koticb or ims-ims budget HmiNa la accordance with tha proT-rlona o the "Local Budge Law (See-tone 110-1201 to 110-1319 O. C. L. A- as amended). noUca la hereby given that tha budget eommlttee of tha City of Salem. Oregon, adopted on June J. 1052, tha budget estimates aa harelnaftar aat forth for tha City of Salem. Oregon, for (ha ensttlng fiscal year July 1. IMS to Juno SO. 1853. All pereona ara hereby totltedi that- oa Thursday, tha loth day of July, at 1M P-m In tha council loom In tha City Hall. Salem, Oregon, said budget eatlmataa may be dlacuaaed tot tit th Common Council which la tha levying board for tha City of Salem, Oregon, and any pereon subject to tha proposed tax levy or tax levies may be heard in favor of or against aaid proposed tax levy or tax la vice or any part thereof. ALTRED MtTKPT. City Beoorder MEMBERS Or THE BUDGET COMMITTEE: DANUX, FRY. Chairman RUSSELL BONE3TEELE, Seeretary Tom Armstrong. Earl Burk. Dr. Morris Crothers. rred Olbaon, Albert Cilia. Paul Hendricks. J. L. Hirnmel, Claud Jorgenaen. Al Loucka. James Nicholson. David OUara, Fred Paulus. Ed Randla. J as. C. Stone . Ceo. Thomaaon. Robert White. ESTIMATED KXPEKDITTmES Actual for Fiscal Yr. 7-1-41 to JULY 1. 152 TO JUNE Actual for Budget for Fiscal Yr. Currant Yr. 7-1-40 to -30-81 AIRPORT PERSONAL SERVICES Airport Manager 9 9,996.31 1 Maintenance Man 1,796.31 MAINTENANCE 8c OPERATION Lighting. Runways. & Beacon Maint. All Equipment Repairs to Runways Field Maintenance Fire Ins. All Buildings Building Supplies & Maint. Telephone Miscellaneous Car Insurance Farming Operations State Ind. Acc. Comm. Pub. Emp, Retirement System Social Security Pub. Liability Ins. 919.13 3.471.75 3,114.4. 1.440.00 10443 144.4 929.79 119.70 60.91 08.70 239.78 4,177.09 1.897 .24 932.29 1.374 09 944.09 .408.00 4438.23 14041 20.83 20 94 75 68 243.79 238 43 7-l-l to -30-51 1 IS 00.00 1.45040 900 40 900.00 1,368 00 2,830.00 229.00 400.00 120.00 500 00 90.00 60.00 130.00 30, 153 Eat. for fiscal Yr. 7-1-82 to 6-30-33 1.000.00 9,360.00 TOTAL .9 15.54007 9 19,319.43 CTTY ATTORNEY PERSONAL SERVICES City Attorney .$ 6.28040 9 Legal Secretary Add. Legal Assistance 1479.19 MAINTENANCE Jc Office Supplies Law Books t octal Security tata Ind, Acc. Ins. OPERATION 60S 41 ,500.00 9,487.11 83 49 19.349.00 8,000.00 800.00 1.708.00 $400.00 Paid out of 48000 80.00 00 50.00 1.600 00 3.000.00 1.000 00 1.40000 1420 00 200.00 400.00 150.00 500.00 100 00 192 48 135 00 170 00 9 19.137 46 9 .000.00 600 DO 8.036 .00 Isoo.oo Water Dept. 500.00 100.00 135.00 15.00 TOTAL . 8.161 80 9 9.540.60 9 11.919.00 9 12.286.00 ENGINEERING Engineer 2 Asst. Engineers Asst. Engineer Asst. Engineer DEPARTMENT PERSONAL SERVICE 9 4.978.19 9 8,997.03 9 . 9,413.88 1 Jills of 2,788.50 IS Engineer Draftsman 1 Acc. 8c Office Asst. 1 Draftsman . Draftsman Draftsmen Draftsman Instrument Man Instrument Man Instrument Man Head Chainman Head Chainman Secretary Stenographer Clerk-Typist Extra Engineering MAINTENANCE Sc OPERATION 3.298 2.643 11 2.580 00 2,100.00 Survey Irtst Maint. Oiiice Supplies Telephone Expense Auto Expense Pub. Emp. Retire. System Social Security Car Insurance CAPITOL OUTLAY 1 New Car 896 30 2.207.67 52 83 1.415.82 987 10 231 43 ENGINEERING STREET DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT PERSONAL 1 Foreman Sign ) 1 Foreman Sti Cleaning) 1 Helper Sign Man 2 Flusher Operators . 2 Sweeper Operators . 1 Flusher Sweeper Man 1 Truck Drivers 1 Helper Sign Man ... 1 Helper (Plck-Up-Truck) 1 Down Town Sweeper Man Extra Help (Seasonal) I-abor Labor Labor Cutting Grass City Prop MAINTENANCE & OPERATION Pub. Emp. Retire. System Social Security Stat Ind. Acc. Comm. State Ind. Acc. Comm. Acc. Ins. Sc Liability Est. Share Tax Dis. Repair &' Service of Equip. Supplies . Pickup Truck Expense (Sign) Traffic Signs Sc Materials Mower Expense State Ind. Acc. Traffic Paint Kerosene Asphalt " Car Insurance CAPITOL OUTLAY Traffic Signals (new) Resurface Streets 1 New Sweeper Right of Way N Commf. Right of Way N. Broadway Surfacing N. Comml. Surfacing N. Broadway Equipment Resurface Various Streets ' Graveling Unimproved Streets Street Drainage Ext of Woodrow St Traffic Lights Off Street Parking . Street, Paving Curbs Sc Gutters l't Ton Pickup t Trucks Machinery Sc Tools Other Exp. Easement ana Kight of way CITY SHOPS PERSONAL SERVICES 1 Head Mechanic 3.296.39 1 Asst. Mechanics .. 