let us show you this one. It's near St. Vincent School. Has a full basement. Lawn and shrubs. The lot is really oversize, 77 by 257 feet. To tal price $9500. CALL FOR LLYOD KEENE. EVE. PHONE 2-6076. OR DAN ISAAK,. EVE. PHONE 4-3533 Cafe Steal Equipped to seat 37. Equipment in good condition. Very nice living quarters. This cafe is not located in Salem but in a very good town Bus Ticket agency. Owner says sell it for the sacrifice price of $3500 for everything Rent on building only $50 00. which includes living quar ters. 4 Modern Houses On one lot. Frontage zoned for busi ness. Lots of room for expansion. Owner leaving state. Lot 50 by 3!K) Terms. Total price $16,000. Texaco Station On good corner lot. Cafe building and equipment on same property. Pres ently netting S500 per month We consider this a good buy for $16,000. Duplex In select location Full basement. Ex cellent condition. Very modern. Fur nished. Liberal terms. Total price $9500. Just listed this one CALL FOR MR ANDERSON 8X TURNER. COLLECT. EVENINGS 28 Acres Livable unfinished house with 2 bed rooms. Chicken house, well. Offered for sale to close estate. Total price only $2500. 20 Acres Plus Only 4 miles from Salem. 22 by 34 machine shed. Paved highway. Try and beat this one for price. Owner asking $4750 total price. 7 Acres Plus Close In east. 3-bedroom house, 30 by 40 barn. 2-car garage. 50 foot welL Near school. Only 3 miles from Sa lem. Family orchard, berries. This is a good country home. Total price onlv $8750. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS EVE. PHONE 3-4733 AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 Eve.: 4-3333. 2-6076 or 3-4733 FOR SALE or trade: 8 unit apartment. Good income, near new shopping center and state building. By owner and this 80 acres farm 3 miles from city limits on Silverton Rd. Call after 6:00. 3-1351. 6-UNIT COTTAGE COURT AH In good condition, well located, nice income. $13.500 00 down, or will take house in traae to that amount $32 500 00 FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 acres. Che- mawa Dist.. with 2 bedrm. hse. $7500.00 or will take house in trade Sc pav difference. 10 ACRES, rich Willam. silt, with 3 bedrm. hse. $16,000.00 or will take smaller acreage in trade. NICE HOME, has large liv. rm.. & D. rm . fireplace, 2 bedrms , full bsmn't. $9,000.00. LAWRENCE REAL ESTATE 404 S High Phone 3-7506 East Englewood Verv comfortable 2-B R. home on No 24th Street only 4 blocks to Engle wood school. House is 3 years old and has been well cared for. L. R.. D R.. kitchen with breakfast space, inside laundrv room, fireplace, elec. heat, H. W floois. $12,000 FHA terms. Northeast Located on Baker St. i paved i with an east front, this attractive 2 B R. house now can be bought for $8750. All H W. floors, auto, oil furnace, large .iving room, kitchen and din ette. Huge amount of cabinet stor age in attached garage. brams, Bourland r & Skinner Real Estate. Insurance. Mortgage Loans Off. 3-9217. E v es. Ph. Mel Kelley 2-470a Cluett & Kenyon, Realtors 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-3551 TWO HOMES: Both well-kept: one completely furnished: excellent rent als. Price $9650 terms within reason. CASCADE DRIVE: Nice two-bedroom home: large living rm. with fire place; many bulit-ins; utility rm. Breezeway to garage, plus car-port. Price $11,750. HEATHER LANE: Harmonious 3-bedroom home; living rm : dining rm.; hwd. floors. Handy kitchen. Attach, garage. Excellent large landscaped lot. Real value $10,500. $950 DOWN Move right in. Modern 2 bedroom home; attractively decorat ed: hwd. floors: sunny kitchen and nook. Combination playroom and utility. ARTISTIC Suburban 6-room home: picture windows; party room: most i convenient kitchen with breakfast I nook. Dble. plumbing: fine large ! utility rm. Patio. Landscaped lot. "Extra" garage and workshop. Own er will consider large trailer home as part payment. Eve. Ph. Rav Moon. Broker, 3-7692, or Mr. Davis. 