Promoted Thm Stcteiemcm. Salem. Oregon. Thursday. Juno 19, 19527. M -1, PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY. .V: REG 29c Yes Facial Tissue 50c CHAMPION Golf Balls 3 for H $1.00 Wilson K-28 Golf Balls, 69e r'p id n id s? n rn Box 300 2 for 37c 3t Uo U Lr U U Uvl TOILETRY r n IAi ; A)--:?;!::: : iv ? f" i C. M. Heltzel Salem to Have New Safeway District Chief PORTLAND Changes in dis trict managers of Safeway Stores at Salem and Medford were an nounced Wednesday by T. M. Medford. division retail sales man ager here. C. M. (Chet) Heltzel, district manager of Safeway for the Sa lem area, will become district manager for the large North Port land sector, and Harold Johnson, district manager at Medford for the Southern Oregon district, will take over at Salem. Heltzel has been a Safeway dis trict manager for 12 years and has been in Salem since May, 1951. Johnson formerly was division buyer in Portland. He and Mrs. Johnson, with their two daughters, are to move to Salem within a week. A dinner comprising a farewell to Heltzel and a welcome to John eon is to be held at the Marion Hotel in Salem Monday night. Stock Market Rises Slowly NEW YORK (JF) Buying favor kipped around from one major group to another Wednesday in the stock market and accounted for a moderate advance. There never was a heavy con centration of demand at any time and there were frequent retreats from the best gains. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks added 30 cents at $105.10 with the industrial component up 70 cents, railroads up 20 cents, and utilities unchanged. There were 1,083 individual issue.-? on the tape, a little better than Tuesday's 1,039, with 459 ad vancing and 329 declining. Forty six highs were reached and 15 new lows for the year. Volume expanded to 1,270.000 shares, considerably better than Tuesday's 920,000 shares, lowest in a month. After the market closed the stock exchange reported a decrease of 91,110 shares in the short in terest as of June 13, the fourth straight monthly falls. It now stands at 1,753,466 shares, lowest since Aug. 15, 1950. Giraffes voiceless. are almost entirely NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that I have ben appointed by the Circuit Court of Marion County. Oregon. Probate Department, as Executor of the estate of Mattle E. Mammen. deceased, and have duly qualified: all persons hav ing claims against said estate are noti fied to present the same, duly verified, at 211 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated June 5. 1932. BRUCE CLINTON WILLIS. Executor of the estate of MATTIE E. MAMMEN. Deceased. MOODY.-LAMKIN Attorneys. Salem. Oregon J. 5. 12. 19, 26. Jlv. 3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed by the Circuit j Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. Probate Department. as administratrix of the estate of i BERNHATD WAGE, deceased, and : have qualified as such administratrix. Ail persons having claims against said ' estate are notified to present tne same. duly verified, to me. at 412 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem Oregon, within ix months from the date of this notice. Dated thi 5th riav of June. 1952. HELEN E. WAGE Administratrix of Estate of BERNHARD WAGE, deceased. WILLIAMS & SKOPIL Attorneys for Administratrix 412 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon. J. 5 12. 19. 26. Jlv 3 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF TRADEMARK Notice is herebv given ZELLER- BACH PAPER COMPANY, a California j corporation, has filed with the Secre- i t. rv of State of the State of Oregon its : trademark consisting of the following words : MOUNT VERNON TEXT", the ; word TEXT" being disclaimed apart from the nark, said trademark being applied to the ; goods by means of a water mark. That the name of the corporation j owning sail trade. nark is ZELLER- . BACH PAPER COMPANY, a corpora- ! tion duly organized under the laws of j the State or caaiornia. ana engagea In the . business of distributing and selling paper ind paper products in the State of Oregon, and that the articles of merchandise to which the said trademark U to be applied are paper and stationery and particularly BOOK PAPER AND TEXT PAPER. ZELLER BACH PAPER COMPANY By E. A. Breyman. Senior Vice President J. 5. 