5.752.70 1 Labor - Lubeman . 2,376.25 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 9.963.57 9.177.12 8.477 M 8.368 93 I.187.M 8.117.17 2.766 94 2.285.31 7.775.58 1.008.03 1.340.93 83.95 42.53 1.378.67 ' 890.33 1.601.70 SERVICE 8.600.00 9 5.13O.0Q .290.00 8.498 00 1,828 88 1328 00 8.828 00 3.828 00 8.828 00 8.564 00 8.036.00 3.508 00 8.340 00 500 00 1.200 00 100 00 1.300 00 1,781 00 850 00 9,000.00 SR f.130.00 ST 8.130.00 ST 4490 00 ST 1.840.00 ST SR SR 7.656 00 SR 4.200.00 ST 4.200 00 SR ST 4.200 00 SI ST 8.564 00 SI 3.036.00 SR 4,508 00 SI ST BOO 00 SR 1,402.00 ST 100 00 SR 1.600.00 SR 582 00 SR 1.485 00 SR 500 00 SR SR wierual for Fiscal Tr. f-1-49 to Actual for ftaeaT Yr. f-1-50 to Budget for Current Yr. . T-l-91 to 9-90-91 Jc Mams S. Salem Ext. Exist. Trunk Lines Cornp. of Sew. Treat. Plant See. d.e.f. N. Trunk Trunk Ext. 8c Laterals. West Salem Sewers W. Salem High Level 19.991.89 99451.11 Pumping Plant Ac Pressure Line to Salem Salem Pump Station Sep. of Sanit. 4c Storm Drains ,, . - Debt Service '. 411.000 00 8.072.00 10.800.00 78.835.00 43.800.00 0482.00 17.595.00 19400 jOO i.136.00 Eat. for Fiscal Yr. 7-1-82 to 9-30-53 SI sr 152.863.00 sr 8F 8.000.00 SF .080.00 sr 42.soo.oo sr ? 9.582.00 Sr 7.593 00 ST 19.000.00 sr 97400.00 sr M949S49 9 87 4.824. 14 8 1.5 11. 527 J7 91.1W472.00 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 1 Building Inspector 949819 1.198.38 1 Plan Checker (Structural) 9409.19 9,48540 1 Inspector. Electrical. 1 Clerk Typist MAINTENANCE Sc OPERATION State Ind. Acc. Coram Pub. Emp. Ret. System- .828 00 3428 00 O i. 480.00 .828 00 178.00 63.00 581.00 TOTAL 4M49 9.882 29 FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONAL SERVICES Fire Chief Asst. Fire Chief (1). ... Battalion Chiefs (3) -Fire Captains (11) First Aid Captains (2) Firemen 3rd Year Firemen 2nd Year Firemen 1st Year Firemen (Inspectors) (4) Fire Captain (Drillmaster) Firemen aa Officers on Capt.'a Days Off Sec.-Steno. , Time (57) (11)- h .... 4.556.35 11,329.05 41.95744 9.952.70 122,40219 5.19041 180.00 MAINTENANCE Jc OPERATION Fire Alarm Circuits (4) Equipment Insurance Laundry Garbage Removal Telephone . Supplies 8c Misc. Radio Maintenance Maint. 8c Repair Station Equip. Repairs & Re placement . Drill Tower Expense Gas Sc Oil Uniform Fund Hydrants. Repair State Ind. Acc. Coram CAPITAL OUTLAY Fire Hose (1000 Ft.) Hydrants (23) Tools Sc Equipment Equipment for 5 Men Fire Truck . Kingwood Station 291.00 3743 53 JO 11350 18.69 1.15340 1.109 44 2.090.54 4.081 48 9.313.57 1.7104 9414 81 1,653.69 1.744.00 1.50040 982 20 1,423.00 1.159 80 4496.49 4.756.42 11469.33 19.306.94 7413.11 134.87941 8411 45 .113.49 1,445.00 180 06 517.00 84344 731.17 118 JO 43.13 1.682.24 267.47 9438.71 9407.90 965 01 1.873 08 1.98834 483 68 14490.00 400.00 4.686.00 13,068.00 44.288.00 9,052.00 199.712 62 41.547.79 1.440.00 1400 00 900.00 100.00 6oroo 150.00 ioo.oo 1.700.00 500.00 9420.00 9.470.00 850.00 .000 00 475.41 .000 00 450.00 750 00 785 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2.996.33 3.177.03 8.498 00 8,660.00 ST 2.687.85 8.177.05 3.498 00 8.660.00 ST 2.703.47 1.817.14 1 102 00 1400.00 ST 2,568.98 9499 42 6.204 00 6,480.00 ST 1,536 33 9431.28 (404 00 8.480.00 ST 196.17 2.382.30 2.102.00 9 44O.00 ST 2.572.83 6.232.39 0.072.00 6.360.00 ST 2.636 29 2,896.66 3.036.00 1.134.00 ST 2.456 33 1.642.43 1.904 00 1.060 00 ST 1.456 33 1.637.03 1.904.00 1.060.00 ST 4.563.49 5447 .32 6.497 60 5.500.00 ST 8.364 32 11.302 43 5.948 20 10,000.00 ST 8,673.29 7.461 95 11478 00 13.133 00 SR 276.39 9,373.82 900.00 900.00 SR Coram 1.147.58 4,070.00 8.161.17 84.33 147.60 136 00 421.13 380.38 300 00 436.61 1,533.00 584 00 1.350 00 7498.64 8.500.00 8.50000 1.000.00 1.709.64 1.000.00 7075 114.47 19000 1.194.76 1.831 66 1.731.20 164.93 117.03 15000 3.03 25.32 1000 929 50 93241 1.800.00 1.801.15 9.147.15 900.00 1,601.86 28.72 793.44 945.88 9.122 00 . 13,589 10 18.32400 10.000.00 2.272 26 9 6.753 11 1413.00 ST ,160 00 ST 300 00 SR 400.00 ST 1.117.00 ST 1450.00 SR 9.000.00 ST . 