3-7028 801 Business Opportunitlei ONLY AUTO RADIATOR SHOP in a live coast town. The equipment $3233 the stock $1623.04. total $4856.04. But the price is only $5000 with some terms possible. Lease $50 a mo. E. A. McGlauflin, Realtor 367 N High. 2-8611, Sun, or Eve 2-7843 GROCERY store in college town. $6500 mo. vol. Low rent. Good buy at $7500 See Gabriel & Gabriel. Real Estate. 630 N. Capitol St. Phone 4-1591. Sun. Be Even. 4-Z868. SMALL CAFE for sale or trade for equity and small home. 1445 North Commercial. $3,500 IN THE CITY - Yea, on a paved street only 2 blocks from Hollywood Center. food 1-bed-room home modern with a nice co tier tot SO x 100. Don't miaa this one. Call Tlbbetta. 3-BEDROOM AND BASEMENT 2 blocks for Hollywood Center. 2 bedrooms on main floor with finished up stairs. We believe this is a location that will be ideal for the family maa at a reasonable price of only $7500.00. Call Tibbetts. , CHILDREN'S HAVEN This home was built with children in mind, 9 yean old .has 4 roomy bed rooms, large living room, good dining room, big kitchen, automatic forced air oil heat .insulation, wenther stripping, large attached garage 60 X 13S lot with fence all around back yard and has 2 completa bathroom. $11,500. Call Jim Rawlins. 2-BEDROOM NORTHEAST IN CITY Almost new 2-bedroom home, fullv insulated and weather stripped, hs food clean electric heat and nice large lot, with food lawn and shrubs, at tached garage, large io. Call Jim. "'. ACRE. 2 BEDROOMS $800.00 DOWN" Here's your chance to get an everyday vacation from noise and crowded living, beyond reflected heat of citv pavements. Nice 2-bedroom on ' acre in Keizer district. Full price $5600.00. $800.00 Down. Don't wait! call Chet. HOME AND INCOME AND 1 ACRE Laying adjacent to the city limits can be bought for $1000 down. Has extra rental for $45.00 per month. Better hurry. Call Chet. RAWLINS 2060 N. Capitol TibbetU 2-7486 IT'S YOUR TOWN OWN A PART 4. - J. Lee Ohmart r LET'S GO SUBURBAN And see this verv neat 2-bedroom home located North it's about I years old' nice deal for $6300. ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL Excellent buy in this 3-bedroom home with forced air heat $9500 will mak it yours See L. Lorenz. EX'CEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom home on S 14th St. fenced in lot 50 x 100 YOU WELL LTKB THIS FOR $9750. Ask for H. Torvend. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME WITH BASEMENT Good suburban location, large lot. well constructed home ranch Style) with, piped oil heat, fireplace and double garage. Here is a lot of home for thi money $14,700. OUTSTANDING This almost new 3-bedroom home has one of the best Jobs of interior decorst ing that has come to our attention, large living-room and huge basement complete with workshop and darkroom double garage $18,500. Call Ted Morrison. STOCK RANCH 122 ACRES Will irrigation rights for 50 A. 30 A. in Ladino and grass pasture, will carry 100 head of cattle, about 60 A. in wheat and oats ( good crop) convenient 3-bedroom home, large barn and other out buildings in a beautiful setting of oak and fir trees $30,000. includes 1 year old irrigation system. Call for Henry. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St Phone 2-4113 Eve Ted Morrison. 2-5046: L. Lorenz, 3-5590; Henry Torvend. 3-3632; Ralph Maddy. 