12. 19. House Painting Low As $125.00 Also Roberoid Cement Color-Grained Sidewalls for the. Life of a Home. FREE SCREENS With Alsco Aluminum Storm Window. Roofing. HOME IMPROVEMENTS CO. 637 N. Hish. Salem Ph. 3-374S Payments Low as $5.00 per mo. Vocation Special Reg. 30' m Prophylactic Tooth rushes I I II I I I rfTSX 90 Value Pfcg. mof 3 3 brightly-colored brushes . . . green, veilow end red. All r.ylon brVies in legu'er or left. Toilelritr $2.00 GILBERT Cigarette Lighters Windproof Style Chrome Case 18c GIANT SIZE Book Matches Qg 2 for 25c TOILETRY Free 15c Coupon Enclosed 98c Anacin Tablets 100's 89c Prell Shampoo 63c Colgate Toothpaste 39c P. illlilk of Magnesia $i.39 Pond's Cold Cream 99c Similac Baby Food 25c Even Flo r,:r Unit 2 for $2.ooDolcin Tablets 55c Wildroot - Tonic $1.49 sszssB' Complex - 40c Noxzema Shin Cream ioc w.m.. Toilet Tissue 5 for $1.00 prr Hair Brush TIC is tzL) 3 2 ST6' 2' 3 3 C Reg. American OpHcol X Aviation Style yim Smartly styled un glosses or comlort. and safety in the bright summer sunsKine . . . Handscme nxUe plated frames, end tinted lenres o protect your eyes from irritating sunshine. ToUelrift Women's Aviation Typo SUN GLASSES Smartly 98 Styled I TOILETRY Clip-on SUN GLASSES Light Weight TOILETRY MARSHM ALLOW CANDY Circus Peanuts Jumbo 1 4-oz. Bog CANDY Reg. $3.59 Certified VITAMIN $99 100 Caps. 50,000 Units Essential for a Healthy Complexion TOILETRY For More Beautiful Happier Hair . . . Charles Anf ell Formula No. 9 $4.98 Value, Shampoo & Formula Combi- $.00 nation Package Cm p,',u: $6.95 Value, Shampoo & Formula Comb- 5.00 nation Package 3 Toiletries Plus tax Slcol Plastic Botile Suntan Lotion 69' Toilelriei Norwich Suntan Oil 59' Prevents Sun Burn Toiletries BLUESTONE T9 Cold Pack Canner Uuart 0C1 J9 Made by Bluestcre. This canner is rrade cf tue most durable porce'ain granite, end has a ccnver'er built-in rack to held jars. A reel summer-time scecial! V arittitt 79c Bathing CAPS, 49c Live, flexible bathing caps to help keep your hair dry. TOILETRY Reg. 59c GOLD SEAL Self Polishing FLOOR WAX 23c pt. LOWER LEVEL Values to $4.00 Cloth Bound BOOKS Fiction - Non Fiction 39c LOWER LEVEL Reg. 98c VENETIAN WINDOW VENTILATOR Prevents Drafts LOWER LEVEL 79c 3 for S1.00 Reg. $2.69 Rubber Link D00R MAT Now $1.89 LOWER LEVEL COMPLETE HOUSE PAINT KIT Everything for a 5-Room House 6-GAL. MY-TE-FINE HOUSE PAINT Reg. $4.79 Only 1 Gal. Paint Thinner e9 59e 1-4" Paint Brush eg. $4.95 1-2" Trim Brush Reg. S1.35 1 Wire Brush eg 55c 10 Sheets Sandpaper Re9 2 5c 3 34.83 For ! Value Only S3.25 Down, Balance $5.00 Month On Approval of Credit LOWER LEVEL HERE FRIDAY & SATURDAY June 20th and 21st MISS MARY NEVILLE REVLON COSMETIC REPRESENTATIVE Miss Neville Will Help You With Your Fingernail and Make-up Problems Revlon Aquamarine LOTION DEODORANT Plus Aquamarine SOLID MIST Both for r Reg. 1.29 Jumbo Metal PICNIC HAMPER $1.00 You can pack a big spread in this durable all metal hamper the big family speciau LOWER LEVEL $3.98 Miracle Fabric BLOUSE NYLON AND ORLON Tubbable, dries in minutes, - -, needs no ironing, crisp tex- 0)1 afO ture. 32 to 38. Red Pink Maize Aqua White Navy Green $1.98 Value 1st Quality COTTON KNIT BLOUSE A summer favorite, cool and comfort able to wear. APPAREL o SO-Ft ao-Ft. 5-Yr. Guar. 49c Clothes Line Wire $6.95 ::; Garden Hose $6.95 Clothes Hamper 98c LaivnKake 85c Spinning Lure ioc Salmon Eggs Adjustable Tines 2 farB T. Devon LOWER LEVEL Arizona Vine Ripened CANTALOUPE Avg. l'-lbs. Ea. 15c TOILETRY Open Till 9 P. M. Friday Fired Mewar Emm rOI TMtlfTV SUVftS jf 148 N. LIBERTY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Phono 3-5456 27c My-Te-Fino 46-oz Tin TOMATO IW1 .an- REG. 59c WESSON OIL . 1 qt fie TOILETRY $11.49 Plastic 97c TOILETRY "Molf in Your Mouth Fairyland MINTS 19c TOILETRY 5 for S1.00