1.000.00 ST 190.00 ST 400.00 ST -50.00 SR 10.00 SR 1.500.00 ST 1,700.00 ST ST ST SR 18.703 00 SR 9400.00 SI ST ST 14400 00 ST 14.11200 ST 444.12 9 427 83 3.000 00 9.600.00 ST 29.710 97 81.909 40 10.590 .00 14,338 00 ST 10448 50 114H 98 10.800 00 14.628.00 ST 40.000.00 ST ?.000 00 8.000.00 ST .500 00 11.900.00 ST 10.000 00 7.000 00 ST 254,821 58 806,914 79 120.000 00 920.000 00 SI j Service Retirement 23453.00 Disabilitv Retirement . 1.846.00 Death before Retirem't . 1.997 00 Death after Retirem't... 5.744 00 Administration Costs .... 500.00 25.057 80 2.267.20 2.431 40 6.973 20 5O0 00 13.617 80 2.267.20 2.431 40 6.975 20 500 00 480.00 1.82840 1408.00 84.00 940.00 14.728.00 9444.00 4.830.00 13400.00 45.970.00 8.340 00 07484.00 88.701.23 1467.00 880.00 24O.0O 1.440.00 1400.00 7oo!oS 800.00 150.00 100.00 8400.00 900.00 9420.00 9400.00 500.00 t.OOO.OO 1.973 00 1400.00 1.400.00 1.000.00 1.763.00 19.000 00 13,616 80 2.267 00 2.431 00 6.975.20 500.00 TOTAL 9 304,87078 9 332,278.92 8 376.699 42 8 418.636.23 NON DEPARTMENTAL Auditing Expense . Civil Service Emergency Garbarge Dump League Dues Notice of Budget Election Supplies Mayor-Council Expense Civilian Defense Levene Damages Procurement 4-H Club Mosquito Control Planning Sc Zoning Street Lighting 1.500 00 348 42 S3.683..B8 1.630.00 1.236.32 302.58 1,916 61 1.200 00 153.23 TOTAL 8 42,991.01 HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERSONAL Health Officer (part) 2.055.00 Sanitation (Milk) .1458.00 Sanitarian (City Restaurant) 1,958.00 City Nuisance Officer 3413.00 Nurse Clinic 2.467.00 Clerk-Stenographer ... 2.244.00 MAINTENANCE 6c OPERATION Rodent Control (supplies! 360 00 Printing. Postage. Supplies 425.00 Rent 65000 Medical Supplies 400.00 Medical Services 900.00 Transportation .. 900.00 Gas. Oil. Repairs (city car) . 481.41 LB. Survey boratory 1,430 00 Pub. Emp. Ret. System 1.402.80 Office Equipment State Ind. Acc. Comm. 1.100.00 Car Ins. (city car) .. 41.77 1,500 00 78 11 22.390 3 1,630.00 1.31S 52 334 57 22 90 1,000 00 ?,400 00 .232 00 169 02 9 Si. 193.75 SERVICE 2435.00 1.120.00 3.111.00 3.420 00 2.805 00 1.397 00 212.50 450 00 700 00 550.00 900 00 800.00 42.01 1.4S0.00 1.402.80 58 34 100.00 62.85 1.000 00 500 00 10.000.00 1.650 00 1 .722 56 350 00 1,800 00 1.000 .00 4.4O0 00 ,500 00 1.000 00 500 00 12.008 66 1.650 00 1.726.00 4O0.O0 1.800 00 1,500 00 3.800 00 2.540 00 3.600 00 900 00 94.123.00 (den Fd ) (St T. ) 50.848 00 3.600 00 2.540 00 8.600 00 900 00 16.178 00 9 100.087 56 9 103.050.66 9.458 50 473 70 8.373 70 8.762 00 2.917 20 8.666 40 112 50 600 00 800 00 623 00 900.00 1.000 00 103.00 1400 00 1.450.00 877 00 100 00 100 00 50 00 1.458 50 1,373 70 3.373.70 8.762 00 1.917 20 1.666.40 100 00 650 00 850 00 650 00 .000 00 000 00 1.: 800 00 8.480 00 850 00 100 00 100 00 50 00 TOTAL LIBRARY PERSONAL 3 24.006.50 SERVICES 9 24416.50 9 96471 00 9 16.681 50 13.729 96 1.384.10 4.870.4O 19.700.32 .03 86 .08 172.00 1.883 48 148 1,864 21 128 81 1.335 11 1.00 9440.20 118476.88 6,788.36 821.68 89.48 97.455.32 576.55 Gas. Oil. Mafl. Sc Misc. 1,512.33 1.814 72 State Ind- Acc. Comm. . 121.07 96.99 Pub Emp. Retire. Syst. 430.77 899 61 Social Security State Ind. Acc. Comm. Telephone Shop Lighting CAPITAL OUTLAY New; Equip. Sc Shop Upkeep (New Shop) Warehouse Improve ments - Storage Bldg. 22nd St New City Shop DRAINAGE BOND FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY North East Drainage Pro J. Sect. A Main Ditch; 3 Flumes Cascade Dr. Part Glen Cr. Section B. Culverts Ditches. Etc South Salem Drainage.. Madison Ave. Area Debt Service West Salem Sc Kinewood Extensions Sc Laterals . Culverts 6c Ditches BRIDGE BOND FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY Church St. Bridge 41.072.13 S 23rd St. Bridge 17.942.: Minor Br. Sc Major Culverts 8.017.64 Debt Service 810.45 Mission St., Over Pringle Cr Ford St. over Shelton Ditch i S 25th Over Shelton Ditch : . Mission Street Ford Street South 25th Street MINOR LIEN FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY Cutting Grass Private Lots , S.2904 3743 Construction of Side walks - 149847 147247 State Ind. Acc. Comm. 22.M SEWAGE TREATMENT FUN PERSONAL SERVTC 1 Chief Operator 9 4) ( 3 Operators State Ind. Acc. Comra Pubv Retire. System MAINTENANCE & OPERATION Materials, Power Sc 7.500 00 4.600.00 8.828 00 j. 732 00 9.036 00 7,697.20 128 00 61200 11300 800.00 2.500.00 93.000 00 9 .49100 ,785.00 .744.00 :: 90,000.00 96,000.00 16,000 00 11)400 00 10.000.00 19.000.00 1400 O0 940040 1749047 177.622.48 8471.85 6.975.79 1.41740 Supplies CAPITAL OUTLAY Inter. Sew. Plant Site te Columbia St Inter. Sew. Columbia Union Lat. Ext; Minor Drains Storm Drains l Debt Service Compl. of Inspector Sew, Treatment Plant N. Trunk Pro J. (Comml. to Portland Road) Sec. B (Lana Ave. to Evergreen Sec. C (SUverton Rd. to Washington School) W. Salem St Kingwood Hts. See. WaDece Rd. Inter. 