2-3488 802 Busins Property CUSTOM cannery complete with home & Pac. Highway frontage. Doing big business. Owner wishes to retire but will assist buyer in getting started. $30,000. Terms. Realty Service Co., 11) East Tenth, Vancouver, Wn. ACCOUNTING OFFICE. Southern Ore gon. Good Main Street location, good equipment, nice office, reasonable lease. Health forces sale, some terms. Statesman, Box 328 Statesman. SALE OR TRADE up to $8000. By own er property clear, building, land, 72 ft. frontage, four room living quar ters, bath & hallway. Seats 75. lots of good equipment. Grade A. Has bot tled beer, has office rent. $35. The Grill Cafe. $21,500. Taft. Oregon. 802 Business PropTty RESTAURANT Concession. Capacity over 100. Fully equipped. $1608 with terms. John LusK. 2374-4 Patterson Drive. Eugene. Phone 5-2817. FOR SAL-v Well located. Press Shop in Albany, Oregon. Well equipped and doing a nice business. An excellent deal for any one interested in get ting started in the Cleaning and Dye ing bus'ness. Write owner R. D. Bus sard, 505 E. 5th Avenue. Albany, Ore son. Phone 726-R. PLUS acres, available R. R siding Phoif 2-8611 804 Suburban $6,750. TERMS. 1 acre near Swegle School. Modern 2 bedroom home with stairs to unfinished attic. 3 chicken houses. Good soil, Shade and fruit trees. C!de Prail. 154 South High. Phone 4-3651 event nfs 3-7250. 2 ACRE for sale $695. Phone 2-0075 Evenings. 806 Houses For Sale ! 2 BEDROOM rentals on 1 lot N. 2 years old. Income $100 per month. Price $9000. Terms. Call Frances Knapp. 4-1601 Evenings and Sunday 2-6286. Al Bell. R eal Estate . OR TRADE owner, new 2 bedroom modern on 4 acre wooded tract, ad jacent to grade and high schools, also rental cabin on property. Ph. I 2-9848. BY OWNER. 2 bedroom home. Full basement, hardwood floors, complete ly redecorated inside and out. Ph. -gfUO. 4 OR 5 BEDROOM modern home, quiet neighborhood near schools, stores, bus. Ideal for children. Phone 2-7877 after 5:30. FOR SALE E "OWNER Beautiful Creek location. Large family 8 room home. 4 bedrooms plus den. double plumbing, basement with large recreation room, large patio overlooking well-landscaped garden. Ideal for outdoor living. Reasonably priced. 1473 Center St BY OWNER. 2 bedrooms. Modern. Ga rage. Close to school and bus. $5500. $1000 down. $50 inoitth. Located 378 McNary Avenue. West Salem. Be t ween 3:00 pm. and 8:00 p.m. FAMILY HOME by owner. 3 bedrooms, double plumbing, large living room, dining room, kitchen and large nook. Hollywood District. 910 Tamarack Ave. $14.500. BY OWNER new suburban. 2 bedroom bath, living and dining rooms, kit chen and nook, utility, attached gar age, hard wood floors, plastered, in sulated, oil furnace. 60x 120 lot. Ph. 2-0004. BY OWNER, nice 2 bedroom home. 4 years old. Wall to wall carpet. Built in thermador. range, fireplace, large lot. nice location. Price $11,000. $11,180 furnished Phone 2-3275. BY BUILDER Two new 3 bedroom h q m es. I nquire 1999 N. 24th. OWNER New 2 bedroom house, birch kitchen, mahogany paneled living room lots built-ins. closets, large lot. $11,500. S2100 will handle. Phone 2-6354. 4312 HageT. SOUTH. 2 bedroom. Attached garage. Large lot. By owner. $8,500. Approxi mately $1,700 down. 615 E. Ewald. Phone 3-9740. 1 YEAR old attractive 2 bedroom home. Excellent location. Low down pay ment. Call Frances Knapp. 4-1601. Evenings and Sunday 2-6286. Al Bell. Real Estate. PRICE REDUCED $1000. 3422 Brenna Ave. Phone 2-6757 after 1 p.m. MORNLN'GSIDE HILII better built home, everv room with airport and mountain view. Bush, Leslie, high school bus. 'i acre, adjoining i acre available. 3 bedroom, double plumb ing, full daylight basement, plenti ful storage, insulated, fireplace, pecan floors, knotty pine kitchen, lifetime roof, permanent finish siding, double farage, a lot of house for $13,000. 