97.926 08 95411 M 18.883 4 1479.40 99041949 9C.435.00 S.447JW 442349 SR SR .500 00 SI 1428.00 SI 4.560.00 ST 7.080.00 ST 2440.00 ST 7.186 00 ST 128.00 ST 121 00 ST 405.00 ST 115 00 SR SR 900.00 ST 9.000.00 SR SR SR Ei DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB BB BB BB BB 17.00040 BB 11,000.00 BB 91.000.00 BB 7,500.00 ST 9400.00 ST 9,900.00 ST 400.00 9400.00 440040 SF 10400.00 SF 175.00 SF 94040 SF 19.785.00 SF SF SF SF SF SF &F SF SF sr Head Librarian Asst. Librarian .. Children's Librarian Circulation Librarian Chief Desk Assistant Desk Assistants (3) Book Mender ( time) Page (500 hrs Janitor MAINTENANCE Sc Heat Light Building Maintenance Supplies Postage Sc Telephone . Insurance & State Ind. Acc. Com Vacation Miscellaneous Pub. Emp. Retire System . Social Security Building Renovation Book Binding Replacement of lost books ,- CAPITAL OUTLAY Books Periodicals 3.960.00 1.1 .570 05 2437.20 2.172 44 2.046.00 5.969-26 924 14 403 41 1.372 13 OPERATION 542 83 373 08 742 96 552.48 222 48 253 82 339.40 9.00 85 48 407.05 696.59 290.01 1,628 08 196.51 4J17J7 1.997.33 1.317.64 2.817.60 147545 8.22747 1.017.61 42837 1.467X12 466.10 410.84 406.63 591 62 131.88 283.40 199.06 45.27 1.093.63 396.03 877.6? 393 01 4410.08 693.13 TOTAL 8 29.936 46 8 34.383.62 8 CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICE City Manager 7.499.89 7.500.00 752 00 4.752 00 1400 00 3.300 00 8.300.00 340000 i.300 00 1,300 00 1408 00 1.508 00 .910 20 8.911.00 41400 141400 450.00 4d0 00 1.400.00 1.400 00 65000 650.00 40000 40000 400 00 400 00 300 00 600 00 150 00 300 00 273 92 311 00 130 00 150 00 50.00 5000 1.458 00 762 73 945 00 400 00 400 00 700 00 700 00 40000 40000 4,400 00 4.800 00 700.00 700 00 38.970 12 8 89.803 73 8.250.00 Gen. 8.250 00 1,650.00 1.650.00 Water Secretary 8.999 60 MAINTENANCE 8c Pub. Emp. Retire. System Travel Expense Office Expense .. State Ind. Acc. Comm. OPERATION 328.58 1948 1.180 00 828 48 500.00 99.88 29.92 9.900.00 3.696 00 Paid out of 9,900 00 3.816 Oo Water Dept MAINTENANCE Poatage Printing Gas St Oil Auto Equip. 9c Repairs State Ind. Acc. Comm. Office Equipment Supplies 8c Misc. Telephone 8c Tele. Car Insurance Pub. Emp. Ret. Sya. Social Security 4 new cars (trade-in) Jail improvement . Uniform fund Three Wheel Motor (1) Solo Motors (1) Police Training , JAIL EXPENSE Meals Actual for Fiacal Yr. f-1-49 to 8-30-50 OPERATION 38.08 10045 44249 Actual for . Fiscal Yr. 7-1-50 to 9-10-91 Budget for Current Yr. 7-1-51 to -30-91 1.722.7 243647 140O42 1483.1 124 63 596.23 .723.71 7.482M Laundry Repairs , Sanitation DOG POUND EXPENSE Car Maint, Gas. Oil Accident 8c LUbiL Ins. Dog Food Telephone 799.00 500.00 200 00 25.00 391 00 500 00 200.00 25 00 10.847-0 11.628-4 PERSONAL SERVICE 2.760.00 205.80 OPERATION 483.41 29.63 TOTAL MUNICIPAL JUDGE- Munidpal Judge Judge Pro Tern Secretary .. Bailiff MAINTENANCE 8c Office SuppUes Witness Fees TOTAL 9 1.478.93 9 PARKS 8c PLAYGROUNDS PERSONAL Park Superintendent .... 9498.45 Labor 10402.79 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION Water 8c Lights Maint. 4c Repairs 54141 State Ind. Acc. Comm. 172.03 Fertilizer ... 18.00 Planta 8c Flowers 80.00 Marion Square 128-55 Equip. Maintenance 941.13 General Improvements 1,780.70 Pub. Emn. Retire. System 718-28 Social Security Car Insurance 96.07 Grass Seed 170.11 Pickup Truck W Olson Park Fountain . 8948 Band Concerts - 1400.00 PLYAG.ROUNDS Personal Service Operating Expense Maintenance Expense TOTAL .. 9 34492.74 POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONAL 9 13.470.00 9 13.182 00 2400.00 199.47 38 41 67.30 4.003 19 SERVICES 8497.19 11.19844 89.83 29244 198.62 7.89 41960 8.457.69 8.520.00 231.00 1.500 00 720.00 130 00 ,520 00 231.00 1,800 00 50.00 421 .00 9 . 