780 S. 12th. Phona S-217L REALTY (Hollywood District, Realtor) Office Phones 1-4664 or 4-1761 Evening Phones: Jim 2-8578 Chet S-6236 A : ' S'1 Rudy Calabe 1-4118 806 Houses For Sale OPEN HOUSE BY BUILDER. 2 to SUNDAY Beautiful new 3-bedroom home, al large rooms and closets, jIua dish washer, double plumbing and double garage. 1650 square feet, and no over-priced. 1130 North 23rd (Cor ner of "D" St.) House Beautiful New. 2 bedrooms, daylight basement, Klngwood HgU. A buy at $10,000. $2,000 down. Reduced-to $11,500 On the busiest street in town, a lovely big home with business opportunity. Perfect for Children Low down payment, owner transferred. Secluded yet close to city center. CALL- NELL MORGAN Evenings and Sundays 3-4397 Walter Musgrave Realtor! 1211 Edgewater 3-5100 NEW 3-bedroom home daylight base ment party room, dishwasher, dining room. nook. 570 Ben Vista. $24,500. Builder Ph 2-7452 NORTH LIBERTY STREET This older 2-bedroom home is neat: and clean. Grand yard. Will take state G. I. loan. Close to public ana Catholic schools. $4900. E. A. McGlauflin,; Realtor 367 N. High. 2-8611. Sun, or Eve 2-7843 A Bargain 3 houses on 2 lots. 2 of houses rented for $25 CO per month each. Big house, 10 rooms. 2 baths, just vacated. Will make good rental. Close In. Full price for all if sold this week. $8,500.00. Call E. L. Gray, Broker. 2-4352, Reduced by owner. 3 bedroom, full basement, oil heat, shower, weather stripped, insulated, patio, excellent neighborhood. Phone 2-6519. ATTRACTIVE small home. Living room, eating space, kitchen, bedroont bath, storage, lawn, garden, garage, Bendix. $5.800. 1070 Locust. 3-BEDROOM home, living room, din! ing room, kitchen, bath, utility, plenty of closets and built-ins. Shady yard, several fruit trees. Good neigh borhood Close to schools and shop- ing center. Hollywood district. aple Ave. Price $11,000. Evenings. 3- 7382. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1326 State St. Ph. 3-5580. 2-8812 PAY CHECK HELPER, 2a acres witft good 2 BR home, bath, utly.'Very good soil and practical outbldgs. Oi) circ. deep freeze IncL at $11,500, Paved rd. 26 ACRES with small house, barn anJ chicken house. Well and telephone. 11 mi. Salem. $4750. Make offer. OWNER LEAVING STATE offers 24 acres. 14 cultv. with 5 rm. bungalow, bath, elec, telph. Barn, all fenced. 8 ml. Salem. $7500. Paved rd. Needed more small acreages to sell. See Mr. Hart for more Information on above places. ED BYRKIT 4: CO. 475 Center St. Ph. 3-310 2 BEDROOM house. 335 N. 24th. Rea sonable price. Phone 3-5993. i A 3 BR. RANCH $10,500 NEW HOME Attached garage. Urge lot. located in desireable neighbor hood, near school. F.H.A. terms. Call Jane Plansoen. 4-1601. Eve. Ac Sun, 4- 2557 Al BeU Real Estate. TWO 2BR RENTALS on one lot. north. 2 yrs. old. Income $100 per month. Price $9000. Terms. Call Al Bell, 4-1601, Eve, and Sun. 3-9960. Broker, SMALL home snd 2 acres, wired for range. 2750. Terms Phone 4-4551. f FOR SALE bv owner. Lovely home ort Kingwood Heights, full basement, automatic oil heat, new wall to wall carpeting, wonderful view, doubl garage. Immediate possession. Priced to sell at $16,900. For appointment call 2-4151 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. daily XCtP ITSlJuTH SALEM ? 4 bdr-m. good modern home, H.W.F L. Rm. with fireplace, D. Rm. ana nook. Basement, new Auto, oil fur nace. Real value. $11,000. George D. Alderin or R. E. Meredith, Realtor " 976 S. Commercial St. Ph. 3-3780. McKINLEY DISTRICT This Is especially suited for- growing family: 3 bedrooms. - floor. Oil heat, fireplace, kitchen with dinette, pluf utility room. 3 years old. , Plenty of built-tna. Lovely yard. Cor. lot. Asking $13300. Terms or Trade -in your 3-bedroom home, North. See us at .1 ce. - ED D. POTTER, Realtor 211 Hih