8,101 00 4490 00 16.000.00 300.00 1,000.00 218.00 100.00 100 00 90.00 00 00 9.023 00 4490 00 16.000 00 300 00 1.000.00 220.00 100 00 100 00 50 00 500.00 11.944 50 Chief of Police (ll . Aat. Chief of Police Captains (3) Matron (1) Sergeants (4) (1) (I) 4.794.33 4418.39 11.418 Jl 1438.35 11. 174 .82 148944 13.737.88 1406.33 3419.93 69J64 S3 39409.47 Clerk-Stenographers Desk Clerk 1) Detectives (3) Juvenile Officer (1) Fouadmaater (J ) Patrolman 3d year (33) Patrolman 2nd yr. (7) Patrolman 1st yr. (1) IT men swing shift at 95.00 16 men graveyard shift st JMXO COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SE Captain (1) 8398-33 Sergeant l) 14W.39 Radio- Dispatcher (9) 14.40040 783 U 1.090.00 722.50 540.00 73.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 350.00 1.800.00 121.99 125.00 125.00 1.800.0$ 12.111.50 13.112.00 1,862.50 1463.00 1402.50 1403.00 9 38426.15 9 47.441.30 9 83.630 00 SERVICE 8437.14 . 8.7S4 00 .784.00 4.497J4 4.93000 12.5928 13.860.00 13.860 00 S.41742 1,762 00 2.762 00 11,701.74 17.160 00 17.160.00 8.188X4 .344 00 9.724:00 1.432.00 1.688 00 18436.44 10.700 00 90.790.00 3.714.22 4.158.00 4.158.00 3.182 91 1.498 00 3.498 00 62.303 83454.00 123.954.00 4041 4 53.008.07 23.016.00 91,50744 1344741 474.00 1420 00 142040 RVICX A.9T7J25 44-0.00 4410.00 1.777.11 4490.80 440.00 15 460 -13 18.632 0 ao.79ft.Oe Vacation Pub. Emp. Ret. System COMMUNICATIONS EXP. Telephone system ,,. 1 Radio Circuits Radio Supplies Parking Meter Sup. Traffic Signal Supplies Signal Generator Radio Seta TOTAL PUBLIC BUILDINGS PERSONAL SERVICE 493.66 249 6365 48.78 70.80 31.71 803.68 18440 11844 1.791.13 375.77 1.489.83 1.10148 19847 10441 1.72346 33.53.56 13.08 88838 ,737.36 9413.61 1468.03 427.20 4.183-W 224.07 60.44 10490.41 4.949 89 140941 9.70749 140.91 32.97 193.70 27.7 8345 14444 119.90 12447 3.606 38 240.19 1.429.89 2401.87 418.88 186.700.11 Janitors (2) MAINTENANCE 8c Supplies Repair 8c Painting Fuel Lighting and Power Repairs to Heating Plants Elevator Service West Salem Bldg. Insurance Pub. Emp. Ret. Sys. Social Security State Ind. Acc. Comm. 444643 OPERATION 1.711.07 1424 19 96732 003.70 1.40447 59.90 441 'OTAL 11.643.96 RECORDER-PERSONAL SERVICES ity Recorder 4.798.19 it. Kec Ac secretary 3jV9.iv kkeeper 1.800.07 Billing Clerk and 1 Payroll Clerk 4.49148 Clerk Typist 1,196 U MAINTENANCE Ac OPERATION Premium Officers Bond Postage 8c Printing Office Supplies Telephone .-, Miscel. Expense Maint. Book. Machine . Pub Emp. Retire. Sys. focial Security tate Ind Acc. Comm. Office Equipment 25 00 461.74 1.033 M 185 40 544.71 78 81 716 82 35 94 1.223 65 8,154 2.686 .34 7432.38 2422.99 1.619.18 465 40 1.177 2B 786 40 170 52 33 58 21.748.44 8.23745 3.477.48 8.997.31 8.081.87 1460.65 23 00 1408 27 1.426 80 18081 476 43 162 27 803 38 41 82 80.00 1.000.00 400.00 t.000.00 2459.00 730.00 1.580.00 200.00 1400.00 15.715.00 4430.00 9400.00 400.00 7400 00 100.00 00.00 100.00 100.00 37.00 700.00 160.00 336.00 4400.00 630.00 1.136.00 1400.00 150.00 133432.80 8.676.00 1.000.00 8.100.00 1.500 00 100.00 463 00 1.500.00 600 00 136.00 40 00 13.217.00 5.764 00 5.828 00 3,498.00 8,346 00 1.508 00 25 00 950 00 1,400 00 300 00 7CX) 00 100 00 1,386 00 1 00 Est. for Fiacal Yr. 7-1-52 to -10-53 100.00 1.000 00 .00040 40040 1459X10 75040 4.00040 150.00 1400.00 741540 .48040 4450.00 400.09 1.400.00 90.00 800.00 7.500.00 10040 900.00 10040 900.00 5.00 800.00 160.00 136.00 4.700.00 70.00 9400.00 1400.00 00.00 39473.00 8,676 00 1.000 00 1.000.00 1.000.00 200 00 463.00 1.300.00 800.00 170.00 40.00 14.931 00 5.764.00 1,480 00 3,498.00 8,520 00 8.508 00 23 00 1.400.00 1.400 00 150 00 450 00 150.00 633 40 675 00 60.00 100.00 Thm Stot4)gnct-u Sal-a-u Ortroa, To day, Jvam 17, 1851 Beatty Circus in Salem Today The Clyde Beatty Circua arrives la Salem early today, under th sponsorship of the Salem Lions Club, for performances at the stata fairgrounds at S pjn. and 8 p.m. Men. machines and elephaota wer to erect the cook tent first then the big top. The circus arrive via special SP train. Photo shows It loading from its winter atutrteri in Florida. THE VALLEY NEWS COLUMNS From Th Oregon Srotaimcm's VoXy CerrMponcknlt TOTAL 21.981.48 23,479.14 13,836 00 23.913 40 TREASURER -PERSONAL SERVICES Treasurer-Salarv . 4.200.00 4.640 00 5.104 00 6.104 00 Clerk-Salarv ' 2.998.19 3.550 80 3.498 00 3,498 00 MAINTENANCE Sc OPERATION Office Supplies 44.07 409.31 130 00 250 00 Premium on Officers Bond . 100.00 100 00 120 00 120 00 Telephone 2.10 3 30 25 00 25 00 Pub. Emp. Retire Syst.. 814 56 197 72 828 00 158 00 Social Security 135.00 State Ind. Acc. Comm . 7 49 7.28 9 00 9 00 TOTAL T.566 41 8.908 61 - 1.334 00 9499 00 Coronation Of St. Paul Queen Slated DEBT SERVICE PRIN . & INT ON BONDS Pnn. on Gen. Oblig. Bonds Int. on Gen. Oblig. Bonds Trans, from Sew. Treat Fund Sewage Disp. $117,000 2' 2 Bridge Bonds $75,000 2a't Bonded St. Intersect'ni . Int. St. Intersections Cash Balance Taxes that will not be collected AM'T TO BE LEVIED STREET IMPROVEMENT Principal Interest LESS ESTIMATED RECEIPTS TAX LEVY WATER BONDS Water Bonds Principal . Water Bonds Interest Estimated Receipts Tax Levy TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 83.500.00 5 178 23 6.217.18 3.109 ll 50.004.49 BONDS 23.449.21 8.34090 47.000.00 63.270.00 87.000 00 7.631 96 8.930 00 538.73 8.776.02 4.606 54 1.000.00 87.989 79 113.422 69 8.343.29 64.000 00 87.27000 73.000 00 19423 13 87,632 50 8.923 00 1.87500 12.071 97 6.138 08 117433 18 8 6.723 84 6.467 23 43.191 07 0.300.00 24.093 78 13.763 81 6.303 12 9.74588 128.608 36 43J03 55 6,877 53 50.081 10 NONE ST. PAUL Queen -elect Mar garet Smith, 19-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Smith of St. Paul, will be formally crowned queen of the 17th annual St. Paul rodeo Friday night, June 20 at the traditional coronation dance in the city hall here. The rodeo, one of the oldest in the nothwest, will be held July 3, 4 and 5. There will be perfor mances each night as well as a i matinee on the Fourth of July, i -, Queen Margaret's crown will be, ri"Cf OOltffrV a shining new sombrero and her - 41t.vrv wJv4Bv-1' J E. Salem Families Entertain Guests EAST SALEM Guests for a te day visit at the Joe Slimak hom on Silverton Rd. are her sister anl brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Highley and children; Verna Kay, Vernon Ray and Rita Kay from Middletown, Ohio. It Is their first trip west and many tight seeing trips to the coast and parks have been planned. They will drive down into California on their return trip home. Guests the past week at ths Robert Pickerel home on N. Lan caster Dr. were his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson from Florence, Colo. 64 000 00 663 00 $1,839,395.00 $1,812.363 56 $2,691,901.87 83,000.00 62.311.23 125.511.23 NONE $2,345,364 56 Airport Est Revenues 9.457 31 Building Dept 19,908.41 Recorders Est Rev. 129.967.27 Treas. Est. Rev 212.280 88 Sewage Treatment Rev. 93482 43 Sewage Treatm't Cash Bal. 48.160.30 Sewage Treat. Bond Sale .. 365.000.00 State Tax St Est Rev 152.926 94 State Tax St Cash Bal Delinquent Taxes 41.163.20 Gen. Tax 1952-53 291.381 80 Gen Fund Cash Bal 13,000 00 Street Repair Tax 2 mills .. 48.542.83 Fire Tax 36 mills 115,264 03 Fire Tax 1 vear Levy Parks 2 mills . .. 23.063 03 Pnn. Int. Sc Bonds : 33.591.74 Improvement Fund 23.729 96 Minor Liens Bridge Bond Bal Sale of City Shop Drainage Bond Cash Bal. Less Int. &c Penaltv on Gen. Tax Int i Penalty. St Rep. Tax Int. Sc Penaltv, Fire Tax Int. & Penalty. P'k Millage Int Se Penalty. Bond & Int. Firemen Pen&ion Fund . 12.595 49 28.104.88 141.676 59 226.18S 00 95.000.00 4.170.00 163.970.00 43.042 04 297424 23 52407 89 133,444 33 44.979 96 26.632.43 67.989 79 105.424 36 1.577.88 19.686.56 24.725.00 141.080.00 237.190.47 292.620.00 368.000.00 117.000.00 251.000.00 88.500.00 20.000.00 866,008 08 60.614 00 136,750 00 31.350.00 117.233.18 242.000.00 6,000.00 75.000 00 53,000.00 40.000 00 8.000 00 3.600 00 675 00 2.850.00 REVENUES 8 800.000 00 434,521 20 2,000.00 8.000.00 1.242.521 00 642.521.20 600,000.00 TOTALS 1.624,720 37 2.437.885 91 8.692.632 27 WARRANTS OUTSTANDING BONDS General Obligation Bonds Street Improvement BoKis Sewage System Bonds Water Bonds TOTAL BONDS WATER DEPARTMENT ESTIMATED Bal Cash Sc Investments $ Operating Revenues 403.197 80 434.788 68 Rents 2.05533 2.035 73 Interest on Investments 7,118 47 6.327 19 Sale of Bonds 800.000.00 Losses Recovered 8.31 TOTAL REVENUES Less Expenditures - 412.371 60 743.070.09 Balance End Period WATER DEPARTMENT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES City Manager Water Dept. Manager Engineer Asst. Manager Attorney Accountant - Asst. Accountant . Service Manager Billing Clerk Junior Accountants (2) Cashiers (2) Ledger Clerks (2) Clerk Typists (3) General Foreman - Construction Foreman Sr. Maintenance Men (2i ... Sr. Maint. Man (W. Salem) Maintenance Men (4) - Night Watchman (2) Sr. Service Man Jr. Service Men Shop Foreman Meter Repair Man Meter Reader Jr. Meter Reader Warehouse Man - Intake Attendant Chemist (Part Time) Janitor Draftsman (2) Service Men West Salem Shovel Operator (500 Hrs.).. Labor Various Rates MAINTENANCE Sc 16.580 00 18.000.00 116.000 00 250.859.00 128,000.60 337.000.00 250.000.00 77.200 00 20.000.00 387.968.00 64.920.00 181.776 00 64.920 00 128.608.56 242.000.00 6.000.00 59.000.00 7.760 00 1.299 00 3.636 00 1.300 00 12.528 00 2.345.364 56 NONE 1.468.500.00 383403 53 785.000.00 1.951.000 00 4,587.703 55 8 600.000.00 450.0O0.0O 2.000.00 6.000.00 836.375 90 221.624 10 sceptre will be a quirt, to De turned over to her by last year's ! queen, Connie Cross of Salem. j The coronation will be followed ! by a grand march led by the 1 rodeo's pretty ruler and Ray ' Manegre, president of the St. Paulj Rodeo association. The queen and! association president will then i take to the dance floor for their i traditional dance. Princesses-elect Beverly Van Dyke of Forest Grove and Jean Smith of Salem will receive then royal sombreros at the same time. Preparations for the rodeo are reaching a feverish tempo now, and association officials predict the biggest show in the 17-year history of the event. Manegre said some of the nation's leading cow boys have expressed interest in competing for the $8,600 in prize money which will be offered. ! The matinee performances of , the rodeo on July 4 will be pre-! ceded by an hour-long parade thatj morning, featuring Queen Mar garet and her court, rodeo per formers, posse groups from througout the area and various other individuals and units. There will also be a fireworks display the nights of the Fourth. Guests at Dallas Service DALLAS Members of th Sa lem Rose Society and their fami lies were guests at the 11 a. ro. Rose Sunday service at the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Earl W. Benbow chose as his text: "God's Garden; Thou Shalt Be Like a Watered Garden". Ths choir sang 'O for a closer walk with God", Miss Louise WoodrufJ directing. A memorial gift of a brass crost and candlesticks by Mrs. R. R. VanOrsdel and family of Salem in memory of Robert Randolph VanOrsdeL was dedicated. Paul Morgan, member of the board oi trustees presented the gift for dedication. Rose arrangements and basket! I of roses from Dr. Benbow's garden ! were placed about the sanctuary. Suburban Chamber Sets Wednesday Meet SALEM HEIGHTS The South Salem Suburban Chamber of Com merce will meet, on Wednesday June 18, at 8 p. m. at the Salem Heights Community Hall. There will be reports from the standing committee, and various committees will be appointed to function in the planning and zon ing -commission. The club will con tinue to stress the membership drive. The Salem Height Womans club will have charge of the re freshments. . 1,500 00 1,600.00 1.650.00 1.630.00 6 180.90 6,000.6 6,600.00 6.600.00 4.500.00 4,320.90 4.500 00 4.950 60 60000 600.00 8.780 90 3.960.00 4.356 00 4.356.00 1.680.13 3,120.00 3.432.00 i.432.00 3.480.90 3.660.00 4.026.00 4.026.00 3.240.90 3.420 00 3.762.00 3.762.00 4.548.30 5.940.22 6.600.00 6.600.00 2 820.90 3.000 00 6,600.00 6.600 00 2.700.90 1.080.00 6.336.00 6.336.00 8.90133 8.184.00 8.184.00 3.405.33 3.840.00 4.224 00 4.224.00 3.180.90 6.600.00 3.696.00 3.780.00 3,073 50 6.480.00 7.128 00 7.392 00 3.364.00 7.232.17 9.000.34 13.464 00 13.464.00 5.641.80 5.230 00 6.600.00 8.600.00 3.120.90 3.300.00 3.630.00 S.630.00 3.058 40 3.564.00 3.564 00 3.180.90 3.360.00 8.698.00 2.840.00 2.940.90 3,666 88 2.640 00 8.418 80 3.060.90 3.240.00 3.564 00 3.564.00 2.770.90 3.060.00 3.366.00 3.366.00 3.364.00 8.900.00 398 60 890.00 429.00 429.00 500.00 651.00 550.00 860.00 1.142.27 1,000.00 3,953.38 13.31 1.063 00 72.559.11 (7.034.95 T2J83.7S 87.317.60 OPERATION SOURCE Or SUPPLY Pumpinf Expense Trucking Kxpense Repairs 8c Expense PUMPING EXPENSE Cone Valve Sc House Exp Walls Expense Main Pump Bldgs. 8c Equip PURIFICATION Chemicals 8c Materials Maint. Chlor. House, Equip TRANSMISSION 8c 388.70 441.01 1.400.89 114.37 1.407.77 593.71 1,593 53 236.93 DISTRIBUTION Removing Sc Setting Meters Shop Expense . Reservoir Control House Power High Level Tank Main Distribution Mains Maiat. to Service Line 8c Conn ,, . Maint. to Meters 8c Meter Boxes Total Sat. Expenditures Est. Receipts Amt. Wsnimjf to Bal Budget Taxes will not be Collected. Esc. Tax Levies 1952 -3 . S-oldns Fund Bal. Water Dept- ToUl $3,181,740 4 2JK7.542.90 14.ir7M 13.M5.M 828.192J4 221424.10 Gen. Pvad M.175.00 43.9T7.00 saojee.oo 7.780.00 8CT.MS.00 Street Repair Tax S3.821.00 3.821.00 1.299.00 420.00 833.93 889.77 617.25 1.677.77 1,008.13 2.035.83 3,378.11 State Tax Fund 327.200 00 827.200 08 1.509 46 8.000.00 8.000.00 496.20 500.00 500.00 8,193.62 8.000.00 6.000.00 207.97 350.00 200.00 593.08 1.200.00 100.00 1.009.21 1.500.00 1.000.00 8.548.58 8,000.00 8 .500 .00 198.25 400.00 400.00 1.397.23 S.OOOOO 1.300 00 1,208.50 2.000.00 1,500.00 379.99 708.00 500.00 2.401.11 8.000.00 2.000.00 2.336.84 3.000.00 3.000.00 4.821.42 8.000.00 (.000.00 8.353 77 T.000.00 T.OOO.OO GETS DEATH SENTENCE KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya (JP) -A 23-year-old Indonesian ter rorist made a last minute attempt to save himself from the gallows by proclaiming in court that he would fight on the side of the government against the Reds. He was found guilty and sentenced to death. Mrs. Penrose Succumbs at Dayton Home ! DAYTON Mrs. Carrie A- Per I rose, resident of Dayton for th 1 last 17 years, died Sunday at hot ! home on Route 1. She waa 90 year : old. Born Jan. 8, 1862 in Wisconsin she was married in Michigan In I 1881 to Louis E. Penrose who died in IS--. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Minnie G. Hunt and Mrs. Lillie A. Nelson, both of Salem, Mrs. Rose Stoutenburg, Dayton and Mrs. Esther M. Propst, Tigardj sister, Mrs. Annie Schmelzer, Santa Rosa. Calif.; also 23 grand children, 37 great grandchildren and 3 great great grandchildren. Services will be held Wednesday at 2 p. m. (DST) at Hopewell United Brethren Church with ths Rev. Harry Ryan officiating. Burial will be In Hopewell ceme tery with direction by Macey and son Funeral Home. Maint. Misc. Equipment CAPITAL OUTLAY Property (Filter Planta Sc Reservoir) future Source of Supply Stayton Island Pumping Plant W. Salem.. IXst. Plant Service Line 8c Con nections, Meter 8c Meter Boxes Reservoirs (Turner) Machinery 8c Equipment Small Tools . Maps 8c Records Office Fixtures 8c Equipml Sprinkler System ; Garage, Gas, Pump, Park. Lot Autos 8c Trucks . GENERAL EXPENSE Auto Expensa . Insurance Meter Reading Office Exp. 8c Supplies Maint. Office Equipment Postage .-- - Telephone Sc Telegraph Janitor 8c Supplies . Auditing Main Office Bldg. Light Sc Heat , Printing ; Ind. Acc. Coram. . Pub. Emp. Retire. System Social Security , Maint. of Grounds . 1.055.99 1,001.50 78,333 83 432.68 258.00 12.94 53.68 Tia.se 70.00 . hi in . Son-Operating Expense Bond Interest , Bond Retirements Bond Issue Expense Bond Discount Work In Progress TOTAL 1.915.10 8.101 .84 181.94 129.11 1.360.00 281.80 L324 73 47046 41 M 1,362.50 355.32 T5.7T 644.48 1.102-57 J62.78 264 37 418.M 516.41 3,27000 47,000.00 110.832 .21 1316 90 8.484.58 258 97 256.763 33 6.U1.31 254.00 11 99 5JMJA 109.32 t,257.4l 8.712.72 148.74 157.99 1.963.27 264.62 1.833.33 48.78 33 72 75.00 3.46 TJ2 30 1878 1.13143 T.872.18 101.43 109.43 TSUI 3 578.75 49,000 00 434.02 5,70Oe 136.040.13 1.500 00 10.000.00 109.430 00 00.00 8,000.00 2J00OO soo.oo 300 iM 300.00 8.000.00 200.00 2.5O0 0e eoo.oo eo.oo Ioexto 300.00 1.000.00 13.000.00 400 00 200 O0 0040 5.T22J0 tifiOOM 1S12TS4 8,000 18.00040 .ooe.oe UMOMS 25040 40 24M40 40.M 24MM UWM 80040 4344 S40040 25 ee 44040 ore 40 140040 80040 140440 140040 14004 uoooo T440 1400 80040 040 0.T7 40 340940 Street Imp. Fund 342.000.00 242.080.00 Bridge Bonds M.0O0 00 H .000 00 Sewage Fund 4(3.000 00 43400.00 Minor Liens .00040 4040 0.NC40 3804424a 8. 73.443 41 M-J-l-M tMJtTtM Water Pep. Fund I 83871 4f S8MTSJS Parks 8c Playgrounds I.UO.OO 3480.00 1400.00 .40040 Tire Tax Fund 178.1 40 4 178.140 09 84340 UL77640 Bonds 8k Int. fund I US40tJC 12S.C08.3